Ideas 3501 to 4000



Former UN Assistant Secretary General

Co-founder of the UN University for Peace




Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government 3819
Acid Rain pg. 132
Adams, Jane pg. 127
Adenauer, Dr. pg. 28
Adler, Mortimer pg. 127
Adopt a Beach 3752
Adopt a Bulldozer 3752
Adopt a Forest 3572
Adopt a Highway 3752
Adopt Nature 3752
Advertisement 3501, 3536, 3540, 3572, 3576, 3581, 3635, 3638, 3650, 3651, 3669, 3676, 3880 pgs. 1, 130, 131, 132
Advertisementcracy 3663 - 3667
World Conference on Advertisement & Marketing (proposed) 3638
Africa 3677, 3961 pg. 136, 138
African American 3935
Eurafrica (proposed) 3557
Agencies, International, World
European Environment Agency pg. 136
UN Agencies
International Air Agency (proposed) 3687
International Water Agency (proposed) 3687
Specialized UN 3525, 3766-3771, 3804, 3889, 3911, 3987 pg. 1
International Development Association (IDA) 3804
UN Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) 3804
UN Development Program (UNDP) 3804
UN Environment Program (UNEP) 3804
World Food Program (WFP) 3804
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 3804
UN Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 3804
UN Office of Natural Disaster Relief Coordination 3804
UN University (UNU) 3804
UN University for Peace 3804
UN Volunteer Service 3804
World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3804
UN Center on Multi-national Corporations (proposed) 3896
UN Elderly People's Fund or Agency (proposed) 3775
UN Natural Parks & Preserves Agency (proposed) 3583
UN Outer Space Agency (proposed) 3501
UN Specialized Agency on Death (proposed) 3575
UN Specialized Agency for the Handicapped (proposed) 3783
UN World Agency on Disarmament & Demilitarization (proposed) 3795, 3796
UN World Forestry Specialized Agency (proposed) 3504
World Agencies 3847
International Road Transportation Agency (proposed) 3653
World Environment Agency pg. 136
Agenda For the Future pgs. 3, 142
Agriculture pg. 101
Ministers of Food & Agriculture 3793
Aid 3504. 3538
Aids 3845, 3992
Airlines 3510, 3552, 3617, 3654, 3658, 3872, 3876, 3880, 3898, pgs. 131, 132
Airline Ambassadors pgs. 12, 13
One World (Airline Alliance) 3654
Airport 3617, 3807, 3843, 3897, 3933
Alaska pg. 136
Alaska Forum 3769
Alcohol, Al kohol (drugs) 3731
Allah 3645
Alsace-Lorraine, France 3582, 3799 pgs. 1, 28, 137
Ambassadors 3797 pgs. 73, 74
Airline Ambassadors pgs. 12, 13
Ambassadors of Goodwill 3523
UN Ambassadors pg. 74
American Union pg. 136
Amsterdam 3822
Analects pg. 54
Geoanatomy (proposed) 3779
Macroanatomy (proposed) 3780
Anderson, John pg. 127
Annan, Kofi 3757, 3928, 3962, 4000
Anthropobiology 3702
Anthropology pgs. 126, 139
Apartheid 3703
Economic Apartheid 3548
Aquapolis 3807
Archivism 3811
UN Archives 3515, 3796
Arctic Forum pg. 137
Arms 3538, 3548, 3573, 3590, 3598, 3643, 3648, 3668, 3732, 3733, 3753, 3758, 3788, 3795, 3856, 3857, 3861, 3876, 3878, 3881, 3883, 3941, 3942, 3950, 3964, 3970, 3992 pgs. 73, 99, 126, 128, 129
Disarmament 3599, 3797, 3942, 3996 pgs. 74, 129
Disarmament Research Institute (proposed) 3796
World Agency on Disarmament & Demilitarization (proposed) 3795, 3796
World Commission on Disarmament 3607
Art 3552, 3568, 3589, 3618, 3834, 3940 pgs. 99, 105
Art & Culture Renaissance pg. 126
Framework for the Arts & Culture pg. 1
World Commission on Art & Culture 3607
Arctic 3957
Asia 3957 pg. 136
Assisi 3692
Associations and Movements 3552, 3559, 3598, 3647, 3651, 3654, 3697, 3723, 3803, 3862, 3974
Airline Ambassadors Association pgs. 12, 13
International Development Association (IDA) 3804
Movement of Dreamers 3742
United Nations Associations 3676
World Association for Forgiveness (proposed) 3697
World Association of Former Generals & Admirals for Peace 3829
World Association of All Groups, Philosophies & Movements for a Simple & Frugal Way of Life (proposed) 3692
World Association for Hope (proposed) 3697
World Constitution & Parliament Association 3868
World Federalist Association pg. 135
World Peoples' Movement for a United Humanity (proposed) 3723
World Tax Payers Movement (proposed) 3949
Union of International Associations 3850 pg. 6
Astronauts 3909
Atomic Energy, Weapons 3502, 3524, 3941 pgs. 128, 129
Augustus, Emperor 3849
Australia pg. 136
Austria 3501, 3951 pg. 29
Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award pg. 1
Golden Balloon Award 3975
World Federalist Award 3862


Baha'i pg. 54
Baha'u'llah Tablets pg. 54
Barbevik, Percy pg. 127
Barr, Stringfellow pg. 127
Beethoven 3857
Belgium pgs. 1, 135
Bellevue 3559
Bench of
- Dreams 3607, 3890, 3974
- Faith 3890
- Forgiveness 3890
- Happiness 3890
- Hope 3890
- Ideas 3890
- Love 3890
- Philosophy 3890
- Prophecy 3890
- Thanksgiving 3890
- Vision 3890
Bergé, Pierre pg. 127
Berlin pg. 28
Beveridge, Lord pg. 127
Bevin, Ernest pg. 127
Bill of Rights of Indigenous People 3964
Bimillennium pg. 32
Biology 3772, 3791, 3899, 3925 pgs. 100, 139
Anthropobiology 3702
Geo-biology 3779, 3925
Human Biology 3779 pg. 126
Macrobiology 3780
Biomass 3993
Bio-political Science pg. 137
Biosphere 3693, 3838, 3840, 3876, 3882
Biospherics 3838
Biopherist 3840
Ministry of the Biosphere (proposed) 3840, 3865
Birthdays 3627, 3856
Birth of the Chaordic Age 3859
Boliver, Simon pg. 136
Boult, Sir Adrian pg. 127
Bourdet, Claude pg. 127
Bowles, Chester pg. 127
Boyd-Orr, Lord pg. 127
Brackman, Selma 3862
Brandon, Heather pg. 127
Brandt, Chancellor Willy 3607 pgs. 28, 29
Breton, André pg. 127
Brundtland, Mrs. Gro Harlan 3607 pg. 127
Club of Budapest 3794 pg. 3
Buddhism pg. 54
Military pg. 74
World Budget 3858
World Commission on Budgetary Expenditures (proposed) 3950
World Government Budget pgs. 73, 74
Budowski, Gerardo 3845
Building 3517, 3633, 3650, 3669, 3713, 3807, 3843, 3845, 3858, 3940
Bulldozer 3510, 3669, 3752, 3931
Bureau of Evolution (proposed) 3866
National Bureaus of Land Ownership (proposed) 3504
Burke, Edmund 3800
Burma 3698, 3951
Bush, President 3580, 3895, 3935 pg. 136
Business 3501, 3508, 3513, 3530, 3573, 3584, 3586, 3587, 3593, 3609, 3689, 3707, 3710, 3736, 3745, 3755, 3756, 3858, 3870, 3923, 3931, 3940, 3992 pgs. 6, 28, 129, 130, 131
Businesscracy 3679


Caesar, Julius 3849
California 3505, 3522, 3836 pg. 2
Camus, Albert pg. 127
Canada pgs. 136, 138
Cancer 3922
Capitalism 3509, 3529, 3560, 3563, 3675, 3716, 3863 pg. 129
Well Governed Human & Earth Capitalism (proposed) 3565
Carbon Dioxide 3525, 3552, 3662, 3880, 3898, 3912-3920, 3941 pg. 131
Carlson, Ingvar 3819 pg. 142
Carnegie, Andrew pg. 135
Cars 3510, 3512, 3520, 3522, 3658, 3669, 3765, 3836, 3876, 3880, 3898, 3932, 3991 pgs. 131, 132
Cassini Project 3501, 3502
Cathedrals 3857
Cats 3518
Celebrations 3703, 3776, 3794
Celebration of the Day of Peace 3784
Center for the Future of Humanity and of the Earth (proposed) 3983
Center for Humanity's Future (proposed) 3983
Center for Human Settlements (Habitat) 3808
Center on Multinational Corporations 3895
Gandhi Center 3951
Central America 3795, 3873 pg. 136
Central World Security System 3599, 3605, 3794, 3986, 3996
- and Millennium of Progress and Enlightenment (proposed) 3548
Century 21 Real Estate 3948
Chamford pg. 4
Chardin, Teilhard de pgs. 126, 138
Charter 3963
Earth Charter 3551, 3792, 3806, 3837, 3880, 3963 pg. 132
Charter of Education (proposed) 3806
Charter of Ethics and Morality (proposed) 3806
Charter for a Global Constitution pg. 135
Charter for Intelligence and Knowledge (proposed) 3806
Charter of Love (proposed) 3806
Charter for Nature 3876, 3880, 3963 pgs. 99-102
UN Charter 3794, 3806, 3942, 3986, 3996 pgs. 74, 128, 129, 132, 134
World Charter of Spirituality (proposed) 3551, 3806
World Water Charter 3806
Chaisson, Eric pg. 6
Chicago pg. 138
Children 3523, 3526, 3541, 3542, 3644, 3645, 3713, 3742, 3754, 3775, 3782, 3812, 3831, 3975, 3985, 3990, 3991 pgs. 105, 128, 130, 146
International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 3775
International Children's & Youth Organization (proposed) 3543
China 3603, 3706, 3730, 3745
Chinese Scholars Garden 3745
Chisholm, Brock pg. 127
Christ 3527
Christian Democratic Party pg. 28
Christianity pg. 54
Christmas 3523, 3622 to 3630, 3754, 3839, 3934
Churchill, Winston 3605, 3606
Cigarette, Tobacco 3835, 3846
Citizen of the World 3717
City, Cities 3510, 3537, 3552, 3564, 3568, 3570, 3584, 3589, 3613, 3614, 3615, 3634, 3659, 3660, 3664, 3692, 3710, 3713, 3714, 3742, 3745, 3787, 3807, 3808, 3812, 3813, 3818, 3835, 3838, 3843, 3845, 3846, 3876, 3897, 3945, 3947 pgs. 73, 105
Floating Cities 3807, 3843
Ciudad Colon 3948
Clark, Grenville pg. 127
Clark, Senator Joseph pg. 127
Clinton, President 3504, 3607, 3929
Club of Budapest 3794 pg. 3
Clubs of Dreamers (proposed) 3742
Clubs of Happiness (proposed) 3642
CNN 3935
Coca Cola 3587, 3635
Cold War 3556, 3605, 3706
Collectivism 3834, 3995
Colombia 3523
Colonialism 3703 pg. 128
Colonization 3550
Colorado pg. 74
European Commission for the Future 3703 pg. 6
Commission on Human Rights 3685
Main Commissions pg. 6
Regional Commissions pg. 6
- on Art and Culture 3607
- on Disarmament 3607
- on Education in the 21st Century 3607
- on the Environment 3607
- on Global Consciousness & Spirituality pgs. 1, 138
- on Global Governance 3607, 3819 pg. 142
- of North-South Relations 3607
- on the Oceans 3607 pg. 133
- on Population and the Quality of Life 3607
World, New Proposed
- on Budgetary Expenditures 3950
- of Eminent Ethical Personalities to Review the Subject of Sovereignty 3579
- of Eminent Personalities for the Elimination of Darkness in the World 3548
- of Eminent Personalities on the Future of the World 3607
- of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government 3862
- of Eminent Personalities for the Review & Study of Proper World Political Order 3723
- of Eminent Personalities World Universities 3649
World Commission on Taxation 3950
High Commissioner for Duties & Responsibilities (proposed) 3734
High Commissioner of Hope (proposed) 3983
High Commissioner for Human Rights 3734
Astronautic Committee (proposed) 3909
Continental Coordination Committee (proposed) 3768, 3769
European Committee of Ministers 3786
High Committee on Darkness (proposed) 3548
Military Staff Committee 3996
Outer Space Committee (proposed) 3909
UN Committee to look into the Etymologies of the Names of Days & Months (proposed) 3849
UN Coordination Committee 3766-3771
World Coordination Committee (proposed) 3770, 3771
Communism 3550, 3560, 3567, 3609, 3632, 3716
Community, Communities 3812
European 3607 pg. 1
Sustainable Communities (proposed) 3808
Traditional Community of Hotevilla Village pgs. 145, 147
World Community of Islands (proposed) 3872
World Community of Small States (proposed) 3872
Computer 3530, 3540 pg. 104
Conferences, World 3568, 3637, 3703, 3704, 3727, 3805, 3880, 3893, 3974 pg. 126
Conference of World Philosophers pg. 32
United Religions Conference 3962
World Conference of Global People 3949
UN Conferences 3606
Bretton Woods Conference pg. 134
Charter Review Conference pg. 134
Conference on Aging 3805
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 3804
San Francisco Conference pgs. 133, 142
Teheran Conference 3794
Yalta Conference 3606, 3955
World Air Conference (proposed) 3918
World Conference on Advertisement & Marketing (proposed) 3638
World Conference on the Birth of a Global Culture 3834
World Conference on the Climate 3608, 3703, 3805, 3912-3920
World Conference on the Creation of a World Union on the Pattern of the European Union pg. 135
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on the Environment 3703, 3805, 3901 pgs. 7, 128
World Conference on the Family (proposed) 3701
World Conference on Future Evolution of Planet Earth & of Humanity (proposed) 3966
World Conference on Governance (proposed) 3918 pg. 143
World Conference on Humanity & the Earth in the Year 3000 (proposed) pg. 139
World Conference on the Meaning of Human Life (proposed) 3698
World Conference on Moneycracy Versus Democracy (proposed) 3680
