~ Idea 312 ~ 18 May 1995
There is much pressure from the rich countries for free world trade, because they have a distinct historic, economic, scientific and technological advantage to invade the poor countries with their products and advanced marketing and advertisement, often changing the traditional, more healthy, natural, better habits of these countries, where moreover advertisement is very cheap. The poor countries should raise the issue of free migrations, of the freedom of people to settle anywhere on our planet. People should claim this as a fundamental human right. Why only world free movement of goods, and no free movement of people? The United Nations must hold a world conference on the free movement, migration and settlement of all humans on this planet. It will have to be raised sooner or later. The sooner we do, the better.
~ Idea 557 ~ 18 January 1996
Since business was first to globalize itself world-wide, far beyond governments and religions, and since corporations are now for all practical purposes ruling the world, we should give them the opportunity, even request them to hold a World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System
The world business community should be asked to answer how they would take care of the above complaints of the Earth, of humanity, of the past and of the future, how they would provide for a well preserved planet and the well-being of all humanity, the five basic harmonies and the long-term evolution of the planet.
Such a conference would bring together the heads of the major world corporations, banks and stock exchanges, the World Bank, the IMF, the GATT, the new World Trade Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations
~ Idea 617 ~ 18 March 1996
Instead of letting business and corporations wildly run ahead and progressively destroy our Earth, governments and thinkers should sit down and consider what a world government by private business and corporations would look like. The first discovery would be that freedom and democracy would disappear: the Earth and capital would be owned by capitalists and shareholders, i.e. by those who possess already capital and money and the rest of the people would not have a chance. All humans would be programmed by advertisement and marketing to buy what corporations decide. As for the Earth, it would be totally defenseless, neglected and brought to its ruin.
~ Idea 731 ~ 10 July 1996
I hear more and more voices saying that the soulless capitalism which now rules the world will end the same way as the second 19th century ideology, communism, already defunct. When I hear many voices from around the world expressing concern about an event to come, I open a file because the global brain of humanity has begun to function and to give us the first warning signals. But as distinct from the demise of communism which has not found a new way, we must face the above dismal hypothesis and do two things: get the best minds of the Earth to think what can be done to avoid a catastrophe which will hurt innumerable people; have all local communities think of the actions they will take locally to face the consequences of the catastrophe.
I am glad to learn that Elizabet Sathouris, the Greek geo-ecologist who was first to take the defense of Gaia, the Greek Goddess of the Earth, is working on plans to create local currencies when the current economic system will collapse.
~ Idea 735 ~ 14 July 1996
Most heads or chief executive officers of multinational, global or world corporations deal primarily with their firm's affairs on a global, world-wide basis and leave the internal markets for their firm's products and services to local, national subsidiaries. No wonder that as a result they rule the world. Governments do not do the same. They deal with national affairs and only subsidiarily with world affairs. They should therefore not be surprised that they have lost relevancy in managing the world for the good of all people and the Earth.
I recommend therefore that in all schools of government and political science, students should be taught how multinational corporations run the world often counter to the interests of the Earth, of humanity, often of their own nations and definitely of their children and grandchildren.
~ Idea 773 ~ 21 August 1996
Business is not interested in population control: they are interested in growing numbers of consumers and new markets.
But the white western world should be acutely interested, for within a few decades their children and children's children will be minimal in the world, close to disappearance.
~ Idea 774 ~ 22 August 1996
The greatest indictments of capitalism are firms like Coca Cola and Philip Morris and others in the same line of products. It is simply pathetic to see the disappearance of natural fruit juices in the poor countries, displaced by sugared, carbonated water. Parents with low incomes are bleeding themselves to buy expensive Coca Cola for their children who have been programmed by advertisement and marketing to crave for them. And I do not speak of the lottery tickets put in cigarette packets and behind soft drink labels in some poor countries to make people buy them. The history of such firms would be the most enlightening condemnation of the excessive "free market system".
~ Idea 775 ~ 23 August 1996
Capitalism and communism are two political and economic systems born from the industrial, scientific revolution. Capitalism has done wonders for human progress until recently, because it was based on the valid and prevalent view of evolution as competition and survival of the fittest. Communism was a failure because it did not respond to the basic, justified needs of humans at that time. Alas capitalism is no longer good today. It is not good for the Earth which has become preoccupation number one in our evolution. It is not even so satisfactory for humans anymore because of the excessive production of goods which are not really needed for the fulfillment of human life. This is why capitalism is in crisis and does not know what to do to continue to grow except through endlessly increasing marketing and advertisement. The entire economic system of this planet must be re-examined from scratch if we want to avoid an economic collapse in the next century.
~ Idea 832 ~ 19 October 1996
For millions of years we humans did not really change the basic functioning of nature, of the Earth. But now, with our sizable world population, insatiable consumption, incessant new inventions, technological and scientific changes, world-wide marketing and advertisement, we are changing the fundamental functioning of the planet. We risk destroying it and ourselves in the process. It is time therefore to listen to the wisdom of the indigenous people who have an immemorial, intimate knowledge of nature and take no decision without evaluating the effects on the seventh generation. They should be the wise leaders of the Earth, not the chief executive officers of the multinational and national corporations who have only one thing on their mind: how will the decisions increase profits, the power of the corporation, its world-wide market and its position in the stock-exchange. Since they are the dominant power and object of admiration, envy and imitation on this planet, they will mean our end as well as that of evolution. I sometimes think that the Roman Empire has not been as decadent as is this new empire. The title chief executive officer should be changed to chief execution officer. As someone said: the destruction of a work of art is called vandalism; the destruction of the Earth is called development.
~ Idea 859 ~ 15 November 1996
It is utterly wrong to make the poor countries envious of the rich ones, mostly for marketing and commercial purposes, and to give them western excessive consumption and living habits. This will not even be of benefit to the rich countries, because these habits multiplied by 9 to 10 billion people in the next century will mean the end of all life on this planet through the destruction of its natural elements.
~ Idea 883 ~ 9 December 1996
Socrates when he saw the Athens market exclaimed: "So many things which I do not need!"
What would he say today if he saw an American shopping center!
At least in his time the Athens market was not a danger to the future of the Earth, whereas today the shopping centers spreading around the world are.
Today, Socrates would ask: "And what will they do with all the goods they will not sell?"
Do we know? It would be fascinating to learn it.
As an author I once learned that when a US "best-selling" book is launched on the market say at 300,000 copies, easily 100,000 to 200,000 copies are returned by bookshops and shredded! What a world of waste! But it is included in the gross national product!
~ Idea 972 ~ 9 March 1997
I recommend that there should be as many ideas for the improvement of humanity's social and political conditions as there are for making new inventions, producing more goods, and devising endless new ways of advertisement, marketing and programming people to consume. What a difference it would make.
~ Idea 998 ~ 4 April 1997
From 4 to 6 April 1997 the Canadian International Foundation of Learning convened a Global Citizens 2000 Congress in Vancouver to mark the date of 6 April 1997 when there were 1000 days left to 1 January 2000. What better idea and time to launch a project encouraging youths to see themselves as global citizens. Young people from eleven schools were brought together as teams of creative energy, working with their teachers and community leaders to show how and what we all must learn to become global citizens in the 21st century. This included not only knowledge to bring economic success in the world's market place but also an appreciation for what must be done to assure sustainability and peace in an increasingly interdependent world.
I was invited to be the opening speaker and a participant in this three days Congress which culminated at midnight of 6 April in a launching of 1000 balloons to mark the countdown of 1000 days remaining until 1 January 2000.
~ Idea 1015 ~ 21 April 1997
It is good news that US citizens are beginning to react to the colossal overconsumption in their country, fostered in millions of ways by business, marketing, advertisement and the media.
A 1995 survey by the Merck Family Fund found that since the decade began, 28 percent of respondents have voluntarily reduced their income. Two-thirds said that they did so to reduce stress, increase personal time and restore balance in their lives.
Trends Research Institute named simplicity one of the 1997's top ten trends. "Never before, in the Institute's 17 years of trend tracking, has a societal trend grown so quickly, spread so broadly and been embraced so eagerly," TRI reports.
Unfortunately, big business knows that and is now targeting the developing countries for western consumption habits through marketing and advertisement which are very cheap in these countries.
~ Idea 1101 ~ 16 July 1997
Some of the great errors of our time were these:
- humanity rushed into economics, changing our home before ecology, the knowledge of that home;
- we accepted capitalism as the dominant ideal of the human society and not the environment or love and preservation of our Earth;
- we let business globalize itself and become the master of the world and of our lives, while governments, the entrusted defenders of justice, of the poor and the downtrodden did not globalize themselves and even became the servant of business;
- and religions did not globalize themselves at all.
These errors were not basically wanted:
- capitalism did wonders for humanity at the beginning when the world population was small and the resources of the Earth were unexploited and seemingly unlimited;
- governments were still in the era of consolidating nations recently born from ethnic groups fighting each other;
- religions still believed that their truths were absolute, immortal and meant to spread to the entire world.
Well, today our objectives and efforts should be:
1. to see the religions globalize themselves urgently in order to give us a universal, cosmic meaning of life on Earth and give birth to the first global, cosmic, universal civilization; the recent initiative to create the United Religions can do that;
2. national governments must absolutely globalize themselves in a new, second generation Untied Nations with much more power, especially legislative power, or a United States of the world with proper balance of powers in a world democracy, or a World Union along the lines of the European Union;
3. business must be made the servant of the people's needs within a properly preserved Earth, and no longer be instruments of unlimited power, profit, enrichment and programming of the people's lives and consumption;
4. more generally we must put an end to the Darwinian theory of competition and survival of the fittest, and replace it by a new science, strategy and methodology of cooperation for our evolutionary survival and fulfillment on this particular planet in the universe.
~ Idea 1124 ~ 8 August 1997
In face of the rising world-wide criticisms against capitalism, I recommend that a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Capitalism be established to look into this subject. It is high time to do that. Even the chief executive officer of Mitsubishi in a speech to the World Future Society says that it seems to him " that the global business community is driving quickly to a cliff, and we have our eyes closed."
~ Idea 1125 ~ 9 August 1997
We must fear that capitalism will bring this world to an end. It was born at the end of the 19th century like communism, when conditions were very different from today: the world population was small, except for China: the resources of the planet were barely exploited and seemed inexhaustible. Like communism, capitalism has become contrary to evolution and will collapse if it does not change course. As is shown by Toynbee in his study of past great powers, it is unlikely to do so because powers believe in their continuance and are unable to adapt to the new requirements of evolution.
This reminds me of the following: after the first world conference on the environment in Stockholm in 1972, the Ford Foundation hired a consultant to report to them on the meaning of that conference. One day he stopped me in the corridors of the UN and said: "Robert, you will be interested in my finding. The environment is basically a spiritual question." I expressed surprise, and he continued: "Yes, because if a businessman is only concerned about profit, he will not give a damn about the environment. But if he thinks of his children and grandchildren, he will be concerned."
~ Idea 1126 ~ 10 August 1997
Among the signs of capitalism's decadence is the frenzy of marketing and advertisement. Business does not know what to do anymore to continue to compete, to win markets, to make more profits, to change products, to make people consume more.
In airline magazines and in formerly serious magazines, the substantive articles are interwoven, cut up, drowned in advertisements which nobody reads anymore. But it all costs the Earth and our lungs entire forests.
Miniaturization is the latest device: offering any salable products in minuscule containers or flasks at the cash registers of supermarkets and in restaurants!
Signs of decadence are mounting everywhere. Why does not capitalism re-examine itself? Its business geniuses should sit down and ask themselves: where are we going? What will be next? What will be the end result?
~ Idea 1128 ~ 12 August 1997
The role and responsibility of the new United Religions Organization and of the World Parliament of Religions will be enormous at the end of this century: it will be no less than to give humanity a new spiritual, planetary, cosmic ideology to follow the demise of communism and capitalism.
The new Natural Law Party in which western scientists converge with eastern spiritualists can become the political arm of that ideology.
~ Idea 1161 ~ 14 September 1997
We speak of the building and population explosion. Why don't we also speak of the consumer explosion, the skyscraper explosion, the marketing and advertising explosion, the media explosion, the irreligiosity explosion, the materialism explosion, etc.?
~ Idea 1204 ~ 27 October 1997
Among the new Universities I would like to see established would be Universities of Consumption and Universities of Employment. This is in response to the fact that all Universities are concentrating on production and marketing, taking employment for granted as a result of the existing economic system. Since we have both underconsumption, overconsumption and wrong consumptions on this planet which destroy or diminish humans and the Earth, it is high time to deal seriously with this subject. And since a slowdown and changes of consumption habits are absolutely necessary in the world if we want to save the Earth, we should also study the concept and ways of proper, fulfilling employment in the western countries especially. I have a whole file of original ideas in this field. Someone should write 2000 ideas for fulfilling employment of humans on planet Earth. The environment, spirituality and voluntary service provide great possibilities in countries where the machines have made much employment dispensable.
~ Idea 1207 ~ 30 October 1997
Since business has gotten out of gear with the evolution of this planet, I suggest that business organize itself as quickly as possible to review the situation and to try to find adequate answers to it. In idea 557 I proposed that business should be requested to hold a World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System. Perhaps the International Chamber of Commerce should change its name into International Organization of Business and hold such a conference or a series of smaller conferences, including regional ones, to bring forth much needed answers and changes in the business world. It might prevent a major world economic crisis, unavoidable if business continues on the same course, as was pointed out by Mr. Tachi Kiuchi, Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Electrical, in a keynote address to the World Futures Society in July 1997.
~ Idea 1210 ~ 2 November 1997
If outer space beings would visit our planet they would ask us what we call it. We would answer: planet Earth, from the old Germanic goddess Eartha, and also Gaya, from the Greek belief that the Earth is a nebula, Goddess Gaya, which became the Earth.
They would comment: that is beautiful but from what we see around us you should change its name to planet Business and Marketing.
Our comment: well, this was thought of also by the Romans who called it planet Pluto (wealth) and planet Mammon (the God of money).
~ Idea 1285 ~ 16 January 1998
The private enterprise, financial, marketing, advertising capitalist system claims that it will bring prosperity to the entire world.
Well, the Secretary General of the UN reported to the last UN General Assembly that 100 nations on this planet have become poorer in the last fifteen years and that 1.3 billion people of this Earth have a daily income of only one dollar.
The UN also reports that world-wide and within all nations the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.
When will someone at long last stand up and challenge the present free enterprise system?
~ Idea 1312 ~ 12 February 1998
I recommend that following the example of Costa Rica which had the courage to demilitarize itself, one country on Earth should be the first to de-advertise itself. It would be equivalent to demilitarization, since the main war is now the war against the Earth and advertisers and marketers are the new militaries. The UN must absolutely convene a world conference on advertising and marketing to put order in this new calamity.
~ Idea 1345 ~ 17 March 1998
People who invest in stock markets should increasingly think of the fate of their children and grandchildren. They might decide not to invest in business that destroys the environment. To help them, governments should devise new regulations for banks and stock-markets regarding proper reporting on their "results". Consideration should be given to daily ecology indexes together with the purely financial market quotations.
~ Idea 1364 ~ 5 April 1998
I sometimes take out one of my old journals or Markings from past years to see what I thought at that time. During the night I came across the following Marking in 1983, fifteen years ago:
"In a hundred years, capitalism and communism will be past history."
Well, it did not take 100 years for communism to disappear, and I wonder if it will take as much for capitalism. I think it will be much sooner. The collapse of the South Korean stock market last December was the first sign, but the US stopped it immediately with a donation of 10 billion dollars infinitely quicker than paying its past dues to the United Nations. Within days noone spoke about it anymore. But there will be other crises which will put an end to this second obsolete ideology of the 19th century or force it to change.
~ Idea 1374 ~ 15 April 1998
I claim also the fundamental individual human right of my children and grandchildren not to see this Earth on whose elements our lives depend destroyed by unending wasteful construction, industrial production, wasteful commerce, marketed and advertised unnecessary, harmful consumption, colossal built-in obsolescence, and other evils of the current materialistic economic system. This new right should also be put on the agenda of the UN Human Rights Commission, supplementary to the great new work on an Earth Charter.
~ Idea 1382 ~ 23 April 1998
Like the capitalists and communists did at the end of the last century, we should think hard and conceive how we can make the next century a true paradise. Since both communism and capitalism have failed and since we live in planetary conditions very different from those at the end of the last century, we must think afresh all our current beliefs, doings and institutions, and formulate an entirely new ideology or dreamology for an unprecedented future in all human history. Heads of governments, of corporations and of all human institutions should be excited by this new, wonderful challenge.
~ Idea 1499 ~ 18 August 1998
After communism and capitalism, frugalism might become the new ideology and rule of our behavior on Earth, demanding from us more frugal and simple lives in order not to destroy life giving nature. A new economic system must be born which will not produce colossal waste, unnecessary products, built-in rapid obsolescence, and colossal duplications between 185 nations. Frugalism and simplicity of life might become the salvation of the Earth and future generations.
~ Idea 1500 ~ 19 August 1998
In the nineteenth century when capitalism and communism were born, the world population was small and the Earth's resources were unexploited and seemed practically unlimited. Capitalism did wonders in those circumstances. It was the right obvious way for humans to progress in evolution, on the basis of the right Darwinian concept of competition at that time. Communism was the wrong way and had finally to give up after a century of vain efforts.
Today the situation is entirely different:
- the world population has exploded from about one billion in the last century to close to 6 billion today and at the present rate will stabilize only at around 10 to 11 billion.
- the population explosion was recently accompanied by a consumption explosion, first in the rich countries and now spreading also to the rich and middle classes of the poor countries;
- the air, the waters, the soil, the biosphere, the climate of this planet which were all in equilibrium have been disrupted, endangering the normal functioning of the planet;
- the whole Earth, its life-systems and further evolution are in mortal danger, if humans continue on the same course.
Conclusion: capitalism has done its best and produced wonders but it must now capitulate too as did communism. The best minds and leaders of the planet must conceive the new indispensable ways and behaviors of humans in the coming new century and millennium.
That is the central, overriding issue to be put at the top of the world agenda during the year 2000. All the rest is secondary.
~ Idea 42 ~ 21 August 1994
The United Nations should convene urgently a world conference on unemployment, to review and remedy the tragic current situation, to evaluate further effects of population increase, scientific and technological developments, the exodus from the land to cities, the changing age structure of societies, including a redefinition of employment and unemployment. For instance, how on Earth are mothers who take care of children, our new, all-important generation, considered "unemployed"?*
* This has been done. The ILO has recommended that henceforth women taking care of a family are considered employed.
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 56 ~ 4 September 1994
I dream that UNICEF or a global philanthropist will build a UNICEF Children's House on the magnificent, inspiring grounds of the University for Peace, to allow children to meet, to play, to be taught peace, to read peace books, to listen to peace songs, play with peace toys, etc. Meetings and festivals could be held at it by children from around the world.
31 August 1995: Three Costa Rican young people came to see me presenting me with a request that a children's and youth house for peace and the environment be built on the grounds of the University for Peace. They represented an organization of thousands of children and young people of Costa Rica. I congratulated them and asked them to submit their request with my full support to the Executive heads of UNICEF and the UN Environment Program.
13 February 1996: I met at the Costa Rican Embassy to the UN, with Mrs. Grethel Obando, the wife of the Ambassador, with Mr. Chowdury, a Director of UNICEF, and Ms. Brooke Newell, an NGO, to launch the idea.
~ Idea 86 ~ 4 October 1994
A whole new field and era of global philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for the Earth) should be opened on this planet. Many world awards should be given to international agencies; global foundations should be established for the benefit of all humanity, for the poor, the handicapped, abandoned children, etc., and the preservation of the planet. Many international awards should be given in ceremonies at the United Nations and at the headquarters of its specialized agencies and world programs. This would provide maximum visibility to philanthropists and inspire others.
~ Idea 153 to 171 ~ 10 to 28 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 158 -the right to a proper planning of the future for all newly born children,
by governments and world agencies
~ Idea 187 ~ 13 January 1995
By 1995 there will have been three world population conferences, four world women's conferences, two world aging conferences, a permanent institution for children (UNICEF), an International Year of the Handicapped. But there has been only one brief world youth conference in 1970 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the UN. Governments seem to be afraid of youth. And yet, youth is the most interested party, the most dynamic biological element of our evolution. There should be a world youth conference at least every 5 years to hear the young peoples' views and proposals for the world they want. A World Youth Agency should be created.
~ Idea 188 ~ 14 January 1995
UNICEF should be transformed into UNICMO, the United Nations International Children's and Mother's Organization, which would be concerned with the two thirds of humanity who need most of the world's care and protection: children and mothers. It would greatly expand UNICEF's capacity to do wonders.
~ Idea 229 ~ 24 February 1995
The United Nations is already the global brain of humanity. It is also the greatest school of love on this planet: love for all humans, love for our Mother Earth, love for the preservation of nature, love for the children, women, the handicapped, the aged, love for peace, etc. Still is missing love for God and the mysterious forces of the universe. This will come too when the United Nations will understand its right place in the universe and in time.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Idea 323 ~ 29 May 1995
A decade ago, during a visit in Kansas City, I learned that the city considered itself to be the heart of America. They wondered how this could be better known. I suggested that they plant a forest of trees in the form of a big heart near the airport, visible from the sky.
Ten years later when I returned to the city, I was shown the Heartforest which expands each year thanks to additional rows of trees planted by children on each Earth Day.
My dream is that many heart forests will be grown in many places of the world, thereby expressing our love for trees and for our beautiful planet.
~ Idea 375 ~ 20 July 1995
I dream that next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica, a World Center for Robert Muller schools and the world core curriculum will be created to fulfill the prophecy of Gloria Crook, the founder of the first Robert Muller school in Arlington, Texas, that someday there will be thousands of such schools in the world. Since the land includes sacred Mr. Rasur, what a fulfillment of the prophecy of the indigenous God of children that would be!
~ Idea 381 ~ 26 July 1995
There exist already a few global flags for our planet: the UN flag, the Earth flag, the New Allegiance flag. I recommend that more global flags be designed and used in the world: A Universe flag, a World flag, a Seas and Oceans flag, an Atmosphere flag, a Biosphere flag, a Mountains flag, a World Water flag, a Forests flag, an Arctic flag, an Antarctic flag, etc. There exists also a European flag. Flags for all continents should be adopted: an Asian flag, an All-American flag, an African flag, a Middle-East flag. And why not local, family and personal flags?
An idea of Carolyn Hawkins:
The US Postal Services held a contest several years ago. They asked school age children to design stamps. At the end of the contest the Postal Service selected five designs and had them reproduced on the most charming series of postage stamps.
A similar contest could be run by the UN. School age children around the world could submit their design for flags for the Universe, Seas and Oceans, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Mountains, etc. At the end of the contest the UN could select the winning designs and have them reproduced as actual flags or UN stamps.
~ Idea 411 ~ 25 August 1995
The world would be better off if instead of reading, hearing and watching bad news, horror stories and lots of violence served by so many newspapers, radio and TV stations, the children and people would hear and see programs of the United Nations and of their world agencies, educating them and enlisting them in the healing of the world and of humanity. I propose the creation of a United Nations World Media Network to inform objectively and educate all world inhabitants, giving them hope and enlisting their help to achieve a better, happier world. The International Radio for Peace of the University for Peace is a great first example to follow.
~ Idea 419 ~ 2 September 1995
Today, as part of the Great Millennium Campaign of the City of Toronto in Canada, a lady, Mrs. Julia Morton-Marr informed me that she will start an association to create children's peace gardens in as many schools as possible around the world, and that in each such garden she wants to see a bench of dreams built.
Well, this will give a new dimension to the number of benches of dreams built so far: in my peace park in Costa Rica, at the Casa de Maria in Santa Barbara, California, and at the St. Francis University in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
~ Idea 422 ~ 5 September 1995
Sometimes when I read the resolutions adopted by Model United Nations of children or youth, especially their Model Security Council, I am tempted to place these texts on the desks of the members of the Security Council as if they were official UN documents. Delegates would probably get a heart attack when reading them! But they would be great lessons, because children are the voice of truth, of common sense, while adults have acquired distorted minds, due to national interests and professional difformation. See therefore my ideas 39, 40 and 41. Perhaps all UN draft resolutions should be shown to children and youth for their comments and advice before being adopted. Moreover when a world constitution will be drafted, provision should be made for the voice of mothers, children and youth to be heard. After all, it is their future which is at stake, and so far throughout history adult males have been doing a pretty poor political job for humanity and for the planet.
~ Idea 428 ~ 11 September 1995
For the first time I have met a US businessman who has come to Costa Rica to buy land so that his children can have a livelihood, raising cows, chickens and having some agriculture when the western economic system will collapse. A better idea would be for governments to look into the viability of the monstrous economic system which creates more poverty than well-being and destroys the environment, endangering the entire future of humanity and of our Earth.
~ Idea 444 ~ 27 September 1995
We have now the report by the World Commission on Global Governance in the 21st century. Two further steps are needed: we should get the opinions and proposals of the world's religions and of the indigenous peoples on how they think the planet should be best governed. We should also hear the opinions of mothers, children and youth who are the primary interested parties in the world of tomorrow.
~ Idea 460 ~ 13 October 1995
I think that after 50 years, it is time for the United Nations General Assembly to redefine its Main Committees in the light of major world changes. Thus it should create Main Committees on Global Government, on the Environment, on Peace-building and Non-Violence, on the Future, on Women, Children and Youth, on International and Peoples' Volunteer Associations.
~ Idea 474 ~ 27 October 1995
Privatization as an all-out ideology conducive to human well-being and happiness is as fallacious and dangerous as was communism. There must always be public services defending the defenseless and helping the poor. Suppose all education is privatized. What will your children be taught? What the owners of the schools have decided. In, medio stat virtus, said the Latins. Virtue is a middle course. We need both private initiative and public protection. We must be free people driving private cars on public roads under public safety regulations and laws, and flying airplanes under world safety regulations and laws.
~ Idea 501 ~ 23 November 1995
It would be good if all human beings would express, write down their basic beliefs, commitments and dreams for their own lives and for a better world. It could be done at several points of life: as a child, as a youth, as a couple, at parenthood, at grand-parenthood, at retirement, even at the moment of death.
We should also leave behind us a record of our wisdom, beliefs, joys and achievements, a testament to those who will follow. I did that when I left to my children the books Most of All They Taught Me Happiness and What War Taught Me About Peace, to the religions New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, to the world The Birth of a Global Civilization, to educators my World Core Curriculum, to women my novels Sima Mon Amour and First Lady of the World, and to the United Nations my Testament to the UN.
And I continue to do it every day, in these 2000 ideas for a better world and other writings, correspondence, journal and numerous speeches.
~ Idea 502 ~ 24 November 1995
During my half a century of world service I have seen these three basic phases in human history since the end of World War II:
1945 to the early 1970's: a comprehensive, unprecedented period of Humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism and apartheid, increase literacy, longevity and good health, etc.)
1970's: while the agendas of the preceding period were still incomplete and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore: the Environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other words: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.
1980's: the new phenomena of the depletion of the ozonosphere and menacing climatic changes made the Earth priority No. 1 of our concerns and reduced humanity and economic development to second place.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we should no longer speak of the need for World Government, but of Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.
The UN Charter of 1945 does not use the words Earth, nature, natural resources and the environment. Why? Because at that time we considered the Earth to be unlimited in resources for a relatively small world population. The western countries also saw, and still see humanity as separate and superior to the natural world. This view has accomplished miracles for the human race. But humanity must now change its course, dominant objectives, values and institutions if we want to prevent disasters in the evolution of the Earth and of the human race.
~ Idea 503 to 505 ~ 25 to 27 November 1995
Once it is conscious of the imperative need for proper Earth government, humanity will have to respond to the following complaints by the Earth:
Idea 503 "Why did I have to take all of a sudden a population increase from
25 November 1995 2.5 billion people in 1952 to 5.6 billion today, more than a doubling in less than fifty years?"
We could answer as an excuse: It happened out of sheer ignorance. After the war the rich countries and the United Nations wanted to prevent the early death of innumerable children in the poor countries. They died young because of epidemics, bad health conditions, malnutrition and hunger. But having no population statistics for the world and for most of these countries, we did not tell the parents that they would no longer need to give birth to an average of six children per family to have at least two of them left to till the land and to take care of their old age. Until 1952 we did not even know what the world population was! When the UN organized for the first time in human history decent world statistics and world censuses, we discovered that women did not have more children, but that children no longer died early (the mortality rate per year fell from 34 per thousand to 14 per thousand). When this was discovered it was too late, the children were born and a young population is highly reproductive. The UN warned nations and humanity by means of world population conferences and every other possible means that a population explosion was upon us. But religions and other factors opposed it. Nevertheless, these efforts saved you from 2.2 billion more humans on your surface by the year 2000. Instead of 8.3 billion human beings in that year we will be only 6.1 billion.
Idea 521
13 December 1995 when no good mental lives have been provided to all the world's people: there are still 900 million adult illiterates, 130 million children without schooling and 100 million children abandon school prematurely.
~ Idea 567 ~ 28 January 1996
The Earth has always been our main teacher. This is why humanity wants an ideal Earth. We must never cease to try and we will succeed. It is our most sacred task in the next century to give our children the best teachers, namely nature, the creation of God, Goddess Gaia, our beautiful Mother Earth. Blessed be the recently created World Party of Natural Law.
~ Idea 585 ~ 15 February 1996
Expanding on the above idea there could also be an international fasting day. It would do good to our health. Money saved from this sacrifice could be sent to UNICEF to help feed hungry children and the homeless.
~ Idea 666 ~ 6 May 1996
A similar phenomenon is happening on television. It is almost impossible to see an announcement of a program or news in a still form. Everything has to jump, to move, to be a profusion of movements, criss-crossing and colors. How do people not get crazy, especially children and youth looking at such jumping, insane images. And every day it is getting worse, because the producers have to outsmart each other to draw attention. In reality more and more people do not pay attention anymore and become immune. My own decision, already ten years ago was to get rid of my television set, and I have lived happily ever since.
~ Idea 670 ~ 10 May 1996
I believe that all UN agencies and Departments should begin collecting ideas for a better world and publish them in popular forms. UNESCO could ask all school children and youth in the world to come up with their ideas. They might astonish the world.
~ Idea 671 ~ 11 May 1996
I invite people to do what I decided to do recently: each time I am tempted to buy something I ask myself: is it really necessary, do I really need it, what damage has its production and transportation done to mother Earth? What is her opinion? And in many cases I do not buy it. I write down the price saved and later with the savings I plant a tree or do something good for the Earth or for the poor who have real needs, especially children.
~ Idea 681 ~ 21 May 1996
We should abolish all military bases on this planet and transform them into world parks of nature or schools and playgrounds for children, peace museums and other good causes of humanity, including places of worship to the Creator of our beautiful Earth. Military bases are an antiquity and blemish to this divine planet.
~ Idea 752 ~ 31 July 1996
The World or United Nations Consumers Agency should also establish lists of products which should be avoided or dispensed with, and develop a world-wide strategy to get concrete results. The battle against tobacco and smoking has already begun, but there are many exceptions in poor countries, where even lottery tickets are inserted in cigarette packages. There are battles against other products to be waged in the interest of the people and of the Earth:
- against alcohol. The word Al kohol in Arabic means the devil; in Muslim countries alcohol consumption is a sin; its production, transportation and sale are totally prohibited. Well, it would be good if all countries of the world would imitate that good example. How many miseries and accidents would be avoided. China should join the ranks, since Confucius said: you drink the first cup of alcohol, and the alcohol drinks you.
- against soft drinks which displace natural fruit juices in the poor countries to a disastrous extent. They produce in addition billions of plastic and other bottles or containers which are strewn all over the world. If you add honey or a sweet syrup to water you have a cheap, safe, healthy drink for your children without carbon dioxide bubbles.
- window washing liquids and many household cleaning products. With plain water you wash windows as perfectly as with window washing liquids and you do not add chemicals to the environment;
- mouthwashes: they can be outright dangerous because they destroy useful, natural bacteria in our mouth etc., etc.
~ Idea 773 ~ 21 August 1996
Business is not interested in population control: they are interested in growing numbers of consumers and new markets.
But the white western world should be acutely interested, for within a few decades their children and children's children will be minimal in the world, close to disappearance.
~ Idea 774 ~ 22 August 1996
The greatest indictments of capitalism are firms like Coca Cola and Philip Morris and others in the same line of products. It is simply pathetic to see the disappearance of natural fruit juices in the poor countries, displaced by sugared, carbonated water. Parents with low incomes are bleeding themselves to buy expensive Coca Cola for their children who have been programmed by advertisement and marketing to crave for them. And I do not speak of the lottery tickets put in cigarette packets and behind soft drink labels in some poor countries to make people buy them. The history of such firms would be the most enlightening condemnation of the excessive "free market system".
~ Idea 794 ~ 11 September 1996
There will soon come a time when humans will not be able to be happy as long as there is so much poverty and suffering in the world. More and more well-blessed people will look for poor people, especially children, they can help. One can observe the beginning of this new moral, individual and family philanthropy at the end of this century. UNICEF at the United Nations is the most lovable, gratifying example of it. In reality the United Nations is the first great UNICEF for the alleviation of all human miseries on this planet, including the miseries of the Earth itself.
~ Idea 803 ~ 20 September 1996
The following fundamental statement has not yet been taken into account by the adult politicians of this planet:
"Until modern times young people could anticipate a future rather like that of their parents. Social change was that slow. Now young people face futures for which their parents' culture cannot prepare them. The young must create the future themselves."
Margaret Mead
In reality youth has barely any voice in national and world affairs. Adults should therefore not be surprised by the frustration, often despair of youth, their frequent addiction to drugs, alcohol and violence. Let us give a strong voice to youth, a participation in the building of a better world, a hope and enthusiasm for the future. In these 2000 ideas I give several of them for youth, e.g. to hold parallel youth parliaments next to national parliaments, parallel youth ministries next to national ministries, to create Youth Ministries in all countries, to hold parallel youth conferences next to United Nations and other world conferences. Philanthropists of the world, please listen to this appeal. The future of the world might depend on it. It is your children's and grandchildren's world too.
Note: I was delighted to learn at the end of 1997 that a first World Conference of Ministers of Youth will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 1998. I plan to attend it or to sent them a long list of proposals.
~ Idea 815 ~ 2 October 1996
I applaud the initiative taken in the US State of Kansas by a volunteer organization to give children a voting opportunity in national, state and local elections. It is good for candidates to hear the voice of children. For information contact the office of Kids Voting, Kansas Inc. c/o the Topeka Capital Journal, 616 SE Jefferson, TOPLON, KS 66607.
~ Idea 820 ~ 7 October 1996
The frequent encounters and reciprocal visits of heads of states of this Earth are a substantial progress in human affairs, peaceful relations and world cooperation. I would suggest that such visits should include their families. Often, their spouses already accompany them and become friends. But even more important would be that their children, the future generation, could meet, become friends and give their ideas and dreams to their heads of family. Why not create networks or associations of spouses of heads of states, and networks or associations of their children? Great ideas might come from them.
~ Idea 860 ~ 16 November 1996
Since we all want our children and grandchildren to be happy, why don't we request that happiness should be taught in all schools and be put on the agenda of all governments and world organizations? How many schools and institutions do it? Very few, I am sure.
We forget the wise ideal defined by the drafters of the US Constitution: the pursuit of happiness. This should henceforth be our world ideal. The recently coined concept of sustainable development should be replaced by happiness ensuring development.
~ Idea 881 ~ 7 December 1996
United Nations world conferences have been a monumental blessing in giving the world's people renewed consciousness of old, still unresolved world problems and new problems due to our accelerating global age (e.g. the population explosion, the environment, the world's climate, etc.)
Alas, the US Congress instead of being grateful and pleased, no longer wants any world conferences, arguing that they are costly and useless.* I propose that on the contrary we need more of them on global problems and dangers confronting humanity. If other governments agree with the US and no longer want new world governmental conferences, I recommend that the people should do them. There should be continued World People's Conferences on population, children, women, the aged, human rights, indigenous people, the world's climate, the environment, demilitarization, disarmament, world security, violence in all its forms, the world commons, the seas and oceans, outer-space, etc. Perhaps a better United Nations and world democracy would ensue.
*In reality, it is because the US wants to promote its own ideas and leadership of the world's future.
~ Idea 914 ~ 10 January 1997
Since the truth comes from the mouth of children, I recommend that UNICEF arrange for the drafting by children of a new Charter of the United Nations, starting with the words: We, the children of the world,..."
The UN Secretary General should similarly arrange for the drafting of a new UN Charter by youth, starting with the words: "We, the youth of the world,..."
The two texts would be an expression of the hopes and dreams of the next two generations who will be adults in the 21st century. They should be made known world-wide in the year 2000.
~ Idea 926 ~ 22 January 1997
During our trip to India Barbara and I were often dreaming of Costa Rica and came up with the idea that all Central America should be made a protected world park or region, reforested, with people living in rural communities, loving and protecting nature, with no more than two or three children, happy to see their basic needs fulfilled, protected from consumerism and advertisement, living profoundly spiritual lives, grateful for the miracle of life and of God's wonderful nature.
Back in Costa Rica I asked if the Culture of Peace program for Central America of our University had a plan for peace with nature. I was told that it did but that not a single government was interested in it. They wanted foreign investments, industries, trade, tourism, more trucks, cars and transportation, airplanes, etc. It was a good illustration that what is wrong on this planet is the basic philosophy, ideology and values of our time. As long as this will not change, as long as there is not a new education, a new spirituality, a renewed relation with nature, especially of the leaders, the present course will not change. The whole economic system of our world and society must be rethought from scratch. If not, it will collapse.
~ Idea 954 - 957 ~ 19 to 22 February 1997
At a meeting of 24 visionaries which I attended in Washington, the following proposals were made:
Idea 954 that a Grandparents Foundation be created to which grandparents would contribute funds in order to leave to their grandchildren a better world:
~ Idea 975 ~ 12 March 1997
God Rasur said to the children that the divine was in each tree, every flower, every bird, every animal, every butterfly.
He should have added: and in you, in every child and human being.
Indeed, we are all made of earth, water and air which are concrete solar, i.e. cosmic energy. We are not human beings distinct from the Earth and from the universe, we are made of the Earth, of the sun, of the universe, we are live universe on a particular cosmic planet, endowed with a cosmic, universal consciousness. Jesus and all sacred emissaries from the heavens told us that.
In a proper Earth government, every human being should therefore be considered unique, sacred, divine. No human should be forced to kill other divine, miraculous cosmic units for the "greatness" of artificial nations or the "truth" of any religion, nor of any other entity, institution or philosophy.
To its splendid human rights work which is truly of cosmic inspiration, the United Nations must now add an identical work on human responsibilities and duties particularly towards our mother Earth its wonderful nature and the universe.
~ Idea 976 - 981 ~ 13 to 18 March 1997
From two Canadian visitors to the University for Peace to whom I gave a copy of my fascicle of first 100 ideas, I got the following ideas:
From Ms. Shirley Farlinger:
Idea 976 Write a UN Marriage Certificate for the next Millennium.
A couple would agree:
- to have only one or two children
- to raise their children peacefully
- not to work for the military
- to settle arguments by peaceful resolution
- to make all decisions together
- to manage their money so that local industry which is ecologically sound is supported and other industries are boycotted.
~ Idea 996 ~ 2 April 1997
Example of what one person can do: in the 1920's when the League of Nations was created, the wife of a French League official, Mme Bouchardeau, created a League of Nations Women's Guild, of wives of League officials. Her idea was that they could be active, collecting funds with their handicraft products and use these funds to help children in poor countries, on the advice and recommendation of women of League officials working in those countries. As a result, the aid was guaranteed to go directly to projects and children who needed it. The Guild was the origin of the creation of UNICEF after World War II, but Mme Bouchardeau decided that this was not a reason to go out of existence and she created the United Nations Women's Guild which performs the same service. They have a sales counter in the UN visitors area and sell UN towels, T-shirts and various other products. The profits are channeled to projects in poor countries. I tell this story because today I received a letter and two checks from the UN Women's Guild of 600 and 1000 dollars respectively for a school of poor indigenous children which I had recommended to them near the University for Peace, the other for a Catholic school in Chile dealing primarily with alcohol and drug addiction. The donations are in memory of my dear deceased wife from Chile, Margarita, who was President of the UN Women's Guild for several years. A stone will be laid as the foundation of a future library in the name of Margarita Gallo de Muller, and the money will be used to build a refectory for the indigenous children.
Yes, what one person can do. May the spirit of Madame Bouchardeau and of Margarita Muller inspire numerous women in the world to have dreams and take similar initiatives for a better world.
~ Idea 1002 ~ 8 April 1997
All twinned cities in the world should prepare and celebrate together the year 2000. Not yet twinned cities should find a partner-city to twin with. A World Community of Cities should be created to increase the love and cooperation between all city people on Earth. It is hard to believe what a little money from people in the rich cities can do for poor, hungry, homeless and illiterate people, especially children, in poor cities.
~ Idea 1037 ~ 13 May 1997
I hope that someday all people will receive a Yearly Good Deeds Declaration to fill out when they receive a Yearly Tax Declaration.
It could include such items as:
What good and peace did you teach your children?
What peace did you contribute to your family, to your neighborhood, to your workplace?
What peace association did you belong to or support?
What did you do for a better environment, a reduction of garbage, of gasoline consumption, of water and energy consumption?
What did you do for a more frugal and simple life, for a lower consumption of Earth resources?
What did you do to cultivate your own happiness?
Happiness in your family?
Happiness all around you?
Happiness in your workplace?
What philanthropy, what voluntary services did you provide?
What good health practices did you foster in your family?
What were your own good examples of good health?
Did you stop smoking?
Did you stop consuming alcohol and tell your family that it is an Arabic word (al kohol) which means the devil?
Did you give thanks for the miracle of life and the beauty of this Earth?
What did you do for your soul?
Did you pray, read good spiritual writings and precepts?
Did you go to spiritual services?
And one could conceive other items: Love, honesty, truth, morality, fidelity, forgiveness, etc.
The result of such a questionnaire would be as important if not more than the contribution of taxes to government expenses. A better society would ensue. A whole system of tax exemptions could be built on such a questionnaire. There could be for example tax deductions for voluntary services.
~ Idea 1032 ~ 8 May 1997
Hitler, the German dictator, created in the 1930's a Bund der Deutschen Mütter, a League of German Mothers who were to excite their sons into killing enemies of Germany.
From 19 to 21 June 1997, in Vienna, Austria, the country of birth of Hitler, a World Summit of Women, including several women Nobel Prize winners, women who are or were heads of states, and wives of heads of states, will meet in a conference called "Mothers of the Earth for World Peace Summit sponsored by World Centers of Compassion for Children."
I recommend that this conference create a Bund aller Welt Mütter, a World League of all Mothers, or United Mothers Organization, which will labour to put an end to all wars, armaments, military service, military "academies" and armed forces, and claim a new fundamental human right:
- the sacred right of all mothers of the Earth not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers in the name and glory of a nation, religion, nor of any other entity, cause or institution.
~ Idea 1038 ~ 14 May 1997
I signed today with delight a petition to the United Nations by a Swiss Organization called Global Initiative. It asks for immediate disarmament in all countries in order to save the planet ecologically. This is a right approach at this juncture of our evolution and on the eve of a new century and millennium. School children were asked to go on strike on the third Tuesday of September, day of opening of the UN General Assembly and International Day of Peace. A Swiss newspaper reported: "That was not strike day, that was a huge school celebration."
Address of Global Initiative: Roland Schutzback, Ins, CH 3232, Switzerland.
~ Idea 1040 ~ 16 May 1997
In line with my recommendations that there should be more world universities, I proposed that the conference undertake the creation of a World Indigenous University, possibly located on the sacred indigenous grounds of the University for Peace. Such a University would study world-wide the linguistics of all indigenous people, their views and relations with the Earth, their spirituality and such remarkable cosmologies as the Maya, Aztec and Inka ones which were represented at the conference. The western world is in dire need of an appropriate cosmology and could be inspired by them. For instance, it is interesting that the world core curriculum for a new presentation of all our knowledge to children (inserted in the volume of the first 500 ideas), which I derived from my experience in the United Nations, is almost identical to the Mayan cosmology.
During the conference I received a remarkable paper proposing the creation of a University of Mother Earth (Madre Tierra) in Costa Rica to complement the work and efforts of the Earth Council created in that country by the UN as one of the outcomes of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment. The text of the proposal has been circulated to the Costa Rican Parliament to have it studied and proposed officially to the United Nations for implementation. A wonderful idea. I will do everything to get it accepted.
~ Idea 1062 ~ 7 June 1997
We have learned of late to love the sky, the sun, the seas and oceans, the birds and all nature. Why should we not learn to love also our human brothers and sisters world-wide? Aren't we all children of the same Earth? Are we not created in the image of God, a cosmic phenomenon of the first order?
~ Idea 1073 ~ 18 June 1997
The date of 18 June always reminds me of the French underground group to which I belonged during World War II. It was named the Group of 18 June, date of the appeal by General de Gaulle to the French people. Remembering all the killings I saw, I am reminded of the idea in which I recommend that all mothers should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers, not in the name of a nation or a religion or of anyone else. Conflicts between all groups must be settled by peaceful, non-violent means.
Someone should collect cases when mothers were able to prevent their sons from being drafted into military or war service. I have heard of two: some US mothers decide to give birth to their children at home and not to register their sons, but to do it only after they are 25 years old, i.e. beyond the age of military service.
Another case was when American mothers went to Viet-Nam, took off the uniforms from their sons, dressed them in civilian clothes and took them home. The military authorities did not challenge them in order not to draw attention to the act.
As a pretending civilized human species we should solve all conflicts by intelligent, civilized and non-violent means. Even better: let us have a disarmed and demilitarized planet with a good world security system at the top. This is what the United Nations were created for, and now that the excuse for not doing it, namely the cold war, is gone let us do it instead of extending military alliances like NATO and SEATO.
~ Idea 1099 ~ 14 July 1997
I attended today the reception by the Embassy of France for the celebration of the French Revolution on 14 July 1789. I went there only because the Ambassador was new and I left him a documentation and an invitation to visit the University for Peace where we will try to convince him to get France to ratify that University. I was shocked by the lavish party for the local diplomats and Costa Rican high officials. A party like that costs money which would have fed several hundreds of poor children. And I was reminded of one of my favorite subjects: the need for the publication of a world budget showing the expenditures of all nations. Just the cost of 185 countries giving parties to each other on their national holidays and other occasions would create a shock in world public opinion.
I was thinking also that if the young French revolutionaries who were celebrated were alive today they would blast the bottles of champagne against the walls because it is exactly against such practices of the powerful aristocracy of their time that they made the revolution. What about simplicity and frugality of governments? The UN and its 32 specialized world agencies should give the good example and suppress all receptions. It will be the last reception I attend in my life.
~ Idea 1105 ~ 20 July 1997
Robert Silverstein, founder of People for Peace, who is putting my 2000 ideas on world-wide web, presents me as follows: "Robert Muller says that his greatest honor is not the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, or being decorated by the Pope, or even his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the remark of a custodian at a school named after him who said: "In all my years here I have never seen two children fight."
I dream that all founders and principals of schools around the Earth will receive some day the same compliment.
~ Idea 1113 ~ 28 July 1997
Someone asked me this question: "Mr. Muller, after having written more than one thousand ideas, which one or two would you consider the most important?"
1. The absolute, urgent necessity for proper Earth government;
2. That every person on Earth, from children to the elderly, from East and West, from North and South, from individual families to the United Nations and its world institutions, from leaders of nations, business, religions, Universities, professors and people from all walks of life and professions, would write down their truest, innermost, deeply felt dreams and ideas for a better world. It would be the greatest world-wide democratic survey ever held in all human history. All these dreams should be sent to the United Nations and on their basis a great action plan for our successful evolution towards a peaceful, non-violent and happy world society should be drawn up.
~ Idea 1125 ~ 9 August 1997
We must fear that capitalism will bring this world to an end. It was born at the end of the 19th century like communism, when conditions were very different from today: the world population was small, except for China: the resources of the planet were barely exploited and seemed inexhaustible. Like communism, capitalism has become contrary to evolution and will collapse if it does not change course. As is shown by Toynbee in his study of past great powers, it is unlikely to do so because powers believe in their continuance and are unable to adapt to the new requirements of evolution.
This reminds me of the following: after the first world conference on the environment in Stockholm in 1972, the Ford Foundation hired a consultant to report to them on the meaning of that conference. One day he stopped me in the corridors of the UN and said: "Robert, you will be interested in my finding. The environment is basically a spiritual question." I expressed surprise, and he continued: "Yes, because if a businessman is only concerned about profit, he will not give a damn about the environment. But if he thinks of his children and grandchildren, he will be concerned."
~ Idea 1130 ~ 14 August 1997
The preceding idea leads me to propose that the United Nations conceive a World Plan of Direct People to People, Family to Family Aid. Now people in rich countries are taxed by governments to provide governmental foreign aid, which is costly to administer, cause of bureaucracy and often misdirected towards purchases of armaments and other goods which the giving government or big firms want to sell.
It reminds me of my mother, a poor milliner who was so happy whenever she looked at the photos of a poor African orphan whom she had adopted at the recommendation of a priest. She loved and supported that child with her modest means until she died without ever meeting the little boy.
~ Idea 1132 ~ 16 August 1997
In the United States there is now a peoples' and parents movement of "One week without television." The results are apparently very positive: the children speak more to each other and with the parents; they undertake activities of their own and are more creative. But when the week is over, the children rush back to the television set in order to catch up with their favorite programs.
I propose that there should be a world movement "Families without television." I can list the magnificent benefits in terms of personal life, happiness and creativity I have derived from giving away my television set years ago. And with my remarriage, we have maintained this rule: no television ever as long as we will live, be it in our home or outside. We have never missed anything, only gained a lot of more intensive personal, happy, creative life.
~ Idea 1135 ~ 19 August 1997
It is a strange world in which women at home and raising children, the most important task in the world, have been considered until recently unemployed. Thank God, the International Labour Organization has finally decided that they are employed. Hopefully this will be accepted in all countries of Earth. It is also strange that people who are no longer employed due to age are considered "retired". Retired from what? Many would rather consider themselves liberated. Personally I did not consider myself retired from the United Nations in the last eleven years. I am involved in it even more, since I have no longer any daily office obligations. I accepted with delight the position of one-dollar-a-year Chancellor of the first University for Peace on Earth. Please, dear "retired" people all around the world, refuse to consider yourself retired. Do more than when you were active in your profession, do what you would have dreamt to do if you hadn't been forced to be employed. It is never too late. I will not even retire after death. When I appear before God I will ask Him to use me as one of His instruments and workers as a spirit on Earth.
~ Idea 1138 ~ 22 August 1997
Under a world policy aiming at the preservation of the Earth and a restriction of the number of humans on it, one could consider that families who live simple, frugal lives and consume less Earth resources would be entitled to have more children than those who consume lavishly.
~ Idea 1168 ~ 21 September 1997
No further undue development should become the ideal and rule in several places of Earth. Costa Rica is a good example: one-third of the surface of the land consists of national parks, biological reserves, provincial parks and protected areas where no forests can be exploited and trees cut. I am glad to live in one of these areas, on a sacred hill on which Rasur, the God of the indigenous children appeared to them, asked them to take good care of all nature and prophecized that from that hill a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
~ Idea 1216 ~ 8 November 1997
Seeing today a bus of American Elderhostels tourists pass by a group of several dozens of poor Nicaraguan men, women and children come to Costa Rica to earn some money as coffee pickers and living in an abandoned former milking station, I was reminded of Barbara's idea 1129 of an "adopt a family program". Yes, why don't those elderly Americans instead of traveling to see preserved primeval forests stay at home, cultivate their gardens and plant trees in their area. With the money saved from not traveling they could adopt one of these poor families in Nicaragua and create a lot of happiness, vastly superior to the happiness of traveling around the world.
I hope that someone will take the initiative of creating an Adopt a Poor Family Program. We have a marvelous UNICEF program. Why not have also a World Adopt a Family Program (WAFP) from which mothers, children and old people in poor families, at home and abroad would receive friendship, help and happiness?
~ Idea 1239 ~ 1 December 1997
I applaud the following appeal which adds to the strategy for a non-violent world which I submitted to the State of the World Forum in San Francisco in 1995 and reproduced as Introduction to ideas 601 to 700:
From 23 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Fall 1997
In every single country throughout the world many children are silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence. This violence takes many forms &endash; physical, psychological, socio-economic, and environmental.
In order to reduce the suffering of children these Laureates are addressing an appeal to all Heads of State of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United Nations, for the UN General Assembly to declare:
b That the first decade of the new millennium, the years 2000-2001, be declared the "Decade for a Culture of Nonviolence."
b That the year 2000 be declared the "Year of Education for Non-violence."
b That non-violence be taught at every level in our societies, to make the children of the world aware of the practical meaning and benefits of non-violence in their daily lives.
Together, we can build a new culture of non-violence for humankind which will give hope to all humanity and in particular, to the children of the world.
With deepest respect,
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
~ Idea 1257 ~ 19 December 1997
The main purpose of education should not be to give children skills to "compete" and to "succeed" in life, but to lead a happy, fulfilled life. But where on Earth is that taught? It is at least in the handful of 33 Robert Muller schools.
~ Idea 1262 ~ 24 December 1997
I love to remember on Christmas eve this comment of Napoleon to his aides when he was an exile and prisoner on the island of Elba: "I conquered most of the world and I am sitting here as a prisoner, having lost all my power and conquests. And tonight the people are celebrating the birth of someone who had no power, no army, no wealth, was a total destitute, and is still remembered after more than a thousand years."
Well, most heads of states, of world institutions and of big firms you better prepare yourselves to hold the same reflections on Christmas eve 1999 and 2000: have I lived a life which will be remembered in the hearts and annals of humanity? Will at least my children and grandchildren celebrate the fact that I was born?
~ Idea 1266 to 1267 ~ 28 to 29 December 1997
Idea 1266 Recently an author called Barbara to say that her husband wanted to tell everyone on the planet one thing each person could do before the year 2000 to make this world a better place and as hard as he thought he could not think of one. Barbara suggested that if each person would plant a tree we would have 5.9 billion more trees on the planet and if they planted a fruit tree, countries like India would have more food. I agree with this idea and suggest that each person, adults and children alike, plant a tree before the year 2000.
Idea 1267 She suggested that every birthday of the 5.9 billion persons of this planet should also become their own Earthday to celebrate the Earth which is their mother, to give thanks for the miracle of life and to promise to take good care of the Earth. If a tree would be planted on the birthday of each person on Earth, 5.9 billion trees would be added to our capital of trees every year.
We promised to do it on each of our birthdays and will recommend it to our children and grandchildren. Eighteen trees will thus be planted by us in 1998.
~ Idea 1283 ~ 14 January 1998
Dear Friends and Readers,
As an update to my ideas and New Year's letter, I am glad to inform you that on 20 November 1997, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming the year 2000 International Year of Thanksgiving as suggested in my Dream 2000. It decided to hold in the fall of 2000 a General Assembly 2000 which is to focus on means of solving our primary global problems and to reform the means of global governance in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This heads of states Assembly will be accompanied by a World Peoples'' Assembly 2000 serving the same purpose. Former Presidents of the UN General Assembly adopted another of my 2000 ideas and created a Council of former UN General Assembly Presidents which will assist the UN with its views, proposals and ideas.
To all of you I address this appeal: may every institution, every nation, every peoples' association and movement, every university, college and school on Earth, every religion, every province, city and rural area, every indigenous, ethnic and linguistic group, every corporation and business enterprise, every profession, and why not every family and individual on Earth formulate their dreams, proposals and ideas for a better world. It would be a unique unprecedented state of the world and humanity, global, world-wide public opinion survey and poll. The submissions should start with an assessment of perceived achievements in the twentieth century, of failures, disappointments, losses, mistakes, wrong avenues and beliefs, untruths and unwarranted destructions, thus producing a momentous, world-wide assessment of our stage of evolution on this unique life-endowed planet in the vast universe and eternal flow of time.
I am recommending to the Secretary General of the UN to provide such an assessment, survey and agenda for the future together with the 32 specialized agencies and world programs of the UN, as a State of the World and Humanity Report 2000 to the General Assembly 2000 in the fall of 2000. Please send to Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General, Room S 3800, United Nations, New York, NY 10017 your report, assessment, proposals, plans, dreams and ideas. Let us make this a unique event in all human history, perhaps applauded and supported by God, the saints and mysterious forces of the universe concerned with our doings on this miraculous planet and with our fate on it as the most advanced, most knowledgeable, conscious and capable of all living species. Let us make this magnificent Earth a Garden of Eden, inhabited by a miraculous humanity, a first-class success of the will of God and of the universe, a true paradise of fulfillment and happiness for our children and grandchildren.
~ Idea 1289 ~ 20 January 1998
I suggest that all former Ambassadors, Permanent Representatives of nations to the UN should create a world association and offer their views to the General Assembly 2000 on how the UN should be strengthened, transformed or replaced by a better world organization. They should do that thinking for the future of their children and grandchildren.
~ Idea 1345 ~ 17 March 1998
People who invest in stock markets should increasingly think of the fate of their children and grandchildren. They might decide not to invest in business that destroys the environment. To help them, governments should devise new regulations for banks and stock-markets regarding proper reporting on their "results". Consideration should be given to daily ecology indexes together with the purely financial market quotations.
~ Idea 1367 ~ 8 April 1998
During a night, after a crisis of pessimism provoked by the remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus and the assassinations of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, I woke up with this message from God Rasur, the indigenous God of children:
"Be what the Hopis named you: Kogyun Deyo, Spider Boy. Make a vast spider web to catch all evil in the world and throw it far away into the universe from this hill where I appeared to the children and where you have the privilege to live."
I listened and decided to return to my 2000 ideas, dreams and prophecies which I had neglected for a while. And I regained happiness, God's recompense.
~ Idea 1374 ~ 15 April 1998
I claim also the fundamental individual human right of my children and grandchildren not to see this Earth on whose elements our lives depend destroyed by unending wasteful construction, industrial production, wasteful commerce, marketed and advertised unnecessary, harmful consumption, colossal built-in obsolescence, and other evils of the current materialistic economic system. This new right should also be put on the agenda of the UN Human Rights Commission, supplementary to the great new work on an Earth Charter.
~ Idea 1390 ~ 1 May 1998
The newly elected President of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, announced that he will make an effort during his mandate to see the military expenses of all Central America substantially reduced. His aim will be the total demilitarization of that area, following the example of Costa Rica, demilitarized since 1949, the most peaceful and prosperous country in the area. His project will be executed by the UN University for Peace which will show how such demilitarization would permit providing more education facilities for more than a million children. He will call for an international conference for demilitarization at which the rich countries would be asked to participate in that effort.
~ Idea 1391 ~ 2 May 1998
A young man in New York, Sandy Hinden, who took it as his ideal to create peace gardens for children, wrote to me: "I feel crippled, except when working for peace and a better world."
This reminded me of Pablo Casals who said: "I feel crippled except when playing music."
May there be many more Sandy Hindens and Pablo Casals* in the world.
Dear reader, how do you feel?
*Addition by Barbara Gaughen-Muller and Robert Muller
~ Ideas 1399 to 1400 ~ 10 to 11 May 1998
Idea 1399 A reader from England whose father died in Auschwitz, wrote to me proposing that the United Nations institute an International Day of Repentance and Atonement, "as an annual event to be kept as a holy day by every nation to become united in the spiritual task of facing and teaching its children the truth about their history &endash; the sins of the fathers &endash; so that they may be fully understood by future generations. All our misdeeds economic, cultural, military, and those done in the names of religion should be truthfully shown, illustrated and explained in exhibitions in every town and country. The need for atonement and restitution should be made clear."
I fully support that proposal.
~ Idea 1410 ~ 21 May 1998
I recommend that the Arab countries introduce action in the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization for the world-wide prohibition of alcoholic beverages. They would be qualified to do so, since they prohibit the production, transport, sale and consumption of alcohol (an Arabic word, Al Kohol, meaning "the devil"). The good it would do the world would be incalculable: less drugs consumption associated with alcohol, less violence due to alcohol, less health problems, less miseries and poverty in families and violence against children. The UN has calculated that if beer alone were prohibited in the world, the land released for other food products would be sufficient to feed the entire world population. It was also shown that the production of a can of beer requires four gallons of water! And I speak elsewhere of the longevity of a beer can thrown into nature.
Dear people, wake up. At least you have one power which I exercise: I decided in recent years not to touch a drop of alcohol in any form for the rest of my life.
China could join the Arab countries in this fight, since Confucius recommended a similar prohibition. He said: you drink the first cup of wine and the cup drinks you.
As for smoking it should urgently be prohibited world-wide. Non-smokers should protest that their contributions to health insurance are used to help smokers. They should as a minimum obtain a reduction in their contributions. The same for non-alcohol consumers.
~ Idea 1413 ~ 24 May 1998
I also asked myself: why are there no more villages on these lands? Where are the villages which existed in my youth? Alas, their children have moved to multi-storied buildings in big cities deprived of nature and seeking happiness making money through producing more and more often useless goods. What a world! And this is called progress!
Much of what I saw around me reminded me of Mark Twain's statement: "Man was a creature made by God after a whole week of work, when He was tired."
~ Idea 1440 ~ 21 June 1998
In the vast, modern Conference Center where the Club of Budapest met in Paris with business people to consider ways to a better world, I saw a European Union Information Center for the public, exhibiting an impressive documentation of books, pamphlets and even children's games on this new, very welcome political miracle on planet Earth. I asked if they had a book on the European Union as a model for the construction of a World Union. I was told that there was no such book. I recommended therefore to Ervin Laszlo, the head of the Club of Budapest, to hold before the year 2000 a conference on that subject.
~ Idea 1443 ~ 24 June 1998
Observing the incredible diversity, proliferation, complexity and creative explosion of the fauna and flora of a tropical country like Costa Rica and other similar countries, I wonder how the western world had the nerve to call them underdeveloped countries. From an arrogant human point of view perhaps, but not from the point of view of God's nature and tremendous Creation. The West was saved from starvation in the Middle Ages with the discovery of the potato brought back to Europe from America by the explorers. How much more we could learn from the tropical countries, from their peoples, in particular the indigenous people who found a right, harmonious relationship with nature. What wealth is hidden in the biology of these countries! One evolutionary theory claims that it is the weakness of the human body to fight against wild animals which gave birth to the development of our brain to survive. Well, this might be true of humans who lived in cold, adverse climates. But how can they now come and tell the rest of the world that they are undeveloped or underdeveloped? It is the North which has not yet found its right relationship with nature. What we need is a new civilization and understanding in which all regions of the world will contribute their knowledge and wisdom to our survival and fulfillment. And since humans are children, products and parts of nature, I submit that henceforth we speak of a new era in world evolution: the era of United Nature, a far step beyond United Nations, our first but now insufficient global enlightenment after World War II.
~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~ 5 to 16 July 1998
I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go. To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:
Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995
In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes. From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth. Why? Because in our belief the Earth was limitless. This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.
A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972. There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us. It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining. The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment. In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.
As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period &endash; from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries. Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home). We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating. Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.
The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect. Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century. I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.
There is reason for optimism. Humanity is really trying. But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age. We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet. We are still its exploiters.
I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope. From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.
Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:
Idea 1455 Create a World Association of Eco-Communities to be NGO-accredited by the UN.
Idea 1456 Support the UNESCO Planet Society Program.
Idea 1457 Create a world ecological university at Findhorn.
Idea 1458 Hold a meeting or conference of long-term evolutionary scientists, because they are now switching to thinking that it will be local and global consciousness which will save humanity, and will install humanity as the most advanced species on this planet.
Idea 1459 Mobilize any groups that are in favor of simple, frugal living in the developed countries.
Idea 1460 Ask the UN to hold a conference on garbage, built-in obsolescence, and waste.
Idea 1461 Ask Gorbachev to create a world commission on the denuclearization of this planet.
Idea 1462 Request a world conference for rural development and the stabilization of the villages.
Idea 1463 Demilitarization: ask for the closure of the RAF base next door to Findhorn.
Idea 1464 Support the World Commission on the Oceans.
Idea 1465 Look into the errors of transferring Western values and technologies into the developing countries.
Idea 1466 Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth.
To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos &endash; the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our home of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today.
We need to actively practice good public relations, spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring these changes about until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
~ Idea 1484 ~ 3 August 1998
I wish that UNESCO or the International Labor Organization would begin to publish statistics of employment in peace service. I have signaled that there is only one world servant per 100,000 inhabitants of the planet, compared with 556 militaries. When I returned from the French Resistance after World War II my father asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I answered: work for peace so that my children and grandchildren will not see the horrors I saw in this war. He shrugged his shoulders and said: "There are no peace jobs in this world. You can forget it." Well, fate and a good essay on world government opened to me the doors of the United Nations and an entire adult life devoted to peace. I think the time has come to have more peace professions and jobs at all levels of society. It should be a new category in world and national employment statistics.
~ Idea 48 ~ 27 August 1994
It is not normal that after holding two world conferences on climatic changes, the UN World Meteorological Organization should still keep its antiquated name. It should be renamed the UN World Climate Organization.
~ Idea 49 ~ 28 August 1994
The first world environment conference was in reality the Conference on the Biosphere convened by UNESCO in Paris in 1968 at the request of the government of Sweden. Its concept was right, namely to see the thin spherical membrane, or sphere of life, surrounding this planet, only a few miles into the atmosphere and a few miles into the oceans, containing all life of our solar system. The Conference had no impact and Sweden came to the UN Economic and Social Council to express its concern about the acid rain affecting their forests and the loss of life in their lakes. Sweden requested the UN to hold the first world conference on the environment in Sweden in 1972.
It would be good to return to the concept of the biosphere and to hold a new world conference on the biosphere in 1998, thirty years after the first one, to see how the thin layer of life around our planet is faring.
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 199 ~ 25 January 1995
A World Environmental Court should be created with jurisdiction over damages done to the environment and empowered to inflict charges, reparations and fines.
~ Idea 215 ~ 10 February 1995
I have recommended to Elizabeth Mann-Borghese, a famous defender of the seas and oceans, to obtain the creation of a World Commission of Eminent Persons on the Oceans, which have been declared common heritage of humanity. The seas and oceans provide two-thirds of this planet's oxygen. If the diatoms and plankton do not survive the ultra violet rays going through the ozone holes in the atmosphere, we will be in deep trouble.
Note: May 1995: To my great joy the Commission has been created under the Chairmanship of Mr. Mario Soares, the President of Portugal.
~ Idea 256 ~ 23 March 1995
The United Nations should publish a major annual report on the state of the environment to be made widely available and publicized world-wide.
~ Idea 273 ~ 9 April 1995
A UN world-wide TV station should be created to give around the clock and in various languages world information on peace, the environment, population, Earth resources, world cooperation and any efforts to improve the human fate and the planet's conditions. It should be named the World Station of Hope.
~ Idea 403 ~ 17 August 1995
It is good that there was an International Tribunal to judge the war crimes committed by the Nazis during World War II. It is good that a UN International Tribunal has been established to judge the criminals in the Yugoslav conflict. I recommend that a World Tribunal for the Environment should also be established to judge international crimes against nature. Countries possessing nuclear weapons and making atomic tests should be the first to be indicted.
~ Idea 493 ~ 15 November 1995
We need urgently a world ecological Marshall Plan for the seas and oceans, the 71% of the surface of our planet which provide much of our oxygen. If the diatoms and plankton of the ocean surface do not survive the effects of the ultra-violet rays going through the holes of the ozonosphere, we risk losing two thirds of our oxygen supply. We must speak not only of deforestation but also of the deplanktonization of the oceans, which might asphyxiate us.
~ Idea 502 ~ 24 November 1995
During my half a century of world service I have seen these three basic phases in human history since the end of World War II:
1945 to the early 1970's: a comprehensive, unprecedented period of Humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism and apartheid, increase literacy, longevity and good health, etc.)
1970's: while the agendas of the preceding period were still incomplete and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore: the Environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other words: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.
1980's: the new phenomena of the depletion of the ozonosphere and menacing climatic changes made the Earth priority No. 1 of our concerns and reduced humanity and economic development to second place.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we should no longer speak of the need for World Government, but of Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.
The UN Charter of 1945 does not use the words Earth, nature, natural resources and the environment. Why? Because at that time we considered the Earth to be unlimited in resources for a relatively small world population. The western countries also saw, and still see humanity as separate and superior to the natural world. This view has accomplished miracles for the human race. But humanity must now change its course, dominant objectives, values and institutions if we want to prevent disasters in the evolution of the Earth and of the human race.
~ Idea 556 ~ 17 January 1995
We had in recent years world conferences on the Earth's population, on the biosphere, on the environment, on climate, on the ozonosphere, on outer-space, on the seas and oceans, on the deserts, on water, on new forms of energy, on food and many other global subjects as reported in these 2000 ideas. There are still some missing, especially on the atmosphere, (the air we breathe), and the total global condition of the Earth, i.e. a synthesis or holistic view of all the above.
But most important of all would be a world conference on proper Earth government, on the contribution of humanity to the further evolution of planet Earth, to make it the ultimate success of the cosmic forces of the universe.
~ Idea 611 ~ 12 March 1996
(my 73rd birthday)
We need a world association of radical thinkers, innovators and activists. The United Nations and its agencies and world conferences have done a wonderful job for peace and a better world and in warning humanity of impending perils such as the population explosion, the environment, the climate issue, etc. But progress achieved and implementation of its decisions are much too slow. If we let things continue at the present rate it will end in disaster, possibly the end of all life on this planet.
Audacious thinkers are accused for their extremism or exaggeration. But they might be much more realistic and needed than the diplomats and accommodators who might become the undertakers of this planet and of the human species. I have opened a file with the first names of good radicals: Jacques Cousteau* for the seas and oceans, General Lee Butler (US) and Helen Caldicott (Australia) for the total elimination of atomic weapons, Ralph Nader, the consumers advocate, Selma Brackman of the War and Peace Foundation who asks for the total elimination, not only of nuclear weapons but also of all nuclear energy plants, Garry Davis of World Citizens, Oscar Arias, the Nobel Prize winner who labors for the demilitarization of the planet, and myself who clamors for a proper Earth government. Please, other radicals, send me your name, cause and address.
*Alas deceased later during the year.
~ Idea 630 ~ 31 March 1996
An important progress in the understanding of evolution is under way: Darwin laid down the law of competition of the species' and the survival of the fittest. Later the discovery of the DNA revealed to us the transmission of the acquired evolutionary wisdom of all species. What we see now is:
1. the colossal intermingling and intermarriages of humans world-wide, like seeds spread all over the globe, creating new common factors of a more evolved global human species:
2. a similar role is played by the media which have become the global nervous system of the human species:
3. innumerable international associations, institutions and firms have become the new global DNA's and memory banks of our evolution, the beginnings of a global brain:
4. as a result a planetary consciousness now reveals to us our errors and mistakes in this new evolutionary period of living and progressing on this planet: overpopulation, overconsumption, colossal wastes and needless activities which damage our environment, nature and the normal functioning of the Earth, in particular its biosphere and climate.
This should not make us despair. On the contrary. We can and will succeed in this new evolutionary challenge. It will be done through a new education, a new role of the media, of industry and economics, the further development of global institutions and warning systems, and last but not least by the incorporation of all politics into a planetary, supra-national system of proper Earth government.
The quicker this is done, the better it will be and the less damage will be done to our precious Earth.
~ Idea 668 ~ 8 May 1996
An idea from Holland:
From a group of 15 environmentally-conscious people, representing different disciplines, and then through a campaign showing the relationship between the environment and health, it is possible to stimulate consumers to buy foods and products which do not affect the environment. We are requesting governments to legislate that products be labeled as to their safety for the environment.
Herman van der Neut, Retired, Holland
(from the Brahma Kumaris' Visions of a Better World, page 137)
~ Idea 669 ~ 9 May 1996
The following group came up with a series of ideas:
One hundred and five participants from government departments, the fields of education, media and industry and all environmental organizations in Hong Kong contributed their ideas and experiences at an Environmental Symposium held in response to a deep concern for the state of Hong Kong's environment. Their appeal to all citizens included the following:
Encourage environmental awards e.g. Housekeeper's Award, Governor's Green Award, Architect's/Engineer's "ECO" Design Award, "Captain Planet Award."
Encourage a pollution index to be announced in all media weather reports.
Encourage the setting up of environmental information kiosks in shopping malls.
Encourage the use of comic strips for environmental education.
Encourage a metropolitan street tree project.
Propose a ban on junk mail.
Encourage traffic free zones.
Encourage rezoning/relocation of industry.
Encourage environmental awareness in families through "A Good Deed A Day" project.
Remember when you "throw things away" that there is no such thing as "away" &endash; it has to go somewhere!
(from the workshop report by Beverley Murphy, Hong Kong)
(Brahma Kumaris' Visions of a Better World, page 138)
~ Idea 724 ~ 3 July 1996
I wish that a great author would write a best-selling world novel telling how: at some time in the 21st century the human species and many other species became extinct on planet Earth as a result of environmental destruction, ozonosphere depletion, climatic changes, cancer and the end of the natural human immune system. He would get all the necessary information from the UN and its agencies, and from Lester Brown who in Washington publishes the yearly States of the World reports and many other vital documents on the current trends which menace humanity and the Earth.
~ Idea 881 ~ 7 December 1996
United Nations world conferences have been a monumental blessing in giving the world's people renewed consciousness of old, still unresolved world problems and new problems due to our accelerating global age (e.g. the population explosion, the environment, the world's climate, etc.)
Alas, the US Congress instead of being grateful and pleased, no longer wants any world conferences, arguing that they are costly and useless.* I propose that on the contrary we need more of them on global problems and dangers confronting humanity. If other governments agree with the US and no longer want new world governmental conferences, I recommend that the people should do them. There should be continued World People's Conferences on population, children, women, the aged, human rights, indigenous people, the world's climate, the environment, demilitarization, disarmament, world security, violence in all its forms, the world commons, the seas and oceans, outer-space, etc. Perhaps a better United Nations and world democracy would ensue.
*In reality, it is because the US wants to promote its own ideas and leadership of the world's future.
~ Idea 928 ~ 24 January 1997
Perhaps some firms would make good sales if they sold and advertised their products as "least packaged products" to help the environment.
I cannot repeat often enough also that there is an urgent need for consumer information, enlightenment and protection from the world level down to the local communities. Outright business robberies, probably the most widespread and most sophisticated in the world, are not prosecuted and punished, while a hungry person who steals food from a store is arrested.
~ Idea 946 ~ 11 February 1997
I cannot repeat it often enough: we need several great common world engineering projects which will help save us incredible sums of money spent on national duplications, increase the productivity of the world economy and help us save the environment (see Idea 250). The building of world hydroelectrical plants in the Amazons and Himalayas would be the first to be considered, feeding a world electrical and energy grid as proposed by Buckminster Fuller and me years ago in the United Nations. This cause is pursued today by the GENI Institute (Global Energy Network International) in San Diego.
I recommend that a government place an item on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly or of the UN Economic and Social Council: "Study of proposals to build common world hydroelectrical projects on suitable sites in poor countries where lack of resources prevents their building, and creation of a world wide energy grid, fed also by other sources of energy, such as solar, wind, sea and geothermal energy."
~ Idea 1075 ~ 20 June 1997
Yesterday I implemented idea 1049 by making available the following appeal to the members of the Extraordinary Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, held to review after five years the implementation of the recommendations of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment:
Dear Esteemed Member,
After the world's concern for peace, humanism and economic development:
After the world's concern for the population explosion;
After the world's concern for the environment;
After the world's concern for the Earth's climate;
The new, even vaster concern is now how to save this planet and the human race by creating urgently
This is the absolute priority which faces us, the top item on the agenda of world affairs as we enter a new century and millennium.
I appeal to you, I beg you, Member of the UN Extraordinary Session, to adopt a resolution requesting an Initiative for URGENT PROPER EARTH GOVERNMENT.
~ Idea 1077 ~ 22 June 1997
We should replace Stock Exchanges by Earth Exchanges to give us daily valuations of the main Earth conditions: quality of the atmosphere, of the waters, of the top soils, of the forestry cover, of the seas and oceans and their oxygen production, of climatic changes, of living species, etc.
~ Idea 1111 ~ 26 July 1997
As we near the 21st century, I recommend that the International Association of University Presidents take up these two subjects:
1. what should be the ideal University in the 21st century? How should it be structured? What would be its principal objectives and Departments, given the needs of the Earth and humanity and future evolution on this planet?
2. What should be an ideal network of world Universities around the planet which would deal with global subjects of concern to all humanity and to the fate of the Earth, e.g. the seas and oceans, the atmosphere, the world's climate, the world's waters, global education, global ethics, proper Earth government, etc.?
~ Idea 1190 ~ 13 October 1997
In order to save our Earth it is imperative to disarm and demilitarize the planet and use the one trillion dollars released for urgent purposes related to our environment, climate and vital elements of life. The oxygen of our lungs has become our most important security.
~ Idea 1282 ~ 13 January 1998
If an outer-space team came to this Earth either now or later after this planet will be dead, they would not understand that humans were so appallingly disorganized to face the global dangers confronting them. For example we have an International Atomic Energy Agency, but not a World Energy Agency covering all sources of energy; we have an International Civil Aviation Organization and a World Maritime Organization but not a World Transport Organization covering and coordinating all forms of transport; we have a World Meteorological Organization but not a World Climate Organization; we have no World Water Organization, no World Air Agency and so on and so forth.
They would not be surprised that humans put an end to the further evolution of life on this planet. Their greatest surprise would be to learn that one country was sending instruments and missions to other planets to find out how life became extinct on them, instead of looking at what was happening to their own planet.
~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~ 5 to 16 July 1998
I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go. To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:
Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995
In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes. From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth. Why? Because in our belief the Earth was limitless. This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.
A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972. There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us. It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining. The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment. In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.
As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period &endash; from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries. Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home). We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating. Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.
The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect. Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century. I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.
There is reason for optimism. Humanity is really trying. But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age. We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet. We are still its exploiters.
I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope. From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.
Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:
Idea 1455 Create a World Association of Eco-Communities to be NGO-accredited by the UN.
Idea 1456 Support the UNESCO Planet Society Program.
Idea 1457 Create a world ecological university at Findhorn.
Idea 1458 Hold a meeting or conference of long-term evolutionary scientists, because they are now switching to thinking that it will be local and global consciousness which will save humanity, and will install humanity as the most advanced species on this planet.
Idea 1459 Mobilize any groups that are in favor of simple, frugal living in the developed countries.
Idea 1460 Ask the UN to hold a conference on garbage, built-in obsolescence, and waste.
Idea 1461 Ask Gorbachev to create a world commission on the denuclearization of this planet.
Idea 1462 Request a world conference for rural development and the stabilization of the villages.
Idea 1463 Demilitarization: ask for the closure of the RAF base next door to Findhorn.
Idea 1464 Support the World Commission on the Oceans.
Idea 1465 Look into the errors of transferring Western values and technologies into the developing countries.
Idea 1466 Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth.
To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos &endash; the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our home of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today.
We need to actively practice good public relations, spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring these changes about until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
~ Idea 1504 ~ 23 August 1998
Humanity has been able to progress and surmount the most incredible obstacles in evolution: the horrendous climates in cold and in hot areas, early death, wild animals, epidemics, wars after wars, conquerors, empires, colonialism, slavery, racial hatred, etc.
Our conscious will for survival and progress, our learning have constantly increased, but we have also encountered new obstacles and problems to resolve in recent years.
Today there is one major difference with all our past. The French historian Michelet said in the 19th century that despite Hannibal, the Romans and Napoleon crossing the Alps, the Mont Blanc had not changed a bit. Well, today this is no longer true: there is a tunnel crossing the Mont Blanc, its slopes have suffered damage as a result of climatic changes. For the first time in human history, humans are changing substantially the Earth, its ozonosphere, atmosphere, its waters, its biosphere, its soils, its vegetal cover, its climate, its ocean currents, and are responsible for the extinction every five hours of a species which it took millions of years to form.
This situation requires an entirely new thinking, new values, new objectives, new behaviors, new healings and new institutions. It also requires for the first time a sense of extreme urgency.
The year 2000 and our entry into a new century and millennium must be fully used to produce the new thinking, attitudes, education, media and a quantum jump of the global institutions, both in financial and in human contributions, to face these fundamental new conditions. Unprecedented problems require unprecedented solutions and institutions. Humanity can do it. You and I must make sure that it will be done. We must shout it to the sky.
~ Idea 19 ~ 29 July 1994
I hope that soon the University for Peace created by the UN in demilitarized Costa Rica will be ratified by all governments and made the world's guiding and inspiring center for peace education.
It is a historical blemish that after twelve years only 32 governments out of 185 members of the United Nations had the decency to ratify it and only 3 have supported it financially. Military "Academies" for their part receive billions of dollars. Please check the list of ratifying countries in the footnote below, and if your government has not done so write a letter of protest to your elected representative.*
* List of countries which have ratified the UN Treaty creating the University for Peace: Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic Kampuchea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Togo, Russia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.
~ Idea 20 ~ 30 July 1994
I hope that many countries will follow the example of Costa Rica and Panama and will demilitarize themselves by Constitution. There are already 14 of them in the world. They should create an association of demilitarized states and show others how it can be done, and what immense benefits they derive from it. Those which are members of the United Nations should create a Group of Demilitarized Countries at the UN.
To begin with, all Central American Republics should imitate Costa Rica and Panama and make Central America a demilitarized zone of peace. To reduce the impact of unemployment, a good part of the militaries should be transformed into environmental and productive forces (reforestation, road construction, rehabilitation of the inner cities, etc.) possibly with financial help from rich countries.
Here is the list of countries without armies:
Costa Rica, Dominica, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Maldives, Monaco, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, San Marino, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Panama. 1996: also Haiti
12 more countries have no army but defense arrangements with another country:
Andorra (France), Cook Islands (New Zealand), Gambia (Senegal), Iceland (USA), Marshall Islands (USA), Northern Marianas (USA), Federated States of Micronesia (USA), Niue (New Zealand), Palau (USA), Tuvalu (UK), Vanuato (Papua New Guinea)
~ Idea 21 ~ 31 July 1994
I wish that, following the example of the creation of national parks by governments, many private persons and families will create private parks and forest preserves. I have bought a few hectares of land next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica and made them into a Margarita and Robert Muller Peace Park.
~ Idea 54 ~ 2 September 1994
For the celebration of the year 2000, each government should submit a report on its positive contributions to a better world and to the UN since 1945. As an example, Costa Rica could report the demilitarization of the country by Constitution in 1949, the creation of the University for Peace, the Nobel Peace Prize to President Arias for his peace results in Central America, the adoption of Costa Rica's proposal to the UN General Assembly to celebrate a yearly International Day of Peace, the selection of Costa Rica as the seat of the Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment, the adoption of the proposal to create a post of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. This illustrates what one little country can do. Others, especially the big countries, should follow its example and compete with each other.
~ Idea 56 ~ 4 September 1994
I dream that UNICEF or a global philanthropist will build a UNICEF Children's House on the magnificent, inspiring grounds of the University for Peace, to allow children to meet, to play, to be taught peace, to read peace books, to listen to peace songs, play with peace toys, etc. Meetings and festivals could be held at it by children from around the world.
Notes: 31 August 1995: Three Costa Rican young people came to see me presenting me with a request that a children's and youth house for peace and the environment be built on the grounds of the University for Peace. They represented an organization of thousands of children and young people of Costa Rica. I congratulated them and asked them to submit their request with my full support to the Executive heads of UNICEF and the UN Environment Program.
13 February 1996: I met at the Costa Rican Embassy to the UN, with Mrs. Grethel Obando, the wife of the Ambassador, with Mr. Chowdury, a Director of UNICEF, and Ms. Brooke Newell, an NGO, to launch the idea.
~ Idea 91 ~ 9 October 1994
I recommend that for the whole month of October 1995, month of the 50th anniversary of the UN, a world-wide cease-fire and cease-violence should be proclaimed by the UN. Its implementation would be the best anniversary gift to the UN.
Note: July 1995: The government of Costa Rica has endorsed this idea and has tabled a draft resolution in the UN proposing that the anniversary week of 24 October 1995 be declared a world week of peace, with cease-fires in every place of conflict. The proposal was adopted unanimously on 12 July 1995 by the UN General Assembly. I believe it is the first world-wide cease-fire proclaimed in human history.
~ Idea 128 ~ 15 November 1994
The time has come when the effectiveness of international agreements and treaties as a means of world administration and legal order must be reviewed from scratch. I recommend that the UN prepare a simple, comprehensive survey of the ratification, entry into force and implementation of all existing international agreements and treaties. It would show for example that of the 117 international labor agreements worked out in the International Labor Organization, the US has ratified only 7 and that the agreement reached in the UN General Assembly to create in demilitarized Costa Rica the first University for Peace on this planet, has been ratified after 14 years by only 32 governments out of 185. I suggest that a World Commission of Eminent Persons be established on the implementation of international agreements.
~ Idea 144 ~ 1 December 1994
Today, 1 December, is celebrated in Costa Rica as Demilitarization Day. All demilitarized countries should celebrate that day. The UN should proclaim it World Demilitarization Day. Costa Rica could make that suggestion.
~ Idea 193 ~ 19 January 1995
Panama has recently adopted a constitution which abolishes the army. For the first time in history there will be two countries, Costa Rica and Panama, bordering each other which have no army. They deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
~ Idea 227 ~ 22 February 1995
An idea which I like very much is the proposal by a Costa Rican citizen, Jesus Maria Salas Araya, that the whole country of Costa Rica be declared by the United Nations an Ecological Heritage or Patrimony of Humanity. He points out that thirty percent of the country's area are protected under the categories National Parks, Biological Reserves, National Monuments, Forest Reserves, Protected Zones, Refuges for Forest Life and National Forests, all these areas being administered, controlled or inspected by the State. In addition there are thousands of hectares protected and reforested by private persons.
~ Idea 239 ~ 6 March 1995
I love the idea of peace activist Sandy Hinden and of the peace Center of the French town of Verdun where 500,000 men were killed in World War I, to create peace museums in many countries and a World Network of Peace Museums. We will plan one in Costa Rica on sacred Mount Rasur, wherefrom, according to indigenous legend, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
Note: There exist already fifty peace museums in the world. Since there are 185 UN member nations there should be at least 185. It would be interesting to know how many war museums there are in the world. Several hundreds I am sure.
~ Idea 327 ~ 2 June 1995
I think that Idea 227 proposed by Prof. Jesus Maria Salas Araya should be considered seriously by the world community: the entire country of Costa Rica should be made a world park, a unique natural preserve, a jewel and heritage of humanity. The Earth Council established in Costa Rica by the UN Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment could take up the subject and create a group of thinkers and ecologists who would come up with a concrete plan and proposals. Costa Rica could become a model for other well preserved natural areas of our Earth. In an orderly, well-conceived world government, such achievements for the future of the Earth and of humanity would be easy matters.
~ Idea 328 ~ 3 June 1995
Foreigners visiting Costa Rica are astonished by the natural beauty which has been miraculously retained in this country. Thirty percent of the territory are now protected against depredation. The dream has occurred to me that there should be a world Marshall Plan to preserve this blessed, demilitarized country as a remaining paradise on Earth. Such a plan would prevent the migration of the population from the beautiful rural areas to an overcrowded capitol. It could be a model of a country living in harmony with nature, inspired by eco-communities such as Findhorn in Scotland. Industrialized countries, instead of trying to industrialize Costa Rica, would help it to become a model of a new, more human and natural development, avoiding the errors made in most other developing and developed countries.
As a matter of fact, now that there is peace, the whole of Central America should be made a model of ecology and preserved nature, a world park.
~ Idea 333 ~ 8 June 1995
There are a lot of debate, confusion, disagreement and contrary views these days among politicians, diplomats and the military concerning the UN's military role in Yugoslavia and in Africa. Should it be conflict prevention, peace-keeping, innocent people protection, peace-making, peace-building, peace enforcement, light or massive intervention? Well, if I were the military I would press my government to ratify the University for Peace created by the UN in Costa Rica, to support it, strengthen it and make it the think-tank to study and clarify such roles and come forth with a novel vision of the role of the military in the world today. It is a place of extraordinary beauty of God's nature which elevates the human spirit. It is the place which inspired President Jose Figueres to demilitarize Costa Rica in 1949, the place where Rasur, the indigenous God of children, appeared to them and made the prophecy that out of these hills a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
~ Idea 380 ~ 25 July 1995
In ancient Greece, all wars were stopped to allow the people to attend the Olympic Peace Games. The UN General Assembly remembered it and decided in 1994 that the 17 days of the commemoration of the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 should be celebrated with a world cease-fire. The General Assembly also adopted the Costa Rican proposal that the week of 24 October 1995, 50th anniversary of the United Nations, should be a world week of peace. I would recommend the further decision that the year 2000 be declared a world year of cease fire and peace.
~ Idea 421 ~ 4 September 1995
Of all Central American countries, Costa Rica is the most peaceful and most prosperous, and has been so for years. Why? Every Costa Rican will tell you that it is because they abolished the army in 1949 by Constitution and placed themselves under the protection of the security system of the Organization of American States. Why not conceive that more countries, even the rest of the world would demilitarize and place themselves under a world-wide UN Security System?
~ Idea 428 ~ 11 September 1995
For the first time I have met a US businessman who has come to Costa Rica to buy land so that his children can have a livelihood, raising cows, chickens and having some agriculture when the western economic system will collapse. A better idea would be for governments to look into the viability of the monstrous economic system which creates more poverty than well-being and destroys the environment, endangering the entire future of humanity and of our Earth.
~ Idea 449 ~ 2 October 1995
I recommend that all Costa Rican citizens, when writing to people abroad, should put under the date the words: Demilitarized Costa Rica. All official stationary should bear this mention.
~ Idea 450 ~ 3 October 1995
I also recommend that all airplanes of the Costa Rican airline LACSA should bear the words "Demilitarized Costa Rica" on their fuselage. All Costa Rican business and exporters should do the same for their products and stationary.
~ Idea 483 ~ 5 November 1995
Mrs. Eirween Harbottle, wife of General Michael Harbottle, president of the International Association of retired Generals and Admirals has produced a wonderful plan to transform ministries of War or Defense into Ministries of Peace by the year 2000.
My dream is that Costa Rica will be the first country on Earth to create such a Ministry. It will be easier for Costa Rica to do so since they have no militaries, only a police force which would be transformed into a peace protecting and peace building service under the new Ministry. I will propose it to the government. Other governments should try it too. Incidentally there existed a Secretary of Peace (Harold Stassen, one of the signers of the UN Charter) under President Eisenhower, a former military man.
~ Idea 485 ~ 7 November 1995
Hopefully some day all mothers on Earth, when giving birth to a son, will be able to say these words engraved on the Monument of Peace at the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica:
"Happy the Costa Rican mother who, when giving birth to a son, knows that he will never be a soldier."
~ Idea 525 ~ 17 December 1995
When I was reading the above, coming from Costa Rica and flying over the United States, seeing from the air its sooner or later uninhabitable cities, its Earth devouring highways, superhighways and freeways with millions of cars running in all directions to work more, build more, invent more, produce more, sell more, advertise more, make more profit, and consume more, when I saw the blankets of yellow-brown polluted atmospheres, I thought for myself that the time would soon come when Americans will leave their country in order to live and survive in clean air and more Earth-conscious countries like Costa Rica and other undestroyed countries. Alas, these countries are now themselves imperiled by the imported ideals of producing more, selling more, consuming more, making more profits and are losing their sound habits as a result of advertisement.
I was very sad. What I saw below me was not progress, it was destruction, an all-out war against the Earth, an evolutionary aberration of the human species, a headway towards abyss. This was World War III, a more devastating war than any other in human history.
Note: See the important book World War III, Population and the Biosphere at the End of the Millennium by Michael Tobias, Bear and Co. Publishers, Santa Fe NM 87504-2860.
~ Idea 625 ~ 26 March 1996
It was all right to select New York City as the seat of the United Nations after World War II at a time when humanity was concerned only with humanistic problems and not the Earth (the UN Charter does not contain the words Earth, nature, or resources, nor does it speak of the environment, a word coined by the UN only 25 years later).
Today, since the Earth and nature have become priority No. 1, it would be only proper to transfer the seat of the world organization to a major site of preserved, primeval nature.
The vast, international site of the University for Peace located in a demilitarized country in an area of thousands of acres of primeval tropical forests, a true paradise where one gains peace from nature itself, should be seriously considered. The costs would be very much below those of New York City, not more than a third to one-half, both for the international Secretariat and the 185 national delegations to the UN.
Also: it would fulfill the prophecy of the indigenous God of children, Rasur, that from these hills in Costa Rica a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
~ Idea 629 ~ 30 March 1996
People living in beautiful natural areas should be offered incentives for donating land to local communities to be conserved forever. Municipalities should establish land trusts to that effect. Local inhabitants could donate funds to them to allow the purchase of land to be preserved and never developed. Often, indeed, when we say that we are developing land, in reality we are undeveloping nature and destroying evolutionary results of millions of years. Costa Rica offers interesting laws and examples for the perpetual preservation of land. The Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro Environment Conference and located in Costa Rica should publish a survey of all legislations and practices on that subject. A World Trust Fund or Marshall Plan for Nature and Land Conservation should even be considered.
~ Idea 639 ~ 9 April 1996
How shining will be our world when the whole of humanity will be able to say these words inscribed on the Peace Monument of the University for Peace:
"Happy the Costa Rican mother who, when giving birth to a son, knows that he will never be a soldier."
Each time a new country demilitarizes itself, it should inaugurate a similar monument in that country with the inscription:
Happy the Panamanian mother...
Happy the Haitian mother...
~ Idea 649 ~ 19 April 1996
7 November each year should be declared World Demilitarization Day in recognition of the momentous day of 7 November 1949 when Costa Rica by Constitution made itself a permanently demilitarized country and has lived happily, peacefully and in prosperity ever since then.
~ Idea 659 ~ 29 April 1996
The whole world should follow the example of some radio stations in Costa Rica which start their early dawn broadcasts with Gounod's marvelous Ave Maria to give a spiritual feeling to the listeners. The United Religions, when created, could take this as one of their objectives: to start the day with broadcasts of a religious invocation, church bells, the chofar or the muezzin, or a prayer of thanksgiving for a new day of light and life by all the people of the Earth.
~ Idea 687 ~ 27 May 1996
The time has already come when people who can afford it move out of Western crowded cities to live in places and countries like Costa Rica, where there is still an ample supply of oxygen and nature.
The time will soon come when the most sensitive central governmental services should also move out of polluted capitals to places of oxygen and nature. This should apply especially to heads of states who need a clear head and to Parliaments, who need the clear voice and the natural wisdom of the people.
The same applies to world agencies. I recommend that the headquarters of the United Nations should be moved to Costa Rica, not to San Jose the polluted capital, but to the paradise of peace, nature and oxygen on the vast grounds of primeval nature of the University for Peace. Simon Bolivar, the great visionary genius, prophecized already that the seat of the world's government should be located in Central America between North and South America, between Atlantic and Pacific, between Europe and Asia. And indigenous people believe that the reconciliation of the eagle and the condor will take place in Costa Rica on sacred Mt. Rasur.
~ Idea 688 ~ 28 May 1996
I recommend that in many places of the world this example of Costa Rica should be followed: a landowner donated several thousands of acres of primeval land for the construction of a University for Peace on the condition that it would never be destroyed, deforested or misused for other purposes. This was confirmed by the Parliament which made it an international territory and protected zone. The world needs several such World Universities dealing in a central coordinated fashion with the world's global problems and opportunities. Please philanthropists, donate land for the creation of world universities.
~ Idea 761 ~ 9 August 1996
I would not exchange my wild, "unproductive virgin", primeval jungles in Costa Rica for the biggest, money-making shopping center in the world. And I am sure that the Divine Couple in heaven will thank me for it, when I appear before them.
~ Idea 771 ~ 19 August 1996
Often, after writing or speaking to audiences I feel discouraged when I think that during that time tens of thousands of experts sitting in growing numbers of skyscrapers around the world have devised ever more sophisticated methods to produce more, to sell more and make money, leaving the Earth in a worse condition than it was when I began to write or to speak.
Only you the people can help control the skyscraper dwellers. Please remember me in a small wooden farmhouse on a sacred hill in demilitarized Costa Rica, and who has not given up his optimism, despite enormous odds.
~ Idea 817 ~ 4 October 1996
Anyone who goes to Costa Rica and stays at one of the big, lavish American or multinational wasteful, arrogant hotels, is losing a precious part of their time, life and money in that beautiful country with its paradise of nature and simple, frugal life.
~ Idea 826 ~ 13 October 1996
It is wonderful to live in a country where there are no militaries! I dream that soon all humans will live in countries without militaries in a totally disarmed world. Having this thought on sacred Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica, above the UN University for Peace I make it a prophecy: soon there will be no longer any militaries and armaments on this beautiful planet. Please, dear people, dream and act for the same.
~ Idea 916 ~ 12 January 1997
During the world congress on science and religion in Calcutta, after my speech imploring for a world spiritual Renaissance, the idea was submitted to me to create the world's first University of Yoga. Sri Sayananda, made me the honor of suggesting that I should be its founder. To move from heading the first University for Peace on this planet to the first World University of Spirituality and Yoga would indeed be a beautiful linkage and elevation. Perhaps the University could be built next to the University for Peace on sacred Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica or on Meditation Mount Ojai in California and I could be the elderly, honorary Chancellor of both.
~ Idea 926 ~ 22 January 1997
During our trip to India Barbara and I were often dreaming of Costa Rica and came up with the idea that all Central America should be made a protected world park or region, reforested, with people living in rural communities, loving and protecting nature, with no more than two or three children, happy to see their basic needs fulfilled, protected from consumerism and advertisement, living profoundly spiritual lives, grateful for the miracle of life and of God's wonderful nature.
Back in Costa Rica I asked if the Culture of Peace program for Central America of our University had a plan for peace with nature. I was told that it did but that not a single government was interested in it. They wanted foreign investments, industries, trade, tourism, more trucks, cars and transportation, airplanes, etc. It was a good illustration that what is wrong on this planet is the basic philosophy, ideology and values of our time. As long as this will not change, as long as there is not a new education, a new spirituality, a renewed relation with nature, especially of the leaders, the present course will not change. The whole economic system of our world and society must be rethought from scratch. If not, it will collapse.
~ Idea 927 ~ 23 January 1997
After returning to Costa Rica I resumed my usual task of cleaning the mile between my farmlet and the University for Peace, which I walk every day. It took me a couple of days to get it clean. I had the curiosity of counting the objects of pollution: I picked up 17 soft drink plastic bottles, 32 empty packets of cigarettes, 27 plastic bags, 2 empty concrete bags, 43 empty beer cans, and a good number of pages and discarded newspapers and paper napkins. Most of this comes from city dwellers who come with their children to the wonderfully preserved nature of the University for Peace. I thought sadly: everybody complains about pollution, but very few do anything about it. Here like in the United States I am considered as a fool who will never win. And yet after the job was done, I was able to walk on an absolutely clean mile. And I derived great happiness from it.
I also thought that in an orderly Earth government the firms producing the polluting objects should be made responsible for them and be taxed accordingly to pay locally unemployed people to clean them up.
~ Idea 948 ~ 13 February 1997
It has been announced that President Clinton will visit several countries of Latin America, including Costa Rica where he will meet the Presidents of the five Central American Republics. I propose that this meeting should take place on the international grounds of the University for Peace where a program of Culture for Peace and Human Rights is being carried out for all Central America.
~ Idea 950 ~ 15 February 1997
On that occasion one of the Central American Presidents should quote the statement from a letter of 6 September 1815 by Simon Bolivar in which he suggested that some day the capital of the world should be located in Central America:
"The states of the isthmus of Panama until Guatemala will perhaps form an association. This magnificent position between the two great oceans could become with time the emporium of the universe, its canals will shorten the distance of the world, and will widen the commercial links between Europe, America and Asia; they will bring to that happy region the tributes of the four parts of the world. Perhaps this will be the only place where some day the capital of the Earth will be established, and not in Constantinople as was dreamt by Emperor Constantin in the old hemisphere!"
Well, this supports my proposal that demilitarized Costa Rica should be considered as the seat of the United Nations, in view of the dissatisfaction of the United States and its persistence not to pay its dues to the world organization. The UN would merit to be located in Latin America, the sole continent on Earth free of nuclear weapons, thanks to the Treaty of Tlatelolco obtained by a UN official who received the Nobel Prize for it, Alfonso Garcia Robles from Argentina. The costs of operating the United Nations in Costa Rica would be considerably lower.
~ Idea 966 ~ 3 March 1997
For the first time in my life, when visiting the Cathedral in Washington, I was not touched, moved or inspired. A few days later in New York when seeing a synagogue, I suddenly got the explanation of my new feeling: why should I go into a closed building with walls and a ceiling when in Costa Rica's primeval forests and magnificent nature, I have the greatest temple to God, without walls, with the infinite sky as the roof filled with endless beauty and life? Why lock up God or the Creator in buildings made of stolen materials from the Earth, erected by 5000 different religions dividing the human family, some of them still making wars on each other?
The indigenous people are much wiser to consider nature, its miracles, beauty and nourishment as the manifestations of the Great Spirit.
~ Idea 984 ~ 21 March 1997
Barbara Gaughen and I have ordered hundreds of golden stick-on-plastic plaques with this inscription:
We give them to the Robert Muller Schools, visitors and friends of ours or of the University of Peace, exhorting them to build benches of dreams in their gardens, city parks, schools and playgrounds, or other places. We want the world to dream as many dreams as possible. We hope that our example will be followed and that numerous such benches will spread around the world and lift the spirit of people in the construction of a better world. Like we do on our finca, adjacent to the University for Peace, on sacred Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica, they could also erect benches of love, peace, hope, vision, thanksgiving, faith, happiness and forgiveness, devoted to the great philosophical and spiritual ideals which have always helped humanity to progress in our mysterious journey in the vast, unfathomable universe.
~ Idea 1008 ~ 14 April 1997
It is good that the UN Earth Council, created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference, located in Costa Rica, is drafting an Earth Charter and that the Gorbachev and Green Cross International are drafting a Charter of Nature. Both documents should be submitted to the World Constitutional Assembly which I recommend should convene in order to draft a Constitution for the planet Earth (see ideas 560 and following).
~ Idea 1026 ~ 2 May 1997
An idea of Barbara Gaughen as we walked through the marvelous primeval forests of our Mt. Rasur peace park next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica: why not offer it as the site of the first World Ecological Exposition?
~ Idea 1040 ~ 16 May 1997
In line with my recommendations that there should be more world universities, I proposed that the conference undertake the creation of a World Indigenous University, possibly located on the sacred indigenous grounds of the University for Peace. Such a University would study world-wide the linguistics of all indigenous people, their views and relations with the Earth, their spirituality and such remarkable cosmologies as the Maya, Aztec and Inka ones which were represented at the conference. The western world is in dire need of an appropriate cosmology and could be inspired by them. For instance, it is interesting that the world core curriculum for a new presentation of all our knowledge to children (inserted in the volume of the first 500 ideas), which I derived from my experience in the United Nations, is almost identical to the Mayan cosmology.
During the conference I received a remarkable paper proposing the creation of a University of Mother Earth (Madre Tierra) in Costa Rica to complement the work and efforts of the Earth Council created in that country by the UN as one of the outcomes of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment. The text of the proposal has been circulated to the Costa Rican Parliament to have it studied and proposed officially to the United Nations for implementation. A wonderful idea. I will do everything to get it accepted.
~ Idea 1054 ~ 30 May 1997
Often people tell me that I should create my own Robert Muller Institute or Foundation. Basically I like the idea and the purposes, but I do not like the words, they are too dry, too intellectual, they do not speak to the heart. What I would like to establish is a Robert Muller Dream and Ideas Lighthouse on magic Mount Rasur in Costa Rica, overlooking the UN University for Peace and International Radio for Peace. I will give further thought to it. The title, the idea and the magnitude of such a step still escape me. God will inspire me in my dreams in our wooden farmlet on that mountain.
~ Idea 1100 ~ 15 July 1997
My idea 620 has received the beginning of a modest implementation: during his recent visit to Costa Rica, President Clinton offered US aid for the conservation of primeval forests in that country. It is a program which could be called, "oxygen by the poor for the rich". As a result the Costa Rican Parliament is now considering a legislation which would give 10,000 colones (about forty dollars) per hectare (2.5 acres) of primeval forests which are conserved by private owners. A good little first step.
~ Idea 1146 ~ 30 August 1997
Driving today to San Jose I saw an enormous advertisement panel, lit day and night, of Marlboro cigarettes with this big sentence: Mantenga limpia su ciudad. Keep your city clean. I would have rather expected to read: Mantenga sus pulmones limpios. Keep your lungs clean. All municipalities in the world should keep a close watch over such advertisements. Most of the main road accesses to and from San Jose are filled with advertisements which are a true insult to the beauty of the Costa Rican natural landscape In many cities and areas of the US they would not be allowed. This is why they invade now the poor countries. Advertisement should be looked into as part of the subject of democracy to be taken up by the UN or a World Commission.
~ Idea 1157 ~ 10 September 1997
I have seen so many small village communities in Costa Rica with deserted churches and parish houses, due to the shortage of priests, that I begged His Holiness in two letters to allow Catholic sisters to officiate mass and religious ceremonies and to be the spiritual counselors of the people in these villages who need it so much.
I had asked Costa Rican sisters if they would be ready to do it, and they said that they would do it enthusiastically.
But my appeals to the Pope have remained unanswered. This is why I repeat them here. May God and Catholic sisters give me a hand!
~ Idea 1168 ~ 21 September 1997
No further undue development should become the ideal and rule in several places of Earth. Costa Rica is a good example: one-third of the surface of the land consists of national parks, biological reserves, provincial parks and protected areas where no forests can be exploited and trees cut. I am glad to live in one of these areas, on a sacred hill on which Rasur, the God of the indigenous children appeared to them, asked them to take good care of all nature and prophecized that from that hill a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
~ Idea 1216 ~ 8 November 1997
Seeing today a bus of American Elderhostels tourists pass by a group of several dozens of poor Nicaraguan men, women and children come to Costa Rica to earn some money as coffee pickers and living in an abandoned former milking station, I was reminded of Barbara's idea 1129 of an "adopt a family program". Yes, why don't those elderly Americans instead of traveling to see preserved primeval forests stay at home, cultivate their gardens and plant trees in their area. With the money saved from not traveling they could adopt one of these poor families in Nicaragua and create a lot of happiness, vastly superior to the happiness of traveling around the world.
I hope that someone will take the initiative of creating an Adopt a Poor Family Program. We have a marvelous UNICEF program. Why not have also a World Adopt a Family Program (WAFP) from which mothers, children and old people in poor families, at home and abroad would receive friendship, help and happiness?
~ Idea 1238 ~ 30 November 1997
Since Costa Rica has been for years the most peaceful and most prosperous country in Central America, thanks to the genial decision of former President Jose Figueres to demilitarize the country by Constitution in 1949, I recommend that wealthy people of Costa Rica and sympathetic foreign philanthropists contribute to a fund which would give a yearly Jose Figueres Demilitarization Prize to the country which has demilitarized itself or made most progress towards demilitarization.
~ Idea 1241 ~ 3 December 1997
It is high time to convene a first world conference on waste and garbage, a subject which has never been considered in its global dimensions. The results would be staggering and show that humanity is on the course of disaster. Watching every day from our hill in Costa Rica the huge fires of garbage in the valley below, spreading fumes over the city of Alajuela, Barbara and I are deeply concerned. And the people down there do not see the blanket extending over their heads, the same way as in huge cities in the world they do not see the brown blanket of pollution over their homes, affecting the lungs of their families.
The world conference I propose could give birth to two much needed new sciences, strategies and methodologies under the names of:
These should be worked on and taught in Universities and schools in the world.
~ Idea 1245 ~ 7 December 1997
The next session of the Interparliamentary Union should be held in Costa Rica at the seat of the University for Peace and deal with the following subjects:
- Parliamentarianism and democracy in the 21st century
- Creation of a UN Consultative Parliament
- Establishment of a yearly world budget including proper financing of international and regional institutions, actions and projects for the benefit of all humanity and the Earth;
- Equitable taxation for all people of the world and elimination of international tax evasion.
~ Idea 1271 ~ 2 January 1998
At the historic second world conference on the environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1993, the United Nations created an Earth Council seated in Costa Rica.
This could be the first step towards a proper Earth Government. I recommend that the next step should be to create a Consultative Earth Parliament to which national Parliaments would delegate a number of representatives. This would be a direct, effective way for all Parliaments to be informed about the Earth' global conditions. Such a measure could be vitally important at our current stage of evolution and perils. The Parliament would meet in Costa Rica at the Earth Council or at the UN University for Peace.
~ Idea 1286 ~ 17 January 1998
There begin to be on this planet bi-national or international parks. For instance there is a Costa-Rican-Panama international park. The world should know that there exists also a first world park: several thousand acres of primeval tropical forests donated to the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica. It would be worthwhile for the United Nations and environmental institutions to see how such a treasure could be opened to plant and animal scientists, become a highpoint of education and model of a well preserved and managed world park also offered as highpoint of world ecological tourism.
~ Idea 1312 ~ 12 February 1998
I recommend that following the example of Costa Rica which had the courage to demilitarize itself, one country on Earth should be the first to de-advertise itself. It would be equivalent to demilitarization, since the main war is now the war against the Earth and advertisers and marketers are the new militaries. The UN must absolutely convene a world conference on advertising and marketing to put order in this new calamity.
~ Idea 1314 ~ 14 February 1998
A study of military training and peace education in the world would also reveal that while the militaries are both educated and "trained", peacemakers are not. The Institute of Peace in Washington which was originally conceived as a West Point for the training of peacemakers, was accepted by President Reagan on the condition that it would only produce peace studies but not educate or train peacemakers. The UN University in Tokyo was agreed upon by the US only on the specific condition that it would be limited to studies. And the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica was ratified by only a handful of governments and financed by almost none of them, as a result of which it is practically without students. Neither in national Universities can one find any training of peacemakers. Napoleon was a genius when he decided that he would not send his militaries to Universities, but would create special military "academies" to train them and prepare them for war. This situation still prevails today.
~ Idea 1316 ~ 16 February 1998
I often think that some day US citizens will invade a country like Costa Rica in order to have access to its pure oxygen, due to its location between the vast Atlantic and Pacific, and its still good forest and tree cover. Yes, the inhabitants of the western countries will soon have to leave their big, polluted cities. But I can also see this new problem: from my hill over the central valley of Costa Rica I can see more and more fires and smokes of the garbage dumps filled with plastic packages and containers introduced by the western world. Also the big US construction firms which since 1970, according to my journal, have plans for the de-concentration and abandonment of all major US cities, once building there will no longer be profitable, are now looking at the building markets of the poor countries, were it only for hotels and tourism resorts. As a result even Costa Rica might no longer be a place of environmental refuge.
~ Idea 1346 ~ 18 March 1998
Erika Erdmann (see idea 526) wrote to me that Costa Rica which demilitarized itself and has more than one third of its rich nature protected from development should be called an Island of Sanity and Hope. How right she is.
~ Idea 1366 ~ 7 April 1998
Philanthropists and gaiaphilists should give priority to global philanthropy and gaiaphily to foster the solution of global problems, the most recent, unprecedented, urgent and potentially catastrophic, terminal ones. They should help the convening of major world conferences and the creation or strengthening of new, vitally needed global institutions and legislations. Thus, the University for Peace in Costa Rica was created with one million dollars donated by Ryoichi Sasakawa from Japan. He has his statue on the grounds of this first University for peace on this planet. Mr. Sasakawa also funded the yearly UNESCO Peace Education Prize. Ted Turner's philanthropy to the UN is also an example. Please philanthropists and gaiaphilists take inspiration from them. World philanthropy will give you maximum world visibility and enduring fame.
~ Idea 1390 ~ 1 May 1998
The newly elected President of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, announced that he will make an effort during his mandate to see the military expenses of all Central America substantially reduced. His aim will be the total demilitarization of that area, following the example of Costa Rica, demilitarized since 1949, the most peaceful and prosperous country in the area. His project will be executed by the UN University for Peace which will show how such demilitarization would permit providing more education facilities for more than a million children. He will call for an international conference for demilitarization at which the rich countries would be asked to participate in that effort.
~ Idea 1412 ~ 23 May 1998
Last year, on a rapid train ride of five hours from my hometown in Alsace-Lorraine to Paris, a ride covering half the breadth of France, I was shocked that there was practically no forest left. There were hundreds of miles of uninterrupted ploughed fields for the cultivation of cereals. Only on hills on the horizon could one see some forests. But when closer, I noticed that two-thirds of their slopes had been "cleared" to plant vineyards. I can understand that France needs plenty of cereal foods. But do we need wine, al kohol? Where will France get its oxygen from? Some day the world will be divided no longer into developed and underdeveloped countries, but oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor countries. Why doesn't the French government at least decree that a minimum number of trees must be planted on each acre of cereal fields? This practice is already wide-spread on coffee plantations in a "poor" country like Costa Rica which would not even need it, since more than a third of the country is covered by legally protected forests and which gets ample oxygen from both the Atlantic and Pacific.
~ Idea 1425 ~ 5 June 1998
I offer that the University for Peace created by the UN in a paradise of peaceful nature in demilitarized Costa Rica become the first University for heads of states, fulfilling the wish of Confucius when he lived in a China torn up by feuding provincial lords as is the world today by the feuding, competition and race of 185 nations.
~ Idea 1437 ~ 18 June 1998
I love your idea, Barbara, to make of our beautiful land in Costa Rica a Monnet Garden, a temple of beauty to nature and to God Rasur, the indigenous children's prophet of peace.
Let us make the whole Earth a Monnet garden, a temple of beauty to nature and God.
~ Idea 1473 ~ 23 July 1998
Costa Rica which was one of the first sizable countries to demilitarize itself should become world famous for two more firsts:
- to create a Ministry of Peace and Non-violence (comprising the police renamed peace agents)
- to create a Ministry of Happiness
~ Idea 1481 ~ 31 July 1998
Tourism is unfortunately becoming a destructive human activity. Most people from wealthy countries should choose to stay at home instead of coming by the thousands to Costa Rica to see a sane and healthy natural country, a jewel of preserved nature, but now affected by luxury hotels, increased transportation, imports of luxury foods and replacement of local fruit juices by a colossal marketing of Coca Cola and other soft drinks. I begin to see a rather black future for Costa Rica if this continues.
~ Idea 20 ~ 30 July 1994
I hope that many countries will follow the example of Costa Rica and Panama and will demilitarize themselves by Constitution. There are already 14 of them in the world. They should create an association of demilitarized states and show others how it can be done, and what immense benefits they derive from it. Those which are members of the United Nations should create a Group of Demilitarized Countries at the UN.
To begin with, all Central American Republics should imitate Costa Rica and Panama and make Central America a demilitarized zone of peace. To reduce the impact of unemployment, a good part of the militaries should be transformed into environmental and productive forces (reforestation, road construction, rehabilitation of the inner cities, etc.) possibly with financial help from rich countries.
Here is the list of countries without armies:
Costa Rica, Dominica, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Maldives, Monaco, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, San Marino, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Panama. 1996: also Haiti
12 more countries have no army but defense arrangements with another country:
Andorra (France), Cook Islands (New Zealand), Gambia (Senegal), Iceland (USA), Marshall Islands (USA), Northern Marianas (USA), Federated States of Micronesia (USA), Niue (New Zealand), Palau (USA), Tuvalu (UK), Vanuato (Papua New Guinea)
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 54 ~ 2 September 1994
For the celebration of the year 2000, each government should submit a report on its positive contributions to a better world and to the UN since 1945. As an example, Costa Rica could report the demilitarization of the country by Constitution in 1949, the creation of the University for Peace, the Nobel Peace Prize to President Arias for his peace results in Central America, the adoption of Costa Rica's proposal to the UN General Assembly to celebrate a yearly International Day of Peace, the selection of Costa Rica as the seat of the Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment, the adoption of the proposal to create a post of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. This illustrates what one little country can do. Others, especially the big countries, should follow its example and compete with each other.
~ Idea 70 ~ 18 September 1994
I recommend that each not yet demilitarized country of this planet should channel one per thousand of its military expenses to the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica and to other peace Universities.
~ Idea 141 ~ 28 November 1994
Today, when I went to pay my car insurance, the agent, Mr. Luis Alberto Guzman of Ciudad Colon, asked me for advice on an idea he had: why not invite all the winners of the Nobel Prize for Peace to meet at the University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica and ask them to proclaim that the whole world should be demilitarized?
An excellent idea which shows what an ordinary citizen can do. I told him that all Nobel Peace Prize winners have been invited to meet in San Francisco in 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UN. Since Oscar Arias, the former President of Costa Rica, will be among them as one of the Peace Prize winners, he could make this proposal. Mr. Guzman promised to write to him immediately.
~ Idea 144 ~ 1 December 1994
Today, 1 December, is celebrated in Costa Rica as Demilitarization Day. All demilitarized countries should celebrate that day. The UN should proclaim it World Demilitarization Day. Costa Rica could make that suggestion.
~ Idea 145 ~ 2 December 1994
The UN Security Council should take the bull by the horns and create a Committee of its own to deal with the demilitarization of this planet.
~ Idea 146 ~ 3 December 1994
The poor countries of the world should create an organization of demilitarized and non-arms buying countries, and turn to the United Nations to ensure their security.
~ Idea 148 ~ 5 December 1994
International and bilateral aid should be made inversely proportional to the expenditures of the receiving countries on armaments and the military. Premium aid should be given to those who reduce their armaments and demilitarize themselves.
~ Idea 153 to 171 ~ 10 to 28 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 155 -the right to a disarmed, demilitarized planet
~ Idea 193 ~ 19 January 1995
Panama has recently adopted a constitution which abolishes the army. For the first time in history there will be two countries, Costa Rica and Panama, bordering each other which have no army. They deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
~ Idea 194 ~ 20 January 1995
The UN should create at the University for Peace in Costa Rica an Institute for the study of non-armed defense and security of demilitarized countries. For example, the protection by the Organization of American States of demilitarized countries in its area could serve as a model for the protection of other demilitarized countries in other regions by their regional organizations or even world-wide by the United Nations. We need bold new ideas for world security, for world insurance against aggression and war.
The World Commission to Fund the United Nations has before it a proposal by Hazel Henderson, the founder and chairwoman of the Commission, and by Alan Kays for the creation of UN Security Insurance Agency, as a partnership of the public, private and civil sectors, especially insurance companies. Under such a system, many countries could afford to demilitarize themselves.
~ Idea 216 ~ 11 February 1995
I endorse enthusiastically the recommendation by the World Commission of Eminent Persons on Global Governance that a World Fund for Demilitarization be established by the UN.
~ Idea 217 ~ 12 February 1995
The United Nations should create a World Agency for Demilitarization and Disarmament.
~ Idea 246 ~ 13 March 1995
I have proposed to Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize winner, to establish an Independent World Commission for the Demilitarization of the planet.
~ Idea 248 ~ 15 March 1995
True democracy means frequent peoples' consultations through public opinion polls and referenda. The world is now so interdependent and the people are so worried about the future that it is high time to organize world referenda. The United Nations should create an Office of World Polls and Referenda. The first world referendum should ask the people if they want to get rid or not of all atomic weapons. And all governments should abide by their decision. Another poll would be whether people want to see electric cars replace the petroleum cars which are destroying our atmosphere. Another would be on the demilitarization of the planet and the creation of a proper world security system and peace protection at all levels of society. And there are many others.
~ Idea 333 ~ 8 June 1995
There are a lot of debate, confusion, disagreement and contrary views these days among politicians, diplomats and the military concerning the UN's military role in Yugoslavia and in Africa. Should it be conflict prevention, peace-keeping, innocent people protection, peace-making, peace-building, peace enforcement, light or massive intervention? Well, if I were the military I would press my government to ratify the University for Peace created by the UN in Costa Rica, to support it, strengthen it and make it the think-tank to study and clarify such roles and come forth with a novel vision of the role of the military in the world today. It is a place of extraordinary beauty of God's nature which elevates the human spirit. It is the place which inspired President Jose Figueres to demilitarize Costa Rica in 1949, the place where Rasur, the indigenous God of children, appeared to them and made the prophecy that out of these hills a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
~ Idea 355 ~ 30 June 1995
To achieve the goal of human happiness it is high time that a Disarmament and Demilitarization Agency be created by the UN. Any savings from disarmament and demilitarization &endash;they would be huge&endash; would be used to reduce poverty and misery around the world and thus increase human happiness. I just cannot understand that the word happiness never appears in political and United Nations language and documents when it is a basic purpose of all our efforts.
~ Idea 390 ~ 4 August 1995
I dream to hold yearly composers' and song-writers' festivals at the University for Peace on sacred Mr. Rasur to sing to world peace, demilitarization, hope, forgiveness and a tremendous love for our beautiful planetary home and human family, united in peace and happiness to enjoy the incredible miracle of life.
~ Idea 408 ~ 22 August 1995
Small countries like the Central American ones should consider placing themselves under United Nations protection and guidance. The United Nations and its agencies (World Health Organization, the UN Environment Program, the International Labour Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, UNESCO, Habitat, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc.) would cooperate to make them ideal countries serving as models for the rest of the world. Such countries would be demilitarized and secured by the United Nations. Massive help would be given to rural and natural areas in order to avoid the overpopulation and pollution of their capitals.
~ Idea 420 ~ 3 September 1995
There is need for a World Commission to look at the overall efficiency of the world's political system, the incredible duplications which exist between 185 nations, and propose common world services which would reduce waste and alleviate the burdens on the taxpayers. Common services in world health, world statistical services of the UN and of its agencies are already good examples. But infinitely more massive savings could be achieved if similar arrangements were made for world security, national military expenses being the biggest of all.
~ Idea 421 ~ 4 September 1995
Of all Central American countries, Costa Rica is the most peaceful and most prosperous, and has been so for years. Why? Every Costa Rican will tell you that it is because they abolished the army in 1949 by Constitution and placed themselves under the protection of the security system of the Organization of American States. Why not conceive that more countries, even the rest of the world would demilitarize and place themselves under a world-wide UN Security System?
~ Idea 434 ~ 17 September 1995
I wish that all demilitarized countries (see idea 20) would adopt this title for the passports of their citizens:
Demilitarized Costa Rica
~ Idea 449 ~ 2 October 1995
I recommend that all Costa Rican citizens, when writing to people abroad, should put under the date the words: Demilitarized Costa Rica. All official stationary should bear this mention.
~ Idea 450 ~ 3 October 1995
I also recommend that all airplanes of the Costa Rican airline LACSA should bear the words "Demilitarized Costa Rica" on their fuselage. All Costa Rican business and exporters should do the same for their products and stationary.
~ Idea 486 ~ 8 November 1995
The UN Draft Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People provides that no indigenous people can be drafted into military service and that their lands cannot be used for armaments and warfare. The result will be that about 300 million people on this planet will remain disarmed and demilitarized, a good step forward.
~ Idea 527 to 547 ~ 19 December 1995 to
8 January 1996
To the preceding I added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
Idea 539 the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global
security of the planet
~ Idea 571 ~ 1 February 1996
I wish that one or several great philanthropists, would create World Commissions of Eminent Persons on some global problems which still need pressing attention. Here is an up to date list of those recommended earlier in these 2000 ideas.
a World Commission on a New World Economic System
a World Commission on the Media and Advertisement
a World Commission on Democracy
a World Commission on a Spiritual Renaissance
a World Commission on a new course for Humanity and the Earth
a World Commission on the Total Denuclearization of the Planet
a World Commission on the Demilitarization of the Planet
a World Commission on Ethics
a World Commission on World Priorities and Resources
a World Commission on Consumption
a World Commission on the Use and Conservation of Natural Resources
a World Commission on Corruption
a World Commission on Visions of the Earth and of Humanity in the 21st century and 3rd Millennium
a World Commission on the Nation State and National Government Reform
a World Commission on the Inefficiency of the Present World Political System due to staggering costly duplications between 185 nation states
a World Commission on a World Budget and Taxation System
a World Commission on Global Philanthropy and World Prizes
Philanthropists and other world personalities or foundations and institutes might also take up subjects on which I have recommended the holding of further world conferences by the United Nations.
~ Idea 611 ~ 12 March 1996
(my 73rd birthday)
We need a world association of radical thinkers, innovators and activists. The United Nations and its agencies and world conferences have done a wonderful job for peace and a better world and in warning humanity of impending perils such as the population explosion, the environment, the climate issue, etc. But progress achieved and implementation of its decisions are much too slow. If we let things continue at the present rate it will end in disaster, possibly the end of all life on this planet.
Audacious thinkers are accused for their extremism or exaggeration. But they might be much more realistic and needed than the diplomats and accommodators who might become the undertakers of this planet and of the human species. I have opened a file with the first names of good radicals: Jacques Cousteau* for the seas and oceans, General Lee Butler (US) and Helen Caldicott (Australia) for the total elimination of atomic weapons, Ralph Nader, the consumers advocate, Selma Brackman of the War and Peace Foundation who asks for the total elimination, not only of nuclear weapons but also of all nuclear energy plants, Garry Davis of World Citizens, Oscar Arias, the Nobel Prize winner who labors for the demilitarization of the planet, and myself who clamors for a proper Earth government. Please, other radicals, send me your name, cause and address.
*Alas deceased later during the year.
~ Idea 648 ~ 18 April 1996
7 November each year should be declared World Demilitarization Day in recognition of the momentous day of 7 November 1949 when Costa Rica by Constitution made itself a permanently demilitarized country and has lived happily, peacefully and in prosperity ever since then, in deep contrast with its neighbors.
~ Idea 701 ~ 10 June 1996
After reading the preceding text, I plead again, I beg governments to strengthen enormously the United Nations which is their world instrument, to permit for example the expansion of the UN Volunteer Service into a service able to respond to the 60,000 demands it receives every year from young people around the world. What a great help to unemployed young people it would be! Just reduce a little your military expenditures and send the money to the UN Volunteer Service to accommodate the 58,000 applications it has to turn down every year.
~ Idea 881 ~ 7 December 1996
United Nations world conferences have been a monumental blessing in giving the world's people renewed consciousness of old, still unresolved world problems and new problems due to our accelerating global age (e.g. the population explosion, the environment, the world's climate, etc.)
Alas, the US Congress instead of being grateful and pleased, no longer wants any world conferences, arguing that they are costly and useless.* I propose that on the contrary we need more of them on global problems and dangers confronting humanity. If other governments agree with the US and no longer want new world governmental conferences, I recommend that the people should do them. There should be continued World People's Conferences on population, children, women, the aged, human rights, indigenous people, the world's climate, the environment, demilitarization, disarmament, world security, violence in all its forms, the world commons, the seas and oceans, outer-space, etc. Perhaps a better United Nations and world democracy would ensue.
*In reality, it is because the US wants to have its own ideas and leadership of the world's future.
~ Idea 951 ~ 16 February 1997
As the simplest approach to the demilitarization of the planet the UN General Assembly should adopt a resolution asking that all countries still having militaries and armaments should reduce their military and arms expenditures in their budgets by 15 percent or more, allocating the savings to expenses for the poor, the environment and other worthwhile projects, or as tax savings to their citizens.
If I were the Secretary General of the UN I would inscribe this proposal on the agenda of the General Assembly.
I have never understood why the Secretaries General of the UN have not amply used their right under the rules of procedure of the General Assembly and of the Security Council to inscribe provisional items on the agendas of these two central bodies of the UN. I was always told that this was too dangerous and that member governments would not like it. Which member governments? Of course those who do not want the Secretary General to have any power, not even that of proposing novel initiatives or ideas which could be contrary to the interests of one particular country or group of countries, even if they were of highest interest to the Earth and humanity.
In one case, when I was able to convince a Secretary General to take a bold initiative in the Security Council, namely on terrorism, I was transferred to another position shortly thereafter. Nevertheless I am proud that the Security Council adopted an international convention on terrorism. Indeed, sooner or later any country on Earth might be menaced by terrorism.
~ Idea 952 ~ 17 February 1997
World Awards for a Better World
The 185 nations of the UN General Assembly have a vast unused power, the power of incentive, of inspiration, of reward: I suggest that an Awards Committee be established by the General Assembly to give awards to governments who have best performed in implementing decisions of the United Nations, for example on disarmament, demilitarization, human rights and the environment. All governments would be asked to contribute to a World Awards Fund which would make such awards as prestigious as the Nobel Prizes. A mere one million dollars contribution by 185 governments would bring in 185 million dollars for prizes! Philanthropists would also be asked to contribute to the fund. The General Assembly could decide on an international tax on air travel to yield money for such a fund. Each tourist or air traveler would be told that the small tax he pays is for the granting of World Awards for a Better World. Private persons would be asked to make voluntary contributions or bequests to the Fund. Such contributions could be asked from people world-wide on Human Rights Day (10 December), on World Environment Day (5 June) and on new Days to be established, such as World Demilitarization Day, World Disarmament Day, etc. The whole field of philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for humankind, love for Mother Earth) by millions of people around the world, has received insufficient attention by the United Nations. Since the Charter of the UN starts with the words "We, the Peoples", let us give an opportunity to the peoples of the world to say what they are ready to do. The subject should be placed on the agenda of the General Assembly.
~ Idea 1173 ~ 26 September 1997
The 21st century should be proclaimed Century of Demilitarization and Disarmament by the United Nations.
~ Idea 1197 ~ 20 October 1997
I recommend that the United Nations publish each year a report on the reduction of military expenditures of member countries, on demilitarization and on the closing of military bases.
~ Idea 1238 ~ 30 November 1997
Since Costa Rica has been for years the most peaceful and most prosperous country in Central America, thanks to the genial decision of former President Jose Figueres to demilitarize the country by Constitution in 1949, I recommend that wealthy people of Costa Rica and sympathetic foreign philanthropists contribute to a fund which would give a yearly Jose Figueres Demilitarization Prize to the country which has demilitarized itself or made most progress towards demilitarization.
~ Idea 1312 ~ 12 February 1998
I recommend that following the example of Costa Rica which had the courage to demilitarize itself, one country on Earth should be the first to de-advertise itself. It would be equivalent to demilitarization, since the main war is now the war against the Earth and advertisers and marketers are the new militaries. The UN must absolutely convene a world conference on advertising and marketing to put order in this new calamity.
~ Idea 1324 ~ 24 February 1998
I hope that someone will create a world peoples' association or movement called "Enough Is Enough" calling for the total demilitarization and disarmament of this planet. Read what Tolstoy said about the military (idea 1284). Peoples' opinion should not tolerate that close to a trillion dollars are being spent by governments on militaries and ever more sophisticated armaments when there are so many poor, hungry, suffering people in the world. People should have the courage to say to their governments: "we are fed up; we want a change; give the UN the means to secure peace among nations; the plans are all ready for it; all that is missing is your consent. We will create a world-wide national tax revolt movement, if by the year 2000 you have not changed."
~ Idea 1365 ~ 6 April 1998
An intern of our International Radio for Peace to whom I told that, answered: "But I know of a new monetary system which could remedy all that." I replied to him: "I do not want to see it. I have at least twenty of them. The problem is that the holders of the existing system do not even want to look into anything else. The only thing which can save us is to call in a world conference to rethink from scratch the whole economic system of this planet."
I gave him another example: "You have many proposals for a world federal government. They might all be good, but there will be people who will object, by saying: 'the states you would federate are totally artificial. They are the results of conquests, marriages, stealings of lands, etc. What is needed is an Earth government based on bioregions, regions which have a life in common, like the great river basin countries, the mountain countries, the Arctic and Antarctic, etc. Proper Earth government requires that we think in those terms.' My answer again to them is: "We need urgently a world conference to rethink from scratch the way this planet is governed or rather misgoverned. At it, all ideas would be reviewed to find which is the best, or which is the best combination in the interest of the Earth and humanity."
I refer therefore here to ideas 527 to 547 in which I urge that 21 basic segments of human life on this planet should be reconsidered and rethought from scratch: a new political system, a new economics, a new education, a new media and communications, a new democracy, a new global leadership, a spiritual Renaissance, a non-violent human society, a well preserved planet, a decent well-being for all humans, a stabilization of world population, right human settlements, disarmament, demilitarization, a global security of the planet, a new science and technology, a new world psychology, a new science and art of planetary management, and a new art and culture.
These should all be the object of major world conferences to be held as rapidly as possible as we enter the 21st century and third millennium.
Governments might not listen to me, but it is my duty to say this in the light of my fifty years of world experience.
~ Idea 1390 ~ 1 May 1998
The newly elected President of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, announced that he will make an effort during his mandate to see the military expenses of all Central America substantially reduced. His aim will be the total demilitarization of that area, following the example of Costa Rica, demilitarized since 1949, the most peaceful and prosperous country in the area. His project will be executed by the UN University for Peace which will show how such demilitarization would permit providing more education facilities for more than a million children. He will call for an international conference for demilitarization at which the rich countries would be asked to participate in that effort.
~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~ 5 to 16 July 1998
I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go. To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:
Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995
In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes. From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth. Why? Because in our belief the Earth was limitless. This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.
A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972. There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us. It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining. The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment. In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.
As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period &endash; from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries. Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home). We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating. Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.
The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect. Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century. I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.
There is reason for optimism. Humanity is really trying. But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age. We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet. We are still its exploiters.
I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope. From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.
Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:
Idea 1463 Demilitarization: ask for the closure of the RAF base next door to Findhorn.
~ Idea 18 ~ 28 July 1994
I pray that by the time of our entry into the next century and millennium, all nuclear arms in the air, on the soils and in the waters of this beautiful planet will have been eliminated forever. All continents and regions should follow the example of Latin America which, by the Treaty of Tlatelolco, has banned all nuclear weapons from that region. A United Nations colleague of mine, Alfonso Garcias Robles from Mexico, started that process in the United Nations immediately after World War II, and received the Nobel Peace Prize for it. Any other candidates? Elimination is the name, not non-proliferation.
~ Idea 46 ~ 25 August 1994
It is not normal that one form of energy, and not the best, namely atomic energy, should receive the attention of a UN specialized agency, namely the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). A UN World Energy Agency must be created of which atomic energy would only be a part.
The best specialists and scientists on Earth should be consulted about the advisability of continuing atomic energy. Many of them hold the view that it should be discontinued. It is only after billions of years, when the atomic radiations of this planet had dissipated that life began to develop to its current, extraordinary diversity. Atomic energy and arms are bound to reverse the entire evolution and put an end to human and other life forms on this planet.
One UN Agency which should be abolished or have its mandate changed is the International Atomic Energy Agency. It should be mandated to eliminate all nuclear arms and nuclear plants on this planet. If not, in the long run, atomic radiation will finish us as well as all life on this planet.
~ Idea 232 ~ 27 February 1995
Preferential world aid, bilateral and philanthropic aid should be given to countries which have no nuclear arms and no nuclear energy plants. They should be thanked for not contributing to the atomic radiation of the Earth and of the human species.
~ Idea 244 ~ 11 March 1995
my 72nd birthday
I cannot repeat it often enough: we must abolish all militaries on this planet. What we need is a police, renamed peace service at the various levels of society, from the top of the world (United Nations peace protectors) down to the city and neighborhoods. All big weapons used by the military must be destroyed world-wide and only light weapons used or new temporarily maiming or incapacitating weapons. That is my birthday wish, the overriding one. And since I am living on a hill of prophecies, I want to say that it is not a utopia: it will inexorably happen. If I no longer live at that time, please remember my prophecy.
~ Idea 272 ~ 8 April 1995
The United Nations must absolutely prepare a comprehensive plan for a watertight world security system by the year 2000. All existing proposals should be collected and considered, in particular the ideas and first plans of the Military Staff Committee of the Security Council, the McCloy-Zorin plan for world security, the report of the Olof Palme world commission on security and disarmament, the proposals for world security of the Gorbachev Foundation, and there are certainly others. This is one of the foremost priorities at the end of this century, given the opportunities offered by the end of the cold war. Michael Gorbachev is so right when he says that we have not used the tremendous opportunities opened by that event.
~ Idea 287 ~ 23 April 1995
One of the key instruments in the UN Charter is the Military Staff Committee of the Security Council. It met immediately after the war at the chiefs of armies level and had two tasks: (1) to devise a world security system; (2) thereafter to disarm the planet. These tasks were cut short by the cold war between the US and the USSR. Today, the cold war having ended, this organ of the UN Charter should be revived to its original and central role for world peace. It should meet, again at the chiefs of armies level and propose an imaginative and daring world security system and then proceed seriously with the task of disarming the planet.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Idea 345 ~ 20 June 1995
The United Nations should publish a yearly report on arms sales in the world, on the countries of origin of the arms, on the manufacturers and on the so-called foreign "aid" given by rich to poor countries to purchase them.
~ Ideas 357 to 370 ~ 2 to 15 July 1995
In my Testament to the UN in 1992 I recommended the creation of the following new agencies. Only one, the World Agency for the Seas and Oceans has come into existence in 1995. My consolation is that it covers 71% of the planet's surface.