World Conference on a New Global Philosophy & Proper Way to Life in the 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3691
World Conference on a New World-wide Global Education (proposed) 3967
World Conference on Our Future Evolution (proposed) 3867
World Conference on Overconsumption (proposed) 3915
World Conference on Overproduction (proposed) 3915
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Conference on the Population 3703 pg. 130
World Conference on Proper Earth Government 3966
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System pg. 134
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Conference on the Role of the Media with Regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
World Conference on Savings of Public Expenditures to Permit Development of the Poor Countries, Reduction of Poverty & Protection of the Earth's Natural Elements (proposed) 3986
World Conference on Visions for the 21st Century & 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3818, 3893
World Conference of all World Federalists & World Government Associations & Movements to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Emergency Conference to Save the Earth (proposed) 3862, 3913
World Emergency Conference on the World Population Explosion (proposed) 3862, 3914
World Overtraffic & Overtransport Conference 3920
World Overwaste & Excessive Garbage Conference (proposed) 3919
World Water Consumption Conference (proposed) 3817
Conflicts (Wars) 3546, 3590, 3709, 3712, 3787, 3794, 3813, 3834, 3857, 3861, 3878,3959, 3960, 3985, 3990, 3991, 3567, 3637, 3643, 3645, 3646, 3648, 3655, 3703 pgs. 1, 4, 28, 73, 74, 99, 100, 105, 127, 128
Cold War 3556, 3605, 3706 pg. 135
International Conflicts 3756, 3962
Mars, God of War 3849
Ministries of War 3865
Religious Wars 3756
War Against Nature (Earth) 3516, 3529, 3533, 3550, 3560, 3584, 3637, 3751, 3755, 3876, 3894, 3922 pgs. 99-102
War Toys 3644, 3787
What War Taught Me About Peace pg. 104
World War I pgs. 128, 135, 145
World War II 3507, 3550, 3584, 3599, 3605, 3606, 3703, 3790, 3794, 3802, 3830, 3834, 3861, 3870, 3871, 3905, 3963, 3990 pgs. 1, 28, 104, 128, 142, 145
World War III pg. 145
Conflict Resolution 3709, 3834, 3962
Confucianism pg. 54
Congo 3682
Conscientious Objection 3750
Consciousness, Global, Planetary, Cosmic 3551, 3612, 3703, 3840
Framework for Planetary & Cosmic Consciousness pg. 1
World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality pg. 1
World Consciousness Day (proposed) 3703, 3794
Charter for a Global Constitution pg. 135
Constitutional Convention pg. 135
Constitution for the Federation of Earth 3868 pgs. 73, 74
Japan Constitution 3794
US Constitution 3521, 3696
World Conference of all Federalist & World Government Associations & Movements to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Constitution 3696 pg. 135
Consumers, Consumption, Over/ Underconsumption, Sustainable 3513, 3529, 3530, 3539, 3561, 3584, 3590, 3633, 3638, 3639, 3663-3667, 3668, 3696, 3731, 3811, 3831, 3891, 3894, 3954, 3990, 3991, 3992 pgs. 99, 100, 131, 146
Consumercracy 3360 - 3667
World Overconsumption Conference (proposed) 3915
World Water Consumption Conference (proposed) 3916
Copenhagen pg. 130
Copernican Revolution 3640 pg. 140
Corporatecracy 3663-3667, 3679
Corporations 3559, 3593, 3739, 3850-3855 pgs. 102, 134, 140
Multinational Corporations 3556, 3589, 3635, 3895, 3896, 3949 pg. 6
Corruption 3816, 3878
Corruptologist (proposed) 3816
Corruptology (proposed) 3816
Cosmic 3507, 3762 pgs. 3, 33, 129
- Being 3551, 3645
- Consciousness pg. 137
- Couple pg. 3
- Creature 3648
- Education 3900
- Energy 3549, 3743
- Evolution 3524, 3527, 3640, 3866, 3874 pg. 126
- Forces 3527, 3903, 3906 pg. 129
Framework for Planetary & Cosmic Consciousness pg. 1
- Functions 3640
- Government 3656
- Ideal 3600
- Meaning 3874
- Messages 3646
- Messenger 3645
- Misfits 3869
- Nature 3531, 3866, 3906
- Phenomenon 3743
- Rays 3743
- Scene 3806
- Units 3507, 3530
- Views 3900 pg. 6
Cosmology 3549 pg. 126
Cosmoshift 3874
Cosmozoas 3524
Coué, Dr. 3905
Costa Rica 3504, 3573, 3578, 36-7, 3650, 3658, 3659, 3660, 3745, 3795, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3871, 3873, 3890, 3907, 3936, 3946, 3948, 3951 pgs. 1, 2, 129, 136, 147
Council of Europe 3786
Earth Council 3650, 3901, 3906, pgs. 129, 132, 136, 147
Economic World Watchdog Council (proposed) 3683
Humanity Council (proposed) 3901
Trusteeship Council 3594
UN Economic & Social Council pgs. 127, 144
UN Security Council 3605, 3606, 3942, 3996
World Council of the Future (proposed) pg. 6
World Food Council 3794
World Ministerial Council (proposed) 3794
World Wisdom & Ethics Council 3594
Courts 3786
European Count of the Environment 3786
European Court of Human Rights pg. 135
International Criminal Court 3557
International Environmental Court pg. 136
Supreme Court 3554
World Court pg. 73
World Court of Human Rights 3685
Cousins, Norman 3861 pgs. 105, 127
Cosmozoas 3524
Cranston, Alan pg. 127
Creator 3645 pgs. 127, 128, 146
Cronkite, Walter pg. 127
Cuellar, Javier Pérez de 3607, 3951
Curriculum, World Core 3577, 3657 pg. 1
Cyprus 3829, 3962


Dadistan-i-Dinik pg. 54
Dante pg. 127
Danube 3960
Darwin pg. 129
da Vinci, Leonardo 3589, 3857
Days, International, World
Day of Peace 3784
Earth Day 3703, 3879
International Day of Peace 3784, 3848 pg. 142
Planetary & World Day (proposed) 3879
United Nations Day 3628, 3629, 3776, 3981
World Consciousness Day (proposed) 3703, 3794, 3879
World Day of Dreams and Ideas (proposed) 3627
World Love Day (proposed) 3798
World Peace, Happiness & Thanksgiving Day 3776, 3981
World Spirituality Day pg. 2
Death 3509, 3529, 3591, 3693, 3731, 3736, 3763, 3782, 3829, 3991, 3992 pgs. 52, 73, 104, 105, 106, 128
Death Milk 3572
UN Specialized Agency on Death (proposed) 3575
Decade for the Eradication of Poverty pg. 130
Decade of Peace & Non-violence 3784
Decentralization 3568
Decide to be Happy (Poem) pg. 106
Declarations 3963
Declaration of Human Rights, Universal 3837, 3963
Declaration 2000 3862, 3864
Declaration of the sacred Earth Gathering
pg. 146
UNESCO Declaration of the Responsibilities of the Present Generation Toward Future Generations 3963
Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities pg. 132
Decolonization 3550
Deconcentration 3568
de Duve, Christian pg. 6
Deforestation 3504, 3662 pg. 73
de Gaulle, General 3790
Dehappinizing 3566
Dehumanization 3530, 3566
Deindividualizing 3566
Dejoying 3566
Delors, Jacques 3607
Deloving 3566
Demess 3603
Demilitarization 3599, 3650, 3795, 3856, 3871, 3936, 3942, 3951, 3958, 3964 pgs. 1, 126, 129, 139
World Agency on Disarmament & Demilitarization (proposed) 3795
Democracy 3533, 3755, 3792, 3810, 3850-3855, 3873, 3935, 3952, 4000 pgs. 74, 126, 139
Christian Democratic Party pg. 28
Democratic Economic Development 3822, 3952
Global Peoples' Democracy 3850
Ministry of Democracy (proposed) 3865
Planetary Democracy 3952 pg. 129
Regional Democracy 3853
UN World Conference on Moneycracy Versus Democracy (proposed) 3680
Denatured 3639
Denuclearization 3758 pgs. 126, 139
Department of the Future (proposed) 3612 pg. 6
UN Department of Happiness (proposed) 3811
UN Department of High Commissioner for Duties and Responsibilities (proposed) 3734
Depersonalization 3530, 3566
Desatisfying 3566
Desertification 3959
Desouling 3566
Dethinginize 3902
Dethinking 3566
Diatoms pg. 133
Dictator 3871, 3878, 3993
Dictatorship 3870, 3878
Disarmament 3599, 3856, 3942, 3938, 3996 pgs. 74, 126, 129, 139
Disarmament Research Institute 3796
World Commission on Disarmament 3607
World Agency on Disarmament & Demilitarization (proposed) 3795, 3796
Dismal Alphabet 3990, 3992
Dogs 3518
Douglas, Justice William pg. 127
Douglas, Kirk 3505
DNA 3993
Dream 2000 (Poem) pg. 32
Dreamers, Clubs of (proposed) 3742
Dreamology 3785
Dreams, the Power of pgs. 28-29
Dunham, Katherine pg. 127
Earth 3502, 3504, 3505, 3507, 3509, 3510, 3513, 3514, 3516, 3517, 3519, 3521, 3524, 3525, 3526, 3527, 3529, 3532, 3533, 3534, 3548, 3549, 3550, 3552, 3553, 3558, 3559, 3560, 3564, 3565, 3567, 3577, 3584, 3586, 3587, 3588, 3589, 3590, 3593, 3599, 3607, 3610, 3611, 3613, 3619, 3625, 3626, 3632, 3636, 3637, 3638, 3639, 3640, 3641, 3642, 3647, 3656, 3657, 3658, 3611, 3662, 3667, 3669, 3670, 3673, 3675, 3681, 3689, 3693, 3699, 3702, 3703, 3707, 3711, 3712, 3714, 3716, 3717, 3720, 3721, 3723, 3725, 3726, 3727, 3729, 3731, 3733, 3737, 3738, 3739, 3740, 3743, 3746, 3749, 3751, 3753, 3754, 3756, 3760, 3761, 3762, 3772, 3773, 3779, 3781, 3789, 3802, 3806, 3817, 3818, 3820, 3821, 3824, 3825, 3827, 3829, 3830 -3831, 3832, 3834, 3835, 3837, 3845, 3848, 3856, 3858, 3861, 3862, 3863, 3865, 3869, 3870, 3874, 3875, 3876, 3879- 3880, 3884, 3885, 3887, 3888, 3890, 3891, 3898, 3899, 3900, 3901, 3905, 3906, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3912, 3920, 3921, 3922, pgs. 3, 32, 33, 73, 74, 100, 104, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 146
Earth con't 3924, 3931, 3933, 3934, 3941, 3942, 3943, 3945, 3952, 3953, 3969, 3971, 3975, 3978, 3983, 3986, 3988, 3989, 3990, 3991, 3992, 3993, 3995, 4000
Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government 3819 pgs. 128-134
- Biosphere 3693, 3838, 3840, 3865, 3876, 3882
Center for the Future of Earth and of Humanity (proposed) 3983
- Charter 3551, 3792, 3806, 3837, 3879 - 3880, 3963 pg. 132
Conservation 3531
- Council 3650, 3901, 3906 pgs. 129, 132, 136, 147
Declaration of the Sacred Earth Gathering pg. 146
Destructions 3510, 3752, 3944
Coalition for the Children of the Earth
- Day 3703, 3879
Eartha 3662
Earth of
- Beauty 3614
- Ethics pg. 146
- Happiness 3614
- Justice 3614
- Love 3614
- Peace 3614
-Well-being 3614
Earthcracy 3792
Ecologynomy 3560
Federation of Earth pgs. 73, 74
Gaia 3779, 3906, 3995
Gaiaism 3995
Gaiaphily 3593, 3779, 3877
How to Attain at Long Last Paradise on Earth 3514
- Government 3521, 3574, 3582, 3610, 3703, 3726, 3755, 3757, 3794, 3795, 3841, 3862, 3868, 3871, 3872, 3928, 3930, 3943, 3952, 3966 pgs. 126, 133
Ministries of Earth (proposed) 3712, 3865
Ministries of Earth & Nature (proposed) 3866, 3879
Nobel Prizes for the Earth (proposed) 3879
Resplendent Earth 3641
Smiling Earth 3641
- Sovereignty 3972
Terracracy 3792
- Union 3601, 3702, 3795
United Earth 3582, 3601
United Humanity & Earth (proposed) 3879
United Nations Earth Organization pg. 132
- University (proposed) 3901
War Against Nature, Earth 3516, 3529, 3533, 3550, 3560, 3584, 3637, 3751, 3755, 3876, 3894, 3922 pgs. 99-102
Where on Earth are We Going 3870, 3992
Well Governed Human & Earth Capitalism (WGHEC) (proposed) 3565
World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government (proposed) 3862
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on the Future Evolution of Planet Earth & Humanity (proposed) 3966
World Conference on Humanity & the Earth in the Year 3000 (proposed) pg. 139
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System pg. 134
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Conference on the Role of the Media with Regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
World Conference of all World Federalist & World Government Associations & Movements to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Emergency Conference to Save the Earth (proposed) 3862, 3913
World-wide Peoples' Consultation on the Future of the Earth & of Humanity (proposed) 4000
East River pg. 129
Edison, Thomas
Ecology pgs. 99, 129
Ecological Education pg. 101
Ecological Regions 3928
Ecology Economics 3822
Ecologynomy 3560
Economy, Economic Systems 3550, 3580, 3604, 3668, 3708, 3712, 3834, 3860, 3869, 3875, 3992 pgs. 74, 99, 126, 128, 129, 133, 134, 139, 146
Democratic Economic Development 3822, 3952
Economic Apartheid 3548
Economic Crisis 3567
Economic Development 3529, 3703, 3759, 3938 pgs. 100, 128, 129
Economic Growth 3550, 3669
Economic Science 3860
European Economic Community 3607 pgs. 28, 136, 137
National Economic Product 3708
UN Economic and Social Council pgs. 127, 144
UN Economic Watchdog Council (proposed) 3683
UN World Economic Observatory (proposed) 3773
US Economy 3668
World Economics 3555 pg. 74
Education 3568, 3587, 3619, 3657, 3696, 3702, 3703, 3723, 3811, 3834, 3866, 3876, 3885, 3900, 3994 pgs. 2, 6, 105, 126, 133, 139, 146
Charter of Education (proposed) 3806
Ecological Education pg. 1
Environmental Education 3879
Global Education 3899, 3951 pg. 1
Multi-national Education (proposed) 3896
National Education 3894
Peace Education Prize, UNESCO pg. 1
World Commission on Education in the 21st Century (proposed) 3607
World Conference on a New World-wide Global Education (proposed) 3967
Egypt 3857
Einstein, Albert 3592, 3595 pgs. 4, 127
Eisenhower, President pg. 4
Elections 3544, 3574, 3580, 3582, 3607, 3755, 3935 pg. 74
Electricity 3534, 3707, 3710
Overpopulation Emergency Conference (proposed) 3914
UN General Assembly Emergency Meeting 3921
UNICEF (UN International Children's Emergency Fund)
World Emergency Conference to Save the Earth (proposed) 3862
World Emergency Conference on the World Population Explosion (proposed) 3862
Emperor Augustus 3849
Emperor Julius Caesar 3849
Empire State Building 3601
Employment, Unemployment 3529, 3548, 3833, 3876, 3994 pgs. 73, 74
World Employment Observatory (proposed) 3773
Energy pg. 74
Atomic 3502, 3941
Cosmic 3549, 3743
Sea 3807
Solar 3807
Engineering Projects, World 3807
Environment 3503, 3508, 3587, 3697, 3703, 3764, 3773, 3786, 3808, 3858, 3876, 3894, 3901, 3922, 3954 pgs. 1, 73, 74, 101, 102, 128, 129, 132, 137
- Agreements 3961
- Education 3879
Environmentalist 3508, 3840, 3845, 3960
European Environment Agency pg. 136
International Environment Court pg. 136
-Laws 3562
Ministries of the Environment 3703, 3770, 3840, 3865 pg. 132
- Prizes 3879
Rio de Janeiro Environment Conference 3805 pgs. 7, 133, 136
Treaties 3557
World Environment Agency (proposed) pg. 136
UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972 3805 pgs. 128, 132
UN Environmental Program (UNEP) 3773, 3804, 3954 pg. 132
US Environmental Program 3764
World Commission on the Environment (proposed) 3607
World Environment Day 3879
World Environment Observatory (proposed) 3686, 3773
Epictetus pg. 4
Erasmus pg. 127
Erdmann, Erika 3974 pg. 138
Ethics 3593, 3877, 3956
Charter for Ethics & Morality (proposed) 3806
Earth Ethics pg. 146
Ethical Advertisements (proposed) 3698
Ethical Science of Behavior (proposed)
Ministry of Morality & Ethics (proposed) 3865
Multi-national Ethics & Norms (proposed) 3896
Philethics 3593
Prizes for Ethics 3593
World Commission of Eminent Ethical Personalities to Review the Subject of Sovereignty (proposed) 3579
World Ethics pg. 126
World University of Ethics (proposed) 3593
World Wisdom & Ethics Council (proposed) 3594
Euphrates 3960
Eurafrica 3557
Europe, European 3834, 3957 pgs. 1, 28
- Coal & Steel Community pg. 28
- Committee of Ministers 3786
- Council 3786
- Countries 3557, 3947
- Court of Human Rights pg. 135
- Economic Community 3607 pgs. 28, 136, 137
- Environmental Agency pg. 136
- Parliament 3853, 3854 pgs. 135, 136
Robert Schuman, Father of Europe, Politics the Way to Holiness 3582, 3800
Union 3521, 3557, 3582, 3617, 3703, 3723, 3790, 3795, 3853, 3928 pgs. 1, 6, 28, 129, 135, 136, 137, 142
Evolution 3507, 3508, 3521, 3524, 3527, 3579, 3584, 3607, 3610, 3640, 3693, 3701, 3703, 3705, 3720, 3731, 3755, 3762, 3780, 3781, 3791, 3811, 3819, 3831, 3859, 3862, 3863, 3869, 3874, 3881, 3886, 3899, 3901, 3903, 3905, 3909, 3924, 3925, 3939, 3943, 3951, 3987, 3988, 3992, 3993, 3995 pgs. 6, 7, 104, 126, 128, 129, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140
Bureau of Evolution (proposed) 3866
United Humanity & Earth Evolutionary Organization (proposed) 3879
UN World Conference on Our Future Evolution (proposed) 3867
UN World Conference on the Future Evolution of Planet Earth & of Humanity (proposed) 3966
Exitise 3039
Exsurance 3639
Faculty of Great Basic Philosophical Concepts Leading to Peace & Human Fulfillment (proposed) 3887
- of Dreams (proposed) 3890
- of Faith (proposed) 3890
- of Forgiveness (proposed) 3890
- of Happiness (proposed) 3890
- of Hope (proposed) 3890
- of Ideas (proposed) 3890
- of Love (proposed) 3890
- of Philosophy (proposed) 3890
- of Prophecy (proposed) 3890
- of Thanksgiving (proposed) 3890
- of Visions (proposed) 3890
Fadiman, Clifton pg. 127
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr. pg. 127
Family 3572, 3600, 3619, 3624, 3632, 3666, 3668, 3742, 3788, 3789, 3798, 3799, 3812, 3818, 3833, 3858, 3892, 3940 pgs. 28, 32, 73
Harry Truman and the Human Family, Frank Kelly 3814
Human Family 3596, 3647, 3648, 3701, 3802, 3812, 3986 pgs. 3, 33, 53
UN World Conference on the Family (proposed) 3701
Father of Europe, Robert Schuman 3582, 3800 pg. 28
Father of Global Education pg. 1
Finletter, Thomas pg. 127
Foreign Economic Aid 3538
Forests 3504, 3525, 3564, 3713, 3725, 3812, 3880 pgs. 101, 129
"Adopt a Forest" 3752
Deforestation 3504, 3664 pg. 73
Reforestation 3503, 3504, 3879
World Forestry Agency (proposed) 3504
Forgiveness 3514, 3550
Bench of Forgiveness 3890
Day of Forgiveness (proposed) 3848
Faculty of Forgiveness (proposed) 3890
Institute of Forgiveness 3697
Movement of Forgiveness (proposed) 3697
Alaska Forum 3769
Andean Forum 3769
Forums on the Future (proposed) 3893
State of the World Forums 3893
Foundation for the Future 3559, 3703 pgs. 6, 7, 139
International Foundation for the Handicapped
3503, 3783
- for Art & Culture pg. 1
- for Planetary & Cosmic Consciousness pgs. 1, 140
- for World Media Coverage 3970 pg. 1
World Framework of Our Global Knowledge 3640
France 3550, 3598, 3606, 3790, 3796, 3834, 3864 pgs. 1, 28, 32
French Academy 3965
French Revolution 3995
Frankel, Charles pg. 127
Franklin, Benjamin pg. 127
Free Enterprise
3433, 3550, 3556, 3669, 3736, 3755, 3910, 3921, 3944, 3945, 3992, 3995 pg. 134
Frieda 3848
Fryers, Phillip 3960
Future 3508, 3515, 3525, 3529, 3537, 3559, 3564, 3584, 3587, 3595, 3602, 3605, 3607, 3608, 3612, 3621, 3640, 3655, 3657, 3673, 3678, 3703, 3720, 3729, 3739, 3772, 3781, 3807, 3817, 3819, 3826, 3831, 3858, 3862, 3864, 3873, 3875, 3882, 3885, 3888, 3892, 3893, 3894, 3900, 3911, 3912- 3920, 3925, 3926, 3965, 3971, 3987, 3991, 3996, 4000 pgs. 6, 99, 126, 128, 129
Agenda for the Future pg. 3
Center for the Future of Humanity & of the Earth (proposed) 3984
Center for Humanity's Future (proposed) 3983
Commissioner for the Future 3703 pg. 6
Departments of the Future (proposed) 3612, 3774
Foundation for the Future 3559, 3703 pgs. 6, 7
Futurology 3817
Main Commission of the Future (proposed) pg. 6
Ministries of the Future (proposed) 3571, 3612, 3729
Our Dream of the Future pg. 33
Proposals for a Strategy of Concerns for the Future pgs. 6-7
UNESCO Declaration of the Responsibilities of the Present Generation to Future Generations 3963
UN World Conference on the Evolution of Planet Earth & Humanity (proposed) 3966
UN World Conference on Our Future Evolution (proposed) 3867
Vice-presidency for Global Affairs & the Future (proposed) 3767 pg. 6
World Council of the Future (proposed) 3607 pg. 6
Futurization pg. 139
Gable, Paul 3787
Gaia 3779, 3906, 3995
Gaiaism 3995
Gaiaphily 3593, 3877
Galbraith, John Kenneth pg. 127
Gallo, Margarita (Muller) pg. 104
Gallup, George 3728
Gallup Poll 3935
Gandhi 3692, 3694, 3951 pg. 127
Garbage and Waste 3501, 3525, 3539, 3548, 3552, 3563, 3566, 3584, 3590, 3639, 3667, 3674, 3707, 3843, 3894, 3934 pg. 132
World Waste & Excessive Garbage Conference (proposed) 3919
Gaughen - Muller, Barbara 3522, 3554, 3664, 3713, 3794, 3798, 3818, 3829, 3986 pgs. 3, 33
Biography pg. 22
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) 3550 pg. 134
General Motors 3836
Genetic Engineering pg. 146
- anatomy (proposed) 3779
- biology(proposed) 3779, 3925
Geography 3769, 3779, 3834, 3875, 3953 pg. 28
Germany 3570, 3599, 3807, 3616, 3790, 3796, 3834, 3848 pgs. 1, 29, 29
Ghali, Mr. Boutros 3895
Gide, André pg. 127
Global 3507, 3510, 3600, 3640, 3874, 3926, 4000 pgs. 1, 126, 146
- Affairs 3607
- Age pg. 131
- Awareness pg. 1
- Biology 3780
- Brain 3524, 3612 pg. 128
- Business pg. 129
- Catastrophes 3886
- Challenges 3994
Charter for a Global Constitution pg. 135
- Civilization pg. 129
- Culture 3834
- Citizen pg. 1
- Economy pg. 74
- Education 3951, 3966 pg. 1
- Ethics pg. 2
- Eyes pg. 3
- Finance System (proposed) pg. 74
Framework of Our Global Knowledge 3640
Globalism 3587
Globality 3756
Globalization 3587, 3948 pgs. 133, 139
Globalization Organization (proposed) 3587
Globalizing 3948
Globalzoas 3524
Globology 3587
- Government 3656, 3847
- Happiness 3847
- Heart 3524 pgs. 3, 128
- Historian 3515, 3998
- History 3811
- Hope 3847
- Humanity 3723
- Institutions 3802, 3941
- Intelligence 3847
- Knowledge pg. 128
- Leaders 3607 pg. 126, 139
- Life Forms 3524
- Limbs 3524
- Love 3847 pg. 128
- Media 3951
- Mind pg. 3
Ministries of Global Affairs (proposed) 3571
- Nature 3837
New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality 3645
- Optimism 3847
- Peace 3847
- Peoples' Assembly (World) 3507, 3552, 3607, 3723, 3757, 3797, 3813, 3852, 3909, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3975 pg. 1
- Peoples' Democracy 3850
- Phenomena 3587
- Philosophy 3690, 3691, 3801
- Progress 3963
- Problems 3681, 3781, 3794, 3839, 3861, 3864, 3875, 3876, 3882, 3883, 3892, 3894, 3965 pgs. 73, 74
- Public Relations pg. 2
- Responsibility 3956
- Security pgs. 126, 139
- Senses 3524
- Soul 3524 pgs. 3, 128
- Species 3524
- Spirituality 3703, 3756, 3762, 3847 pg. 128
- Thinkers 3875
US Vice Presidency for Global Affairs
pg. 6
Vice Presidencies for Global Affairs (proposed) 3607
Vice Presidency for Global Affairs and the Future 3767 pg. 6
- World Budget (proposed) 3858
- World Charters (proposed) 3806
World Commission for Global Governance 3607, 3819 pg. 143
World Conference of Global Peoples'' 3949
World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality pg. 1
- World View 3987
God 3525, 3530, 3559, 3567, 3579, 3588, 3600, 3607, 3613, 4641, 3645, 3650, 3652, 3659, 3661, 3662, 3665, 3671, 3689, 3725, 3748, 3760, 3802, 3824, 3825, 3843, 3857, 3871, 3891, 3892, 3893, 3902, 3912- 3920, 3939, 3949, 3989, 3991, 4000 pgs. 3, 33, 54, 105, 106, 129, 137, 138, 143
Allah 3645
Creator 3645 pgs. 127, 128
German Goddess Frieda 3848
German God Thor 3848
German God Wotan 3848
Goddess Eartha 3848
Great Spirit 3645 pgs. 127, 128, 129
Greek God Zeus 3840
Roman Goddess Juno 3848
Roman God Janus 3848
Roman God Mars 3848
Roman God Saturn 3848
Yahweh 3645
Goethe 3671
Golden Balloon Award 3975
Gorbachev 3956 pg. 127
Gore, Al 3607, 3929
Government 3504, 3508, 3529, 3547, 3559, 3568, 3571, 3574, 3577, 3584, 3588, 3590, 3612, 3614, 3618, 3645, 3656, 3669, 3670, 3685, 3689, 3708, 3764, 3767, 3773, 3774, 3778, 3793, 3810, 3817, 3829, 3838, 3840, 3856, 3868, 3870, 3879, 3886, 3925, 3930, 3041, 3942, 3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3961, 3977, 3992, 3998 pgs. 1, 2, 6, 7, 76, 128, 129, 146
Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government 3819 pgs. 128-143
Cost of Starting World Government
3868 pgs. 73-74
Global, Earth, World 3521, 3574, 3582, 3587, 3610, 3654, 3656, 3703, 3723, 3726, 3755, 3757, 3794, 3795, 3796, 3819, 3841, 3847, 3862, 3865, 3868, 3870, 3871, 3928, 3929, 3930, 3943, 3948, 3952, 3966, 3994, pg. 128, 133
Manual for a Perfect Government pg. 137
National Government 3521, 3609, 3729, 3802, 3817, 3865 pgs. 6, 74, 129
Non-governmental Organizations 3552, 3703, 3797, 3851 pgs. 1, 6
Regovernmentalization 3746
US Government 3562, 3810, 3889
Well Governed Human & Earth Capitalism (WGHEC) (proposed) 3565
World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government (proposed) 3862
World Commission on Global Governance 3607, 3819 pg. 143
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on Governance 3819 pg. 143
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System pg. 134