Idea 357 -A World Disarmament Agency
~ Idea 372 ~ 17 July 1995
The people can play a very constructive role against the madness and waste of armaments: they could refrain from buying shares and products of companies which are part of the armaments establishment. The UN or a new international people's movement, Disarmament International, like Amnesty International should publish information and reports on such companies.
~ Idea 373 ~ 18 July 1995
In line with the preceding, the numerous peace and disarmament groups and associations around the world should join their minds and efforts and produce a compendium of ideas, like these 2000 ideas, on what people can do against the Armaments Madness.
~ Idea 482 ~ 4 November 1995
Since arms manufacturers and the military do not want to see our planet at peace except at their conditions, price and profit, the United Nations should study the immense benefits of total peace and publish a report with reconversion plans for these two sectors.
~ Idea 704 - 722 ~ 13 June to 1 July 1996
by William Epstein**
Idea 704 A no first-use agreement by the five declared nuclear powers
Idea 705 Strengthened pledges by the nuclear powers to come to the aid of non-nuclear states threatened by nuclear weapons.
Idea 706 Taking all weapons off alert status; significantly separating all warheads and bombs from their delivery vehicles.
Idea 707 Cessation of the production of weapons-grade fissile material of nuclear weapons.
Idea 708 Achievement of nuclear-weapons-free zones in Africa and Southeast Asia. following the example of Latin America.
Idea 709 Establishment of a verification and control system for the Biological Weapons Convention and full implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Idea 710 Full implementation of the UN Register of Conventional Arms and of the UN Reports on Military Expenditures.
Idea 711 Reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles in Russia and the United States to 1,000 each.
Idea 712 Reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles of China, France, and Britain to 200 each.
Idea 713 Establish international controls and safeguards over the dismantling of nuclear weapons.
Idea 714 Devise international controls and safeguards over all enriched uranium and plutonium, military and civilian.
Idea 715 Conclude a treaty banning the use and threat of use of nuclear weapons.
Idea 716 Negotiate nuclear-weapons-free zones in the Middle East and South Asia, which would respectively include Israel, India and Pakistan.
Idea 717 Put in place regional structures for the limitation, reduction, and control of conventional arms and forces.
Idea 718 Reduce and dismantle all nuclear weapons of the five declared powers to 100 each.
Idea 719 Reduce ceilings for all countries for their conventional arms and forces.
Idea 720 Eliminate all nuclear weapons from national arsenals.
Idea 721 Transfer a few nuclear weapons to the UN Security Council as insurance against the clandestine retention or acquisition of nuclear weapons.
Idea 722 Reduce all conventional arms and armed forces to levels required for internal security, or for use of the United Nations peacekeeping and peace-enforcement operations.
*Excerpted from The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Nov./Dec. 1994
**William Epstein is a senior fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). He was formerly director of Disarmament Affairs at the United Nations and has represented the Secretary General at negotiations for several nuclear weapons treaties.
~ Idea 1038 ~ 14 May 1997
I signed today with delight a petition to the United Nations by a Swiss Organization called Global Initiative. It asks for immediate disarmament in all countries in order to save the planet ecologically. This is a right approach at this juncture of our evolution and on the eve of a new century and millennium. School children were asked to go on strike on the third Tuesday of September, day of opening of the UN General Assembly and International Day of Peace. A Swiss newspaper reported: "That was not strike day, that was a huge school celebration."
Address of Global Initiative: Roland Schutzback, Ins, CH 3232, Switzerland.
~ Idea 1073 ~ 18 June 1997
The date of 18 June always reminds me of the French underground group to which I belonged during World War II. It was named the Group of 18 June, date of the appeal by General de Gaulle to the French people. Remembering all the killings I saw, I am reminded of the idea in which I recommend that all mothers should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers, not in the name of a nation or a religion or of anyone else. Conflicts between all groups must be settled by peaceful, non-violent means.
Someone should collect cases when mothers were able to prevent their sons from being drafted into military or war service. I have heard of two: some US mothers decide to give birth to their children at home and not to register their sons, but to do it only after they are 25 years old, i.e. beyond the age of military service.
Another case was when American mothers went to Viet-Nam, took off the uniforms from their sons, dressed them in civilian clothes and took them home. The military authorities did not challenge them in order not to draw attention to the act.
As a pretending civilized human species we should solve all conflicts by intelligent, civilized and non-violent means. Even better: let us have a disarmed and demilitarized planet with a good world security system at the top. This is what the United Nations were created for, and now that the excuse for not doing it, namely the cold war, is gone let us do it instead of extending military alliances like NATO and SEATO.
~ Idea 1173 ~ 26 September 1997
The 21st century should be proclaimed Century of Demilitarization and Disarmament by the United Nations.
~ Idea 1452 ~ 2 July 1998
Disarmament talks have lasted for more than 150 years and the situation is worse than ever. Perhaps it is time to recognize the plain truth that disarmament is incompatible with national sovereignty. Disarmament requires a new world order. There can no longer be any doubt about that. Please people, join a world government or Earth government group.
~ Idea 13 ~ 23 July 1994
The reform of the United Nations should provide for the creation of a World Parliamentary Assembly, with consultative powers to begin with, composed of representatives of the world's national Parliaments. This would strengthen democracy, since countries without a Parliament would not be represented. The UN can no longer be the exclusive "foreign" affairs of national executives. Parliamentarians must be more directly seized with the world's global problems and immense opportunities for more peaceful, efficient and economical world management.
~ Idea 39 ~ 18 August 1994
There are about 60,000 UN Models (simulations of UN meetings) in schools around this planet. I recommend similar Parliamentary Models, Heads of States and Ministerial Models, Supreme Court Models, State Assembly Models and Municipal Models in all schools of the world. It would be a great learning process of democracy.
~ Idea 114 ~ 1 November 1994
We need to create, as the United States proposes, a UN world income information bureau, to record the incomes of all peoples of this planet, to make sure that there is no tax evasion and that there is a truly equitable tax system for humanity.
Italy followed an early recommendation of the Fiscal Committee of the United Nations, and publishes in the local newspapers the incomes and taxes paid by all citizens. That is a good feature of the new democracy.
~ Idea 133 ~ 20 November 1994
The Economic and Social Council of the UN should create a Committee on World Philanthropy serviced by the UN Secretariat. It would study and report on the magnitude and potential of philanthropy from the international, world level to the local, individual level (foundations, religions, private associations, business, non-governmental organizations, families and individual voluntary services and donations). Philanthropy (love for humanity) and gaiaphily (love for the Earth) should be raised to front roles in the world community to bring about a better world and a greater world democracy.
~ Idea 185 ~ 11 January 1995
This century cannot end without seeing the birth of a Parliamentary Assembly of the UN. It is inconceivable that world affairs should remain the monopoly of the executive branch of national governments. This major flaw in democracy and remnant from the past must be corrected. At least to begin with, a UN Consultative Parliamentary Assembly should be created, consisting of representatives of existing national parliaments.
~ Idea 248 ~ 15 March 1995
True democracy means frequent peoples' consultations through public opinion polls and referenda. The world is now so interdependent and the people are so worried about the future that it is high time to organize world referenda. The United Nations should create an Office of World Polls and Referenda. The first world referendum should ask the people if they want to get rid or not of all atomic weapons. And all governments should abide by their decision. Another poll would be whether people want to see electric cars replace the petroleum cars which are destroying our atmosphere. Another would be on the demilitarization of the planet and the creation of a proper world security system and peace protection at all levels of society. And there are many others.
~ Idea 284 ~ 20 April 1995
Two more World Commissions of Eminent Personalities need to be created before the end of this century: a World Commission on the Media and Communications and a World Commission on Democracy.
~ Idea 431 ~ 14 September 1995
Since governments have become all too often the servants of big business, the people should resort to a new form of democracy by boycotting the products of countries whose policies they do not approve. Thus, the countries which suffer from atomic tests should boycott all the products of the testing nation. Producers would press their governments to change policy. The 5.6 billion consumers of this planet, have an incredible unused power, offered by the colossal magnitude of international trade.
~ Idea 527 to 547 ~ 19 December 1995
to 8 January 1996
To the preceding I added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
Idea 531 a new democracy
~ Idea 557 to 564 ~ 18 to 27 January 1996
How would I see the agenda, the task of such a world conference? The task is so gigantic, so mind-boggling, that perhaps humanity would have to conceive several preliminary world conferences before holding a final one on proper Earth government in the next century. Here are my proposals, in addition to not giving up:
Idea 559
20 January 1996 The star-performance, often called "miracle" of the American States in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 200 years ago which put an end to a similar political chaos in North America between numerous independent states at the time could be repeated in
a New Philadelphia World Convention for the Creation of the United States of the World
It would review the state of world democracy and would have to add to the system of balance of power the new dominant power of business.
"Philadelphia II" is a project of US Senator Mike Gravel who proposes a convention for the writing of a charter for a Global Constitution.
~ Idea 571 ~ 1 February 1996
I wish that one or several great philanthropists, would create World Commissions of Eminent Persons on some global problems which still need pressing attention. Here is an up to date list of those recommended earlier in these 2000 ideas.
a World Commission on a New World Economic System
a World Commission on the Media and Advertisement
a World Commission on Democracy
a World Commission on a Spiritual Renaissance
a World Commission on a new course for Humanity and the Earth
a World Commission on the Total Denuclearization of the Planet
a World Commission on the Demilitarization of the Planet
a World Commission on Ethics
a World Commission on World Priorities and Resources
a World Commission on Consumption
a World Commission on the Use and Conservation of Natural Resources
a World Commission on Corruption
a World Commission on Visions of the Earth and of Humanity in the 21st century and 3rd Millennium
a World Commission on the Nation State and National Government Reform
a World Commission on the Inefficiency of the Present World Political System due to staggering costly duplications between 185 nation states
a World Commission on a World Budget and Taxation System
a World Commission on Global Philanthropy and World Prizes
Philanthropists and other world personalities or foundations and institutes might also take up subjects on which I have recommended the holding of further world conferences by the United Nations.
~ Idea 576 ~ 6 February 1996
I have pointed out before that as a major phenomenon of our recent history, business was the first to globalize itself world-wide, that governments did it reluctantly on a small scale and became the instruments or servants of big business, and that the religions, due to their fundamentalism did not cooperate and globalize themselves in a world alliance (see Idea 472).
But very recently a new phenomenon has appeared: the birth of a global human consciousness. Humans are becoming aware of the errors we are making, of the wrongness around us. This will surpass all other globalizations and become number one. It will be the new democracy, the next step of evolution expressed in the individual wills of the only true living cosmic units: individual human, live beings.
~ Idea 598 ~ 28 February 1996
I repeat my recommendation that a World Commission of Eminent Persons should be established to review the entire current situation of democracy in the world, the reasons, theory, promotion and methodology of democracy, of truthful information, of freedom of expression, and democratic decision making from the local level to the top of the world.
~ Idea 599 ~ 29 February 1996
Ways should be found to give at least a voice to the Earth which is being severely damaged and progressively destroyed. To the concept of democracy (government by the people from the Greek word demos) should be added the concept of Gaiacracy (government by the Earth from the Greek word Gaia, Goddess Earth). Indigenous elders should be allowed to speak in the United Nations or in a new Earth Organization in the name of the Earth, the air, the waters, the soils, the forests, vegetation, animals and all living species.
Only in fables do animals speak in courts. The universe was not created for humans alone. The universe was not created to make money. It was created for all living beings.
~ Idea 601 ~ 2 March 1996
Every person or entity on Earth required to pay taxes should receive with the tax forms a table showing what percentage of the taxes paid will go to the principal functions of government:
general administration
military expenditures
health and social security
the environment
world cooperation and peace
Each taxpayer should be asked what he thinks of that breakdown, indicate what he wants to be reduced and what he wants to be increased.
This would be a great new form of democracy, a way to hear the people's will. The results should be published nationally and internationally every year.
~ Idea 617 ~ 18 March 1996
Instead of letting business and corporations wildly run ahead and progressively destroy our Earth, governments and thinkers should sit down and consider what a world government by private business and corporations would look like. The first discovery would be that freedom and democracy would disappear: the Earth and capital would be owned by capitalists and shareholders, i.e. by those who possess already capital and money and the rest of the people would not have a chance. All humans would be programmed by advertisement and marketing to buy what corporations decide. As for the Earth, it would be totally defenseless, neglected and brought to its ruin.
~ Idea 651 ~ 21 April 1996
The United States' preponderance in the world is likely to become a curse for the planet if the US does not propose a proper Earth government patterned on its system of balance of powers, modernized to take into account the interests of the Earth itself and the role of business.
These words of Nobel Peace Prize winner Helen Caldicott, former President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, should be heeded:
"We live on a planet that is terminally ill.... The United States has lost its direction and its soul. Use your democracy to save your world."
~ Idea 674 ~ 14 May 1996
Be always careful what kind of products you buy and select those which will put the least chemicals into the environment. For example buy white soaps and not colored soaps whose chemical color you will drain into the Earth. But buy brown, natural towels rather than snow white ones, because the production of the latter requires chemicals to whiten them. You might also get both products at a cheaper price. The same with brown and white sugar, brown bread and white bread, etc. Another vast unexploited field is to return to sound natural products and practices of our forefathers and mothers, at a time when there were no chemicals. We must prevent overchemicalization of this Earth by big chemical industries who are becoming our masters. This is another form of renewed democracy, the true power of the people. This is why I recommend the urgent creation by governments of Ministries of Consumption and a World Consumers Agency.
~ Idea 676 ~ 16 May 1996
I wish that all newspapers in the world would devote an entire section to the environment and to people's suggestions to improve it, consume less, save resources and help save our Earth.
The whole question of the media's influence on the environment and on the fate of the Earth should receive highest governmental priority. Only the rich can afford to subsidize newspapers and to pay for advertisement. The poor, the defenseless, the environment, the Earth cannot. It is again a question of real democracy and gaiacracy instead of plutocracy (government by Pluto, the god of money).
~ Idea 744 ~ 23 July 1996
I do not know why the world takes seriously the requests by Japan and Germany to be given the veto power in the UN Security Council. What have they done to merit it? It would be much more justified to give a veto power to the 2/3rds of poor humanity, for democracy's sake, or give a veto to Africa, to Asia, to Latin America and to the Middle East. It would be an incentive for the countries of these regions to work together. Latin America would merit it most, since it is the only denuclearized continent on this planet.
~ Idea 881 ~ 7 December 1996
United Nations world conferences have been a monumental blessing in giving the world's people renewed consciousness of old, still unresolved world problems and new problems due to our accelerating global age (e.g. the population explosion, the environment, the world's climate, etc.)
Alas, the US Congress instead of being grateful and pleased, no longer wants any world conferences, arguing that they are costly and useless.* I propose that on the contrary we need more of them on global problems and dangers confronting humanity. If other governments agree with the US and no longer want new world governmental conferences, I recommend that the people should do them. There should be continued World People's Conferences on population, children, women, the aged, human rights, indigenous people, the world's climate, the environment, demilitarization, disarmament, world security, violence in all its forms, the world commons, the seas and oceans, outer-space, etc. Perhaps a better United Nations and world democracy would ensue.
*In reality, it is because the US wants to promote its own ideas and leadership of the world's future.
~ Idea 925 ~ 21 January 1997
From a lady Professor at the State of New York University at New Paltz, I received a Christmas letter with this statement: "1996 was best remembered for our quadrennial presidential "selection", an event my friend, political analyst and author, Michael Parenti calls "the greatest show on Earth." The USA has the dubious distinction of being the only country in the world where the electoral process system features campaigns that run for almost two years, cost gargantuan sums of money, almost all of it raised from corporate special interests which want to ensure their place in this plutocracy which calls itself a "democracy."
As a foreigner I did not know that political campaigns in the US could be financed by voluntary contributions, which is seldom the case in other countries. I am glad therefore that I recommended in Idea 284 the creation of a world commission on democracy.
Note: The word plutocracy means government by the rich (Pluto was the God of wealth), democracy (demos, the people) means government by the people.
~ Idea 982 ~ 19 March 1997
Scientists, technologists, firms and people should not constantly accuse or complain about government, but should encourage it and give their ideas how it could be improved. Just and good government is an absolute necessity for the progress of humanity and the preservation of our Earth. Total privatization would lead to the loss of freedom and democracy in favor of the rich and to the demise of the Earth through economic wars and competition.
~ Idea 1010 ~ 16 April 1997
The main question regarding the United Nations is not how it can be reduced under the pretext of bureaucracy and excessive costs &endash; the most ridiculous permanent accusations of extreme right conservatives in the United States &endash; but what more world issues, dangers and evils the UN should deal with. Here are a few: astronomic costs of the military, violations of democracy and of the truth, corruption, bribery, blackmail, violence in all its forms, tax evasion by the wealthy, financial manipulations, etc. For instance, is it normal that 80 percent of all international financial transactions are speculative? In the field of tax evasion there are numerous billionaires and multimillionaires who do pay little or no taxes, taking advantage of tax haven countries of the world.
~ Idea 1068 ~ 13 June 1997
Democracy, the government, the power of the people is of such importance and has been so distorted of late that every University on Earth should create a Department of Democracy.
~ Idea 1070 ~ 15 June 1997
Providing the peoples with objective information has become a major aspect of democracy. Noone on Earth could probably imagine the amount of distorted, false, planned misinformation which is being served daily to the people. Governments, business and many other institutions are involved in this power game. I fully approve the proposal of Carol Chase, a Pre-school teacher, author and children's advocate, to have the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations transformed into a Peoples' Council which would have as one of its main roles to provide truthful, objective information to the peoples of the world.
~ Idea 1101 ~ 16 July 1997
Some of the great errors of our time were these:
- humanity rushed into economics, changing our home before ecology, the knowledge of that home;
- we accepted capitalism as the dominant ideal of the human society and not the environment or love and preservation of our Earth;
- we let business globalize itself and become the master of the world and of our lives, while governments, the entrusted defenders of justice, of the poor and the downtrodden did not globalize themselves and even became the servant of business;
- and religions did not globalize themselves at all.
These errors were not basically wanted:
- capitalism did wonders for humanity at the beginning when the world population was small and the resources of the Earth were unexploited and seemingly unlimited;
- governments were still in the era of consolidating nations recently born from ethnic groups fighting each other;
- religions still believed that their truths were absolute, immortal and meant to spread to the entire world.
Well, today our objectives and efforts should be:
1. to see the religions globalize themselves urgently in order to give us a universal, cosmic meaning of life on Earth and give birth to the first global, cosmic, universal civilization; the recent initiative to create the United Religions can do that;
2. national governments must absolutely globalize themselves in a new, second generation Untied Nations with much more power, especially legislative power, or a United States of the world with proper balance of powers in a world democracy, or a World Union along the lines of the European Union;
3. business must be made the servant of the people's needs within a properly preserved Earth, and no longer be instruments of unlimited power, profit, enrichment and programming of the people's lives and consumption;
4. more generally we must put an end to the Darwinian theory of competition and survival of the fittest, and replace it by a new science, strategy and methodology of cooperation for our evolutionary survival and fulfillment on this particular planet in the universe.
~ Idea 1118 ~ 2 August 1997
The same is the case of nations, inside and outside. I recommend that a new item be placed on the agenda of the United Nations, entitled:
Restrictive anti-democratic practices or more generally: the state of democracy in the world of today.
~ Idea 1120 ~ 4 August 1997
The problem of democracy should become one of the major items for world attention on the eve of a new century and millennium. I recommend two actions:
1. the establishment of a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Democracy;
2. the inscription of the item on the agenda of the United Nations for in depth study and yearly reporting by nations.
One of the subjects for example should be a world-wide comparative study of electoral laws. Is it normal, is it democratic that in certain countries candidates can receive big campaign funds from business? How free will they later be to resist the demands of those who helped them to power?
~ Idea 1146 ~ 30 August 1997
Driving today to San Jose I saw an enormous advertisement panel, lit day and night, of Marlboro cigarettes with this big sentence: Mantenga limpia su ciudad. Keep your city clean. I would have rather expected to read: Mantenga sus pulmones limpios. Keep your lungs clean. All municipalities in the world should keep a close watch over such advertisements. Most of the main road accesses to and from San Jose are filled with advertisements which are a true insult to the beauty of the Costa Rican natural landscape In many cities and areas of the US they would not be allowed. This is why they invade now the poor countries. Advertisement should be looked into as part of the subject of democracy to be taken up by the UN or a World Commission.
~ Idea 1169 ~ 22 September 1997
A young man called me today from Toronto, Canada, suggesting that humanity should observe a vigil during the night of 31 December 1999 to think, to dream and to pray as we will enter the year 2000. I told him that it was an excellent idea and advised him to propose it to the United Nations and to the Government of Canada's national committee for the celebration of the year 2000.
I was thinking: if such individual ideas can already arise more than 2 years before the year 2000, what will it be when we get closer to it? There is likely to be a multitude of peoples' proposals, a true world-wide movement, a new peoples' democracy. May all governments be inundated with dreams, ideas, prophecies and requests from the people for peace, justice and a better, well preserved Earth, saved from a dangerous, potentially terminal destruction.
~ Idea 1245 ~ 7 December 1997
The next session of the Interparliamentary Union should be held in Costa Rica at the seat of the University for Peace and deal with the following subjects:
- Parliamentarianism and democracy in the 21st century
- Creation of a UN Consultative Parliament
- Establishment of a yearly world budget including proper financing of international and regional institutions, actions and projects for the benefit of all humanity and the Earth;
- Equitable taxation for all people of the world and elimination of international tax evasion.
~ Idea 1294 ~ 25 January 1998
From democracy we will now move quickly to Gaiacracy or Earthcracy. From the power of government and the moneycracy of big business, we will now see the power of nature, of the Earth itself. The retribution will be terrible. The Earth will take revenge against her most advanced species which has begun to destroy her. She will retaliate with lack of oxygen, ultra-violet rays, lack of water, mounting cancers, the breakdown of the immune system of the human body, etc. God will not allow us to destroy His Creation and to put an end to the Earth's careful, miraculous evolution over billions of years. He is more likely to let humanity be destroyed.
~ Ideas 1353 to 1361 ~ 25 March to 2 April 1998
After having launched successfully a world movement for peace, the peoples and their associations in the world should now launch several new world movements. Here are those I recommend:
Idea 1361 a world movement for true democracy
and there are many other good ones whose time has come.
~ Idea 1365 ~ 6 April 1998
An intern of our International Radio for Peace to whom I told that, answered: "But I know of a new monetary system which could remedy all that." I replied to him: "I do not want to see it. I have at least twenty of them. The problem is that the holders of the existing system do not even want to look into anything else. The only thing which can save us is to call in a world conference to rethink from scratch the whole economic system of this planet."
I gave him another example: "You have many proposals for a world federal government. They might all be good, but there will be people who will object, by saying: 'the states you would federate are totally artificial. They are the results of conquests, marriages, stealings of lands, etc. What is needed is an Earth government based on bioregions, regions which have a life in common, like the great river basin countries, the mountain countries, the Arctic and Antarctic, etc. Proper Earth government requires that we think in those terms.' My answer again to them is: "We need urgently a world conference to rethink from scratch the way this planet is governed or rather misgoverned. At it, all ideas would be reviewed to find which is the best, or which is the best combination in the interest of the Earth and humanity."
I refer therefore here to ideas 527 to 547 in which I urge that 21 basic segments of human life on this planet should be reconsidered and rethought from scratch: a new political system, a new economics, a new education, a new media and communications, a new democracy, a new global leadership, a spiritual Renaissance, a non-violent human society, a well preserved planet, a decent well-being for all humans, a stabilization of world population, right human settlements, disarmament, demilitarization, a global security of the planet, a new science and technology, a new world psychology, a new science and art of planetary management, and a new art and culture.
These should all be the object of major world conferences to be held as rapidly as possible as we enter the 21st century and third millennium.
Governments might not listen to me, but it is my duty to say this in the light of my fifty years of world experience.
~ Idea 1388 ~ 29 April 1998
Someone said to me: your book is an important, novel contribution to democracy: "Your ideas ruffle up all kinds of deeply entrenched prejudices, ideas, power positions and institutions which resist firmly any changes or adaptations to evolution, thus retarding human progress." yes, innumerable ideas by people in all fields would break the monopoly of technocracy, sciencecracy and plutocracy (moneycracy) which use their own innumerable, ceaselessly new ideas to rule the world.
Well, why not start a peaceful world movement or revolution of people's ideas? That is what democracy means (Greek demos: the people, cracy: the power, the rule)
~ Idea 1401 ~ 12 May 1998
Dear readers, I beg you: create or join networks of love and common concerns to counteract the conspiracies of evil and of interests on this planet. Join a United Nations Association, or create one if there is none in your area, or join any other non-governmental organization or peoples association working for peace and a better world. You cannot imagine how much happiness you will derive from it. Networking and peoples' movements and associations are the new democracy. Do not say: there is nothing I can do.
~ Idea 1426 ~ 6 June 1998
One could make a serious plea for local, state, national, continental and world common ownership. For example:
- the archives and archives building of my hometown in Alsace-Lorraine belong to the city, and rightly so;
- many art treasures belong to local, state and national museums. The UN and its agencies are also conservation places of art treasures;
- there are many municipal, state and national parks in the world and the beginning of world parks with the wonderful preserved lands of the University for Peace;
- the high seas and oceans are a commons of humanity and are to be administered by a United Nation High Authority;
I would like to see more of all this, in order to stop the destruction of the planet by sole national sovereignty and private business motives.
It is a major question worth looking into on a world-wide basis. This is why I have recommended the creation of a world land ownership register or cadastre. It would yield the most interesting results. The publicly owned roads, highways, bridges and airports of this planet would alone yield an impressive figure. I highly recommend that WIPO, the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization be entrusted with the holding of a World real estate register or cadastre.
In a true democracy, people are entitled to know to whom this Earth belongs. It will be a good subject for the Panel of personalities under former Secretary General Boutros Ghali appointed by UNESCO to look into the subject of democracy. I will send them my ideas on the subject.
~ Idea 1469 ~ 19 July 1998
If I were a chief of government I would appoint several Ombudsmen or women as part of my immediate staff:
an Ombudsperson for consumer complaints
an Ombudsperson for human rights complaints
an Ombudsperson for excessive bureaucracy complaints
and there could be others. It would reinforce democracy.
~ Idea 1470 ~ 20 July 1998
We have chanted the advent of world communications as a herald of greater world union, understanding, peace and democracy.
Alas, there is also a negative side, namely governments, business and powerful institutions have acquired a good part of the means of communication and use them to program the people with their views and objectives.
We must congratulate UNESCO for having established a Panel of Eminent Personalities on Democracy under the chairmanship of the former Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Boutros Ghali. I will send him my ideas on this subject excerpted from these 2000 ideas.
~ Idea 1478 ~ 28 July 1998
In its efforts to strengthen world democracy, the Panel of Personalities of UNESCO on this subject should give consideration to world public opinion polls and peoples' referenda. Also there is no office in the UN System which follows the fate and functioning of democracy in the world. The Panel should recommend that this should be corrected. Democracy in the world is of such importance that institutional arrangements must be created for it. Perhaps the UN Trusteeship Council which has completed its mandate could be replaced by a Council on Democracy.
~ Idea 1497 ~ 16 August 1998
While I feel that we need to have a serious look at how democracy functions on this Earth, the time has also come when we must look at a new reality and consciousness and concept, namely what I would call geocracy or Earth democracy (gaia, the Greek word for the Earth, the power, the rule of the Earth). A Copernican revolution is taking place: we learn that we are not meant to be the rulers of the Earth; the Earth or its processes are the rulers of everything there is on it, inert or alive, vegetal or animal (possessing an anima, a soul). We must therefore determine what are its laws we must obey and what the consequences and her reactions will be if we do not obey them.
Yes, a whole new science of geocracy and natural laws is needed by humans on this planet. Thank God a World Party of Natural Law now exists on this Earth. Dear readers, take an interest in it: write to Professor John Hagelin, President of the US Natural Law Party, Maharishi University, 1000 North 47th Street, Fairfield, Iowa 52557.
~ Idea 19 ~ 29 July 1994
I hope that soon the University for Peace created by the UN in demilitarized Costa Rica will be ratified by all governments and made the world's guiding and inspiring center for peace education.
It is a historical blemish that after twelve years only 32 governments out of 185 members of the United Nations had the decency to ratify it and only 3 have supported it financially. Military "Academies" for their part receive billions of dollars. Please check the list of ratifying countries in the footnote below, and if your government has not done so write a letter of protest to your elected representative.*
* List of countries which have ratified the UN Treaty creating the University for Peace: Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic Kampuchea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Togo, Russia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.
~ Idea 56 ~ 4 September 1994
I dream that UNICEF or a global philanthropist will build a UNICEF Children's House on the magnificent, inspiring grounds of the University for Peace, to allow children to meet, to play, to be taught peace, to read peace books, to listen to peace songs, play with peace toys, etc. Meetings and festivals could be held at it by children from around the world.
31 August 1995: Three Costa Rican young people came to see me presenting me with a request that a children's and youth house for peace and the environment be built on the grounds of the University for Peace. They represented an organization of thousands of children and young people of Costa Rica. I congratulated them and asked them to submit their request with my full support to the Executive heads of UNICEF and the UN Environment Program.
13 February 1996: I met at the Costa Rican Embassy to the UN, with Mrs. Grethel Obando, the wife of the Ambassador, with Mr. Chowdury, a Director of UNICEF, and Ms. Brooke Newell, an NGO, to launch the idea.
~ Idea 63 ~ 11 September 1994
How many authors throughout history would be thrilled to have a life like mine or of other UN world servants today? They would write magnificent, moving works. I have written several with all my heart and soul. My dream is that many world servants will become great authors. They might help establish peace and save the planet.
~ Idea 68 ~ 16 September 1994
I hope that the one-teacher, six grades, little elementary Peace School next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica will give birth to thousands of elementary peace schools in the world.
~ Idea 69 ~ 17 September 1994
I hope that there will be growing numbers of Peace Colleges and Peace Universities around the world, under the inspiring and visionary guidance of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica. Each country on Earth should create one forthwith and report it to the United Nations.
~ Idea 83 ~ 1 October 1994
I welcome this suggestion of an American citizen and friend, Roger Axford, in a letter to the President of the United States, namely to establish an Office of Peace Education as a new and important part of the Office of Education of the United States. All countries should do that.
~ Idea 105 ~ 23 October 1994
For the sake of this planet and humanity's future an Office of Global Education should be created in every Ministry of Education. Global education should be required in all schools of Earth, from kindergarten to University and in all professional schools, especially for journalism and the media.
~ Idea 111 ~ 29 October 1994
Education means to lead out (Latin ex ducare) of ignorance. Military education and training should be abolished world-wide, because they inducate (lead) into killing other human beings. Misguided young people are even promised medals and honors for doing it!
~ Idea 130 ~ 17 November 1994
Universities for Peace and Non-violence should be created on each continent, guided, inspired and coordinated by the University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica. In each national University a Department of Peace and Non-violence should be created, guided, inspired and coordinated by the regional Peace and Non-Violence Universities.
As a result we will at long last experience the instauration of peace and non-violence as the dominant, new, great civilization value on this planet.
~ Idea 153 to 171 ~ 10 to 28 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 161 -the right to global education
~ Idea 177 ~ 3 January 1995
Before this century is over the world needs an International Year of Education to review world-wide how we should educate the new generation for the peace and good of humanity and of the planet. I am glad that UNESCO has created a World Commission on Education in the 21st century, headed by Jacques Delors, the former President of the European Union.
Note: It submitted its report in 1996.
~ Idea 200 ~ 26 January 1995
I have designed the following framework for world coverage of news and information by the media. I would like to see it on the wall or desk of every TV, radio and newspaper journalist on Earth. As a result a better informed, more hopeful and more helpful humanity would evolve.
~ Idea 218 ~ 13 February 1995
The United Nations should be taught in every school on Earth.
~ Idea 269 ~ 5 April 1995
Napoleon did not send his military trainees to Universities. He created military academies where they were taught a total science of war, a total strategy of war and a total methodology of war. The German General Clausewitz perfected that system in the 19th century by proclaiming that there was no limit to the use of violence. Since then we have hundreds of military "academies" in the world teaching this, with the recent amendment that the objective is no longer war but "defense". There exists nothing similar for peace. After my forty years of UN service I thought that academia had done its job and developed a science, a strategy and a methodology of peace. There exists nothing of the sort. I have therefore decided to throw all my weight behind the first University for Peace on the planet, in demilitarized Costa Rica, and to develop a total science, a total strategy and total methodology of peace. Wherever the military are the peacemakers will be, from outer-space and star-wars to atomic and genetic warfare, which will be replaced with star-peace and atomic and genetic peace. You have your monuments, and medals to warriors, we will have them for peacemakers. This is why governments are so scared of this University: only 32 of 185 have ratified its statute and only three have provided it with minimal help.
~ Idea 300 ~ 6 May 1995
It is with human groups as it is with individuals: we become what we want to become. As a result we must make an effort to define what we want to become as a human family or species on this planet:
What ideal human society do we want to be in the next century?
What kind of Earth do we want to see around us?
What kind of ideal Earth and human government do we want?
What kind of ideal medias and newspapers do we want?
What kind of ideal education do we want?
and so on and so forth.
~ Idea 334 to 342 ~ 9 to 17 June 1995
In an unprecedented preparation for the 21st century and third millennium, a good series of more world conferences and Independent World Commissions of eminent personalities should be held during the last years of this century. I would recommend that the following be considered:
Idea 341 -A World Conference on Global Education and Global Citizenship
~ Idea 346 ~ 21 June 1995
The UN should publish a yearly comprehensive, well-structured report on military budgets and armed forces in the world. Comparisons should be made with other main items in the budgets of nations.
For example, very few people in the world, including US citizens, know that even after the cold war US military expenditures in 1995 are equal to the total of all other US government expenditures for transport, education, housing, health, natural resources, international affairs, veterans, outer-space, justice, social services, government in general, salary insurance, economic development, energy, agriculture and trade. There must be something staggeringly wrong with that.
~ Idea 353 ~ 28 June 1995
I recommend that humanity should adopt happiness and not consumption as the objective and ideal of life and of our efforts.
Peace, education, beauty, love, welfare, security, etc. are only instruments to achieve happiness. If we tried, we would obtain wonderful results at incredible low cost. The first step would be to create a World University of Happiness and to place the subject on the agenda of the United Nations. The drafters of the US Constitution did not shy from the word: the main purpose of the Constitution was "the pursuit of happiness." The World Constitution we desperately need should have the same goal plus the preservation of the Earth.
~ Idea 382 ~ 27 July 1995
Before or during the year 2000, all winners of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize should meet in Paris and tell the world what peace education should be on this planet. As winner of the 1989 Prize I would be amongst them. I opened these two thousand ideas with my 24 dreams for peace education.
~ Idea 388 ~ 2 August 1995
Most citizens of this Earth are programmed into small geographic segments of the world, into harmful values and narrow ideals and interests of which they remain prisoners for the rest of their lives. Only the Robert Muller schools introduce the children into the total planetary home, the total human family, the total stream of time and the fundamental values, ideals and interests common to all humans. Their world core curriculum should be adopted by all schools on Earth (see table at end of the first 100 ideas), and some day it will.
~ Idea 418 ~ 1 September 1995
In a book published by UNESCO on "Simon Bolivar, the Hope of the Universe", I read that he proposed the creation of a fourth branch of Government, concerned with Morality and Education. This is now coming strongly to the fore under the name of Ethics.
~ Idea 464 ~ 17 October 1995
An idea of Barbara Gaughen: there are more and more peace prizes in the world: the Nobel Peace Prize, the UNESCO Peace Education Prize, the Prince Asturias Peace Prize, the War and Peace Foundation Prize, etc. to mention but a few. Once the winners have received their prize, they go home and are left to themselves. She proposes that they should work together. Their common efforts could be of great benefit to the Earth and humanity.
~ Idea 473 ~ 26 October 1995
During the next years I will deliver a series of major speeches on fundamental subjects in my mind and heart, namely the absolute need for a new political system for our Earth, for a new education, for global leadership training, for new global media, for a new economics, for a global spirituality, for better ways of human settlements on the planet, for ensuring a minimum well-being for all humans, for preserving our planet, its nature, its seas, oceans and climate for future generations, for enhancing human happiness and the overall beauty of our paradise Earth, unique in the immense universe.
~ Idea 474 ~ 27 October 1995
Privatization as an all-out ideology conducive to human well-being and happiness is as fallacious and dangerous as was communism. There must always be public services defending the defenseless and helping the poor. Suppose all education is privatized. What will your children be taught? What the owners of the schools have decided. In, medio stat virtus, said the Latins. Virtue is a middle course. We need both private initiative and public protection. We must be free people driving private cars on public roads under public safety regulations and laws, and flying airplanes under world safety regulations and laws.
~ Idea 526 ~ 18 December 1995
But at the word evolution my eternal optimism took over again. I remembered that in a manuscript I had with me, The Art of Living, Volume I Our Lives in the Magnificent Scene of Creation, I had a hopeful answer to the above predicaments. Here it is:
"Humanity will now enter a fascinating new period of evolution: Superimposed on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest through competition, to Mendell's law of heredity, to the genetic codification of our experiences through DNA and RNA, we are now blessed with the birth of a global, planetary consciousness which makes us recognize our false avenues, wrong values and errors. A new philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology, values system, ethics, morality, spirituality, education, politics will be born at the end of this century. We are still in the kindergarten of that period, but we are in it. Henceforth, less and less will we wait until we burn our fingers before we react, as we did with the population explosion and the environment.
A few years ago, I suggested to Erika Erdmann, the Librarian and research aide to Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, and to Professor Leonide, a reputed French anthropologist, to create a world association of long-term evolutionary scientists. My hunch was that these scientists were becoming more optimistic as a result of the birth of global, planetary consciousness which makes us aware of our mistakes and problems and helps us solve them. It proved correct as their survey revealed. The theory of "chaos" according to which the universe and human life make no sense is being abandoned. The new theory is that on any planet having life in the cosmos one species sooner or later evolves to a point of gaining a total knowledge of the planet it lives on. It will then be in its power either to continue evolution or to bring it to an end. The first course will require that former, obsolete values will be replaced by new ones which take evolution into account. These new values are a major new evolutionary imperative. They need urgent scientific study.
In my view, humanity has reached that stage on Planet Earth: we must revise our basic values, current beliefs and objectives and acquire a new evolutionary wisdom which respects the laws of nature and of the cosmos. If nature has produced the incredible, sophisticated variety of innumerable living species around us, each one a true miracle, it is simply not possible that the human species is not a miracle too, perhaps the most advanced of all.
The future of the Earth will be bright and life will not become extinct if we decide so on the eve of a new century and millennium. We can enter a thrilling, transcendent new global, cosmic phase of evolution, if the human species understands its momentous, incredibly important evolutionary role.
~ Idea 527 to 547 ~ 19 December 1995
to 8 January 1996
To the preceding I added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
Idea 527 a new political system for planet Earth
Idea 528 a new economics
Idea 529 a new education
~ Idea 553 ~ 14 January 1995
The preceding will require not only a global, planetary and cosmic consciousness and education, but also an evolutionary consciousness and education (see Our Place in Time of the tables of the World Core Curriculum for education and the Framework for World Media Coverage in volume I of the first 500 ideas).
~ Idea 601 ~ 2 March 1996
Every person or entity on Earth required to pay taxes should receive with the tax forms a table showing what percentage of the taxes paid will go to the principal functions of government:
general administration
military expenditures
health and social security
the environment
world cooperation and peace
Each taxpayer should be asked what he thinks of that breakdown, indicate what he wants to be reduced and what he wants to be increased.
This would be a great new form of democracy, a way to hear the people's will. The results should be published nationally and internationally every year.
~ Idea 630 ~ 31 March 1996
An important progress in the understanding of evolution is under way: Darwin laid down the law of competition of the species' and the survival of the fittest. Later the discovery of the DNA revealed to us the transmission of the acquired evolutionary wisdom of all species. What we see now is:
1. the colossal intermingling and intermarriages of humans world-wide, like seeds spread all over the globe, creating new common factors of a more evolved global human species:
2. a similar role is played by the media which have become the global nervous system of the human species:
3. innumerable international associations, institutions and firms have become the new global DNA's and memory banks of our evolution, the beginnings of a global brain:
4. as a result a planetary consciousness now reveals to us our errors and mistakes in this new evolutionary period of living and progressing on this planet: overpopulation, overconsumption, colossal wastes and needless activities which damage our environment, nature and the normal functioning of the Earth, in particular its biosphere and climate.
This should not make us despair. On the contrary. We can and will succeed in this new evolutionary challenge. It will be done through a new education, a new role of the media, of industry and economics, the further development of global institutions and warning systems, and last but not least by the incorporation of all politics into a planetary, supra-national system of proper Earth government.
The quicker this is done, the better it will be and the less damage will be done to our precious Earth.
~ Idea 654 ~ 24 April 1996
Isn't it astonishing that in no University on Earth, to my knowledge, is there a Department or Faculty or Chair on the Art of Living, and that there exists not a single Doctorate of the Art of Living, when this should be the supreme objective of education?
There is however hope: for centuries there has not been a Peace University or a Peace Department or Faculty in any University on Earth. But recently they are emerging, be it only under the concept of conflict resolution, a new, popular academic discipline. One can hope that the same will happen for the art of living. My writings could serve as the first textbooks as they do in the field of peace education.
~ Idea 669 ~ 9 May 1996
The following group came up with a series of ideas:
One hundred and five participants from government departments, the fields of education, media and industry and all environmental organizations in Hong Kong contributed their ideas and experiences at an Environmental Symposium held in response to a deep concern for the state of Hong Kong's environment. Their appeal to all citizens included the following:
Encourage environmental awards e.g. Housekeeper's Award, Governor's Green Award, Architect's/Engineer's "ECO" Design Award, "Captain Planet Award."
Encourage a pollution index to be announced in all media weather reports.
Encourage the setting up of environmental information kiosks in shopping malls.
Encourage the use of comic strips for environmental education.
Encourage a metropolitan street tree project.
Propose a ban on junk mail.
Encourage traffic free zones.
Encourage rezoning/relocation of industry.
Encourage environmental awareness in families through "A Good Deed A Day" project.
Remember when you "throw things away" that there is no such thing as "away" &endash; it has to go somewhere!
(from the workshop report by Beverley Murphy, Hong Kong)
(Brahma Kumaris' Visions of a Better World, page 138)
~ Idea 734 ~ 13 July 1996
This leads me once again to recommend that the basic framework of University education which rests almost all around the world on obsolete values should be reviewed and reformed. My world core curriculum annexed to the first fascicle of 100 ideas should be considered as one of the new models.
~ Idea 751 ~ 30 July 1996
It is high time to transform the International Consumers Union into a full specialized agency of the UN with tripartite representation like the International Labour Organization: governments, producers and consumers. I would have a whole agenda to propose, including on statistics, from a United Nations point of view, consumption having become one of the most important concerns on the agenda of world affairs. It is likely that the existing non-governmental organization is already dealing with several of these subjects and many more. Here are my wishes regarding to start with statistics:
- I would like to see statistics published on wastes and garbage per inhabitant in each country of the world, by region and for the total world. The US would hold the record with a life-time amount of garbage and waste 4000 times the average weight per habitant;
- Expenditures for the birth of a baby, for education, for housing and for funeral at the end of life. The US would again hold the record for the highest expenditures in the world;
- US advertisement and propaganda speaks only of the high incomes of Americans but seldom of prices and expenditures. At least such statistics would diminish the cravings of people in the poor countries to imitate the consumption habits of the Americans or to wish to emigrate to the US, even illegally.
- It would be in the interest of the US itself to publish such statistics and information in order to reduce illegal immigration instead of paying for more border polices and internal controls.
~ Idea 1050 ~ 26 May 1997
Today, when walking with Barbara in the primeval woods on sacred Mt. Rasur of our finca, and dreaming of various plans for this magnificent place on Earth, I remembered idea 965 regarding the wrong education of heads of states on this globe and decided to write a plan of studies and a curriculum for a School of Heads of States on this demilitarized, inspiring place.
Only once before in history did someone propose the creation of a school for heads of states: it was Confucius who faced at the time in China the same chaotic situation of divided, competing states as we know today in the world. The school was never established. It is not a reason for not proposing one and trying again.
~ Idea 1084 ~ 29 June 1997
I am delighted that Mrs. Mary Robinson, the President of Ireland has been appointed Commissioner of Human Rights at the United Nations. My correspondence with her in which I had exhorted her to be a candidate for Secretary General, will allow me to submit to her a whole series of human rights which should be considered during her mandate. There are already several others proposed in these 2000 ideas, but here are three which come forthwith to mind, even if one or two have already been stated elsewhere:
- the fundamental human right of all people to participate and contribute to the birth of a meaningful, orderly, just world society;
- the fundamental human right to a new, objective global education;
- the fundamental human right to move and to establish oneself in any country of this Earth, on any place of this planet, except where specifically prohibited by world law to preserve the Earth and its basic functioning.
~ Idea 1102 ~ 17 July 1997
Today I received the visit of a Swiss couple who was looking for ideas which would allow them to make a contribution to a better world. We discussed several of them, especially in the field of education. I asked them if they had any particular dreams, even if they were wild dreams. The husband, Mr. Pierre Brunner-Dubey said that he had indeed a wild dream. It was to see a University for Peace created in Jerusalem. I told him that it was not a wild dream, on the contrary. One could dream that during the year 2000, when a world conference on forgiveness was planned in Jerusalem, the creation of such a University could be announced.
~ Idea 1103 ~ 18 July 1997
Two ideas from the prestigious International School of Amsterdam which uses my world core curriculum and provides a reputed global education to more than 700 students from many countries:
1. to launch a project of Pilot Schools from around the world which have experience in teaching peace and non-violence;
2. to create a world association of consultants on global education. As the "father of global education", I would be considered for its presidency.
~ Idea 1105 ~ 20 July 1997
Robert Silverstein, founder of People for Peace, who is putting my 2000 ideas on world-wide web, presents me as follows: "Robert Muller says that his greatest honor is not the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, or being decorated by the Pope, or even his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the remark of a custodian at a school named after him who said: "In all my years here I have never seen two children fight."
I dream that all founders and principals of schools around the Earth will receive some day the same compliment.
~ Idea 1111 ~ 26 July 1997
As we near the 21st century, I recommend that the International Association of University Presidents take up these two subjects:
1. what should be the ideal University in the 21st century? How should it be structured? What would be its principal objectives and Departments, given the needs of the Earth and humanity and future evolution on this planet?
2. What should be an ideal network of world Universities around the planet which would deal with global subjects of concern to all humanity and to the fate of the Earth, e.g. the seas and oceans, the atmosphere, the world's climate, the world's waters, global education, global ethics, proper Earth government, etc.?
~ Idea 1119 ~ 3 August 1997
People and communities should also complain about restrictive history practices.
What history do we learn in school? The nation, the nation and again the nation. Not a word about our own personal family history, of the place where we live, the village, the city, the natural area, the province. Nothing either about the history of the continent, except from a national point of view. As for world history, it is presented again from the point of view of the particular nation.
On recent new global history (League of Nations, the United Nations and its world agencies, international peoples' movements and associations, regional unions like the borderless European Union) again nothing. And there is little also on the history of the Earth, whose fate has become number one.
Ministers of "national" education should be ashamed and design a new education of history in which the nation is put at its right place.
~ Idea 1144 ~ 28 August 1997
In his communication, Dr. Schmidt underlined these seven social sins signaled by Mahatma Gandhi:
1. Politics without principles
2. Commerce without morality
3. Wealth without work
4. Education without character
5. Science without humanity
6. Pleasure without conscience
7. Worship without sacrifice
We better work on all of them.
~ Idea 1234 ~ 26 November 1997
The most fundamental human right after the right not to be killed must be the right to non-poverty, the right to life sustainment through basic necessities and education. We must achieve for all humans on this planet a Civilization of Fulfilled Basic Necessities. And why not the right to happiness?
~ Idea 1239 ~ 1 December 1997
I applaud the following appeal which adds to the strategy for a non-violent world which I submitted to the State of the World Forum in San Francisco in 1995 and reproduced as Introduction to ideas 601 to 700:
From 23 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Fall 1997
In every single country throughout the world many children are silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence. This violence takes many forms &endash; physical, psychological, socio-economic, and environmental.
In order to reduce the suffering of children these Laureates are addressing an appeal to all Heads of State of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United Nations, for the UN General Assembly to declare:
b That the first decade of the new millennium, the years 2000-2001, be declared the "Decade for a Culture of Nonviolence."
b That the year 2000 be declared the "Year of Education for Non-violence."
b That non-violence be taught at every level in our societies, to make the children of the world aware of the practical meaning and benefits of non-violence in their daily lives.
Together, we can build a new culture of non-violence for humankind which will give hope to all humanity and in particular, to the children of the world.
With deepest respect,
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
~ Idea 1252 ~ 14 December 1997
I have written a popular book entitled The Birth of a Global Civilization.
Other books which should be published as we enter a new century and millennium are:
- The birth of a new world economic order
- The birth of a new political world order
- The birth of a new spiritual world order
- The birth of a new world educational order
- The birth of a new scientific and technological world order
- The birth of a new world transportation order
- The birth of a new world energy order
- The birth of a new world peace and security order
- The birth of a new world order of the media
Please add your own ideas of needed new world orders.
~ Idea 1257 ~ 19 December 1997
The main purpose of education should not be to give children skills to "compete" and to "succeed" in life, but to lead a happy, fulfilled life. But where on Earth is that taught? It is at least in the handful of 33 Robert Muller schools.
~ Idea 1273 ~ 4 January 1998
At the beginning of my first 500 ideas, in idea number 5, I recommended the early holding of a world conference on non-violence. I believe that it would be worthwhile to hold also soonest a world conference on education of peace and non-violence.
~ Idea 1280 ~ 11 January 1998
I will send my ideas to the first world conference of Ministers of Youth in Portugal in August of this year.
In addition to those from my 2000 ideas, I will propose that:
- only men aged forty or over should be sent to war because they decide the wars and then send to war young people who had no part in their decision to fight;
- no head of state, Minister, Parliamentarian or head of a national administration should be allowed to be more than forty to fifty years old, because they are the result of an obsolete, not up-to-date, non-global education and would take decisions and manage affairs in ways not commensurate with the needs of the new generation of youths who still have decades of life before them.
Barbara made the following comment to me when I read this text to her:
"I have concluded long ago that it is only worth talking to people of less than forty and of men of more than sixty. The first are open-minded and forward-looking, the others are experienced. You can forget about the middle category because they are sold out to existing systems, beliefs and institutions."
~ Idea 1286 ~ 17 January 1998
There begin to be on this planet bi-national or international parks. For instance there is a Costa-Rican-Panama international park. The world should know that there exists also a first world park: several thousand acres of primeval tropical forests donated to the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica. It would be worthwhile for the United Nations and environmental institutions to see how such a treasure could be opened to plant and animal scientists, become a highpoint of education and model of a well preserved and managed world park also offered as highpoint of world ecological tourism.
~ Idea 1310 ~ 10 February 1998
I suggest to UNESCO to make a comparative survey of the costs of military education and training and peace education and training on this planet. The results would be eye openers.
It would show something similar to the statistic that there are:
556 militaries per 100,000 inhabitants of this planet.
85 doctors
1 world servant
What a poor image of our 20th century!
~ Idea 1314 ~ 14 February 1998
A study of military training and peace education in the world would also reveal that while the militaries are both educated and "trained", peacemakers are not. The Institute of Peace in Washington which was originally conceived as a West Point for the training of peacemakers, was accepted by President Reagan on the condition that it would only produce peace studies but not educate or train peacemakers. The UN University in Tokyo was agreed upon by the US only on the specific condition that it would be limited to studies. And the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica was ratified by only a handful of governments and financed by almost none of them, as a result of which it is practically without students. Neither in national Universities can one find any training of peacemakers. Napoleon was a genius when he decided that he would not send his militaries to Universities, but would create special military "academies" to train them and prepare them for war. This situation still prevails today.
~ Idea 1319 ~ 19 February 1998
Many persons write to me urging the United Nations or UNESCO to study thoroughly the subject of global education. They are right: there are so many global issues, institutions, hopes and perils on this planet, that UNESCO should establish a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Global Education. A World University of Global Education should also be created. I am ready to design its program and structure and to be a member of its Board to continue meriting my title of Father of Global Education given to me in the 1960ies.
~ Idea 1365 ~ 6 April 1998
An intern of our International Radio for Peace to whom I told that, answered: "But I know of a new monetary system which could remedy all that." I replied to him: "I do not want to see it. I have at least twenty of them. The problem is that the holders of the existing system do not even want to look into anything else. The only thing which can save us is to call in a world conference to rethink from scratch the whole economic system of this planet."
I gave him another example: "You have many proposals for a world federal government. They might all be good, but there will be people who will object, by saying: 'the states you would federate are totally artificial. They are the results of conquests, marriages, stealings of lands, etc. What is needed is an Earth government based on bioregions, regions which have a life in common, like the great river basin countries, the mountain countries, the Arctic and Antarctic, etc. Proper Earth government requires that we think in those terms.' My answer again to them is: "We need urgently a world conference to rethink from scratch the way this planet is governed or rather misgoverned. At it, all ideas would be reviewed to find which is the best, or which is the best combination in the interest of the Earth and humanity."
I refer therefore here to ideas 527 to 547 in which I urge that 21 basic segments of human life on this planet should be reconsidered and rethought from scratch: a new political system, a new economics, a new education, a new media and communications, a new democracy, a new global leadership, a spiritual Renaissance, a non-violent human society, a well preserved planet, a decent well-being for all humans, a stabilization of world population, right human settlements, disarmament, demilitarization, a global security of the planet, a new science and technology, a new world psychology, a new science and art of planetary management, and a new art and culture.
These should all be the object of major world conferences to be held as rapidly as possible as we enter the 21st century and third millennium.
Governments might not listen to me, but it is my duty to say this in the light of my fifty years of world experience.
~ Idea 1366 ~ 7 April 1998
Philanthropists and gaiaphilists should give priority to global philanthropy and gaiaphily to foster the solution of global problems, the most recent, unprecedented, urgent and potentially catastrophic, terminal ones. They should help the convening of major world conferences and the creation or strengthening of new, vitally needed global institutions and legislations. Thus, the University for Peace in Costa Rica was created with one million dollars donated by Ryoichi Sasakawa from Japan. He has his statue on the grounds of this first University for peace on this planet. Mr. Sasakawa also funded the yearly UNESCO Peace Education Prize. Ted Turner's philanthropy to the UN is also an example. Please philanthropists and gaiaphilists take inspiration from them. World philanthropy will give you maximum world visibility and enduring fame.
~ Idea 1390 ~ 1 May 1998
The newly elected President of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, announced that he will make an effort during his mandate to see the military expenses of all Central America substantially reduced. His aim will be the total demilitarization of that area, following the example of Costa Rica, demilitarized since 1949, the most peaceful and prosperous country in the area. His project will be executed by the UN University for Peace which will show how such demilitarization would permit providing more education facilities for more than a million children. He will call for an international conference for demilitarization at which the rich countries would be asked to participate in that effort.
~ Ideas 1446 to 1447 ~ 26 to 27 June 1998
Before the year 2000, I would like to see two conferences held in the fundamental field of education:
Idea 1446 A meeting of all the winners of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize since it was established. Some of the winners like Mother Teresa are demised, but others like myself are still alive. An encounter at UNESCO could produce a comprehensive world-wide strategy of peace education for the 21st century.
Idea 1447 A conference between representatives of the so-called "alternative" educational systems, such as the Montessori schools, the Rudolf Steiner schools, the Robert Muller schools and others. Such a conference could find what they have in common and raise the question whether these types of schools are not better geared to the needs of the 21st century than are current national schools.
The reports and recommendation of these two meetings should be submitted to the UN General Assembly 2000 and to its accompanying Peoples' Assembly 2000.
~ Idea 129 ~ 16 November 1994
An increasing number of businesses should be created by young people under a label such as "Self-imposed Ethical Business" which would draw up their own code of ethics toward consumers, the environment, peace and mother Earth.
~ Idea 224 ~ 19 February 1995
World Universities should be created to study and teach the great concepts which have helped humanity over eons of time to live with the mysteries of life and death in the unfathomable universe and eternity: world universities of hope, of faith, of ethics, of love, of optimism, of happiness, of altruism, of justice, of thanksgiving, of forgiveness, etc.
~ Idea 270 ~ 6 April 1995
A next great task for the United Nations will be to draft a Universal Declaration of Ethics for the third millennium. The subject will be taken up during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Ideas 302 to 310 ~ 8 to 16 May 1995
Ours has become a world into which a lot of unethics have crept in behind our backs. There is an urgent need for the upholding of ethics, side by side with human rights and human duties and responsibilities in all realms of human activities. I therefore recommend:
Idea 302 -the creation of an Independent World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Ethics or
Idea 303 -that the UN convene a World Conference on Ethics, Human Duties and Responsibilities
Idea 304 -the UN collect and publish codes and statements of ethics in all human realms
Idea 305 -a UN Commission for Ethics, like the Human Rights Commission, and a High Commissioner and staff serving it be created
Idea 306 -all specialized agencies and world programs of the UN should develop human ethics in their respective fields
Idea 307 -a World Court of Ethics should be established
Idea 308 -an International Year of Ethics should be held
Idea 309 -the next millennium should be declared World Millennium of Ethics
Idea 310 -Ministries of Ethics should be created in all governments and ethical units in all businesses.
(See also Idea 270)
~ Idea 392 ~ 6 August 1995
There should be more work, more scientific research, more world associations and peoples' movements for the great philosophical, moral concepts which have always helped humanity to survive and to progress in the fathomless mysteries of the universe.
Such movements are now mushrooming on peace, human rights, racial and gender equality, the environment, etc. More are needed on the concepts and practices of hope, love, forgiveness, compassion, thanksgiving, altruism, philanthropy, gaiaphily, cooperation, etc., I am glad that an Institute for the Science of Hope has been created in New York and an Institute for Forgiveness in Lawrence, Kansas. These should be accompanied by world associations or people's movements for hope, for forgiveness, etc., similar to those existing already for peace, the environment, etc. There should be world days of hope, love, compassion, etc. The US Thanksgiving Day should become a world day. We also badly need A World Day of Love.
~ Idea 418 ~ 1 September 1995
In a book published by UNESCO on "Simon Bolivar, the Hope of the Universe", I read that he proposed the creation of a fourth branch of Government, concerned with Morality and Education. This is now coming strongly to the fore under the name of Ethics.
~ Idea 526 ~ 18 December 1995
But at the word evolution my eternal optimism took over again. I remembered that in a manuscript I had with me, The Art of Living, Volume I Our Lives in the Magnificent Scene of Creation, I had a hopeful answer to the above predicaments. Here it is:
"Humanity will now enter a fascinating new period of evolution: Superimposed on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest through competition, to Mendell's law of heredity, to the genetic codification of our experiences through DNA and RNA, we are now blessed with the birth of a global, planetary consciousness which makes us recognize our false avenues, wrong values and errors. A new philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology, values system, ethics, morality, spirituality, education, politics will be born at the end of this century. We are still in the kindergarten of that period, but we are in it. Henceforth, less and less will we wait until we burn our fingers before we react, as we did with the population explosion and the environment.
A few years ago, I suggested to Erika Erdmann, the Librarian and research aide to Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, and to Professor Leonide, a reputed French anthropologist, to create a world association of long-term evolutionary scientists. My hunch was that these scientists were becoming more optimistic as a result of the birth of global, planetary consciousness which makes us aware of our mistakes and problems and helps us solve them. It proved correct as their survey revealed. The theory of "chaos" according to which the universe and human life make no sense is being abandoned. The new theory is that on any planet having life in the cosmos one species sooner or later evolves to a point of gaining a total knowledge of the planet it lives on. It will then be in its power either to continue evolution or to bring it to an end. The first course will require that former, obsolete values will be replaced by new ones which take evolution into account. These new values are a major new evolutionary imperative. They need urgent scientific study.
In my view, humanity has reached that stage on Planet Earth: we must revise our basic values, current beliefs and objectives and acquire a new evolutionary wisdom which respects the laws of nature and of the cosmos. If nature has produced the incredible, sophisticated variety of innumerable living species around us, each one a true miracle, it is simply not possible that the human species is not a miracle too, perhaps the most advanced of all.
The future of the Earth will be bright and life will not become extinct if we decide so on the eve of a new century and millennium. We can enter a thrilling, transcendent new global, cosmic phase of evolution, if the human species understands its momentous, incredibly important evolutionary role.
~ Idea 527 to 547 ~ 19 December 1995
to 8 January 1996
To the preceding I added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
Idea 527 a new political system for planet Earth
Idea 528 a new economics
Idea 529 a new education
Idea 530 a new media and communications
Idea 531 a new democracy
Idea 532 a new global leadership
Idea 533 a spiritual Renaissance and inter-religious cooperation
Idea 534 a non-violent human society
Idea 535 a well preserved planet
Idea 536 a decent well being for all humans
Idea 537 a stabilization of the world population
Idea 538 right human settlements on the planet
Idea 539 the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global security of the planet
Idea 540 a new science and technology
Idea 541 a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life
Idea 542 a new human biology
Idea 543 a new philosophy, cosmology and long-term view of evolution
Idea 544 a new world ethics and justice
Idea 545 a new world psychology
Idea 546 a new science and art of planetary management
Idea 547 a new art and culture
~ Idea 571 ~ 1 February 1996
I wish that one or several great philanthropists, would create World Commissions of Eminent Persons on some global problems which still need pressing attention. Here is an up to date list of those recommended earlier in these 2000 ideas.
a World Commission on a New World Economic System
a World Commission on the Media and Advertisement
a World Commission on Democracy
a World Commission on a Spiritual Renaissance
a World Commission on a new course for Humanity and the Earth
a World Commission on the Total Denuclearization of the Planet
a World Commission on the Demilitarization of the Planet
a World Commission on Ethics
a World Commission on World Priorities and Resources
a World Commission on Consumption
a World Commission on the Use and Conservation of Natural Resources
a World Commission on Corruption
a World Commission on Visions of the Earth and of Humanity in the 21st century and 3rd Millennium
a World Commission on the Nation State and National Government Reform
a World Commission on the Inefficiency of the Present World Political System due to staggering costly duplications between 185 nation states
a World Commission on a World Budget and Taxation System
a World Commission on Global Philanthropy and World Prizes
Philanthropists and other world personalities or foundations and institutes might also take up subjects on which I have recommended the holding of further world conferences by the United Nations.
~ Idea 658 ~ 28 April 1996
Since business, profit and economics have become the main factors of destruction of the Earth and since this is beginning to be recognized in business circles themselves under the claim for business ethics, I recommend that a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on the New Role of Business be established to accelerate this fundamental change.
~ Idea 834 ~ 21 October 1996
The subject of ethics, especially world ethics, is popping up everywhere in the world these days. It means that the global brain of humanity is giving signals. We have reached a sufficient level of global consciousness to consider the creation of a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Ethics. I would give them a whole file of initiatives and work already undertaken around the world on the subject.
~ Idea 1029 ~ 5 May 1997
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1998, the United Nations, in addition to the proclamation of new, additional human rights, as recommended in these 2000 ideas, should undertake two new tasks:
- the drafting and adoption of a universal declaration of human responsibilities;
- the drafting and adoption of a universal declaration of ethics.
There exist already several texts of such declarations which should be assembled and circulated by the UN Secretariat. I have communicated to the UN Human Rights High Commissioner those I have collected over the years.
~ Idea 1030 ~ 6 May 1997
Non-governmental organizations represented at the UN should actively contribute to these new items and collect any ideas and texts existing on human responsibilities and ethics. It will lead to a revolution in the philosophy of human life and society on this planet in the 21st century.
~ Idea 1111 ~ 26 July 1997
As we near the 21st century, I recommend that the International Association of University Presidents take up these two subjects:
1. what should be the ideal University in the 21st century? How should it be structured? What would be its principal objectives and Departments, given the needs of the Earth and humanity and future evolution on this planet?
2. What should be an ideal network of world Universities around the planet which would deal with global subjects of concern to all humanity and to the fate of the Earth, e.g. the seas and oceans, the atmosphere, the world's climate, the world's waters, global education, global ethics, proper Earth government, etc.?
~ Idea 1213 ~ 5 November 1997
The notion of ethics in business is making progress these days, but we must go one step further and speak of the accountability of business towards the Earth and future generations. I recommend that a Universal Declaration of Business Ethics and Responsibilities be drafted and adopted by the UN.
~ Idea 1265 ~ 27 December 1997
There is a good degree of overpricing of products, of untruths in advertisement, of unethical and health impairing ingredients in food sold on this planet, that in addition to the creation of a World Consumers Agency, I recommend also the creation of a World Court for Consumers protection. Advertisement of cigarettes and tobacco products is one of the first items to be brought before it. Alcohol should be next.
~ Idea 1486 ~ 5 August 1998
Humanity has won some great victories during its history:
it has won against slavery
" " colonialism
" " racism
" " apartheid
" " discrimination of women
" " discrimination of indigenous people
Out of these victories, the last five were won under UN leadership.
I propose that we engage vigorous action on the following:
violence in all its forms
extreme poverty
Earth destruction
excessive materialism and overconsumption
religious fundamentalism
extreme national sovereignty
lack of ethics
I am sure that humanity can win all these victories within a few decades. Nothing is impossible for the human species if it decides so. And we have gained a lot of experience!
~ Idea 4 ~ 14 July 1994
Being a remarkable model of a new world order, much better than the UN, the European Union should help the world and create a Commission or group of eminent thinkers to offer a plan for the transformation of the United Nations into a true World Union.
Being a remarkable model of a democratic world order, much better than the United Nations, the United States should repeat the Philadelphia miracle and offer the world a plan for the transformation of the United Nations into a United States of the World.
It took ten years to create the United States of America. It took 43 years to create the European Union. Given the experience gained from these precedents and the urgency of the global problems confronting the planet, let us set as a goal for that task at the time of our entry into the third millennium.
~ Idea 23 ~ 2 August 1994
I hope that more regional communities will be created, following the example of the European Union, so that the UN can be transformed soon into a true World Union.
~ Idea 24 ~ 3 August 1994
The United Nations and each of its 32 specialized agencies should be strengthened with an adjunct University which would permit students from around the world to acquire the most advanced global knowledge and concerns for our planetary home and human family. Thus there should be a World Health University, a World Food and Agriculture University, an International Civil Aviation University, etc.
The International Training Center of the International Labor Organization should be renamed International Labor Organization University.*
Note: *1996: The European Union has granted to that training center the status of a European University.
~ Idea 44 ~ 23 August 1994
Join a world federalist or world citizens' association to be in the right line, for soon there will be need for a world federal system for this planet, as surely as the North American States were transformed into the United States Federation and the European countries into a European Union. Opponents to it are bound to lose. They run against an inevitable evolution.
~ Idea 50 ~ 29 August 1994
Elaborating on Idea 4, I urgently recommend that before the end of this century and millennium a Commission of Eminent World Leaders be convened to formulate proposals for the transformation of the United Nations into a United States of the World on the lines of the USA, or a World Union on the lines of the recently born European Union.
~ Idea 75 ~ 23 September 1994
I hope that saintly Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine who founded the European Union will be canonized before the end of this century. The world needs badly political saints. I am glad to be a member of his canonization commission.
~ Idea 102 ~ 20 October 1994
Today, for the first time in my life, I crossed without passport and customs controls the suppressed borders between Holland, Belgium, France and Germany. Which will be the next countries on Earth to follow the example of the Europeans, united now in a European Union, similar to the United States? When will we at long last live in a United States of the World or in a World Union?
~ Idea 126 ~ 13 November 1994
If the UN is not rapidly transformed into an effective world political union and administration, I recommend that the more audacious, better structured and better financed European Union be taken as the basis for a World Union. How to do it? First, by including as fast as possible the Nordic countries and the new Eastern European countries. Next, since Russia reaches into the North of Asia, the old dream of Eurasia can be implemented. The plan of Robert Schuman who dreamt of integrating the African countries into Eurafrica can also be implemented: these countries were mostly former European colonies and have maintained close links with neighboring Europe. In the meantime, the US can organize the Americas from Alaska to the Tierra del Fuego and the two unions can be integrated into a World Union.
~ Idea 136 ~ 23 November 1994
I recommend that the United Nations General Assembly receive each year a report on violence in the world, and that each regional organization such as the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the European Union, etc. receive yearly reports from the member governments on violence in their countries, and measures taken by them and by all institutions and social groups to be of assistance.
~ Idea 174 ~ 31 December 1994
Now that the cold war is over, thought should be given to a better world regional system: the UN Regional Economic Commissions could be merged with existing broader regional organizations, such as the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the European Union. These organizations would become regional arms of the United Nations, headed by five regional Secretaries General of the UN.
~ Idea 222 ~ 17 February 1995
After the success and historic breakthrough of the US federal system of government and balance of power, and the emergence of a similar system in the European Union, the time has come to give serious consideration to federal systems or unions on other continents and of such a system for the world as a whole. This should be one of our main priorities on the eve of the 21st century and 3rd millennium. Not to do it would be a grave irresponsibility towards the Earth and future generations. The present mess and colossal duplications between nation-states cannot be endured, neither by the Earth nor by the people.
~ Idea 275 ~ 11 April 1995
I cannot repeat it often enough: after 50 years, on the eve of a new century and millennium, an audacious, visionary quantum strengthening of the United Nations must take place, so that it can become the rational planetary organization so urgently needed at this stage of our evolution. If not it will soon be overtaken by the rapidly expanding European Union which is already extending its feelers and cooperative arrangements with other continents of the planet. The United States would miss its historic chance to be the birthplace, cradle and seat of the first, true world organization. US, wake up.
~ Idea 279 ~ 15 April 1995
The European Union should create one of the most generous and famous world prizes: the Robert Schuman prize, in honor of the founder and father of the European borderless Union. It should be granted yearly to the head of state who has done most for the creation of other regional unions in the world and suppression of borders.
~ Idea 280 ~ 16 April 1995
While there are nowadays national disintegration movements in Yugoslavia, in the former USSR and in African countries there are also no less than twenty integration movements around the world, the most successful being the European Union.
I recommend that the General Assembly of the UN place on its yearly agenda an item on existing regional communities and new ones in formation, because they are a great hope for peace and building blocks for the World Community or Union. The European Union should also report annually on these developments and be a guiding light and inspiration to others.
~ Idea 289 ~ 25 April 1995
Why not try in the Middle East what we have achieved successfully against all odds in Europe: to make countries which were warring for centuries cooperate on common interests, e.g. coal and steel, then their entire economies, followed by a political and tomorrow spiritual union.
I was told that the French and Germans will always have wars and that the contrary was unthinkable. Well, why not try to prove the contrary also in the Middle East. Nothing is impossible on Earth, if humans really want it.
~ Idea 299 ~ 5 May 1995
After the successful birth of the political European Union and the suppression of the borders between its members, a World Commission of Eminent Persons should be created to study and promote other regional communities and lead in the third millennium to the birth, at long last after thousands of years, of a true World Union of all people.
~ Idea 318 ~ 24 May 1995
A world center should be created to study all regional communities recently created or in formation on this planet. They are growing in numbers, impact and importance. The European Union is the most important one, but there are several others like the Arctic Forum created by Governor Walter Hickel, which can serve as a model for other vital bioregions of this planet. Such a Center would collect systematic information on these nascent communities and submit a yearly report to the United Nations, since this is a major, very hopeful innovation in the global government of our planet.
~ Idea 319 ~ 25 May 1995
We must not forget the important historical role played by the nation-state to get us out of the tribal situation and warfares in which humanity lived so long. But nations must have no illusions: they cannot survive if they cling to their obsolete belief in national sovereignty which is contrary to our henceforth global and planetary requirements. If they want to survive, they must create new communities and forms of world cooperation, and strengthen immensely the universal United Nations. A true quantum leap is needed at this point of our evolution. If not we will see much more disasters, waste, crises and human despair on this planet. May God inspire leaders of nations to make the drastic necessary quantum leaps into the third millennium, eliminating incredible errors, wastes and dangers to this planet.
From the nation-state we must now move to regional unions on the model of the European Union and to a well-conceived, well organized World Union.
~ Idea 389 ~ 3 August 1995
There is a United Nations. There is a United States. There is a United Europe. There is a United Airlines. There is a United Express. Why should there not be a United Religions *, a United Jews and Arabs? What reconciliations, what models of peace and cooperation these would be! Please religions of the world do it. Please all conflictual parties do it. The world will be astonished and relieved. And you will be elated by the results. Find something you have in common and work on it. Follow the example of the French and Germans who began working together on coal and steel and ended up in a borderless European Union. Please. I beg you.
Note: * It is on the way of being created by the United Religious Initiative adopted in June 1996 in San Francisco.
~ Idea 402 ~ 16 August 1995
The French and the Germans had three major wars during the lifetime of my grandparents. But finally the two nations, under the leadership of an Alsace-Lorraine, Robert Schuman, buried their hatchets, cooperated intensively and finally in 1992 abolished their borders and are now brothers in a European Union.
I recommend that the same be done everywhere and that a World Union should be created in the 21st century. A yearly Robert Schuman Prize should be given to countries which have created a union and have abolished their borders.
~ Idea 433 ~ 16 September 1995
I wish that all nations would adopt these titles for the passports of their citizens:
Name of the country
The European countries issue already the following passports:
Name of the country
~ Idea 480 ~ 2 November 1995
As another minimum I would expect the UN General Assembly to include a new item on its agenda, namely: Consideration of a new political world order and system. The reasons for it are:
the existence of the report of the World Commission on Global Governance under the chairmanship of Mr. Ingvar Carlsson;
the proximity of a new century and millennium;
the many requests for the reform of the UN and its considerable strengthening to be able to face mounting global problems;
the existence henceforth of the vastly better conceived, structured and financed European Union which could serve as a model for the progressive transformation of the United Nations into a World Union.
~ Idea 484 ~ 6 November 1995
Since the United States and the European Union are the result of two of the most daring political initiatives taken in human history, namely the convening of the Philadelphia Congress to unite the confederate states, and the European Union plans of Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, I propose that the President of the United States and the President of the European Union appoint a group of eminent experts to design for the next century and 3rd millennium plans for a United States of the World, or World Union, or a vastly strengthened United Nations of the second generation.
~ Idea 495 ~ 17 November 1995
Given the opposition and reluctance of some governments, especially the big ones to strengthen the United Nations, the novel, more innovative, far superior and stably well financed European Union should now become the foundation, cradle or model of a true, sorely needed World Union. I pray our Father in heaven and the saintly soul of Robert Schuman, the founder of the European Union, to fulfill this most important dream at the end of our century and millennium. The European Union should take an early decision to engage in this process.
~ Idea 557 to 564 ~ 18 to 27 January 1996
How would I see the agenda, the task of such a world conference? The task is so gigantic, so mind-boggling, that perhaps humanity would have to conceive several preliminary world conferences before holding a final one on proper Earth government in the next century. Here are my proposals, in addition to not giving up:
Idea 561
22 January 1996 The world has recently witnessed another political miracle, similar to the American miracle in Philadelphia: the birth of the European Union of 16 European countries which have finally put an end to their antagonisms and wars, decided to unite and cooperate and have abolished the borders between them. Every European can now settle anywhere in the Union, can elect a European Parliament at the same time as he elects his National Parliament and can have his government condemned by a supra-national European Court of Human Rights when his basic rights are violated. Also the European Union has its own European budget and tax system and is not dependent on national contributions as is the United Nations. In 1990 the European Economic Community had already a budget of 7.4 billion dollars, ten times the UN budget. This example is so hopeful, so powerful that I recommend to the European Countries to convene
a World Conference for the creation of a World Union on the pattern of the European Union.
Idea 562
23 January 1996 About ten years ago or more, I suggested to President Bush that in view of the creation of the European Union, the American countries from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego should create an all American community and future union. He listened to me but instead of creating that community in a common joint effort of all American countries, the US negotiated separate trade agreements first with Canada, then with Mexico and now the Latin American countries created their own Mercosur (the Southern Latin American market) and the future of an American community and future union is in doubt.
The continental approach to a world community and union remains an important avenue. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. A World Union could be constructed as a super-structure and common political system of the five continents. I therefore propose
a World Conference of the planet's five continents on a Proper Earth Government through continental unions and a World Union.
Idea 564
25 January 1996 Last, but not least, humanity has reached a point when we must consider our human presence, past, present and future on this particular planet in the universe. We have now a tremendous information on the universe in which we live. In addition to our total consciousness of our Earth and its global evolution we are now also acquiring and developing a cosmic consciousness of the universe. This is the greatest of all our advances in human history. But the mysteries of infinity and eternity still escape us and will remain outside human and scientific grasp. This has the result of bringing together the spirituality or basic "faiths" of all religions and science. God, the gods or the Great Spirit or Spirits and their emissaries, prophets and human incarnations like Jesus gave humanity at its early stages a cosmic, universal, all-encompassing faith or feeling for the mysteries of the cosmos, for the norms of love and for the miracle of life and norms of behavior between all humans and with other species and nature. These messages or "revelations" should not be neglected. They contain some of the profoundest answers to human behavior, fulfillment, and survival. Great was our astonishment in the environmental crisis to discover the wisdom and rules of behavior towards nature dictated by the Great Spirit to the indigenous people of this planet. The world's 5000 religions are filled with incredible wisdom regarding human morality, belief in life, environmental adaptation, survival and future evolution. This is strongly coming to the fore at this time as manifested in the following:
1. the dream and plan of my compatriot Robert Schuman from Alsace-Lorraine to see the European Union, which started with a coal and steel community followed by an economic community, followed by a political union, culminate in an all spiritual European Union including the Eastern European countries especially "Holy Mother Russia".
2. the creation in 85 countries, including as a third party in the United States, of the Natural Law Party based on the premise that the laws of nature should guide humans in their political behavior and organization. There is only one step to recognize that natural laws are in reality cosmic laws.
3. the San Francisco Initiative to create a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations also born in that city, where all religions of the world would cooperate, define what they have in common, provide their wisdom on human behavior and morality, and right relations with nature, and the creation of God. In the process they will hopefully reduce and progressively give up their fundamentalism in favor of a global spirituality the same way as nations in the United Nations have reduced the national fundamentalism called sovereignty. May God help us that
a World Conference be convened on proper Earth government through what the world's religions have in common in terms of universal, global spirituality and world-wide human experience.
~ Idea 683 ~ 23 May 1996
My idea of having countries in a same region cooperate with each other on common interests, as illustrated by the European Coal and Steel Community which culminated later in the European Union, is shared by a Turkish citizen, Turgut Ozal, who launched the "Black Sea Economic Cooperation Project" for the Black Sea Countries and proposed a "Water Peace Pipeline" to the Middle East.
~ Idea 686 ~ 26 May 1996
Governments, Parliaments and Courts of Justice can be instruments of abuse, even when elected by the people. This is why sixty countries have created the position of Ombudsman which means in Swedish "representative". Citizens can complain to him or to her about abuses, injustices, corruption, misbehavior and neglect by public officials and institutions. The Treaty of Maastricht creating the European Union has prescribed the creation of a European Ombudsman. Bravo. I recommend that a United Nations or World Ombudsman be created, preferably a woman under the title Ombudswoman. The UN General Assembly should take the decision to establish such a post. I know several remarkable persons who would admirably fill that position.
~ Idea 768 ~ 16 August 1996
When will be the day when all radio stations of the world will start the day with the hymn of the United Nations written by Pablo Casals or the Ode to Joy by Beethoven, adopted as the hymn of the European Union, and after that only the national hymn. There is not a single country on Earth that does it. No wonder that the world is divided, in disarray and that the Earth is going to pieces
~ Idea 778 ~ 26 August 1996
The Secretary General of the UN should have a group of idea-men and idea-women attached to his office. The President of the European Union has a group of long-term prospective thinkers attached to his office. All governments and major institutions should follow that example.
~ Idea 786 ~ 3 September 1996
All too often I hear people say: I tried but it did not work, so I gave up. Well, we have the sacred duty to try and to never give up. Many of our ideals for peace and a better world will be fulfilled only after our death. This was the case of so many enlightened world servers of the past: those who wanted human rights, those who wanted the abolition of slavery, etc. Here is a more recent, unforgettable example:
Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine, dreamt as a child of the abolition of the borders in Europe, especially between France and Germany. He launched the Schuman Plan in 1949 and it took 43 years until the European Union was born and the borders of western European countries were abolished. But Robert Schuman was dead at that time. I went to his tomb to report it to him.
Please follow his example: never give up your dream even if you will not see it fulfilled.
My dream for a World Union or United States of the World or Earth Government is unlikely to be fulfilled during my life time. It is only a reason for working harder at it.
~ Idea 840 ~ 27 October 1996
In a file entitled "After my death" I slipped a note from a Franciscan sister of Caldwell, New Jersey, suggesting that I should be canonized a saint. Well, I would not make it as a Catholic saint, but I might be one of the first global, political saints. My compatriot, Robert Schuman, father of the European Union will be precedent of a political saint when he is canonized.
I recommend that the United Religions Organization, once established, should consider the proclamation of universal saints, including political, economic, and environmental saints. It would enchant me in the afterworld to learn that I would be proclaimed one of them.
~ Idea 854 ~ 10 November 1996
The European Union, the greatest new dream and progress in proper Earth government and cooperation , must now take the relay from the United States which has forsaken its role as a dreamer for proper, progressive world cooperation through the United Nations. The world would be well-advised to place its hopes in the European Union as a model for a World Union.
~ Idea 864 ~ 20 November 1996
I remember that Winston Churchill proposed in 1950 the creation of a European army, and in February 1951, my compatriot Robert Schuman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, opened in Paris a Conference for the creation of a European army. Alas, this bold, historic attempt was defeated by communists and extreme right nationalists. Now that communism has given up and that we have a borderless European Union, the idea of creating a European Army has reappeared and has a good chance of being implemented.
Beyond that, I recommend that the governments of the world should not let this century and millennium pass without holding a World Conference on the creation of a world army. Perhaps a miracle will happen and the world would save 900 to 950 billion dollars of military expenditures and use this tremendous sum for infinitely better purposes, especially social and environmental ones.
~ Idea 865 ~ 21 November 1996
Humanity badly needs political saints, saints who wear a suit and a necktie. I am so glad to be a member of the canonization committee of Robert Schuman who wanted to become a monk, but guided by God and the miseries of World War II, became a political man and created the borderless European Union of 16 countries, including the former archenemies France and Germany. His sainthood is expected to be proclaimed in 2000 on the anniversary day of the creation of the European Union. What a great event it will be.
~ Idea 869 ~ 25 November 1996
I dream that five exceptional leaders, heads of states from the five continents of this planet will meet and lay down the foundations of a United World, the same way as three great leaders of Europe, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi raised their vision above their nation and created the European Union, a blessing for that region after thousands of years of wars and divisions. May the same now happen for the world. Very soon, please, leaders of nations.
~ Idea 878 ~ 4 December 1996
Every human collectivity is taxing people: cities, provinces, states, nations, corporations (through their prices and profits) to create common services and provide goods.
Only two communities, the most important ones at this stage of evolution are excluded from this system: humanity and the Earth.
What incredible things could be done if common services for humanity and for the Earth were created and adequately financed. Thank God, the European Union provides now an outstanding example of what can be done when a World Union is created.
~ Idea 900 ~ 26 December 1996
There was a time when a number of great people like George Washington, James Madison, George Mason and others had the vision and courage to propose a Constitution for the United States of America against the vociferous and staunch opposition of the state powerholders of their time. Where are the great people of today who will dare to conceive and propose a Constitution for the United States of the Earth?
Dear contemporary political leaders, you will all be forgotten as little people by future generations unless you wake up to the supreme needs of this Earth and of its genial human race. Please, a few of you, have the courage to wake up and to propose against all opposition a World Union following the example of Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi who succeeded against all odds in creating a borderless European Union of 16 former belligerent, quarreling nations.
Please, do not miss that tremendous historic opportunity on the eve of a new century and millennium to become famous and be loved and honored by future generations.
~ Idea 912 ~ 8 January 1997
I also recommend that a Legion of Honor be created by the European Union, honoring its great founders Jean Monnet, Pierre Uri, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gasperi. Rene Lejeune and others.
~ Idea 938 - 941 ~ 3 to 6 February 1997
As we move towards the 21st century and a new millennium it is our absolute duty, given the political chaos in which we live, to review seriously the world political system as it stands encrusted today. There are several ways to go about it (see ideas 557 to 564). The four most important ones are:
Idea 939 follow the example of the European Union and work towards the creation of a World Union;
~ Idea 959 ~ 24 February 1997
The same could be done by European visionaries and thinkers who would espouse the personalities of Jean Monnet, Pierre Uri, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi, the founders of the European Union, and lay the foundations of a World Union.
~ Idea 1003 ~ 9 April 1997
I recommend that a United Nations Consultative Parliament be created immediately, composed of representatives of all existing national Parliaments, under rules of procedures agreed upon by the International Parliamentarian Union. Like the European Consultative Parliament which had only consultative functions but was highly instrumental in creating the European Union, it would have only consultative functions to start with, but would lead to the creation of a much needed World Union.
~ Idea 1081 ~ 26 June 1997
Barbara Gaughen and I, both members of the Club of Budapest on planetary consciousness, sent today a message of congratulation to Mikhail Gorbachev who was receiving in Frankfurt, the city of Goethe, this year's prize for planetary consciousness. We ended our message as follows:
We are sending you our warmest love, congratulations and prayers. May you become the prophet of a united human family, and the global architect who will give the world his vision, plan and proposals how the Earth and humanity can become the ultimate cosmic success of the universe and of God. May we be privileged to see soon a Gorbachev Plan for a World Union or Proper Earth Government as we saw a Robert Schuman Plan for a United Europe, now an astonishing reality. May you, all your co-workers and guests contribute to our entry into a new phase, the cosmic age of our evolution into the 21st century and third millennium.
Let us all heed the advice of the great Goethe, the honor of the city of Frankfurt in which you receive the Planetary Consciousness Prize:
"Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it,
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
~ Idea 1085 ~ 30 June 1997
Message to the Club of Budapest
During fifty years of world service with the United Nations, I have observed three major phases in recent human history: from 1945 to 1970's a period of most intensive, unprecedented global humanism (peace, human rights, health, well-being, economic development, racial equality, decolonization, human longevity, literacy, etc.); from 1970's to 1980: the birth of a novel, unprecedented concern for the environment (UNESCO's 1968 world conference on the biosphere, the UN's 1972 world conference on the environment); since the 1980's (the 1978 UN world conference on the ozonosphere, the two UN conferences on the climate in 1979 and 1987) the problem number one has become the fate of the Earth itself. Throughout this period I have considered the birth of a global consciousness to the human species and the creation of global institutions and convening of world conferences as the major hopes for humanity to cope with the acute global problems all of a sudden facing us. I became therefore an enthusiastic member of the Club of Budapest created by my former colleague and friend Ervin Laszlo, a world thinker, servant and activist of great vision.
Having just now followed the UN extraordinary General Assembly convened to assess the road covered since the UN Rio de Janeiro world conference on the environment of 1992, I was appalled by the resistance, slowness, if not opposition of many governments, including major ones, to act upon the recommendations and agreements of the Rio Conference. In the meantime the world population continues to increase at an alarming rate, and so does the deterioration of our environment and the outright destruction of nature. I consider it therefore to be my duty to make the following recommendations.
1. to declare a state of emergency of the Earth;
2. to consider the present situation as an outright war, a World War III against the Earth and its elements and we humans must end this war;
3. to request a second world conference on the biosphere, thirty years after the first one in 1968, to see what the state of our biosphere is today;
4. to support the extension to other countries of the World Party of Natural Law already existing in 85 countries due to the initiative of British scientists;
5. to place all our weight behind a radical change of the political system of our planet which provides for services and financial resources from local communities, cities, provinces to nations, but leaves almost entirely the Earth and the human family without adequate common services and financial resources at a time when these are most desperately needed;
6. in view of the chaos of the purely nation-state system and its colossal duplications of services (e.g. the military establishments) and their financial costs, I recommend that we urgently agree upon the absolute and imperative necessity, unavoidable sooner or later, to create a proper Earth Government either in the form
of a profoundly transformed, strongly upgraded, powerendowed, well financed, second generation United Nations
of a federal Earth Government
or a United States of the World,
or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union,
or an extension of the European Union to other regions,
or of five continental unions with a world super-structure,
or an Earth Government patterned on bio-regional or bio-organizational models responding to nature's diversity on our planet.
In the absence of such initiatives and a new political system for planet Earth we are likely to see the disappearance of most life forms, including human life from this planet in the 21st century.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 1088 ~ 3 July 1997
Message to the Chairman and Members of the group of 77*
In view of the defensive position in which the United Nations finds itself at the end of this century, your meeting in Geneva takes on a very particular historic importance for the future of the world. Here are a few ideas from someone who has served the United Nations for forty years in various capacities, including as aide to three Secretaries General:
1. introduce a draft resolution in the General Assembly asking for the transfer of the main seat of the United Nations to a lower cost member country known for its staunch adherence, support and strengthening of the UN and offering the best financial conditions for such a transfer. Keeping the seat of the UN in the US will hamper progress of the world;
2. request the Secretary General of the UN to publish a report on the geographical distribution of all the seats of the UN and of its 32 specialized agencies and world programs, with figures of the incomes derived by the countries of location from the local expenses of these organizations, from the local representations of member countries, from conferences held at these seats, and other possible expenses;
3. solicit from the European Union a report on the structure, functioning and financing of that most recent innovative and progressive model of international cooperation, strikingly better than the United Nations;
4. request a yearly report from the UN Secretary General comparing funding for peace and international cooperation through the United Nations with yearly military and armaments expenses in the world;
5. replace in all UN debates and documents the word "reform" by "strengthening" of the United Nations;
6. undertake a study and consideration on the eve of a new century and millennium of models for world cooperation better than the United Nations, e.g.
- the creation of a federal Earth government;
- a World Union on the model of the European Union;
- the extension of the European Union to wider areas and its progressive transformation into a world union, as envisaged by its founder Robert Schuman, the first extension being to the Eastern European countries;
- the creation of five continental unions with a world superstructure;
- any other ideas and proposals for an urgent better management of our Earth and human affairs.
7. implement the recommendation of the European Union Parliament that the UN create urgently a UN Consultative Parliamentary Assembly made of representatives from all national parliaments to express their views, ideas and plans for the strengthening or new forms of world cooperation. It would play a role similar to that of the earlier European Consultative Parliamentary Assembly which played a fundamental role in the creation of the European Union;
8. request that on the occasion of the year 2000, all member governments of the United Nations should review the successes and failures of humanity in the last 100 years and formulate ideas and proposals to achieve a better world in the next century;
9. take note and keep being informed of the meetings and celebrations to be held in the city of The Hague in 1999 as the centennial anniversary of the first World Peoples' Peace Conference held in that city in 1899, followed by a second peace conference in 1907. Despite the 1914-1918 war which prevented a third conference in 1915, these efforts led to the creation of the International Court of Justice, of the International Labor Organization and of the League of Nations, the precursor of the United Nations.
I consider it providential that the Group of 77 should hold this meeting at such an opportune time. I congratulate you and wish you a resounding, historic success.
Robert Muller
* This is a group of member countries of the UN which during the cold war were called the Non-aligned Countries, i.e. non-aligned to the big powers.
~ Idea 1101 ~ 16 July 1997
Some of the great errors of our time were these:
- humanity rushed into economics, changing our home before ecology, the knowledge of that home;
- we accepted capitalism as the dominant ideal of the human society and not the environment or love and preservation of our Earth;
- we let business globalize itself and become the master of the world and of our lives, while governments, the entrusted defenders of justice, of the poor and the downtrodden did not globalize themselves and even became the servant of business;
- and religions did not globalize themselves at all.
These errors were not basically wanted:
- capitalism did wonders for humanity at the beginning when the world population was small and the resources of the Earth were unexploited and seemingly unlimited;
- governments were still in the era of consolidating nations recently born from ethnic groups fighting each other;
- religions still believed that their truths were absolute, immortal and meant to spread to the entire world.
Well, today our objectives and efforts should be:
1. to see the religions globalize themselves urgently in order to give us a universal, cosmic meaning of life on Earth and give birth to the first global, cosmic, universal civilization; the recent initiative to create the United Religions can do that;
2. national governments must absolutely globalize themselves in a new, second generation Untied Nations with much more power, especially legislative power, or a United States of the world with proper balance of powers in a world democracy, or a World Union along the lines of the European Union;
3. business must be made the servant of the people's needs within a properly preserved Earth, and no longer be instruments of unlimited power, profit, enrichment and programming of the people's lives and consumption;
4. more generally we must put an end to the Darwinian theory of competition and survival of the fittest, and replace it by a new science, strategy and methodology of cooperation for our evolutionary survival and fulfillment on this particular planet in the universe.
~ Idea 1119 ~ 3 August 1997
People and communities should also complain about restrictive history practices.
What history do we learn in school? The nation, the nation and again the nation. Not a word about our own personal family history, of the place where we live, the village, the city, the natural area, the province. Nothing either about the history of the continent, except from a national point of view. As for world history, it is presented again from the point of view of the particular nation.
On recent new global history (League of Nations, the United Nations and its world agencies, international peoples' movements and associations, regional unions like the borderless European Union) again nothing. And there is little also on the history of the Earth, whose fate has become number one.
Ministers of "national" education should be ashamed and design a new education of history in which the nation is put at its right place.
~ Idea 1187 ~ 10 October 1997
A government would become famous by putting on the agenda of the UN General Assembly an item entitled:
convening of a second San Francisco and Bretton Woods Conference to produce a better UN
creation of a world federation of states
creation of a World Union on the model of the European Union
creation of an Earth Government
~ Idea 1203 ~ 26 October 1997
Today is a great day in Western Europe. From this Sunday 26 October on, the citizens of the sixteen countries of the European Union will no longer need a passport when they travel to another country of the Union. This would have been inconceivable a few decades ago. My grandparents who held successively five nationalities (French, German, French, German and French) and knew three wars; my parents who had successively four nationalities (German, French, German and French) and knew two wars, must be rejoicing and celebrating in heaven. As for me who was born in Belgium and had three successive nationalities (French, German and French) I remember with sadness all my youth school friends from Alsace-Lorraine who died unnecessarily in German or French uniforms during World War II. I pledge to them that I will not cease my efforts, as long as I live, to create a World Union in which all borders will be suppressed and no passports be any longer needed. This Earth is our country and we are all its citizens.
My thoughts go also to my deceased compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine, Robert Schuman, who was the author of that miracle. May God, the saints and the souls of all Europeans in heaven embrace him, and may he soon be declared himself a saint. I am working for it.
When I read this text to my wife Barbara, she commented: I was born from a family of Hungarian origin in the United States, therefore became an American. Now I consider myself to be an Inlovian, someone in love with you, with this magnificent Earth and with all humanity.
~ Idea 1211 ~ 3 November 1997
There is a lot of talk and complaint in the UN and in the public about non-compliance of UN decisions by member governments. The issue of non-compliance of the Agenda 21 for the improvement of the environment, agreed to in Rio de Janeiro, even led to the holding this summer of a special session of the UN General Assembly on the subject. The results were nil.
I suggest that the Agenda 21 be brought to the attention of all local communities and relevant institutions in the world, who can implement them without waiting for action by central governments. Nothing prevents a city or province or business from implementing the Agenda. The result world-wide would be considerable.
The situation also raises the urgency of considering a proper Earth government as I outlined earlier which would give the United Nations or a new world institution like the European Union the basic legislative authority to adopt global laws which would be enforceable. As the days and months pass, I am more and more convinced that this has become an utmost urgency if we want to save this planet from destruction.
~ Idea 1236 ~ 28 November 1997
I hope that the European Union, our greatest hope for a world-wide Organization better than the UN, will implement many of these 2000 ideas as far as Europe is concerned. For example, being beset by unemployment of many young people, why not create a European Volunteer Peace Service. The money for it would be taken from the military budgets. Such service in poor countries could be in lieu of military service. Young Europeans working together in the rest of the world would begin to feel proud as Europeans and would get closer to becoming the world citizens of tomorrow.
Why not also revive the idea of a Conference to create a European army as Churchill and my compatriot, Robert Schuman from Alsace-Lorraine, wanted to do in the year 1991 when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs of France?
~ Idea 1246 ~ 8 December 1997
As we enter the next century and millennium, it is absolutely indispensable for nations to consider a new system of financing the United Nations. The more advanced and more effective method of financing of the European Union should serve as a model.
~ Idea 1288 ~ 19 January 1998
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the member countries of the European Union should introduce a resolution in the UN General Assembly asking that the UN should create a World Court of Human Rights, following and expanding on the example of the European Union which has created a European Court of Human Rights.
~ Idea 1383 ~ 24 April 1998
I recommend that two world political parties be created on this planet: a World Party of the Poor and the extension of the Natural Law Party which exists already in 85 countries to the entire planet. All existing parties belong to an earlier period of human history and challenges.
Also, when political leaders are of the same party, great things can happen. My compatriot Robert Schuman, the saintly founder of the borderless European Union once told me that this was possible only because Konrad Adenauer of Germany, Alcide de Gasperi from Italy and he himself from France were all three Christian Democrats.
~ Idea 1419 ~ 30 May 1998
I am glad that the European Union has introduced changes in the borders of local provinces to respond to common ecological features. I hope that at one point the European Union will implement my proposal to redesign the whole political and administrative map of Europe according to natural biological regions. It could serve as a model for other continents. Even if it looks utopian today, I recommend that this exercise be undertaken right away, because it might produce astonishing results and save a lot of nature.
~ Idea 1429 ~ 9 June 1998
I cannot repeat often enough that common world projects should be planned and undertaken to increase the efficiency of the world ecology, economy and management and put an end or at least reduce the colossal duplications between 185 nation states. I hope that the European Union will become a second leading model for the world, after the United States, and that many more regional communities will be created, leading at long last to a true world community, a United States of the World or a World Union.
The UN should create an office of collecting and proposing many common world projects.
~ Idea 1431 ~ 11 June 1998
I also recommend a world conference of all major partners in the globalization of humanity and world affairs: governments, the United Nations and its 32 agencies, other world institutions, regional institutions, e.g. the European Union, business, scientists, the media, global non-governmental associations, global private institutions, religions, global philanthropists, world universities, global visionaries, etc. We need to move from the United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth.
~ Idea 1438 ~ 19 June 1998
I received from an admiring author a great book One Hundred Saints with a beautiful inscription of his wish that I should be declared a saint too. I perused the illustrated book and noted that only seven of the 100 were saints of the military (four of soldiers, the others of hunters, armorers and paratroopers). I suggest that these qualifications be suppressed. Christ would not give saintly support to the militaries who are trained to kill other humans. I also do not understand why the Pope has never accepted my request that St. Francis and St. Claire be made the patron saints of the United Nations. Almost everyone of the 100 saints is the patron saint of a nation. Some European nations have several national saints!
One good news: Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine who fathered the borderless European Union will be declared saint in the year 2000. I am a member of his canonization committee. The Pope asks us to hurry up, because he feels rightly "that the world needs political saints."
I have also recommend that the United Religions Organization should grant global sainthood to humans who have devoted their lives to peace and to a better world, irrespective of their religion. I would love to receive it after my death. It would help me up there with my connections to all religions, Gods and prophets.
~ Idea 1440 ~ 21 June 1998
In the vast, modern Conference Center where the Club of Budapest met in Paris with business people to consider ways to a better world, I saw a European Union Information Center for the public, exhibiting an impressive documentation of books, pamphlets and even children's games on this new, very welcome political miracle on planet Earth. I asked if they had a book on the European Union as a model for the construction of a World Union. I was told that there was no such book. I recommended therefore to Ervin Laszlo, the head of the Club of Budapest, to hold before the year 2000 a conference on that subject.
~ Idea 1493 ~ 12 August 1998
I recommend that the 16 nations of the European Union and others interested in following the same path should form a new group in the United Nations and work together in the light of their experience towards the creation of a World Union of all nations.
~ Idea 5 ~ 15 July 1994
The United Nations should urgently convene a world conference on violence, on all its causes and forms, and on ways to achieve soonest a non-violent human society at all levels, from nations to city streets and the family.
~ Idea 42 ~ 21 August 1994
The United Nations should convene urgently a world conference on unemployment, to review and remedy the tragic current situation, to evaluate further effects of population increase, scientific and technological developments, the exodus from the land to cities, the changing age structure of societies, including a redefinition of employment and unemployment. For instance, how on Earth are mothers who take care of children, our new, all-important generation, considered "unemployed"?*
* This has been done. The ILO has recommended that henceforth women taking care of a family are considered employed.
~ Idea 195 ~ 21 January 1995
In the 19th century and early twentieth, one of the main forms of violence was workers' violence. It led to several revolutions and to communism. Today, of all forms of violence, labor violence is minimal, even non-existent in most countries. Why? Because in order to cope with the problem, in 1919 the International Labor Organization was created in which governments, employers and labor unions are represented and have developed a host of agreements, conventions, legislations, recourses, rights and methods to resolve labor conflicts and disputes in a peaceful, non-violent way. This example speaks highly for similar arrangements in the UN and in all its specialized agencies, namely a peoples' representation at the UN and professional representatives in all agencies.
Thanks to the UN, international conflicts have also been reduced to a minimum and could have been eliminated if it had not been for the cold war between the US and the USSR. The UN did a similar, remarkable job in decolonization and in reducing racial violence, especially apartheid.
Thanks to the UN Security Council which took up the question of aircraft highjacking, that form of violence has considerably diminished in the world while airtransport and airtravel have mushroomed to unprecedented levels.
Today, most violence is among ethnic groups, religions, youth, in cities and in the family. Would it not be beneficial to create an International Ethnic Organization, an International Religious Organization, an International Youth Organization and an International Family Organization on the pattern of the ILO? The cost would be minimal compared with the huge benefits gained. The miracles produced by the UN and the ILO should be repeated in other fields.
During my four decades at the UN I have noticed that when humans decide to do something, they can do it. From a pessimist I have become an optimist and a believer in the human species. I thank the UN for it.
~ Idea 290 ~ 26 April 1995
I dream that an Office or Department for Violence Prevention will be created at the UN to study and promote a science, a strategy and a methodology of violence prevention in all fields, from international violence to internal national violence, ethnic violence, religious violence, street violence, family violence. We must formulate the ideal of a non-violent human society in the next century and millennium on this planet. The UN is the natural, ideal place to do that.
~ Idea 326 ~ 1 June 1995
Who on Earth will publish the first newspaper which will have only good news, or good news in the first pages, neutral, factual news and information in the middle, and bad news in the last? Could not all the media of the world adopt such presentation and thus contribute to a better, happier, more peaceful, hopeful human society? Does a family wake up and speak only about bad news? Why should the entire human family do it and start every morning with depressing news?
~ Idea 381 ~ 26 July 1995
There exist already a few global flags for our planet: the UN flag, the Earth flag, the New Allegiance flag. I recommend that more global flags be designed and used in the world: A Universe flag, a World flag, a Seas and Oceans flag, an Atmosphere flag, a Biosphere flag, a Mountains flag, a World Water flag, a Forests flag, an Arctic flag, an Antarctic flag, etc. There exists also a European flag. Flags for all continents should be adopted: an Asian flag, an All-American flag, an African flag, a Middle-East flag. And why not local, family and personal flags?
The US Postal Services held a contest several years ago. They asked school age children to design stamps. At the end of the contest the Postal Service selected five designs and had them reproduced on the most charming series of postage stamps.
A similar contest could be run by the UN. School age children around the world could submit their design for flags for the Universe, Seas and Oceans, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Mountains, etc. At the end of the contest the UN could select the winning designs and have them reproduced as actual flags or UN stamps.
~ Idea 461 ~ 14 October 1995
After the first International Year of the Family in human history, the UN should create a Department of the Family to serve a new Commission on the Family, possibly even a UN specialized agency for the family, the only natural, basic social group of humanity.
~ Idea 503 to 505 ~ 25 to 27 November 1995
Once it is conscious of the imperative need for proper Earth government, humanity will have to respond to the following complaints by the Earth:
Idea 503 "Why did I have to take all of a sudden a population increase from
25 November 1995 2.5 billion people in 1952 to 5.6 billion today, more than a doubling in less than fifty years?"
We could answer as an excuse: It happened out of sheer ignorance. After the war the rich countries and the United Nations wanted to prevent the early death of innumerable children in the poor countries. They died young because of epidemics, bad health conditions, malnutrition and hunger. But having no population statistics for the world and for most of these countries, we did not tell the parents that they would no longer need to give birth to an average of six children per family to have at least two of them left to till the land and to take care of their old age. Until 1952 we did not even know what the world population was! When the UN organized for the first time in human history decent world statistics and world censuses, we discovered that women did not have more children, but that children no longer died early (the mortality rate per year fell from 34 per thousand to 14 per thousand). When this was discovered it was too late, the children were born and a young population is highly reproductive. The UN warned nations and humanity by means of world population conferences and every other possible means that a population explosion was upon us. But religions and other factors opposed it. Nevertheless, these efforts saved you from 2.2 billion more humans on your surface by the year 2000. Instead of 8.3 billion human beings in that year we will be only 6.1 billion.
~ Idea 643 ~ 13 April 1996
I love the idea of Barbara Gaughen to hold a world conference on ideas for the 21st century and the third millennium. Perhaps this could be the subject of the Centennial People's Peace Conference to be held in The Hague in 1999. The conference could deal with the entire range of ideas for a better world, from ideas for the self, the family, the neighborhood, the village or town, the state or province, the nation, the continent, up to ideas for the seas and oceans (71% of the planet), the atmosphere, the climate and the entire Earth. This would be a most useful preparation for the 21st century and 3rd millennium. Those in power would become convinced that they must change course.
~ Idea 689 ~ 29 May 1996
On her death bed, Margaret Mead said to her pupil Jean Houston: "I had an important insight about the future. The world is going to change so fast that people and governments will not be prepared to be stewards of this change. What will save them is teaching-learning communities..." (p. 228 of Jean Houston's book A Mythic Life ).
This statement has opened my eyes to what I have seen around the world and at the United Nations, namely that the greatest obstacle to our further evolution is fundamentalism, my nation right or wrong, my religion right or wrong, my ideology right or wrong, my culture or race right or wrong, at a time when the whole human species is in the midst of transformation, of teaching and learning from each other, in thousands of ways and communities, from the top of the world &endash; the United Nations, the biggest teaching-learning society on Earth &endash; down to the family. Competition and the survival of the fittest, as Darwin thought, can no longer be the rule of the human society. This phase of evolution had its role. The new evolutionary law is one of cooperation, of harmony achieved through learning and teaching from each other, and the birth of humanity as a meta-organism of evolution in which every human being is a cooperating unit or cell in a new global species, henceforth in charge of the further fate of our common home, the Earth and of all life forms on it.
~ Idea 695 - 698 ~ 4 to 7 June 1996
I have observed earlier in these ideas how the fact of being alone in a long train ride after World War II and in a bus ride in the night in India, having nothing to do except to be with my own thoughts and dreams, were two of the most important turning points in my life, leading to my entry into the United Nations and the writing of my first novel.
Again, sitting in the evening in an empty bus from San Jose to the University for Peace led me to the following recommendations:
Idea 695 at least one day a year, or more often, do not watch television, in other words abstain from seeing sights decided by others, and see the natural sights around you: the family, your home and nature;
~ Idea 759 ~ 7 August 1996
I think that the Mayan cosmology is correct when they consider the couple and not the individual to be the basic cosmic unit of evolution. They say that in a couple all the evolution and experience of innumerable forebears of two lines of humans will converge and the couple will give birth to new lines of descendants. This is why they consider the couple to be sacred. How right they are. There is a sacredness in the mysterious, divine act of love and there is a recognition of that sacredness in the miracles of our children and the family. We must therefore re-establish the central value, the miracle of the family in the human society. And the new evolutionary messages are that we should not reproduce indiscriminately and wound the body of our Mother Earth with unnecessary, wasteful, damaging overproduction and overconsumption.
~ Idea 765 ~ 13 August 1996
The UN should publish a document or popular booklet giving the etymology, original meaning and history of all the names of its 185 member countries. It would be fascinating. How many people, including Canadians know that the name Canada means Kanata, the indigenous word heard by the French explorers, meaning many villages, i.e. country. How many young men are being killed in wars in the name of a country whose name has no meaning to them. Please dear reader, make sure that you and our children know the original meaning of your first name, family name, city, province, country, continent and Earth.
~ Idea 794 ~ 11 September 1996
There will soon come a time when humans will not be able to be happy as long as there is so much poverty and suffering in the world. More and more well-blessed people will look for poor people, especially children, they can help. One can observe the beginning of this new moral, individual and family philanthropy at the end of this century. UNICEF at the United Nations is the most lovable, gratifying example of it. In reality the United Nations is the first great UNICEF for the alleviation of all human miseries on this planet, including the miseries of the Earth itself.
~ Idea 820 ~ 7 October 1996
The frequent encounters and reciprocal visits of heads of states of this Earth are a substantial progress in human affairs, peaceful relations and world cooperation. I would suggest that such visits should include their families. Often, their spouses already accompany them and become friends. But even more important would be that their children, the future generation, could meet, become friends and give their ideas and dreams to their heads of family. Why not create networks or associations of spouses of heads of states, and networks or associations of their children? Great ideas might come from them.
~ Idea 841 ~ 28 October 1996
The basic Greek philosophy &endash; textually the love for wisdom &endash; turned around three concepts:
This concept is valid for all levels of society, from the individual, the couple, the family to the entire humanity.
At the level of humanity, the situation at the end of this millennium is as follows:
- we have attained a tremendous knowledge of our planetary home, of humanity and of the universe, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large;
- we have not yet been able and taught to extend our love from the nation to all humanity, as Freud pointed out to Einstein;
- we are only beginning to be conscious of the beauty of our earthly home, of its miraculous nature and life forms, of the miracle of life and of the universe, and that beyond personal beauty, the couple's beauty, family beauty, local and national beauty, we must also now care for the beauty of our planetary home, of our miraculous Earth.
The United Nations is recommending these great remaining feats still to be accomplished and I am sure that humans can and will succeed, if they support and listen to their world organization.
And after all the above, peace and happiness will be the result.
~ Idea 1015 ~ 21 April 1997
It is good news that US citizens are beginning to react to the colossal overconsumption in their country, fostered in millions of ways by business, marketing, advertisement and the media.
A 1995 survey by the Merck Family Fund found that since the decade began, 28 percent of respondents have voluntarily reduced their income. Two-thirds said that they did so to reduce stress, increase personal time and restore balance in their lives.
Trends Research Institute named simplicity one of the 1997's top ten trends. "Never before, in the Institute's 17 years of trend tracking, has a societal trend grown so quickly, spread so broadly and been embraced so eagerly," TRI reports.
Unfortunately, big business knows that and is now targeting the developing countries for western consumption habits through marketing and advertisement which are very cheap in these countries.
~ Idea 1020 ~ 26 April 1997
A fresh look should be given to the practice of celebrations which have the virtue of bringing together humans and creating ties of sentiment from the family, the city, the nation to the entire humanity and planet. All calendars published in the world should mention celebrations. The United Nations publishes each year an updated list of world celebrations.
These will help fulfill Sigmund Freud's vision when he gave the following answer to Einstein who could not understand why humans continued to make war on each other and to produce armaments:
Freud noted that humans are divided between instincts of aggression and love. Peace would require the development of ties of sentiment among people. "The love of country has succeeded in binding people at the national level. The great new historical challenge is to develop love among all Earth inhabitants, and for the Earth itself," he said.
How right this statement is! It should open an important chapter in the new science, art and methodology of global psychology. Theses on the subject should be written by students in Universities. I am glad that a book on celebrations by Linda Grover is a current best-seller in the United States (see Introduction). The author has asked me to write a chapter on global celebrations for a new book she is writing.
Nor is it surprising that the extreme right conservatives of the United States are against any new celebrations and world conferences by the UN. They claim that they cost too much money. Well, I hope that someone will calculate how much military celebrations in nations cost the taxpayers. That is an expense which could usefully be shifted to other social needs or celebrations.
I pray that there will be some day on this planet a University which will teach a science, a strategy and a methodology of celebrations.
~ Idea 1037 ~ 13 May 1997
I hope that someday all people will receive a Yearly Good Deeds Declaration to fill out when they receive a Yearly Tax Declaration.
It could include such items as:
What good and peace did you teach your children?
What peace did you contribute to your family, to your neighborhood, to your workplace?
What peace association did you belong to or support?
What did you do for a better environment, a reduction of garbage, of gasoline consumption, of water and energy consumption?
What did you do for a more frugal and simple life, for a lower consumption of Earth resources?
What did you do to cultivate your own happiness?
Happiness in your family?
Happiness all around you?
Happiness in your workplace?
What philanthropy, what voluntary services did you provide?
What good health practices did you foster in your family?
What were your own good examples of good health?
Did you stop smoking?
Did you stop consuming alcohol and tell your family that it is an Arabic word (al kohol) which means the devil?
Did you give thanks for the miracle of life and the beauty of this Earth?
What did you do for your soul?
Did you pray, read good spiritual writings and precepts?
Did you go to spiritual services?
And one could conceive other items: Love, honesty, truth, morality, fidelity, forgiveness, etc.
The result of such a questionnaire would be as important if not more than the contribution of taxes to government expenses. A better society would ensue. A whole system of tax exemptions could be built on such a questionnaire. There could be for example tax deductions for voluntary services.
~ Idea 1074 ~ 19 June 1997
Benjamin Franklin, at a session of the Continental Congress trying to ratify the US Constitution rose to say: "Gentlemen, if a sparrow cannot fall on the ground without the knowledge of the Creator, how can we expect to give birth to a new nation without His assistance. I propose therefore that we open each session with prayer."
This beautiful remark is relevant to all human affairs. I therefore propose that every family meeting, every school class, every meeting of institutions, government, business and people will begin with prayer. May the whole world follow the example of the yearly sessions of the United Nations General Assembly which open and end with a minute of silence for prayer or meditation.
~ Idea 1093 ~ 8 July 1997
The same way as I have sworn long ago never to consume a single bottle of Coca Cola and other so-called soft drinks, preferring plain water and natural fruit juices, I have similarly decided never to buy anything in a supermarket, preferring to buy from little shopkeepers who need to make a living for their family and who often have better, less processed and cheaper products.
~ Idea 1113 ~ 28 July 1997
Someone asked me this question: "Mr. Muller, after having written more than one thousand ideas, which one or two would you consider the most important?"
1. The absolute, urgent necessity for proper Earth government;
2. That every person on Earth, from children to the elderly, from East and West, from North and South, from individual families to the United Nations and its world institutions, from leaders of nations, business, religions, Universities, professors and people from all walks of life and professions, would write down their truest, innermost, deeply felt dreams and ideas for a better world. It would be the greatest world-wide democratic survey ever held in all human history. All these dreams should be sent to the United Nations and on their basis a great action plan for our successful evolution towards a peaceful, non-violent and happy world society should be drawn up.
~ Idea 1119 ~ 3 August 1997
People and communities should also complain about restrictive history practices.
What history do we learn in school? The nation, the nation and again the nation. Not a word about our own personal family history, of the place where we live, the village, the city, the natural area, the province. Nothing either about the history of the continent, except from a national point of view. As for world history, it is presented again from the point of view of the particular nation.
On recent new global history (League of Nations, the United Nations and its world agencies, international peoples' movements and associations, regional unions like the borderless European Union) again nothing. And there is little also on the history of the Earth, whose fate has become number one.
Ministers of "national" education should be ashamed and design a new education of history in which the nation is put at its right place.
~ Idea 1129 ~ 13 August 1997
Proposal for environmental family adoptions:
As I fly over Nicaragua and other Latin American countries I am amazed how beautiful the land and the seacoasts are, and how sad I am when I read that farmers and families often struggle in vain to keep the land and finally decide to move to overcrowded cities.
What if in rich countries there would be an "adopt a family program" under which a US family would adopt a family and their land in Nicaragua or in another similar country. Families from overcrowded rich cities would go and spend vacations with their adopted family whose living conditions they could help improve and imitate.
Some of my fondest memories are of summers spent on a very rustic farm in Oregon, catching trout for breakfast, collecting eggs and gathering vegetables fresh from the garden, which you never get in a city.
Barbara Gaughen Muller
~ Idea 1130 ~ 14 August 1997
The preceding idea leads me to propose that the United Nations conceive a World Plan of Direct People to People, Family to Family Aid. Now people in rich countries are taxed by governments to provide governmental foreign aid, which is costly to administer, cause of bureaucracy and often misdirected towards purchases of armaments and other goods which the giving government or big firms want to sell.
It reminds me of my mother, a poor milliner who was so happy whenever she looked at the photos of a poor African orphan whom she had adopted at the recommendation of a priest. She loved and supported that child with her modest means until she died without ever meeting the little boy.
~ Idea 1132 ~ 16 August 1997
In the United States there is now a peoples' and parents movement of "One week without television." The results are apparently very positive: the children speak more to each other and with the parents; they undertake activities of their own and are more creative. But when the week is over, the children rush back to the television set in order to catch up with their favorite programs.
I propose that there should be a world movement "Families without television." I can list the magnificent benefits in terms of personal life, happiness and creativity I have derived from giving away my television set years ago. And with my remarriage, we have maintained this rule: no television ever as long as we will live, be it in our home or outside. We have never missed anything, only gained a lot of more intensive personal, happy, creative life.
~ Idea 1138 ~ 22 August 1997
Under a world policy aiming at the preservation of the Earth and a restriction of the number of humans on it, one could consider that families who live simple, frugal lives and consume less Earth resources would be entitled to have more children than those who consume lavishly.
~ Idea 1206 ~ 29 October 1997
I am delighted that Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu has launched a Jubilee 2000, a Debt-Free Start for the New Millennium. Jubilee 2000 would fulfill my idea that all debts of the poor countries be forgiven by the rich. Archbishop Tutu says: "This is the Jubilee principle in the book of Leviticus. You cancel any debts still owed; if there are slaves, you act to free them &endash; it is a chance for renewal for everybody".
Yes, this is a great idea: let the whole of humanity seize the chance for renewal offered by our entry into a new century and millennium, at all levels, from the top of the world in the United Nations, down to the local communities, the family and each individual. In spite of my 74 years of age, I will listen to that advice and write down my own, personal pledges for renewal.
~ Idea 1216 ~ 8 November 1997
Seeing today a bus of American Elderhostels tourists pass by a group of several dozens of poor Nicaraguan men, women and children come to Costa Rica to earn some money as coffee pickers and living in an abandoned former milking station, I was reminded of Barbara's idea 1129 of an "adopt a family program". Yes, why don't those elderly Americans instead of traveling to see preserved primeval forests stay at home, cultivate their gardens and plant trees in their area. With the money saved from not traveling they could adopt one of these poor families in Nicaragua and create a lot of happiness, vastly superior to the happiness of traveling around the world.
I hope that someone will take the initiative of creating an Adopt a Poor Family Program. We have a marvelous UNICEF program. Why not have also a World Adopt a Family Program (WAFP) from which mothers, children and old people in poor families, at home and abroad would receive friendship, help and happiness?
~ Idea 1241 ~ 3 December 1997
It is high time to convene a first world conference on waste and garbage, a subject which has never been considered in its global dimensions. The results would be staggering and show that humanity is on the course of disaster. Watching every day from our hill in Costa Rica the huge fires of garbage in the valley below, spreading fumes over the city of Alajuela, Barbara and I are deeply concerned. And the people down there do not see the blanket extending over their heads, the same way as in huge cities in the world they do not see the brown blanket of pollution over their homes, affecting the lungs of their families.
The world conference I propose could give birth to two much needed new sciences, strategies and methodologies under the names of:
These should be worked on and taught in Universities and schools in the world.
~ Idea 1304 ~ 4 February 1998
Humanity, governments and the UN should explore and propose a whole body of incentives for people and institutions to consume less. For example, families and firms who would submit bills showing how little electricity or water they used per capita would be given tax reductions. Yes, a whole new field should be explored: fiscal incentives for less consumption in order to save the Earth. And fiscal penalties should be established against firms producing useless packaging and harmful products to humans and to the Earth.
This prophecy will soon become a reality.
~ Idea 1331 ~ 3 March 1998
For every person killed by a land mine, the government should introduce a law suit to the International Court of Justice or to the International Criminal Court when established, and ask for just reparations to the family of the victim.
~ Idea 1337 ~ 9 March 1998
When humans decide and are really determined to solve a problem, however intractable it may seem, they invariably succeed.
Thus, after two world wars nations decided to abolish international wars, creating the United Nations. They are very close to success after fifty years: there are almost no international wars left as we enter the next century and millennium. Only three remain: the Middle East, Cyprus and Kashmir. They are all three religious wars and are kept basically under lid.
Why not decide to solve all other forms of violence the same way, from religious and internal ethnic wars, to urban violence, street violence, family violence, media violence, etc. Governments could make the UN University for Peace a main world instrument for non-violence in all realms. Its name could be changed to UN University for Peace and Non-violence.
~ Idea 1363 ~ 4 April 1998
As part of the year 2000 being a year of forgiveness, repentance and reparation, I recommend an active implementation of the UN resolution on the return of stolen works of art which got adopted by the UN General Assemly in 1972. Many such returns should take place during the year 2000. The Secretary General of the UN should publish a report of all the works of art returned since the resolution was adopted: returns of lands to the indigenous people, of hoarded nazi gold and assets to their families; many other such gestures should take place during the year 2000 at all levels of society, from nations down to families. What an unprecedented year in all human history that would be!
~ Idea 1373 ~ 14 April 1998
I claim the fundamental individual human right not to see my life, my family, my descendants and my home Planet Earth endangered and possibly annihilated by the existence of atomic weapons, the spread of nuclear energy, and by the sending into the universe and around this planet of space vessels carrying nuclear materials (e.g. the Cassini vessel).
I want this right to be proclaimed on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1998, or at least to be put on the agenda of the United Nations Commission of Human Rights.
~ Idea 1410 ~ 21 May 1998
I recommend that the Arab countries introduce action in the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization for the world-wide prohibition of alcoholic beverages. They would be qualified to do so, since they prohibit the production, transport, sale and consumption of alcohol (an Arabic word, Al Kohol, meaning "the devil"). The good it would do the world would be incalculable: less drugs consumption associated with alcohol, less violence due to alcohol, less health problems, less miseries and poverty in families and violence against children. The UN has calculated that if beer alone were prohibited in the world, the land released for other food products would be sufficient to feed the entire world population. It was also shown that the production of a can of beer requires four gallons of water! And I speak elsewhere of the longevity of a beer can thrown into nature.
Dear people, wake up. At least you have one power which I exercise: I decided in recent years not to touch a drop of alcohol in any form for the rest of my life.
China could join the Arab countries in this fight, since Confucius recommended a similar prohibition. He said: you drink the first cup of wine and the cup drinks you.
As for smoking it should urgently be prohibited world-wide. Non-smokers should protest that their contributions to health insurance are used to help smokers. They should as a minimum obtain a reduction in their contributions. The same for non-alcohol consumers.
~ Idea 1441 ~ 22 June 1998
Barbara decided to share the dream of a young Japanese woman, Naoka Mira, who visited us recently and wants the mothers of the world to work together for the betterment of their families and the human family. Barbara proposed to her to create a World Union of Mothers (WUM), a new international non-governmental organization which will apply for accreditation to the UN. Barbara would accept to be its Vice-President for the Americas.
I lauded Barbara for this proposal which would help to obtain a Charter or basic Declaration of fundamental Mothers' rights, in particular the right of mothers not to see the flesh of their wombs kill or be killed by the flesh of the wombs of other mothers, not in the name of any institution or human group, in particular a nation or a religion.
I suggested that the creation of the World Union of Mothers be announced formally to the United Nations on 10 December of this year, the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It is interesting to note that just two weeks earlier Debra Latham, co-founder of the Radio for Peace International (RFPI), and Barbara had decided to launch a new 30 minute program on the Radio for Peace dedicated to World Mothers. When the time has come for an idea, they emerge from several sources at about the same time all around the world. This is another example of how the nascent world brain and heart work.
~ Idea 1442 ~ 23 June 1998
Mothers who have such a central, vital role in the transmission of life on this planet and its evolution, must be given a tremendous voice in human and Earth affairs.
I cite this view of my mother: like Rousseau and Krishnamurti, she was against all institutions, nations, religions and associations which, in her view, divided humans instead of united them. For her, as for Rousseau and Krishnamurti, there was only one natural society: the family.
Also this answer of an indigenous woman to my question, "How would you govern the world?" she answered. "If you know how to run a family, you know how to run the world."
Perhaps indeed tomorrow's Earth government should be run by a strong majority of mothers who have a full comprehension of the miracle of life and how to run a family.
~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~ 5 to 16 July 1998
I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go. To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:
Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995
In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes. From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth. Why? Because in our belief the Earth was limitless. This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.
A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972. There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us. It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining. The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment. In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.
As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period &endash; from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries. Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home). We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating. Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.
The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect. Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century. I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.
There is reason for optimism. Humanity is really trying. But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age. We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet. We are still its exploiters.
I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope. From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.
Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:
Idea 1455 Create a World Association of Eco-Communities to be NGO-accredited by the UN.
Idea 1456 Support the UNESCO Planet Society Program.
Idea 1457 Create a world ecological university at Findhorn.
Idea 1458 Hold a meeting or conference of long-term evolutionary scientists, because they are now switching to thinking that it will be local and global consciousness which will save humanity, and will install humanity as the most advanced species on this planet.
Idea 1459 Mobilize any groups that are in favor of simple, frugal living in the developed countries.
Idea 1460 Ask the UN to hold a conference on garbage, built-in obsolescence, and waste.
Idea 1461 Ask Gorbachev to create a world commission on the denuclearization of this planet.
Idea 1462 Request a world conference for rural development and the stabilization of the villages.
Idea 1463 Demilitarization: ask for the closure of the RAF base next door to Findhorn.
Idea 1464 Support the World Commission on the Oceans.
Idea 1465 Look into the errors of transferring Western values and technologies into the developing countries.
Idea 1466 Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth.
To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos &endash; the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our home of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today.
We need to actively practice good public relations, spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring these changes about until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
~ Idea 1496 ~ 15 August 1998
We do not like to be overweight. We do not admire obese people. Why then should we like and admire overweight, obese cities, overweight obese nations, overweight obese companies, oversized villas and palaces in which overrich people dwell? Why do we admire millionaires and billionaires? Perhaps all this is against nature, unhealthy and should be corrected by diets instead. Perhaps in our social sciences we should take up the subjects of oversize, monstrosity, obesity, subjects which are not studied now in view of our wrong current values. This is also an important subject to keep in mind when organizing a proper Earth government, not to let it become oversize and a central ruling machinery. We need a harmonious system from the individual, the family to the entire human family, to the Earth and our place in the heavens and in time. This is why decentralized federalism is such a favored formula.
~ Idea 24 ~ 3 August 1994
The United Nations and each of its 32 specialized agencies should be strengthened with an adjunct University which would permit students from around the world to acquire the most advanced global knowledge and concerns for our planetary home and human family. Thus there should be a World Health University, a World Food and Agriculture University, an International Civil Aviation University, etc.
The International Training Center of the International Labor Organization should be renamed International Labor Organization University.*
*1996: The European Union has granted to that training center the status of a European University.
~ Idea 29 ~ 8 August 1994
Each human being should realize that he or she is first of all a child of God, a citizen of the world and a member of the human family before being a member of a nation or of any other man-made group.
~ Idea 92 ~ 10 October 1994
There are thousands of schools around this planet preparing young people for business administration, for national or local public service, but not a single one to prepare world public servants, as if the human family and the planet did not need any.
Is it normal that there are 556 soldiers, 85 doctors and only 1 world civil servant per 100,000 inhabitants of this planet?
I recommend that such schools and many more positions of world public servants be created. The University for Peace in Costa Rica could become the first school for world public servants. I would be happy to teach and train them.
~ Idea 98 ~ 16 October 1994
We have learned enormously about our planet, our place in the universe, the human family and the miracle of human life. But we have not yet learned to manage our planet well and to obtain the optimum fulfillment, peace and happiness of all human beings. I recommend that planetics, humanism and gaiamanagement become top sciences.
~ Idea 100 ~ 18 October 1994
During my youth in France I had to learn everything that was French: all the French provinces, all French rivers and their affluents, the French heroes, victors and victories, the great French writers and artists, etc. Then the Germans came and told us that what the French had taught us were all lies. So I had to learn everything that was German: the German provinces, the German rivers and their affluents, the German heroes, victors and victories, the German great writers and artists, etc. After the French came back, I studied law and become a doctor of it. When I arrived in the US I was told that I was wrong and that I should have studied economics. So I went again to University and took a degree in economics!
Today I can only praise the United Nations for having taught me the truth and the real facts: the Earth which is my home, humanity which is my family, our place in time and the dignity and miracle of individual human life. This is why I made these United Nations teachings into a world core curriculum which should bless every school and child on Earth. A different world, the true world, a more beautiful, miraculous, astonishing world and humanity, and not the dissected world created by nations emerge from it.
I urge all educators and governments to have a look at this curriculum, reproduced below. It is not the product of my mind, but of the United Nations, the recent first universal organization which thinks for the entire planet and humanity.
An educator wrote to me: "Through your world core curriculum, the world's teachers can now have access to the soul of every man, woman and child on this planet." I hope this will be the case.
Note: For information on that education and experience in 33 schools around the world, write to the first Robert Muller School, 6005 Royaloak Drive Arlington, Texas 76016. Tel. (817) 654-1018. Fax: (654) 817-1028.
1997: The school now publishes a magazine. Please order it.
~ Idea 388 ~ 2 August 1995
Most citizens of this Earth are programmed into small geographic segments of the world, into harmful values and narrow ideals and interests of which they remain prisoners for the rest of their lives. Only the Robert Muller schools introduce the children into the total planetary home, the total human family, the total stream of time and the fundamental values, ideals and interests common to all humans. Their world core curriculum should be adopted by all schools on Earth (see table at end of the first 100 ideas), and some day it will.
~ Idea 390 ~ 4 August 1995
I dream to hold yearly composers' and song-writers' festivals at the University for Peace on sacred Mr. Rasur to sing to world peace, demilitarization, hope, forgiveness and a tremendous love for our beautiful planetary home and human family, united in peace and happiness to enjoy the incredible miracle of life.
~ Idea 400 ~ 14 August 1995
When one looks closely at the multitude of institutions, social groups and entities created by humans, one discovers that they were all created for providing or increasing human fulfillment and happiness. The trouble is that most of them become fundamentalists: my nation, my religion, my company, my institution, my philosophy, my ideology will do it all for you. As a result they compete, diminish and fight each other, use huge resources and all kinds of means to keep and increase their customers, some are even ready to go to war.
Honest, shouldn't they all sit down in the United Nations and see how all institutions and entities can join forces and ensure the happiness of all humanity while preserving our beautiful planet Earth? None of them, anyway, will ever gain hold over the entire human race.
And shouldn't every human being
Decide to be a global citizen
a good inhabitant of the planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth become conscious
of herself
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice,
her mind and her heart
Save your mother Earth
from her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with Nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than the globe
and their groups
greater than humanity
Unite, global citizens, to save and heal
planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 446 ~ 29 September 1995
I dream that the University for Peace will become the new Athens, the new Acropolis of the world, the birthplace of a planetary philosophy and vision, a school for heads of states and global leaders in all main fields of human endeavor and of all entities making up the human family.
~ Idea 448 ~ 1 October 1995
Nation states have made internal rationality and values supreme while denying any rationality and values to the Earth and to the human family.
This must be corrected urgently. The rationality and values of our globe and of humanity must have precedence over the self-proclaimed rationality, and values and sovereignty of 185 nations.
~ Idea 769 ~ 17 August 1996
It is marvelous that we have on this planet such an incredible linguistic, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, all legacies of an immemorable past, all having something important to contribute to the biological, cultural wealth and evolution of humanity.
But all this was born locally without even knowing that there were other continents and that the Earth was round and circling around the sun. This diversity can therefore not be allowed to stand in the way of a new, immense, widely opened evolution: the global age, the age of total knowledge of our home and of our world-wide human family, the interdependence between the Earth and humanity, between the past and the future, between the Earth and the heavens.
Our present beliefs, institutions and ways of life must take this into account and acquire a global dimension or at least understanding. The past cannot stand in the way of the future and cannot claim to be the infallible, unchangeable, fundamental reality. Education, politics and religions must all be globalized, as has been the case of already so many other things, to start with business. No part can be considered greater than the totality.
~ Idea 1081 ~ 26 June 1997
Barbara Gaughen and I, both members of the Club of Budapest on planetary consciousness, sent today a message of congratulation to Mikhail Gorbachev who was receiving in Frankfurt, the city of Goethe, this year's prize for planetary consciousness. We ended our message as follows:
We are sending you our warmest love, congratulations and prayers. May you become the prophet of a united human family, and the global architect who will give the world his vision, plan and proposals how the Earth and humanity can become the ultimate cosmic success of the universe and of God. May we be privileged to see soon a Gorbachev Plan for a World Union or Proper Earth Government as we saw a Robert Schuman Plan for a United Europe, now an astonishing reality. May you, all your co-workers and guests contribute to our entry into a new phase, the cosmic age of our evolution into the 21st century and third millennium.
Let us all heed the advice of the great Goethe, the honor of the city of Frankfurt in which you receive the Planetary Consciousness Prize:
"Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it,
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
~ Idea 1085 ~ 30 June 1997
Message to the Club of Budapest
During fifty years of world service with the United Nations, I have observed three major phases in recent human history: from 1945 to 1970's a period of most intensive, unprecedented global humanism (peace, human rights, health, well-being, economic development, racial equality, decolonization, human longevity, literacy, etc.); from 1970's to 1980: the birth of a novel, unprecedented concern for the environment (UNESCO's 1968 world conference on the biosphere, the UN's 1972 world conference on the environment); since the 1980's (the 1978 UN world conference on the ozonosphere, the two UN conferences on the climate in 1979 and 1987) the problem number one has become the fate of the Earth itself. Throughout this period I have considered the birth of a global consciousness to the human species and the creation of global institutions and convening of world conferences as the major hopes for humanity to cope with the acute global problems all of a sudden facing us. I became therefore an enthusiastic member of the Club of Budapest created by my former colleague and friend Ervin Laszlo, a world thinker, servant and activist of great vision.
Having just now followed the UN extraordinary General Assembly convened to assess the road covered since the UN Rio de Janeiro world conference on the environment of 1992, I was appalled by the resistance, slowness, if not opposition of many governments, including major ones, to act upon the recommendations and agreements of the Rio Conference. In the meantime the world population continues to increase at an alarming rate, and so does the deterioration of our environment and the outright destruction of nature. I consider it therefore to be my duty to make the following recommendations.
1. to declare a state of emergency of the Earth;
2. to consider the present situation as an outright war, a World War III against the Earth and its elements and we humans must end this war;
3. to request a second world conference on the biosphere, thirty years after the first one in 1968, to see what the state of our biosphere is today;
4. to support the extension to other countries of the World Party of Natural Law already existing in 85 countries due to the initiative of British scientists;
5. to place all our weight behind a radical change of the political system of our planet which provides for services and financial resources from local communities, cities, provinces to nations, but leaves almost entirely the Earth and the human family without adequate common services and financial resources at a time when these are most desperately needed;
6. in view of the chaos of the purely nation-state system and its colossal duplications of services (e.g. the military establishments) and their financial costs, I recommend that we urgently agree upon the absolute and imperative necessity, unavoidable sooner or later, to create a proper Earth Government either in the form
of a profoundly transformed, strongly upgraded, powerendowed, well financed, second generation United Nations
of a federal Earth Government
or a United States of the World,
or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union,
or an extension of the European Union to other regions,
or of five continental unions with a world super-structure,
or an Earth Government patterned on bio-regional or bio-organizational models responding to nature's diversity on our planet.
In the absence of such initiatives and a new political system for planet Earth we are likely to see the disappearance of most life forms, including human life from this planet in the 21st century.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 1393 ~ 4 May 1998
After the creation of the United Nations Organization and its 32 specialized agencies, after the Initiative to create a United Religions Organization on the model of the United Nations, a host of more united world-wide efforts and institutions should be created on this wonderful planet which needs and deserves them highly. Why not a United Peoples' Organization, a United Youth Organization, a United Indigenous Organization, a United Mothers Organization, etc. There are thousands of national organizations. Why should there not be at least a few hundred world organizations and nature organizations? The Earth and human family deserve them urgently. Governments resist them because they want to keep their power and do not want to share it with others. How blind they are! How much happier they would be if they cooperated excitedly, with enthusiasm, in the building of a new, peaceful, happy world!