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Conference of all World Federalist & World Government Associations & Movements to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Government Observatory (proposed) 3773
Gravel, Mike pg. 127, 135
Great Law of Peace pg. 54
Great Spirit 3645 pgs. 127, 128, 129, 137
Greek 3524, 3560, 3700, 3717, 3779, 3792, 3838, 3848
Grössen Wahnsinn 3570
Gross National Destruction (GND)
Gross National Product (GNP) 3678
Grotius, Hugo pg. 127
Guatemala 3523 pg. 4
Habitat of Humanity (see also Building & Homes) 3808, 3809, 3810
Hagelin, Dr. John pg. 137
Haiti 3523
Hammerskjöld, Dag 3574, 3682, 3928
Hammerstein, Oscar pg. 127
Handicapped 3535, 3783, 3834, 3876
International Foundation for the Handicapped 3503, 3783
World Convention on the Handicapped 3783
Happiness 3523, 3530, 3576, 3582, 3596, 3619, 3620, 3632, 3636, 3642, 3644, 3645, 3650, 3673, 3688, 3689, 3696, 3709, 3724, 3737, 3775, 3776, 3787, 3788, 3790, 3798, 3810, 3823, 3824, 3832, 3833, 3844, 3847, 3848, 3866, 3877, 3901, 3902, 3909, 3949, 3951, 3975, 3989 pgs. 3, 4, 29, 32, 33, 54, 74, 104, 105, 129
And How About Happiness pgs. 104-106
Bench of Happiness 3890
Clubs of Happiness (proposed) 3642
Decide to Be Happy (poem) pg. 106
Dehappinizing 3566
Earth of Happiness 3641
Ministry of Happiness (proposed) 3571, 3810
Ministries of Love, Happiness & the Art of Living (proposed) 3774
Most of All They Taught Me Happiness 3642, 3905 pg. 104
The Miracle, Joy & Art of Living 3886
Polls on Happiness (proposed)
World Federation of Peace & Happiness Clubs (proposed) 3642
World University of Happiness (proposed) 3696
Harbottle, Eirween 3829
Harbottle, General 3829
Harlem 3537
Harman, Willis pg. 4
Havel, Václav pg. 127
Health 3619, 3634, 3702, 3834, 3958 pgs. 52, 73, 74, 105
Health Centers 3518
Healthspitals 3639
Ministers of Health 3771
World Health Observatory 3773
Heart Stick 3506
Heavenology 3702
Heron Dance Magazine pg. 104
Herriot, Edouard pg. 127
Highjacking 3878
Hilton Resort 3933
Hindu 3698 pgs. 32, 54
Hinduism pg. 54
Hitler 3605 pg. 29
HIV 3845, 3992
Hock, Dee 3859
Holcomber, Arthur pg. 127
Holland 3550, 3822, 3912, 3920
Homes (Houses) 3517, 3520, 3529, 3531, 3585, 3632, 3708, 3713, 3777 pg. 73
Homo Sapiens 3953
Hope 3535, 3555, 3557, 3688, 3861, 3877, 3894, 3951, 3962 pgs. 13, 29
Bench of Hope 3890
Day of Hope (proposed) 3848
Dialogs of Hope 3861
Global Hope 3847
Great Land of Hope, US 3533
High Commissioner of Hope (proposed) 3983
Institute for the Science of Hope 3697
Movements of Hope (proposed) 3697
Prophet of Hope pg. 1
Hopi Indians 3752 pgs. 127, 128
Sovereign Hopi Independent Nation pgs. 144, 145
House of Mica pg. 127, 128
Houston, Jean 3607
How to Attain at Long Last Paradise on Earth 3514
Hudson Line Railroad 3537
Human 3513, 3516, 3518, 3521, 3524, 3525, 3526, 3527, 3528, 3531, 3532, 3550, 3551, 3553, 3554, 3560, 3565, 3568, 3569, 3575, 3576, 3579, 3582, 3586, 3587, 3593, 3608, 3610, 3612, 3613, 3619, 3621, 3637, 3641, 3645, 3647, 3648, 3651, 3653, 3655, 3669, 3670, 3687, 3689, 3693, 3696, 3698, 3699, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3711, 3716, 3717, 3724, 3725, 3731, 3738, 3739, 3740, 3743, 3746, 3750, 3754, 3759, 3762, 3762, 3772, 3777, 3779, 3780, 3781, 3789, 3801, 3802, 3808, 3811, 3812, 3813, 3815, 3816, 3821, 3822, 3825, 3830- 3831, 3834, 3835, pgs. 1, 2, 3, 6, 218, 32, 33, 53, 74, 76, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 146
Human con't 3841, 3845, 3847, 3858, 3861, 3863, 3870, 3878, 3879, 3883, 3887, 3888, 3892, 3894, 3894, 3899, 3902, 3908, 3910, 3912, 3922, 3924, 3926, 3931, 3939, 3942, 3943, 3945, 3947, 3952, 3956, 3963, 3964, 3969, 3976, 3986, 3988, 3990, 3991, 3992, 3992, 3993, 3994, 3995, 4000
Dehumanization 3530
Dehumanizing 3556
Earth & Human Government 3574, 3610, 3865
Harry Truman & the Human Family 3814
Human Duties & Responsibilities 3734, 3877, 3963
Human Family 3596, 3701, 3802, 3812, 3986 pgs. 32, 33, 53
Humanology 3702
Human Rights 3503, 3550, 3648, 3697, 3703, 3705, 3750, 3813, 3834, 3887, 3982 pg. 74, 128
European Court of Human Rights pg. 135
UN High Commissioner of Human Rights 3685, 3734
World Court of Human Rights (proposed) 3685
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 3837, 3963
World Court of Human Rights 3685
Twenty-one Basic Segments of Human Life pg. 126
UN Center for Human Settlements (Habitat) 3808
Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities pg. 132
Well Governed Human & Earth Capitalism (WGHEC) (proposed) 3565
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on Humanity & the Earth in the Year 3000 (proposed) pg. 139
Humanism 3834, 3995 pg. 128
Humanitarian 3523 pg. 99
Humanity 3507, 3509, 3510, 3521, 3529, 3551, 3559, 3567, 3570, 3588, 3589, 3593, 3600, 3607, 3609, 3611, 3619, 3621, 3625, 3626, 3640, 3645, 3646, 3647, pgs. 6, 29, 32, 74, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 145
Humanity con't 3652, 3670, 3675, 3678, 3693, 3696, 3697, 3699, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3711, 3716, 3720, 3721, 3723, 3726, 3727, 3729, 3741, 3749, 3754, 3755, 3772, 3781, 3789, 3794, 3801, 3803, 3808, 3813, 3819, 3820, 3821, 3826, 3827, 3838, 3839, 3840, 3841, 3859, 3864, 3875, 3876, 3884, 3885, 3886, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3894, 3901, 2906, 3907, 3909, 3924, 3962, 3970, 3971, 3976, 3987, 3989, 3992, 3994, 3995, 4000
Center for Future of Humanity & of the Earth (proposed) 3983
Center for Humanity's Future (proposed) 3983
Humanity Council (proposed) 3901
United Humanity 3582, 3879
UN World Conference on the Future Evolution of Planet Earth & of Humanity (proposed) 3966
UN World Conference on How to Save the Earth & Humanity (proposed) 3913
Wishes for Humanity pg. 76
World Conference on the Role of the Media with regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
World Peoples' Consultation on the Future of the Earth & of Humanity proposed) 4000
World Peoples' Movement for a United Humanity 3723
Humankind Advancing Magazine 3974
Huntington Library 3745
Hutchins, Robert pg. 127
Ideology 3560, 3609, 3610, 3647, 3720, 3755, 3907 pg. 76
Idiotization 3609
Imperialism 3878
India 3692, 3698, 3949 pgs. 32, 138
Indigenous 3907 pgs. 1, 137, 146
Bill of Rights of Indigenous People 3964
- Chiefs 3506
- Children pg. 129
-People 3531, 3533, 3633, 3740, 3871 pg. 129
- Prophecy pg. 1
Idiotization 3609
Individualism 3834, 3995
Industrial 3504, 3686, 3921
Non-industrialized 3660
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 3804
Innaturing 3639
Institutions 3505, 3524, 3535, 3553, 3554, 3559, 3588, 3589, 3598, 3637, 3645, 3703, 3711, 3720, 3739, 3753, 3789, 3802, 3816, 3861, 3875, 3876, 3882, 3884, 3900, 3911, 3951, 3965, 3995, 4000 pgs. 6, 32
Disarmament Research Institute 3796
Global Institutions 3802, 3941, 3951
Institute for Forgiveness 3697
Institute for the Science of Hope 3697
Institutional Reform 3875 pg. 6
Institutionology 3785, 3802
International Institutes 3803
Military Institutes 3749, 3817
Science of Institutes 3785
UN Institute for Training & Research pg. 6
International 3507 pgs. 6, 99, 101
Airline Ambassadors International 3523
- Air Agency (proposed) 3687
- Anti-international Groups 3682
Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities pg. 1
- Associations 3850
- Association of University Presidents 3578, 3649
- Bank 3550
- Chamber of Commerce pg. 134
- Conflicts 3962, 3985
- Cooperation pg. 99
- Conventions 3783
- Criminal Court 3557
- Development Association 3804
- Environmental Court pg. 136
- Environmentalism 3960
- Foundation for the Handicapped 3503
Jaycee's International 3985
- Institutions 3803
- Labor Organization 3994
- Legal Provisions for Conservation of Nature & the Environment pg. 102
- Monetary Fund 3550
- Non-governmental Organizations 3851 pg. 6
- Organizations pgs. 2, 6, 28, 101
- Parks 3583
- Peace pg. 99
- Philanthropy 3951
- Prizes for Ethics (proposed) 3593
- Problems pg. 99
- Radio for Peace pgs. 2, 128, 136, 142, 147
- Rivers 3769
- Security Organization (ISO) 3605, 3606, 3794
- Toy Bank 3523
UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 3775
UN International Children's & Youth Organization (UNICYO) (proposed) 3543
- Wars 3756
- Water Agency (proposed) 3687
Union of International Associations 3850 pg. 6
Internet 3919, 3771
Iroquois pg. 139
Isely, Professor Philip pg. 74
Islam pg. 54
Italy 3692
Jainism 3985 pgs. 54, 105
Janus 3849
Japan 3561, 3794
Jacyee's International 3985
Jesus 3934 pg. 54
Judaism pg. 54
Juno 3849
Justice 3583, 3593, 3689, 3701, 3711, 3746, 3788, 3810, 3814, 3815, 3848, 3877 pgs. 29, 32, 76, 99, 105, 126, 129
Earth of Justice 3641
Injustice 3746, 3815, 3865 pgs. 105, 127
Kansas 3697
Kant, Immanuel pg. 127
Kashmir 3962
Kellogg-Briand Treaty 3985
Kelly, Frank 3814
Kidnapping 3878
Killitaries 3984
Kings 3579
Kissinger, Henry pg. 29
Kiwas pg. 129
Kogyun Deyo pg. 129
Korea 3523
Kristof, Lola 3676
Lao-tzu 3999
LaRoque, Admiral Gene pg. 127
Laszlo, Ervin 3874
Las Vegas 3710
Latin America
pg. 136
Law 3667, 3884, 3985, 3992 pgs. 101, 129
Divine Law pg. 127
Environmental Laws 3562, 3786
Law of Nature 3942, 3952
Multinational Laws 3896
Nation Laws 3563
World Law 4000 pg. 7
League of Nations 3533 pg. 135
Leibniz 3969 pg. 140
Lejeune, René 3582
Le Monde 3864
Leonide, Professor Jean Claude pgs. 4, 138
Librarianism 3811
Lie, Trygve 3682
Limousines 3520
Lind 3521
Llyod, Georgia pg. 127
Lloyd, Lola Maverick pg. 127
Longevity 3525, 3703, 3830, 3831, 3991
Long Island 3515
Los Angeles 3613, 3745, 3807, 3846, 3933
Los Angeles Times 3710
Love 3506, 3514, 3523, 3532, 3552, 3576, 3593, 3616, 3619, 3621, 3623, 3632, 3643, 3644, 3672, 3696, 3700, 3709, 3778, 3779, 3787, 3788, 3798, 3801, 3802, 3812, 3814, 3823, 3837, 3848, 3878, 3969 pgs. 3, 32, 76, 104, 105, 106, 127, 128, 146
Bench of Love 3641
Charter of Love (proposed) 3806
Earth of Love 3641
Global Love 3847
Goddess of Love, Juno 3849
Ministries of Love (proposed) 3774
Sima My Love pg. 32
World Love Day (proposed) 3798
Luttig, Mary 3990
Luxembourg pg. 28
- Anatomy 3780
- Biology 3780
- Macroshift 3874
- Physiology 3780
- Psychology 3780
Magazines 3674, 3714, 3737, 3951
Heron Dance pg. 104
Humankind Advancing 3974
National Geographic 3957
Mahabharata pg. 54
Manhattan Indians pg. 129
Mann, Thomas pg. 127
Manual for a Perfect Government pg. 137
Marceau, Marcel pg. 127
Maharishi University pg. 137
Mari-Téré 3626, 3627, 3628
Marketing 3513, 3530, 3534, 3550, 3572, 3581, 3634, 3635, 3638, 3650, 3663, 3667, 3674 pgs. 130, 131, 132
Marketingcracy 3663-3667
Markings 3574, 3928
Mars 3849
Materialism 3677
Mayor of West Berlin pg. 28
Media 3728, 3839, 3880, 3893, 3896, 3922, 3951, 3970 pgs. 6, 126
Framework for World Media Coverage 3970 pg. 1
World Conference on the Role of the Media with regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
Mexico pg. 136
McCarthyism 3682
McIver, Rod pg. 104
Medical Establishment 3521
Meditation (Prayer) 3528, 3607, 3620, 3727, 3787, 3857 pgs. 32, 127
My Final Prayer pg. 147
Mencke, H.L. 3688
Menuhin, Lord pg. 127
Mercosur pg. 136
Metazoas 3524
Mexico 3523
Mexico City 3846
Middle East 3960, 3962
Military 3598, 3648, 3938 pgs. 6, 137
- Academies 3748, 3749
- Activities pg. 101
- Aid 3538
- Aircraft 3617
- Budget pg. 74
Conscientious Objection 3750
- Expenditures 3668 pgs. 73, 131
- Power 3861
- Service 3750, 3964
- Staff Committee 3996
-Strategy 3817
Milk 3572, 3731
Milky Way Galaxy 3806
Millennium 3600, 3649, 3738, 3814, 3818, 3865, 3908, 3927 pgs. 32, 126
Bimillennium pg. 32
Century & Millennium of Progress & Enlightenment (proposed) 3548
Millennium of Peace pg. 32
Millennium Project
pg. 140
Third Millennium 3524, 3548, 3550, 3605, 3640, 3645, 3647, 3690, 3691, 3693, 3698, 3721, 3755, 3818, 3912, 3926, 3966 pgs. 3, 32, 133, 138, 139, 140, 142
- of Defense 3771
- of Environment 3770
European Committee of Ministers 3786
- Food & Agriculture 3793
- Affairs pg. 28
- Health 3771
- Police 3771
- of Transport 3771
Ministries, National and/or World pg. 73
- of Atmosphere (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Biosphere (proposed) 3865
- of Climate Change and the Phytoplankton Project (proposed) pg. 74
- of Communications (proposed) pg. 74
- of Democracy 3865
- of Disarmament (proposed) pg. 74
- of Disaster Relief & Refugees (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Earth (proposed) 3712
- of Earth & Nature (proposed) 3865, 3866, 3879
- of Economy 3712
- of Education pg. 74
- of Energy Supplies (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Environment (proposed) 3703, 3770, 3840, 3865 pgs. 74, 132
- of Finance 3712
- of Food & Water Supplies (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Future 3571, 3612, 3729, 3774 pgs. 6, 139
- of Food & Agriculture 3793
- for Global Affairs (proposed) 3767
- of Global Economy (proposed) pg. 74
- of Happiness (proposed) 3571, 3810
- of Health (proposed) pg. 74
- of Human Rights (proposed) pg. 74
- of Labor, Employment & Income Distribution (proposed) pg. 74
- of Love, Happiness & the Art of Living (proposed) 3774
- of Morality & Ethics (proposed) 3865
- of Natural Elements (proposed) 3712
- of Nature (proposed) 3712
- of Oceans (proposed) pg. 74
- of Peace (proposed) 3571, 3744, 3829, 3865
- of Peace & Cooperation (proposed) 3774
- of Public Planning (proposed) pg. 74
- of Technology Issues (proposed) pg. 74
- of Trade (proposed) 3712
- of Trade & Commerce (proposed) pg. 74
- of Transportation (proposed) pg. 74
Ministries, National, World con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
US Ministry of the Environment 3764
- of War and Defense 3712, 3865
- of World Capitals & World Elections (proposed) pg. 74
- of World or Global Affairs (proposed) 3571
World Ministerial Council (proposed) 3793
- of World Resources and Human Needs (proposed) pg. 74
Miracle, Joy & Art of Living 3904
Moneycracy 3609, 3679, 3755
UN World Conference on Moneycracy versus Democracy (proposed) 3680
Moneycratic 3551
Monnet, Jean pg. 28
Monopolies 3755, 3945
Monuments 3857
Peace Monument pg. 1
Moon 3501, 3848
Morita, Akio pg. 127
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness 3642, 3905 pg. 104
Mother 3648, 3982
Mother's Day 3982
Mother Earth 3548, 3587, 3689, 3825, 3969, 3995 pg. 129
Mother Night 3891
Mother Nature 3548, 3737
Mother Russia 3557
Mount Rasur 3871, 3906, 3907 pgs. 1, 129, 136, 147
Movements 3552, 3803, 3850
Federal Movements 3723
Movements of Dreamers (proposed) 3742
Movements for Simple & Frugal Way of Life 3692
Movements for World or Earth Government 3862
Peoples' Movements 3559, 3598, 3697, 3974
Sub-federal Movements 3723
World Movement for a United Humanity (proposed) 3723
World Tax Payers Movement (proposed) 3949
Mowrer, Edgar A. pg. 127
Moyers, Bill 3731, 3992
Mozart 3857
Muller, Barbara Gaughen 3522, 3554, 3664, 3713, 3794, 3798, 3818, 3829, 3976 pgs. 2, 3, 33, 137
Muller, Margarita pg. 104
Muller, Philippe 3630
Muller, Robert pg. 127
pg. 1
Sima, My Love pg. 32
My Testament to the UN 3574, 3591, 3682 pgs. 1, 129, 134, 147
New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality 3645
Decide to be Happy pg. 106
Dream 2000 pg. 32
- Schools 3782 pg. 1
- Cellular 3524
- Lingual pg. 1
- National Citizens 3896
- National Corporations 3589, 3635, 3895, 3896
- National Education 3896
- National Ethics 3896
- National Humans 3813
- National Laws 3896
- National Media 3896 pg. 1
- National Norms 3896
- National Passports 3896
- National Radio 3896
- National Television 3896
Mumford, Lewis pg. 127
Munchology 3785
Museums 3568, 3940
Mysticism 3801
Napoleon 3993
Nation 3501, 3532, 3533, 3554, 3579, 3590, 3605, 3607, 3647, 3648, 3654, 3655, 3733, 3734, 3753, 3756, 3762, 3784, 3790, 3801, 3811, 3813, 3814, 3818, 3826, 3827, 3834, 3837, 3853, 3858, 3861, 3881, 3883, 3885, 3909, 3912, 3941, 3943, 3950, 3955, 3972, 3982 3986, 3995, 3997, 3998 pgs. 28, 92, 74, 76, 99, 102, 128, 129
National 3813 pgs.. 6, 99, 135, 146
- Academies 3965
- Armaments 3942
- Democracy 3952
- Education 3894
- Fundamentalism 3878
- Globality 3756
- Government 3521, 3609, 3729, 3802, 3817, 3865 pgs. 74
Gross National Destruction 3678
Gross National Product 3678, 3708, 3858
- History 3811, 3998
- Laws 3563 pg. 7
- Leaders 3742
- Legislation pg. 104
- Mission 3814
National Bureaus of Land Ownership (proposed) 3504
National Geographic Magazine 3957
- Parks 3505, 3583, 3593
- Parliaments 3853, 3949
- Prizes 3663
- Policy 3985
Sovereign Hopi Independent Nation pgs. 144, 145
- Sovereignty 3579, 3732, 3861, 3972
- Supra National pgs. 73, 74
- Universities 3695
Nationalism 3863 pgs. 76, 128
Nationalist 3870
Native American pg. 54
NATO 3605 pg. 137
Natural Law Party pg. 137
Nature 3513, 3517, 3527, 3529, 3532, 3549, 3550, 3552, 3557, 3538, 3587, 3620, 3633, 3637, 3639, 3650, 3660, 3661, 3672, 3686, 3689, 3702, 3703, 3712, 3716, 3731, 3745, 3751, 3812, 3826, 3831, 3836, 3837, 3842, 3702, 3703, 3712, 3716, 3731, 3745, 3751, 3812, 3826, 3831, 3836, 3837, 3842, 3857, 3858, 3860, 3866, 3872, 3873, 3875, 3876, 3879, 3880, 3903, 3908, 3910, 3924, 3938, 3939, 3952, 3956, 3969, 3972, 3985, 3986, 3992, 3995 pgs. 3, 4, 104, 105, 129, 146
Adopt Nature (proposed) 3752
Innaturing 3639
Denatured 3639
Ministry of Nature (proposed) 3865, 3866, 3879
Mother Nature 3548, 3737
Nature Courses 3713, 3714
Office of Relations with Nature (proposed) 3812
Renature 3639, 3879
United Nature pgs. 2, 137, 142
United National Disaster Relief Coordinator 3947
War Against Nature 3516, 3529, 3533, 3550, 3560, 3584, 3637, 3751, 3755, 3876, 3894, 3922 pgs. 99-102
World Charter for Nature 3806, 3880, 3963 pgs. 99-102
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) ` pg. 136
Nazi pg. 1
Nehru, Jawaharlal pg. 127
Nepal 3718
New Genesis, Shaping A Global Spirituality 3645
Newman, Paul pg. 127
Newspapers 3563, 3564, 3799, 3864, 3951 pg. 104
New York Times Newspaper
New York 3537, 3601, 3697, 3745, 3776, 3833 pgs. 28, 129
Niger River 3960
Nihilism 3801
Nile 3960
Nobel, Claes pg. 32
Nobel Prize 3590, 3879, 3930, 3974 pgs. 6, 135, 138
Non-Governmental Organizations 3552, 3703, 3797, 3851 pgs. 1, 6
Non-violence 3694 pgs. 126, 139, 146
Decade of Peace and Non-violence 3784
Violence 3590, 3749, 3876, 3878 pg. 4
Toys 3644
Norway 3607, 3992
- Age 3985
- Arms, Weapons 3758, 3861, 3876 pg. 73
Denuclearization 3758 pgs. 126, 139
- Explosions 3796
- Missiles 3753, 3794, 3857, 3941
Non-nuclear Countries 3758
- Power 3758 pg. 132
- Radiation pg. 132
- Waste 3941 pg. 132
O'Barr, Adrian 3543, 3544, 3545, 3546, 3547, 3626, 3643
O'Barr, Lucia 3541, 3542, 3623
World Cultural Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Environmental Observatory (proposed) 3686, 3773
World Economic Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Employment Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Government Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Health Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Literacy Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Observatory of What is Wrong in the World (proposed) 3597
World Population Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Spiritual Observatory (proposed) 3773
Oceans and Seas (Earth's Waters) 3503, 3584, 3727, 3769, 3807, 3818, 3838, 3843, 3872, 3876, 3880, 3894, 3925 pgs. 73, 74, 132, 133
World Commission of the Oceans 3607 pg. 133
Ode to Joy 3975
Office of High Commissioner for Duties and Responsibilities (proposed) 3734
Office of Natural Disaster Relief Coordination, UN 3804
Office of Relations with Nature (proposed) 3812
Okinawa 3807
One World Alliance 3654
Oppenheimer, Robert pg. 127
Organizations 3553
All-human Organization 3621
Continental pg. 6
Food & Agricultural Organization 3687
International pgs. 6, 28, 101
International Labor Organization (ILO) 3994 pg. 134
International Security Organization (ISO) (proposed) 3605, 3606, 3794
Non-governmental 3552, 3703, 3797, 3851 pgs. 1, 6
Regional Organizations 3733, 3906 pg. 6
United Humanity & Earth Evolutionary Organizations (UHEEO) 3879
UN Globalization Organization (proposed) 3587
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 3804
UN International Children's & Youth Organization (UNICYO) (proposed) 3543
UN World Transportation Organization 3653
UN Youth Organization 3543
United Religions Organization 3645 pg. 129
World Intellectual & Land Property Organization (proposed) 3504
World Intellectual Property Organization 3504, 3804
World Organizations 3589, 3906 pgs. 6
World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3804
World Trade Organization (WTO) 3550 pg. 134
Otherization 3530
Outer Space 3501, 3532, 3553, 3753, 3848, 3869, 3908, 3909 pgs. 133, 139
Outer Space Committee 3909
UN Outer Space Agency
Overconsumption, Consumption, Consumers 3513, 3529, 3530, 3539, 3561, 3584, 3590, 3633, 3638, 3639, 3663-3667, 3668, 3696, 3731, 3811, 3831, 3891, 3894, 3954, 3990, 3991, 3992 pgs. 99, 100, 131
Consumercracy 3360-3667
World Overconsumption Conference (proposed) 3915
World Water Consumption Conference (proposed) 3916
Overpopulation, Population 3513, 3525, 3534, 3539, 3550, 3564, 3660, 3711, 3846, 3891, 3931, 3938, 3954, 3973, 3990, 3992 pgs. 100, 101, 126, 129, 130, 131, 139, 142
Elderly Population 3831
Explosion 3539, 3564, 3584, 3590, 3703, 3830, 3831, 3861, 3862, 3876, 3882, 3894, 3922, 3947, 3991, 3992 pgs. 55, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132
Population Control 3513, 3711
- Stabilization 3534 pgs. 139, 144
- Statistics pgs. 130, 131
UN Population Division 3525, 3990
UN Population Forecasts 3525 pg. 131
World Commission on Population & the Quality of Life 3607
World Emergency Conference on the World Population Explosion 3862, 3914
World Population Observatory (proposed) 3773
Oxygen 3529, 3662, 3835
Ozonosphere 3703, 3876, 3957, 3958 pgs. 128, 131, 133
Packaging 3539, 3650, 3754
Paine, Tom pg. 127
Paris 3993
Parliaments 3508, 3732, 3836 pgs. 6, 73
European Parliament 3853, 3854
National Parliaments 3949
Parliament of the World's Religions 3703
Parliament of Man (proposed) 3557, 3655
Spanish Parliament 3837
UN Consultative Parliament 3854
UN Parliament 3703, 3949
UN Parliamentary Assembly 3757
World Constitution & Parliament Association 3868
World Parliament of Religions 3703 pg. 138
Parks 3713
National Parks 3505
Natural Parks & Preserves Agency (proposed) 3583
Peace Park, UN University for Peace 3713
Private Parks 3583
Pasteur 3521
Passports pg. 1
Multi-national Passports 3896
Peace 3503, 3523, 3551, 3577, 3579, 3582, 3596, 3605, 3606 3628, 3642, 3650, 3673, 3689, 3694, 3696, 3697, 3701, 3717, 3720, 3745, 3784, 3787, 3788, 3802, 3806, 3810, 3813, 3817, 3823, 3824, 3832, 3834, 3842, 3847, 3856, 3877, 3901, 3902, 3951, 3955, 3962, 4000 pgs. 1, 2, 4, 29, 32, 54, 76, 99, 105, 125, 128, 136, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147
Day of Peace 3784, 3848 pg. 142
Decade of Peace 3784
Earth of Peace 3641, 3642
Faculty of Great Basic Philosophical Concepts Leading to Peace & Human Fulfillment (proposed) 3887
International Radio for Peace pgs. 2, 128, 136, 142, 147
Militants for Peace (proposed) 3828
Millennium of Peace pg. 32
Ministries of Peace (proposed) 3571, 3774, 3829, 3865
Nobel Peace Prize 3930 pg. 138
Peacemaker 3619
Peoples' Movements for Peace 3598
Recipe for Peace 3787
Robert Muller Peace & Happiness Clubs (proposed) 3642
Peacemaking Toys 3644
Peace Monument pg. 1
UNESCO Peace Education Prize pg. 1
UN Peacekeeping Troops 3829
UN University for Peace 3578, 3598, 3607, 3650, 3713, 3745, 3804, 3835, 3889, 3901, 3906, 3951, 3984 pgs. 1, 136, 142, 147
What War Taught Me About Peace pg. 104
World Association of Former Generals & Admirals for Peace 3829
Peale, Norman Vincent pg. 4
Peasants 3833 pg. 147
Peoples' World-wide Consultation on the Future of the Earth & Humanity 4000
Pet Food 3518
Philadelphia pg. 138
New Philadelphia World Convention for the Creation of the United States of the World pg. 135
Philadelphia II pg. 135
Philanthropists, Philanthropy 3503, 3594, 3877, 3951 pg. 135
Philethics 3593