~ Idea 1417 ~ 28 May 1998
What we call "goods" in a store might be "bads" for the Earth. What we call production might be destruction. What we call progress might be regress. Please, dear member of the 6 billion human family, before you buy anything ask yourself these two questions:
1. How much Earth has it cost to produce?
2 Do I really need it?
~ Idea 1475 ~ 25 July 1998
There are millions of local, state, provincial and national laws on this planet but not a single world law! And this happens when the world and humanity have entered the global age characterized by incessantly growing movements, interrelationships, interdependencies and global problems of the planet and the human family. Visitors from outer space would not believe it. Well, it is time that we do not accept it either. We must request that during the year 2000 we should see the birth of the first world laws and the birth of a global judicial system for this planet. Let us work towards the implementation of that pressing idea. The non-implementation of the agreements taken at the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment is a glaring example that the world cannot count on national legislations to save the Earth.
~ Idea 758 ~ 6 August 1996
This morning the following rough scheme of how proper Earth Government should be structured appeared to me:
Outer space and the atmosphere
The Seas and Oceans (71% of the Earth surface)
The land masses
The biosphere (sphere of life)
other species
plant and forest life
the human species
The infinitely small
~ Idea 759 ~ 7 August 1996
I think that the Mayan cosmology is correct when they consider the couple and not the individual to be the basic cosmic unit of evolution. They say that in a couple all the evolution and experience of innumerable forebears of two lines of humans will converge and the couple will give birth to new lines of descendants. This is why they consider the couple to be sacred. How right they are. There is a sacredness in the mysterious, divine act of love and there is a recognition of that sacredness in the miracles of our children and the family. We must therefore re-establish the central value, the miracle of the family in the human society. And the new evolutionary messages are that we should not reproduce indiscriminately and wound the body of our Mother Earth with unnecessary, wasteful, damaging overproduction and overconsumption.
~ Idea 760 ~ 8 August 1996
I do not know if the Mayans conceived of a Divine, Cosmic Couple in the heavens, a God and a Goddess. If they did, I think we should follow their example. There is no reason to consider one sex superior to the other. Alone, none of them can reproduce the miracle of life and continue evolution.
~ Idea 761 ~ 9 August 1996
I would not exchange my wild, unproductive virgin, primeval jungles in Costa Rica for the biggest, money-making shopping center in the world. And I am sure that the Divine Couple in heaven will thank me for it, when I appear before them.
~ Idea 15 ~ 25 July 1994
The current priorities on this planet, namely business first, government second, and spirituality last, must be reversed to:
First, spiritually towards God, the heavens and eternity, towards our Mother Earth, all humans, and all living species, and nature;
Second, loving public service to peace, justice and the well-being and happiness of the people;
Third, business and the provision of essential, needed goods and services.
~ Idea 32 ~ 11 August 1994
Public service is overweighted in favor of production and business. Greater attention must be given to the consumption side of humanity: insufficient consumption of many people, overconsumption and staggering waste by others, harmful consumptions unduly taxing the Earth's resources and public health. A UN World Agency on consumption must be created with corresponding Ministries of Consumption in all countries. Like the International Labor Organization, the organization should have a tripartite representation: producers, consumers and governments.
~ Idea 71 ~ 19 September 1994
It is high time to think of the creation of world businesses companies which would be chartered by the United Nations under legal provisions ensuring that they will be of real benefit to humanity and not harm or destroy the Earth. They would be called UN Chartered companies and would submit yearly reports to the United Nations.
~ Idea 129 ~ 16 November 1994
An increasing number of businesses should be created by young people under a label such as "Self-imposed Ethical Business" which would draw up their own code of ethics toward consumers, the environment, peace and mother Earth.
~ Idea 330 ~ 5 June 1995
The phenomenon of megacities growing ceaselessly in the world accompanied by the human depletion of rural areas is of such frightening magnitude and negative effects on human progress that the UN Office of Human Settlements (Habitat) should be made a full UN specialized agency with a tripartite representation like the International Labour Organization, namely governments, business (builders, architects, etc.) and habitants.
~ Idea 407 ~ 21 August 1995
Considered as the Global Biological Metaorganism of the Earth and Humanity's Evolution, the UN should have not only representatives of governments, but also of peoples' associations, parliamentarians, religions, scientists, artists and business.
~ Idea 453 ~ 6 October 1995
The time will soon come when very hard world laws will have to be adopted for implementation by all nations, institutions and business, if we want to survive and see this planet saved with its immensely rich endowment of life. It is becoming imperative.
~ Idea 472 ~ 25 October 1995
Today, the major forces influencing the fate of humanity and of the Earth are:
1. business which has globalized itself tremendously and affects all life and the entire Earth;
2. governments which have globalized themselves insufficiently and have adopted as their priority the support of business and of multinational corporations operating from their soil;
3. religions which have not joined in a global alliance for spirituality.
The world needs to redress its priorities.
1. spirituality which gives us confidence in our place and meaning in the universe and in time should be Number 1;
2. government as the protection and democratic recourse of the poor, the helpless and the downtrodden and now also the defender of the environment and of the Earth should be Number 2;
3. business as the producers of goods and services for the satisfaction of basic human needs should be Number 3.
On the urgency of the globalization of government I have recommended many ideas. On the globalization of religions, in addition to the Initiative to create a United Religions in process, I recommend the urgent establishment of a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on World Spirituality to meet before the year 2000 and make its contribution to a change in human priorities as we enter the 21st century and third millennium.
~ Idea 557 ~ 18 January 1996
Since business was first to globalize itself world-wide, far beyond governments and religions, and since corporations are now for all practical purposes ruling the world, we should give them the opportunity, even request them to hold
a World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System
The world business community should be asked to answer how they would take care of the above complaints of the Earth, of humanity, of the past and of the future, how they would provide for a well preserved planet and the well-being of all humanity, the five basic harmonies and the long-term evolution of the planet.
Such a conference would bring together the heads of the major world corporations, banks and stock exchanges, the World Bank, the IMF, the GATT, the new World Trade Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations
~ Idea 559 ~ 20 January 1996
The star-performance, often called "miracle" of the American States in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 200 years ago which put an end to a similar political chaos in North America between numerous independent states at the time could be repeated in
a New Philadelphia World Convention for the Creation of the United States of the World
It would review the state of world democracy and would have to add to the system of balance of power the new dominant power of business.
"Philadelphia II" is a project of us Senator Mike Gravel who proposes a convention for the writing of a charter for a Global Constitution.
~ Idea 576 ~ 6 February 1996
I have pointed out before that as a major phenomenon of our recent history, business was the first to globalize itself world-wide, that governments did it reluctantly on a small scale and became the instruments or servants of big business, and that the religions, due to their fundamentalism did not cooperate and globalize themselves in a world alliance (see Idea 472).
But very recently a new phenomenon has appeared: the birth of a global human consciousness. Humans are becoming aware of the errors we are making, of the wrongness around us. This will surpass all other globalizations and become number one. It will be the new democracy, the next step of evolution expressed in the individual wills of the only true living cosmic units: individual human, live beings.
~ Idea 597 ~ 27 February 1996
To keep their monopoly of power, business and the rich decry the mere idea of proper world government and depict it as a way to dictatorship. How about their own already existing dictatorship?
~ Idea 617 ~ 18 March 1996
Instead of letting business and corporations wildly run ahead and progressively destroy our Earth, governments and thinkers should sit down and consider what a world government by private business and corporations would look like. The first discovery would be that freedom and democracy would disappear: the Earth and capital would be owned by capitalists and shareholders, i.e. by those who possess already capital and money and the rest of the people would not have a chance. All humans would be programmed by advertisement and marketing to buy what corporations decide. As for the Earth, it would be totally defenseless, neglected and brought to its ruin.
~ Idea 658 ~ 28 April 1996
Since business, profit and economics have become the main factors of destruction of the Earth and since this is beginning to be recognized in business circles themselves under the claim for business ethics, I recommend that a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on the New Role of Business be established to accelerate this fundamental change.
~ Idea 693 ~ 2 June 1996
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with business, except its fundamentalist claim that it is the only form of human society which through competition will bring well-being and happiness to all peoples, the same claim communism had.
Someone should start writing 2000 ideas for a more Earth-conscious, ethical and democratic business world. Writing concrete ideas is a great eye opener on the potential good and evils of any system. Ideas are an essential form of progress and evolution.
~ Idea 745 ~ 24 July 1996
Since privatization claims to be the solution to all our problems, well let then business be responsible also for full employment and to pay for unemployment.
~ Idea 746 ~ 25 July 1996
Privatization already brilliantly solves the problem of world garbage: it makes consumers pay for all the packages and containers, producing employment, and makes the consumers also pay for garbage removal, disposal or recycling which also gives employment. The only victim in all this is the Earth.
~ Idea 747 ~ 26 July 1996
Since privatization claims to solve all the world's problems provided government disappears, let business also solve the increasing gap between the rich and the poor countries, between North and South, and East and West.
~ Idea 769 ~ 17 August 1996
It is marvelous that we have on this planet such an incredible linguistic, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, all legacies of an immemorable past, all having something important to contribute to the biological, cultural wealth and evolution of humanity.
But all this was born locally without even knowing that there were other continents and that the Earth was round and circling around the sun. This diversity can therefore not be allowed to stand in the way of a new, immense, widely opened evolution: the global age, the age of total knowledge of our home and of our world-wide human family, the interdependence between the Earth and humanity, between the past and the future, between the Earth and the heavens.
Our present beliefs, institutions and ways of life must take this into account and acquire a global dimension or at least understanding. The past cannot stand in the way of the future and cannot claim to be the infallible, unchangeable, fundamental reality. Education, politics and religions must all be globalized, as has been the case of already so many other things, to start with business. No part can be considered greater than the totality.
~ Idea 861 ~ 17 November 1996
Business and sovereign nations will be the undertakers of life on this planet. Humanity must rapidly change its priorities. This should be a top priority on the world's agenda for the next century and millennium.
~ Idea 1101 ~ 16 July 1997
Some of the great errors of our time were these:
- humanity rushed into economics, changing our home before ecology, the knowledge of that home;
- we accepted capitalism as the dominant ideal of the human society and not the environment or love and preservation of our Earth;
- we let business globalize itself and become the master of the world and of our lives, while governments, the entrusted defenders of justice, of the poor and the downtrodden did not globalize themselves and even became the servant of business;
- and religions did not globalize themselves at all.
These errors were not basically wanted:
- capitalism did wonders for humanity at the beginning when the world population was small and the resources of the Earth were unexploited and seemingly unlimited;
- governments were still in the era of consolidating nations recently born from ethnic groups fighting each other;
- religions still believed that their truths were absolute, immortal and meant to spread to the entire world.
Well, today our objectives and efforts should be:
1. to see the religions globalize themselves urgently in order to give us a universal, cosmic meaning of life on Earth and give birth to the first global, cosmic, universal civilization; the recent initiative to create the United Religions can do that;
2. national governments must absolutely globalize themselves in a new, second generation Untied Nations with much more power, especially legislative power, or a United States of the world with proper balance of powers in a world democracy, or a World Union along the lines of the European Union;
3. business must be made the servant of the people's needs within a properly preserved Earth, and no longer be instruments of unlimited power, profit, enrichment and programming of the people's lives and consumption;
4. more generally we must put an end to the Darwinian theory of competition and survival of the fittest, and replace it by a new science, strategy and methodology of cooperation for our evolutionary survival and fulfillment on this particular planet in the universe.
~ Idea 1124 ~ 8 August 1997
In face of the rising world-wide criticisms against capitalism, I recommend that a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Capitalism be established to look into this subject. It is high time to do that. Even the chief executive officer of Mitsubishi in a speech to the World Future Society says that it seems to him " that the global business community is driving quickly to a cliff, and we have our eyes closed."
~ Idea 1210 ~ 2 November 1997
If outer space beings would visit our planet they would ask us what we call it. We would answer: planet Earth, from the old Germanic goddess Eartha, and also Gaya, from the Greek belief that the Earth is a nebula, Goddess Gaya, which became the Earth.
They would comment: that is beautiful but from what we see around us you should change its name to planet Business and Marketing.
Our comment: well, this was thought of also by the Romans who called it planet Pluto (wealth) and planet Mammon (the God of money).
~ Idea 1431 ~ 11 June 1998
I also recommend a world conference of all major partners in the globalization of humanity and world affairs: governments, the United Nations and its 32 agencies, other world institutions, regional institutions, e.g. the European Union, business, scientists, the media, global non-governmental associations, global private institutions, religions, global philanthropists, world universities, global visionaries, etc. We need to move from the United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth.
~ Idea 1432 ~ 12 June 1998
When future generations and historians will look back at our century, they will be appalled by the minimal resources allotted to world organizations to cope with colossal, unprecedented problems affecting our Earth and humanity, while astronomic sums were spent on national prestige and power programs and Earth destroying business.
When national leaders and chief executive officers of businesses will appear before God's tribunal, they will be condemned not for classical sins but for new global sins against nature and God's Creation.
~ Idea 14 ~ 24 July 1994
The following fundamental human right should be recognized world-wide:
the right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation.
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 54 ~ 2 September 1994
For the celebration of the year 2000, each government should submit a report on its positive contributions to a better world and to the UN since 1945. As an example, Costa Rica could report the demilitarization of the country by Constitution in 1949, the creation of the University for Peace, the Nobel Peace Prize to President Arias for his peace results in Central America, the adoption of Costa Rica's proposal to the UN General Assembly to celebrate a yearly International Day of Peace, the selection of Costa Rica as the seat of the Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment, the adoption of the proposal to create a post of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. This illustrates what one little country can do. Others, especially the big countries, should follow its example and compete with each other.
~ Idea 129 ~ 16 November 1994
An increasing number of businesses should be created by young people under a label such as "Self-imposed Ethical Business" which would draw up their own code of ethics toward consumers, the environment, peace and mother Earth.
~ Idea 153 to 171 ~ 10 to 28 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 153 -the right to a peaceful planet
Idea 154 -the right not to be enlisted in an army
Idea 155 -the right to a disarmed, demilitarized planet
Idea 156 -the right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation
Idea 157 -the right of adherence by governments to their international treaties and agreements
Idea 158 -the right to a proper planning of the future for all newly born children, by governments and world agencies
Idea 159 -the right to non-violence
Idea 160 -the right to truth
Idea 161 -the right to global education
Idea 162 -the right to objective, global information
Idea 163 -the right to protection against the misdoings of huge monopolies, media and advertisement
Idea 164 -the right of future generations
Idea 165 -the right to a well-preserved planet
Idea 166 -the right to life of other species
Idea 167 -the rights of Mother Earth and implementation of the UN Charter of Nature
Idea 168 -the right to a preserved past
Idea 169 -the right to world citizenship and proper world government
Idea 170 -the right to proper relations with Creation and evolution
Idea 171 -the right to fulfilled, meaningful lives during our brief years in the eternal stream of time
~ Idea 224 ~ 19 February 1995
World Universities should be created to study and teach the great concepts which have helped humanity over eons of time to live with the mysteries of life and death in the unfathomable universe and eternity: world universities of hope, of faith, of ethics, of love, of optimism, of happiness, of altruism, of justice, of thanksgiving, of forgiveness, etc.
~ Idea 262 ~ 29 March 1995
All mothers on Earth should claim the fundamental human right not to have their sons, the flesh of their flesh, forced by anyone, not even a nation, to kill another human being or to be killed.
~ Idea 270 ~ 6 April 1995
A next great task for the United Nations will be to draft a Universal Declaration of Ethics for the third millennium. The subject will be taken up during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Ideas 302 to 310 ~ 8 to 16 May 1995
Ours has become a world into which a lot of unethics have crept in behind our backs. There is an urgent need for the upholding of ethics, side by side with human rights and human duties and responsibilities in all realms of human activities. I therefore recommend:
Idea 302 -the creation of an Independent World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Ethics or
Idea 303 -that the UN convene a World Conference on Ethics, Human Duties and Responsibilities
Idea 304 -the UN collect and publish codes and statements of ethics in all human realms
Idea 305 -a UN Commission for Ethics, like the Human Rights Commission, and a High Commissioner and staff serving it be created
Idea 306 -all specialized agencies and world programs of the UN should develop human ethics in their respective fields
Idea 307 -a World Court of Ethics should be established
Idea 308 -an International Year of Ethics should be held
Idea 309 -the next millennium should be declared World Millennium of Ethics
Idea 310 -Ministries of Ethics should be created in all governments and ethical units in all businesses.
~ Idea 392 ~ 6 August 1995
There should be more work, more scientific research, more world associations and peoples' movements for the great philosophical, moral concepts which have always helped humanity to survive and to progress in the fathomless mysteries of the universe.
Such movements are now mushrooming on peace, human rights, racial and gender equality, the environment, etc. More are needed on the concepts and practices of hope, love, forgiveness, compassion, thanksgiving, altruism, philanthropy, gaiaphily, cooperation, etc., I am glad that an Institute for the Science of Hope has been created in New York and an Institute for Forgiveness in Lawrence, Kansas. These should be accompanied by world associations or people's movements for hope, for forgiveness, etc., similar to those existing already for peace, the environment, etc. There should be world days of hope, love , compassion, etc. The US Thanksgiving Day should become a world day. We also badly need A World Day of Love.
~ Idea 418 ~ 1 September 1995
In a book published by UNESCO on "Simon Bolivar, the Hope of the Universe", I read that he proposed the creation of a fourth branch of Government, concerned with Morality and Education. This is now coming strongly to the fore under the name of Ethics.
Peace and Sustainable Development
In October 1989, In UN document A/44/626, the government of Costa Rica offered to the UN General Assembly the following Declaration of Human Responsibilities for Peace and Sustainable Development for reflection and compromise. The Declaration was drafted and adopted during the Conference on The Search for the True Meaning of Peace held in Costa Rica from 25 to 30 June 1989 under the auspices of the UN University for Peace.
Article 1. Everything which exists is part of an interdependent universe. All living creatures depend on each other for their existence, well-being and development.
Article 2. All human beings are on inseparable part of nature, on which culture and human civilization have been built.
Article 3. Life on Earth is abundant and diverse. It is sustained by the unhindered functioning of natural systems which ensure the provision of energy, air, water and nutrients for all living creatures. Every manifestation of life on Earth is unique and essential and must therefore be respected and protected without regard to its apparent value to human beings.
Article 4. All human beings are an inseparable part of the human family and depend on each other for their existence, well-being and development. Every human being is a unique expression and manifestation of life and has a separate contribution to make to life on Earth. Each human being has fundamental and inalienable rights and freedoms, without distinction of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic status or any other social situation.
Article 5. All human beings have the same basic needs and the same fundamental aspirations to be satisfied. All individuals have the right to development, the purpose of which is to promote attainment of the full potential of each person.
Article 6. Responsibility is an inherent aspect of any relation in which human beings are involved. This capacity to act responsibly in a conscious, independent, unique and personal manner is an inalienable creative quality of every human being. There is no limit to its scope or depth other than that established by each person for himself. The more it is accepted and exercised, the more it will grow and strengthen.
Article 7. Of all living creatures, human beings have the unique capacity to decide consciously whether they are protecting or harming the quality and conditions of life on Earth. In reflecting on the fact that they belong to the natural world and occupy a special position as participants in the evolution of natural processes, people can develop, on the basis of selflessness, compassion and love, a sense of universal responsibility towards the world as an integral whole, towards the protection of nature and the promotion of the highest potential for change, with a view to creating those conditions which will enable them to achieve the highest level of spiritual and material well-being.
Article 8. At this critical time in history, the alternatives facing mankind are crucial. In directing their actions towards the attainment of progress in society, human beings have frequently forgotten the inherent role they play in the natural world and the indivisible human family, and their basic needs for a healthy life. Excessive consumption, abuse of the environment and aggression between peoples have brought the natural processes of the Earth to a critical stage which threatens their survival. By reflecting on these issues, individuals will be capable of discerning their responsibility and thus reorienting their conduct towards peace and sustainable development.
Article 9. Given that all forms of life are unique and essential, that all human beings have the right to development and that both peace and violence are the product of the human mind, it is from the human mind that a sense of responsibility to act and think in a peaceful manner will develop. Through peace-oriented awareness, individuals will understand the nature of those conditions which are necessary for their well-being and development.
Article 10. Being mindful of their sense of responsibility towards the human family and the environment in which they live and of the need to think and act in a peaceful manner, human beings have the obligation to act in a way that is consistent with the observance of and respect for inherent human rights and to ensure that their consumption of resources is in keeping with the satisfaction of the basic needs of all.
Article 11. When members of the human family recognize that they are responsible to themselves and to present and future generations for the conservation of the planet, as protectors of the natural world and promoters of its continued development, they will be obliged to act in a rational manner in order to ensure sustainable life.
Article 12. Human beings have a continuing responsibility when setting up, taking part in or representing social units, associations and institutions, whether private or public. In addition, all such entities have a responsibility to promote peace and sustainability, and to put into practice the educational goals which are conducive to that end. These goals include the fostering of awareness of the interdependence of human beings among themselves and with nature and the universal responsibility of individuals to solve the problems which they have engendered through their attitudes and actions in a manner that is consistent with the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Let us be faithful to the privilege of our responsibility.
~ Idea 502 ~ 24 November 1995
During my half a century of world service I have seen these three basic phases in human history since the end of World War II:
1945 to the early 1970's: a comprehensive, unprecedented period of Humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism and apartheid, increase literacy, longevity and good health, etc.)
1970's: while the agendas of the preceding period were still incomplete and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore: the Environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other words: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.
1980's: the new phenomena of the depletion of the ozonosphere and menacing climatic changes made the Earth priority No. 1 of our concerns and reduced humanity and economic development to second place.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we should no longer speak of the need for World Government, but of Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.
The UN Charter of 1945 does not use the words Earth, nature, natural resources and the environment. Why? Because at that time we considered the Earth to be unlimited in resources for a relatively small world population. The western countries also saw, and still see humanity as separate and superior to the natural world. This view has accomplished miracles for the human race. But humanity must now change its course, dominant objectives, values and institutions if we want to prevent disasters in the evolution of the Earth and of the human race.
~ Idea 736 ~ 15 July 1996
Hasn't the time come to have a look at all the national patriotic holidays in 185 nations and see whether they could not be replaced by concerns for major world issues which did not exist at the time? For instance, the French 14 Juillet could also become a day for human rights, since it was a day of revolution against horrendous human rights violations which reigned in that country at the time.
~ Idea 786 ~ 3 September 1996
All too often I hear people say: I tried but it did not work, so I gave up. Well, we have the sacred duty to try and to never give up. Many of our ideals for peace and a better world will be fulfilled only after our death. This was the case of so many enlightened world servers of the past: those who wanted human rights, those who wanted the abolition of slavery, etc. Here is a more recent, unforgettable example:
Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine, dreamt as a child of the abolition of the borders in Europe, especially between France and Germany. He launched the Schuman Plan in 1949 and it took 43 years until the European Union was born and the borders of western European countries were abolished. But Robert Schuman was dead at that time. I went to his tomb to report it to him.
Please follow his example: never give up your dream even if you will not see it fulfilled.
My dream for a World Union or United States of the World or Earth Government is unlikely to be fulfilled during my life time. It is only a reason for working harder at it.
~ Idea 799 ~ 16 September 1996
The most neglected field of human rights is the field of consumers rights. I hope that the International Consumers Organization will soon become a full specialized agency of the UN.
~ Idea 881 ~ 7 December 1996
United Nations world conferences have been a monumental blessing in giving the world's people renewed consciousness of old, still unresolved world problems and new problems due to our accelerating global age (e.g. the population explosion, the environment, the world's climate, etc.)
Alas, the US Congress instead of being grateful and pleased, no longer wants any world conferences, arguing that they are costly and useless. I propose that on the contrary we need more of them on global problems and dangers confronting humanity. If other governments agree with the US and no longer want new world governmental conferences, I recommend that the people should do them. There should be continued World People's Conferences on population, children, women, the aged, human rights, indigenous people, the world's climate, the environment, demilitarization, disarmament, world security, violence in all its forms, the world commons, the seas and oceans, outer-space, etc. Perhaps a better United Nations and world democracy would ensue.
~ Idea 882 ~ 8 December 1996
Two new human rights to be fought for in the new century:
- the right not to pay taxes for armaments and military expenses or to have that part of taxes shifted to environmental services;
- the right to non-military service or to alternative environmental service.
~ Idea 894 ~ 20 December 1996
To the various new fundamental human rights I have claimed in these 2000 ideas, I would like to add this one:
- the fundamental human right to young people to form a family and not to be prevented from it by unemployment.
The reason is that the creation of descendants, at least one or two, is a fundamental cosmic, natural law: the experience of life of ancestors registered in the DNA must be transmitted to descendants in the flow of evolution.
Governments will have the duty to ensure employment of young people.
On February 21, 1997, many World Federalists and prominent people came to Mount Vernon to celebrate the 50th birthday of the World Federalist Association, founded by the United World Federalists, and the 265th birthday of George Washington, the father of the United States. Seeking a way to secure peace, justice, and human rights not only for the American people but for people of all nations, they proclaimed this declaration.
George Washington's vision and leadership played a key role in transforming the weak United States of the Articles of Confederation into the strong United States which resulted from the adoption of the federal Constitution. That great transformation of American political institutions suggests a strategy for restructuring and empowering the weak United Nations of today. A strong, effective, and democratic United Nations would be in the national interest of the United States and of every other nation.
The United Nations has been an important and constructive force since it was founded in 1945. However, until it becomes stronger, more representative and better funded, it cannot save humankind from the scourge of war and adequately promote human rights, social justice and protection of our global environment. To achieve those essential goals the existing United Nations Charter must be amended or replaced. The new Charter must give the organization the essential powers it lacks. It must also provide checks and balances to ensure that it does not abuse or exceed its delegated powers.
As we approach the task of strengthening the United Nations, we should reflect on the central events in the transformation of American political institutions two centuries ago: the drafting of the Constitution in four months and its ratification by the American people in less than a year. George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence, played a crucial role by serving as a delegate from Virginia and as president of the Constitutional Convention.
Each state legislature could veto any amendment to the Articles of Confederation, making major changes in the Articles all but impossible. To get around those vetoes, the delegates drafted a replacement constitution which would come into effect when ratified by popularly elected conventions in at least nine of the thirteen states.
The Virginia delegation came to the Constitutional Convention with the brilliant Virginia Plan for major changes in national political institutions. The plan, whose chief architect was James Madison, urged the establishment of a national government with its own executive, legislature and judiciary. The national government would have dependable sources of revenue. Its legislature would be bicameral. The "First branch" would be elected by the people, and the voting power of each state would reflect its population or its financial contribution to the national government. The Virginia Plan sometimes went too far. For example, it provided for the use of force against recalcitrant states. However, George Mason, another Virginia delegate, insisting that national law should not be applied to states but should "directly operate on individuals," prevailed.
The Constitution granted some powers and withheld others. The Tenth Amendment, which was part of the Constitutional package, provided that: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." After intensive discussion and important changes, the Virginia Plan became the heart of the Constitution. After the delegates signed it, Washington from his Mount Vernon home worked hard for its ratification. Madison was a major figure in that endeavor.
For the United Nations to accomplish its declared objectives, it too must be restructured, empowered and democratized. But that is unlikely to happen while the decisions of its General Assembly are made by a one nation/one vote system of representation and the decisions of its Security Council are subject to the veto of any of its five permanent members. A change in "one nation/one vote" is unlikely unless the many nations with small populations and low incomes are given something in return, such as security against aggressors and assistance in developing their economies and improving their societies.
The great powers cannot be counted on to keep the peace, whether as part of the UN coalition or acting independently. The Charter requires UN members to come to the aid of nations which are attacked. But the presidents and prime ministers of the great powers insist that they alone will decide whether, when, how, how much and how long they will use force. They fear they will lose their jobs if they send their troops into battle in countries in which their citizens believe they have little or no political, economic or strategic interest. Because neither the United Nations nor the great powers can be counted on to keep the peace, there have been more than 125 wars since World War II, wars which have killed more people than were killed in that war. The UN intervened with force in only a very few of those wars. Meanwhile hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each year for armed forces and for increasingly deadly weapons. Those weapons are becoming more and more widespread.
An adequate UN Charter must: (1) establish an effective executive, a representative legislature and an independent judiciary; (2) provide for substantial and dependable funding; (3) give the judiciary the power of judicial review, including the power to declare "unconstitutional" UN laws which violate the Charter; (4) provide for an equitable system of representation; (5) provide for strict limitations on armament and armed forces; and (6) provide for the application of limited UN law to lawbreaking individuals. Governments which are not now democratic should be eligible for continued membership in the new United Nations, provided they ratify the proposed amendments to the existing Charter or ratify a new UN Charter within a reasonable time.
To secure these necessary changes in the United Nations system US political leaders - Democratic, Republican and Independent - should follow the good example of George Washington and his fellow Virginians. They should propose an American Plan for transforming the present United Nations into a world federation with the power, authority and funding to deal with those problems which, because they are global, require global solutions. They should propose an appropriate package of amendments to the present charter. If it is rejected, they should urge that a new charter be drafted by a group of experts or by an elected world constitutional convention. Ratification of that replacement Charter should require the support of a substantial majority of the world's people and its nations.
We believe that the American people will welcome and support a movement to restructure, democratize and empower the United Nations. They know that government is essential for law and order in our towns, cities, states, and in our nations. They can be persuaded that it is just as necessary at the global level. And there is good reason to believe that many nations, large and small, rich and poor, would give an American Plan the same consideration they gave to the Marshall Plan and other major American initiatives. We would not expect the world to endorse every part of that American Plan. Certainly George Washington and his fellow Virginians did not expect the Constitutional Convention to endorse all of their Virginia Plan. But the Virginia Plan had a tremendous impact. It provided the basic framework for the US Constitution. A bold American Plan for a United Nations World Federation would bring hope to people everywhere. It would truly honor George Washington, whose wisdom, conviction and character were essential to the founding of our country and our federal system.
~ Idea 952 ~ 17 February 1997
World Awards for a Better World
The 185 nations of the UN General Assembly have a vast unused power, the power of incentive, of inspiration, of reward: I suggest that an Awards Committee be established by the General Assembly to give awards to governments who have best performed in implementing decisions of the United Nations, for example on disarmament, demilitarization, human rights and the environment. All governments would be asked to contribute to a World Awards Fund which would make such awards as prestigious as the Nobel Prizes. A mere one million dollars contribution by 185 governments would bring in 185 million dollars for prizes! Philanthropists would also be asked to contribute to the fund. The General Assembly could decide on an international tax on air travel to yield money for such a fund. Each tourist or air traveler would be told that the small tax he pays is for the granting of World Awards for a Better World. Private persons would be asked to make voluntary contributions or bequests to the Fund. Such contributions could be asked from people world-wide on Human Rights Day (10 December), on World Environment Day (5 June) and on new Days to be established, such as World Demilitarization Day, World Disarmament Day, etc. The whole field of philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for humankind, love for Mother Earth) by millions of people around the world, has received insufficient attention by the United Nations. Since the Charter of the UN starts with the words "We, the Peoples", let us give an opportunity to the peoples of the world to say what they are ready to do. The subject should be placed on the agenda of the General Assembly.
~ Idea 975 ~ 12 March 1997
God Rasur said to the children that the divine was in each tree, every flower, every bird, every animal, every butterfly in nature.
He should have added: and in you, in every child and human being.
Indeed, we are all made of earth, water and air which are concrete solar, i.e. cosmic energy. We are not human beings distinct from the Earth and from the universe, we are made of the Earth, of the sun, of the universe, we are live universe on a particular cosmic planet, endowed with a cosmic, universal consciousness. Jesus and all sacred emissaries from the heavens told us that.
In a proper Earth government, every human being should therefore be considered unique, sacred and "divine". No human should be forced to kill other divine, miraculous cosmic units for the "greatness" of artificial nations or the "truth" of any religion, nor of any other entity, institution or philosophy.
To its splendid human rights work which is truly of cosmic inspiration, the United Nations must now add an identical work on human responsibilities, particularly towards our mother Earth and the universe.
~ Idea 983 ~ 20 March 1997
Message on Earth Day
Sent to the President to the UN General Assembly for the peace bell ringing ceremony at the United Nations on the celebration of Earth Day commemorated each year on the day of spring equinox.
On this Earth Day 1997, I cannot fail to remember that I saw three fundamentally different periods of world history reflected in the United Nations during my years of world service since the end of World War II:
1. from 1945 to the 1970's there was an unprecedented period of world humanism reflected in the United Nations: avoid wars, prevent the early death of children, eradicate world epidemics, define and defend universal fundamental human rights, suppress colonialism, racism and apartheid, improve the well-being, health, literacy and longevity of all humans, etc. At that time we believed that the resources and life elements of our Earth were unlimited. The UN charter does not contain the words Earth, nature and natural resources.
2. in the 1970's, with the first world conference on the biosphere of UNESCO in 1968 and the request by Sweden in the UN Economic and Social Council in 1970 to hold the first world conference on the environment in 1972, a second period was opened: while the agendas of the preceding period were still in large part unfulfilled and even overtaken by the population explosion, the world's preoccupations were extended to the Earth and nature around us, namely "the environment".
3. in the 1980's, the world conference on the ozonosphere in 1978 and the two world climate conferences of 1979 and 1987 opened the eyes and consciousness of humanity to major menacing climatic changes on our planet. Since then the Earth has become priority number 1 of our concerns.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of our planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why it has become imperative that we should seek the ways and means of proper Earth government, namely the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are integral part and whose further evolution henceforth largely depends on us.
May the celebration of each year's Earth Day and the messages delivered on that day help our beautiful, miraculous planet and the human race, its most advanced life form, become a masterpiece and model of planetary and life evolution in the universe.
May in particular the spring equinox of the year 2000 be the widest and most important celebration of Earth Day ever.
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Idea 987 ~ 24 March 1997
I often think that if the UN or anyone would keep statistics of the financial help and free services given by national and international volunteer associations to the poor, destitute and handicapped of the world, the results would show that this is superior, perhaps even far superior to governmental international aid.
Since the UN is the main coordinating agency of world aid, I recommend that a Main Committee of Voluntary Associations be created by the General Assembly. Why the General Assembly and not the Economic and Social Council? Because that aid is also in large part given to political efforts of the UN: complementary aid to the peacekeeping operations of the UN Security Council, aid to refugees, aid to victims of human rights violations and natural disasters, etc.
This is a great, growing, promising field of world affairs which deserves much more attention from politicians, political science, education and world administration.
A Declaration of Interdependence*
WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HISTORY the threat of extinction confronts mankind, it is necessary for the people of The United States to declare their interdependence with the people of all nations and to embrace those principles and build those institutions which will enable mankind to survive and civilization to flourish.
Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation: now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order. On this historic occasion it is proper that the American people should reaffirm those principles on which the United States of America was founded, acknowledge the new crises which confront them, accept the new obligations which history imposes upon them, and set forth the causes which impel them to affirm before all peoples their commitment to a Declaration of Interdependence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal: that the inequalities and injustices which afflict so much of the human race are the product of history and society, not of God or nature, that people everywhere are entitled to the blessings of life and liberty, peace and security and the realization of their full potential: that they have an inescapable moral obligation to preserve those rights for posterity: and that to achieve these ends all the peoples and nations of the globe should acknowledge their interdependence and join together to dedicate their minds and their hearts to the solution of those problems which threaten their survival.
To establish a new world order of compassion, peace, justice and security, it is essential that mankind free itself from the limitations of national prejudice, and acknowledge that the forces that unite it are incomparably deeper than those that divide it &endash; that all people are part of one global community, dependent on one body of resources, bound together by the ties of a common humanity and associated in a common adventure on the planet Earth.
Let us then join together to vindicate and realize this great truth that mankind is one, and as one will nobly save or irreparably lose the heritage of thousands of years of civilization. And let us set forth the principles which should animate and inspire us if our civilization is to survive.
WE AFFIRM that the resources of the globe are finite, not infinite, that they are the heritage of no one nation or generation, but of all peoples, nations and of posterity, and that our deepest obligation is to transmit to that posterity a planet richer in material bounty, in beauty and in delight than we found it. Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation.
WE AFFIRM that the exploitation of the poor by the rich, and the weak by the strong violates our common humanity and denies to large segments of society the blessings of life, liberty and happiness. We recognize a moral obligation to strive for a more prudent and more equitable sharing of the resources of the earth in order to ameliorate poverty, hunger and disease.
WE AFFIRM that the resources of nature are sufficient to nourish and sustain all the present inhabitants of the globe and that there is an obligation on every society to distribute those resources equitably, along with corollary obligation upon every society to assure that its population does not place upon Nature a burden heavier than it can bear.
*This Declaration was promulgated on 24 October 1975, United Nations Day, by the Philadelphia World Affairs Council in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in the presence of the UN Secretary General and all heads of the UN specialized agencies. Even more important today.
WE AFFIRM our responsibility to help create conditions which will make for peace and security and to build more effective machinery for keeping peace among the nations. Because the insensate accumulation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threatens the survival of Mankind we call for the immediate reduction and eventual elimination of these weapons under international supervision. We deplore the reliance on force to settle disputes between nation states and between rival groups within such states.
WE AFFIRM that the oceans are the common property of mankind whose dependence on their incomparable resources of nourishment and strength will, in the next century become crucial for human survival, and that their exploitation should be so regulated as to serve the interests of the entire globe, and of future generations.
WE AFFIRM that pollution flows with the waters and flies with the winds, that it recognizes no boundary lines and penetrates all defenses, that it works irreparable damage alike to Nature and to Mankind &endash; threatening with extinction the life of the seas, the flora and the fauna of the earth, the health of the people in cities and the countryside alike &endash; and that it can be adequately controlled only through international, cooperation.
WE AFFIRM that the exploration and utilization of outer space is a matter equally important to all the nations of the globe and that no nation can be permitted to exploit or develop the potentialities of the planetary system exclusively for its own benefit.
WE AFFIRM that the economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.
WE AFFIRM that the civilized society, the institutions of science and the arts are never at war and call upon all nations to exempt these institutions from the claims of chauvinistic nationalism and to foster that great community of learning and creativity whose benign function it is to advance civilization and the health and happiness of mankind.
WE AFFIRM that a world without law is a world without order, and we call upon all nations to strengthen and to sustain the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and other institutions of world order, and to broaden the jurisdiction of the World Court, that these may preside over a reign of law that will not only end wars but end as well that mindless violence which terrorizes our society even in times of peace.
WE can no longer afford to make little plans, allow ourselves to be the captives of events and forces over which we have no control, consult our fears rather than our hopes. We call upon the American people, on the threshold of the third century of their national existence, to display once again that boldness, enterprise, magnanimity and vision which enabled the founders of our Republic to bring forth a new nation and inaugurate a new era in human history. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Throughout the globe, hearts and hopes wait upon us. We summon all Mankind to untie to meet the great challenge.
&endash; Henry Steele Commanger
24 October 1975
~ Idea 1021 ~ 27 April 1997
The next two great, global celebrations which should be held by humanity are:
- in 1998, the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;*
- in 2000, the world-wide celebration of our entry into a new century and millennium. It was my first idea of these 2000 ideas and dreams started on 11 July 1994.
For the record I reproduce it here again. I wrote it twenty years ago for Earth Day 1977, at the suggestion of anthropologist Margaret Mead, who considered like Sigmund Freud that a global anthropology should be next on the agenda of world affairs.
My Dream 2000
I dream
that on 1 January 2000
The whole world will stand still
In prayer, awe and gratitude
For our beautiful, heavenly Earth
And for the miracle of human life.
I dream
That young and old, rich and poor,
Black and white,
People from North and South,
From East and West,
From all beliefs and cultures
Will join their hands, minds and hearts
in an unprecedented, universal
Bimillennium Celebration of Life.
I dream
That during the year 2000
Innumerable celebrations and events
Will take place all over the globe
To gauge the long road covered by humanity
To study our mistakes
And to plan the feats
Still to be accomplished
For the full flowering of the human race
In peace, justice and happiness.
I dream
That the few remaining years
To the Bimillennium
Be devoted by all humans, nations and institutions
To unparalleled thinking, action,
Inspiration, elevations,
Determination and love
To solve our remaining problems
And to achieve
A peaceful, united human family on Earth.
I dream
That the year 2000
Will be declared World Year of Thanksgiving
by the United Nations.*
I dream
That the third millennium
Will be declared
And made
Humanity's First Millennium of Peace
*The UN General Assembly approved this proposal on 20 November 1997.
This dream has spread around the world in the following languages: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese and Dutch.
~ Idea 1027 ~ 3 May 1997
In a remarkable, timely, historic document, the Director General of UNESCO, Mr. Federico Mayor, has proclaimed the fundamental human right of each Earth inhabitant to peace. Bravo, bravissimo.
At the beginning of his document he quotes Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Each individual has the right to life, liberty and the security of his person."
I go a step further: I ask in these 2000 ideas the fundamental human right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation, religion, race, nor of any other human ideology or institution, the individual person being the basic cosmic unity of humanity's evolution on this planet, or as the religions call it, a sacred human being, or as I call it, a true miracle, a child of God.
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration means: if I have the basic right to life, noone else, especially not a nation, religion, race, ideology or institution has the right to take this life away from me. Young men drafted into military service or into an army should refuse to go and take their case to the International Court of Justice for a violation of a basic human right, the right to life.
~ Idea 1028 ~ 4 May 1997
All youth organizations of the Earth should combine their efforts and create a United Youth Organization.
That Organization should request the adoption of new texts of their fundamental human rights: the sacred right not to be drafted into military service or war service, the right not to kill and not to be killed, not in the name of a nation, religion, race or anyone else. Conflicts between social, ethnic, and political groups should all be solved by peaceful and non-violent means. This should become the supreme law of the human society.
~ Idea 1029 ~ 5 May 1997
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1998, the United Nations, in addition to the proclamation of new, additional human rights, as recommended in these 2000 ideas, should undertake two new tasks:
- the drafting and adoption of a universal declaration of human responsibilities;
- the drafting and adoption of a universal declaration of ethics.
There exist already several texts of such declarations which should be assembled and circulated by the UN Secretariat. I have communicated to the UN Human Rights High Commissioner those I have collected over the years.
~ Idea 1031 ~ 7 May 1997
Human groups which are not yet covered by declarations of human rights should work on them and ask for their debate and adoption by the United Nations. For example mothers and youth should request declarations of human rights of mothers and youth.
~ Idea 1032 ~ 8 May 1997
Hitler, the German dictator, created in the 1930's a Bund der Deutschen Mütter, a League of German Mothers who were to excite their sons into killing enemies of Germany.
From 19 to 21 June 1997, in Vienna, Austria, the country of birth of Hitler, a World Summit of Women, including several women Nobel Prize winners, women who are or were heads of states, and wives of heads of states, will meet in a conference called "Mothers of the Earth for World Peace Summit sponsored by World Centers of Compassion for Children."
I recommend that this conference create a Bund aller Welt Mütter, a World League of all Mothers, or United Mothers Organization, which will labour to put an end to all wars, armaments, military service, military "academies" and armed forces, and claim a new fundamental human right:
- the sacred right of all mothers of the Earth not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers in the name and glory of a nation, religion, nor of any other entity, cause or institution.
~ Idea 1061 ~ 6 June 1997
I have never understood why nations condemn murder as a crime and often punish murderers with the death penalty, when they themselves send their youth to kill other youth in wars and give them medals for it. It is not called murder in that case, but duty or heroism. I predict that in the next century this will change:
1. a new human right will be adopted, the sacred right not to kill another human being not even in the name of a nation;
2. in a universal declaration of human duties, it will be specified that nations have the duty to solve problems with other nations through peaceful means;
3. that any nation who breaks this duty, will be condemned by the International Tribunal for Crimes against humanity.
~ Idea 1073 ~ 18 June 1997
The date of 18 June always reminds me of the French underground group to which I belonged during World War II. It was named the Group of 18 June, date of the appeal by General de Gaulle to the French people. Remembering all the killings I saw, I am reminded of the idea in which I recommend that all mothers should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers, not in the name of a nation or a religion or of anyone else. Conflicts between all groups must be settled by peaceful, non-violent means.
Someone should collect cases when mothers were able to prevent their sons from being drafted into military or war service. I have heard of two: some US mothers decide to give birth to their children at home and not to register their sons, but to do it only after they are 25 years old, i.e. beyond the age of military service.
Another case was when American mothers went to Viet-Nam, took off the uniforms from their sons, dressed them in civilian clothes and took them home. The military authorities did not challenge them in order not to draw attention to the act.
As a pretending civilized human species we should solve all conflicts by intelligent, civilized and non-violent means. Even better: let us have a disarmed and demilitarized planet with a good world security system at the top. This is what the United Nations were created for, and now that the excuse for not doing it, namely the cold war, is gone let us do it instead of extending military alliances like NATO and SEATO.
~ Idea 1084 ~ 29 June 1997
I am delighted that Mrs. Mary Robinson, the President of Ireland has been appointed Commissioner of Human Rights at the United Nations. My correspondence with her in which I had exhorted her to be a candidate for Secretary General, will allow me to submit to her a whole series of human rights which should be considered during her mandate. There are already several others proposed in these 2000 ideas, but here are three which come forthwith to mind, even if one or two have already been stated elsewhere:
- the fundamental human right of all people to participate and contribute to the birth of a meaningful, orderly, just world society;
- the fundamental human right to a new, objective global education;
- the fundamental human right to move and to establish oneself in any country of this Earth, on any place of this planet, except where specifically prohibited by world law to preserve the Earth and its basic functioning.
~ Ideas 1214 ~ 6 November 1997
Idea 1214 When I received recently from Mr. Helmut Schmidt, the former Chancellor of Germany, the draft of a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities prepared by an Interaction Council of 24 former heads of states, I signed and endorsed it enthusiastically. The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948 will be a great occasion to take up the subject in the United Nations.
~ Idea 1234 ~ 26 November 1997
The most fundamental human right after the right not to be killed must be the right to non-poverty, the right to life sustainment through basic necessities and education. We must achieve for all humans on this planet a Civilization of Fulfilled Basic Necessities. And why not the right to happiness?
~ Idea 1248 ~ 10 December 1997
In 1998 the world will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It will be a great occasion to review this essential field in human progress, its successes and failures, and the new vital human rights and Earth rights which should be considered. We must also take up for the first time human responsibilities and duties including our duties towards the Earth. I foresee that soon the UN Commissioner for human rights will become the Commissioner for Human Rights and Duties.
~ Idea 1261 ~ 23 December 1997
One of the aims of the celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights next year, should be to obtain the creation of a World Court of Human Rights even if it takes decades to win against the stubborn opposition of the antiquated sovereignty of nations, cause of most of the chaos of our time.
~ Idea 1268 ~ 30 December 1997
There exists a Non-governmental Organization born in Italy which recommends the creation of an International Court of the Environment. How right they are: the majority of business firms and governments will not fulfill the recommendations of the United Nations concerning the environment, not fulfill their obligations under treaties they have adopted. Only law will force them to do it. The same way as we had an International Court of Justice against the criminals of World War II and will now have another one for the crimes committed in Yugoslavia we need International Courts of Justice for Human Rights and for the Environment. The International Court of the Environment Foundation is presided by Amedeo Postigliopne, Judge at the Supreme Court of Italy. Address: Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Piazza Cavour 1, Rome, Italy.
~ Idea 1284 ~ 15 January 1998
In my Christmas mail I received the following quotation of the opinion of Leon Tolstoy about the military:
"Armies will disappear when public opinion brands with contempt those who whether for advantage or from fear, sell their dignity as men and enter the ranks of those murderers dressed in fools' clothes &endash; called an army. When men will be ashamed to wear as they do now implements of murder, and when the word military will be what indeed it is &endash; a word of foul abuse, only then will armies first diminish and then quietly disappear and a new age in the life of humanity will commence."
Personally I have never dared to go so far and in such strong terms. What I have requested fundamentally in these 2000 ideas is the basic human right not to be asked to kill or to be killed by another human being neither in the name of a nation, nor of a religion, nor of any other group; and also the right of young people not to be incorporated into military training to kill other human beings.
Perhaps my dreams, strategy and actions are too weak and should be upgraded to the level of Tolstoy's views, feelings and language.
~ Idea 1288 ~ 19 January 1998
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the member countries of the European Union should introduce a resolution in the UN General Assembly asking that the UN should create a World Court of Human Rights, following and expanding on the example of the European Union which has created a European Court of Human Rights.
~ Idea 1290 ~ 21 January 1998
In all matters earthism and humanism must now be given precedence over nationalism. This is the imperative new phase of evolution. Nationalism is the gravest, costliest, retarding obstacle to human progress. It makes no sense any more except for its historical, cultural aspects which can be beautifully preserved and cherished as part of the world's diversity.
At the legal level, national law must give way to Earth Law and Universal Human Law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be the first UN instrument to be given world legal enforcement through a World Court of Human Rights.
~ Idea 1291 ~ 22 January 1998
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a whole series of new human rights should be placed on the agenda of the United Nations. I have suggested a series of them in these 2000 ideas (see index). I would like also to stress the following major institutional reforms:
- create a World or UN Court of Human Rights on the model of the European Court of Human Rights;
- create regional courts of human rights on each continent.
~ Idea 1317 ~ 17 February 1998
There is now a very strong current in the world that to human rights should be added human responsibilities and duties. This will come up strongly at the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year. For the first time also in human history we will have an Earth Charter which defines the "rights" of the Earth, i.e. our duties towards her.
All this leads me to conclude that henceforth the best economics in the world is to take into full account the value, preservation and proper management and renewal of our Earth. Perhaps in order to bring this closer to the people we should change the names ecology and economics (Greek oikos, logos and nomos, knowledge, and management of the home) to Earthology (science or knowledge of the Earth) and Earth management. In the political language we should replace world government by Earth government and the United Nations Organization by Earth and Humanity Organization. The Charter of the UN does not mention once the words Earth, nature and ecology. This shows the dramatic changes which have taken place since World War II. An entirely new philosophy (love of wisdom) and ideology (science of ideas) are being born on this planet.
~ Ideas 1370 to 1372 ~ 11 to 13 April 1998
Idea 1370 On 10 December 1998, the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN should commission a monument honoring all UN servants and voluntary workers who died in the service and defense of human rights around the world.
~ Idea 1373 ~ 14 April 1998
I claim the fundamental individual human right not to see my life, my family, my descendants and my home Planet Earth endangered and possibly annihilated by the existence of atomic weapons, the spread of nuclear energy, and by the sending into the universe and around this planet of space vessels carrying nuclear materials (e.g. the Cassini vessel).
I want this right to be proclaimed on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1998, or at least to be put on the agenda of the United Nations Commission of Human Rights.
~ Idea 1374 ~ 15 April 1998
I claim also the fundamental individual human right of my children and grandchildren not to see this Earth on whose elements our lives depend destroyed by unending wasteful construction, industrial production, wasteful commerce, marketed and advertised unnecessary, harmful consumption, colossal built-in obsolescence, and other evils of the current materialistic economic system. This new right should also be put on the agenda of the UN Human Rights Commission, supplementary to the great new work on an Earth Charter.
~ Idea 1424 ~ 4 June 1998
I am so happy that three former Heads of State, all women, as a result of the campaign I started with my novel First Lady of the World, have recently been appointed to very high positions in the UN System: Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland now UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Gro Harlan Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway now Director General of the World Health Organization; and Louise Frechette, former Deputy Secretary of Defense of Canada now Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations. They will be astonished by the ridiculous sums put at their disposal to run their world-wide functions, compared with what they had when they were in national service. I wish that an outgoing President of the United States were appointed Secretary General of the UN. I would like to see his face when he sees his budget!
~ Idea 1441 ~ 22 June 1998
Barbara decided to share the dream of a young Japanese woman, Naoka Mira, who visited us recently and wants the mothers of the world to work together for the betterment of their families and the human family. Barbara proposed to her to create a World Union of Mothers (WUM), a new international non-governmental organization which will apply for accreditation to the UN. Barbara would accept to be its Vice-President for the Americas.
I lauded Barbara for this proposal which would help to obtain a Charter or basic Declaration of fundamental Mothers' rights, in particular the right of mothers not to see the flesh of their wombs kill or be killed by the flesh of the wombs of other mothers, not in the name of any institution or human group, in particular a nation or a religion.
I suggested that the creation of the World Union of Mothers be announced formally to the United Nations on 10 December of this year, the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It is interesting to note that just two weeks earlier Debra Latham, co-founder of the Radio for Peace International (RFPI), and Barbara had decided to launch a new 30 minute program on the Radio for Peace dedicated to World Mothers. When the time has come for an idea, they emerge from several sources at about the same time all around the world. This is another example of how the nascent world brain and heart work.
~ Idea 1469 ~ 19 July 1998
If I were a chief of government I would appoint several Ombudsmen or women as part of my immediate staff:
an Ombudsperson for consumer complaints
an Ombudsperson for human rights complaints
an Ombudsperson for excessive bureaucracy complaints
and there could be others. It would reinforce democracy.
~ Idea 1492 ~ 11 August 1998
The UN, in my view, is the most mind-boggling effort ever in all human history to come to grips with all of humanity's and of the Earth's problems, dreams and further successful evolution. It does it in three forms:
- the fight against all evil, errors and injustices;
- the fulfillment of our dreams: peace, justice, well-being, human rights, literacy, the environment, etc.
- the promotion of great philosophical concepts and ideals such as hope, faith, dreams, visions, prayer, gratitude, forgiveness, etc.
~ Idea 557 to 564 ~ 18 to 27 January 1996
How would I see the agenda, the task of such a world conference? The task is so gigantic, so mind-boggling, that perhaps humanity would have to conceive several preliminary world conferences before holding a final one on proper Earth government in the next century. Here are my proposals, in addition to not giving up:
Idea 564 Last, but not least, humanity has reached a point when we must consider
25 January 1996 our human presence, past, present and future on this particular planet in the universe. We have now a tremendous information on the universe in which we live. In addition to our total consciousness of our Earth and its global evolution we are now also acquiring and developing a cosmic consciousness of the universe. This is the greatest of all our advances in human history. But the mysteries of infinity and eternity still escape us and will remain outside human and scientific grasp. This has the result of bringing together the spirituality or basic "faiths" of all religions and science. God, the gods or the Great Spirit or Spirits and their emissaries, prophets and human incarnations like Jesus gave humanity at its early stages a cosmic, universal, all-encompassing faith or feeling for the mysteries of the cosmos, for the norms of love and for the miracle of life and norms of behavior between all humans and with other species and nature. These messages or "revelations" should not be neglected. They contain some of the profoundest answers to human behavior, fulfillment, and survival. Great was our astonishment in the environmental crisis to discover the wisdom and rules of behavior towards nature dictated by the Great Spirit to the indigenous people of this planet. The world's 5000 religions are filled with incredible wisdom regarding human morality, belief in life, environmental adaptation, survival and future evolution. This is strongly coming to the fore at this time as manifested in the following:
1. the dream and plan of my compatriot Robert Schuman from Alsace-Lorraine to see the European Union, which started with a coal and steel community followed by an economic community, followed by a political union, culminate in an all spiritual European Union including the Eastern European countries especially "Holy Mother Russia".
2. the creation in 85 countries, including as a third party in the United States, of the Natural Law Party based on the premise that the laws of nature should guide humans in their political behavior and organization. There is only one step to recognize that natural laws are in reality cosmic laws.
3. the San Francisco Initiative to create a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations also born in that city, where all religions of the world would cooperate, define what they have in common, provide their wisdom on human behavior and morality, and right relations with nature, and the creation of God. In the process they will hopefully reduce and progressively give up their fundamentalism in favor of a global spirituality the same way as nations in the United Nations have reduced the national fundamentalism called sovereignty. May God help us that
a World Conference be convened on proper Earth government through what the world's religions have in common in terms of universal, global spirituality and world-wide human experience.
~ Idea 567 ~ 28 January 1996
The Earth has always been our main teacher. This is why humanity wants an ideal Earth. We must never cease to try and we will succeed. It is our most sacred task in the next century to give our children the best teachers, namely nature, the creation of God, Goddess Gaia, our beautiful Mother Earth. Blessed be the recently created World Party of Natural Law.
~ Idea 580 ~ 10 February 1996
Each head of state, head of institution and corporation should have indigenous advisors to advise them on the effect of their decisions and doings on the 7th generation. It would also be useful for the indigenous people in all 85 countries which have now a World Party of Natural Law to present candidates or to vote for the candidates of that party.
~ Idea 822 ~ 9 October 1996
Who told us, who gave us the right to govern this Earth? Look at the job we are doing. We are in the full process of destroying it. It is rather the laws of nature, of evolution which should govern us or at least guide us. It is providential that a World Party of Natural Law has been created by British scientists and exists already in 85 countries, including the United States. At this stage of evolution and degree of human intervention in everything under the sun, we must absolutely raise the question: how should this planet further evolve according to natural laws, how should it be properly managed, cared for, what should be the right evolutionary role, task and responsibility of the human species? This should be inscribed as the priority item on the human agenda of world affairs on the eve of a new century and millennium.
~ Idea 915 ~ 11 January 1997
Humanity has moved too fast away from the Earth's natural biosphere to a manmade technosphere, without asking the fundamental question which the Iroquois elders always ask: what will be the effects on the seventh generation? I welcome therefore the creation in the United States and in 85 other countries of a new political, planetary party: the Party of Natural Law which received in the 1996 US elections 2.5 million votes. It would indeed be a wonderful first step if we asked ourselves the question: what will be the effects of new technologies on nature and on the seventh generation?
~ Idea 944 ~ 9 February 1997
The same applies to prevention. Incredible sums of money, efforts and resources are devoted to:
- heal wars and conflicts;
- heal sicknesses of the body and mind;
- heal victims of accidents;
- heal environmental damages to the Earth
- heal the consequences of violence;
Priority and proper resources should be given to prevention, in order to avoid ever growing massive expenditures on healing, and thus ensure a properly administered humanity and planet.
This requires a new politics or planetics. I am glad that the new political party of Natural Law being created around the world is responding to that need.
~ Idea 954 - 957 ~ 19 to 22 February 1997
At a meeting of 24 visionaries which I attended in Washington, the following proposals were made:
Idea 957 that the US Party of Natural Law should become a world-wide party.
~ Idea 1046 ~ 22 May 1997
We always think in terms of the power of human groups, their wealth, their weight, their importance, their leadership: political leaders, business leaders, military, spiritual, labour leaders, leaders of peoples' movements, local leaders, provincial leaders, national leaders, global leaders. For thousands of years we have been doing that. It is only now that all this is in upheaval, that the Earth herself, nature around us, the air, the waters, the soil and other species are becoming our guides, our demanding leaders.
Leonardo da Vinci already said that in all human affairs including art, nature should be our supreme guide.
I am glad that a world party of Natural Law has been created in 85 countries. All other parties are on the way to becoming obsolete.
The Hindus and the great religions did not forget the heavens, the cosmos, the divine forces and laws, but they did not a give central place and role to nature, to the Earth as a manifestation of cosmic laws. Only the indigenous people around the world did. The 21st century might therefore indeed become the Century of the Indigenous People.
~ Idea 1085 ~ 30 June 1997
Message to the Club of Budapest
During fifty years of world service with the United Nations, I have observed three major phases in recent human history: from 1945 to 1970's a period of most intensive, unprecedented global humanism (peace, human rights, health, well-being, economic development, racial equality, decolonization, human longevity, literacy, etc.); from 1970's to 1980: the birth of a novel, unprecedented concern for the environment (UNESCO's 1968 world conference on the biosphere, the UN's 1972 world conference on the environment); since the 1980's (the 1978 UN world conference on the ozonosphere, the two UN conferences on the climate in 1979 and 1987) the problem number one has become the fate of the Earth itself. Throughout this period I have considered the birth of a global consciousness to the human species and the creation of global institutions and convening of world conferences as the major hopes for humanity to cope with the acute global problems all of a sudden facing us. I became therefore an enthusiastic member of the Club of Budapest created by my former colleague and friend Ervin Laszlo, a world thinker, servant and activist of great vision.
Having just now followed the UN extraordinary General Assembly convened to assess the road covered since the UN Rio de Janeiro world conference on the environment of 1992, I was appalled by the resistance, slowness, if not opposition of many governments, including major ones, to act upon the recommendations and agreements of the Rio Conference. In the meantime the world population continues to increase at an alarming rate, and so does the deterioration of our environment and the outright destruction of nature. I consider it therefore to be my duty to make the following recommendations.
1. to declare a state of emergency of the Earth;
2. to consider the present situation as an outright war, a World War III against the Earth and its elements and we humans must end this war;
3. to request a second world conference on the biosphere, thirty years after the first one in 1968, to see what the state of our biosphere is today;
4. to support the extension to other countries of the World Party of Natural Law already existing in 85 countries due to the initiative of British scientists;
5. to place all our weight behind a radical change of the political system of our planet which provides for services and financial resources from local communities, cities, provinces to nations, but leaves almost entirely the Earth and the human family without adequate common services and financial resources at a time when these are most desperately needed;
6. in view of the chaos of the purely nation-state system and its colossal duplications of services (e.g. the military establishments) and their financial costs, I recommend that we urgently agree upon the absolute and imperative necessity, unavoidable sooner or later, to create a proper Earth Government either in the form
of a federal Earth Government
or a United States of the World,
or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union,
or an extension of the European Union to other regions,
or of five continental unions with a world super-structure,
or an Earth Government patterned on bio-regional or bio-organizational models responding to nature's diversity on our planet.
In the absence of such initiatives and a new political system for planet Earth we are likely to see the disappearance of most life forms, including human life from this planet in the 21st century.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 1095 ~ 10 July 1997
I have more and more admiration for Hindu political science which observes that human societies are managed by a caste system: the kings or central government, the military, the merchants and the priests. The ordinary citizens are the lowest, servant caste, while there are alliances between the higher, ruling castes: the king with the military, and/or with the priests, and/or the merchants.
Today's world society is ruled by the merchants, the new kings, supported by governments and the military, while most priests have joined the lower people's caste which has little to say.
But one new, evolutionary, revolutionary, all encompassing partner has appeared: the Earth which is becoming our supreme ruler and preoccupation.
The creating in 85 countries of a World Natural Law Party conceived by British scientists, reveals this new trend and should appeal to all peoples.
~ Idea 1116 ~ 31 July 1997
The nature of this Earth, its vital elements for the survival of humanity can be saved only if measures are taken which are commensurate with the dangers and catastrophes expecting us.
Actions by governments are totally insufficient. People's protests and activism for the environment and the Earth should be a main concern of the year 2000.
I recommend that there should be candidates for political office who call themselves outright environmentalists, Earth defenders and members of the new Natural Law Party. All existing parties are obsolete given the menaces on the Earth. I even recommend creation of an Earth Party.
~ Idea 1128 ~ 12 August 1997
The role and responsibility of the new United Religions Organization and of the World Parliament of Religions will be enormous at the end of this century: it will be no less than to give humanity a new spiritual, planetary, cosmic ideology to follow the demise of communism and capitalism.
The new Natural Law Party in which western scientists converge with eastern spirituality will be the political arm of that ideology.
~ Idea 1160 ~ 13 September 1997
I rejoice immensely at the birth of a new political party in the world: the Natural Law Party created by a group of British scientists and existing now in 85 countries of the world. In the UN, the party under the leadership of a brilliant, young scientist, Dr. John Hagelin, has obtained 2.5 million votes in the last presidential elections. I met him at a meeting of visionaries in Washington after hearing him, gave him my full support. We sorely need a new party to replace the antiquated ones, based on values dating back to the 19th century and early 20th century.
When I asked my four US children if they had ever heard of him and of the Natural Law Party, they told me that they had all voted for him. That is of good omen.
~ Idea 1162 ~ 15 September 1997
A return to nature, to simple and frugal lives, to spirituality and the growth world-wide of the Natural Law Party are among our best hopes to save the Earth and humanity from the present quandaries and ultimate cataclysm.
Message to the 50th Anniversary World Conference
of the World Federalist Movement in
Montreux, Switzerland,
19 - 21 September 1997
After World War II, some Alsace-Lorrainers were fed up with the political chaos in Europe which as a result of three wars forced my grandparents to change nationality five times without leaving their village. Rene Lejeune and Robert Schuman decided to achieve a borderless European Union along the path of a coal and steel community, followed by an economic community, political community and a yet unfulfilled spiritual community. Europe still misses a soul and to offer itself as an unprecedented new model to the world.
I, for my part, decided to tackle the problem at the world level. God allowed me to join the United Nations as the winner of an essay contest on how to govern the world. I labored there for forty years and continue my efforts as a one-dollar-a-year Chancellor of the first University for Peace on this planet in one of the first demilitarized countries, Costa Rica.
What do I see 50 years after World War II?
- a major, dangerous, unjustified purely politically motivated attack against the United Nations by a major country whose dream is now to be the policeman and ideological mentor of the world.
- still a political chaos of the world, beset by many ethnic and religious conflicts, with armaments and military world expenditures of 850 billion dollars, 40 percent of all public expenditures of the 185 national partitions of this world in the midst of colossal new needs created by the population explosion in the poor countries, by the consumption explosion in the rich ones and the new environmental and climatic crisis.
During my fifty years of world service I have observed three major phases in recent human history:
1. from 1945 to 1970: a period of most intensive, unprecedented concerns and action of global humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism and apartheid, increase literacy, longevity, good health, etc.)
2. from 1970 to 1980: while the agendas for the preceding period were still incomplete and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore: the environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other worlds: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.
3. since 1980: (the 1978 UN World Conference on the ozonosphere, the two UN conferences on the world's climate in 1979 and 1987) the problem number one has become the fate of the Earth itself.
This represents a fundamental, unprecedented change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we must speak of the urgent need for proper Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.
In the absence of such government and a new political system for planet Earth we are likely to see the disappearance of most life forms, including human life from this planet in the 21st century.
Having just now followed the UN extraordinary General Assembly convened to assess the road covered since the UN Rio de Janeiro world conference on the environment of 1992, I was appalled by the resistance, slowness, if not opposition of many governments, including major ones, to act upon the recommendations and agreements of the Rio Conference. In the meantime the world population continues to increase at an alarming rate (85 million a year) and so does the deterioration of our environment and the reckless destruction of this Earth's miraculous nature and then biosphere, the only one in our solar system and perhaps in the entire universe where so far no other life forms have been detected.
I addressed in vain the following appeal to the members of the extraordinary session of the General Assembly:
"Dear Esteemed Member,
After the world's concern for peace, humanism and economic development;
After the world's concern for the population explosion;
After the world's concern for the environment;
After the world's concern for the Earth's climate;
The new, even vaster concern is now how to save this planet and the human race by creating urgently
This is the absolute priority which faces us, the top item on the agenda of world affairs as we enter a new century and millennium.
I appeal to you, I beg you, Member of the UN Extraordinary Session, to adopt a resolution requesting an initiative for URGENT PROPER EARTH GOVERNMENT."
Former UN Assistant Secretary General
I attached to my appeal a series of recommendations from the 2000 Ideas I am writing as a countup to the year 2000. Basically they are:
1. to declare a state of emergency of the Earth;
2. to consider the present situation as an outright war, a World War III against the Earth and its elements, and we humans must end this war no less than wars between ourselves;
3. to request a second world conference on the biosphere in 1998, thirty years after the first one in 1968 to see what the state of our biosphere is today;
4. to support the extension to other countries of the World Party of Natural Law already existing in 85 countries due to the initiative of British scientists.
5. to place all our weight behind a radical change in the political system of our planet which provides for services and financial resources from local communities, cities, provinces to nations, but leaves almost entirely the Earth and the human family without adequate common services and financial resources, at a time when these are most dramatically needed;
6. in view of the chaos of the purely nation-state system and its colossal duplications of services (e.g. the military establishments) and their financial costs, I recommend that we urgently agree on the absolute, imperative, unavoidable need to create a proper Earth Government
either in the form of a federal Earth Government,
or a United States of the World,
or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union,
or an extension of the European Union to other regions,
or of five continental unions with a world super-structure,
or an Earth Government patterned on bio-regional or bio-organizational models offered by nature itself.
I also added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
a new political system for planet Earth
a new economics
a new education
a new media and communications
a new democracy
a new global leadership
a spiritual Renaissance and inter-religious cooperation
a non-violent human society
a well preserved planet
a decent well being for all humans
a stabilization of the world population
right human settlements on the planet
the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global security of the planet
a new science and technology
a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life
a new human biology
a new world philosophy, cosmology and long term view of evolution
a new world ethics and justice
a new world psychology
a new science and art of planetary management
a new art and culture
Finally, I would like to recommend an urgent help to the United Nations, by lifting the debate from reforms leading to impotency to debate at obtaining a quantum jump in the role, power and resources of the United Nations, a second generation United Nations more appropriate for the 21st century.