Philosophy, Philosopher, Philosophical 3688, 3690, 3691, 3692, 3694, 3697, 3698, 3700, 3800, 3801, 3842, 3877, 3994 pgs. 1, 139, 144
Bench of Philosophy 3890
Faculty of Great Basic Philosophical Concepts Leading to Peace & Human Fulfillment (proposed) 3887
Message to the Conference of World Philosophers pgs. 31-33
United Philosophies Initiative 3690
World Congress on Philosophy pg. 138
World University of Philosophy (proposed) 3695
Pilgrim 3596
Planetary 3532
- Democracy 3952
- Doctors 3516
Framework for Planetary & Cosmic Consciousness pgs. 1, 141
- Home 3552, 3693, 3856 pg. 128
- Management 3950 pgs. 139, 144
Planetary & World Environment Day (proposed) 3879
Plankton pg. 133
Police, Ministers of 3771
Pollution 3561, 3662, 3686, 3710, 3880, 3894 pg. 73
Poor 3523, 3525, 3541, 3542, 3544, 3545, 3590, 3658, 3674, 3689, 3746, 3813, 3833, 3876, 3886, 3954 pgs. 32, 105, 129, 130, 131
Poor Countries 3513, 3517, 3518, 3525, 3534, 3545, 3550, 3584, 3624, 3711, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3938, 3986, 3990, 3991 pgs. 129, 130, 131, 132, 133
Pope John Paul II 3784
Population, Overpopulation 3513, 3525, 3534, 3539, 3550, 3654, 3660, 3711, 3846, 3891, 3931, 3938, 3954, 3973, 3990, 3992 pgs. 100, 101, 126, 129, 130, 131, 139, 142
- Control 3513, 3711
Elderly Population 3831
- Explosion 3539, 3564, 3584, 3590, 3703, 3830, 3831, 3861, 3862, 3876, 3882, 3894, 3922, 3947, 3991, 3992 pgs. 55, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132
- Stabilization 3534 pgs. 139, 144
- Statistics pgs. 130, 131
UN Population Division 3990
UN Population Forecasts 3525 pg. 131
UN Overpopulation Emergency Conference (proposed)
3862, 3914
Population, Overpopulation IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
World Commission on Population & Quality of Life 3607
World Population Observatory (proposed) 3773
Portugal 3550, 3607 pg. 133
Poverty 3503, 3795, 3986 pgs. 3, 73, 105, 130
UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty, 1997-2006 pg. 130
Prayer 3620, 3722, 3727, 3787, 3857 pgs. 32, 106, 145
My Final Prayer pg. 147
Pretoria, South Africa pg. 138
Prizes 3503
Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities pg. 1
Environmental Prizes (proposed) 3879
Ethics Prizes (proposed) 3593
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Prize 3503
French Literary Prize pg. 32
Nobel Peace Prize 3589, 3879, 3930, 3974 pgs. 6, 135, 138, 142
UNESCO Peace Education Prize pg. 1
Prophets 3506, 3645, 3743 pgs. 104, 137
Prophet of Hope pg. 1
Protozoas 3524
Puriscal 3948
Purushottama pg. 32
Pyramids 3857
Quijote, Don 3837
Racism 3703 pg. 128
Radio 3530, 3540, 3837, 3896, 3951 pg. 128
Radio for Peace, International pgs. 2, 128, 136, 142, 147
Raphael 3857
Railroad Systems 3537
Rasur, Indigenous God of Children pg. 136
Rasur, Mount 3871, 3906, 3907 pgs. 1, 136, 138
Reagan, Ronald pg. 127
Records of Achievements (proposed) 3970
Reich, Allan 3783
Recycling 3525, 3563, 3564, 3584, 3936, 3993 pg. 100
Refugee pgs. 1, 74
Region/Regional 3723, 3925, 3957, 3960 pg. 133
- Bio-regional pg. 137
- Commissions pg. 6
- Communities pg. 136
- Democracy 3853
Ecological Regions 3928
- Governments 3948
- Organizations
3733, 3906 pg. 6
- Parks 3583
- UN Offices 3889
- Unions pg. 136
Religion 3507, 3527, 3579, 3589, 3645, 3646, 3648, 3690, 3717, 3728, 3739, 3742, 3748, 3756, 3762, 3791, 3813, 3847, 3900, 3930, 3962, 3974, 3982, 3995 pgs. 6, 76, 104, 105, 128, 129, 130, 137, 142
Religious pg. 146
- Articles 3728
- Cooperation pg. 138
Fundamentalism 3878
- Leaders 3742
- Spirituality 3618
- Wars 3756
Union of Religions (proposed) 3702
United Religions Initiative 3645, 3646, 3703, 3962 pg. 6
United Religions Organization 3551, 3582, 3690, 3743, 3756, 3762, 3813, 3847, 3930 pgs. 129, 138
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Parliament of Religions 3703 pg. 138
World Spiritual Renaissance pgs. 129, 139
Renature 3639, 3879
Renaturing 3639
Reuther, Walther pg. 127
Reves, Emery pg. 127
Revirginize 3952
Rich Countries 3525, 3545, 3550, 3552, 3584, 3624, 3638, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3938, 3991 pgs. 130, 131, 133, 142
Rio de Janeiro Environment Conference 3901 pgs. 7, 132, 133, 136
Rivard, Nancy 3523
River of the Rising Sun pgs. 124, 147
Robert Muller Schools 3782 pg. 1
Roberts, Owen pg. 127
Roman 3735, 3848, 3849
Roosevelt, Elliot pg. 127
Roosevelt, Franklin 3503, 3535, 3567, 3605, 3606, 3955 pgs. 1, 4, 127, 133, 142
Rossi, Carlo pg. 4
Rotblat, Joseph pg. 127
Russell, Bertrand pg. 127
Russia, USSR 3557, 3606, 3957 pgs. 126, 135, 137
Saar Territory pg. 28
Sahib, Sri Guru Granth pg. 54
Saints 3725, 3800, 3993
St. Francis 3613, 3692
St. Valentine 3798
Sahlgreen, Frank 3895
Sahtouris, Elizabet 3995
Sakharov, Andrei pg. 127
Samoa 3507, 3703, 3723, 3757, 3797, 3852 pg. 1
Sanford, Kory pg. 127
San Francisco 3606, 3676, 3757, 3788, 3813, 3846, 3930 pgs. 133, 142
San Francisco Initiative pg. 137, 138
Santa Barbara 3607, 3663, 3664, 3665, 3672, 3814 pg. 2
Sarreguemines 3871 pg. 143
Sartre, Jean-Paul pg. 127
Saturn 3848
Schools 3535, 3577, 3626, 3634, 3879
Robert Muller Schools 3782 pgs. 1, 143
Unity School
Schuman, Robert 3557, 3582, 3790, 3800 pgs. 1, 28, 127, 137
Robert Schuman, Father of Europe, Politics the Way to Holiness 3582
Schweitzer, Albert pgs. 1, 105
Schwimmer, Rosita pg. 127
Science 3592, 3618, 3677, 3698, 3702, 3731, 3875, 3969 pgs. 76, 100, 125, 128, 129, 136, 137, 139, 140
Anthropobiology (proposed) 3702
Anthropology pgs. 139
Biology 3779 pgs. 139
Biopolitical Science (proposed) pg. 136
Corruptologist/Corruptology (proposed) 3816
Cosmology 3549 pgs. 139
Dreamology (proposed) 3785
Ecologynomy (proposed) 3560
Economic Science (proposed) 3860
Ethical Science & Behavior of Humanity (proposed) 3593 pg. 129
Etymology 3849
Futurology (proposed) 3817
Geo-anatomy (proposed) 3779
Geo-biology (proposed) 3779
Geography 3779
Globalism/Globology (proposed) 3587
Heavenology (proposed) 3702
Humanology (proposed) 3702
Ideology (proposed) 3560, 3609, 3610, 3647, 3720, 3755, 3907, 3995 pgs. 76, 129
Injustology/Injustologist (proposed) 3816
Institute for the Science of Hope 3697
Institutionology (proposed) 3785, 3802
Macroanatomy (proposed) 3780
Macrobiology (proposed) 3780
Macropsychology (proposed)
Macrophysiology (proposed) 3780
Muchology 3785
Planetary Management pgs. 139
Psychology pgs. 139
Social Science 3834
Sociology pgs. 139
Seas and Oceans (Earth's Waters) 3503, 3584, 3727, 3769, 3807, 3818, 3838, 3843, 3872, 3876, 3880, 3894, 3925 pgs. 73, 74, 132, 133
World Commission of the Oceans 3607 pg. 133
SEATO 3605
Seattle 3845
Secretary General (UN) 3574, 3606, 3727, 3757, 3765, 3796, 3921, 3928 pgs. 1, 130
Assistant Secretary General pgs. 1, 142, 145
Annan, Kofi 3757, 3928, 3962, 4000
de Cuellar, Javier Pérez 3607, 3951
Ghali, Boutros 3895
Hammarskjöld, Dag 3618, 3682, 3928
Thant, U 3526, 3618, 3677, 3698, 3951 pgs. 28, 76, 104
Trygve, Lie 3682
Waldheim, Kurt 3951 pg. 29
Security System, World 3599, 3605, 3794, 3942, 3986, 3996
International Security Organization (proposed) 3605, 3606, 3794
International Security System (ISO) 3605
Sellingcracy 3663-3667
Semelweiss 3521
Settlements (see also Buildings, Homes & Habitat) 3808, 3876, 3878, 3985 pgs. 100, 139, 144
Sex Discrimination 3703
Shakespeare 3600 pg. 4
Siesta 3976
Sikhism pg. 54
Sima My Love pg. 32
Singh, Dr. Karan pgs. 1, 138
Skyscrapers 3570, 3659, 3945 pgs. 105, 132
Smyth, Ross 3985
Soares, Mario pg. 133
Socrates 3671, 3717
Soft Drinks 3635, 3731
Sohn, Louis pg. 127
Somalia 3959
Sovereignty 3579, 3972 pgs. 102, 125, 135, 138
Spain 3550, 3837
Sperry, Roger 3974 pg. 138
Spider Boy pg. 146
Spirituality 3618, 3677, 3689, 3698, 3703, 3759, 3762, 3810, 3847, 3874, 3877, 3900 pgs. 1, 137, 145, 146, 147
Global Spirituality
3703, 3756 pgs. 128, 137, 138
New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality 3645
World Charter of Spirituality (proposed) 3551, 3806
World Commission of Global Consciousness and Spirituality pgs. 1, 138
World Spiritual Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Spiritual Renaissance 3618, 3813 pg. 129
World Spirituality Day pg. 2
Sri Chinmoy pg. 32
Sri Lanka 3796, 3823
Stalin 3605, 3606
Strasbourg pg. 135
Stassen, Harold pg. 127
State of the World Forum 3893
States of Failures Reports (proposed) 3970
States of the World Reports 3970
Steinbeck, John pg. 127
Steinem, Gloria pg. 127
Stewart, Patrick pg. 127
Stock Exchange (Market) 3513, 3517, 3534, 3550 pgs. 130, 134
Strasbourg 3871 pgs. 1, 127, 135
Strong, Maurice 3870, 3992
Sunnah pg. 54
Sustainable Development 3678, 3808, 3856, 3860
Sweden 3607, 3644, 3819 pgs. 142
Swing, Bishop William 3930
Switzerland 3821, 3979
How to Run the World the Way Switzerland is Being Run (proposed) 3821
Tagore, Rabindranath pg. 4
Taj Mahl 3857
Talbott, Strobe pg. 127
Talmund, Shabbat pg. 54
Tax, Taxation 3554, 3568, 3777, 3861, 3883, 3949 pgs. 7, 133, 136
Payers 3949
World Taxpayers Movement (proposed) 3949
Revenues 3590, 3732, 3753, 3941
Surpluses 3550
World Commission on Taxation (proposed) 3950
Technology 3677, 3698, 3716, 3741, 3875 pgs. 74, 76, 100, 139, 144
Teheran 3605, 3794
Television 3530, 3540, 3896, 3951, 3983, 3992 pg. 128
Temples 3645, 3748, 3857, 3891
Tennyson, Lord pg. 127
Terracracy 3792
Terrorism 3878
Testament to the UN 3574, 3591, 3682 pgs. 1, 134, 147
Testament to the World 3591, 3928
Teutonic Marches
Thant, U 3526, 3618, 3677, 3698, 3951 pgs. 28, 76, 104
Thanksgiving 3877
Bench of Thanksgiving 3890
World Peace, Happiness & Thanksgiving Day (proposed) 3776, 3981
World Year of Thanksgiving pg. 32
Third Millennium 3524, 3548, 3550, 3605, 3640, 3645, 3647, 3693, 3698, 3721, 3755, 3818, 3912, 3926, 3965 pgs. 3, 32, 33, 126, 133, 140, 143
Thirring, Hans pg. 127
Thor 3848
Tierra del Fuego pg. 136
Tiger River 3960
Tirthankara, Lord Mahavir 24th pg. 54
Tobacco, Cigarette 3835, 3846
Toepfer, Claude 3954
Torah pg. 54
World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3804
Toxins 3731, 3992
Toynbee, Arnold pg. 127
Toys 3540, 3644, 3787
Trade 3550, 3712 pgs. 74, 136
GATT 3550 pg. 134
UN Conference on Trade & Development 3804
World Trade Organization (WTO) 3550 pg. 134
Transportation 3561, 3587, 3653, 3663, 3754, 3898, 3992 pgs. 74, 128
Ministers of Transport (proposed) 3771
UN World Agency on Road Transportation (proposed) 3653
UN World Transportation Organization 3653
World Overtraffic & Overtransport Conference (proposed) 3930
Treaties 3557 pg. 29
Kellogg-Briand Treaty 3985
Trees 3544, 3672, 3713, 3858, 3860, 3934
Tribalism 3861
Trikaldarshi pg. 32
Trilokonath pg. 32
Truman, Harry S. 3557, 3655, 3814, 3983, 4000
Harry Truman & the Human Family 3814
Turner, Ted 3867
Turtle Bay pg. 147
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond 3930 pg. 138
Udana-Varga pg. 54
Ultra-violet pgs. 131, 133
Unemployment, Employment 3529, 3548, 3833, 3876, 3994 pgs. 73, 74
World Employment Observatory (proposed) 3773
United Nations 3501, 3507, 3513, 3515, 3525, 3533, 3538, 3554, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3574, 3577, 3579, 3582, 3587, 3594, 3597, 3605, 3606, 3607, 3611, 3618, 3621, 3638, 3645, 3653, 3681, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3686, 3687, 3690, 3691, 3698, 3703, 3706, 3717, 3718, 3719, 3723, 3733, 3734, 3756, 3757, 3758, 3760, 3773, 3776, 3778, 3781, 3783, 3784, 3788, 3795, 3796, 3797, 3799, 3801, 3802, 3804, 3807, 3808, 3818, 3834, 3847, 3849, 3851, 3855, 3861, 3862, 3864, 3870, 3878, 3879, 3889, 3911, 3921, 3925, 3927, 3928, 3930, 3937, 3938, 3941, 3947, 3951, 3963, 3964, 3966, 3974, 3975, 3985, 3986, 3987, 3994, 4000 pgs. 1, 6, 28, 29, 32, 73, 74, 99, 104, 105, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144, 145, 147
International Air Agency (proposed) 3687
International Water Agency (proposed) 3687
Specialized UN 3525, 3766-3771, 3804, 3889, 3911, 3987 pg. 1
International Development Association (IDA) 3804
UN Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTD) 3804 `
UN Development Program (UNDP) 3804
UN Environment Program (UNEP) 3804