The most concrete, immediate help by the World Federalists would be to support the proposals of the European Parliament of 8 February 1994, especially "that consideration be given to the possibility of setting up a Parliamentary Consultative Assembly within the UN" (text attached).
I wish you a very successful, world assisting Montreux conference and assure you of my continuos, enthusiastic, unreserved support.
Yours in peace and world citizenship,
Happy anniversary
Former UN Assistant Secretary General
One-dollar-a-year Chancellor of
the UN University for Peace
~ Idea 1233 ~ 25 November 1997
I was glad to receive from Dr. John Hagelin, president of the third United States Party, the Natural Law Party, a book he has just written entitled Manual for a Perfect Government with the subtitle, How to Harvest the Laws of Nature to Bring Maximum Success to Governmental Administration. I had sent him my first five hundred Ideas for a Better World but he did not have as yet idea 690 in which I recommend the holding of a UN World Conference or the establishment of a world commission on The Ideal Earth and Humanity in the 21st Century.
Thisutopian but even if we do not get a clear answer we will learn a lot and move closer to it. Yes, Dr. Hagelin's book is the right book to publish on the eve of a new century and third millennium. We need more views on what a perfect government of this Earth and humanity should be at this crucial time of our evolution.
~ Idea 1383 ~ 24 April 1998
I recommend that two world political parties be created on this planet: a World Party of the Poor and the transformation of the Natural Law Party which exists already in 85 countries into a World Party extended to the entire planet. All existing parties are obsolete and belong to an earlier period of human history and challenges.
Also, when political leaders are of the same party, great things can happen. My compatriot Robert Schuman, the saintly founder of the borderless European Union once told me that this was possible only because Konrad Adenauer of Germany, Alcide de Gasperi from Italy and he himself from France were all three Christian Democrats.
~ Idea 1497 ~ 16 August 1998
While I feel that we need to have a serious look at how democracy functions on this Earth, the time has also come when we must look at a new reality and consciousness and concept, namely what I would call gaiacracy, geocracy or Earth democracy (gaia, the Greek word for the Earth, the power, the rule of the Earth). A Copernican revolution is taking place: we learn that we are not meant to be the rulers of the Earth; the Earth or its processes are the rulers of everything there is on it, inert or alive, vegetal or animal (possessing an anima, a soul). We must therefore determine what are its laws we must obey and what the consequences and her reactions will be if we do not obey them.
Yes, a whole new science of gaiacracy and natural laws is needed by humans on this planet. Thank God a World Party of Natural Law has been created in 85 countries and has become the third party of the United States. In no time it will become the first party. Dear readers, take an interest in it: write to Professor John Hagelin, President of the Natural Law Party, Maharishi University, 1000 North 47th Street, Fairfield, Iowa 52557. Ask for his recent book Perfect Government through Natural Law.
~ Idea 133 ~ 20 November 1994
The Economic and Social Council of the UN should create a Committee on World Philanthropy serviced by the UN Secretariat. It would study and report on the magnitude and potential of philanthropy from the international, world level to the local, individual level (foundations, religions, private associations, business, non-governmental organizations, families and individual voluntary services and donations). Philanthropy (love for humanity) and gaiaphily (love for the Earth) should be raised to front roles in the world community to bring about a better world and a greater world democracy.
~ Idea 426 ~ 9 September 1995
With all the billionaires mushrooming on this planet asking themselves at one point, especially towards the end, if their lives had any real meaning, I would recommend that one of them start a World Commission on Philanthropy to review the question on a planetary scale and provide a new look at philanthropy in the 21st century and third millennium.
~ Idea 466 ~ 19 October 1995
I think that the time is long overdue to create a UN or World Organization of Philanthropy and World Prizes.
~ Idea 571 ~ 1 February 1996
I wish that one or several great philanthropists, would create World Commissions of Eminent Persons on some global problems which still need pressing attention. Here is an up to date list of those recommended earlier in these 2000 ideas.
a World Commission on a New World Economic System
a World Commission on the Media and Advertisement
a World Commission on Democracy
a World Commission on a Spiritual Renaissance
a World Commission on a new course for Humanity and the Earth
a World Commission on the Total Denuclearization of the Planet
a World Commission on the Demilitarization of the Planet
a World Commission on Ethics
a World Commission on World Priorities and Resources
a World Commission on Consumption
a World Commission on the Use and Conservation of Natural Resources
a World Commission on Corruption
a World Commission on Visions of the Earth and of Humanity in the 21st century and 3rd Millennium
a World Commission on the Nation State and National Government Reform
a World Commission on the Inefficiency of the Present World Political System due to staggering costly duplications between 185 nation states
a World Commission on a World Budget and Taxation System
a World Commission on Global Philanthropy and World Prizes
Philanthropists and other world personalities or foundations and institutes might also take up subjects on which I have recommended the holding of further world conferences by the United Nations.
~ Idea 609 ~ 10 March 1996
The world merits a yearly World Peacemakers and Peace Heroes Day. The United Nations should proclaim one and substantial, philanthropic aid should be given to them. Awards should be announced and celebrated in the UN General Assembly Hall.
~ Idea 628 ~ 29 March 1996
Philanthropy (love for humans) and gaiaphily (love for Gaia, the Earth) have acquired such importance and have an even vaster unexplored global potential and duty that I recommend the transformation of the non-governmental organization INTERPHIL into a UN specialized agency.
~ Idea 694 ~ 3 June 1996
Between now and the year 2000 over one trillion dollars will be left through inheritances around the world. Childless rich people often wonder to what good cause they should leave their inheritance. The subject should be urgently taken up by the Commission and World Organization of Philanthropy I propose in Ideas 426 and 628.
~ Idea 733 ~ 12 July 1996
There is an urgent need for more world universities on this planet. I recommend that UNESCO take up this subject and make a first survey of all existing world universities, including those of the United Nations system: the World Maritime University of the World Maritime Organization; the International Labour Institute of the International Labour Organization; the Training Institute of the International Atomic Agency for students from developing countries; the United Nations University in Tokyo; and the University for Peace in Costa Rica. This beginning by far does not respond to the real needs of the Earth and of humanity. It requires a general review and proper planning on the eve of a new century and millennium. Philanthropists should take a vivid interest in the subject.
~ Idea 794 ~ 11 September 1996
There will soon come a time when humans will not be able to be happy as long as there is so much poverty and suffering in the world. More and more well-blessed people will look for poor people, especially children, they can help. One can observe the beginning of this new moral, individual and family philanthropy at the end of this century. UNICEF at the United Nations is the most lovable, gratifying example of it. In reality the United Nations is the first great UNICEF for the alleviation of all human miseries on this planet, including the miseries of the Earth itself.
~ Idea 795 ~ 12 September 1996
Each well-to-do human person and family should ask itself at the end of the year what good it has done, what philanthropy (love for humans) and gaiaphily (love for the Earth) it has done during that year. A good occasion are the tax exemptions offered by certain countries for charitable donations. This field should be better investigated, to include also help to nature, to the Earth. If the Fiscal and Financial Branch of the United Nations would not have been suppressed it would have been a subject for its study and recommendations world-wide.
~ Idea 803 ~ 20 September 1996
The following fundamental statement has not yet been taken into account by the adult politicians of this planet:
"Until modern times young people could anticipate a future rather like that of their parents. Social change was that slow. Now young people face futures for which their parents' culture cannot prepare them. The young must create the future themselves."
Margaret Mead
In reality youth has barely any voice in national and world affairs. Adults should therefore not be surprised by the frustration, often despair of youth, their frequent addiction to drugs, alcohol and violence. Let us give a strong voice to youth, a participation in the building of a better world, a hope and enthusiasm for the future. In these 2000 ideas I give several of them for youth, e.g. to hold parallel youth parliaments next to national parliaments, parallel youth ministries next to national ministries, to create Youth Ministries in all countries, to hold parallel youth conferences next to United Nations and other world conferences. Philanthropists of the world, please listen to this appeal. The future of the world might depend on it. It is your children's and grandchildren's world too.
Note: I was delighted to learn at the end of 1997 that a first World Conference of Ministers of Youth will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 1998. I plan to attend it or to sent them a long list of proposals.
~ Idea 805 ~ 22 September 1996
Regarding multimillionaire and billionaire philanthropists, I am sure that many poor people ask themselves how they could get such fortunes without being taxed by governments or the world community to reestablish justice inside nations and in the world. Many on the contrary admire the very rich. They make the headlines in the press. They should be looked upon with different eyes. The people should say: we do not want philanthropy and charity, we want justice.
~ Idea 827 ~ 14 October 1996
The United Nations should publish each year a report on the philanthropy received by the UN and all its agencies and world programs. I am sure it would look like a trifle, compared with the philanthropy received by national institutions when nations are already overfinanced and multiplied 185 times in the world at a time when the Earth and humanity should be given top priority by philanthropists in order to foster a more rational, just economical, natural and social world order.
~ Idea 829 ~ 16 October 1996
The UN should publish a yearly report on national prohibitions, restrictions and outright deductions from their contributions to the UN budget of people's philanthropic contributions to the UN, to its world agencies and world programs. It would be an eye opener for the public.
~ Idea 952 ~ 17 February 1997
World Awards for a Better World
The 185 nations of the UN General Assembly have a vast unused power, the power of incentive, of inspiration, of reward: I suggest that an Awards Committee be established by the General Assembly to give awards to governments who have best performed in implementing decisions of the United Nations, for example on disarmament, demilitarization, human rights and the environment. All governments would be asked to contribute to a World Awards Fund which would make such awards as prestigious as the Nobel Prizes. A mere one million dollars contribution by 185 governments would bring in 185 million dollars for prizes! Philanthropists would also be asked to contribute to the fund. The General Assembly could decide on an international tax on air travel to yield money for such a fund. Each tourist or air traveler would be told that the small tax he pays is for the granting of World Awards for a Better World. Private persons would be asked to make voluntary contributions or bequests to the Fund. Such contributions could be asked from people world-wide on Human Rights Day (10 December), on World Environment Day (5 June) and on new Days to be established, such as World Demilitarization Day, World Disarmament Day, etc. The whole field of philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for humankind, love for Mother Earth) by millions of people around the world, has received insufficient attention by the United Nations. Since the Charter of the UN starts with the words "We, the Peoples", let us give an opportunity to the peoples of the world to say what they are ready to do. The subject should be placed on the agenda of the General Assembly.
~ Idea 1037 ~ 13 May 1997
I hope that someday all people will receive a Yearly Good Deeds Declaration to fill out when they receive a Yearly Tax Declaration.
It could include such items as:
What good and peace did you teach your children?
What peace did you contribute to your family, to your neighborhood, to your workplace?
What peace association did you belong to or support?
What did you do for a better environment, a reduction of garbage, of gasoline consumption, of water and energy consumption?
What did you do for a more frugal and simple life, for a lower consumption of Earth resources?
What did you do to cultivate your own happiness?
Happiness in your family?
Happiness all around you?
Happiness in your workplace?
What philanthropy, what voluntary services did you provide?
What good health practices did you foster in your family?
What were your own good examples of good health?
Did you stop smoking?
Did you stop consuming alcohol and tell your family that it is an Arabic word (al kohol) which means the devil?
Did you give thanks for the miracle of life and the beauty of this Earth?
What did you do for your soul?
Did you pray, read good spiritual writings and precepts?
Did you go to spiritual services?
And one could conceive other items: Love, honesty, truth, morality, fidelity, forgiveness, etc.
The result of such a questionnaire would be as important if not more than the contribution of taxes to government expenses. A better society would ensue. A whole system of tax exemptions could be built on such a questionnaire. There could be for example tax deductions for voluntary services.
~ Idea 1098 ~ 13 July 1997
The same phenomenon will happen at the end of this century as happened at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, when industrialists and arms manufacturers like Alfred Nobel and Andrew Carnegie were seized by repentance and wanted their names to be remembered as peacemakers and created peace prizes or commissioned good thinkers to draft the statutes of a League of Nations or created foundations like the Rockefeller foundation:
Many multi millionaires and billionaires of today will seek ways to clear or immortalize their names by becoming philanthropists and gaiaphilists. In anticipation of that I delivered already several speeches over the last few years on that subject. To guide them I will reproduce my 1991 speech at the Second World Congress on Philanthropy in Miami as an Introduction to my next 100 ideas. Its many specific ideas will provide them with guidance beneficial to all humanity and to the Earth.*
* My friend Ted Turner whom I acquainted with the United Nations many years ago has opened this new page by announcing on 28 September 1997 his decision to donate 1 billion dollars to United Nations humanitarian programs over the next five years. Thank you, dear Ted. You are showing the lead and follow the recommendation in my Miami speech on global philanthropy through the United Nations and its agencies which have the widest beneficial effects, give the donors maximum world recognition and visibility and receive the smallest percentage of world philanthropic aid.
Robert Muller's speech to the second World Congress on Philanthropy
in Miami, December 1991
After the laudatory introduction I have just received I would only like to add that I am in reality a very simple, down-to-earth, human being from the province of Alsace-Lorraine in France where my father was once a German soldier in World War I and then a French soldier in World War II and my grandparents had five successive nationalities without leaving their village! I myself was in the French underground and my cousins were French or German soldiers in World War II. We could have killed each other in different uniforms. I saw the most incredible horrors between the French and the Germans, and when the war was over I decided to devote my life to peace. I joined the United Nations where I spent all my adult life. At retirement I was appointed one-dollar-a-year Chancellor of the first University for Peace created by the United Nations in demilitarized Costa Rica, where I continue to pursue my work. It is basically what I saw in my youth which supports my efforts.
Since there are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) represented in our congress, I would like to make these preliminary remarks:
Point No. 1: there is increased recognition of NGOs and grass-roots movements as channels and recipients of philanthropic aid. Several speakers recognized and recommended it at the 1989 Rockefeller Conference on Philanthropy in the Twenty-first Century. Speaking about what American philanthropy should do, Peter Goldmark, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, said in his concluding speech: "We should be supporting partner organizations in other countries &endash; especially NGOs and new transnational groups working at the grass roots &endash; that are willing to work toward balanced global development. A specific challenge: we need a collaborative to help seed the birth and growth of more foundation-like organizations around the globe, especially in the third world..."
He further said: "If for the first time we live in a period when there are a handful of paramount survival issues, then for the first time it is not enough for philanthropy to address worthwhile subjects. Philanthropy must be challenged to address the indispensable subjects." Well, NGOs are by far the most vocal advocates of indispensable survival projects.
Also, an article on US philanthropy in this month's magazine Town and Country underlines that several large US foundations have hired peoples movements activists of the 1960s in key positions of their staffs. The issues heralded by the young people of those years, such as peace, world cooperation, the environment, simple and frugal life are now recognized as priority issues. My only regret is that there is no youth movement of the 1990s which would similarly tell the adults how they see the future and the problems which are awaiting us in the next twenty to thirty years.
Point No. 2: my second point is that NGOs are becoming increasingly a major factor of world governance. This is an important point at the time when the Prime Minister of Sweden is calling for a commission of Eminent Personalities, including heads of states, to look into the way this planet is being governed and to propose fundamental reforms. There are close to 20,000 NGOs* in the world today compared with less than a thousand at the beginning of the century. During the League of Nations the majority of them were European-based. Now many of them are US-based. Many more are needed in other regions. They are becoming part of the brain, the heart, the nervous system and the actions of the world community. Their role in the United Nations and its agencies is ceaselessly growing. (*28,000 in 1997)
In the light of the above, I would like to recommend:
Recommendation No. 1: every NGO represented here should make sure that it is registered with the Union of International Associations which helps the United Nations to keep track of this important world social phenomenon. The address is: 40 Rue Washington, Brussels 1050, Belgium.
Recommendation No. 2: that NGOs request NGO links and accreditation with all world, international and regional organizations. I was glad to hear that the Arab League will create an NGO office in its Secretariat. NGOs should closely follow the work of each of the 32 specialized agencies and world programs of the UN and of each of its regional economic and social commissions.
Recommendation No. 3: many more NGOs need to be created in the most populated and neediest parts of the world in order to create a more balanced and democratic peoples' voice in world governance.
Recommendation No. 4: all international NGOs should have a volunteer or a person representing them at the United Nations in New York and/or Geneva. For information about ways and procedures to be accredited with the UN as an NGO, write to the Secretary-General of the UN, NGO Unit, United Nations, New York, NY 10017.
Recommendation No. 5: if possible, NGOs should participate in the yearly NGO conference organized by the UN Department of Public Information in New York and in Geneva. This year there were 1,000 participants.
Recommendation No. 6: the NGOs could ask that philanthropy and the NGOs should be placed on the agenda of one of these yearly conferences. Write to the head of the Department of Public Information of the UN, Room S-1027 A, UN New York, NY 10017.
Recommendation No. 7: the NGOs should be represented at all major world conferences convened by the UN and participate in the International Years proclaimed by the UN. They should also do something on the International Days proclaimed by the UN (information obtainable from the same department).
Here are my recommendations concerning more properly the subject of world philanthropy.
According to UNESCO only 15% of philanthropy is international, and most of it is bilateral. As a result, when the world and humanity are in greatest need, they are the orphans of philanthropy. At the 1989 Rockefeller conference on philanthropy in the 21st century, David Rockefeller said that this was an opportune time for international philanthropy. Peter Goldmark, in his final recommendations had this to say: "Every major foundation should have an international dimension to its program. In a period of planetary environmental danger, global communications, intercontinental missiles, a world economy, and an international marketplace of ideas and arts and political trends, there is simply no excuse not to."
At the same conference, the Bernard van Leer Foundation of the Netherlands pointed out that in 1981 several American and European foundation leaders considered but then rejected a proposal that 5% of their income be earmarked for the poor countries.
Recommendation No. 8: this conference should support the recommendation of Peter Goldmark and ask for a substantial increase in the percentage of philanthropy going to poor countries.
Recommendation No. 9: the NGOs should obtain that the national statistical offices of their countries and the statistical offices of the UN and of the specialized agencies and world programs of the UN publish statistics on national and international philanthropy.
As an outsider to world philanthropy, having attended only two conferences and read a few writings on the subject, I have the impression that there is a need for a basic rethinking of philanthropy in our global age. It should be holistic, all-encompassing, not only monetary. It should include voluntary services and the contributions of individuals and organizations all around the world, i.e. the contributions of all those who love humanity. Phil anthropos is a Greek word which means to love humans. Such a broader concept of philanthropy in our days should be holistic in several respects:
holistic in contributions:
not only contributions in money, but also
of services
of land and premises
of retirement*
of art
holistic in destination:
philanthropy to the world (e.g. through world organizations)
philanthropy to regional organizations
philanthropy to national causes
philanthropy to transnational causes
philanthropy to provincial causes
philanthropy to local causes
philanthropy to individuals
holistic in origin:
from world organizations
from multinational associations and corporations
from nations
from national associations and corporations
from families
from individuals
Recommendation No. 10: there may be need in our global age to give thought to a broader, encompassing, holistic concept of philanthropy, encompassing the entire globe, from the local to the global, from the individual to humanity, and including other loves for humanity than merely through monetary contributions.
*For instance, the offering to the United Nations of my retirement years could well be considered as philanthropic. The Social Commission of the United Nations has recently recognized this and has asked the Secretary-General to create a Volunteer Service of retired UN officials.
Over my forty years in the United Nations I have observed that from 1945 to about 1970 the whole work of the United Nations was geared to humanism: avoid wars, save the children, improve health world-wide, increase longevity, provide better standards of life through economic development, etc. From 1970 to the 1980s, the two major concerns became humanity and the environment. And since the 1980s, the survival and care of our planet have moved to the forefront, so that today the UN can be said to be geared to the Earth and to humanity. This had an effect on philanthropy, since a growing part of it goes now to the environment and the care of the Earth. This of course is of primary benefit to humanity, but I would like to propose that a special branch of philanthropy should be called Gaiaphily, or the love of the Earth (from the Greek goddess Gaia, the Earth, from which were derived the words geology, geometry, geography, etc.) Hence:
Recommendation No. 11: a special branch of philanthropy should be called gaiaphily, or love for the Earth, for nature, for the environment, for the basic elements and functioning of our planet.
Carrying the above a step further I wonder if the time has not come to envisage the development of a true science of philanthropy, which would study philanthropy from the manifold aspects of which only a few were outlined above.
Recommendation No. 12: consideration should be given to establishing philanthropy as a new science which would study its manifold aspects world-wide, in all cultures and societies.
The creation of the first University for Peace on Earth by the United Nations in Costa Rica has led to the discovery that humanity had never developed a true science of peace. This is now being elaborated in that University. Hence a further recommendation:
Recommendation No. 13: consideration should be given to the creation of a University of philanthropy, a fact which would inspire other universities in the world to create courses in philanthropy. Some universities might consider establishing a Mastership program in philanthropy. *
*Since the congress, in a conversation with the President, C. W. Lees III, the idea came up of creating such a University in the Hudson Valley where John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie rest in peace.
A participant in the congress suggested that philanthropy should be taught in schools. I wholeheartedly agree with her. What has happened with the creation of the University for Peace could happen too in the case of philanthropy: a University of Philanthropy would soon be asked to develop curricula for the teaching of philanthropy in all schools, the same way as we do in the field of peace education. Hence:
Recommendation No. 14: philanthropy, love for humanity, should be taught in all schools of the world. A University of Philanthropy would be asked to develop curricula for philanthropy education at all levels of education.
My long experience in the United Nations, coping with one new global problem after the other during the last forty years, leads me to recommend that consideration be given to the establishment of a world organization of philanthropy. I have recommended to UNESCO to convene a world conference on philanthropy which would consider the creation of proper global institutional arrangements. The world congress of philanthropy could be that conference.
Many kinds of institutional arrangements could be considered. For example there is an International Chamber of Commerce. There could well be a World Chamber of Philanthropy with an adequate secretarial which would study and publish information on many aspects of world philanthropy such as legal regimes, tax exemption, etc. Hence:
Recommendation No. 15: at its third session, the world congress of philanthropy should consider proposals for the establishment of proper institutional arrangements of a permanent character for world philanthropy.
During the last decades a new form of dealing with new global problems and avenues has appeared with considerable success: the convening of World Commissions of Eminent Personalities, including heads of states or governments. Thus we had the Commission of Eminent Personalities headed by Willy Brandt on North-South Relations, the Commission headed by Olof Palme on disarmament, and the Commission headed by Mrs. Brundtland on the environment and development. The next one under the Swedish Initiative called by the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr. Ingvar Carlson, will deal with world governance. Why not consider the convening of a Commission of Eminent Personalities to review world-wide the question of philanthropy? Hence:
Recommendation No. 16: a Commission of Eminent Personalities could convene to review the state of world philanthropy and to issue a major report on the subject.
Representing the University for Peace at the first meeting of the Ministers of Culture of Central America in December 1990, I learned that these countries are poorly equipped to effectively seek and obtain funds from foreign sources for the preservation of a cultural past which is of interest to all humanity. I suggested therefore the creation of a Central American Foundation which would be equipped with the information, experience, expertise and proper personnel to obtain philanthropic aid locally, regionally and from foreign sources. Hence:
Recommendation No. 17: consideration should be given to the ability of poor countries to obtain philanthropic aid from abroad and to establish proper regional arrangements to facilitate such aid.
The Rockefeller conference held on the occasion of John K. Rockefeller's 150th anniversary, dealing with the subject of philanthropy in the twenty-first century was extremely useful. On the basis of its findings, I would recommend:
Recommendation No. 18: that the next world congress of philanthropy examine these findings and further elaborate a strategy for world philanthropy to the year 2000 and into the 21st century.
Having coordinated the work of the UN and of its 32 specialized agencies and world programs for several years, I know the wealth of world knowledge on global issues which is available in the UN system. All too often the early warnings of the UN, e.g. the population explosion, the environmental crisis, the energy crisis, the food crisis, the climatic changes were not heard in time and the situation got increasingly worse. I strongly recommend that all foundations tap into this information in order to help stave off new dangers and contribute to a better world. Hence:
Recommendation No. 19: a World Foundations Council or Office should be established in proximity of the UN, from which all member foundations would receive information on United Nations thinking, diagnoses and felt needs for a better world. Perhaps the Ford Foundation which is located next to the UN could be the seat of such a Council or Office.
I would even go further and draw your attention that each year the Secretary-General of the UN and the heads of the 32 specialized agencies and world programs meet in Geneva and in New York in a remarkable world cabinet meeting where the world and human situation is reviewed in its entirety, priorities of action devised and future outlooks assessed. The UN would have a lot to say to respond to the preoccupation of Peter Goldmark with new global problems. Hence:
Recommendation No. 20: I recommend that consideration be given to a meeting being organized following the two yearly coordination meetings of the Secretary-General with the heads of all UN agencies, with heads of major foundations to hear the views of the leading world servants on global priorities as assessed by the United Nations system. Such meetings would help the foundations in devising their priorities and strategy.
One form of philanthropy is the awarding of prizes to meritorious individuals or institutions. Such prizes are given in innumerable fields and are a great leverage of human progress. But it will surprise you that it is almost impossible to find either national or world information on existing prizes. I have tried to obtain it in the field of peace. It simply does not exist. Not even the Nobel Prize Committee possesses such information. If world philanthropy were well organized such information would be gathered and brought to the attention of the public, preferably in paperbacks for mass distribution. At the University for Peace we have begun to collect information on peace prizes in the world, and UNESCO has started to establish a data base on prizes in its fields or concern. Hence, a further recommendation:
Recommendation No. 21: philanthropy being a great incentive, adjuvant and leverage of human progress, attention must be given to proper information to the public on awards, prizes and financial help available from philanthropic institutions, on ways and procedures to apply, etc. This seems to be an unexplored, utterly disorganized area of philanthropy.
There is another subject which I would call "inspirational philanthropy". Nowadays all too many people are depressed, hopeless, giving up their creative energy. Philanthropy could be more directed to inspiring people and institutions not to give up hope. For example at the University for Peace we have on the campus busts of some of the great peacemakers and philosophers of history: Thomas Payne, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Teilhard de Chardin, the Presidents of Costa Rica who contributed most to peace, foremost among them Jose Figueres who had the courage to demilitarize the country in 1949, making it a model of peace and prosperity in Central America, now being followed by other countries. Not only students, but innumerable visitors, including heads of states are inspired by our great peace monument, devoted to known and unknown peacemakers in the world. One President of a Central American country pledged on the inspiring hills of the University to make peace in his country, and he did. Hence:
Recommendation No. 22: philanthropy does not require huge moneys. Art often constitutes a free or modestly remunerated form of inspirational philanthropy which can have vast multiplier effects, especially in our time when the world needs above all visions, enthusiasm and dreams for a better future.
Finally, there is one new subject coming to the fore, namely the birth of a true global philanthropy, the fact that the new world organizations are becoming increasingly the recipients, the channels and providers of world philanthropy. Here are briefly a few aspects of this new phenomenon:
1. the lands of the UN in New York and in Geneva, and their libraries were donated by private philanthropists. So was the huge land and primeval forest of the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Innumerable works of art have also been donated to the UN and to its agencies. The instruments of Eve Curie, the inventor of X-rays, were donated by her family to the World Health Organization. Many movie actors and singers are donating their talents to UNICEF, the Refugee Organization, the University for Peace, etc.
2. substantial monetary donations have been made by various individuals, foundations and corporations to the UN system's efforts and activities in the fields of population, the environment, development, drug abuse, children, women, the handicapped, etc. The Sasakawa Foundation in Japan is making average donations of 2 to 3 million dollars a year to the UN system. (see footnote on next page)
3. a sizable group of individuals interested in the promotion of peace has financed through individual donations a modern and powerful International Radio for Peace short-wave station at the University for Peace.
4. an increasing number of world prizes are being established by philanthropists with the UN system as their base: scientific, cultural and education* with UNESCO, a World Environment Prize with the UN Environment Program, a World Disaster Prevention Prize with the Office of the UN Disaster Relief Coordination, medical prizes with the World Health Organization, etc. The Sasakawa Foundation by means of such prizes established with the UN system gives the international organization the task of selecting the most meritorious individuals in the world in their fields.
5. the UN, its agencies and its officers are often the recipients of world prizes. Thus no less than 18 Nobel Prizes have been given to individuals and organizations of the UN system.
6. the UN and its agencies are often used as the place where major world prizes or philanthropic projects are being announced and awarded. This gives particular solemnity and visibility to such events.
7. member governments often request that voluntary, philanthropic financing be granted to a host of UN and specialized activities for which the Secretary-General is asked to establish individual trust funds. This applies also to International Years of the Handicapped, for Children and to UN celebrations and anniversaries. They should be known to individual philanthropists and foundations.
8. some UN agencies have been allowed by governments to give grants or financial help to NGOs. This is the case of UNESCO and of UNICEF, but the UN and most agencies are unauthorized.
9. I take pride for having proposed the first world foundation, namely the Banyan Foundation for the elderly, approved by the UN General Assembly, located in Paris. It provides in particular the great pharmaceutical firms the opportunity to strengthen the United Nation's work in a field of growing concern. It could be the model for the creation of similar world foundations in a number of fields of growing global concern.
10. I have also made the proposal and designed the structure for a true World Foundation under UN auspices. In order to promote the idea I have included it in a recently published novel, First Lady of the World, unfolding at the United Nations and at the University for Peace. When the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces were awarded
*e.g. the Sasakawa UNESCO Yearly Peace Education Prize which I received in 1986 for my World Core Curriculum and Robert Muller Schools.
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988, the Secretary-General regretted that there was no UN or World Foundation into which he would have deposited the funds.
11. at the end of his mandate, Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, in recognition of the services rendered to him by the University for Peace to exercise his private diplomacy in Central America, announced to the General Assembly the creation of a major foundation, "The Secretary-General's Fund for Peace", administered by the UN Development Program, with a target capital of 250 million dollars. The interests of the Fund would help finance the University for Peace and the private mediation of other activities of the Secretary-General favor of peace. The text of this Fund was circulated to the General Assembly together with document A/46/580 on the Tenth Anniversary of the University for Peace. This major decision by one of the great peacemakers of recent times offers golden opportunities to philanthropists to show their appreciation and to strengthen the work of the United Nations in the field of peace.
Recommendation No. 23: as we move to the 21st century and third millennium in a global world, important consideration should be given to the potentialities, growth and development of a true, efficient, productive global philanthropy. The subject should be taken up by a forthcoming world congress on philanthropy. Several studies should be undertaken and published on current trends as exemplified above.
Recommendation No. 24; Consideration should be given by the United Nations to open to foundations the yearly pledging conferences organized by the General Assembly for the announcement by governments of their voluntary contributions to a large number of UN activities, agencies and trust funds, or to organize separate pledging conferences addressed to philanthropy and foundations.
To all of you present here at this Congress, may I say that you are a wonderful group of people, the image of new humans of the 21st century. You are doing good, you are trying to redress injustices and inequities, you are trying to help build a better world in many fields and in many ways. I have met several of you in fields such as blindness prevention, the handicapped, drug addiction, women's rights, the environment, etc. Personal happiness for a job well done will be your recompense. Please never give up, never despair, never become hopeless and negative. Do not make your efforts dependent on immediate, visible results. Many will come to fruition only after our death.
There is an enormous need for love, for heart, for vision, for inspiration, for ideas, for creativity, for self-esteem, for altruism, for validation of the people. We must be co-creators, true models of the new cosmic leaders needed for the wonderful global journey of this beautiful planet and its genial human race in the vast, star-studded universe. If we decide so, we can make this planet a true paradise in the universe.
Update 1998:
Ted Turner's creation of a United Nations Foundation with funding of a billion dollars for UN primary needs over a period of five years, is a wonderful step ahead. So is the decision of the UN Secretary General to create a United Nations International Partnership Trust Fund (UNFIP) open to philanthropy (why not call it UNiphily?) from all around the world. May these actions lead to the birth, at long last, of a well-conceived and well-structured global philanthropy and gaiaphily.
(love for humanity)
(love for Gaia, our Mother Earth)
(love for the cosmos, for our cosmic evolution)
The following framework is used in the UN as a comprehensive presentation of all world concerns, problems and fields of action by the UN and its 32 specialized agencies and world programs. I devised it when I was Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Council which is in charge of the coordination of the entire UN system. I couched it also into a World Core Curriculum proposed to educators around the world. Its first application was in the Robert Muller School in Arlington, Texas.* The framework can have beneficial application in other fields especially proper world information by the media. Artists are also using it to select the expression through art of their love for humanity and the world. Concerned citizens and institutions can read priorities into the framework and select areas of their preferred action. Private firms can use it as a comprehensive framework for marketing, e.g. for the application of computers.
Concern and love for humanity (philanthropy) and for the planet (gaiaphily) being the two most potent emerging imperatives at this stage of our evolution, the framework could also be used by philanthropists and gaiaphilists to canvass the areas of possible concern and select their preferred action.
* August 1997: and in 33 other schools in the world. The World Core Curriculum is inserted in the first volume of 500 ideas.
~ Idea 1127 ~ 11 August 1997
I am surprised that there are only about 400 billionaires on this planet. I am sure that there are many more, but they prefer to remain anonymous and hidden.
I would recommend to all of them to give away their fortune through philanthropy and gaiaphily, and retire as monks in monasteries or in nature to reflect on the meaning of life.
~ Idea 1158 ~ 11 September 1997
If I were a philanthropist I would channel all my philanthropy through the United Nations in order to get the maximum benefit, world impact, visibility and perennity possible.
~ Idea 1253 ~ 15 December 1997
I have noted that since the first International Year of the Handicapped in human history which I got the United Nations to proclaim, the number of handicapped in the world has increased from 300 million to 500 million. I therefore urge the creation of a World or UN Organization for the Handicapped. The sooner, the better.
Pending this I recommend that a private organization or the United Nations establish a world reporting system on philanthropy for the handicapped and promote the creation of more prizes honoring persons and institutions which have done an outstanding work or given substantial aid for the handicapped.
~ Idea 1277 ~ 8 January 1998
As a preparation of our entry into the 21st century and third millennium I recommend the creation of three World Commissions of Eminent Personalities:
- a World Commission on Philanthropy (love for humanity)
- a World Commission on Gaiaphily (love for the Earth)
- a World Commission on World Prizes
~ Idea 1366 ~ 7 April 1998
Philanthropists and gaiaphilists should give priority to global philanthropy and gaiaphily to foster the solution of global problems, the most recent, unprecedented, urgent and potentially catastrophic, terminal ones. They should help the convening of major world conferences and the creation or strengthening of new, vitally needed global institutions and legislations. Thus, the University for Peace in Costa Rica was created with one million dollars donated by Ryoichi Sasakawa from Japan. He has his statue on the grounds of this first University for peace on this planet. Mr. Sasakawa also funded the yearly UNESCO Peace Education Prize. Ted Turner's philanthropy to the UN is also an example. Please philanthropists and gaiaphilists take inspiration from them. World philanthropy will give you maximum world visibility and enduring fame.
~ Idea 103 ~ 21 October 1994
While the exact sciences are all of a global, universal nature, the social sciences are not. There is urgent need for a global anthropology, global sociology, global psychology, global political science (planetics), global literature, global art, global culture, global philosophy, global futurology, etc. Margaret Mead was the first prophet recommending it.
~ Idea 446 ~ 29 September 1995
I dream that the University for Peace will become the new Athens, the new Acropolis of the world, the birthplace of a planetary philosophy and vision, a school for heads of states and global leaders in all main fields of human endeavor and of all entities making up the human family.
~ Idea 526 ~ 18 December 1995
But at the word evolution my eternal optimism took over again. I remembered that in a manuscript I had with me, The Art of Living, Volume I Our Lives in the Magnificent Scene of Creation, I had a hopeful answer to the above predicaments. Here it is:
"Humanity will now enter a fascinating new period of evolution: Superimposed on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest through competition, to Mendell's law of heredity, to the genetic codification of our experiences through DNA and RNA, we are now blessed with the birth of a global, planetary consciousness which makes us recognize our false avenues, wrong values and errors. A new philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology, values system, ethics, morality, spirituality, education, politics will be born at the end of this century. We are still in the kindergarten of that period, but we are in it. Henceforth, less and less will we wait until we burn our fingers before we react, as we did with the population explosion and the environment.
A few years ago, I suggested to Erika Erdmann, the Librarian and research aide to Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, and to Professor Leonide, a reputed French anthropologist, to create a world association of long-term evolutionary scientists. My hunch was that these scientists were becoming more optimistic as a result of the birth of global, planetary consciousness which makes us aware of our mistakes and problems and helps us solve them. It proved correct as their survey revealed. The theory of "chaos" according to which the universe and human life make no sense is being abandoned. The new theory is that on any planet having life in the cosmos one species sooner or later evolves to a point of gaining a total knowledge of the planet it lives on. It will then be in its power either to continue evolution or to bring it to an end. The first course will require that former, obsolete values will be replaced by new ones which take evolution into account. These new values are a major new evolutionary imperative. They need urgent scientific study.
In my view, humanity has reached that stage on Planet Earth: we must revise our basic values, current beliefs and objectives and acquire a new evolutionary wisdom which respects the laws of nature and of the cosmos. If nature has produced the incredible, sophisticated variety of innumerable living species around us, each one a true miracle, it is simply not possible that the human species is not a miracle too, perhaps the most advanced of all.
The future of the Earth will be bright and life will not become extinct if we decide so on the eve of a new century and millennium. We can enter a thrilling, transcendent new global, cosmic phase of evolution, if the human species understands its momentous, incredibly important evolutionary role."
~ Idea 527 to 547 ~ 19 December 1995
to 8 January 1996
To the preceding I added a list of 21 basic segments of human life on this planet to be reconsidered and rethought from scratch as we enter the 21st century:
Idea 543 a new philosophy, cosmology and long-term view of evolution
~ Idea 680 ~ 20 May 1996
In any debate on the reform of the United Nations consideration should be given to the democratization of the election of the UN Secretary General. It is no longer proper that he should be selected by a secret process and vote among the five permanent members of the Security Council (the US, Russia, England, France and China) and confirmed by a two/thirds secret vote of the General Assembly. The peoples of the world have the right to know who the candidates are and each of them should tell the world what his/her program, general philosophy and commitments would be. I did. The text is reproduced at the beginning of my first 500 ideas.
~ Idea 776 ~ 24 August 1996
There is growing interest and action to save what is common to humanity: the seas and oceans, the ozonosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere, the forestry of the planet, etc. A new ideology and philosophy is coming to the fore. We should ask an honest man like Mikhail Gorbachev to tell us what was good in certain cases in communism and which would be useful for humanity. Not everything is totally bad in any system. Even Hitler did something worthwhile, still existent today, when he asked for the building of the Volkswagen, the cheap, economic car for ordinary, low income people.
~ Idea 825 ~ 12 October 1996
I wish that for each of the 21 segments of human life listed in ideas 527 to 547, a column be added showing what initiatives or plans are under way to do the fundamental rethinking needed. This could be a most important document. The United Nations and its agencies should collect that information and bring it to the attention of the world. Here are a few examples:
A new political system for planet Earth: the report of the World Commission on Global Governance headed by Mr. Ingvar Carlson, former Prime Minister of Sweden;
the forthcoming meeting of the World Federalist Movement in Montreux, Switzerland, 19 - 21 September 1997
the United States Initiative Philadelphia II for a proposed Federal World Government.
the meeting planned in Holland in 1999, United Democracies to draft a Constitution for the World
A new education: the report of the UNESCO World Commission on Education in the 21st
century, headed by Mr. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Community.
A new philosophy: the forthcoming 20th World Congress of Philosophy in Boston, 10 - 16 August 1998.
A new cosmology and long term view of evolution: the conference of long term evolutionary scientists on the future of the world, to be convened by the Club of Budapest on global, planetary consciousness, in Weimar in 1999.
A new spirituality: the United Religions Initiative and the third World Parliament of Religions in Capetown in 1999
All of these and many more could be considered as preparatory steps to the year 2000 during which the United Nations will hold a General Assembly 2000 of heads of states accompanied by a World Peoples' Assembly 2000.
~ Idea 841 ~ 28 October 1996
The basic Greek philosophy &endash; textually the love for wisdom &endash; turned around three concepts:
This concept is valid for all levels of society, from the individual, the couple, the family to the entire humanity.
At the level of humanity, the situation at the end of this millennium is as follows:
- we have attained a tremendous knowledge of our planetary home, of humanity and of the universe, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large;
- we have not yet been able and taught to extend our love from the nation to all humanity, as Freud pointed out to Einstein;
- we are only beginning to be conscious of the beauty of our earthly home, of its miraculous nature and life forms, of the miracle of life and of the universe, and that beyond personal beauty, the couple's beauty, family beauty, local and national beauty, we must also now care for the beauty of our planetary home, of our miraculous Earth.
The United Nations is recommending these great remaining feats still to be accomplished and I am sure that humans can and will succeed, if they support and listen to their world organization.
And after all the above, peace and happiness will be the result.
~ Idea 926 ~ 22 January 1997
During our trip to India Barbara and I were often dreaming of Costa Rica and came up with the idea that all Central America should be made a protected world park or region, reforested, with people living in rural communities, loving and protecting nature, with no more than two or three children, happy to see their basic needs fulfilled, protected from consumerism and advertisement, living profoundly spiritual lives, grateful for the miracle of life and of God's wonderful nature.
Back in Costa Rica I asked if the Culture of Peace program for Central America of our University had a plan for peace with nature. I was told that it did but that not a single government was interested in it. They wanted foreign investments, industries, trade, tourism, more trucks, cars and transportation, airplanes, etc. It was a good illustration that what is wrong on this planet is the basic philosophy, ideology and values of our time. As long as this will not change, as long as there is not a new education, a new spirituality, a renewed relation with nature, especially of the leaders, the present course will not change. The whole economic system of our world and society must be rethought from scratch. If not, it will collapse.
~ Idea 975 ~ 12 March 1997
God Rasur said to the children that the divine was in each tree, every flower, every bird, every animal, every butterfly.
He should have added: and in you, in every child and human being.
Indeed, we are all made of earth, water and air which are concrete solar, i.e. cosmic energy. We are not human beings distinct from the Earth and from the universe, we are made of the Earth, of the sun, of the universe, we are live universe on a particular cosmic planet, endowed with a cosmic, universal consciousness. Jesus and all sacred emissaries from the heavens told us that.
In a proper Earth government, every human being should therefore be considered unique, sacred, divine. No human should be forced to kill other divine, miraculous cosmic units for the "greatness" of artificial nations or the "truth" of any religion, nor of any other entity, institution or philosophy.
To its splendid human rights work which is truly of cosmic inspiration, the United Nations must now add an identical work on human responsibilities and duties particularly towards our mother Earth, its wonderful nature and the universe.
~ Idea 1030 ~ 6 May 1997
Non-governmental organizations represented at the UN should actively contribute to these new items and collect any ideas and texts existing on human responsibilities and ethics. It will lead to a revolution in the philosophy of human life and society on this planet in the 21st century.
~ Idea 1043 ~ 19 May 1997
Elaborating on idea 1040 proposing a World or United Nations University for Indigenous People, I would see the following Departments established in it for the benefit of all humanity:
- a linguistics Department which would study all the indigenous languages in the world. We spend much money and talent in researching the Hindu sanskrit origin of the indo-european languages and very little on the living contemporary indigenous languages which are directly derived from observing nature and are a living laboratory of language formation;
- a cosmological and philosophical life science Department where the remarkable cosmologies of the Mayas, Aztecs, Inkas and others would be studied, again for the benefit of the western world which does not have a holistic cosmology and philosophy of life and death at this moment, but has a scientific one;
- a global spiritual Department to study the indigenous spiritualities and rituals derived from their intimate relation with nature and Creation.
~ Idea 1048 ~ 24 May 1997
Barbara my love,
Here is a little report on the event at the National Theater in San Jose, where Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister of Israel spoke about the peace process in the Middle East. I had prepared a letter to him informing him that we had a bust of Yitzchak Rabin ready to be inaugurated on the beautiful grounds of the University for Peace and that we will invite him for the inauguration. I added to the letter the issue of our magazine which has the photo of the bust, and also a copy of my first 100 ideas for a better world as an upcount to the year 2000. The Theater was packed. It was the closing of one of the yearly courses on international relations. 700 students were there as well as the whole diplomatic community. There was not a chance of giving my envelope to Mr. Peres. He made an incredible speech, one of the best I ever heard in my life, without a note, a deep humanistic philosophy with great wisdom, good humor and plenty of an overflowing heart. He spoke about his collaboration with Rabin and how they spoke at an open air meeting. Rabin slipped the notes of his speech into a pocket on his heart and said to him: I want to keep these notes. Then a shot came and killed him...
When Peres finished his speech, after a long applause, the organizers asked if there were any questions. My hand was lifted by an unknown force and I went to the microphone in front of the tribune, saying that I could not hold the tears in my eyes, because I was so moved and reminded of the miseries I knew in Alsace-Lorraine where we suffered so many wars between the French and the Germans. This is why I commissioned a bust of Mr. Rabin to be erected on the grounds of the University for Peace, and handed to Mr. Peres a photo of it in my envelope. The audience applauded, the Apostolic Nuncio and the mother of President Figueres came to embrace me. I just could not believe what I had done out of a spontaneous, mysterious urging.
I hope that Mr. Peres will send me a note, whereupon I will beg him to make sure that Israel will ratify the University for Peace. This might have an influence on a possible ratification by the US too.
I thought that this little report will please you. Much of this is due to you: you make me dream and dare ever more.
With all my love,
~ Idea 1208 ~ 31 October 1997
Since we all want a better world and happier humanity, why not think of making our planet a paradise in the universe? We might not be able to do it, but by formulating the highest objectives we will get closer to them. That method is used in all good planning and inventions. Inventors do not consider anything impossible. Humanists, social innovators, long-term scientists and above all heads of states and of world organizations should do the same. In the Divine Comedy, Dante forecasts that after the Purgatory (the correction of our sins and errors) we will see paradise on Earth.
As an invitee to the 20th World Congress of Philosophy in 1998 in Boston, I have recommended that the organizers should compile a collection of visions of earthly paradise in human literature and visionary political science.
~ Idea 1317 ~ 17 February 1998
There is now a very strong current in the world that to human rights should be added human responsibilities and duties. This will come up strongly at the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year. For the first time also in human history we will have an Earth Charter which defines the "rights" of the Earth, i.e. our duties towards her.
All this leads me to conclude that henceforth the best economics in the world is to take into full account the value, preservation and proper management and renewal of our Earth. Perhaps in order to bring this closer to the people we should change the names ecology and economics (Greek oikos, logos and nomos, knowledge, and management of the home) to Earthology (science or knowledge of the Earth) and Earth management. In the political language we should replace world government by Earth government and the United Nations Organization by Earth and Humanity Organization. The Charter of the UN does not mention once the words Earth, nature and ecology. This shows the dramatic changes which have taken place since World War II. An entirely new philosophy (love of wisdom) and ideology (science of ideas) are being born on this planet.
~ Idea 1378 ~ 19 April 1998
There are innumerable United Nations Models for children and youth around the world. Young people enjoy them greatly: they take the seat of a government at the UN and come up with their ideas and solutions for world affairs.
I propose that similar UN Models be organized for adults and for the elderly.
And then intergenerational Models could be organized between children, youth, their parents and the elderly. What lessons, what philosophy (love for wisdom) would emerge from them!
~ Idea 7 ~ 17 July 1994
I recommend that for the celebration of the year 2000 the United Nations, each of its specialized agencies, each nation, each religion, each institution, each firm and all peoples will draw up:
- an inventory of their achievements and successes for a peaceful and better world;
- an inventory of their failures, mistakes, sins, and neglects;
- an inventory of their hopes, dreams and intentions.
~ Idea 8 ~ 18 July 1994
I hope that Pope John Paul II during his second visit to the United Nations and address to the General Assembly of nations in 1995 will proclaim the urgency of a spiritual Renaissance of humanity.
~ Idea 15 ~ 25 July 1994
The current priorities on this planet, namely business first, government second, and spirituality last, must be reversed to:
First, spiritually towards God, the heavens and eternity, towards our Mother Earth, all humans, and all living species, and nature;
Second, loving public service to peace, justice and the well-being and happiness of the people;
Third, business and the provision of essential, needed goods and services.
~ Idea 27 ~ 6 August 1994
1999, the last year of our century, or the year 2000 should be declared World Year of Forgiveness in order to ask God, the Earth, nature, the air, the oceans and our brethren the animals to forgive us the harm and suffering we have inflicted to them. It should be especially a year of forgiveness between nations and between religions.*
*See also Ideas 700 and 961 in the second volume of 500 Ideas.
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 76 ~ 24 September 1994
I pray that as an outcome of the 1993 centennial Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, a United Religions, or Permanent Religious Parliament, or Spiritual Agency of the United Nations will be created.
Note: 1996: The initiative has been taken in San Francisco to create the United Religions.
~ Idea 82 ~ 30 September 1994
I recommend that each head of state and head of a world agency follow the example of President Franklin Roosevelt and surround himself or herself with idea-men and idea-women who should be men and women of deep love and spirituality.
~ Idea 113 ~ 31 October 1994
We must do what the young French revolutionaries did for France at the time: establish a world "Cadastre," or world property record showing what belongs to whom, one of the most basic official documents in most countries. It would show what the world's common properties are: the seas and oceans beyond national jurisdiction (two thirds of the planet's surface), the moon, outer-space, the upper atmosphere, the inner core of the Earth; it should show national properties, state or provincial properties, municipal properties, religious properties, business properties, civic associations properties, individual properties.
We have already a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United Nations system. It deals with authors' rights, patents, inventions and copyrights in the world. We need to make it the World Property Organization covering also the full range of real estate.
~ Idea 124 ~ 11 November 1994
I fully endorse Harold Stassen's proposal in his latest redraft of the United Nations Charter for its 50th anniversary, that the UN should convene a yearly conference of religious leaders to prevent, stop, reduce and solve religious conflicts. They should all become strong supporters and allies of the United Nations' efforts in all fields, and bring forth the need for a world spiritual Renaissance.
~ Idea 133 ~ 20 November 1994
The Economic and Social Council of the UN should create a Committee on World Philanthropy serviced by the UN Secretariat. It would study and report on the magnitude and potential of philanthropy from the international, world level to the local, individual level (foundations, religions, private associations, business, non-governmental organizations, families and individual voluntary services and donations). Philanthropy (love for humanity) and gaiaphily (love for the Earth) should be raised to front roles in the world community to bring about a better world and a greater world democracy.
~ Idea 190 ~ 16 January 1995
Biology means the science of life (bios, life, logos - knowledge). We need more: we need an Earthology, a science of the functioning of the Earth, including its small surrounding membrane of life, the biosphere, and within it the role and impact of the human species. The UN should be renamed and transformed into the Earth Organization. And beyond that we must begin to think and to understand our cosmic meaning and evolution, and transform the UN into the Metaglobal Cosmic Organization of this planet. In it scientists, the religions and the indigenous people would help us to understand the right human behavior and to create the right means and institutions.
~ Idea 195 ~ 21 January 1995
In the 19th century and early twentieth, one of the main forms of violence was workers' violence. It led to several revolutions and to communism. Today, of all forms of violence, labor violence is minimal, even non-existent in most countries. Why? Because in order to cope with the problem, in 1919 the International Labor Organization was created in which governments, employers and labor unions are represented and have developed a host of agreements, conventions, legislations, recourses, rights and methods to resolve labor conflicts and disputes in a peaceful, non-violent way. This example speaks highly for similar arrangements in the UN and in all its specialized agencies, namely a peoples' representation at the UN and professional representatives in all agencies.
Thanks to the UN, international conflicts have also been reduced to a minimum and could have been eliminated if it had not been for the cold war between the US and the USSR. The UN did a similar, remarkable job in decolonization and in reducing racial violence, especially apartheid.
Thanks to the UN Security Council which took up the question of aircraft highjacking, that form of violence has considerably diminished in the world while airtransport and airtravel have mushroomed to unprecedented levels.
Today, most violence is among ethnic groups, religions, youth, in cities and in the family. Would it not be beneficial to create an International Ethnic Organization, an International Religious Organization, an International Youth Organization and an International Family Organization on the pattern of the ILO? The cost would be minimal compared with the huge benefits gained. The miracles produced by the UN and the ILO should be repeated in other fields.
During my four decades at the UN I have noticed that when humans decide to do something, they can do it. From a pessimist I have become an optimist and a believer in the human species. I thank the UN for it.
~ Idea 213 ~ 8 February 1995
A World Commission of Eminent Persons should be established to bring about a spiritual renaissance on this planet.
~ Idea 278 ~ 14 April 1995
Highjacking has been considerably reduced thanks to the action of the UN Security Council getting an international convention on highjacking adopted; labour violence which was number one at the beginning of this century is now last on the list, thanks to the cooperation and joint action of governments, labour and employers in the International Labour Organization; conflicts between nations have been considerably reduced thanks to the Untied Nations, to the point that of 47 conflicts on this planet only three are international (Middle-East, Kashmir and Cyprus) and all three are contained. All other conflicts are ethnic, religious, political and cultural conflicts within nations. The UN has now been called to solve them in 16 countries and will gain experience and be successful in solving those conflicts too; the same international cooperation should be considered and organized for all other conflictual areas of the human society.
~ Idea 283 ~ 19 April 1995
A World or United Nations Academy should be created where prominent people, world leaders, global thinkers, wise philosophers, and ethical, religious leaders would meet and help the world and humanity find a better course.
~ Idea 290 ~ 26 April 1995
I dream that an Office or Department for Violence Prevention will be created at the UN to study and promote a science, a strategy and a methodology of violence prevention in all fields, from international violence to internal national violence, ethnic violence, religious violence, street violence, family violence. We must formulate the ideal of a non-violent human society in the next century and millennium on this planet. The UN is the natural, ideal place to do that.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairladyship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Idea 389 ~ 3 August 1995
There is a United Nations. There is a United States. There is a United Europe. There is a United Airlines. There is a United Express. Why should there not be a United Religions *, a United Jews and Arabs? What reconciliations, what models of peace and cooperation these would be! Please religions of the world do it. Please all conflictual parties do it. The world will be astonished and relieved. And you will be elated by the results. Find something you have in common and work on it. Follow the example of the French and Germans who began working together on coal and steel and ended up in a borderless European Union. Please. I beg you.
Note: * It is on the way of being created by the United Religions Initiative adopted in June 1996 in San Francisco.
~ Idea 400 ~ 14 August 1995
When one looks closely at the multitude of institutions, social groups and entities created by humans, one discovers that they were all created for providing or increasing human fulfillment and happiness. The trouble is that most of them become fundamentalists: my nation, my religion, my company, my institution, my philosophy, my ideology will do it all for you. As a result they compete, diminish and fight each other, use huge resources and all kinds of means to keep and increase their customers, some are even ready to go to war.
Honest, shouldn't they all sit down in the United Nations and see how all institutions and entities can join forces and ensure the happiness of all humanity while preserving our beautiful planet Earth? None of them, anyway, will ever gain hold over the entire human race.
And shouldn't every human being
Decide to be a global citizen
a good inhabitant of the planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth become conscious
of herself
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice,
her mind and her heart
Save your mother Earth
from her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with Nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than the globe
and their groups
greater than humanity
Unite, global citizens, to save and heal
planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 407 ~ 21 August 1995
Considered as the Global Biological Metaorganism of the Earth and Humanity's Evolution, the UN should have not only representatives of governments, but also of peoples' associations, parliamentarians, religions, scientists, artists and business.
~ Idea 424 ~ 7 September 1995
Before the year 2000 the UN must convene a world conference on the meaning of life. All religions should be invited to it.
~ Idea 444 ~ 27 September 1995
We have now the report by the World Commission on Global Governance in the 21st century. Two further steps are needed: we should get the opinions and proposals of the world's religions and of the indigenous peoples on how they think the planet should be best governed. We should also hear the opinions of mothers, children and youth who are the primary interested parties in the world of tomorrow.
~ Idea 463 ~ 16 October 1995
Having worked with three Secretaries General of the UN and being now the Chancellor of the first peace University of this planet has given me the opportunity to meet many heads of states. Whenever possible, I ask them the question: "Do you think you could become famous by winning a war?" They look at me as if I was an idiot. Then I ask them: "Would you like to become famous by being a peace-maker and win the Nobel Peace Prize?" And they smile back at me.
This is an immense progress in human history and explains the recent decline in wars between nations. Wars and territorial conquests are no longer an ideal. The military seeing this, to survive, have transformed themselves from Ministries of War to Ministries of Defense or Security and have come up with a whole series of new scares of external dangers: population pressures, illegal immigrations, terrorism, religious fundamentalism, possible revivals of inimical alliances, economic security, cutting off foreign supplies, wars over natural resources, etc.
Well, why not try to solve these new problems in common and create a world security system, regional security systems and give new positive uses to the military: to cope with internal violence rising in many countries and social sectors, transform the military and police forces into peace protectors and builders, make them cooperate with each other, learn from each other in regional organizations and in a world UN Peace Protecting and Building Agency.
The result would be marvelous, astonishing and a gigantic step forward in human evolution.
~ Idea 472 ~ 25 October 1995
Today, the major forces influencing the fate of humanity and of the Earth are:
1. business which has globalized itself tremendously and affects all life and the entire Earth;
2. governments which have globalized themselves insufficiently and have adopted as their priority the support of business and of multinational corporations operating from their soil;
3. religions which have not joined in a global alliance for spirituality.
The world needs to redress its priorities.
1. spirituality which gives us confidence in our place and meaning in the universe and in time should be Number 1;
2. government as the protection and democratic recourse of the poor, the helpless and the downtrodden and now also the defender of the environment and of the Earth should be Number 2;
3. business as the producers of goods and services for the satisfaction of basic human needs should be Number 3.
On the urgency of the globalization of government I have recommended many ideas. On the globalization of religions, in addition to the Initiative to create a United Religions in process, I recommend the urgent establishment of a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on World Spirituality to meet before the year 2000 and make its contribution to a change in human priorities as we enter the 21st century and third millennium.
~ Idea 473 ~ 26 October 1995
During the next years I will deliver a series of major speeches on fundamental subjects in my mind and heart, namely the absolute need for a new political system for our Earth, for a new education, for global leadership training, for new global media, for a new economics, for a global spirituality, for better ways of human settlements on the planet, for ensuring a minimum well-being for all humans, for preserving our planet, its nature, its seas, oceans and climate for future generations, for enhancing human happiness and the overall beauty of our paradise Earth, unique in the immense universe.
~ Idea 477 ~ 30 October 1995
The Inkas predicted that the next human solar race will be a spiritual race. This is also predicted by a growing number of scientists. The subject should be seriously studied on this eve of a new century and millennium. This is why I advocate a world commission on spirituality.
~ Idea 503 to 505 ~ 25 to 27 November 1995
Once it is conscious of the imperative need for proper Earth government, humanity will have to respond to the following complaints by the Earth:
Idea 503 "Why did I have to take all of a sudden a population increase from
25 November 1995 2.5 billion people in 1952 to 5.6 billion today, more than a doubling in less than fifty years?"
We could answer as an excuse: It happened out of sheer ignorance. After the war the rich countries and the United Nations wanted to prevent the early death of innumerable children in the poor countries. They died young because of epidemics, bad health conditions, malnutrition and hunger. But having no population statistics for the world and for most of these countries, we did not tell the parents that they would no longer need to give birth to an average of six children per family to have at least two of them left to till the land and to take care of their old age. Until 1952 we did not even know what the world population was! When the UN organized for the first time in human history decent world statistics and world censuses, we discovered that women did not have more children, but that children no longer died early (the mortality rate per year fell from 34 per thousand to 14 per thousand). When this was discovered it was too late, the children were born and a young population is highly reproductive. The UN warned nations and humanity by means of world population conferences and every other possible means that a population explosion was upon us. But religions and other factors opposed it. Nevertheless, these efforts saved you from 2.2 billion more humans on your surface by the year 2000. Instead of 8.3 billion human beings in that year we will be only 6.1 billion.
~ Idea 522 to 524 ~ 14 to 16 December 1995
Idea 523
15 December 1995 when you let die valuable ways of life and beliefs such as the simple and frugal lives of hundreds of millions of rural people, small family businesses, small village communities, the spirituality of hundreds of millions of people, local art and cultures, the ways of life in harmony with nature of 300 million indigenous people around this globe?
~ Idea 526 ~ 18 December 1995
But at the word evolution my eternal optimism took over again. I remembered that in a manuscript I had with me, The Art of Living, Volume I Our Lives in the Magnificent Scene of Creation, I had a hopeful answer to the above predicaments. Here it is:
"Humanity will now enter a fascinating new period of evolution: Superimposed on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest through competition, to Mendell's law of heredity, to the genetic codification of our experiences through DNA and RNA, we are now blessed with the birth of a global, planetary consciousness which makes us recognize our false avenues, wrong values and errors. A new philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology, values system, ethics, morality, spirituality, education, politics will be born at the end of this century. We are still in the kindergarten of that period, but we are in it. Henceforth, less and less will we wait until we burn our fingers before we react, as we did with the population explosion and the environment.
A few years ago, I suggested to Erika Erdmann, the Librarian and research aide to Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, and to Professor Leonide, a reputed French anthropologist, to create a world association of long-term evolutionary scientists. My hunch was that these scientists were becoming more optimistic as a result of the birth of global, planetary consciousness which makes us aware of our mistakes and problems and helps us solve them. It proved correct as their survey revealed. The theory of "chaos" according to which the universe and human life make no sense is being abandoned. The new theory is that on any planet having life in the cosmos one species sooner or later evolves to a point of gaining a total knowledge of the planet it lives on. It will then be in its power either to continue evolution or to bring it to an end. The first course will require that former, obsolete values will be replaced by new ones which take evolution into account. These new values are a major new evolutionary imperative. They need urgent scientific study.
In my view, humanity has reached that stage on Planet Earth: we must revise our basic values, current beliefs and objectives and acquire a new evolutionary wisdom which respects the laws of nature and of the cosmos. If nature has produced the incredible, sophisticated variety of innumerable living species around us, each one a true miracle, it is simply not possible that the human species is not a miracle too, perhaps the most advanced of all.
The future of the Earth will be bright and life will not become extinct if we decide so on the eve of a new century and millennium. We can enter a thrilling, transcendent new global, cosmic phase of evolution, if the human species understands its momentous, incredibly important evolutionary role."
~ Idea 548 ~ 9 January 1996
In response to these challenges, in addition to the work of the UN and its world conferences, a multitude of initiatives of people's movements (the non-governmental organizations in the world represent 250 million people) and thinkers are springing up all around the world, to mention but a few of them:
The independent world commissions, the peoples' assemblies parallel to the UN Conferences, the yearly State of the World Forum in San Francisco, the United Religions Initiative, think-tanks like the Club of Rome on the Limits of Growth, the Club of Budapest on Planetary Consciousness and the Club of Tokyo to save the Earth and Humanity. These are all manifestations of the birth of a global brain and consciousness to the human species, probably the most important aspect of the phenomenon of globalization.
All of the above points to the urgency and absolute need for a proper Earth government.
This should become the priority item on the agenda of world affairs on the eve of the 21st century and millennium. The poor countries who have been waiting for world justice should be the first to request it after 50 years of promises from the rich countries.
There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We therefore absolutely and urgently need new ways. The less we lose time, the less species and nature will disappear.
Faced with this momentous challenge we must remember these words by Henry Thoreau: "For every thousand people hacking at the branches of evil, only one attacks the roots. Attacking the roots is unpopular." Well, we must conceive a people's awakening, insurgence or revolution which will make attacking the roots popular.
~ Idea 556 ~ 17 January 1995
We had in recent years world conferences on the Earth's population, on the biosphere, on the environment, on climate, on the ozonosphere, on outer-space, on the seas and oceans, on the deserts, on water, on new forms of energy, on food and many other global subjects as reported in these 2000 ideas. There are still some missing, especially on the atmosphere, (the air we breathe), and the total global condition of the Earth, i.e. a synthesis or holistic view of all the above.
But most important of all would be a world conference on proper Earth government, on the contribution of humanity to the further evolution of planet Earth, to make it the ultimate success of the cosmic forces of the universe.
~ Idea 557 to 564 ~ 18 to 27 January 1996
How would I see the agenda, the task of such a world conference? The task is so gigantic, so mind-boggling, that perhaps humanity would have to conceive several preliminary world conferences before holding a final one on proper Earth government in the next century. Here are my proposals, in addition to not giving up:
Idea 557
18 January 1996 Since business was first to globalize itself world-wide, far beyond governments and religions, and since corporations are now for all practical purposes ruling the world, we should give them the opportunity, even request them to hold
a World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System
The world business community should be asked to answer how they would take care of the above complaints of the Earth, of humanity, of the past and of the future, how they would provide for a well preserved planet and the well-being of all humanity, the five basic harmonies and the long-term evolution of the planet.
Such a conference would bring together the heads of the major world corporations, banks and stock exchanges, the World Bank, the IMF, the GATT, the new World Trade Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations
Idea 564
25 January 1996 Last, but not least, humanity has reached a point when we must consider our human presence, past, present and future on this particular planet in the universe. We have now a tremendous information on the universe in which we live. In addition to our total consciousness of our Earth and its global evolution we are now also acquiring and developing a cosmic consciousness of the universe. This is the greatest of all our advances in human history. But the mysteries of infinity and eternity still escape us and will remain outside human and scientific grasp. This has the result of bringing together the spirituality or basic "faiths" of all religions and science. God, the gods or the Great Spirit or Spirits and their emissaries, prophets and human incarnations like Jesus gave humanity at its early stages a cosmic, universal, all-encompassing faith or feeling for the mysteries of the cosmos, for the norms of love and for the miracle of life and norms of behavior between all humans and with other species and nature. These messages or "revelations" should not be neglected. They contain some of the profoundest answers to human behavior, fulfillment, and survival. Great was our astonishment in the environmental crisis to discover the wisdom and rules of behavior towards nature dictated by the Great Spirit to the indigenous people of this planet. The world's 5000 religions are filled with incredible wisdom regarding human morality, belief in life, environmental adaptation, survival and future evolution. This is strongly coming to the fore at this time as manifested in the following:
1. the dream and plan of my compatriot Robert Schuman from Alsace-Lorraine to see the European Union, which started with a coal and steel community followed by an economic community, followed by a political union, culminate in an all spiritual European Union including the Eastern European countries especially "Holy Mother Russia".
2. the creation in 85 countries, including as a third party in the United States, of the Natural Law Party based on the premise that the laws of nature should guide humans in their political behavior and organization. There is only one step to recognize that natural laws are in reality cosmic laws.
3.the San Francisco Initiative to create a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations also born in that city, where all religions of the world would cooperate, define what they have in common, provide their wisdom on human behavior and morality, and right relations with nature, and the creation of God. In the process they will hopefully reduce and progressively give up their fundamentalism in favor of a global spirituality the same way as nations in the United Nations have reduced the national fundamentalism called sovereignty. May God help us that
a World Conference be convened on proper Earth government through what the world's religions have in common in terms of universal, global spirituality and world-wide human experience.
~ Idea 571 ~ 1 February 1996
I wish that one or several great philanthropists, would create World Commissions of Eminent Persons on some global problems which still need pressing attention. Here is an up to date list of those recommended earlier in these 2000 ideas:
a World Commission on a New World Economic System
a World Commission on the Media and Advertisement
a World Commission on Democracy
a World Commission on a Spiritual Renaissance
a World Commission on a new course for Humanity and the Earth
a World Commission on the Total Denuclearization of the Planet
a World Commission on the Demilitarization of the Planet
a World Commission on Ethics
a World Commission on World Priorities and Resources
a World Commission on Consumption
a World Commission on the Use and Conservation of Natural Resources
a World Commission on Corruption
a World Commission on Visions of the Earth and of Humanity in the 21st century and 3rd Millennium
a World Commission on the Nation State and National Government Reform
a World Commission on the Inefficiency of the Present World Political System due to staggering costly duplications between 185 nation states
a World Commission on a World Budget and Taxation System
a World Commission on Global Philanthropy and World Prizes
Philanthropists and other world personalities or foundations and institutes might also take up subjects on which I have recommended the holding of further world conferences by the United Nations.*
*1998: especially now that as a result of US pressure the UN can no longer convene any world conferences considered "useless and expensive" by the US government.
~ Idea 575 ~ 5 February 1996
I have already pointed out that it was historically a pity that economics (Greek oikos, nomos, the management of the home) was born before ecology (oikos, logos, the science, the knowledge of the home). Hence the difficulties in which the Earth, our home finds itself today as a result of human misinformed actions.
It is an even greater pity that the word ecumenics (oikos, mene, the inhabited home, the Earth and humanity) has been monopolized by religions instead of replacing the obsolete word politics (Greek polis), the management of a city. This is why I propose that the word politics be replaced by planetics, the art of managing our planet.
~ Idea 576 ~ 6 February 1996
I have pointed out before that as a major phenomenon of our recent history, business was the first to globalize itself world-wide, that governments did it reluctantly on a small scale and became the instruments or servants of big business, and that the religions, due to their fundamentalism did not cooperate and globalize themselves in a world alliance (see Idea 472).
But very recently a new phenomenon has appeared: the birth of a global human consciousness. Humans are becoming aware of the errors we are making, of the wrongness around us. This will surpass all other globalizations and become number one. It will be the new democracy, the next step of evolution expressed in the individual wills of the only true living cosmic units: individual human, live beings.
~ Idea 595 ~ 25 February 1996
I just cannot understand that so many governments, nations, businesses, entities, institutions, religions, scientists, economists and all kinds of other professions and people can go on with their activities and objectives unperturbed, clinging to their beliefs and ideas and forgetting that all around us the Earth, its natural elements on which we depend, its climate, its seas and oceans, its oxygen, its vegetation cover and animal species are rapidly deteriorating or vanishing. No, I will never understand it.
~ Idea 631 ~ 1 April 1996
A new science and art of global and cosmic consciousness must be developed: the transformation of the Earth, humans included, into a conscious cell of the universe. But where is this taught? In the world's religions, but they are fighting over it. I think the time has come to create a World University of Consciousness and Universal Spirituality.
~ Idea 650 ~ 20 April 1996
Someone asked me what were my three priority recommendations to achieve a better world. My answer was:
1. proper Earth government by humans
2. a total review and rethinking of the economic system
3. a world spiritual Renaissance
~ Idea 659 ~ 29 April 1996
The whole world should follow the example of some radio stations in Costa Rica which start their early dawn broadcasts with Gounod's marvelous Ave Maria to give a spiritual feeling to the listeners. The United Religions, when created, could take this as one of their objectives: to start the day with broadcasts of a religious invocation, church bells, the chofar or the muezzin, or a prayer of thanksgiving for a new day of light and life by all the people of the Earth.
~ Idea 684 ~ 24 May 1996
The preceding reminds me of the entirely new concept of politics and world government which would be an Earth government built primarily on biological or bioregions rather than human groupings. People of different languages and religions can perfectly live together in the same region, such as a river, like the Rhine River, which is the first binding factor, common concern and interest of the riparian people and has finally led to the borderless union of 16 European countries.
~ Idea 689 ~ 29 May 1996
On her death bed, Margaret Mead said to her pupil Jean Houston: "I had an important insight about the future. The world is going to change so fast that people and governments will not be prepared to be stewards of this change. What will save them is teaching-learning communities..." (p. 228 of Jean Houston's book A Mythic Life ).
This statement has opened my eyes to what I have seen around the world and at the United Nations, namely that the greatest obstacle to our further evolution is fundamentalism, my nation right or wrong, my religion right or wrong, my ideology right or wrong, my culture or race right or wrong, at a time when the whole human species is in the midst of transformation, of teaching and learning from each other, in thousands of ways and communities, from the top of the world &endash; the United Nations, the biggest teaching-learning society on Earth &endash; down to the family. Competition and the survival of the fittest, as Darwin thought, can no longer be the rule of the human society. This phase of evolution had its role. The new evolutionary law is one of cooperation, of harmony achieved through learning and teaching from each other, and the birth of humanity as a meta-organism of evolution in which every human being is a cooperating unit or cell in a new global species, henceforth in charge of the further fate of our common home, the Earth and of all life forms on it.
~ Idea 692 ~ 1 June 1996
Private business should not be surprised and angry at the fundamentalism and radicalism of the environmentalists. It is their own fundamentalism and radicalism which gave birth to it. The law of karma functions in political, religious, social, economic and ideological fields as well as in personal relations.
~ Idea 699 ~ 8 June 1996
I recommend that the new United Religions Organization should study the experiences and reasons why all religions recommend times of solitude, meditation, prayer, yoga, inward looking, especially at the beginning and at the end of the day, and what their recommendations for fasting are. I think that there is not a single religion that does not give advice on fasting. All this should be studied scientifically and a science and methodology for better individual life be developed to take us away from the domination of commercialism, consumerism and advertisement which make us slaves of a materialistic world.
~ Idea 700 ~ 9 June 1996
I applaud the plan of the Forgiveness Institute in Lawrence, Kansas, to hold the First World Congress of Forgiveness in Jerusalem in the year 2000. Here is my contribution to it:
Decide to Forgive
For resentment is negative
Resentment is poisonous
Resentment diminishes
and devours the self.
Be the first to forgive,
to smile and to take
the first step.
And you will see
happiness bloom
On the face of your human brother
or sister,
Be always the first
Do not wait for others
to forgive
For by forgiving
You become the master of fate
The fashioner of life
The doer of miracles.
To forgive is the highest,
most beautiful form
of love.
In return you will receive
untold peace
and happiness.
Robert Muller
It would be good if the year 2000 could be proclaimed World Year of Forgiveness and Atonement by the UN and that still unreconciled, conflicting countries, religions, institutions and peoples could forgive each other and start the new millennium on a new basis.
~ Idea 727 ~ 6 July 1996
If I were a tourist I would wonder if touring the world is the right thing to do: everywhere one goes one sees the destruction of the Earth by so-called development, or so called marvels of monuments glorifying wars, victories, rulers, despots and religious intolerance and fundamentalism. One feeds the profit hunger of huge tourism business, airplane and other travel companies and contributes to the pollution of our atmosphere. It would be better to stay at home and spend the money on an environmental improvement of the local community, or the reforestation of a poor foreign part of the world.
~ Idea 728 ~ 7 July 1996
Homes of people acquire a soul, the souls of all those who lived in them before. We must recognize these souls, feel their presence, be helped and inspired by them. We should not destroy so easily homes. We should preserve and restore them. It is such a pity that old churches in great cities are being destroyed and replaced by skyscrapers which will never acquire a soul, because there is no spirituality in these arrogant buildings defying the Creator with God Pluto, the God of money and profit. The only modern high building in New York which is acquiring a soul is the United Nations. This is why, whenever I visit it as an elder who has worked so long in it, the tears come to my eyes. I can feel the souls of all those who have labored there for peace and a better world. Please, dear reader, respect and restore old homes. I have saved and restored two of them in my life-time.
~ Idea 738 ~ 17 July 1996
After a speech to a group of Elderhostels visitors to the University for Peace, a member of the group told me that conscientious objection to military service was gaining ground in the US and in the world. I answered that I would go beyond that concept: I was claiming the fundamental human right of every human being not to be trained to kill and to kill other human beings, not in the name of a nation or a religion nor of any other group. These groups have no right to call for inhumanity from their members. They have the duty to make peace with peaceful non-violent methods. That duty should be included in a Universal Declaration of Human Duties.
~ Idea 757 ~ 5 August 1996
What is basically wrong, and might turn out to be tragically wrong in the evolution of this planet is that everyone is working for a particular nation, religion, business or institution, not paying consideration to the world in its interdependent entirety and that of humanity too. This can only be corrected by a basic reform of education which would start with the world and humanity, and then only show the role, place and contribution of innumerable groups, entities, beliefs and institutions. I am sorry to have to say that, but the world core curriculum which I derived from the United Nations and offer at the end of the first fascicle of 100 ideas is a major way out of the chaos in which we find ourselves today, imperiling the planet and the human species itself. We owe future generations, our descendants this new, up-to-date evolutionary curriculum of education. It is of utmost urgency.
~ Idea 766 ~ 14 August 1996
Perhaps this is one of the most important single ideas of these 2000 derived from a 73 years long experience in war, in peace, and at the top of the world in the United Nations: that you as an individual human being, in whatever place in the world you are, whatever profession you exercise, whatever religion or nation or ethnic group or race you belong to, should take as your ideal to love this beautiful Earth, your miraculous life, and in recognition for these gifts to be of service, to always ask what contribution you can make to a more peaceful, cleaner, more admirable, happier world and humanity. And you will be surprised: God and the invisible forces of the universe will help you and shower upon you gifts beyond belief. Try it. My life is an incredible proof of it.
~ Idea 769 ~ 17 August 1996
It is marvelous that we have on this planet such an incredible linguistic, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, all legacies of an immemorable past, all having something important to contribute to the biological, cultural wealth and evolution of humanity.
But all this was born locally without even knowing that there were other continents and that the Earth was round and circling around the sun. This diversity can therefore not be allowed to stand in the way of a new, immense, widely opened evolution: the global age, the age of total knowledge of our home and of our world-wide human family, the interdependence between the Earth and humanity, between the past and the future, between the Earth and the heavens.
Our present beliefs, institutions and ways of life must take this into account and acquire a global dimension or at least understanding. The past cannot stand in the way of the future and cannot claim to be the infallible, unchangeable, fundamental reality. Education, politics and religions must all be globalized, as has been the case of already so many other things, to start with business. No part can be considered greater than the totality.
~ Idea 840 ~ 27 October 1996
In a file entitled "After my death" I slipped a note from a Franciscan sister of Caldwell, New Jersey, suggesting that I should be canonized a saint. Well, I would not make it as a Catholic saint, but I might be one of the first global, political saints. My compatriot, Robert Schuman, father of the European Union will be the precedent of a political saint when he is canonized.
I recommend that the United Religions Organization, once established, should consider the proclamation of universal saints, including political, economic, and environmental saints. It would enchant me in the afterworld to learn that I would be proclaimed one of them.
~ Idea 842 ~ 29 October 1996
During my early days at the United Nations I created a spiritual Peace on Earth Society (Pacem in Terris) for UN staff members and delegates. It still exists today. On the eve of the new century and millennium I would transform it into the UN Peace, Justice, Love and Beauty Society.
~ Idea 876 ~ 2 December 1996
I walk with God and always ask Him: what more good can I do? What do You expect from me? And when an idea comes to me, I know that He is my inspirer and will be my helper, friend and miracle-maker. I am no longer afraid of anyone or of prevailing views and powers.
~ Idea 877 ~ 3 December 1996
All religions ask this question: What, dear God, do You expect from us? Once all the world's religions will be united, we will see at long last a tremendous world-wide spiritual Renaissance and cosmic civilization on Earth.
~ Idea 916 ~ 12 January 1997
During the world congress on science and religion in Calcutta, after my speech imploring for a world spiritual Renaissance, the idea was submitted to me to create the world's first University of Yoga. Sri Sayananda, made me the honor of suggesting that I should be its founder. To move from heading the first University for Peace on this planet to the first World University of Spirituality and Yoga would indeed be a beautiful linkage and elevation. Perhaps the University could be built next to the University for Peace on sacred Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica or on Meditation Mount Ojai in California and I could be the elderly, honorary Chancellor of both.
~ Idea 926 ~ 22 January 1997
During our trip to India Barbara and I were often dreaming of Costa Rica and came up with the idea that all Central America should be made a protected world park or region, reforested, with people living in rural communities, loving and protecting nature, with no more than two or three children, happy to see their basic needs fulfilled, protected from consumerism and advertisement, living profoundly spiritual lives, grateful for the miracle of life and of God's wonderful nature.
Back in Costa Rica I asked if the Culture of Peace program for Central America of our University had a plan for peace with nature. I was told that it did but that not a single government was interested in it. They wanted foreign investments, industries, trade, tourism, more trucks, cars and transportation, airplanes, etc. It was a good illustration that what is wrong on this planet is the basic philosophy, ideology and values of our time. As long as this will not change, as long as there is not a new education, a new spirituality, a renewed relation with nature, especially of the leaders, the present course will not change. The whole economic system of our world and society must be rethought from scratch. If not, it will collapse.
~ Idea 934 ~ 30 January 1997
I recommend that the 1999 Summit of long term evolutionary scientists and thinkers on the Chances of Evolution for Humanity on this planet, organized by the Club of Budapest, should go beyond evaluating our chances but should outline the measures we should take to stay alive and to keep this planet well preserved and capable of further evolution. They might be the ideal persons to draft a Master Plan for the Survival and Further Evolution of Planet Earth and Humanity.
~ Idea 942 ~ 7 February 1997
To better judge our progress, achievements, failures and follies we should be ready to report at any time to an outer space inspection team on how we treat our beautiful celestial body, the Earth, and achieve the well-being and happiness of all human beings admitted to the miracle of life. The United Nations should publish a yearly report to the universe, and the religions yearly reports to God. This would be much more revealing than states of the world reports addressed to ourselves. These latter omit the cosmic nature of our evolution on this planet in the universe.
~ Idea 945 ~ 10 February 1997
As illustrations of the preceding, here are examples:
- as a result of the preventive and mediation work of the United Nations, international conflicts have practically disappeared from this planet and will be a thing of the past in the next century;
The same work and efforts are now needed for resolving ethnic and religious conflicts, mostly within nations. The creation of the United Religions which I proposed at the World Parliament of Religions in 1993, will be a great new page in this effort.
- as a result of the work and innovative methods of mediation of the International Labour Organization, labour conflicts which were on top of the list of violence at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the current one, have fallen to the bottom of the list. Practically all labour conflicts in the world are solved by right governmental, employers and workers' relations and by agreements on the recourse to mediation worked out by the ILO. The worse action laborers can take is to go on strike.
I am a great optimist, because once humanity has decided to do something together, the results are fabulous.
~ Idea 954 - 957 ~ 19 to 22 February 1997
At a meeting of 24 visionaries which I attended in Washington, the following proposals were made:
Idea 956 that in each community meetings be held between religions, educators, labour movements, community organizations and business to discuss the future of that community;
~ Idea 966 ~ 3 March 1997
For the first time in my life, when visiting the Cathedral in Washington, I was not touched, moved or inspired. A few days later in New York when seeing a synagogue, I suddenly got the explanation of my new feeling: why should I go into a closed building with walls and a ceiling when in Costa Rica's primeval forests and magnificent nature, I have the greatest temple to God, without walls, with the infinite sky as the roof filled with endless beauty and life? Why lock up God or the Creator in buildings made of stolen materials from the Earth, erected by 5000 different religions dividing the human family, some of them still making wars on each other?
The indigenous people are much wiser to consider nature, its miracles, beauty and nourishment as the manifestations of the Great Spirit.
~ Idea 975 ~ 12 March 1997
God Rasur said to the children that the divine was in each tree, every flower, every bird, every animal, every butterfly.
He should have added: and in you, in every child and human being.
Indeed, we are all made of earth, water and air which are concrete solar, i.e. cosmic energy. We are not human beings distinct from the Earth and from the universe, we are made of the Earth, of the sun, of the universe, we are live universe on a particular cosmic planet, endowed with a cosmic, universal consciousness. Jesus and all sacred emissaries from the heavens told us that.
In a proper Earth government, every human being should therefore be considered unique, sacred, divine. No human should be forced to kill other divine, miraculous cosmic units for the "greatness" of artificial nations or the "truth" of any religion, nor of any other entity, institution or philosophy.
To its splendid human rights work which is truly of cosmic inspiration, the United Nations must now add an identical work on human responsibilities and duties particularly towards our mother Earth, its wonderful nature and the universe.
~ Idea 984 ~ 21 March 1997
Barbara Gaughen and I have ordered hundreds of golden stick-on-plastic plaques with this inscription:
We give them to the Robert Muller Schools, visitors and friends of ours or of the University of Peace, exhorting them to build benches of dreams in their gardens, city parks, schools and playgrounds, or other places. We want the world to dream as many dreams as possible. We hope that our example will be followed and that numerous such benches will spread around the world and lift the spirit of people in the construction of a better world. Like we do on our finca, adjacent to the University for Peace, on sacred Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica, they could also erect benches of love, peace, hope, vision, thanksgiving, faith, happiness and forgiveness, devoted to the great philosophical and spiritual ideals which have always helped humanity to progress in our mysterious journey in the vast, unfathomable universe.
~ Idea 988 - 995 ~ 25 March to 1 April 1997
I love to quote my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine, Albert Schweitzer, who said to a group of visitors in Lambarene, Africa: "I cannot say what your destiny will be, but one thing I can tell you: if you are of service to others, you will be recompensed with untold happiness."
Having a glance at a book The Teachings of Buddha brought from Japan, I found these good advices by the Buddha:
"There are seven kinds of offerings which can be practiced even by those who are not wealthy":
Idea 988 The first: is the physical offering. This is to offer service with one's labor;
Idea 989 The second: is the spiritual offering. This is to offer a compassionate heart to others;
Idea 990 The third: is the offering of eyes. This is to offer a warm glance to others which will give them tranquillity;
Idea 991 The fourth: is the offering of countenance. This is to offer a soft countenance with smile to others;
Idea 992 The fifth: is the oral offering. This is to offer kind and warm words to others;
Idea 993 The sixth: is the seat offering. This is to offer one's seat to others;
Idea 994 The seventh: is the offering of shelter. This is to let others spend the night at one's home.
"These kinds of offering can be practiced by anyone in everyday life."
I discovered to my shame that of all these offerings I had practiced satisfactorily only the first and the fifth by offering all my retired years free of remuneration to the UN University for Peace and by giving advice to innumerable people, individually or in speeches, writings and letters. I will henceforth make an effort to practice the others too and would also like to add one more:
Idea 995 The eighth: is the offering of kind advice and inspiration by correspondence and by answering all letters received from human brothers and sisters.
~ Idea 1027 ~ 3 May 1997
In a remarkable, timely, historic document, the Director General of UNESCO, Mr. Federico Mayor, has proclaimed the fundamental human right of each Earth inhabitant to peace. Bravo, bravissimo.
At the beginning of his document he quotes Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Each individual has the right to life, liberty and the security of his person."
I go a step further: I ask in these 2000 ideas the fundamental human right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation, religion, race, nor of any other human ideology or institution, the individual person being the basic cosmic unity of humanity's evolution on this planet, or as the religions call it, a sacred human being, or as I call it, a true miracle, a child of God.
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration means: if I have the basic right to life, noone else, especially not a nation, religion, race, ideology or institution has the right to take this life away from me. Young men drafted into military service or into an army should refuse to go and take their case to the International Court of Justice for a violation of a basic human right, the right to life.
~ Idea 1028 ~ 4 May 1997
All youth organizations of the Earth should combine their efforts and create a United Youth Organization.
That Organization should request the adoption of new texts of their fundamental human rights: the sacred right not to be drafted into military service or war service, the right not to kill and not to be killed, not in the name of a nation, religion, race or anyone else. Conflicts between social, ethnic, and political groups should all be solved by peaceful and non-violent means. This should become the supreme law of the human society.
~ Idea 1032 ~ 8 May 1997
Hitler, the German dictator, created in the 1930's a Bund der Deutschen Mütter, a League of German Mothers who were to excite their sons into killing enemies of Germany.
From 19 to 21 June 1997, in Vienna, Austria, the country of birth of Hitler, a World Summit of Women, including several women Nobel Prize winners, women who are or were heads of states, and wives of heads of states, will meet in a conference called "Mothers of the Earth for World Peace Summit sponsored by World Centers of Compassion for Children."
I recommend that this conference create a Bund aller Welt Mütter, a World League of all Mothers, or United Mothers Organization, which will labour to put an end to all wars, armaments, military service, military "academies" and armed forces, and claim a new fundamental human right:
- the sacred right of all mothers of the Earth not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers in the name and glory of a nation, religion, nor of any other entity, cause or institution.
~ Idea 1036 ~ 12 May 1997
I hope that the world will soon receive yearly reports from scientists on "invisible" phenomena which are beginning to appear on this planet.
For example the changes in the global masses of bacteria which sooner or later might affect us. I recommend a new global bacteriological science and the creation of a World Institute on the subject.
All other invisible life forces at work on Earth should be studied and reported on, e.g. hormones which are making young girls into full women already at the age of eight years; or the preference of nature for females over males, because they have a longer role in the formation of a child in their body. In several species, the male dies after the act of fertilization of the female. Perhaps we will see the displacement of males in favor of women in the dominantly male leadership of politics, business, religions and other human affairs.
We inflict upon this Earth and its nature so many colossal, rapid changes that it is essential to look into new natural counter-reactions, including the possible decision by nature to get rid of humans altogether. Some scientists believe that the breakdown of the natural immune system of the human body (AIDS) and cancer are the first manifestations.
~ Idea 1037 ~ 13 May 1997
I hope that someday all people will receive a Yearly Good Deeds Declaration to fill out when they receive a Yearly Tax Declaration.
It could include such items as:
What good and peace did you teach your children?
What peace did you contribute to your family, to your neighborhood, to your workplace?
What peace association did you belong to or support?
What did you do for a better environment, a reduction of garbage, of gasoline consumption, of water and energy consumption?
What did you do for a more frugal and simple life, for a lower consumption of Earth resources?
What did you do to cultivate your own happiness?
Happiness in your family?
Happiness all around you?
Happiness in your workplace?
What philanthropy, what voluntary services did you provide?
What good health practices did you foster in your family?
What were your own good examples of good health?
Did you stop smoking?
Did you stop consuming alcohol and tell your family that it is an Arabic word (al kohol) which means the devil?
Did you give thanks for the miracle of life and the beauty of this Earth?
What did you do for your soul?
Did you pray, read good spiritual writings and precepts?
Did you go to spiritual services?
And one could conceive other items: Love, honesty, truth, morality, fidelity, forgiveness, etc.
The result of such a questionnaire would be as important if not more than the contribution of taxes to government expenses. A better society would ensue. A whole system of tax exemptions could be built on such a questionnaire. There could be for example tax deductions for voluntary services.
~ Idea 1040 ~ 16 May 1997
In line with my recommendations that there should be more world universities, I proposed that the conference undertake the creation of a World Indigenous University, possibly located on the sacred indigenous grounds of the University for Peace. Such a University would study world-wide the linguistics of all indigenous people, their views and relations with the Earth, their spirituality and such remarkable cosmologies as the Maya, Aztec and Inka ones which were represented at the conference. The western world is in dire need of an appropriate cosmology and could be inspired by them. For instance, it is interesting that the world core curriculum for a new presentation of all our knowledge to children (inserted in the volume of the first 500 ideas), which I derived from my experience in the United Nations, is almost identical to the Mayan cosmology.
During the conference I received a remarkable paper proposing the creation of a University of Mother Earth (Madre Tierra) in Costa Rica to complement the work and efforts of the Earth Council created in that country as one of the outcomes of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment. The text of the proposal has been circulated to the Costa Rican Parliament to have it studied and proposed officially to the United Nations for implementation. A wonderful idea. I will do everything to get it accepted.
~ Idea 1044 ~ 20 May 1997
The whole politics, economy, human behaviors, social organization of the human race on planet Earth must be rethought in terms of the primacy of the Earth. We must observe and follow the laws of nature which reflect the evolution of this planet in the cosmos, the cosmic laws and forces of the universe at work on our planet. Natural law is a reflection of cosmic laws. The science of nature, religions and the indigenous people should form for the first time a natural alliance, a tremendous force which would save humanity and our planet.
~ Idea 1046 ~ 22 May 1997
We always think in terms of the power of human groups, their wealth, their weight, their importance, their leadership: political leaders, business leaders, military, spiritual, labour leaders, leaders of peoples' movements, local leaders, provincial leaders, national leaders, global leaders. For thousands of years we have been doing that. It is only now that all this is in upheaval, that the Earth herself, nature around us, the air, the waters, the soil and other species are becoming our guides, our demanding leaders.
Leonardo da Vinci already said that in all human affairs including art, nature should be our supreme guide.
I am glad that a world party of Natural Law has been created in 85 countries. All other parties are on the way of becoming obsolete.
The Hindus and the great religions did not forget the heavens, the cosmos, the divine forces and laws, but they did not a give central place and role to nature, to the Earth as a manifestation of cosmic laws. Only the indigenous people around the world did. The 21st century might therefore indeed become the Century of the Indigenous People.
~ Idea 1073 ~ 18 June 1997
The date of 18 June always reminds me of the French underground group to which I belonged during World War II. It was named the Group of 18 June, date of the appeal by General de Gaulle to the French people. Remembering all the killings I saw, I am reminded of the idea in which I recommend that all mothers should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, kill or be killed by other sons of mothers, not in the name of a nation or a religion or of anyone else. Conflicts between all groups must be settled by peaceful, non-violent means.
Someone should collect cases when mothers were able to prevent their sons from being drafted into military or war service. I have heard of two: some US mothers decide to give birth to their children at home and not to register their sons, but to do it only after they are 25 years old, i.e. beyond the age of military service.
Another case was when American mothers went to Viet-Nam, took off the uniforms from their sons, dressed them in civilian clothes and took them home. The military authorities did not challenge them in order not to draw attention to the act.
As a pretending civilized human species we should solve all conflicts by intelligent, civilized and non-violent means. Even better: let us have a disarmed and demilitarized planet with a good world security system at the top. This is what the United Nations were created for, and now that the excuse for not doing it, namely the cold war, is gone let us do it instead of extending military alliances like NATO and SEATO.
~ Idea 1083 ~ 28 June 1997
There is a great need for global saints. My candidates would be Dag Hammarskjöld, U Thant and Robert Schuman. I am glad to be a member of the canonization committee of the latter. Perhaps the United Religions Organization could proclaim global, planetic saints.
~ Idea 1113 ~ 28 July 1997
Someone asked me this question: "Mr. Muller, after having written more than one thousand ideas, which one or two would you consider the most important?"
1. The absolute, urgent necessity for proper Earth government;
2. That every person on Earth, from children to the elderly, from East and West, from North and South, from individual families to the United Nations and its world institutions, from leaders of nations, business, religions, Universities, professors and people from all walks of life and professions, would write down their truest, innermost, deeply felt dreams and ideas for a better world. It would be the greatest world-wide democratic survey ever held in all human history. All these dreams should be sent to the United Nations and on their basis a great action plan for our successful evolution towards a peaceful, non-violent and happy world society should be drawn up.
~ Idea 1128 ~ 12 August 1997
The role and responsibility of the new United Religions Organization and of the World Parliament of Religions will be enormous at the end of this century: it will be no less than to give humanity a new spiritual, planetary, cosmic ideology to follow the demise of communism and capitalism.
The new Natural Law Party in which western scientists converge with eastern spiritualists can become the political arm of that ideology.
~ Idea 1151 ~ 4 September 1997
Taking into account the fact that a United Religions Organization will now be created, implementing my recommendation at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1993, I will propose that the United Religions Organization and a United Peoples' Organization become specialized agencies of the United Nations, thus creating a new, second generation United Nations, a more democratic one for the 21st century.
~ Idea 1162 ~ 15 September 1997
A return to nature, to simple and frugal lives, to spirituality and the growth world-wide of the Natural Law Party are among our best hopes to save the Earth and humanity from the present quandaries and ultimate cataclysm.
~ Idea 1163 ~ 16 September 1997
To abandon oneself to God means to give oneself to heaven where all religions locate God. It is the greatest consciousness expansion of which a human is capable. So please do it and you will find untold peace and happiness.
I am glad that my colleague and friend from UNESCO, the philosopher and artist, Dr. Ervin Laszlo, has created the Club of Budapest whose objective is to raise the planetary and divine consciousness of humanity.
But when I look at the wonderful Costa Rican nature around me, I feel that God is right here on Earth and I do not have to look for Him in empty skies .
~ Idea 1180 ~ 3 October 1997
We need also a science, strategy and methodology of what I would call Whyology, the human capacity and art of asking the fundamental question "Why?" Why the mysteries, phenomena and happenings surrounding us? I would like to see a long inventory of whys published for the year 2000:
why are there still wars and armed conflicts on this planet?
why is not every conflict resolved by peaceful means?
why do conflicts arise in other forms?
why is there still so much poverty on this planet?
why do we destroy nature unnecessarily?
why are there still "sovereign" nations?
why are there 5000 religions and why are some of them making war on each other, contrary to their preachings of peace?
and so on and so forth.
~ Idea 1188 ~ 11 October 1997
I remember that Dag Hammarskjöld used to go to a different church, temple or house of worship every week to learn what they had in common. He then reported it to God. Thus he discovered that global spirituality is what all religions have in common. I discovered it too and wrote the book New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality. He must be happy in heaven to learn that a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations is now on the way of being created.
~ Idea 1201 ~ 24 October 1997
It is wonderful, on this United Nations Day, the 57th anniversary of the United Nations and International Day of Peace, to which I have devoted 55 years of service, to see three of my dreams on the way of being fulfilled:
1. the likely adoption by the General Assembly of a proposal by the UN Economic and Social Council that the year 2000 shall be declared World Year of Thanksgiving by all humanity. I expressed that wish in my Dream 2000 reproduced at the beginning of these 2000 ideas;
2. to see a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations being created, a dream formulated in one of my first books New Genesis, the Birth of a Global Spirituality and proposed in my speech to the 1993 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago;
3. to learn that my recommendation has been adopted that another session of the World Parliament of Religions shall be held not in a hundred years, but in 1999 on the eve of the year 2000 and of our entry into a new century and millennium. The Parliament will meet in Capetown, South Africa. Having been invited to be a main speaker, I will present my views and specific ideas regarding a world-wide spiritual Renaissance, making again spirituality the highest value of human civilization.
~ Idea 1204 ~ 27 October 1997
Among the new Universities I would like to see established would be Universities of Consumption and Universities of Employment. This is in response to the fact that all Universities are concentrating on production and marketing, taking employment for granted as a result of the existing economic system. Since we have both underconsumption, overconsumption and wrong consumptions on this planet which destroy or diminish humans and the Earth, it is high time to deal seriously with this subject. And since a slowdown and changes of consumption habits are absolutely necessary in the world if we want to save the Earth, we should also study the concept and ways of proper, fulfilling employment in the western countries especially. I have a whole file of original ideas in this field. Someone should write 2000 ideas for fulfilling employment of humans on planet Earth. The environment, spirituality and voluntary service provide great possibilities in countries where the machines have made much employment dispensable.
~ Idea 1218 ~ 10 November 1997
A letter to the Nobel Prizes Committee,
May I humbly suggest that you consider asking all Nobel Prizes winners in all fields, to formulate their ideas for the future as we near the 21st century and third millennium. You may wish to consider holding a meeting or meetings of them prior or during the year 2000. Their views and suggestions might have a deep influence and contribute to a better world, fulfilling the expectations of Alfred Nobel when he instituted the Prizes.
I was very grateful when you implemented my idea of calling a meeting of all Nobel Peace Prize winners in San Francisco on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. I attended their notable meeting with youth. You will be happy to learn that the meeting had the following beneficial effect: thanks to the presence at it of Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Edmund Tutu, he and Bishop Swing of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco decided to go on a world tour to launch the idea of a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations. They received such a good response that the initiative was taken to create it. This is of utmost importance since most of the remaining conflicts on this planet are of an ethnic and religious nature. The United Religions Organization is expected to be launched on 26 June 2000 in the same room of the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco where the Charter of the United Nations Organization was adopted on 26 June 1945.
I thank you for your decision and know that my proposal will receive your kind consideration.
Nobel Committee
19 Drammensveien N-0255
OSLO #2 Norway Yours warmly,
Robert Muller
Chancellor of the University for Peace
former UN Assistant Secretary General
~ Idea 1263 ~ 25 December 1997
On this day of celebration of the birth of Jesus, I wonder what the Christ is thinking in the heavens looking down upon the Earth. He cannot fail to bemourn the millions of his beloved human brothers and sisters who were killed over the last 1997 years in his name and in the name of other prophets and emissaries like him. May I place in His mouth this prayer to His representative on Earth, Pope John Paul II:
"I pray you to rescind on Christmas 1999 the Papal Bull Inter Cetera of your predecessor in the 15th century requesting the colonialists of the Americas to subjugate and kill the indigenous people for the propagation of the Christian Empire and faith. No papal bull was ever so contrary to my teachings and message to the world. Please do not invoke papal infallibility. No human being on Earth, not even I in heaven am infallible, given all the killings and sufferings which were committed in my name. Please do it out of love. Please read the Declaration of Vision of the United Indigenous People at the World Parliament of Religions in 1993 in Chicago, which my son Robert Muller reproduces at the end of these 1300 ideas for a better world on my bimillennial birthday in 2000."
~ Idea 1276 ~ 7 January 1998
The United Religions Organization, once established, should proclaim its own saints and holy persons, namely global saints who worked for the peace and cooperation of all humanity, of all religions, for the birth of a global spirituality, for the promotion of the high spiritual values shared by all religions, and for the advent of a spiritual third Millennium.
~ Idea 1283 ~ 14 January 1998
Dear Friends and Readers,
As an update to my ideas and New Year's letter, I am glad to inform you that on 20 November 1997, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming the year 2000 International Year of Thanksgiving as suggested in my Dream 2000. It decided to hold in the fall of 2000 a General Assembly 2000 which is to focus on means of solving our primary global problems and to reform the means of global governance in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This heads of states Assembly will be accompanied by a World Peoples'' Assembly 2000 serving the same purpose. Former Presidents of the UN General Assembly adopted another of my 2000 ideas and created a Council of former UN General Assembly Presidents which will assist the UN with its views, proposals and ideas.
To all of you I address this appeal: may every institution, every nation, every peoples' association and movement, every university, college and school on Earth, every religion, every province, city and rural area, every indigenous, ethnic and linguistic group, every corporation and business enterprise, every profession, and why not every family and individual on Earth formulate their dreams, proposals and ideas for a better world. It would be a unique unprecedented state of the world and humanity, global, world-wide public opinion survey and poll. The submissions should start with an assessment of perceived achievements in the twentieth century, of failures, disappointments, losses, mistakes, wrong avenues and beliefs, untruths and unwarranted destructions, thus producing a momentous, world-wide assessment of our stage of evolution on this unique life-endowed planet in the vast universe and eternal flow of time.
I am recommending to the Secretary General of the UN to provide such an assessment, survey and agenda for the future together with the 32 specialized agencies and world programs of the UN, as a State of the World and Humanity Report 2000 to the General Assembly 2000 in the fall of 2000. Please send to Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General, Room S 3800, United Nations, New York, NY 10017 your report, assessment, proposals, plans, dreams and ideas. Let us make this a unique event in all human history, perhaps applauded and supported by God, the saints and mysterious forces of the universe concerned with our doings on this miraculous planet and with our fate on it as the most advanced, most knowledgeable, conscious and capable of all living species. Let us make this magnificent Earth a Garden of Eden, inhabited by a miraculous humanity, a first-class success of the will of God and of the universe, a true paradise of fulfillment and happiness for our children and grandchildren.
~ Idea 1284 ~ 15 January 1998
In my Christmas mail I received the following quotation of the opinion of Leon Tolstoy about the military:
"Armies will disappear when public opinion brands with contempt those who whether for advantage or from fear, sell their dignity as men and enter the ranks of those murderers dressed in fools' clothes &endash; called an army. When men will be ashamed to wear as they do now implements of murder, and when the word military will be what indeed it is &endash; a word of foul abuse, only then will armies first diminish and then quietly disappear and a new age in the life of humanity will commence."
Personally I have never dared to go so far and in such strong terms. What I have requested fundamentally in these 2000 ideas is the basic human right not to be asked to kill or to be killed by another human being neither in the name of a nation, nor of a religion, nor of any other group; and also the right of young people not to be incorporated into military training to kill other human beings.
Perhaps my dreams, strategy and actions are too weak and should be upgraded to the level of Tolstoy's views, feelings and language.
~ Idea 1287 ~ 18 January 1998
It would be useful if UNESCO could publish a world report on existing world universities, continental universities (American, European, Asian, African, Pacific, Middle-Eastern Universities) and other global universities dealing with major segments of the Earth and of humanity (the seas and oceans, the biosphere, the atmosphere, the mountains, the waters, the polar caps, the deserts, etc.; the human population, sexes, races, age groups, longevity, religions, cultures, languages, etc.). Such a survey would reveal the overconcentration on national Universities, no longer in step with the globalization of knowledge, problems, professions and management.
The International Association of University Presidents could request or undertake such a survey.
~ Idea 1298 ~ 29 January 1998
Perhaps all Catholics in the world should return to the holy practice of not buying anything and not visiting any stores on Sundays, a holy day to be devoted to spirituality. They could remember the example of Jesus chasing the merchants from the Temple.
Perhaps all Jewish people should do the same on Sabbath and all the religions of the world on their sacred, holy day.
The subject should be taken up by the United Religions Organization when it enters into function. This would be a great contribution of the world's religions to a better ecology.
We as indigenous people and Native Nations, honoring our ancestors and for our future generations, do hereby declare our present and continuing survival within our sacred homelands in the Western Hemisphere.
Since time immemorial, we have lived in a spiritual way in keeping with our sacred laws, principles and values given to us by the Creator. Our ways of life are based on respect for Mother Earth, a sacred regard for all relations and the survival of our languages, cultures and traditions.
In the Year of Indigenous Peoples, while the United Nations Declaration of our Rights is still being prepared, we ask for solidarity in our cause from the religions of the world.
We call upon the people of conscience in the Roman Catholic hierarchy to persuade Pope John II to formally revoke the Inter Cetera Bull of May 4, 1493, which will restore our fundamental human rights. That Papal document called for our Nations and Peoples to be subjugated so that the Christian Empire and its doctrines would be propagated. The US Supreme Court ruling Johnson vs. McIntosh 8 Wheat 543 (in 1823) adopted the same principle of subjugation expressed in the Inter Cetera Bull. This Papal Bull has been, and continues to be devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations.
We call upon the people of conscience in the many other organized religions whose historical actions have participated in the dehumanization of our Indigenous Nations to help us put an end to the violation of our peoples' human rights.
We call for an end to the deafening silence of religious denominations and groups regarding the violations of our peoples' human rights, because this silence implies complicity and tolerance of the effects.
One hundred years ago during the 1893 Parliament of World Religions, the profoundly religious original (Native) peoples of the Western hemisphere were not invited. We are still here and still struggling to be heard for the sake of our Mother Earth and our children. As our spiritual and physical survival continues to be threatened all over the hemisphere, we feel compelled to ask you to join us in restoring the balance of humanity and Mother Earth in these ways:
A. Acknowledgment of the myriad of messengers of the creator, the Great Mystery, to the peoples of the Western hemisphere.
B. Support in promoting, preserving and maintaining our indigenous languages and cultures.
C. Involvement in the world outcry against the continuing genocide of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas by taking direct action in support of the International Conventions prohibiting genocide in their various countries.
D. Protection and return of the sacred sites and traditional lands of Indigenous Peoples.
E. Reversal of environmental degradation that endangers our traditional lifeways and threatens our very existence.
F. Repatriation of our ancestors and sacred objects from the museums and holdings of the world.
The State of the World on Earth Day 2013
The Birth of a Global, Spiritual Civilization
through Inter-religious Co-operation*
The text herewith was written in November 1992, the year preceding the centennial World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1993. In it I tried to visualize the state of the world from a spiritual perspective in 2013, twenty years after the Parliament's session.
In June 1997, on the eve of the United Religions Initiative second conference in San Francisco, my attention was drawn to this text by Reverend Marcus Braybrooke, Chairman of the International Interfaith Center during a visit in Oxford, England. Reading it, my belief in a spiritual Renaissance and respiritualization of all walks of human life on this celestial planet was stronger than ever.
My only changes in the text would be:
1. replace the words World Spirituality Agency by the words United Religions Organization;
2. add the conviction I have gained since then that in order to save the Earth and the human race it is now imperative to create a proper Earth government in the form of a United States of the World on the model of the federal United States of America or of a World Union on the model of the European Union born since then as a promising model of a new, democratic, well financed system of global government.
I address my warmest wishes to the Second United Religions Conference which to my deep sadness I am unable to attend this time.
I am with you in spirit and in prayer for the rapid success of one of the most important initiatives taken in human history on the momentous eve of a new century and millennium. May you be the mothers, the fathers, the founders of the United Religions Organization. May the city which bears the name of St. Francis and gave birth to the United Nations Organization be the birthplace of another miracle.**
Robert Muller
* From Visions of an Interfaith Future, Proceedings of Sarva-Dharma-Sammelana Religions' meeting in Bangalore India, 19-22 August 1993 © 1994 by the International Interfaith Center, Oxford.
** The intention of the founders is to have its Constitution adopted on 26 June 2000 in the same room in the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco where the Charter of the United Nations was adopted fifty five years ago on 26 June 1945.
Today, on Earth Day 2013, I am sitting in my little wooden farmlet on sacred Mt. Rasur overlooking the University for Peace created 33 years ago by the United Nations in demilitarized Costa Rica. From that country and from these hills, according to indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will spread to the entire world.
As Chancellor of the University for Peace and a former servant of the United Nations for 38 years, I have been asked to teach a course on the world as it has developed and continues to develop to this day: A Planet of Peace and Justice, a Planet of Unity and increasing interdependence, a Planet of Happiness and Human Fulfillment, a Cosmic Body inhabited by a cosmic human species living in right relationships and harmony with the planet, with itself, with the heavens, and with time. In my course I will show how institutions created in the present and last century and the religions of this planet were among the main artisans of that miracle. For what is being achieved is the total inter-relation of humans with all nature, creation and creatures, with religions as the soul of this inter-relation and all-embracing cosmic, evolutionary consciousness.
This paper, which is preparatory reading for that course, describes the elements that came to play in the development of a global, cosmic, spiritual civilization of Planet Earth.
Part I: World Situation and Inter-religious Co-operation in 2013, twenty years after the Second World's Parliament of Religions in 1993.
Humanity is now a united world community of nations, not only economic and political, but also spiritual, following the path opened in the last century by Dag Hammarskjöld and U Thant in the United Nations, by Robert Schuman in Europe, and also throughout the millennia by prophets and founders of religions, and by great sages such as Plato, Aristotle, Maimonides, Huxley, Albert Schweitzer, Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, Bishop William Swing and others.
Humanity's material, scientific and technological feats of the 20th Century have been transcended first into the moral, ethical dimension, then into philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for humanity and for our Earth), and finally into the highest form of all: the spiritual dimension heralded for so long by all religions, namely the right understanding of our place and relationship in the universe and in time, and of our fundamental cosmic nature and role. The phenomenal expansion of human senses and physical capacities through science and technology was followed by the birth and development of a global brain, a global nervous system, a global heart, and a global soul to humanity.
Much remains to be done to perfect and refine this system and to integrate it fully into the total life-system of our living planet. When I was young, the majority of humans believed that the Earth was here to be exploited by men. Then they became concerned with the environment and survival of the Earth and began to turn toward beliefs that revered the Earth as a living organism, without which no life of any kind was possible. The Earth became the first priority, and we came to understand that we are all part of a total living planet which is itself a cosmic body of the universe; and that in this living system, we are linked not only to the Earth but to each other and to the heavens in which we live.
The miraculous transformation we have experienced in the progress of humanity is a result of the co-operation of the world's religions along the lines of the vast frameworks of our knowledge and needed actions born in the United Nations and its agencies. These led to a better understanding of our planet and place in the universe, of our total human family, of our place in time, and of the miracle of individual human life. The last decades of the 20th Century provided humanity with the global information and first experiences indispensable for our better behavior, for better Earth government and for the physical, mental, moral, affective and spiritual fulfillment of all humans blessed with the miracle of life.
A. Our place in the Universe and our Planetary Home:
This framework deals with the various realities and elements in which we live. These are: the heavens, the known universe and outer space; our relationship with the sun; the Earth's geophysics and climate; the biosphere and its atmosphere; the seas and oceans, the polar caps, the arable lands, deserts, mountains, water, forests, plant life, animal and human life; the earth's energy, its minerals, its crust, down from the infinitely large to microbial life, genetics and the world of the atom and the infinitesimal small. This represented an unprecedented expansion of humanity's knowledge and consciousness of our planetary and cosmic home.
The 19th Century had seen the birth of the first world agencies in the wake of the industrial revolution: the Universal Postal Union, the International Telecommunications Union, the World Intellectual Property Organization. More than thirty new world-specialized agencies and global programs were created in the 20th Century, ultimately to form the United Nations family of organizations, among them the International Labor Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, UNESCO, the Food and Agricultural Organization, the World Health Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Maritime Organization, the UN Environment Program, etc. On the eve of and since the third millennium, several others were created: the UN Outer-Space Agency, the World Climate Organization (incorporating the World Meteorological Organization), the World Energy Agency (incorporating the International Atomic Energy Agency), the World Transport Ageny, the UN Law of the Sea Agency, the World Biological Organization, the Earth Resources and Conservation Agency and the UN Consumers Agency.
Working with these agencies and of prime importance has been the United Religions Organization, created after the Second World Parliament of Religions. This agency has greatly contributed to human knowledge by making known the spiritual views, perceptions, and wisdom of the religions. Several indigenous religions, for example, believe that rocks, earth, and minerals are endowed with life, that humans should respect that life, use the minimum and ask for forgiveness when use is indispensable. On the polar caps Eskimo religions have valuable views, as have African Indigenous peoples toward deserts, forests, as well as the beginnings of life. The United Religions has also brought forth the deep insights of religious cosmologies of the heavens, the universe and outer space. Cosmonauts have spoken of spiritual experiences when floating in outer space or walking on the moon. Comprehension of the universe is not only through science and analysis alone, but also through mysticism, interiority, prayer, meditation, and enlightenment: many scientists, including Einstein, became spiritual believers when their science was at a loss (Deus semper ultra - beyond there is always God). Science, originally a spiritual search (in the West it originated as alchemy, and in India it was always a part of the vast and complex philosophies of Hinduism) is now enriched by the religions.
One of the early examples of the valuable input of the world's religions into the Earth and life segments was the meeting on Sacred Ecology and its joint statement that preceded the second United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1993. Today this is a regular feature of world co-operation in every field on an ongoing basis. No world agency today, no world conference, no meeting of Heads of State or eminent personalities, scientists, experts, or thinkers, takes place without the input and contribution of religions.
B. The Human Family:
This framework was developed by the United Nations and co-operating world agencies, such as the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, the UN Development Program, the World Bank system, the UN Fund for Population Activities, UN Habitat, the UN Regional Commissions, as well as by the recently established UN Council of Youth, the World Agency for the Elderly, the High Commissioner for the Handicapped, the UN Population Agency (incorporating the UN Fund for Population Activities), the International Migration Agency, and the World Peoples and International Associations Agency. The elements include the world population, human settlements and migrations, human longevity, races, sexes, children, youth, adults, the elderly and the handicapped. It encompasses our levels of nourishment, health, education, morality and spirituality; our standards of life, skills, employment, and activities; it includes the family, professions, corporations, institutions and entities, nations, federations, regional unions and organizations, religions, multinational business, transnational networks and associations, and world organizations and governance.
In this vast human area, the United Religions contributes to each segment and to all efforts the religious insights, experiences, and wisdom of the religions, thus joining the world organizations to further human progress through a spiritual dimension and fulfillment.
C. Our Place in Time:
If we examine the realities included in the preceding two frameworks in the context of time, we see that all the world's global agencies are concerned with the past, the present and the future. For example, UNESCO deals with paleontology, archaeology, history, the preservation of works of art and the world heritage, linguistics, the future of education, etc. The UN receives from all the agencies yearly reports on the state of the world in their respective fields, as well as long-term forecasts, sometimes reaching far into the future, such as population trends, the future climate, the environment, the preservation of the planet. The UN can thus issue warnings and guide humanity into a better, peaceful, and safer future, thereby heeding the Iroquois tradition to always be thinking of the seventh generation when taking a decision.
On each of the above segments, the United Religions Organization is working with UNESCO and with all world organizations on the past, the present, and the future. For example the multibillion Year of Brahma (Creation, Preservation, and Destruction) is confirmed today by astrophysicists: it corresponds to the birth, stability, and destruction of a solar system. Religions also have deep insights into the meaning of "life" and "death". Two world conferences were held by the UN on these subjects, upon the recommendation of the World Parliament of Religions.
D. The Miracle of Individual Life:
This fourth framework, which revolves around the centrality of the human person, goes far deeper and beyond human institutions. It has become increasingly clear that in the vast, global quantum change in human consciousness, individuals are the alpha and omega, the basic living, cosmic units of evolution. Individual human life is the highest form of universal consciousness. With the recognition of universal human rights and responsibilities, it became apparent that institutions, systems, states, groupings, entities had no consciousness and could only be instruments, servants, means for the increase of individual consciousness, fulfillment, and responsibility. The highest goal for humankind is to attain optimum physical, mental, affective, moral and spiritual lives as part of the total life-system of our planet.
Optimum physical life involves knowledge and care of the human body; the human ability to see, to hear, to observe, to create, to do, to act, to transform; and the expansion of all senses and physical abilities. Optimum mental life involves knowledge and education; the ability to question, to think, to analyze, to synthesize, to conclude, to communicate; the ability to focus from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, from the local to the global from the past to the future, to be what Hinduism calls Trikaldarshis and Trikolonaths. Optimum affective and moral life involves the ability to love, and the human virtues of truth, understanding, humility, liberty, responsibility, reverence for life, compassion, altruism, and charity. And finally, optimum spiritual life involves the ability for interiority, meditation, prayer, communion with the universe and eternity, and with God.
Here the United Nations, the United Religions, UNESCO, and other world agencies stand today in the forefront of human progress and evolution in the education, information, enlightened democracy, transcendence, and fulfillment of the miracle of human life and its contribution and responsibility in the overall cosmic evolution of our planet and of the universe.
This is where we stand at the moment, in the year 2013, twenty years after the Second World Parliament of Religions.
It represents a unique, tremendous quantum jump in consciousness and evolution of humanity. We know our planet inside out and we are now in charge of its future. We even know a good part of the heavens. We have entered the cosmic age of our evolution.
In my course I will show students how all the above was primarily learned and developed in a pragmatic fashion since the end of World War II in the last century, when the first real universal political ("polis", the city, now the planet, hence planetic) organization, the United Nations, was created. Much of this progress was due to accidents, scares, adverse consequences of the dearth of adequate global information and data, global ignorance, thoughtless mistakes, misjudgments or no judgment at all regarding long-term effects, the persistence of obsolete ideologies, values, beliefs, institutions and power-structures and also a total lack of experience in planetics, or planetary administration and management. I will also show that the above institutional world system, which continues to change and to adapt constantly to new circumstances, was not enough, in view of its pragmatic approach. Therefore several world centers of learning and scientific inquiry into global values and phenomena were established to develop sciences, strategies, and methodologies in the field of higher values which have always guided the human race. There exist today several important world universities on peace, spirituality, faith, hope, love, truth, justice, optimism, happiness, the art of living, forgiveness, altruism, philanthropy, and gaiaphily, etc. They all have affiliated regional universities to benefit from the cultural and religious capital of the various continents.
One of the earliest of these universities, the University for Peace in Costa Rica, revealed how all the numerous pragmatic peace efforts around the world needed to be complemented by a true science of peace, an all-encompassing strategy for peace and a thorough methodology of peace, i.e. conflict prevention, peace-keeping, and peace building in all sectors of society. It has affiliated regional peace and non-violence universities on each continent. Similarly, the pragmatic efforts of the religions and of the United Religions are complemented by a World Spirituality University which has developed a science of spirituality, a strategy for spirituality and a methodology of spirituality derived from all religious practices, celebrations, and rites around the world, aimed at the spiritual fulfillment and responsibility of human beings.
As a result the world is in a new period of full, flowering spiritual Renaissance, far beyond inter-religious dialogue, based on the common spirituality of all religions and on a common denominator of all human beings; the yearning for answers to the mysteries of life and death and of our universe, to which the scientific age, despite its amazing advances, was unable to find satisfying answers. The age of scientific analysis and dissection, our checkered history of local cultures and national divisions, the millennia of religious dissections of the spiritual nature of humanity, of the Earth and of the cosmos, have now led to a new age of universality, holism, and all-encompassing convergence, synthesis, synergy and transcendence. ***
Part II: Current Manifestations and Results of the World Spiritual Renaissance and World Religious Alliance in the United Religions.
All conflicts of a religious origin or background were eliminated by the year 2003, year of the Fourth Session of the World Parliament of Religions*, in fulfillment of its recommendations at the Second Session in 1993. The work of the Department of Conflict Resolution and Mediation of the United Religions was of determining importance.
Religions have forgiven each other their past wars and misdeeds, following the recommendations of the 1993 World Parliament of Religions.
Agreement was reached between all religions that the concept of just war is no longer justified in the new spiritual world order and that peaceful conflict resolution is the only acceptable civilized rule.
As a result, all religions have strongly backed the disarmament and demilitarization efforts of the United Nations. Total disarmament and demilitarization were achieved in 2010, after the putting into operation of a proper world security system following the end of the cold war. All along, the world religions have supported the shifting of resources released by disarmament and demilitarization to the needs of the poor and of the environment.
The richness and diversity of religious beliefs and practices and the principles of the UN Declaration on Religious Freedom are recognized by all religions.
Religions are now refraining from criticizing and diminishing each other. Instead they validate each other to create a world spiritual civilization and synergy.
Alongside the World Parliament of Religions meeting and the United Religions, a World Monastic Council has been established to bring together the richness of monastic science, practices and experiences from around the world.
World-wide prayers and meditation are held each year on the International Day of Peace (third Tuesday in September), when the delegates of all nations observe a period of silence for prayer or meditation at the yearly opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
World prayers and meditation are also held on 24 October, United Nations Day, declared by the General Assembly a World Holiday (holy day), and on all International Days proclaimed by the United Nations.
Since the year 2000, which was celebrated as World Thanksgiving Year, an International Day of Thanksgiving has been observed throughout the world and is celebrated in all countries. This holiday is similar in spirit to the customs of the Quechuas in Ecuador and Peru, Americans in the USA, Jewish practice, etc.
Meditation rooms or places of worship have been created in all world organizations, national Parliaments, government offices, professional sites, and businesses.
Spiritual education has been restored in all schools of the earth. Prayers and meditation are held at the beginning of each school day. Education of any religion is accompanied by a minimum of teaching of other religions and of the diversity of the world's faiths.
Work in factories, offices, business, and in all professions around the world starts with a period of prayer or meditation.
Daily family life begins with common prayers or meditation.
Thanks are given before or after each meal all around the world, as was inspired by the practices of Christians with grace offered before each meal, the Indigenous people of Abya-Yala, who give thanks after a meal for the energy given by it, and the Chinese for the happiness provided to them.
*It held its third session in Capetown in 1999, on the eve of the 21st century.
Every United Nations World Conference receives the input of inter-religious thinking and recommendations.
A representative of the United Religions is accredited to each official UN meeting, organ, conference, and to every UN specialized agency and world program.
Each year the United Religions submits a report to the United Nations on the state of spirituality and religiosity in the world and on inter-religious co-operation for a better world.
Spiritual ceremonies at the high points of human life - birth, adolescence, marriage, anniversaries, academic degrees, professional entrance, retirement, "vanaprashta" (preparation for the beyond) and demise - have been restored in all societies of Earth.
A World Pilgrimage Organization for the care of existing places of pilgrimage in the world and the development of new sacred places, has been created.
An International Day of Forgiveness has been proclaimed.
As advocated by all religions and by former Secretary-General U Thant, spirituality is no longer separate from daily life or reserved for special days or moments or services. All life is now considered spiritual in nature, from birth to death, from morning to evening. It starts with prayer or meditation, and ends with prayer or meditation, and examination of one's conscience. Life has become a constant presence of God, a dialogue with God, a constant soulful communion with the Universe, our planet, with the human family, and with the infinity of time.
Life is considered sacred world-wide. The death penalty has been abolished in all countries. The human right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation or a religion, was proclaimed by the 1993 World Parliament of Religions and by the United Nations.
It is now accepted world-wide that spirituality means basically doing good on Earth. As former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld said, "Today the way to holiness goes through the world of action." The practice of day-end examinations of conscience, of a daily record of the good and bad we have done, has been restored. Every human being is urged to do at least one good deed each day for the Earth, for humanity, at large or near home, in order to be able to say at the end of earthly life: I have fulfilled the will of God, I have done my best, I have tried to be a good human being. I leave the world a little better than I found it.
Spirituality has become a priority for world philanthropy; a World Spiritual Foundation has been created alongside the United Religions. Each year World Spiritual Prizes are awarded for outstanding spiritual achievements.
All media in the world have added a moral, ethical, and spiritual dimension to their work.
Robert Schuman, the father of the European Union and prophet of a European and world spiritual union, was canonized by his religion. Political office is now considered a saintly, sacred office, endowed with the highest responsibilities towards humanity, the Earth, and the success of the cosmic evolution and experiment unfolding on this planet.
Spiritual epithets are given to beloved political leaders, following ancient traditions and contemporary Oriental traditions. They are called shepherds, Mahatmas (great souls), gurujis, avatars, beloved teachers, masters, luminaries, etc.
Meetings of Eminent Spiritual Personalities are convened by the United Religions on every major world problem, under the presidency of different religious leaders, and their reports are submitted to the United Nations and all religions.
The names of children are once more selected from those of great saints, sages, and spiritual guides, to inspire them to follow their example during their life, or from spiritual, moral virtues.
The names of streets, public buildings, monuments, and parks are selected from those of great saints, sages, spiritual leaders, or from moral and spiritual virtues.
National, regional and world parks around the world have been declared sanctuaries.
Spirituality is exercised in great and in small things, globally and locally, collectively and individually. The humblest work and life can be a spiritual dedication.
Combining their views on the essential needs of life, the world's religions are advocating simpler, more frugal lives in order not to unduly tax God's creation and cosmic energies embodied in the Earth's resources.
Vast numbers of people are turning once more to their religious shepherds for psychological, psychiatric, and social advice.
Demilitarized, peaceful countries like Costa Rica (see idea 20) have been declared holy countries.
Frequent meetings of spiritual leaders are convened on the world's holy places to give humanity spiritual guidance and enlightenment.
Inter-religious dialogue, consultation, co-operation, and synergy are taking place from local levels to the world level all around the planet, in a flourishing of spiritual gatherings and institutions.
All professions, human entities, and associations, have adopted codes of ethics and have acquired the practice of asking themselves whether their activities contribute or not to peace, to non-violence, to a better world, and fulfillment and responsibility of human life world-wide, thus contributing to the cosmic spiritual progress of the human race.
All forms of arts, including architecture, have once more acquired a spiritual dimension and meaning, repeating the feats of earlier high points of our artistic journey, when art represented the highest aspirations and ideals of peace and harmony of the human race with nature, with the past, present, and future, and with the heavens.
More and more humanity is aware and happy that we are now capable to make this miraculous planet the ultimate success of God and of the universe. We are in full process of governing paradise Earth in proper cosmic, holistic, spiritual ways.
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity."
Albert Einstein
"The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion."
Thomas Paine
"The third millennium will be spiritual or there will be no third millennium."
André Malraux
"A new spiritual pyramid must be erected on the high intellectual platform that has already been built by the United Nations."
Rudolf Schneider
"Today the way to holiness goes through the world of action."
Dag Hammarskjöld
~ Idea 1301 ~ 1 February 1998
The gravest problem of our time is that the dominant values of the western world are business, wealth, prominence, power, strength, glory, sovereignty and not the perennial values taught by great religious leaders and philosophers over millennia: kindness, spirituality, compassion, justice, cooperation, gratitude, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, hope, and above all love.
Yes, what is missing most is love for humanity and for our miraculous mother Earth whose elements we are made of, depend on and will return to.
There are more and more peoples' organizations who are saying this. May their views be heard at the Peoples' Assembly 2000 which will accompany the UN General Assembly 2000. May they redress the current hierarchy of values and wrong course of history. That is the fundamental challenge on the eve of the 21st century.
If I were the Secretary General of the UN, I would call for a world conference on the meaning and fulfillment of human life and declare the next century the Century of Love and Happiness.
~ Idea 1309 ~ 9 February 1998
I applaud the plan of the United Religions Initiative for a Global Religious Cease-Fire on December 31, 1999. I even wish that it should be a Global Cease-fire for the entire year 2000. Nothing would please more Jesus in heaven and other great founders, leaders and prophets of religions.
~ Idea 1336 ~ 8 March 1998
In the spiritual Renaissance of humanity the views, precepts and practices of religions regarding nature, our home the Earth, its place and meaning in Creation and cosmic evolution must play a fundamental role for the safeguard of our planet and of humanity. The contributions of the indigenous religions in particular will be most valuable. The United Religions Organization must place this subject high on its agenda, when it is created, second only to the prohibition to all religions to resort to wars and violence.
~ Idea 1340 ~ 12 March 1998
If I should ever be proclaimed a saint by the Catholic religion or by the United Religions Organization, I would like to be named or known as:
Saint Robert of Mount Rasur
~ Idea 1351 ~ 23 March 1998
Let us create a United Languages Organization like the United Nations, like the United Religions. In it, all linguistic groups of the world would be represented. It would provide us the most incredible insights into the manifold perceptions by humans of all realities and dreams all over the world. There are still numerous living languages, particularly the indigenous languages, which give us clues of the original perceptions of nature and Creation around us.
~ Ideas 1353 to 1361 ~ 25 March to 2 April 1998
After having launched successfully a world movement for peace, the peoples and their associations in the world should now launch several new world movements. Here are those I recommend:
Idea 1358 a world movement of spirituality
~ Idea 1369 ~ 10 April 1998
I am glad that years ago an idea of mine was implemented in New York City: the creation of an Institute for the Science of Hope. When I received their latest report I wrote to them and suggested that they should consider transforming themselves into a University of Hope. We badly need a whole series of World Universities on perennial great philosophical concepts which have saved and helped humanity to survive and progress over eons of time. An instance is the creation of the first University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica. I would like to see also created on this planet World Universities of Love, Faith, Optimism, Happiness, Spirituality, Cooperation, Vision, Inspiration, Beauty, Harmony, Meditation, Prayer, Forgiveness, and there are others. What a tremendous, different world would emerge from them!
~ Idea 1387 ~ 28 April 1998
At the third World Parliament of Religions in Capetown South Africa, I will propose that the Parliament become part of the United Religions Organization in formation. It would play in it the role of the UN General Assembly which for its part should become the Parliament of Nations.
~ Idea 1389 ~ 30 April 1998
We should be ready to report at any time to a celestial inspection team. The United Nations should publish a yearly report to the Universe, and the religions yearly reports to God or their founding prophets.
~ Idea 1393 ~ 4 May 1998
After the creation of the United Nations Organization and its 32 specialized agencies, after the Initiative to create a United Religions Organization on the model of the United Nations, a host of more united world-wide efforts and institutions should be created on this wonderful planet which needs and deserves them highly. Why not a United Peoples' Organization, a United Youth Organization, a United Indigenous Organization, a United Mothers Organization, etc. There are thousands of national organizations. Why should there not be at least a few hundred world organizations and nature organizations? The Earth and human family deserve them urgently. Governments resist them because they want to keep their power and do not want to share it with others. How blind they are! How much happier they would be if they cooperated excitedly, with enthusiasm, in the building of a new, peaceful, happy world!
~ Ideas 1399 to 1400 ~ 10 to 11 May 1998
Idea 1399 A reader from England whose father died in Auschwitz, wrote to me proposing that the United Nations institute an International Day of Repentance and Atonement, "as an annual event to be kept as a holy day by every nation to become united in the spiritual task of facing and teaching its children the truth about their history &endash; the sins of the fathers &endash; so that they may be fully understood by future generations. All our misdeeds economic, cultural, military, and those done in the names of religion should be truthfully shown, illustrated and explained in exhibitions in every town and country. The need for atonement and restitution should be made clear."
I fully support that proposal.
~ Idea 1431 ~ 11 June 1998
I also recommend a world conference of all major partners in the globalization of humanity and world affairs: governments, the United Nations and its 32 agencies, other world institutions, regional institutions, e.g. the European Union, business, scientists, the media, global non-governmental associations, global private institutions, religions, global philanthropists, world universities, global visionaries, etc. We need to move from the United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth.
~ Idea 1438 ~ 19 June 1998
I received from an admiring author a great book One Hundred Saints with a beautiful inscription of his wish that I should be declared a saint too. I perused the illustrated book and noted that only seven of the 100 were saints of the military (four of soldiers, the others of hunters, armorers and paratroopers). I suggest that these qualifications be suppressed. Christ would not give saintly support to the militaries who are trained to kill other humans. I also do not understand why the Pope has never accepted my request that St. Francis and St. Claire be made the patron saints of the United Nations. Almost everyone of the 100 saints is the patron saint of a nation. Some European nations have several national saints!
One good news: Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine who fathered the borderless European Union will be declared saint in the year 2000. I am a member of his canonization committee. The Pope asks us to hurry up, because he feels rightly "that the world needs political saints."
I have also recommend that the United Religions Organization should grant global sainthood to humans who have devoted their lives to peace and to a better world, irrespective of their religion. I would love to receive it after my death. It would help me up there with my connections to all religions, Gods and prophets.
~ Idea 1441 ~ 22 June 1998
Barbara decided to share the dream of a young Japanese woman, Naoka Mira, who visited us recently and wants the mothers of the world to work together for the betterment of their families and the human family. Barbara proposed to her to create a World Union of Mothers (WUM), a new international non-governmental organization which will apply for accreditation to the UN. Barbara would accept to be its Vice-President for the Americas.
I lauded Barbara for this proposal which would help to obtain a Charter or basic Declaration of fundamental Mothers' rights, in particular the right of mothers not to see the flesh of their wombs kill or be killed by the flesh of the wombs of other mothers, not in the name of any institution or human group, in particular a nation or a religion.
I suggested that the creation of the World Union of Mothers be announced formally to the United Nations on 10 December of this year, the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It is interesting to note that just two weeks earlier Debra Latham, co-founder of the Radio for Peace International (RFPI), and Barbara had decided to launch a new 30 minute program on the Radio for Peace dedicated to World Mothers. When the time has come for an idea, they emerge from several sources at about the same time all around the world. This is another example of how the nascent world brain and heart work.
~ Idea 1442 ~ 23 June 1998
Mothers who have such a central, vital role in the transmission of life on this planet and its evolution, must be given a tremendous voice in human and Earth affairs.
I cite this view of my mother: like Rousseau and Krishnamurti, she was against all institutions, nations, religions and associations which, in her view, divided humans instead of united them. For her, as for Rousseau and Krishnamurti, there was only one natural society: the family.
Also this answer of an indigenous woman to my question, "How would you govern the world?" she answered. "If you know how to run a family, you know how to run the world."
Perhaps indeed tomorrow's Earth government should be run by a strong majority of mothers who have a full comprehension of the miracle of life and how to run a family.
~ Idea 71 ~ 19 September 1994
It is high time to think of the creation of world businesses companies which would be chartered by the United Nations under legal provisions ensuring that they will be of real benefit to humanity and not harm or destroy the Earth. They would be called UN Chartered companies and would submit yearly reports to the United Nations.
~ Idea 124 ~ 11 November 1994
I fully endorse Harold Stassen's proposal in his latest redraft of the United Nations Charter for its 50th anniversary, that the UN should convene a yearly conference of religious leaders to prevent, stop, reduce and solve religious conflicts. They should all become strong supporters and allies of the United Nations' efforts in all fields, and bring forth the need for a world spiritual Renaissance.
~ Idea 153 to 171 ~ 10 to 28 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 167 -the rights of Mother Earth and implementation of the UN Charter of Nature
~ Idea 270 ~ 6 April 1995
A next great task for the United Nations will be to draft a Universal Declaration of Ethics for the third millennium. The subject will be taken up during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco.
~ Idea 287 ~ 23 April 1995
One of the key instruments in the UN Charter is the Military Staff Committee of the Security Council. It met immediately after the war at the chiefs of armies level and had two tasks: (1) to devise a world security system; (2) thereafter to disarm the planet. These tasks were cut short by the cold war between the US and the USSR. Today, the cold war having ended, this organ of the UN Charter should be revived to its original and central role for world peace. It should meet, again at the chiefs of armies level and propose an imaginative and daring world security system and then proceed seriously with the task of disarming the planet.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Idea 499 ~ 21 November 1995
I really pray and hope that the military alliance of NATO which no longer makes sense now that the cold war is over will be transformed, together with SEATO, into the world United Nations peacekeeping agency for which the world has been waiting since 1945. The new agency would assure the security of the planet and of all nations. The dreams of the drafters of the UN Charter and the hopes of the people for world peace would at long last be fulfilled and nations would save astronomical sums on military personnel and armaments. It would be the greatest feat of humanity at the end of this century and millennium.
~ Idea 502 ~ 24 November 1995
During my half a century of world service I have seen these three basic phases in human history since the end of World War II:
1945 to the early 1970's: a comprehensive, unprecedented period of Humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism and apartheid, increase literacy, longevity and good health, etc.)
1970's: while the agendas of the preceding period were still incomplete and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore: the Environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other words: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.
1980's: the new phenomena of the depletion of the ozonosphere and menacing climatic changes made the Earth priority No. 1 of our concerns and reduced humanity and economic development to second place.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we should no longer speak of the need for World Government, but of Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.
The UN Charter of 1945 does not use the words Earth, nature, natural resources and the environment. Why? Because at that time we considered the Earth to be unlimited in resources for a relatively small world population. The western countries also saw, and still see humanity as separate and superior to the natural world. This view has accomplished miracles for the human race. But humanity must now change its course, dominant objectives, values and institutions if we want to prevent disasters in the evolution of the Earth and of the human race.
~ Idea 625 ~ 26 March 1996
It was all right to select New York City as the seat of the United Nations after World War II at a time when humanity was concerned only with humanistic problems and not the Earth (the UN Charter does not contain the words Earth, nature, or resources, nor does it speak of the environment, a word coined by the UN only 25 years later).
Today, since the Earth and nature have become priority No. 1, it would be only proper to transfer the seat of the world organization to a major site of preserved, primeval nature.
The vast, international site of the University for Peace located in a demilitarized country in an area of thousands of acres of primeval tropical forests, a true paradise where one gains peace from nature itself, should be seriously considered. The costs would be very much below those of New York City, not more than a third to one-half, both for the international Secretariat and the 185 national delegations to the UN.
Also: it would fulfill the prophecy of the indigenous God of children, Rasur, that from these hills in Costa Rica a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
I feel it important to reproduce here this Declaration Proclaimed at Mount Vernon at celebrations of the 265th birthday of George Washington and 50th birthday of the World Federalist Association, to which I was invited to speak.
On February 21, 1997, many World Federalists and prominent people came to Mount Vernon to celebrate the 50th birthday of the World Federalist Association, founded by the United World Federalists, and the 265th birthday of George Washington, the father of the United States. Seeking a way to secure peace, justice, and human rights not only for the American people but for people of all nations, they proclaimed this declaration.
George Washington's vision and leadership played a key role in transforming the weak United States of the Articles of Confederation into the strong United States which resulted from the adoption of the federal Constitution. That great transformation of American political institutions suggests a strategy for restructuring and empowering the weak United Nations of today. A strong, effective, and democratic United Nations would be in the national interest of the United States and of every other nation.
The United Nations has been an important and constructive force since it was founded in 1945. However, until it becomes stronger, more representative and better funded, it cannot save humankind from the scourge of war and adequately promote human rights, social justice and protection of our global environment. To achieve those essential goals the existing United Nations Charter must be amended or replaced. The new Charter must give the organization the essential powers it lacks. It must also provide checks and balances to ensure that it does not abuse or exceed its delegated powers.
As we approach the task of strengthening the United Nations, we should reflect on the central events in the transformation of American political institutions two centuries ago: the drafting of the Constitution in four months and its ratification by the American people in less than a year. George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence, played a crucial role by serving as a delegate from Virginia and as president of the Constitutional Convention.
Each state legislature could veto any amendment to the Articles of Confederation, making major changes in the Articles all but impossible. To get around those vetoes, the delegates drafted a replacement constitution which would come into effect when ratified by popularly elected conventions in at least nine of the thirteen states.
The Virginia delegation came to the Constitutional Convention with the brilliant Virginia Plan for major changes in national political institutions. The plan, whose chief architect was James Madison, urged the establishment of a national government with its own executive, legislature and judiciary. The national government would have dependable sources of revenue. Its legislature would be bicameral. The "First branch" would be elected by the people, and the voting power of each state would reflect its population or its financial contribution to the national government. The Virginia Plan sometimes went too far. For example, it provided for the use of force against recalcitrant states. However, George Mason, another Virginia delegate, insisting that national law should not be applied to states but should "directly operate on individuals," prevailed.
The Constitution granted some powers and withheld others. The Tenth Amendment, which was part of the Constitutional package, provided that: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." After intensive discussion and important changes, the Virginia Plan became the heart of the Constitution. After the delegates signed it, Washington from his Mount Vernon home worked hard for its ratification. Madison was a major figure in that endeavor.
For the United Nations to accomplish its declared objectives, it too must be restructured, empowered and democratized. But that is unlikely to happen while the decisions of its General Assembly are made by a one nation/one vote system of representation and the decisions of its Security Council are subject to the veto of any of its five permanent members. A change in "one nation/one vote" is unlikely unless the many nations with small populations and low incomes are given something in return, such as security against aggressors and assistance in developing their economies and improving their societies.
The great powers cannot be counted on to keep the peace, whether as part of the UN coalition or acting independently. The Charter requires UN members to come to the aid of nations which are attacked. But the presidents and prime ministers of the great powers insist that they alone will decide whether, when, how, how much and how long they will use force. They fear they will lose their jobs if they send their troops into battle in countries in which their citizens believe they have little or no political, economic or strategic interest. Because neither the United Nations nor the great powers can be counted on to keep the peace, there have been more than 125 wars since World War II, wars which have killed more people than were killed in that war. The UN intervened with force in only a very few of those wars. Meanwhile hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each year for armed forces and for increasingly deadly weapons. Those weapons are becoming more and more widespread.
An adequate UN Charter must: (1) establish an effective executive, a representative legislature and an independent judiciary; (2) provide for substantial and dependable funding; (3) give the judiciary the power of judicial review, including the power to declare "unconstitutional" UN laws which violate the Charter; (4) provide for an equitable system of representation; (5) provide for strict limitations on armament and armed forces; and (6) provide for the application of limited UN law to lawbreaking individuals. Governments which are not now democratic should be eligible for continued membership in the new United Nations, provided they ratify the proposed amendments to the existing Charter or ratify a new UN Charter within a reasonable time.
To secure these necessary changes in the United Nations system US political leaders - Democratic, Republican and Independent - should follow the good example of George Washington and his fellow Virginians. They should propose an American Plan for transforming the present United Nations into a world federation with the power, authority and funding to deal with those problems which, because they are global, require global solutions. They should propose an appropriate package of amendments to the present charter. If it is rejected, they should urge that a new charter be drafted by a group of experts or by an elected world constitutional convention. Ratification of that replacement Charter should require the support of a substantial majority of the world's people and its nations.
We believe that the American people will welcome and support a movement to restructure, democratize and empower the United Nations. They know that government is essential for law and order in our towns, cities, states, and in our nations. They can be persuaded that it is just as necessary at the global level. And there is good reason to believe that many nations, large and small, rich and poor, would give an American Plan the same consideration they gave to the Marshall Plan and other major American initiatives. We would not expect the world to endorse every part of that American Plan. Certainly George Washington and his fellow Virginians did not expect the Constitutional Convention to endorse all of their Virginia Plan. But the Virginia Plan had a tremendous impact. It provided the basic framework for the US Constitution. A bold American Plan for a United Nations World Federation would bring hope to people everywhere. It would truly honor George Washington, whose wisdom, conviction and character were essential to the founding of our country and our federal system.
Anyone wishing to endorse this Declaration should send their signature, printed name, address, telephone/fax, and affiliation (optional) to: World Federalist Association, Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 1283, Falls Church, VA 22041-0283
~ Idea 914 ~ 10 January 1997
Since the truth comes from the mouth of children, I recommend that UNICEF arrange for the drafting by children of a new Charter of the United Nations, starting with the words: We, the children of the world,..."
The UN Secretary General should similarly arrange for the drafting of a new UN Charter by youth, starting with the words: "We, the youth of the world,..."
The two texts would be an expression of the hopes and dreams of the next two generations who will be adults in the 21st century. They should be made known world-wide in the year 2000.
~ Idea 952 ~ 17 February 1997
World Awards for a Better World
The 185 nations of the UN General Assembly have a vast unused power, the power of incentive, of inspiration, of reward: I suggest that an Awards Committee be established by the General Assembly to give awards to governments who have best performed in implementing decisions of the United Nations, for example on disarmament, demilitarization, human rights and the environment. All governments would be asked to contribute to a World Awards Fund which would make such awards as prestigious as the Nobel Prizes. A mere one million dollars contribution by 185 governments would bring in 185 million dollars for prizes! Philanthropists would also be asked to contribute to the fund. The General Assembly could decide on an international tax on air travel to yield money for such a fund. Each tourist or air traveler would be told that the small tax he pays is for the granting of World Awards for a Better World. Private persons would be asked to make voluntary contributions or bequests to the Fund. Such contributions could be asked from people world-wide on Human Rights Day (10 December), on World Environment Day (5 June) and on new Days to be established, such as World Demilitarization Day, World Disarmament Day, etc. The whole field of philanthropy and gaiaphily (love for humankind, love for Mother Earth) by millions of people around the world, has received insufficient attention by the United Nations. Since the Charter of the UN starts with the words "We, the Peoples", let us give an opportunity to the peoples of the world to say what they are ready to do and to contribute. The subject should be placed on the agenda of the General Assembly.
~ Idea 983 ~ 20 March 1997
Message on Earth Day
sent to the President to the UN General Assembly for the peace bell ringing ceremony at the United Nations on the celebration of Earth Day commemorated each year on the day of spring equinox.
On this Earth Day 1997, I cannot fail to remember that I saw three fundamentally different periods of world history reflected in the United Nations during my years of world service since the end of World War II:
1. from 1945 to the 1970's there was an unprecedented period of world humanism reflected in the United Nations: avoid wars, prevent the early death of children, eradicate world epidemics, define and defend universal fundamental human rights, suppress colonialism, racism and apartheid, improve the well-being, health, literacy and longevity of all humans, etc. At that time we believed that the resources and life elements of our Earth were unlimited. The UN charter does not contain the words Earth, nature and natural resources.
2. in the 1970's, with the first world conference on the biosphere of UNESCO in 1968 and the first UN world conference on the environment in 1972, a second period was opened: while the agendas of the preceding period were still in large part unfulfilled and even overtaken by the population explosion, the world's preoccupations were extended to the Earth and nature around us, namely "the environment".
3. in the 1980's, the world conference on the ozonosphere in 1978 and the two world climate conferences of 1979 and 1987 opened the eyes and consciousness of humanity to major menacing climatic changes on our planet. Since then the Earth has become priority number 1 of our concerns.
This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of our planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why it has become imperative that we should seek the ways and means of proper Earth government, namely the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are integral part and whose further evolution henceforth largely depends on us.
May the celebration of each year's Earth Day and the messages delivered on that day help our beautiful, miraculous planet and the human race, its most advanced life form, become a masterpiece and model of planetary and life evolution in the universe.
May in particular the spring equinox of the year 2000 be the widest and most important celebration of Earth Day ever.
Robert Muller
One-dollar a Year Chancellor
~ Idea 1115 ~ 30 July 1997
To make further progress in world affairs, I recommend that the UN General Assembly decide to hold a conference in the year 2000 to redraft the Charter and strengthen and enable the UN to deal successfully with the unprecedented global problems facing today and tomorrow humanity and the Earth. It will also give a voice to the 134 member nations of today's 185 which were not represented at the first San Francisco Conference at the end of World War II.
~ Idea 1199 ~ 22 October 1997
Reading my journals of 1970, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the UN, and of 1985, the fortieth anniversary of which I was in charge, I am struck that the US and other big powers consistently complain about duplication, bureaucracy and excessive costs of the UN. This was again the case during the fiftieth anniversary of the UN in 1990, and is worse today since the UN Congress even withholds the payment of the US contributions to the UN. I then remembered that even in the speeches of the US and the USSR during the first General Assembly of the UN in Lake Success in 1946, they complained about excessive costs! This all proves that the issue is primarily political. The big powers do not want a strong, effective UN. They want to keep their power and tax revenue, creating infinitely more duplications of expenses between themselves and the total of 185 nations at the expense of the taxpayers, prisoners of their nations.
My heart bleeds when I think that some essential services of the UN have been suppressed for that reason, and that the main talk today is the suppression or consolidation of more UN services. For instance, I lament that the UN Fiscal and Financial Branch in which I worked immediately after World War II has been suppressed. It could render most valuable services to the world community today on two subjects:
1. How is it possible that so many billionaires can arise in this world? What is the taxation of their incomes? How do they use tax havens which exist in the world?
2. At this time when we want to save forests to produce oxygen for our lungs, would it not be good to survey the taxation of this common wealth? Should forests not be tax-exempt or even receive tax incentives, instead of seeing owners forced to exploit or to sell them because of excessive land taxation? This is a subject which we would have taken up immediately in the Fiscal and Financial Commission and Branch of the UN.
I recommend therefore that this UN intergovernmental organ and its Secretariat be reestablished. I recommend that the current Secretary General propose to the General Assembly not exclusively consolidation and suppression of UN services but come up with a whole list, a bold strategy of new institutions, organs and services which he considers essential for the well-being of the Earth and happiness of humanity. The latter should be the only criteria.
It goes even beyond the Secretary General. The whole UN should be upgraded into a second generation UN urgently needed in the 21st century. A second Charter Conference and Bretton Woods Conference should be convened to that effect.
~ Idea 1229 ~ 21 November 1997
In idea number 625 I note that the UN Charter does not contain the words Earth, nature or resources nor does it speak of the environment, a word coined by the UN only twenty-five years later. I recommend therefore that the Charter be revised in order to make it more responsive to the new environmental challenges faced by the Earth and humanity. Attention should be paid to the recommendation of the European Parliament to set up an International Environment Court, a World Environment Agency and a Consultative Parliamentary Assembly of the UN.
~ Idea 1300 ~ 31 January 1998
We must be glad that the General Assembly of the UN has decided to hold in the fall of 2000 a General Assembly 2000 which is "to focus on means of solving our primary global problems and to reform the means of global governance in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century" (see Idea 1283).
I am afraid, however, that this is insufficient. The UN Charter written and adopted more than fifty years ago and amended only on a few matters, is insufficient at a time when the entire future of the Earth and of all life on it, including human life, is at stake. I have often said that the words Earth, nature, natural resources, ecology and the environment do not appear in the UN Charter, because it was not their time. The Charter is an outdated document in the light of recent happenings and the immense requirements of a new century and millennium. It does not need remedies and amendments, it calls for surgery, for rejuvenation, for a second birth.
Please, dear leaders of nations, convene urgently a 21st century or Trimillennium Conference to remain in session for all the time necessary to lay down the fundamental objectives of our life and time and create the new proper world system, means and institutions needed. The paramount need at this juncture of evolution is to save this Earth and its miraculous biosphere, to make it a paradise on which the most advanced, now globally conscious human species can live peaceful, well-nourished, long, just, unheard of, incredibly happy lives.
If not, the 21st century is likely to be a catastrophe for this planet and for all life on it.
~ Idea 1317 ~ 17 February 1998
There is now a very strong current in the world that to human rights should be added human responsibilities and duties. This will come up strongly at the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year. For the first time also in human history we will have an Earth Charter which defines the "rights" of the Earth, i.e. our duties towards her.
All this leads me to conclude that henceforth the best economics in the world is to take into full account the value, preservation and proper management and renewal of our Earth. Perhaps in order to bring this closer to the people we should change the names ecology and economics (Greek oikos, logos and nomos, knowledge, and management of the home) to Earthology (science or knowledge of the Earth) and Earth management. In the political language we should replace world government by Earth government and the United Nations Organization by Earth and Humanity Organization. The Charter of the UN does not mention once the words Earth, nature and ecology. This shows the dramatic changes which have taken place since World War II. An entirely new philosophy (love of wisdom) and ideology (science of ideas) are being born on this planet.
~ Idea 1405 ~ 16 May 1998
I hope that a student will write a thesis on the experience of the Ministry of Peace created by President Eisenhower, a former general, probably the first Ministry of Peace ever on this planet. It was abolished due to the cold war. Since that war is gone, it would be very useful to reestablish such a Ministry in the US and create similar ones in other countries. Harold Stassen, the last US signer of the UN Charter still alive, was the incumbent. His Memoirs and the US archives could be a good source of information, experiences and ideas.
~ Idea 1423 ~ 3 June 1998
After 50 years of keen observation and warmest cooperation, I must honestly confess that the nation-state system must either obey its own rules laid down in the UN Charter or it will perish.
Do Heads of State know their solemn obligation under the UN Charter? I suggest that before assuming office they read that Charter and on the day of their inauguration read out its Preamble to their people. They could swear on the UN Charter as some do on the Bible.
There is urgent need for a world school for heads of State in which they would learn about global affairs and be taught to co-administer the planet properly. There is not a single University on Earth that provides such training. The only substitute is service with the United Nations. Please let us create a UN World School for heads of states.
~ Idea 1427 ~ 7 June 1998
I recommend that the 134 member countries of the United Nations who were not among the founding members at the Bretton Woods Conference (51 of today's 185 members) at the end of World War II, should form a new group of countries at the United Nations: the group of non-founding members. Their role would be to say what reforms should be made in the UN Charter and in the structure and functioning of the world organization. This would be done in preparation for a Charter revision and a second Bretton Woods Conference to be held as early as possible. Their thinking and proposals could be a momentous landmark in modern world history. These steps could save the Earth and humanity from the disasters impending upon us in the 21st century.
~ Idea 1428 ~ 8 June 1998
In preparation of a Charter Revision Conference, the Secretary General of the UN should be requested to prepare a compendium and documentation on all proposals for UN reform made over the years since the creation of the organization and to submit his own suggestions. I will open myself a file on all proposals which came my way during my many years in various key positions at the UN and came to my mind. There are already quite a number in these 2000 ideas. (see index)
~ Ideas 1455 to 1466 ~ 5 to 16 July 1998
I have been invited to attend again a Findhorn conference in England but am unable to go. To support the advocacy work of that splendid environmental organization, I reproduce here the following text:
Transcript of short talk by Robert Muller
to the Ecovillages and Sustainable Development Conference
in Findhorn, in October 1995
In my 40 years in the UN, I have seen three very basic changes. From 1945-70 the UN was focused on humanism and humans; on avoiding war, on preventing children dying, and on The Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter of the UN does not mention the Earth. Why? Because in our belief the Earth was limitless. This continued until the late 60's when poets like Rachel Carson and advanced countries like Sweden began to notice that something was wrong with nature around us.
A completely new period of history thus started with the First World Conference on the Environment in Sweden in 1972. There was continuation of the preoccupation with humans, but also a new preoccupation with the world around us. It was only in the late 60's that we realized that we had a population problem, because the fertility rate continued at about the same level, while the mortality rate was declining. The population explosion intensified the problem of the environment. In 1980 we began to get warnings from climatologists that something was going wrong with the world's climate.
As a result since 1980 we have entered a third period &endash; from now on the Earth is number one, and humanity is number two. Humanity is number two because we wish humans to decline on this planet. And we have begun to question the consumption of resources by Western countries which is 30 times the amount consumed by developing countries. Believing that the world was unlimited, we started with the discipline and science called economics, (from Greek, oikonomos, the management of the home), before ecology, (the Greek, oikologos, the knowledge of the home). We began to manipulate the home before we knew what we were manipulating. Economics should have been and should become a sub-science of ecology.
The prospect of the third millennium has an incredible effect. Humanity is preparing itself for a new millennium and century. I have pages and pages of events which will take place even beyond the year 2000.
There is reason for optimism. Humanity is really trying. But we are only in the kindergarten of the global age. We have not yet learned to be the careful managers of our planet. We are still its exploiters.
I have just attended the Gorbachev meeting on the State of the World in San Francisco, and I have gained a lot of hope. They had the courage to get some of the best world experts to look into the state of the world and into the future, to create a vision of the society we want in the next millennium...and then do it. They want to implement the population plan, support simple and frugal lives, and get multinational corporations to acquire global consciousness. This gives me hope. From a pessimistic young man, when I entered the UN immediately after World War II, I have become an optimistic elder.
Let me give you some very specific recommendations and ideas:
Idea 1455 Create a World Association of Eco-Communities to be NGO-accredited by the UN.
Idea 1456 Support the UNESCO Planet Society Program.
Idea 1457 Create a world ecological university at Findhorn.
Idea 1458 Hold a meeting or conference of long-term evolutionary scientists, because they are now switching to thinking that it will be local and global consciousness which will save humanity, and will install humanity as the most advanced species on this planet.
Idea 1459 Mobilize any groups that are in favor of simple, frugal living in the developed countries.
Idea 1460 Ask the UN to hold a conference on garbage, built-in obsolescence, and waste.
Idea 1461 Ask Gorbachev to create a world commission on the denuclearization of this planet.
Idea 1462 Request a world conference for rural development and the stabilization of the villages.
Idea 1463 Demilitarization: ask for the closure of the RAF base next door to Findhorn.
Idea 1464 Support the World Commission on the Oceans.
Idea 1465 Look into the errors of transferring Western values and technologies into the developing countries.
Idea 1466 Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth.
To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos &endash; the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our home of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today.
We need to actively practice good public relations, spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring these changes about until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
~ Idea 3 ~ 13 July 1994
The human species represents an extraordinary progress of evolution on this planet. It will be even more astonishing, provided we weed out the mistakes and wrong objectives which went to our heads: enrichment, armaments, national sovereignty, militarization, overconsumption, waste on colossal scales, destruction of other species and of nature, violence, materialism, racial and sexual discrimination, overpopulation, extreme wealth side by side with extreme poverty, etc. These evils and wrong courses have been well identified by the United Nations, the planet-wide, human-wide evolutionary meta-organism. Our mistakes must be corrected not only globally, but continentally, nationally, locally and individually. I recommend that each human being consult his/her heart and select one or several of these mistakes and work hard on their correction and elimination.
~ Idea 5 ~ 15 July 1994
The United Nations should urgently convene a world conference on violence, on all its causes and forms, and on ways to achieve soonest a non-violent human society at all levels, from nations to city streets and the family.
~ Idea 53 ~ 1 September 1994
Children and students are graded for their performance and behavior. Why should not governments be graded too for their performance? A yearly performance report should be produced by the UN or by an outside organization similar to Amnesty International, a Performance International, showing for example the number of years a country has lived in peace with others, violence statistics, ratification of international treaties, implementation of UN recommendations on a host of subjects (human rights, labor relations, the environment, etc.), disarmament, shifting of military expenditures to peaceful, productive and social services, demilitarization, etc. Such a report would lead to a lot of good in the world.
~ Idea 91 ~ 9 October 1994
I recommend that for the whole month of October 1995, month of the 50th anniversary of the UN, a world-wide cease-fire and cease-violence should be proclaimed by the UN. Its implementation would be the best anniversary gift to the UN.
Note: July 1995: The government of Costa Rica has endorsed this idea and has tabled a draft resolution in the UN proposing that the anniversary week of 24 October 1995 be declared a world week of peace, with cease-fires in every place of conflict. The proposal was adopted unanimously on 12 July 1995 by the UN General Assembly. I believe it is the first world-wide cease-fire proclaimed in human history.
~ Idea 130 ~ 17 November 1994
Universities for Peace and Non-violence should be created on each continent, guided, inspired and coordinated by the University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica. In each national University a Department of Peace and Non-violence should be created, guided, inspired and coordinated by the regional Peace and Non-Violence Universities.
As a result we will at long last experience the insaturation of peace and non-violence as the dominant, new, great civilization value on this planet.
~ Idea 134 ~ 21 November 1994
Wars should be considered as violence and should be rejected and totally outlawed as means to resolve conflicts. Humanity can no longer condemn violence in all human relations, except international relations where violence, be it aggressive or defensive, is considered a normal, accepted, even noble and heroic function of the state. The notion of war must become as repulsive as any other form of violence to resolve inter-human problems.
~ Idea 135 ~ 22 November 1994
I recommend that all international institutions, all specialized agencies and world programs of the United Nations include a permanent item on non-violence in their agendas. I do not know a single one, from the Food and Agriculture Organization to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which should be exempt from this rule.
~ Idea 136 ~ 23 November 1994
I recommend that the United Nations General Assembly receive each year a report on violence in the world, and that each regional organization such as the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the European Union, etc. receive yearly reports from the member governments on violence in their countries, and measures taken by them and by all institutions and social groups to be of assistance.
~ Idea 137 ~ 24 November 1994
I recommend that all United Nations world conferences include an item on violence and non-violence. This should be the case of the World Social Summit in Copenhagen, the fourth World Women Conference in Beijing and the World Habitat Conference in Istanbul.
~ Idea 139 ~ 26 November 1994
The University for Peace created by the UN in Costa Rica should be financed properly and with vision to become a world strategic center for the study, planning and methodology of peace and non-violence in all human relations and fields.
~ Idea 140 ~ 27 November 1994
The United Nations Secretariat should create a Department for Peace and Non-Violence. That Department should be in charge of preparing the World Conference on Violence recommended in Idea 5.
~ Idea 153 to 159 ~ 10 to 16 December 1994
On this Human Rights Day I recommend that the following fundamental human rights should be worked on for adoption:
Idea 153 -the right to a peaceful planet
Idea 154 -the right not to be enlisted in an army
Idea 155 -the right to a disarmed, demilitarized planet
Idea 156 -the right not to kill and not to be killed, not even in the name of a nation
Idea 157 -the right of adherence by governments to their international treaties and agreements
Idea 158 -the right to a proper planning of the future for all newly born children, by governments and world agencies
Idea 159 -the right to non-violence
~ Idea 189 ~ 15 January 1995
The time has come for the UN to create a major Office for Mediation and Conflict-Resolution to help governments and all social groups to solve their internal conflicts and disputes. The UN should become the world's principal expert in peace and non-violence and conflict resolution.
~ Idea 195 ~ 21 January 1995
In the 19th century and early twentieth, one of the main forms of violence was workers' violence. It led to several revolutions and to communism. Today, of all forms of violence, labor violence is minimal, even non-existent in most countries. Why? Because in order to cope with the problem, in 1919 the International Labor Organization was created in which governments, employers and labor unions are represented and have developed a host of agreements, conventions, legislations, recourses, rights and methods to resolve labor conflicts and disputes in a peaceful, non-violent way. This example speaks highly for similar arrangements in the UN and in all its specialized agencies, namely a peoples' representation at the UN and professional representatives in all agencies.
Thanks to the UN, international conflicts have also been reduced to a minimum and could have been eliminated if it had not been for the cold war between the US and the USSR. The UN did a similar, remarkable job in decolonization and in reducing racial violence, especially apartheid.
Thanks to the UN Security Council which took up the question of aircraft highjacking, that form of violence has considerably diminished in the world while airtransport and airtravel have mushroomed to unprecedented levels.
Today, most violence is among ethnic groups, religions, youth, in cities and in the family. Would it not be beneficial to create an International Ethnic Organization, an International Religious Organization, an International Youth Organization and an International Family Organization on the pattern of the ILO? The cost would be minimal compared with the huge benefits gained. The miracles produced by the UN and the ILO should be repeated in other fields.
During my four decades at the UN I have noticed that when humans decide to do something, they can do it. From a pessimist I have become an optimist and a believer in the human species. I thank the UN for it.
~ Idea 236 ~ 3 March 1995
All associations, movements and institutes working on non-violence, e.g. the Gandhians, the Tolstoi Institute, the Martin Luther King Institutes, the Albert Schweitzer Institute, the Quakers, the Jains, should associate in a World Alliance or Federation for Non-Violence and request the United Nations to hold earliest the World Conference on Non-Violence recommended in Idea 5. They should establish a headquarters at the University for Peace and a liaison office at UN Headquarters, or vice versa.
~ Idea 263 ~ 30 March 1995
All mothers on Earth should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, trained in military "academies" to kill other human beings. It is high time for them to raise their voice. Governments should solve their problems by non-violent means. Young men should be sent to academies of peace or schools of peace.
~ Idea 269 ~ 5 April 1995
Napoleon did not send his military trainees to Universities. He created military academies where they were taught a total science of war, a total strategy of war and a total methodology of war. The German General Clausewitz perfected that system in the 19th century by proclaiming that there was no limit to the use of violence. Since then we have hundreds of military "academies" in the world teaching this, with the recent amendment that the objective is no longer war but "defense". There exists nothing similar for peace. After my forty years of UN service I thought that academia had done its job and developed a science, a strategy and a methodology of peace. There exists nothing of the sort. I have therefore decided to throw all my weight behind the first University for Peace on the planet, in demilitarized Costa Rica, and to develop a total science, a total strategy and total methodology of peace. Wherever the military are the peacemakers will be, from outer-space and star-wars to atomic and genetic warfare, which will be replaced with star-peace and atomic and genetic peace. You have your monuments, and medals to warriors, we will have them for peacemakers. This is why governments are so scared of this University: only 32 of 185 have ratified its statute and only three have provided it with minimal help.
~ Idea 277 ~ 13 April 1995
The same way as the military have developed a science of war (now called defense), a strategy of war and a methodology of war to an incredible extent, the University for Peace, in cooperation with other peace universities, institutes, movements and associations in the world is developing a science of non-violence to the fullest, all encompassing degree.
~ Idea 278 ~ 14 April 1995
Highjacking has been considerably reduced thanks to the action of the UN Security Council getting an international convention on highjacking adopted; labour violence which was number one at the beginning of this century is now last on the list, thanks to the cooperation and joint action of governments, labour and employers in the International Labour Organization; conflict between nations have been considerably reduced thanks to the Untied Nations, to the point that of 47 conflicts on this planet only three are international (Middle-East, Kashmir and Cyprus) and all three are contained. All other conflicts are ethnic, religious, political and cultural conflicts within nations. The UN has now been called to solve them in 16 countries and will gain experience and be successful in solving those conflicts too; the same international cooperation should be considered and organized for all other conflictual areas of the human society.
~ Idea 290 ~ 26 April 1995
I dream that an Office or Department for Violence Prevention will be created at the UN to study and promote a science, a strategy and a methodology of violence prevention in all fields, from international violence to internal national violence, ethnic violence, religious violence, street violence, family violence. We must formulate the ideal of a non-violent human society in the next century and millennium on this planet. The UN is the natural, ideal place to do that.
~ Idea 350 ~ 25 June 1995
Don't be surprised that there is still so much violence in the world. Think that there are hundreds of military academies in the world and practically no Universities for peace, except the lonely, unsupported University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica.
~ Idea 411 ~ 25 August 1995
The world would be better off if instead of reading, hearing and watching bad news, horror stories and lots of violence served by so many newspapers, radio and TV stations, the children and people would hear and see programs of the United Nations and of their world agencies, educating them and enlisting them in the healing of the world and of humanity. I propose the creation of a United Nations World Media Network to inform objectively and educate all world inhabitants, giving them hope and enlisting their help to achieve a better, happier world. The International Radio for Peace of the University for Peace is a great first example to follow.
~ Idea 458 ~ 11 October 1995
The world needs a Universal Declaration on Non-Violence. It should be ready for proclamation in the year 2000, our entry into the first millennium of peace and non-violence.
~ Idea 460 ~ 13 October 1995
I think that after 50 years, it is time for the United Nations General Assembly to redefine its Main Committees in the light of major world changes. Thus it should create Main Committees on Global Government, on the Environment, on Peace-building and Non-Violence, on the Future, on Women, Children and Youth, on International and Peoples' Volunteer Associations.
~ Idea 463 ~ 16 October 1995
Having worked with three Secretaries General of the UN and being now the Chancellor of the first peace University of this planet has given me the opportunity to meet many heads of states. Whenever possible, I ask them the question: "Do you think you could become famous by winning a war?" They look at me as if I was an idiot. Then I ask them: "Would you like to become famous by being a peace-maker and win the Nobel Peace Prize?" And they smile back at me.
This is an immense progress in human history and explains the recent decline in wars between nations. Wars and territorial conquests are no longer an ideal. The military seeing this, to survive, have transformed themselves from Ministries of War to Ministries of Defense or Security and have come up with a whole series of new scares of external dangers: population pressures, illegal immigrations, terrorism, religious fundamentalism, possible revivals of inimical alliances, economic security, cutting off foreign supplies, wars over natural resources, etc.
Well, why not try to solve these new problems in common and create a world security system, regional security systems and give new positive uses to the military: to cope with internal violence rising in many countries and social sectors, transform the military and police forces into peace protectors and builders, make them cooperate with each other, learn from each other in regional organizations and in a world UN Peace Protecting and Building Agency.
The result would be marvelous, astonishing and a gigantic step forward in human evolution.
~ Idea 667 ~ 7 May 1996
I pray that all the non-governmental organizations accredited to the United Nations will create a Global Movement for a Better World which would publish thousands of ideas and people's initiatives for a better world. Like the phenomenon of the hundredth monkey, there might be a phenomenon of the thousandth idea. If everyone would clean in front of his own home, we would have a clean planet. I would envisage "A Thousand Ideas for Peace and Non-violence", "A Thousand Ideas for the Environment", "A Thousand Ideas to Solve Poverty", "A Thousand Ideas to Live Happily", "A Thousand Ideas for Proper Earth Government, etc.
~ Idea 742 ~ 21 July 1996
A UN World Agency for the Non-violent Solution of all human conflicts and disputes on planet Earth should be created as the outcome of the World Conference on Violence recommended in Idea 5 of the first volume of 500 ideas.
~ Idea 1010 ~ 16 April 1997
The main question regarding the United Nations is not how it can be reduced under the pretext of bureaucracy and excessive costs &endash; the most ridiculous permanent accusations of extreme right conservatives in the United States &endash; but what more world issues, dangers and evils the UN should deal with. Here are a few: astronomic costs of the military, violations of democracy and of the truth, corruption, bribery, blackmail, violence in all its forms, tax evasion by the wealthy, financial manipulations, etc. For instance, is it normal that 80 percent of all international financial transactions are speculative? In the field of tax evasion there are numerous billionaires and multimillionaires who do pay little or no taxes, taking advantage of tax haven countries of the world.
~ Idea 1025 ~ 1 May 1997
Today many countries celebrate Labour Day. It is good to remember on that day that thanks to the work of the International Labour Organization created in 1919 in response to widespread labour violence and conflicts in the world, that form of violence has fallen to such a low point that it is now last on the list of forms of violence on this planet. All labour conflicts are now resolved by peaceful means and methods. To strike is the worst laborers can do. Why not try the same in other fields of violence? Where there is a will, there is a way. Humans are capable of wonders when they decide to.
~ Idea 1047 ~ 23 May 1997
Let us set as our target to make the next century the century of romanticism, love, beauty and peace, burying once and for all wars, violence, injustices, discrimination and hatred. Why not try? I would like to head a World Commission of Loving Visionaries who would design a heavenly blueprint for such a world and humanity. Nothing is impossible when the proud human race, the most advanced in the evolution on this planet decides so. What is missing is the decision to do it. Mark my words, let us do it.
This thought was triggered off today when Barbara Gaughen phoned me to say that I am writing to her the most romantic letters and read to me a message from Bob Silverstein which says:
"As I was reading Robert Muller's ideas for a better world to post for the week on the web page, I had to pause and smiled at how blessed the world of the present and future are to have such an insightful, inspiring soul giving so much of himself to us all. He has provided for humanity a blueprint for creating the world we all long for. Please thank Robert for me for his wonderful and deep love of life and humanity."
Well, I have to merit these great words.
~ Idea 1103 ~ 18 July 1997
Two ideas from the prestigious International School of Amsterdam which uses my world core curriculum and provides a reputed global education to more than 700 students from many countries:
1. to launch a project of Pilot Schools from around the world which have experience in teaching peace and non-violence;
2. to create a world association of consultants on global education. As the "father of global education", I would be considered for its presidency.
~ Idea 1192 ~ 15 October 1997
I am glad that the Gandhi Institute for Non-violence and the Martin Luther King Centers for Non-violence have partly fulfilled my idea 236 and have launched a Season of Non-violence from January 30, 1998 to April 4, 1998, the 50th and 30th anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi's and Martin Luther King's assassinations. I hope that this season of non-violence will become a yearly event and repeat my recommendation that all associations, movements and institutes working for a non-violent world should create a World Alliance for Non-Violence and request that the United Nations should convene urgently the World Conference on Non-violence recommended in my idea number 5.
~ Idea 1193 ~ 16 October 1997
Napoleon thought that he was very smart when he decided that his militaries should not be educated and trained in Universities and created military academies where they would be taught a science of war, a strategy of war and a methodology of war. The German general Clausewitz in the 19th century thought that he was smart to proclaim as a guideline for the militaries that "there was no limit to the form and use of violence". Well today the world should be happy that they had these wrong ideas, because as a result Universities do not have any military programs, at a time when wars, armaments and militarism are becoming obsolete, and the militaries are confined to their academies, on the defensive and facing year after year an increasing unpopularity and final extinction.
~ Idea 1200 ~ 23 October 1997
eve of United Nations Day
Hopi Prayer for Peace*
Great Spirit and all unseen, this day we pray and ask you for guidance, humbly we ask you to help us and our fellow humans to have recourse to peaceful ways of life, because of uncontrolled deceitfulness of humankind.
Help us all to love, not hate one another.
We ask to be seen in an image of love and peace.
Let us be seen in beauty, the colors of the rainbow.
We respect our mother the Earth with our loving care, for from her breast we receive our nourishment.
Let us not listen to the voices of the two-hearted, the destroyers of mind, the haters and self-made leaders, whose lusts for power and wealth will lead us into confusion and darkness.
Seek visions always of world beauty, not violence nor battlefield.
It is our duty to pray always for harmony between humans and Earth, so that the Earth will bloom once more.
Let us show our emblem of love and good will for all life and land.
Pray for the House of Glass, for within it are minds clear and pure as ice and mountain streams.
Pray for the great leaders of nations in the House of Mica who in their own quiet ways help the Earth in balance.
We pray the Great Spirit that one day our mother Earth be purified into a healthy peaceful one.
Let us all sing for strength of wisdom with all nations for the good of all people.
Our hope is not yet lost, purification must be to restore the health of our mother Earth for lasting peace and happiness.
James Kootshongsie
* This Hopi (the Peaceful ones) Prayer for Peace was given to me in Shongopavi when I was honored with a feather from an eagle's head, closest to the Great Spirit, for having opened the doors of the House of Mica or Glass (the United Nations) to Hopi elders to deliver their prophecies. On that occasion I was given the name Kogyun Deyo, Spider Boy, my task being to make a vast spider web to catch all evil on Earth and then throw it far away into the universe.
~ Idea 1239 ~ 1 December 1997
I applaud the following appeal which adds to the strategy for a non-violent world which I submitted to the State of the World Forum in San Francisco in 1995 and reproduced as Introduction to ideas 601 to 700:
From 23 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Fall 1997
In every single country throughout the world many children are silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence. This violence takes many forms &endash; physical, psychological, socio-economic, and environmental.
In order to reduce the suffering of children these Laureates are addressing an appeal to all Heads of State of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United Nations, for the UN General Assembly to declare:
b That the first decade of the new millennium, the years 2000-2001, be declared the "Decade for a Culture of Nonviolence."
b That the year 2000 be declared the "Year of Education for Non-violence."
b That non-violence be taught at every level in our societies, to make the children of the world aware of the practical meaning and benefits of non-violence in their daily lives.
Together, we can build a new culture of non-violence for humankind which will give hope to all humanity and in particular, to the children of the world.
With deepest respect,
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
~ Idea 1243 ~ 5 December 1997
The Japanese foundation created in the memory of Ryoichi Sasakawa who gave me a million dollars for the construction of the United Nations Peace University in Costa Rica should establish a yearly Sasakawa Peace Prize given by the University for Peace to the country having achieved the highest record of peace and non-violence.
~ Idea 1273 ~ 4 January 1998
At the beginning of my first 500 ideas, in idea number 5, I recommended the early holding of a world conference on non-violence. I believe that it would be worthwhile to hold also soonest a world conference on education of peace and non-violence.
~ Idea 1299 ~ 30 January 1998
On this anniversary day of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, a Season of Non-violence in the World was opened until 4 April 1998, anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King. We held memorial services at the Monument of Peace and at the Gandhi monument of the UN University for Peace, during which I gave my views on how to achieve in the next century a civilization of non-violence. I also distributed the following text:
University for Peace
30 January 1998
30 January to 4 April 1998
in memory of
Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Luther King
Create Global Awareness of the
Need to Forgive
Jesus on the cross asked the Father in heaven to forgive those who crucified him.
Mahatma (the Great Soul) Gandhi, as he was shot in his garden, on the way to prayer, exclaimed: "O God, forgive him."
Pope John Paul II went to the prison cell to pray with his intended assassin.
Nelson Mandela, when he was inaugurated president of South Africa, had his jailer at his side on the platform during the ceremony.
Martin Luther King said: "Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you."
Permit me to give you my exhortation "Decide to Forgive" and to tell you two anecdotes related to it.
Decide to Forgive
For resentment is negative
Resentment is poisonous
Resentment diminishes
and devours the self.
Be the first to forgive,
to smile and to take
the first step,
And you will see happiness bloom
On the face of your human brother
or sister,
Be always the first
Do not wait for others
to forgive
For by forgiving
You become the master of fate
The fashioner of life
The doer of miracles.
To forgive is the highest,
most beautiful form
of love.
In return you will receive
untold peace
and happiness.
Robert Muller
Two years ago, John Denver visited me at the University for Peace, on his way to sing for hope to young people around the world. In my little wooden farmlet he went to the bathroom and I was waiting for him outside. After a while he came out, with tears in his eyes and said to me: "Robert, you have rendered me a great service." I looked at him astonished, and he answered: "I read your text hanging on a wall, 'Decide to Forgive' and it gave me the answer to a nightmare I am going through: my Australian wife has abandoned me, taking with her our daughter. I was desperate and did not know what to do. You gave me the answer: I forgive her."
Also, after a speech somewhere in the world, a lady approached me and said: "Mr. Muller, I was in Hawaii where I found your poem 'Decide to Forgive'. It changed my life because I decided to forgive the people who killed my husband. Ever since I have tried to do good work for the world and I found peace and happiness."
I expressed the hope that the Season of Non-violence will be repeated every year. I made the announcement that the Peace Monument of the University will henceforth be a monument to all known and unknown peacemakers in the world and a memorial to all peacemakers and peacekeeping personnel of the United Nations who lost their lives in the service of peace.
I also proposed that the United Nations should proclaim 30 January as an International Day of Visions and Dreams in memory of Gandhi and Martin Luther King who had both fundamental visions and dreams for the world.
~ Idea 1336 ~ 8 March 1998
In the spiritual Renaissance of humanity the views, precepts and practices of religions regarding nature, our home the Earth, its place and meaning in Creation and cosmic evolution must play a fundamental role for the safeguard of our planet and of humanity. The contributions of the indigenous religions in particular will be most valuable. The United Religions Organization must place this subject high on its agenda, when it is created, second only to the prohibition to all religions to resort to wars and violence.
~ Idea 1337 ~ 9 March 1998
When humans decide and are really determined to solve a problem, however intractable it may seem, they invariably succeed.
Thus, after two world wars nations decided to abolish international wars, creating the United Nations. They are very close to success after fifty years: there are almost no international wars left as we enter the next century and millennium. Only three remain: the Middle East, Cyprus and Kashmir. They are all three religious wars and are kept basically under lid.
Why not decide to solve all other forms of violence the same way, from religious and internal ethnic wars, to urban violence, street violence, family violence, media violence, etc. Governments could make the UN University for Peace a main world instrument for non-violence in all realms. Its name could be changed to UN University for Peace and Non-violence.
~ Idea 1341 ~ 13 March 1998
There are thousands and thousands of people these days who have high spiritual and philosophical thoughts. And yet, noone knows them, none of them reaches fame and an audience, because publishers are looking for markets, and there is apparently no market for good books and philosophers.
Dear reader, ask for good books and do not buy murder and violence books or so-called best-sellers. Get the publishers to understand what books you want to buy.
~ Idea 1377 ~ 18 April 1998
A Costa Rican youth asked me for advice concerning his legal studies: should he select penal law or international law as a specialization? I answered him: "If your heart is with the world and humanity, choose international law and try to transform it into world law. The time is highly ripe for that. But if you need a good professional income you should select penal law, because there will for some time remain a good deal of violence in your country and need for judges and lawyers. What would be exciting would be for you to take an interest in a yet unexisiting world penal law system. A beginning is being made with the probable creation of a World Criminal Court directed at certain world crimes. But much more is needed, namely legal penalties for world corruption, terrorism, hostages taking, bribery, colossal tax evasions, etc. You could become famous by being a prophet of the first world penal legislation and system."
~ Idea 1381 ~ 22 April 1998
It is wonderful to be alive today on this beautiful planet, so far the only one detected with life in the universe. It will be even more wonderful to live on it when in the 21st century we will have eliminated from it all wars, violence, injustices and all unnecessary wounding and destruction of our miraculous nature. If we have the will, we will succeed in making the Earth the greatest evolutionary success in the universe. God gave us the message when he placed Adam and Eve in paradise.
~ Idea 1395 ~ 6 May 1998
How can we not be excited to live at a time when there remain still so many exciting things to do and problems to be solved on this magnificent planet:
e.g. eliminate all wars
eliminate all injustices
eliminate all violence
eliminate all poverty
eliminate all unnecessary destruction of nature
etc. etc.
to create joy and happiness for all humans
to love and be excited by all living other species
to increase everywhere the beauty of our planet
to make it a true paradise for our descendants
those should be our dreams and objectives.
We should draw up a genial agenda of ideals in the new century. How exciting this would be! If I were the Secretary General, I would draw up such an agenda with the input of all UN agencies and offer it to the community of nations as an ideal agenda to be adopted by the UN General Assembly 2000.
~ Idea 1410 ~ 21 May 1998
I recommend that the Arab countries introduce action in the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization for the world-wide prohibition of alcoholic beverages. They would be qualified to do so, since they prohibit the production, transport, sale and consumption of alcohol (an Arabic word, Al Kohol, meaning "the devil"). The good it would do the world would be incalculable: less drugs consumption associated with alcohol, less violence due to alcohol, less health problems, less miseries and poverty in families and violence against children. The UN has calculated that if beer alone were prohibited in the world, the land released for other food products would be sufficient to feed the entire world population. It was also shown that the production of a can of beer requires four gallons of water! And I speak elsewhere of the longevity of a beer can thrown into nature.
Dear people, wake up. At least you have one power which I exercise: I decided in recent years not to touch a drop of alcohol in any form for the rest of my life.
China could join the Arab countries in this fight, since Confucius recommended a similar prohibition. He said: you drink the first cup of wine and the cup drinks you.
As for smoking it should urgently be prohibited world-wide. Non-smokers should protest that their contributions to health insurance are used to help smokers. They should as a minimum obtain a reduction in their contributions. The same for non-alcohol consumers.
~ Idea 1468 ~ 18 July 1998
An American lady wrote how delighted she was to learn from my Introduction to my first 500 ideas that the toys manufacturers of Sweden had made an agreement with the Government not to produce any longer war toys. She will ask her Congressman why the US does not follow that good example. It would be good for UNESCO to publish a list of countries who do not produce war and violence toys. It is one of the numerous methods which can be used in what I call a methodology of non-violence.
~ Idea 1473 ~ 23 July 1998
Costa Rica which was one of the first sizable countries to demilitarize itself should become world famous for two more firsts:
- to create a Ministry of Peace and Non-violence (comprising the police renamed peace agents)
- to create a Ministry of Happiness
~ Idea 1474 ~ 24 July 1998
We celebrate in the world International or World Days, International Weeks, International Anniversaries, International Decades and for the first time a new century and millennium. There has also been this year an International Season of Non-violence from 30 January (anniversary of the assassination of Gandhi) to 4 April (anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King).
There is still an opening to be taken advantage of: international or world months.
~ Idea 1486 ~ 5 August 1998
Humanity has won some great victories during its history:
it has won against slavery
" " colonialism
" " racism
" " apartheid
" " discrimination of women
" " discrimination of indigenous people
Out of these victories, the last five were won under UN leadership.
I propose that we engage vigorous action on the following:
violence in all its forms
extreme poverty
Earth destruction
excessive materialism and overconsumption
religious fundamentalism
extreme national sovereignty
lack of ethics
I am sure that humanity can win all these victories within a few decades. Nothing is impossible for the human species if it decides so. And we have gained a lot of experience!
~ Idea 12 ~ 22 July 1994
I recommend that each world conference and major event of the United Nations be accompanied by a parallel youth conference or event so that youth can tell their elders and diplomats what kind of a world they want.
~ Idea 41 ~ 20 August 1994
By and large laws and decisions of governments are made by adults and elderly persons often attached to old values and beliefs while the world is changing very rapidly. Young people, who are the new sensitive, perceptory units of humanity, are seldom heard. I suggest that youth should hold parallel Youth Parliaments in each country.
~ Idea 92 ~ 10 October 1994
There are thousands of schools around this planet preparing young people for business administration, for national or local public service, but not a single one to prepare world public servants, as if the human family and the planet did not need any.
Is it normal that there are 556 soldiers, 85 doctors and only 1 world civil servant per 100,000 inhabitants of this planet?
I recommend that such schools and many more positions of world public servants be created. The University for Peace in Costa Rica could become the first school for world public servants. I would be happy to teach and train them.
~ Idea 129 ~ 16 November 1994
An increasing number of businesses should be created by young people under a label such as "Self-imposed Ethical Business" which would draw up their own code of ethics toward consumers, the environment, peace and mother Earth.
~ Idea 187 ~ 13 January 1995
By 1995 there will have been three world population conferences, four world women's conferences, two world aging conferences, a permanent institution for children (UNICEF), an International Year of the Handicapped. But there has been only one brief world youth conference in 1970 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the UN. Governments seem to be afraid of youth. And yet, youth is the most interested party, the most dynamic biological element of our evolution. There should be a world youth conference at least every 5 years to hear the young peoples' views and proposals for the world they want. A World Youth Agency should be created.
~ Idea 191 ~ 17 January 1995
Young men and women who want to work for peace, justice and a better world: you do not have to join the UN or to go to the poor countries. There is a lot to do right at home, in your city, in your community. I beg you: join or invade the police and transform it into the most peaceful, most peace-loving, justice-loving, poor-loving, handicapped-helping, elderly-helping, homeless-helping, down-trodden helping, non-violent peace service on Earth.
~ Idea 195 ~ 21 January 1995
In the 19th century and early twentieth, one of the main forms of violence was workers' violence. It led to several revolutions and to communism. Today, of all forms of violence, labor violence is minimal, even non-existent in most countries. Why? Because in order to cope with the problem, in 1919 the International Labor Organization was created in which governments, employers and labor unions are represented and have developed a host of agreements, conventions, legislations, recourses, rights and methods to resolve labor conflicts and disputes in a peaceful, non-violent way. This example speaks highly for similar arrangements in the UN and in all its specialized agencies, namely a peoples' representation at the UN and professional representatives in all agencies.
Thanks to the UN, international conflicts have also been reduced to a minimum and could have been eliminated if it had not been for the cold war between the US and the USSR. The UN did a similar, remarkable job in decolonization and in reducing racial violence, especially apartheid.
Thanks to the UN Security Council which took up the question of aircraft highjacking, that form of violence has considerably diminished in the world while airtransport and airtravel have mushroomed to unprecedented levels.
Today, most violence is among ethnic groups, religions, youth, in cities and in the family. Would it not be beneficial to create an International Ethnic Organization, an International Religious Organization, an International Youth Organization and an International Family Organization on the pattern of the ILO? The cost would be minimal compared with the huge benefits gained. The miracles produced by the UN and the ILO should be repeated in other fields.
During my four decades at the UN I have noticed that when humans decide to do something, they can do it. From a pessimist I have become an optimist and a believer in the human species. I thank the UN for it.
~ Idea 204 ~ 30 January 1995
"Until modern times young people could anticipate a future rather like that of their parents. Social change was that slow. Now young people face futures for which their parents' culture cannot prepare them. The young must create the future themselves."
Margaret Mead
A good idea would be for the UN to convene a World Youth Conference before the Year 2000 and ask youth what kind of a new century and millennium they see and want.
~ Idea 262 ~ 29 March 1995
All mothers on Earth should claim the fundamental human right not to have their sons, the flesh of their flesh, forced by anyone, not even a nation, to kill another human being or to be killed.
~ Idea 263 ~ 30 March 1995
All mothers on Earth should claim the fundamental human right not to see their sons, the flesh of their flesh, trained in military "academies" to kill other human beings. It is high time for them to raise their voice. Governments should solve their problems by non-violent means. Young men should be sent to academies of peace or schools of peace.
~ Idea 264 ~ 31 March 1995
All young people in the world should be given the fundamental human right to refuse military incorporation to be trained to kill other human beings.
~ Idea 301 ~ 7 May 1995
The United Nations has done a great work for human rights. But the time has also come to raise the question of human duties and responsibilities. I am glad that an International Council of Human Duties has been created in Trieste, Italy, under the chairwomanship of Professora Rita Levi Montalcini. The Declaration will be submitted to a youth conference in San Francisco on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. I signed the Declaration with delight. I recommend that the UN celebrate in 1998 the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and begin work on the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities.
a code of Ethics and Shared Responsibilities
(The Trieste Declaration)
1. respect human dignity as well as ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
2. work against racial injustice and all discrimination of women, and the abuse and exploitation of children.
3. work for the improvement in the quality of life of aged and disabled persons.
4. respect human life and condemn the sale of human beings or parts of the living human body.
5. support efforts to improve the life of people suffering from hunger, misery, disease or unemployment.
6. promote effective voluntary family planning in order to regulate world population growth.
7. support actions for an equitable distribution of world resources.
8. avoid energy waste and work for reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Promote the use of inexhaustible energy sources, representing a minimum of environmental and health risks.
9. protect nature from pollution and abuse, promote conservation of natural resources and the restoration of degraded environments.
10. respect and preserve the genetic diversity of living organisms and promote constant scrutiny of the application of genetic technologies.
11. promote improvement of urban and rural regions and support endeavors to eliminate the causes of environmental destruction and impoverishment which can lead to massive migrations of people and overpopulation in urban areas.
12. work for maintenance of world peace, condemn war, terrorism and all other hostile activities by calling for decreased military spending in all countries and of the proliferation and dissemination of arms, in particular, weapons of mass destruction.
signed on 7 May 1995
Robert Muller
University for Peace
~ Ideas 357 to 370 ~ 2 to 15 July 1995
In my Testament to the UN in 1992 I recommended the creation of the following new agencies. Only one, the World Agency for the Seas and Oceans has come into existence in 1995. My consolation is that it covers 71% of the planet's surface.
Idea 361 -A World Youth Agency
~ Idea 422 ~ 5 September 1995
Sometimes when I read the resolutions adopted by Model United Nations of children or youth, especially their Model Security Council, I am tempted to place these texts on the desks of the members of the Security Council as if they were official UN documents. Delegates would probably get a heart attack when reading them! But they would be great lessons, because children are the voice of truth, of common sense, while adults have acquired distorted minds, due to national interests and professional difformation. See therefore my ideas 39, 40 and 41. Perhaps all UN draft resolutions should be shown to children and youth for their comments and advice before being adopted. Moreover when a world constitution will be drafted, provision should be made for the voice of mothers, children and youth to be heard. After all, it is their future which is at stake, and so far throughout history adult males have been doing a pretty poor political job for humanity and for the planet.
~ Idea 444 ~ 27 September 1995
We have now the report by the World Commission on Global Governance in the 21st century. Two further steps are needed: we should get the opinions and proposals of the world's religions and of the indigenous peoples on how they think the planet should be best governed. We should also hear the opinions of mothers, children and youth who are the primary interested parties in the world of tomorrow.
~ Idea 460 ~ 13 October 1995
I think that after 50 years, it is time for the United Nations General Assembly to redefine its Main Committees in the light of major world changes. Thus it should create Main Committees on Global Government, on the Environment, on Peace-building and Non-Violence, on the Future, on Women, Children and Youth, on International and Peoples' Volunteer Associations.
~ Idea 494 ~ 16 November 1995
I owe my extraordinary career at the UN to the fact of having won an essay contest of the French United Nations Association in 1947 which earned me an internship at the United Nations and my recruitment as a permanent UN official in 1948.
This is so important to youth that I recommend the creation of an Internship Office at the United Nations which would promote internships in the UN and in all its specialized agencies and world programs.
~ Idea 501 ~ 23 November 1995
It would be good if all human beings would express, write down their basic beliefs, commitments and dreams for their own lives and for a better world. It could be done at several points of life: as a child, as a youth, as a couple, at parenthood, at grand-parenthood, at retirement, even at the moment of death.
We should also leave behind us a record of our wisdom, beliefs, joys and achievements, a testament to those who will follow. I did that when I left to my children the books Most of All They Taught Me Happiness and What War Taught Me About Peace, to the religions New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, to the world The Birth of a Global Civilization, to educators my World Core Curriculum, to women my novels Sima Mon Amour and First Lady of the World, and to the United Nations my Testament to the UN.
And I continue to do it every day, in these 2000 ideas for a better world and other writings, correspondence, journal and numerous speeches.
~ Idea 666 ~ 6 May 1996
A similar phenomenon is happening on television. It is almost impossible to see an announcement of a program or news in a still form. Everything has to jump, to move, to be a profusion of movements, criss-crossing and colors. How do people not get crazy, especially children and youth looking at such jumping, insane images. And every day it is getting worse, because the producers have to outsmart each other to draw attention. In reality more and more people do not pay attention anymore and become immune. My own decision, already ten years ago was to get rid of my television set, and I have lived happily ever since.
~ Idea 670 ~ 10 May 1996
I believe that all UN agencies and Departments should begin collecting ideas for a better world and publish them in popular forms. UNESCO could ask all school children and youth in the world to come up with their ideas. They might astonish the world.
~ Idea 735 ~ 14 July 1996
Most heads or chief executive officers of multinational, global or world corporations deal primarily with their firm's affairs on a global, world-wide basis and leave the internal markets for their firm's products and services to local, national subsidiaries. No wonder that as a result they rule the world. Governments do not do the same. They deal with national affairs and only subsidiarily with world affairs. They should therefore not be surprised that they have lost relevancy in managing the world for the good of all people and the Earth.
I recommend therefore that in all schools of government and political science, students should be taught how multinational corporations run the world often counter to the interests of the Earth, of humanity, often of their own nations and definitely of their children and grandchildren.
~ Idea 803 ~ 20 September 1996
The following fundamental statement has not yet been taken into account by the adult politicians of this planet:
"Until modern times young people could anticipate a future rather like that of their parents. Social change was that slow. Now young people face futures for which their parents' culture cannot prepare them. The young must create the future themselves."
Margaret Mead
In reality youth has barely any voice in national and world affairs. Adults should therefore not be surprised by the frustration, often despair of youth, their frequent addiction to drugs, alcohol and violence. Let us give a strong voice to youth, a participation in the building of a better world, a hope and enthusiasm for the future. In these 2000 ideas I give several of them for youth, e.g. to hold parallel youth parliaments next to national parliaments, parallel youth ministries next to national ministries, to create Youth Ministries in all countries, to hold parallel youth conferences next to United Nations and other world conferences. Philanthropists of the world, please listen to this appeal. The future of the world might depend on it. It is your children's and grandchildren's world too.
Note: I was delighted to learn at the end of 1997 that a first World Conference of Ministers of Youth will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 1998. I plan to attend it or to sent them a long list of proposals.
~ Idea 839 ~ 26 October 1996
If there is one idea which should be high up on the agenda of the United Nations it is how our world should be better governed. Alas, the cold war prevented any discussion of the subject. A youth conference on The Challenges to World Government just held at the University for Peace recommended to the United Nations to hold a world conference on world government in 1998. I gave the proposal my wholehearted endorsement supported by many arguments.
~ Idea 848 ~ 4 November 1996
The young people of the world should request that each national delegation to the UN should include a youth, because youth must absolutely be heard in world affairs and the shaping of the future. There should be a yearly report by the UN to the world outlining the views, dreams and recommendations of the world's youth.
~ Idea 849 ~ 5 November 1996
And why not consider a Main Committee of Youth in the General Assembly, which would examine all the items of the agenda of the UN (i.e. world affairs) and formulate the recommendations, ideas and dreams of youth for their solution?
~ Idea 998 ~ 4 April 1997
From 4 to 6 April 1997 the Canadian International Foundation of Learning convened a Global Citizens 2000 Congress in Vancouver to mark the date of 6 April 1997 when there were 1000 days left to 1 January 2000. What better idea and time to launch a project encouraging youths to see themselves as global citizens. Young people from eleven schools were brought together as teams of creative energy, working with their teachers and community leaders to show how and what we all must learn to become global citizens in the 21st century. This included not only knowledge to bring economic success in the world's market place but also an appreciation for what must be done to assure sustainability and peace in an increasingly interdependent world.
I was invited to be the opening speaker and a participant in this three days Congress which culminated at midnight of 6 April in a launching of 1000 balloons to mark the countdown of 1000 days remaining until 1 January 2000.
~ Idea 999 ~ 5 April 1997
Here are some of the ideas formulated by the young people brought together in Vancouver. Their final report will be submitted to the United Nations:
- The UN should proclaim International Act Days rather then React Days.
- A World Day for Endangered Species should be proclaimed
- A new Economy 2000 should be proclaimed, all international debts being reduced to zero
- A United Nations of Youth should be created
- People should boycott overpackaged products
- More people should plant trees worldwide, a World Arbor Day should be proclaimed
- There should be Global Environmental Clubs
- There should be Global Citizens Fairs
- There should be Global Citizens Diplomats and Club Memberships for Life
- There should be Mother Earth Clubs
- There should be Peace Through Friendship Pen Pals
- There should be Youth Environmental Clubs
- There should be Youth United Nations Clubs
- There should be School Courses on Planetary Preservation
- There should be Amusement Parks on Solutions to Pollution
- There should be Car Free Downtowns
- There should be a World Day of Ideas for a Better World
- There should be Robert Muller Fans and Fax Clubs
More ideas are in the works.
~ Idea 1000 ~ 6 April 1997
During that youth congress in Vancouver, this text of mine was distributed to the participants:
Decide to be a Global Citizen
A good inhabitant of the planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth become conscious
of herself
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice,
her mind, her heart and her soul
Save your mother Earth
From her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than humanity
Unite, global citizens, to save and heal
planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe.
Robert Muller
~ Idea 1001 ~ 7 April 1997
During the Vancouver youth conference, a World Passport was distributed to the students to fill out. One of them objected, saying: "In a One United World there is no need for any passports. I propose that there should be a standard World Identity Card, the contents of which would be defined as agreed upon by nations."
It is an excellent idea which merits to open these second one thousand ideas as a countup to the year 2000.
~ Idea 1028 ~ 4 May 1997
All youth organizations of the Earth should combine their efforts and create a United Youth Organization.
That Organization should request the adoption of new texts of their fundamental human rights: the sacred right not to be drafted into military service or war service, the right not to kill and not to be killed, not in the name of a nation, religion, race or anyone else. Conflicts between social, ethnic, and political groups should all be solved by peaceful and non-violent means. This should become the supreme law of the human society.
~ Idea 1031 ~ 7 May 1997
Human groups which are not yet covered by declarations of human rights should work on them and ask for their debate and adoption by the United Nations. For example mothers and youth should request declarations of human rights of mothers and youth.
~ Idea 1057 ~ 2 June 1997
Instead of spending colossal sums of money on ecological tourism to permit people from the rich countries to see the remaining tropical forests in Central America for example, it would be better to use that money to give survival incomes to the poor people of this region in payment for the reforestation they would do instead of being unemployed and of youth deserting rural lands to add to the overpopulation and misery of the cities. It is fortunate that a number of well-off countries are beginning to give foreign aid for reforestation and that recipient governments channel that money to the poor. The rich countries should also consider channeling such aid directly to indigenous communities around the world. They are the best caretakers of nature and want to stay on their lands. They can represent a substantial force for the good care and preservation of the Earth.
~ Idea 1061 ~ 6 June 1997
I have never understood why nations condemn murder as a crime and often punish murderers with the death penalty, when they themselves send their youth to kill other youth in wars and give them medals for it. It is not called murder in that case, but duty or heroism. I predict that in the next century this will change:
1. a new human right will be adopted, the sacred right not to kill another human being not even in the name of a nation;
2. in a universal declaration of human duties, it will be specified that nations have the duty to solve problems with other nations through peaceful means;
3. that any nation who breaks this duty, will be condemned by the International Tribunal for Crimes against humanity.
~ Idea 1071 ~ 16 June 1997
In each government, global agency and institution, corporation, etc. there should be created two central Councils: a Council of Youth, because their future is concerned, and a Council of Wise Elders to provide their wisdom and advice so that decisions concerning the future will not be detrimental to the seventh generation.
~ Idea 1182 ~ 5 October 1997
I have often observed in these ideas that youth is not given a proper voice in world affairs, while it is the first interested party in the future. I therefore recommend that youth should be given a prominent role in the Peoples' World Assembly 2000, accompanying the UN General Assembly 2000. Youth might even envisage to hold a separate World Youth Assembly parallel to these Assemblies.
~ Idea 1205 ~ 28 October 1997
I am delighted that the first World Conference of Ministries of Youth will be held in Lisbon from 1 to 10 August 1998. The Conference aims inter alia to step up the struggle against unemployment, drugs, poverty and disease. It will intensify implementation of the UN Program of Action for Youth in the Year 2000 and beyond. If God permits me, I will go to that conference and offer it a whole list of proposals, dreams and ideas for today's youth, the adult citizens of the next century and millennium.
~ Idea 1225 ~ 17 November 1997
If someone would ask me: which of my 2000 ideas is the most important in my view? I would answer: the absolute necessity to create a proper Earth government. We should inscribe this as the priority item on the agenda of world affairs. The world will not survive if it remains on the present course. I deal with this requirement in many of my ideas. I am forced to return to it constantly. If proper Earth government is established, most other ideas can be fulfilled. The whole of humanity should cry out for proper Earth government. If national governments, if heads of states do not respond, we should start a world peoples' peaceful revolution, with strikes, public demonstrations, boycotts, refusals to be incorporated into an army, refusal to pay taxes, etc.
As in the case of the French revolution, it is youth which must start that revolution. I will be happy to give them advice. But it is up to them, as the most advanced units of human evolution, to enter into action.
As the indigenous people pray: "Great Spirit, grant us Strength and Dignity to walk a new Trail."
~ Idea 1235 ~ 27 November 1997
I sincerely hope, I pray that entire groups of humans whose rights, participation and needs are not satisfactorily heard in the United Nations, in regional organizations and national governments will submerge these institutions with numerous, concrete ideas as we move to the year 2000 and a new century and millennium. I am thinking in particular of youth, mothers, indigenous people, the poor and the unemployed of the world. I do not know why noone has created a world party of the poor. It should have been done at the UN Copenhagen world conference on poverty, as I had recommended.
~ Idea 1280 ~ 11 January 1998
I will send my ideas to the first world conference of Ministers of Youth in Portugal in August of this year.
In addition to those from my 2000 ideas, I will propose that:
- only men aged forty or over should be sent to war because they decide the wars and then send to war young people who had no part in their decision to fight;
- no head of state, Minister, Parliamentarian or head of a national administration should be allowed to be more than forty to fifty years old, because they are the result of an obsolete, not up-to-date, non-global education and would take decisions and manage affairs in ways not commensurate with the needs of the new generation of youths who still have decades of life before them.
Barbara made the following comment to me when I read this text to her:
" I have concluded long ago that it is only worth talking to people of less than forty and of men of more than sixty. The first are open-minded and forward-looking, the others are experienced. You can forget about the middle category because they are sold out to existing systems, beliefs and institutions."
~ Idea 1378 ~ 19 April 1998
There are innumerable United Nations Models for children and youth around the world. Young people enjoy them greatly: they take the seat of a government at the UN and come up with their ideas and solutions for world affairs.
I propose that similar UN Models be organized for adults and for the elderly.
And then intergenerational Models could be organized between children, youth, their parents and the elderly. What lessons, what philosophy (love for wisdom) would emerge from them!
~ Idea 1392 ~ 3 May 1998
I hope that at the first world conference of Ministers of Youth in Lisbon this summer the decision will be taken to create a World Organization of Youth. This is long overdue.
~ Idea 1393 ~ 4 May 1998
After the creation of the United Nations Organization and its 32 specialized agencies, after the Initiative to create a United Religions Organization on the model of the United Nations, a host of more united world-wide efforts and institutions should be created on this wonderful planet which needs and deserves them highly. Why not a United Peoples' Organization, a United Youth Organization, a United Indigenous Organization, a United Mothers Organization, etc. There are thousands of national organizations. Why should there not be at least a few hundred world organizations and nature organizations? The Earth and human family deserve them urgently. Governments resist them because they want to keep their power and do not want to share it with others. How blind they are! How much happier they would be if they cooperated excitedly, with enthusiasm, in the building of a new, peaceful, happy world!
~ Idea 1483 ~ 2 August 1998
Another way to reduce youth unemployment and increase world cooperation would be to create or increase very substantially youth internships in the United Nations and in its 32 specialized agencies and world programs. Again this could be financed by a reduction of military and armaments expenditures. I was glad to learn that the Canadian government earlier this year developed a Youth International Internship Program as part of its Youth Employment Strategy. Funding is provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and other departments to support the placement of recent graduates from colleges and universities in International Internship Programs. Youth, nations and world cooperation would gain enormously from them.