World Food Program (WFP) 3804
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 3804
UN Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 3804
UN Office of Natural Disaster Relief Coordination 3804
UN University (UNU)
United Nations, Agencies con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
UN University for Peace 3804
UN Volunteer Service 3804
World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3804
UN Center on Multi-national Corporations (proposed) 3896
UN Elderly People's Fund or Agency (proposed) 3896
UN Natural Parks & Preserves Agency (proposed) 3583
UN Outer Space Agency (proposed) 3501
UN Specialized Agency on Death (proposed) 3575
UN Specialized Agency for the Handicapped (proposed) 3783
UN World Agency on Disarmament & Demilitarization (proposed) 3795, 3796
UN World Forestry Specialized Agency (proposed) 3504
World Agencies
International Road Transportation Agency (proposed) 3653
World Environment Agency pg. 136
Agenda 3696, 3871, 3877, 3921, 4000 pgs. 130, 142, 147
Ambassadors pg. 74
International Development Association (IDA) 3804
UN Association 3676
Budget pg. 135
Cakes 3628, 3629
Center on Multinational Corporations 3895
Charter 3794, 3806, 3942, 3986, 3996 pgs, 74, 128, 132, 134
Charter Review Conference pg. 134
Charter of the Earth 3551, 3792, 3806, 3837, 3880, 3963 pg. 132
Commissions pg. 74
Commission on Human Rights 3685
Main Commissions pg. 6
Regional Commissions pg. 6
World Commissions
- on Art and Culture 3607
- on Disarmament 3607
- on Education in the 21st Century 3607
- on the Environment 3607
- on Global Consciousness & Spirituality pgs. 1, 138
- on Global Governance 3607, 3819 pg. 142
- of North-South Relations 3607
- on the Oceans
3607 pg. 133
UN Commissions, New Proposed con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
- on Population and the Quality of Life 3607
World Commissions, Proposed
- of Budgetary Expenditures 3950
- of Eminent Ethical Personalities to Review the Subject of Sovereignty 3579
- of Eminent Personalities for the Elimination of Darkness in the World 3548
- of Eminent Personalities on the Future of the World 3607
- of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government 3862
- of Eminent Personalities for the Review & Study of Proper World Political Order 3723
- of Eminent Personalities on World Universities 3649
World Commission on Taxation 3950
Astronautic Committee (proposed) 3909
Continental Coordination Committee (proposed) 3768, 3769
High Committee on Darkness (proposed) 3548
Main Committee on the Future (proposed) pg. 140
Military Staff Committee 3996
Outer Space Committee (proposed) 3909
UN Committee to look into the Etymologies of the Names of Days & Months (proposed) 3849
UN Coordination Committee 3766-3771
World Coordination Committee (proposed) 3770, 3771
Bretton Woods Conference pg. 134
Charter Review pg. 134
Conference on Aging 3805
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 3804
San Francisco Conference pgs. 133, 142
Teheran Conference 3794
Yalta Conference 3606, 3955
World Air Conference (proposed)
United Nations, Conferences con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
World Conference on Advertisement & Marketing (proposed) 3638
World Conference on the Birth of a Global Culture 3834
World Conference on the Climate 3608, 3703, 3805, 3912-3920
World Conference on the Creation of a World Union on the Pattern of the European Union pg. 135
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on the Environment 3703, 3805, 3901 pgs. 7, 128, 132, 133, 136
World Conference on the Family (proposed) 3701
World Conference on the Future Evolution of Planet Earth & Humanity (proposed) 3966
World Conference on Governance (proposed) 3918 pg. 143
World Conference on Humanity & the Earth in the Year 3000 (proposed) pg. 139
World Conference of the Meaning of Human Life (proposed) 3698
World Conference on Moneycracy versus Democracy (proposed) 3680
World Conference on a New Global Philosophy & Proper Way to Live in the 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3691
World Conference on a New World-wide Global Education (proposed) 3967
World Conference on Our Future Evolution (proposed) 3867
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Overtraffic & Overtransport Conference (proposed) 3920
World Conference on Overconsumption (proposed) 3915
World Conference on Overproduction (proposed)
United Nations, Conferences con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
World Overwaste & Excessive Garbage Conference (proposed) 3919
World Conference on the Population 3703 pg. 130
World Conference on Proper Earth Government (proposed) 3703
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System pg. 134
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Conference on the Role of the Media with Regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
World Conference on Savings of Public Expenditures to Permit Development of the Poor Countries, Reduction of Poverty & Protection of the Earth's Natural Elements (proposed) 3986
World Conference on Visions for the 21st Century & 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3818, 3893
World Conference of all World Federalists & World Government Associations & Movements to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Emergency Conference to Save the Earth (proposed) 3862, 3913
World Emergency Conference on the World Population Explosion (proposed) 3862, 3914
World Water Consumption Conference (proposed) 3817
Coordination Committee 3766
Earth Council 3650, 3901, 3906 pgs. 132, 136, 147
Economic World Watchdog Council (proposed) 3683
Humanity Council (proposed) 3901
Trusteeship Council 3594
UN Economic & Social Council pgs. 127, 144
UN Security Council 3605, 3606, 3942, 3996
World Council of the Future (proposed) pg. 6
World Food Council 3794
United Nations Councils con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
World Ministerial Council (proposed) 3794
World Wisdom & Ethics Council (proposed) 3594
Day of Peace 3784
Earth Day 3703, 3879
International Day of Peace 3784, 3848
Planetary & World Day (proposed) 3879
United Nations Day 3628, 3629, 3776, 3981
World Consciousness Day (proposed) 3703, 3794, 3879
World Day of Dreams and Ideas (proposed) 3627
World Love Day (proposed) 3798
World Peace, Happiness & Thanksgiving Day (proposed) 3776, 3981
World Spirituality Day pg. 2
Decade of Peace and Non-violence 3784
Department of the Future (proposed) 3612 pg. 6
UN Department of Happiness (proposed) 3811
UN Department of High Commissioner for Duties and Responsibilities (proposed) 3734
Earth Organization pg. 132
Environment Program pg. 132
French Association pg. 142
International Monetary Fund (proposed) 3550
UN Elderly People's Fund (proposed) 3775
UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 3775
General Assembly 3501, 3727, 3793, 3796, 3819, 3839, 3868, 3871, 3877, 3912, 3921, 3975, 4000 pgs. 2, 6, 7, 99, 130, 132, 136, 140, 143, 144, 145, 147
General Assembly Hall 3975
Year 2000 3703 pg. 143
Habitat for Humanity 3808, 3809, 3810
Ideas & Dreams Box (proposed)
Meditation Room
Member Nations 3797
Millennium Project pg. 140
My Testament to the UN 3591, 3682 pgs. 1, 134, 147
Natural Disaster Relief Coordinator
Observer Offices 3555
Office of the High Commissioner for Duties & Responsibilities (proposed) 3734
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 3734
UN Office of Natural Disaster Relief Coordination 3804
UN Regional Offices 3889
Officials 3507, 3781, 3797 pgs. 1, 142, 147
All-human Organization (proposed) 3621
Continental Organizations pg. 6
Food & Agricultural Organization 3687
International Labor Organization (ILO) 3994 pg. 134
International Security Organization (ISO) (proposed) 3605, 3606, 3794
Non-governmental Organizations 3552, 3703, 3797, 3851 pgs. 1, 6
Regional Organizations 3733, 3906 pg. 6
United Humanity & Earth Evolutionary Organizations (UHEEO) 3879
UN Globalization Organization (proposal) 3587
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 3804
UN International Children's & Youth Organization (UNICYO) (proposed) 3543
UN World Transportation Organization 3653
UN Youth Organization 3543
World Intellectual Property Organization 3504, 3804
World Organizations 3589, 3906
World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3804
World Trade Organization (WTO) 3550 pg. 134
Parliamentary Consultative Assembly pg. 136
Peacekeeping Troops 3829
Peace Missions 3802
Population Division 3990
Population Forecasts 3525 pg. 130
Reform 4000
Regional Office
Reports (proposed)
Yearly Report on Long-term Future (proposed) pg. 140
Yearly States of the World (proposed) 3970
San Francisco Association 3676
Secretary General 3574, 3606, 3727, 3757, 3765, 3796, 3921, 3928 pgs. 1, 130
Assistant Secretary General pgs. 1, 142, 145
Annan, Kofi 3757, 3928, 3962, 4000
de Cuellar, Javier Pérez 3607, 3951
Ghali, Boutros 3895
Hammarskjöld, Dag 3618, 3682, 3928
Thant, U 3526, 3618, 3677, 3698, 3951 pgs. 28, 76, 104
Trygve, Lie 3682
Waldheim, Kurt 3951
Security System 3599, 3605, 3794, 3942, 3986, 3996
UNESCO Declaration of the Responsibilities of the Present Generation toward Future Generations 3963
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 3837, 3963
UN University for Peace, Costa Rica (UNIPAZ) 3578, 3598, 3607, 3650, 3713, 3745, 3804, 3835, 3889, 3901, 3906, 3951, 3984 pgs. 1, 136, 142, 147
UN University, Tokyo 3889 pg. 140
World University of Dreams (proposed) 3528
World University of Ethics (proposed) 3593
World University of Happiness (proposed) 3696
World University of Philosophy (proposed) 3695
World Bank pgs. 134, 142
World Food Program (WFP) 3804 pg. 142
World Hymn 3630
World Parliament
3703, 3757, 3854, 3949
World Programs 3766-3711, 3804, 3889, 3911, 3987 pgs. 6, 140, 142
World Social Summit pg. 130
World Union 3521, 3582, 3795, 3928, 4000 pgs. 129, 135, 136, 143
United Nature pgs. 2, 137, 142
United Philosophies Initiative (proposed)
United States 3505, 3513, 3518, 3533, 3534, 3538, 3539, 3546, 3550, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3558, 3562, 3564, 3572, 3573, 3580, 3581, 3596, 3601, 3604, 3606, 3607, 3612, 3633, 3634, 3650, 3658, 3662, 3674, 3679, 3682, 3703, 3710, 3719, 3737, 3745, 3752, 3760, 3776, 3834, 3843, 3850, 3923, 3929, 3932, 3936, 3937, 3945, 3993, 3996, 4000 pgs. 4, 52, 125, 126, 129, 131, 132, 135, 137, 142
- Cabinet 3764
- Cassini Project 3501, 3502
- Constitution 3521, 3696
- Corporations 3635
- Economy 3668
- Environment Program 3764
- Government 3562, 3810, 3889
- Magazines 3674
- Newspapers 3564
- Policy 3573
- Presidential Elections 3607, 3755
- Presidents 3607, 3813, 3997 pg. 29
- Real Estate Agents 3948
- Shopping Centers 3585
- Students 3650
- Vice-presidency for Global Affairs pg. 6
United Religions Organization 3551, 3582, 3690, 3743, 3756, 3762, 3813, 3847, 3930 pgs. 129, 138
United States of the World 3521, 3557, 3582, 3601, 4000 pgs. 129, 135, 142
United World Federation 3557
Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities pg. 132
Universe 3502, 3507, 3516, 3527, 3528, 3530, 3551, 3586, 3600, 3608, 3618, 3640, 3642, 3645, 3693, 3697, 3743, 3744, 3801, 3806, 3824, 3827, 3832, 3857, 3869, 3881, 3886, 3900, 3906, 3908, 3950, 3975, 3977 pgs. 3,33, 104, 105, 128, 129, 132, 137, 138, 140, 143, 146, 147
Universities 3578, 3589, 3649, 3650, 3695, 3745, 3773, 3847, 3887, 3888, 3889, 3890, 3927, 3980 pgs. 6, 140
Columbia University 3834
Maharishi University pg. 137
University of Strasbourg
pg. 1
UN University for Peace 3578, 3598, 3607, 3650, 3713, 3745, 3804, 3835, 3889, 3901, 3906, 3951, 3984 pgs. 1, 136, 142, 147
UN University, Tokyo 3889
World University of Dreams (proposed) 3528
World University of Ethics (proposed) 3593
World University of Happiness (proposed) 3696
World University of Philosophy (proposed) 3695
USA Today 3935 pg. 127
Usborne, Henry pg. 127
USSR, Russia 3557, 3606, 3957, 4000 pgs. 135, 137
Ustinov, Peter pg. 127, 135
Valentine's Day 3798
Values 3553, 3586, 3621, 3660, 3741, 3791, 3801, 3810, 3836, 3849, 3858, 3863, 3874, 3882, 3885, 3956, 3988 pgs. 6, 105, 129, 138, 140
Van Doren, Carl pg. 127
Van Doren, Mark pg. 127
Vice-president for Global Affairs & the Future (proposed) 3767
Violence 3590, 3749, 3876, 3878 pg. 4
Toys 3607, 3992
Non-violence 3694 pgs. 126, 139, 146
Decade of Peace and Non-violence 3784
Visionaries 3506 pgs. 104, 105, 140
Vitamin C 3521
Voltaire pg. 4
Wald, George pg. 127
Waldheim, Kurt 3951
Wall Street pg. 104
Wars (Conflicts) 3546, 3590, 3709, 3712, 3787, 3794, 3813, 3834, 3857, 3861, 3878,3959, 3960, 3985, 3990, 3991, 3567, 3637, 3643, 3645, 3646, 3648, 3655, 3703 pgs. 1, 4, 28, 73, 74, 99, 100, 105, 127, 128
Cold War 3556, 3605, 3706 pg. 135
International Conflicts 3756, 3962
Mars, God of War 3849
Ministries of War 3865
Religious Wars 3756
War Against Nature (Earth) 3516, 3529, 3533, 3550, 3560, 3584, 3637, 3751, 3755, 3876, 3894, 3922 pgs. 99-102
War Toys 3644, 3787
What War Taught Me About Peace pg. 104
World War I pgs. 128, 135, 145
World War II 3507, 3550, 3584, 3599, 3605, 3606, 3703, 3790, 3794, 3802, 3830, 3834, 3861, 3870, 3871, 3905, 3963, 3990 pgs. 1, 28, 14, 128, 142, 145
World War III pg. 145
Washington D.C. 3550, 3607, 3783, 3955 pgs. 2
Washington, George 3596, 3795, 3810, 3997, 4000 pg. 135
Washington State 3559 pg. 139
Wells, H.G. 4000 pg. 127
West Berlin pg. 28
What War Taught Me About Peace pg. 104
Wishes for Humanity pg. 76
Where on Earth are We Going 3870, 3992
White, E.B. pg. 127
Willkie, Wendell pg. 127
Winfrey, Oprah pg. 4
Wofford, Harris pg. 127
Women pgs. 104, 127, 130, 142, 147
Women's Rights pg. 142
Women's World Banking, Amsterdam 3822
Woodward, Joanne pg. 127
World Agencies
International Road Transportation Agency (proposed) 3653
World Environment Agency pg. 136
World Associations & Movements 3552, 3559, 3598, 3647, 3651, 3654, 3697, 3723, 3803, 3862, 3974
World Associations of Forgiveness (proposed) 3697
World Association of Former Generals & Admirals for Peace 3829
World Association of All Groups, Philosophies & Movements for a Simple & Frugal Way of Life (proposed) 3692
World Association for Hope (proposed) 3697
World Constitution & Parliament Association (proposed) 3868
World Federalist Association pg. 135
World Peoples' Movement for a United Humanity (proposed) 3723
World Taxpayers Movement (proposed) 3949
Union of International Associations 3850 pg. 6
World Alliance, One World 3654
World Bank pgs. 134, 142
World Cabinet Meeting 3766-3771
World, Citizenship, Global
World Commissions
- on Art and Culture 3607
- on Disarmament 3607
- on Education in the 21st Century 3607
- on the Environment 3607
- on Global Consciousness & Spirituality pgs. 1, 138
- on Global Governance 3607, 3819 pg. 142
- on North-South Relations 3607
- on the Oceans 3607 pg. 133
- on Population and the Quality of Life 3607
New Proposals
- on Budgetary Expenditures 3950
- of Eminent Ethical Personalities to Review the Subject of Sovereignty 3579
- of Eminent Personalities for the Elimination of Darkness in the World 3548
- of Eminent Personalities on the Future of the World 3607
- of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government 3862
- of Eminent Personalities for the Review & Study of Proper World Political Order 3723
- of Eminent Personalities on World Universities 3649
World Commission on Taxation 3950
World Conferences 3568, 3637, 3703, 3704, 3727, 3805, 3880, 3893, 3974 pg. 126
Conference of World Philosophers pg. 32
United Religions Conference 3962
World Conference of Global People 3949
United Nations Conferences
Bretton Wood Conference pg. 134
Charter Review pg. 134
Conference on Aging 3805
Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) 3804
San Francisco Conference pgs. 133, 142
Teheran Conference 3794
Yalta Conference 3606, 3955
World Air Conference (proposed) 3918
World Conference on Advertisement & Marketing (proposed) 3638
World Conference on the Birth of a Global Culture 3834
World Conference on the Climate
3608, 3703, 3805, 3912-3920
World Conference on the Creation of a World Union on the Pattern of the European Union pg. 135
World Conference on Earth & Human Government through Bio-political Modes & Patterns on Example from Nature (proposed) pg. 136
World Conference on the Environment 3703, 3805, 3901 pgs. 7, 128
World Conference on the Family (proposed) 3701
World Conference on Future Evolution of Planet Earth & of Humanity (proposed) 3966
World Conference on Governance (proposed) 3918 pg. 143
World Conference on Humanity & the Earth in the Year 3000 (proposed) pg. 139
World Conference on the Meaning of Human Life (proposed) 3698
World Conference on Moneycracy Versus Democracy (proposed) 3680
World Conference on a New Global Philosophy & Proper Way of Life in the 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3691
World Conference on a New World-wide Global Education (proposed) 3697
World Conference on Our Future Evolution (proposed) 3867
World Conference on Overconsumption (proposed) 3915
World Conference on Overproduction (proposed) 3915
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Conference on Population 3703 pg. 130
World Conference on Proper Earth Government 3966
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System
pg. 134
World Conference on Proper Earth Government through What the World's Religions have in Common in Terms of Universal, Global Spirituality & World-wide Human Experience pg. 137
World Conference on the Role of the Media with Regard to Humanity's Fate & Major Earth Concerns (proposed) 3968
World Conference on Savings of Public Expenditures to Permit Development of the Poor Countries, Reduction of Poverty & Protection of the Earth's Natural Elements (proposed) 3986
World Conference on Visions for the 21st Century & 3rd Millennium (proposed) 3818, 3893
World Conference of all World Federalists & World Government Association & Movement to Propose a Federal Constitution & System for the Earth pg. 135
World Emergency Conference to Save the Earth (proposed) 3862,3913
World Emergency conference on the World Population Explosion (proposed) 3862, 3914
World Overtraffic & Overtransport Conference 3920
World Overwaste & Excessive Garbage Conference (proposed) 3919
World Water Consumption Conference (proposed) 3817
World Constitution 3696
World Convention on the Handicapped 3783
World Coordination Committee (proposed) 3770, 3771
World Core Curriculum 3577, 3657 pg. 1
World Councils
World Council of the Future (proposed) pg. 6
World Food Council 3794
World Ministerial Council (proposed) 3794
World Wisdom & Ethics Council 3594
World Court pg. 73
World Court of Human Rights
World Days, International
Day of Peace 3784
Earth Day 3703, 3879
International Day of Peace 3784, 3848
Planetary & World Day (proposed) 3879
United Nations Day 3628, 3629, 3776, 3981
World Consciousness Day (proposed) 3703, 3794, 3879
World Day of Dreams & Ideas (proposed) 3627
World Love Day (proposed) 3798
World Peace, Happiness & Thanksgiving Day 3776, 3981
World Spirituality Day pg. 2
World Engineering Projects 3807
World Federation 3557
World Federation of Robert Muller Happiness Clubs (proposed) 3642
World Food Program 3804 pg. 142
World Framework
- of Our Global Knowledge 3640
- for Planetary & Cosmic Consciousness pg. 141
World Government, Global 3656, 3847
World Inventories (proposed) 3970
World Law pgs. 7, 124
World or (National) Ministries pg. 73
- of the Atmosphere (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Biosphere (proposed) 3865
- of Climate Change and the Phytoplankton Project (proposed) pg. 74
- of Communications (proposed) pg. 74
- of Democracy 3865
- of Disarmament (proposed) pg. 74
- of Disaster Relief & Refugees (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Earth (proposed) 3712
- of Earth & Nature (proposed) 3865, 3866, 3879
- of Economy 3712
- of Education pg. 74
- of Energy Supplies (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Environment (proposed) 3703, 3770, 3840, 3865, 3712 pg. 74
- of Finance 3712
- of Food & Water Supplies (proposed) pg. 74
- of the Future 3571, 3612, 3729, 3774, 3793 pg. 6
- of Food & Agriculture 3793
- for Global Affairs (proposed) 3767
- of Global Economy (proposed) pg. 74
- of Happiness (proposed) 3571, 3810
- of Health (proposed) pg. 74
- of Human Rights (proposed)
pg. 74
World Ministries, (National) con't IDEA NUMBER OTHER REFERENCE
- of Labor, Employment & Income Distribution (proposed) pg. 74
- of Love, Happiness & the Art of Living (proposed) 3774
- of Morality & Ethics (proposed) 3865
- of Natural Elements (proposed) 3712
- of Nature (proposed) 3712
- of Oceans (proposed) pg. 74
- of Peace (proposed) 3571, 3744, 3829, 3865
- of Peace & Cooperation (proposed) 3774
- of Public Planning (proposed) pg. 74
- of Technology Issues (proposed) pg. 74
- of Trade (proposed) 3712
- of Trade & Commerce (proposed) pg. 74
- of Transportation (proposed) pg. 74
US Ministry of the Environment 3764
- of War & Defense 3712, 3865
- of World Capitals & World Elections (proposed) pg. 74
- of World or Global Affairs (proposed) 3571
World Ministerial Council (proposed) 3793
- of World Resources & Human Needs (proposed) pg. 74
World Movement
World Movement for a United Humanity (proposed) 3723
World Tax Payers Movement (proposed) 3949
World Observatories
World Cultural Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Environmental Observatory (proposed) 3686, 3773
World Economic Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Employment Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Government Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Health Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Literacy Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Observatory of What is Wrong in the World (proposed) 3597
World Population Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Spiritual Observatory (proposed) 3773
World Constitution & Parliament Association 3868
World Parliament of Religions 3703 pg. 138
World Party of Natural Law
pg. 137
World (Global) Peoples' Assembly 3507, 3552, 3607, 3703, 3723, 3757, 3797, 3852, 3909, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3975 pg. 1
World Republic pg. 125
World Security System 3599, 3605, 3794, 3942, 3986, 3996
World Seismological Network (proposed) 3796
World Servants 3763 pg. 133
World Sovereignty 3972
World Spiritual Renaissance 3618, 3813 pgs. 129, 138
World Stock Exchange (proposed) 3550 pgs. 139, 144
World Taxpayers Movement (proposed) 3949
World Union 3521, 3582, 3795, 3928, 4000 pgs. 129, 135, 136, 143
World Conference on the Planet's Five Continents for Proper Earth Government through Continental Union & a World Union pg. 136
World Universities
World University of Dreams (proposed) 3528
World University of Ethics (proposed) 3593
World University of Happiness (proposed) 3696
World Universities of Philosophy (proposed) 3695
World War I pg. 128
World War II 3507, 3550, 3584, 3599, 3605, 3606, 3703, 3790, 3794, 3802, 3830, 3834, 3861, 3870, 3871, 3905, 3963, 3990
World Year of Thanksgiving pg. 32
Wotan 3848
Wright, Richard pg. 127
Yang 3745
Yin 3745
Youth 3543, 3650, 3657 pgs. 76, 146
Message to a Youth Meeting 3788
UN International Children's & Youth Organization (proposed) 3543
UN Youth Organization (proposed) 3543
Zeus 3848
Zorostrianism pg. 54
Decide to be a global citizen
a good inhabitant of the planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth become conscious
of herself
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice
her mind and her heart
Save your Mother Earth
from her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than the globe
and their groups
greater than humanity
United, global citizens, to save and heal
planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe.
Robert Muller
Former UN Assistant Secretary General
Co-founder and former Chancellor
of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica