~ Idea 3501 ~

It is absolutely essential and urgent to create a UN Outer Space Agency as Austria proposed it years ago when outer space was declared by the UN a commons of all nations. The US Cassini adventure (see Ideas 1397, 1409, 1892, 1893, 1896), advertisement in outer space (see Idea 2257), the planned occupation of the Moon by business (see Idea 2712) and the amount of waste already floating in outer space (see Idea 2327) call for it most urgently. Austria should re-submit formally their proposal to the UN General Assembly.

~ Idea 3502 ~

Regarding the United States Cassini adventure it is not impossible that these experiments to send space vessels far into the universe might have as an objective to load such vessels with the atomic wastes from the atomic energy plants on planet Earth. The Earth risks to be reatomized and lose most of its life if these wastes are kept on Earth.

~ Idea 3503 ~

The International Foundation for the Handicapped gives each year a Franklin Delano Roosevelt Prize to the head of state who has done the most for the handicapped.

I propose that similar prizes be given to heads of states for the good they have done in essential fields such as peace, human rights, poverty, the environment, reforestation, the air, the waters, the seas and oceans, the salvation of species, etc. This could be a great avenue for world philanthropy and for a better world.

~ Idea 3504 ~

In all countries of Earth there should be National Bureaus of Land Ownership. These would provide information on public land ownerships, industrial ones and private ones which could be studied for such objectives as non-deforestation or reforestation. Governments, states or municipalities could offer aid to land owners who are not in a position to reforest certain areas but would like to see it done. The proposal of President Clinton to offer small subsidies for forest owners who agree not to deforest, and the example of Costa Rica which offers higher subsidies for the same purpose, could be considered world-wide. The World Forestry Agency which I suggest to be created should look into this.

I also repeat my recommendation that the World Intellectual Property Organization of the UN (WIPO) should become the World Intellectual and Land Property Organization.

~ Idea 3505 ~


Dear Earth, The famous US movie actor Kirk Douglas bought land and founded during his retirement one hundred national parks in California. Isn't that a good sign for your recovery?

The Earth:

"Yes, I hope that a multitude of wealthy people and institutions will follow his example all over my surface."

~ Idea 3506 ~

Love nourishes the mind's intelligence. Dear thinkers, planners, dreamers, visionaries, futurologists, prophets and speakers, please do not forget it. Like the indigenous chiefs, have a heart stick before you when you speak.

~ Idea 3507 ~

The word global is now widely accepted and used by humanity. This is a substantial progress. When I was a young United Nations official after World War II it was never used, only the word international was accepted.

I can hardly believe that I am the Lifelong Honorary President of the Global Peoples' Assembly created in Samoa in 2000. My prediction is that in the next ten years the word cosmic will also come into use. We will at long last fully understand the messages of the founders of the great religions and the findings of scientists that our Earth and all of us are part of the cosmos, living cosmic units in the mysterious, infinite universe of space and time. Yes, we will realize that we are active parts in the total evolution of the cosmos. Then only will we have audacious new leaders who will help save this Earth and make it a positive cosmic success in the decades to come. Everything will then at long last fall into place and change the Earth for the better.

~ Idea 3508 ~

Each business beyond a certain size, to be decided by governments or parliaments, should have on its staff at least one environmentalist and one futurologist in order to judge all activities of that business from an environmental and future evolutionary point of view.

~ Idea 3509 ~

Pure fundamentalist capitalism has become more than a rat race, it has become a death race of humanity on planet Earth.

~ Idea 3510 ~

It is the large global numbers which will kill the Earth and humanity.
the number of people
the number of cars
the number of airplanes
the number of bulldozers
the number of Earth destructions
the number of giant cities
etc., etc.

We are entering an age of limits, of maxima, of no beyonds.

~ Idea 3511 ~

One never ceases to learn and to be aggrandized throughout one's life. Thus on 13 December 2000, having received at the age of seventy-seven the most perfect evaluation of my heart's condition by a cardiologist, I woke up at 4:00AM the following morning with this duty on my mind:

I should write or collect during my remaining years
the most important anecdotes and events of my life
the most important lessons I learned from life
the most important enlightenments I received
the most important letters I wrote
the most important speeches I delivered
my most important actions
the most important people I met
the most important defeats in my life

It is my duty as an elder to transmit my experience, wisdom and advice regarding the mystery and miracle of life on this miraculous planet. Will I be able to do it satisfactorily? At least I will try.

~ Idea 3512 ~

How much time do Americans spend in cars? It has become a substantial way of life. Statistics should be kept on that. What will it be for the world as a whole tomorrow when people will have adopted everywhere the American ways, purposes and ideals of life?

~ Idea 3513 ~

Someone called me to tell me that all major American businesses have now a strategy to open outlets, selling points in all countries of the world. I answered that this has been done for quite some time by the biggest ones. This is also why they are against adequate funding of the United Nations for its efforts at population control in the poor countries where the number of humans will increase from 4.3 billion to 7.7 billion in the year 2050. The poor countries will become their biggest market in the world while the western population will diminish by 40 million. The western countries, especially the US, are beginning to pour huge sums of money into the stock exchanges, banks, companies and treasuries of the poor countries. At this point the Earth intervened:

"And overpopulation plus overconsumption will finish my nature and elements of life."

~ Idea 3514 ~

I am at fault in these thousands of ideas for speaking much too much of what is wrong or should be corrected, what should not be done, what dangers are expecting us. I should speak more of what has been achieved, what is so beautiful on this Earth, of all the love and good that exists in the people, of our enormous progresses over time, of the paradise we already are in so many places. I ask for forgiveness and will do it in the next work I have on my mind and in my heart, namely How to Attain at Long Last Paradise on Earth.

~ Idea 3515 ~

There is great need for global historians on our planet. In a hundred years we will regret that the archives of what has happened, what has been achieved, what was new since the creation of the United Nations have barely been kept. The UN archives are spread in a number of warehouses on Long Island. When I, who have worked with three Secretaries Generals and have participated in a good number of UN historical actions, offered all my archives to the UN I was told that there was no place for them. They were interested only in records of my trips with Secretaries General, which I gave them. The rest of my archives are in a cellar and in a garage. Concerned primarily with the future as I am, I will not even find the time to put decent order into them, much less to write their history and dictate them when they are not very legible.

~ Idea 3516 ~


Dear Earth, aren't you proud of your most advanced species, the human one? Look around at all we have invented and innovated.

The Earth:

"Alas, I see you rather as a species which went wrong, since you destroy one of my species every five hours and a great part of my surface. If there were planetary doctors in the universe they would declare me very sick, soon terminally ill."

~ Idea 3517 ~

Not to grow might become the greatest source of wealth and enrichment: e.g. not to build on land which as a result will become more valuable year after year. A small sized locality in the middle of a beautiful nature could become pretty rich if it decided not to 'grow'. People would offer ever higher prices to live in it and the inhabitants who need money could sell their homes for higher prices. This phenomenon will grow all over the world. The Earth will henceforth become our main capital, not the capital in the banks and in stock exchanges.

~ Idea 3518 ~

It would be interesting to get statistics on what is being spent for pets in the US and western world and to compare them with what is done for humans in the poor world:

- e.g., the number of clinics and care centers for dogs and pets in the US and western world and the number of hospitals and health centers for people in the poor countries;

- the total amount and value of dog, cat and other pet foods in the western world and the food produced for the poor people in the poor countries.

Several such statistics and others would be revealing.

~ Idea 3519 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I regret that your 4000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World are the best non-selling books in the world! What good they would do to me if they were published by a big world publisher."


Do not worry too much, they are all on the Internet.

~ Idea 3520 ~

The same way as we became anxious to have smaller cars, we must now become anxious to have smaller homes. We should look at big mansions with the same feelings of disapproval we have when we see big, private limousines.

~ Idea 3521 ~

It took ten years to get the Constitution of the United States of America adopted.

It took forty-three years to create the European Union.

It took fifty years to get the healing of scurvy through fruit juices (vitamin C) recommended by scientist Lind adopted.

For over one thousand years the medical establishment believed firmly that the heart only heated the blood, until 1630 when it was discovered that the blood circulated and that the heart was a pump. It took until the discovery of bacteria by Pasteur for doctors to believe Semelweiss who in 1840 asked already doctors to wash their hands in order not to transmit diseases.

The acceptance of new ideas and discoveries seems to be slow for humans.

My question is: how many years will it take until national governments and humanity will at long last recognize the absolute need to create a proper Earth government, either in the form of a United States of the World or of a World Union along the model of the recent European Union or even more modern forms favorable to the Earth's survival and further evolution? (See Ideas 1901 to 2000 in Vol. IV.) If this is not done, we will see untold disasters on this planet. Mark my words.

~ Idea 3522 ~

Having seen self-car washing systems in California I observed how customers spray their cars with very powerful sprays of water for a good while. I was thinking of the amount of water wasted that way. There were four cars being sprayed when Barbara wanted to clean hers. I dissuaded her from doing it and we left, but I would like to recommend that no car owner should use such sprays more than once a month. Huge quantities of water would thus be saved.

~ Idea 3523 ~

On page 69 of Volume VI of Ideas and Dreams for a Better World I reproduced under the title What One Idea Can Do, a letter of 19 March 1999 in which Nancy Rivard, the President of Airline Ambassadors informed me of the outcome of a conversation we had in an airplane sometime ago.

Now in December 1999 I received the following communication regarding very worthwhile help to poor children in the world by that wonderful organization.

Airline Ambassadors International (AAI)
Helping Children in Need at Home and Abroad
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping children in need made up of over 2500 airline personnel and others who volunteer as
"Ambassadors of Goodwill"
For more information contact:
Airline Ambassadors
Proceeds from the sale of these cards are used
for Airline Ambassadors' programs such as; escorting children in need, humanitarian
aid delivery and support for childrens'
educational and health programs.
Card design and production by:
Transitions a Guatemalan Disabilities Association based in Antigua Guatemala, Central America. Tansitions@conexion.com.gt
Art by Gustavo Vasquez a 35 year old disabled Guatemalan artist
Join Airline Ambassadors'
Annual Holiday Orphanage Parties!
May the spirit of giving, go on through the year,
Bringing love, laughter, hope, and good cheer.
Gifts wrapped with charity, joy, peace, and grace,
Ribboned with happiness, a tender embrace.
December 4-8: Guatemala
Provide a holiday party for the children at the Vamos Adelante Project. Call Barb Brown 831-394-6353
December 15: Dallas, TX
Share the excitement of the holidays with the Jefferies Street Learning Center kids, a DFW Regional project. Carol Schaper 972-264-6614
December 5-9: Colombia
Join our annual party for the children of Hogar de Luz y Vida. Call Colleen Morey at 203-259-6266
January 4-7: Dominican Republic
Bring Christmas cheer to the poorest of the poor at an AMURT cinderblock school and a hospital near Santo Domingo. Call Dr. Yvonne Thomas 916-788-7120
December 8-11: Guatemala (MIA)
Create an unforgettable holiday celebration for 60 children from the Guatemala City Dump. Bathe, feed and clothe the children and take them to the Marriott for a special party! Call Penny Rambacher 941-348-0815
January 5-8: Peru
Join efforts with volunteers from Motorola Corporation to bring holiday cheer to two orphanages to Lima, Peru. Contact AAI's SF Office 650-347-3500
December 9-12: Mexico
Bring holiday cheer to children in orphanages and day care centers in Tijuana and La Mision, just south of San Diego. Call Cheryl Tondle 858-679-8399
January 5-8: El Salvador
Help host our fourth annual Christmas party for hundreds of children we know and love at the Instituto de Protección de Menor. Call Gloria Reid 817-268-2410
December 12-14: Honduras
Join AAI's 3rd annual Christmas Party for the children of Amor y Vida HIV Home and Hogar Emmanuel Orphanage. Call Cathleen Knutson 773-278-8593 or 773-531-1468
January 12-14: Haiti
Give 'Christmas in January" to children at Mother Theresa's, Sister-sister and Eden Orphanage. Glenda Johnson 817-467-7290
December 17-22: Seoul, Korea
Help host our first Christmas party at Hold Orphanage for hundreds of children. Patch Adams and the "clown Doctors" will assist. Email Jeff Radke jeffrey.radke@nwa.com
February 20-28: Brazil

Join this trip to deliver toys from the International Toy Bank to children in Brazil. Celebrate Carnival and Christmas in February. Call Nancy Butner 310-457-0467

Here is your membership renewal form for 2001. Please include your Email
so we can update you regularly! Thank you for Caring and Sharing!
Name: _______________________________ Airline/Company: _______________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________ Fax: ____________________ Email: ______________________
_ $25 Volunteer _ $35 Basic _ $50 Support _ $100 Angel _ 2001 Renewal

~ Idea 3524 ~

What is really happening to us humans is this: since the some 4.6 billion years of existence of our planet the first life forms emerged only 3.5 billion years ago after the planet had lost its atomic radiations. Those life forms were called protozoas from the Greek proto, the first, and zoas, animals. Scientists use this word to describe the very first multicellular, small life forms.

Then much later came the metazoas, (Greek, the next, higher animals) namely all the prodigious diversity of very complex life forms including finally humans a hundred thousand years ago.

Then in the 19th and 20th century humans became globalzoas, namely a global life form, a species knowledgeable of all the Earth and beginning to feel and act as one human global species with global limbs and senses, with a global brain and a nascent global heart and soul.

At the entrance of the 21st century and third millennium we are entering yet another phase of evolution: we are becoming cosmozoas, living beings of the cosmos, a species aware of the total cosmos, responsible to consider itself part of the total cosmic evolution of this planet, an integral part of this Earth and of all life.

This is very exciting and incredibly promising if we recognize it fully at all levels and in all institutions of the human society. Please dear leaders and people everywhere, become aware of it. In this resides henceforth personal fulfillment and celebrity.

~ Idea 3525 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, poor humans create during their lifetime a total of solid wastes equivalent to 150 times their body weight. Rich humans like the Americans leave behind a total of solid waste which is 4000 times the weight of their body. Multiply this by 4.7 billion times for the first and by 1.2 billion times for the second and you will get the staggering following results:

Over a period of sixty years (their longevity) the poor people of the world leave behind solid waste equivalent to 705 billion times the weight of a poor person.

The rich countries leave behind over a period of seventy years (their longevity) a waste equivalent to 4,800 billion times the weight of a rich human.

In addition all these humans are not even returned to my body for recycling but are burned or locked in concrete vaults, in wooden coffins which cost vast forests of mine.

And dear Robert, look at the UN population forecasts for the year 2050: 7.7 billion people in the poor countries and thank God less, namely 1.16 billion in the rich ones.

Do similar calculations for the emission of carbon dioxide per human individual in the rich and in the poor countries and you will get similar mind boggling results (see Idea 2709).

How do you think that under such conditions I will survive? It is totally impossible if you do not change very drastically and urgently your course. Never on this planet has your course been so blind."


Dear Earth, you are right and I will strongly recommend as I have done so already before that everything we do today must be considered as to its consequences during the next one hundred and even one thousand years. The major effects of our doings on your fate, dear, beautiful Earth, are the big figures. We must always calculate everything by the big figures which will profoundly mark our future. We have never done this before except a number of projections by UN agencies such as population forecasts and even these were not taken seriously enough and had only a moderate influence in correcting the situation at first.

~ Idea 3526 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I read in your 2000 Ideas that former Secretary General U Thant said this about you: 'He is the man who has most penetrated and understood the outreach of my spirit and responsibility better than anyone alive.'

May I say the same to you: you are the man on Earth, one of my children who has most penetrated and understood my messages to humans, my children better than anyone alive."

~ Idea 3527 ~

The cosmic forces are constantly and one hundred percent at work on planet Earth in her nature and species', foremost in the human one, her most advanced. Every human being must be aware of that. It was the message of the Christ and of all envoys from heaven. The universe is reflected in the prodigious natural and ethnic diversity of humans and in the innumerable religions.

All this begins to fall into place in a new evolutionary, all encompassing age of the Earth with the human species at the center of it as the most knowledgeable, leading and highly responsible factor. This will open a new, more advanced, incredibly beautiful era of evolution, namely the cosmic evolution of the human species on this planet.

~ Idea 3528 ~

We need a World University of Dreams to study and teach human dreams, visions, transcendence, meditation, enlightenment, alternate states, sainthood and upgradings into total communion with the universe.

~ Idea 3529 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, since economic development and capitalism justify their existence by giving employment to people, I suggest that people who do not want to 'work' be financed by governments to live simple, frugal lives in modest homes in rural areas taking care of, preserving, beautifying my nature and restoring it in many places where it has been destroyed. They would be productive too: they would produce oxygen.

Moreover, since their income would be modest they would not consume and buy all the unnecessary products and activities of the current society which are causing my death and in the future that of humanity too."

~ Idea 3530 ~

We live in a civilization of 'depersonalization', 'dehumanization', 'otherization'. Our whole lives are being subjected to what others, big business in particular, want us to believe, to acquire, to consume, to do, etc. through marketing, publicity, radio, television, telephone, computers, etc.

It is harder than ever to remain or to become a happy, self-fulfilled, unique, miraculous living being, a contributing cosmic unit of the universe, a simple, devoted child of God.

~ Idea 3531 ~

Excessive, luxurious, over-sized houses have become a sign of decadence. In our new imperative age of Earth-conservation and human survival we should no longer admire them. We should remember the wisdom of the indigenous people who consider even rocks to be of cosmic nature and use them only to the extent necessary.

~ Idea 3532 ~

There should be a world-wide love for improving the names of the places where we live, of nature, of streets, of neighborhoods, of provinces, of nations, etc. I would like to hear outer space beings visiting our Earth exclaiming, "Oh what love, what beauty we see reflected in the names used by humans for the magnificent diversity of their miraculous planetary home."

~ Idea 3533 ~

How strange: the US, the great land of hope, after having destroyed most of its indigenous people and the first world League of Nations is now also destroying the rest of the Earth with its fundamentalist 'free enterprise world invasion' and reducing the United Nations' ability. It is also offering less and less the image of a model of democracy.

Dear US, please wake up before it is too late.

~ Idea 3534 ~

The real reason, in my view, why the US does not want and support a very bold, active, well-financed population stabilization policy in the poor countries is because these countries will be the source of necessary immigrants to the United States for menial jobs and will become a gigantic potential market for US exports and continued growth. The poor countries will receive huge sums of money from the US, the main money issuing country on Earth. This process has already begun via help to the stock exchanges.

~ Idea 3535 ~

The life, actions, thinking and dreams of President Franklin D. Roosevelt should be taught as a model of hope in all schools and institutions for the handicapped in the world.

~ Idea 3536 ~

We have a very wrong, detrimental advertisement policy in our world. A deep revolution against it is urgently needed.

~ Idea 3537 ~

A view of Harlem and the 125th Street in upper New York City seen from the Hudson Line Railroad gives an idea of what future abandoned big cities in the world will look like.

~ Idea 3538 ~

Countries receiving aid from the USA and other western countries should specifically request that military aid and armaments should never be included in foreign aid but be listed separately. The UN should get this implemented and publish the respective statistics every year.

~ Idea 3539 ~

Soon we will enter a period of voluntary regression:

For example, the US and western citizens who are using 56 million gallons of water during their average lifetime will no longer shower themselves as they do now, namely letting the water run down over their body during the entire period of the shower. They will cut the shower after the first spray, soap themselves and then reopen the shower to wash away the soap from their body.

Later will come the period of forced regression:

Municipalities will recommend that people take a shower only every second day the same way as linen in hotels will henceforth be washed only after the occupants are leaving the hotel.

Please dear reader, start to cut down on many, many things from waste of electricity to needless packages, purchases, trips and so on and so forth. With the continued increase of the world population the situation will become catastrophic. As a result of your reduction in consumption the obligatory regression will start later.

~ Idea 3540 ~

I would not be surprised if soon radios, televisions, computers and animated toys will be produced which can no longer be stopped so that they will continue to play, to advertise and to deteriorate sooner in order to be replaced by new, more expensive models.

~ Ideas 3541 and 3542 ~

Lucia O'Barr, one of our grandchildren (7 years old):

Idea 3541

All poor children in the world should receive a present and money.

Idea 3542

We should give medicine to the poor children.

~ Ideas 3543 to 3547 ~

Adrian O'Barr, one of our grandchildren (10 years old):

Idea 3543

Youth is never asked for its opinion. UNICEF should be extended to youth in a United Nations International Children's and Youth Organization (UNICYO) or a United Nations Youth Organization should be created.

Idea 3544

The huge money spent on electoral campaigns should be saved and used to plant trees, to avoid cutting trees and to give money to the poor. There should only be the elections.

Idea 3545

Every rich person in the rich countries who think that they are so great should go and live for three to six months in a poor country and live like the poor and then come home and do something about it.

Idea 3546

Why does America have only one President when they could have two? If we had two Presidents they could put their heads together to try and solve problems. They could share their money to get the results they want. What we could do is pray and hope they are good men and will not lead the US to warfare.

Idea 3547

I think that governments of all countries should inspire music and pay for instruments for each child. I say this because music helps people find their inner selves and gives them a reason to live and keep our world alive.

~ Idea 3548 ~

The 21st century and 3rd millennium must be made the great Century and Millennium of Progress and Enlightenments. In preparation for it we should create a United Nations High Committee or a World Commission of Eminent Personalities for the Elimination of Darknesses in the World. A first list of such darknesses would be:

Economic apartheid
The hungry and homeless
The illiterates
The unemployed
The vanishing species'
The wounds to Mother Nature
The mismanagement of Mother Earth
The reatomization of our planet
The incredible wastes on armaments and militaries
The incredible world garbage and waste

~ Idea 3549 ~

Days and nights are a very fundamental, immemorial characteristic of our planet Earth whirling around the sun from which she receives all cosmic energy. Days and nights should be holy, sacred. This must be part or our reborn respect for nature and right understanding of the cosmology of our being.

~ Idea 3550 ~

The great minds in Washington who created the post-war world political and economic system were geniuses. Their strategy consisted of:

- the decolonization of the existing empires of the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland
- fundamental human rights as a basis for human society world-wide
- free enterprise to be the rule of the planet
- get rid of communism
- free trade must be gained through a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade culminating in a World Trade Organization
- creation of an International Bank and International Monetary Fund ruled by Washington to issue money and loans well targeted around the world
- world economic growth to be fostered and financed everywhere through the creation of stock exchanges, their rescue when in deficit, forgiveness of debts, money injection
- use of tax surpluses resulting from all this to feed further economic growth
- overpopulation of the poor countries will provide one of the biggest markets in the world therefore do not oppose it
- deregulate everything to allow the supreme freedom of enterprise
- have people with money saved or inherited share in all this via stock markets, the banking system and speculation

All this to be working almost to perfection at the entrance of the 21st century and 3rd millennium and to work mainly to the profit of the US and other rich countries.

There is only one fundamental, unexpected trouble with it: the reckless destruction of the Earth and the non-consideration of the natural elements on which we live. This puts the whole system in jeopardy and mortal danger.

~ Idea 3551 ~

Humanity needs a World Charter of Spirituality similar to the remarkable Earth Charter, to extend human consciousness to the entire universe and time and make all humans deeply spiritual, transcendent, cosmic beings, members of a perfect, peaceful, fulfilled humanity, in harmony with, loving and caring for our miraculous planetary home.

The recently born United Religions should draft a World Charter of Spirituality. It could help humanity save itself from its materialistic, moneycratic engulfment.

~ Idea 3552 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I see that more and more people in the rich countries begin to walk more, to run more and to love more nature again. This is hopeful. Why don't we recommend a whole series of new 'loves' or 'revived loves' movements, e.g.:

love for simple and frugal life
a reduction of automobile and airplane use
a move from cities to rural areas
an anti-waste revolution
a revived love for art, beauty, nature and traditions from the past.

Please, as lifelong Honorary President of the new Global Peoples' Assembly why don't you suggest the creation of world non-government organizations on these objectives?"

~ Idea 3553 ~

Some of the best minds of this planet should consider themselves as outer space beings from another planet and judge our Earth and human doings, values, institutions, organizations and individual efforts from that point of view. It would provide us with great enlightenments.

~ Idea 3554 ~

Barbara feels that all human ideals, dreams and institutions should establish a list of their limitations. The United Nations should be the first to do it. Here is the beginning of such a list:

- the veto power of five of the 189 nations
- no taxing power
- no borrowing power
- no legislative power
- no enforcement power
- no people's representation
- no supreme court jurisdiction
- no freedom of initiative

~ Idea 3555 ~

We must give up hope that the US might cooperate in the creation of a much needed new political and economic world order. It does not even support and pay its minimal dues to the United Nations1 and even earns more from the expenditures of the UN and of the close to 200 permanent foreign missions and Observer offices to the UN established in New York City. It would therefore be wise not to have any illusions about that country's role, and labor for a new world order.

~ Idea 3556 ~

The US has ingeniously used the UN since 1945 to promote commerce, investments and free enterprise in order to gain the dominance of the world through its giant, advanced corporations, its patents, industries, banking system and capital endowment. With the end of the cold war the US might now drop the United Nations which has served its purpose and can be an obstacle.

~ Idea 3557 ~

The protracted refusal of the US to ratify the environmental, nature and life-saving treaties worked out in the United Nations as well as the new International Criminal Court reduces hope that a United States of the World or a World Federation or a Parliament of Man, a Federation of the World as dreamt by Harry Truman can be established. Efforts and support should therefore go to the extension of the fifteen member states of the European Union to other countries in the world. That was the dream of my compatriot Robert Schuman who saw as the first two steps the inclusion of holy Mother Russia and of the eastern European countries in the Union and the creation of Eurafrica.

~ Idea 3558 ~

The US is becoming, in the modern sense, a pretty wrong country. It is destroying and endangering the Earth for its own purpose, power and enrichment. The rest of the world must cease imitating it and admiring it blindly.

~ Idea 3559 ~

I thank God for the creation of the Foundation for the Future in Bellevue Washington which has the vision, elevation and sense of urgency to look into the future of planet Earth and of humanity as far as the year 3000. There is no more urgent task on this planet. May it provoke the same millennial concern of all governments, institutions, corporations, industries, social groups and peoples' movements all over the world.

~ Idea 3560 ~

After the demise of communism and in view of the damaging of the Earth by capitalism we absolutely need on this planet a new, all-encompassing human life and Earth-saving ideology. We might call it ecologynomy, the proper science and management of our home (Greek, oikos logos nomos).

~ Idea 3561 ~

Having seen on the table of someone a very heavy dishware I turned it around and saw that it came from far away Japan. I recommend to consumers not to buy and encourage any products which have to be transported from far away lands over vast distances causing transportation which causes pollution. And there are better, bigger examples than dishware!

~ Idea 3562 ~

The following US public opinion survey is very interesting: 81% of Americans want environmental laws strengthened, 16% think that they are about right and only 3% want them weakened. The world would rejoice if US government action would implement the majority wish.

~ Idea 3563 ~

Another monstrosity to correct is the daily colossal waste of American newspapers spreading all over that country and the world. The reader has to pay not only for the paper used of which he reads and needs only a minimal part, but also the cost of waste removal, recycling or pure destruction. That is another brilliant achievement of capitalism.

Why don't newspapers publish brief daily papers of a few pages with the essential news and information to the majority of readers? There should be national laws requiring it.

~ Idea 3564 ~

When I see the US newspapers, especially the Sunday editions of the big cities I feel literally sick. I am thinking of the vast forests which were destroyed to produce them even if recycling has diminished that damage. With the population increase of the world and the spread of newspapers in developing countries on the US model, this alone is a mortal menace to the future of the Earth.

~ Idea 3565 ~

If I were the capitalistic leadership of the world I would conceive a Well Governed Human and Earth Capitalism (WGHEC) for the sake and benefit of the Earth and of all humans.

~ Idea 3566 ~

The capitalistic society is:

What does it wait for to reform itself? If not it will end in as much, if not more waste and disaster than communism.

~ Idea 3567 ~

Thank you dear God for allowing me to be luckier than Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
I am seventy-seven years old, he died at sixty-three
I have my two legs, he lost the use of one of his
He dealt with the economic crisis, wars and fate of one country
I deal with the whole Earth and humanity.

Dear reader, what are your advantages over your political leaders?

~ Idea 3568 ~

There should be a central policy of all governments no longer to permit the further growth of cities, to enforce a new tax and financial policy, to deconcentrate them and to foster habitat in rural areas with government services and amenities like those of the big cities: museums, art, advanced education, research, conferences, sports events, etc. Yes, the deconcentration or decentralization of monstrous cities should now become an utmost priority, a new phase in human history. It would produce an immense new number of jobs in a great variety of fields.

~ Idea 3569 ~

Every human being should write a journal. It is the only way to escape and keep immune from constantly invading external programmings.

~ Idea 3570 ~

People should no longer admire monstrous cities and skyscrapers in the world. They are products of the sickest minds of humanity, what the Germans call Grössen Wahnsinn, greatness insanity. By any means, flee the cities if you can.

~ Idea 3571 ~

All ministries or offices of foreign affairs of governments should be transformed into Ministries of World or Global Affairs. This is one of the most important single ideas I have come up with after more than half a century of world service. Please governments, do it. I beg you. Together with the creation of Ministries of Peace, Happiness and the Future it would be one of the greatest advances in governmental structures.

~ Idea 3572 ~

Marketing, advertisement and profit motive can come up with anything: during a recent visit to my family in the US I saw elaborately decorated milk containers of different colors and with different names.

Kid's Milk (67% more calcium and 50% more vitamins and minerals)
Fit Milk (fat free with the taste of 2%)
Life Milk (100% daily calcium in two servings)
During my next visit to the United States I will probably see two more types:
Elderly Milk
Death Milk (milk to be taken by the dying)

~ Idea 3573 ~

When I see the sophisticated attempts of the US to see Costa Rica remilitarize I cannot help thinking that the US policy to gain power over the entire world, primarily through its business and armaments, must be at least as sophisticated and constant as is its policy for the remilitarization of that small country.

~ Idea 3574 ~

Every Secretary General of the UN should be ready to quit at the end of his mandate, not to seek re-election if his conditions for re-election are not accepted and to resign at any time if he does not agree with what governments decide on very vital subjects. He should also leave behind Markings as did Dag Hammarskjöld or a Testament to the UN as I did or even better, an audacious plan and concrete ideas for a better Earth and Human government.

~ Idea 3575 ~

With a total of fifty million dead humans every year I feel the time has come to create a United Nations specialized agency on death. It would keep track of all causes of death around the world, the ages of the dead, the disposal of the dead, the inheritance legislations, etc. It is a vast subject which is of great concern to the human species and merits world-wide study and consideration. A lot of good would come out of it.

~ Idea 3576 ~

To be happy buy little or nothing that is not really necessary. Human happiness is diminished by useless belongings. Do not fall prey to advertisement. Buy only what responds to a deeply felt need or to a deep feeling of love. In addition you will save money.

~ Idea 3577 ~

Which will be the first government on Earth to decree that my World Core Curriculum (see insert page 18 of Volume I), derived from my fifty years of United Nations experience will be the basic curriculum in all schools of the country and when will at long last all governments of the world decide the same? This alone could bring total peace to planet Earth.

~ Idea 3578 ~

There is need for more world universities. The UN University for Peace in Costa Rica is a great novelty in that direction. I pray that the International Association of University Presidents will take up the subject of world universities.

~ Idea 3579 ~

Sovereignty and infallibility are two of the wrongest, most dangerous words invented by humans. Thank God the second is disappearing except in religions, but the first one is still upheld vigorously by 189 nations and is a main obstacle to the much needed further progress and life evolution on this planet toward peace, cooperation and survival.

The UN and UNESCO should establish a World Commission of Eminent Ethical Personalities to review in depth the subject of sovereignty. The kings in their tombs must be smiling at the idea that national sovereignty is still sovereign in the world.

~ Idea 3580 ~

The tightness of the US votes for a new President reveals the division of the American people between those who have continued faith in the capitalistic system and those who dream of a better world.

The election of President Bush might make this a very visible issue which might have an effect on the rest of the world. The US will no longer be the unchallenged envy, ideal and object of admiration of the rest of the world, and the rest of the world will begin to think about a better world political and economic system.

~ Idea 3581 ~

Seen in the jewelry section of a big shopping center in the US, a display of table clocks with this inscription: Coca Cola anniversary clocks. I expressed surprise that they did not sell Coca Cola anniversary wedding rings! What will marketers and advertisers invent next? There is no limit to their imagination.

~ Idea 3582 ~

My dear school friend from Alsace Lorraine René Lejeune, who convinced Robert Schuman to run for elections and to create a United Europe wrote a book titled Robert Schuman, Father of Europe, Politics the Way to Holiness.

How right he is. This is indeed what politics should be, a sacred way to holiness. I have tried to do the same for the whole world and obtained the creation of the United Religions, a complement to the United Nations. Alas, I have not succeeded to obtain the creation of a United Humanity or United Earth or United States of the World or World Union. Please dear young people and readers, dear grandchildren of mine, make this your main objective. Obtaining a proper Earth government and peace, well-being, justice and happiness of all humans is indeed the sacred way to holiness because all humans are sacred and should contribute to the fulfillment of that holiness.

~ Idea 3583 ~

I recommend the creation of a World or United Nations Natural Parks and Preserves Agency to be concerned with world, continental, international, national, regional, state, municipal and private parks and natural preserves.

~ Idea 3584 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, looking at what has happened to me on my surface since the end of World War II I do see the following dangerous explosions:

A world population explosion in the poor countries.
A world consumption explosion in the rich countries.
A world urban explosion in both rich and poor countries.
A world waste explosion still mainly in the rich countries.

All this has led already to a good deal of my destruction. Regarding the population explosion there was first a good reaction, but the future remains catastrophic with a world population increase from 6.1 billion today to 8.91 billion in 2050.

The consumption explosion still accelerates madly in the rich countries and is becoming the ideal, the craving of the poor countries. There are not even decent world statistics and studies on the subject.

On the urban explosion few are raising the subject. The monstrous cities continue to grow year after year until they will have to be abandoned, having become uninhabitable.

As for the waste explosion you have reached the point that one half of all the world's production is now waste and it goes on and on. No effort whatsoever is being done to stop it, except recycling which has become a new profitable business.

Where am I going with all this, dear Robert? It looks like a cataclysm for my evolution. It might lead to my end. What do you say?"


Dear Earth, I am afraid you are right. I'm doing my best in my writings and speeches, but they are a drop of water in the ocean. Why don't you say what you just said to me to the 189 heads of states who govern this planet? Put it into their heads during their sleep. All I can do is to continue to be your spokesman and never to give up. I will come up with as many new ideas as possible. Please put your own into my head and heart during my sleep.

The Earth:

"I will, I promise you."

~ Idea 3585 ~

US shopping centers have become so big that I believe the next step will be this: all around enormous shopping centers, houses and apartments will be built having direct access to the central shopping place. Dwellers or owners of the housing and apartments will be stockholders of the entire complex. Mark my words: it will come sooner or later.

~ Idea 3586 ~

Our planet Earth is such a tremendous, marvelous, perhaps unique miracle in the universe that it is incomprehensible that we do not take better care of her and let power, business and money be the dominant ideals of humans. How primitive can we be and how much longer will this last? We need a revolution against these dominant, cultivated, obsolete values.

~ Idea 3587 ~

Why should business be the main factor of globalization on this planet in our time? What of the globalization of government, of education, of human migrations, of transportation and communications, of views of the future, of the environment, of the concern for our Mother Earth and our natural resources? Some of them, for example transportation and communications are doing well.

I recommend that the United Nations create a special Globalization Organization to study systematically and thoroughly all globalization phenomena on this Earth, their advantages, their progress, their disadvantages. We urgently need a new science: a science of globalism or globology.

~ Idea 3588 ~

After I finish these 4000 Ideas, God permitting, I will write down my dreams how I would like to see the Earth and humanity be in ten years, 100 years and 1000 years from now. All governments and institutions on Earth should do that.

~ Idea 3589 ~

All great, influential people of this planet (heads of states, of religions, of world organizations, of large multinational corporations, of cities, universities, major institutions, Nobel Prize winners, writers, artists, etc.) should formulate their ideas, views, dreams and proposals for an ideal Earth and humanity. They could also leave behind their regrets regarding their life, actions and inactions and say what they would do if they lived again. The last words of Leonardo da Vinci were, "If I had to do it all over, I would only paint."

~ Idea 3590 ~

I can be rightly criticized for returning often to the same problems and preoccupations in our world and for repeating very similar ideas and solutions. I am almost forced to do so due to the continued conflicts and violence, the progressive destruction of the Earth, the population explosion, the consumption explosion, the increasing gap between rich and poor, a world production half of which is waste, a gross waste of more than half of all tax revenues of nations on militaries and armaments. Those are all concerns never to lose sight of. Repetition is needed to get governments to act.

~ Idea 3591 ~

I have written down the wishes, ideas and dreams which I would like to see fulfilled after my death. After completing these 4000 Ideas I will complement and consolidate them in a Testament to the World. I have already written and published my Testament to the United Nations. If I do not get around to writing my Testament to the World please, dear family, friends and readers consider these 4000 Ideas to be that testament.

~ Idea 3592 ~

"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires a certain imagination and marks the real advances in science."

Albert Einstein

I would add at the end of that, and in society.

~ Idea 3593 ~

There is an urgent and very vast need for an ethical science and behavior of humanity on planet Earth. Corporations are now appointing someone in their businesses to deal with ethics. This is a first good step. I highly recommend that we should also create a World University of Ethics and that there should be more international, national and local prizes for ethics. To philanthropy (the love of humans) and gaiaphilly (the love of the Earth) we should add a third category of love, namely philethics (the love of ethics, of justice).

~ Idea 3594 ~

There is need at the United Nations to create a World Wisdom and Ethics Council. It could replace the Trusteeship Council which has completed its work.

~ Idea 3595 ~

Einstein said, "Perfection of means and confusion of ends seems to characterize our age." He could have also added that concentration on the immediate and ignorance of the future characterizes our age.

Yes, these are two very profound and dangerous mistakes of our very rapid age. In certain fields and countries we should envisage a slowdown age, an age of common sense, of wisdom.

~ Idea 3596 ~

The United States should become again the most inspiring, leading, imaginative, soulful, loving country in the world, endowed with a Pilgrim and George Washington spirit for a united, peaceful, happy world-wide human family.

~ Idea 3597 ~

The United Nations should create a World Observatory of What is Wrong in the World. Merely to plan such an observatory would be a very revealing, useful exercise.

~ Idea 3598 ~

Even if there were several Universities for Peace and hundreds of institutes, centers, associations and peoples' movements for peace in the world little would change if the military and arms manufacturers continue to receive colossal sums of money which they constantly try to increase by seeing, inventing and exaggerating potential new dangers.

~ Idea 3599 ~

O spirits of my dead school mates who died needlessly in German or French uniforms in World War II, please invade the offices, the homes and the nights of heads of states and inspire them, press them to establish a world security system allowing the demilitarization and disarmament of planet Earth.

~ Idea 3600 ~

At the beginning of this new century and millennium, the world, especially its leaders, must decide and learn to dream again. We have such an incredible knowledge of the universe, of our planet, of humanity from the global to the local, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small, from the total humanity down to the family and individual that we can now become the most evolved, perfect planet in the universe, the cosmic ideal to which God, the forces of the universe have been aiming at for millions of years on this planet. "To awake perchance to dream," as Shakespeare said.


The Power of Dreams

Dreams help to imagine a desired result and to devise the necessary steps.

I have often observed during my life that dreams can have an important effect on the destiny of a person or of a nation. I remember in this respect an anecdote which concerns my compatriot Robert Schuman, the father of the European Union. Schuman and his family, like mine, had greatly suffered from the constant shifts of Alsace-Lorraine between France and Germany. He was born in a place where three borders touch each other, namely those of France, Germany and Luxembourg. Young Schuman was greatly annoyed by this irksome geography which impeded his freedom of movement, especially as he loved bicycling but constantly ran into a border. He dreamt of being able to do something about it when a grownup. During the First World War the Germans drafted him into their army and during the Second they imprisoned him.

After World War II he became active in French politics as one of the leaders of the Christian Democratic Party and was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. This happened at a time when several crucial questions were confronting Europe: would there be a reconciliation between France and Germany? Could there be a united Europe? Jean Monnet, a businessman who had headed the allied supplies to Europe in World War II, prepared a bold plan for a European steel and coal community as a prelude to a broader European economic community. He presented it to Robert Schuman, hoping that he would endorse it, give it his name as the Schuman Plan and initiate the reconciliation between France and Germany. During one of his visits to the United Nations in New York, Schuman told me that he had the plan for several days on his desk but could not arrive at a decision, for he was neither a steel and coal expert nor an economist. "Then one morning I woke up and remembered how annoyed I was as a youth to constantly run into a border when I rode my bicycle. I swore to myself that if I could do something about it as a grownup I would do it. That dream came back to my mind. This was the opportunity or never to fulfill it. I went to my office and signed the plan without any further hesitation."

I myself had sent to Schuman a copy of my thesis on the Saar Territory in which I urged statesmen not to let this area become another bone of contention between France and Germany, as Alsace-Lorraine had been for so long. He said to me: "Your book on the Saar is my bedside reading and you can rest assured that I will not let this problem stand between Dr. Adenauer and me." Indeed, it was during Robert Schuman's ministry that France's plans to annex the Saar or to make it an independent state were abandoned and that the Saar problem was settled once and for all.

A second anecdote concerns former Chancellor Willy Brandt of West Germany. When he was Mayor of West Berlin, he conceived the dream of solving the German problem, of reconciling the two Germanies, of facilitating human communications between the two and of bringing them into the United Nations.

I often discussed the German problem with UN Secretary General U Thant and once I asked him if he thought that the initiative to solve it came from Mr. Willy Brandt himself or from other quarters. U Thant was firmly convinced that it was Mr. Brandt's own idea. Then, one day Mr. Willy Brandt came to New York and paid a visit to U Thant. I remember his surprise at meeting a German-speaking collaborator of the Secretary General at a time when Germany was not yet a member of the United Nations. I told him that the United Nations and international organizations were a place of predilection for Alsace-Lorrainers who had suffered so much from the quarrels between France and his country. During the conversation U Thant remembered my question and he put it to Mr. Brandt: "Was it you who took the initiative for the talks between East and West Germany or was it part of other political considerations?"

"I took the initiative. It was one of my first steps when I became Chancellor. I remember that when I informed my collaborators of my decision, they told me that it was impossible. I answered that it was not because something looked impossible that one should not try. On the contrary."

Mr. Brandt was entirely right, as the German treaty and the reunification and entry of the two Germanies as one Germany into the United Nations proved later.

I have often noted that the determination of prominent personalities to work for peace or for the solution of particularly thorny problems usually rests on some deeply felt event or experience during their youth. Thus, the tragic fate of Austria, which disappeared from the map under Hitler, influenced the decision of Kurt Waldheim, as he told me, to seek the Secretary Generalship of the United Nations and to exert relentless efforts at peace and world co-operation.2 One also thinks of that other untiring negotiator, traveler and champion for peace, Henry Kissinger. When he became Secretary of state he used these words in his acceptance speech:

"There is no country in the world where it is conceivable that a man of my origin could be standing here next to the President of the United States. If my origin can contribute anything to the formulation of our policy it is that at an early age I have seen what can happen to a society that is based on hatred and strength and distrust and that I experienced then what America means to other people in its hopes and ideals."

Most good things that have happened to humanity were the results of dreams and visions. The greater the obstacles, the stronger must be the dream. Many world problems are so difficult that they require a state of dreams, elevation or exaltation which alone helps the statesmen to imagine boldly the desired result and to conceive the necessary means. This is how all great plans were born. Alas, there are not enough great dreamers in the world today. We need audacious dreams by leaders to bring about permanent peace, order, justice, well-being and happiness for all peoples in the world. "Impossible," will exclaim the eternal pessimists. The answer should be that of Mr. Brandt: "It is not because something looks impossible that one should not try. On the contrary."

~ Idea 3601 ~

The Empire State Building in New York City is an early, correct symbol of what the United States would try to become, namely the United States Empire. Why not work for the creation of the United States of the World, of an Earth Union, a United Earth?

~ Idea 3602 ~

"They used perfect means to implement often imperfect and wrong ends." That is how future generations will judge us.

~ Idea 3603 ~

One reason for me to try to live another twenty years is to help improve or 'demess' the same mess or even greater mess that might exist at that time.

~ Idea 3604 ~

To want to live in the United States you must have courage. It is becoming a growing uneconomic, very expensive economy and way of life. Housing costs and care of the elderly are among the highest in the world.

~ Idea 3605 ~

The United Nations owe their birth to the leadership of two great men, Churchill and Roosevelt, later joined by Stalin. They met in Teheran and Yalta to decide how to smash Hitler, but also to plan for a peaceful, better world after the war. They asked the heads of their armies to come up with a post-war world security system. They did it and proposed an International Security Organization (ISO) which was then later reduced to a weak Security Council within a vaster United Nations.

I recommend that the original ISO plan of the militaries be resuscitated and re-examined by the leaders of nations after fifty-five years of mixed results of the UN Security Council. We owe it to the peace of future generations in the 21st century and 3rd millennium. The result might be quite surprising. Indeed, why not create an International Security Organization incorporating NATO and SEATO now that the cold war is over?

~ Idea 3606 ~

In the text of a speech written in his own hand Franklin Roosevelt wanted to deliver at the San Francisco conference creating the United Nations he wrote:

"The work my friends is peace: more than an end of this war - an end to the beginning of all wars. I ask you to keep up your faith. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with a strong and active faith."

During my half century of UN experience I had the same view. I will send this text to the current UN Secretary General and recommend that he invite the heads of states of the planet to meet often on major world issues and problems. They should follow the example of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. As a first move, the heads of states of the UK, US, China, Russia and France should meet in one of their capitals and re-examine the United Nations Security Council in the light of the International Security Organization proposed by the heads of armies and the heads of states at the Yalta conference.

~ Idea 3607 ~

After the US Presidential elections in 2000 I wrote the following letter* to Vice President Al Gore:

Santa Barbara, 15 December 2000

Dear Mr. Vice President,

I write to you this letter as an elder who has worked all his adult life in the United Nations, including as direct Aide to three Secretaries General, and after retirement was appointed Chancellor of the UN University for Peace established in Costa Rica. I have not ceased, in my speeches and writings, to underline the fact that you are the first Vice President of a country in history in charge of global affairs. I recommended that all countries should follow that vital example of the United States.

I prayed for your election so that the United States would have a President very knowledgeable of the global affairs which have taken preeminence, over and beyond nations, in the further fate and evolution of this planet. My prayer having not been fulfilled, may I address to you now this dream: that you will establish a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on the Future of the World, under your Chairmanship. This would make you a global leader who would bring to the world the dreams of the United States for a well-preserved Earth and a peaceful, happier, more fulfilled humanity. All nations and people are looking up to your country for new dreams, a new prophetic vision of the future, similar to that given at the time by the founders of the United States and over the centuries. The Pilgrims' task now reaches to the entire world. I do not have more to say. You will fully understand my appeal. I send you herewith the list of past world Commissions created so far. May they inspire you to fulfill my dream. If such a Commission would merely recommend in the light of your experience the creation of Vice Presidencies of Global Affairs in all countries, it might change the fate of the world. Please become a leader and inspiration for the entire world.

Vice President Al Gore

Washington, DC

I send you, dear Mr. Vice President, the expression

of my deep admiration and warmest wishes,

Robert Muller

Former UN Assistant Secretary General
Lifelong Honorary President of
the Global Peoples' Assembly
Independent Ministerial World Commissions of Eminent Personalities
The World Commission of North-South Relations headed by former Chancellor Willy Brandt of Germany
The World Commission on Disarmament headed by Mr. Olof Palme, former Prime Minister of Sweden
The World Commission on the Environment headed by Mrs. Gro Harlan Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway
The World Commission on Global Governance, headed by Mr. Ingvàr Carlsson, former Prime Minister of Sweden
The World Commission on Population and the Quality of Life, headed by Mrs. Maria de Lourdes Pintalsigo, former Prime Minister of Portugal
The World Commission on Art and Culture, headed by former UN Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuellar
The World Commission on Education in the 21st century, headed by Mr. Jacques Delors, former President of the European Economic Community
The World Commission on the Oceans, headed by Mr. Mario Soares, Prime Minister of Portugal

*To make sure that he will receive this letter and proposal I sent it to Jean Houston who is very close to the Clintons suggesting that the proposal in the letter could also interest President Clinton. I was lucky: Jean Houston handed it personally to President Clinton. May God bring it luck. I had placed it on our bench of dreams.

~ Idea 3608 ~

When one thinks of all the many varied, infinitely complex, massive and subtle interrelations and interdependencies existing in the climates of this planet whirling around the sun giving birth and allowing life to infinite varieties of vegetal and animated life for various lengths of time one is astonished that humans pay so little attention to their unprecedented, profound interferences with these extraordinary realities perhaps unique in the universe. How slow it was to get this new world problem even recognized when it was signaled by the first United Nations world conference on the climate which I recommended to be convened in 1979.

It is high time to accept that the climate is not out there separate from us. We are both products and agents of it. Our blindness and sky-high misdoings for solely immediate human purposes and profit might cause unprecedented cataclysms in the future.

~ Idea 3609 ~

Humanity finds itself in a process of idiotization directed by the moneycracy and avidity of huge, uncontrolled world businesses welcomed and supported by most national governments and secured by the militaries.

How long will this obsolete wrong 19th century ideology and power ideal continue to last? Communism at least gave up.

~ Idea 3610 ~

I think that a few leading countries should get together and come up with a new ideology which would satisfy basic human needs while preserving the vital life systems of the Earth, taking the best from both the communist and capitalist experiences. A more proper evolutionary Earth and human government might be the result.

~ Idea 3611 ~

I seldom read books anymore. I read primarily the Earth and humanity, the two greatest books available, and United Nations documents which deal with both of them.

~ Idea 3612 ~

Why are Americans in such a hurry when they have such a vast territory? They should take it easy, cherish it and avoid destroying it. What is the need to hurry when there are still thousands, millions of years ahead of us? Why do they not create a Department or Ministry of the Future which would look into the short, medium, long and very long-term future of the US, of the Americas and of the world, together with similar ministries in all governments? What a fascinating progress and enlargement of the global human brain and consciousness that would be.

~ Idea 3613 ~

The angels to God:

"Dear God, when we fly down to Earth over cities which bear our names like Los Angeles we no longer have the impression that humans live down there, but ants."

St. Francis:

"You are very generous to call them ants. In my view they are Earth-finishing dinosaurs."

~ Idea 3614 ~

The time will come when municipal governments of the big cities will have to pay money to have people continue to live there. Mark my words.

~ Idea 3615 ~

To write down ideas has this great merit: it helps one to get rid of frustrations which can be numerous and profound especially in big cities. Write down what you consider is wrong and come up with positive ideas to remedy it. As a result you will feel better.

~ Idea 3616 ~

The devil loves to make his excrements on the same heap. This German proverb comes to my mind each time I see one of the big monstrous cities of this world.

~ Idea 3617 ~

One small way to alleviate air traffic around the world would be to prohibit or limit military aircrafts from maneuvering in the skies. The European Union has begun to do it. Bravo.

~ Idea 3618 ~

Many great authors and world observers, even artists have underlined the necessity of a world spiritual renaissance. I have come to the same conclusion in the United Nations where Dag Hammarskjöld and U Thant held the same view.

Spirituality is the highest attempt to grasp the meaning of our temporary but miraculous life on this miraculous planet in the universe.

Spirituality is the greatest light and guidance for our beliefs and actions during our life.

Spirituality is the greatest light for the proper governance of our planet and of all life forms on it.

Spirituality is the ultimate light of all our knowledge and sciences.

Spirituality even helps us to die more easily.

Yes, we need:

a religious spirituality

an actions spirituality

a knowledge spirituality

a political spirituality

a personal spirituality

~ Idea 3619 ~

It is such a duty, such a wonderful way of living to give ideas, to promote and do good actions for a better humanity and world when you are blessed with good health, a decent living, a proper education and the miracle of life-giving, of a family. What a wonderful paradise it will be when all humans will become peacemakers, happiness givers, idea people, good doers and all humanity and Earth lovers.

~ Idea 3620 ~

Dreaming, prayer, meditation and the silent contemplation of nature have been the great guiding lights of my life. How I thank them for the happiness they have given me. These 4000 Ideas and Dreams are a small tribute and thanks to them.

~ Idea 3621 ~

Dear reader, ideas and dreams are only attempts to better understand the miracle of life and of our planet and to contribute to a better journey of ours. Many of them are imperfect and might prove to be wrong or illusionary given the immensity and complexity of the future of this incredible planet and of its life forms, especially the human one. Please take them mainly as an example of what I would love you to do too: to come up with your own ideas and dreams. It was also my duty to reflect in mine the experiences, new wisdom and values engendered by the whole humanity in our first world-wide, all-human organization, the United Nations.

~ Idea 3622 to 3630 ~

Ideas of our children and grandchildren at Christmas 2000.

Idea 3622 All grandchildren should write together 1000 Ideas. (grandson Alexander, 6 years old)

Idea 3623 Why do they call me sweetheart? Why is the heart sweet? Because the heart is full of love (granddaughter Lucia, age 7)

Idea 3624 Families in the rich countries should adopt a family in a poor country (granddaughter Christina, 10 years old)

Idea 3625 A world anthem should be composed for the whole Earth and humanity (grandson Robert, 13 years old)

Idea 3626 Every morning in all the schools of the world there should be a pledge of allegiance to the Earth and to humanity (daughter-in-law Mari-Téré; see the pledge of allegiance drafted by grandson Adrian, Idea 1671)

Idea 3627 My birthday (11 March) should be celebrated as a World Day of Dreams and Ideas. On that day dream-wish cakes should be served containing a dream or wish to be fulfilled by the person who finds it in his/her slice of cake. (daughter-in-law Mari-Téré)

Idea 3628 Similarly on United Nations Day (24th October) United Nations cakes with one or several ideas for peace and a better world inside should be served. (daughter-in-law Mari-Téré)

Idea 3629 On United Nations Day all heads of states should be served a United Nations cake containing one or several ideas or dreams for a better world (son Philippe)

Idea 3630 I should compose a United Nations World Hymn to be played on the harmonica (son Philippe)

~ Idea 3631 ~

If many people become as fascinated as I am with my Ideas and Dreams for a Better World I suspect that they will begin to write their own which will yield them the same pleasure, fascination and endless surprises as do mine.

~ Idea 3632 ~

No one on Earth should buy a pre-built standard house in an ugly conglomerate of identical, mass-produced houses. As a rule they are built as cheaply as possible. Their conglomerates look like camps, like communism. Better dream, conceive and plan your own modest home and build it with the cooperation of masons, carpenters and other local artisans who will help you with love. You will not regret it. It will be really your home, a product of your love and ideas, ready to receive your soul and the happiness of your family.

~ Idea 3633 ~

We must be careful that the rest of the world does not do what the USA did with its indigenous people: park them inside reserves, exploit them, drown them in consumption, build gambling places and destroy their Earth and natural elements.

~ Idea 3634 ~

The ideal US city of tomorrow: a big, concentrated round center with all the supermarkets and shopping centers conceivable, public services, health services, doctor's offices, schools and funeral homes around which dwellings and apartments are built concentrically in which people live who are stockholders of the totality.

~ Idea 3635 ~

At long last the American people begin to be concerned about the big US and multinational corporations. They should avoid the anonymous supermarkets and buy instead from little merchants and stores. They should boycott all the Coca Colas and massively produced, heavily advertised so-called soft drinks, in reality unhealthy drinks, and make their own healthy fruit juices and drinks.

~ Idea 3636 ~

If only all public servants in the world could work religiously, with utmost passion for the people's welfare and happiness and for the salvation, preservation and beautification of our wonderful planet. What a difference it would make. I have tried to do my part in it as a world public servant.

The Earth:

"I thank you for it, dear Robert."

~ Idea 3637 ~

There should be henceforth as much efforts, activities, writings, conferences, demonstrations, institutions, etc. to stop the war against the Earth and her nature as there are now to stop wars between humans.

~ Idea 3638 ~

I dream that someday I will see advertisements in the rich countries asking people to consume less in order to save the Earth. Who will have the courage to do that? Perhaps new ethical methods and types of advertisements should be conceived. The UN should convene a world conference on advertisement and marketing.

~ Idea 3639 ~

A few comments on words:

Insurance, it would be good also to have the word exsurance, to help making an exist, to exitise, to get out of a negative, adverse situation (for example accumulating things, overconsumption, waste).

Innaturing, to situate our life again into the beautiful framework of nature; to introduce natural characteristics in things which have lost them.

Renaturing, to help nature gain ground again, to renature denatured areas of the Earth.

Healthspitals, instead of hospitals.

~ Idea 3640 ~

At the beginning of the new 21st century and 3rd millennium it would be good to highlight a few very fundamental truths which have recently dawned upon humanity, e.g.:

1. that there has been a second Copernican Revolution: we have learned that this Earth has not been created for the benefit and exploitation by humans, but that we humans are an integral part of the Earth processes and must take good care of her.

2. that optimism to think, to act and to cooperate globally and look far into the future are the latest revealed cosmic functions of the human species to keep evolution progressing.

3. that we must put good order, simplify and elucidate (put light into, clarify) the immense complexities of life and realities of our planet. My World Framework of Our Global Knowledge can serve as a basis of that (see Volume I, pg. 38).

4. we should establish a list of the great, fundamental, simple truths and objectives for the 21st century as part of our further ascending, cosmic evolution on this planet in the universe.

~ Idea 3641 ~

Humanity will have succeeded once the Earth will be called:

The Earth of Peace
The Earth of Love
The Earth of Happiness
The Earth of Justice
The Earth of Beauty
The Earth of Well-being
The Smiling Earth
The Resplendent Earth

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, Please add also the Earth of God which will be the supreme achievement."

~ Idea 3642 ~

Are there any Clubs of Happiness in the world? There should be many. I dream of Robert Muller Peace and Happiness Clubs and of a World Federation of them. My book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness and all my other writings on peace and happiness should be available there as well as the many books by other authors who have dealt with these fundamental subjects. Videos, songs and films should also be available there. Let us make the Earth the most peaceful and happiest planet in the universe.

Yes, why not Planet Earth, the Happiest, most Just, most Peaceful, most Beautiful Well-Preserved Planet in the universe.

~ Idea 3643 ~

At the age of seventy-seven I must now learn the art and love of good aging. When I asked a friend how he did it to reach ninety-two and to look and think so well he said, "You will do it too. I must continue because one of my grandsons said at my 92nd anniversary, 'Grandpa you must reach 102 so that I can brag about you with my friends,'" a very good reason.

When I mentioned that to Adrian, one of my grandsons he said, "I want you to live until you have gotten rid of all wars, armaments and militaries." This might need much more than the age of 102. It might require a resuscitation!

~ Idea 3644 ~

I dream that all children of the world will insist on playing only with peacemaking toys as do the children in Sweden and not violent and warmaking toys. How beautiful that will be. I will give them my earthly blessings and later on send them my love from heaven. I will guide their lives to untold happiness and some successes as was mine.

~ Idea 3645 ~

It is wonderful to see people go to a church, a temple or a house of worship where they are told that they are children of God, of Yahweh, of Allah, of the Great Spirit or of other prophets who told them that they are most precious, unique cosmic, heavenly beings. All great founders and prophets of religions were messengers of the universe, of the cosmos, of the mysterious Creation, of the Creator. People are validated, uplifted, inspired by them. No government, no other human institutions tell them that they are miraculous, cosmic beings. What a source of validation and happiness the world's religions and cultures can be.

The only trouble was that the cosmic messengers were so precious, so true, so unique that strict, fundamentalist religions were born around them, anxious to conquer all humanity, even at the cost of making wars.

This will end in the 3rd millennium thanks to the United Religions Initiative, an organization similar to the United Nations which will bring together all religions of the world. My dreams and proposals in New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality (Doubleday, 1982) are being fulfilled.

~ Idea 3646 ~

I will recommend to the United Religions Initiative to compare the cosmic messages of all great, heavenly messengers, to hold services at which the words of several of them will be read.

Religions and cultures are a most precious asset of humanity. They must be well-preserved and cherished and should not hate and go to war against each other.

~ Idea 3647 ~

No nation, no human group or association should ever be considered superior to humanity. Humanity comes first as our greatest family and the Earth comes first as our common home. That must become the foremost ideology in the 3rd millennium.

~ Idea 3648 ~

Each human is such a miracle, such a precious, unique cosmic creature that no human group, no nation, no religion should have the right of asking their members to kill other human beings. Wars, armaments and the military must be abolished, totally prohibited on our marvelous, divine planet. The right not to kill other human beings, not in the name of a nation, of a religion or of any other group must be proclaimed as the most fundamental human right of all. Parents, especially mothers, grandparents and families must request that right, most vocally, fundamentally, persistently and stubbornly until it is granted.

~ Idea 3649 ~

In these 4000 Ideas I have proposed the creation of many world universities. I would go one step further: the International Association of University Presidents or a World Commission of Eminent Personalities should take up the subject of world universities. It is high time to do it. A World Plan and Coordination of such universities would avoid enormous duplications of costs, leading to more productivity, lower fees, no fees and help to the students. This is a very vital subject to be reviewed and rethought from scratch at the beginning of this new millennium.

~ Idea 3650 ~

Costa Rican youths should not be over-eager to go and study at universities in the United States. There they might learn to invent more, to produce more, to build more, to sell more, to market more, to advertise more, to package more, to compete more and to make more money. Returning home they might destroy their wonderful, natural country. The effort should be in reverse: Costa Rica should attract US students and teach them how to take good care of God's wonderful nature, live in peace, demilitarized and cultivate the happiness of people. A first great step in this direction was the creation in Costa Rica of the United Nations University for Peace and Earth Council.

~ Idea 3651 ~

In order to keep our human common sense, our humaneness, we should stop looking at advertisements until those who pay for them will realize that they are wasting their money. On the contrary, let us buy preferably non-advertised products recommended by truthful sources, such as doctors, priests, clubs, peoples' associations, friends and neighbors.

~ Idea 3652 ~

Dear God, permit me and many people to still be useful at our advanced age and help this planet and humanity become the greatest jewels of your Creation.

Yours endlessly grateful for the miracle of life,

Robert Muller

~ Idea 3653 ~

There is an absolute, urgent need to create a UN World Agency on Road Transportation as a sub-agency of a UN World Transportation Organization. This is an enormous gap in the insufficient, weak United Nations system of world services and organizations. If it is not done we will soon see true disasters in this gigantically growing field of human construction, movement and transportation.

~ Idea 3654 ~

The airlines of the world have formed a world alliance called One World. I wish, I exhort a multitude of professions, institutions and peoples' associations to create also One World alliances. We might soon have a world equipped with a One World Alliance of all nations with one world government. Who knows, this might become a reality earlier than we think.

~ Idea 3655 ~

President Truman's favorite poem by Alfred Tennyson, 1842:

For I dipped into the future far as human eye could see
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that could be;
Saw the heavens filled with commerce, argosee of magic sails
Pilots of the purple twilight dropping down with costly bails;
Heard the heavens filled with shouting, and there rained a ghastly dew
From the nations air and navies grappling in the central blue...
Till the war drum throbbed no longer, and the battle flags were furled
In the parliament of man, the federation of the world...

The President carried a copy of this poem in his wallet and often showed it and read it to the people. He was deeply moved by Tennyson's vision of the establishment of "the parliament of man, the federation of the world". That became his dream too. It should become the dream of every head of state.

~ Idea 3656 ~

It would be wonderful if one government would suddenly declare, we will be the first global, cosmic government on planet Earth.

~ Idea 3657 ~

The conceiving of a World Core Curriculum for all education on Earth may have made my passage on Earth worthwhile. Perhaps future generations of educators and educated youth will thank me for it.

~ Idea 3658 ~

If there were no airlines I would not live far away in Costa Rica. I would have stayed near my children and grandchildren like in olden times and the air would not be polluted by planes. I wonder therefore if airplanes are really a progress. I wonder what the total distances covered by air and by car are for an American citizen in a lifetime. And the US is eager to sell this apparent 'progress' to the so-called 'underdeveloped', 'poor, retarded' people of the third world.

The Earth:

"You are so right dear Robert, all too often what westerners call progress are real disasters for me."

~ Idea 3659 ~

I prefer our beautiful, uninhabited, tropical, primeval, heavenly land in Costa Rica with our humble, antique farmlet than to own a big skyscraper in one of the monstrous cities of the world. Thank you O God for having brought us to this blessed land.

~ Idea 3660 ~

A nature-rich, pure-air, non-industrialized, non-commercialized country, not overconstructed country like Costa Rica represents a greater capital than all the overpopulated, monstrous, unnatural cities of the world. We must get our values straight.

~ Idea 3661 ~

How nature walkers and cyclists feel good when they think that they use no gasoline, that they breathe God's fresh air and go slow in the Earth's wonderful nature.

~ Idea 3662 ~

God looking down on Earth and asking:

"What have they invented now down there, big mechanical snails?"

Goddess Eartha:

"No, they are golf course vehicles. There are thousands of them all over the United States and their number is increasing all over the world."

And then she goes on explaining to God what the golf sport is and God shakes his head and says: "What else will they not be inventing?"

Goddess Eartha:

"Well, at least it preserves a good surface of mine, even if most of them are completely deforested and are only meadows. The grass of these meadows is constantly cut short with mowing machines which produce pollution and prevent the grass from growing and producing oxygen and consuming carbon dioxide."


"Well, this is even worse than I thought."

~ Idea 3663 to 3667 ~

There is an urgent need for as many ideas from the consuming people as there are endlessly more from the producing, marketing, advertising and selling companies. There should be a consumercracy to balance corporatcracy, marketingcracy, advertisementcracy and sellingcracy. Here are a few added to the many already expressed earlier in these 4000 Ideas (see Indexes) and please dear consumer, add your own:

Idea 3663 Local stores should be created which sell exclusively national products and no foreign products, thus avoiding high transportation costs from foreign lands and the deterioration of food products with time. I saw in a giant supermarket in Santa Barbara thirty different foreign cheeses offered, practically no American cheeses and their prices were very high.

Idea 3664 Local stores should decide and advertise that they will sell exclusively local products. This will give incentive to local productions. When Barbara offered this suggestion I said to her that there could be a local book store in Santa Barbara which would sell only books by authors from Santa Barbara. She said that there are more than four hundred authors living in that city and that they would be delighted.

Idea 3665 There is a popular coffee store in Santa Barbara where the coffee served to you is made of beans freshly ground and never allowed to remain unused for more than three hours. Thank God there is a revival world-wide of bakeries where the bread is produced daily. People should no longer buy mass-produced breads which might be several weeks or months old.

Idea 3666 If a private person or family owns a store they should have a visible sign saying it so that people will give preference to such stores where they receive personal attention and interest and not go to giant, anonymous stores owned by people who will never be known to you and whose main interest is to have these same stores everywhere in the world and make endlessly more money.

Idea 3667 When you visit a big supermarket and see the innumerable products offered in each category, for example of sauces, mustard, cereals, etc. think how much will be sold of it, how much will not be sold and will age until they must be thrown away if the law requires it. Remember that already half of all the production of the western countries is now waste. It has become your duty as a citizen not to become a sponsor of that waste which is so damagable to our Earth and basic elements.

~ Idea 3668 ~

I wonder if the US economy could not go a step further and provide for the following:

New money would be printed and all armaments and military expenditures would be saved and the money would be given freely to every citizen and family to consume. People who would be satisfied with a reasonable minimum consumption would no longer have to work. Those who would like more would work.

Economists should really come up with a new imaginative economic system in which less and less people would have to work since industries are producing goods cheaply and massively now. There could be earlier retirements, more official holidays, shorter working hours, etc. Why not conceive a whole new strategy not based on endless "growth" and ceaseless hectic activities.

~ Idea 3669 ~

Seeing the big advertisements of construction firms using innumerable bulldozers to dig up the Earth and build more road extensions or new roads I would request as a congressman that they should no longer be allowed to use the word construction, but would use the word Earth-moving instead. Destruction would even be more appropriate, but human culture has not yet come to that stage.

I was trying to visualize what would be next: these companies will have to seek endlessly new sites for new roads and 'buildings' to use their expensive machines and the producers of the machinery will need to produce constantly more of them in line with the theory of economic growth. The result will be more roads which will attract more automobile traffic, more building developments requiring more access roads and it will never end. For how many hundreds of years can this continue? What will be the end results of the theory of permanent economic growth and world-wide free enterprise? What is the role of government in all this?

~ Idea 3670 ~

What is completely new in all human history is that now the Earth risks perishing first and humanity thereafter. Alas, there is not a single government of the 189 ruling this planet which has understood that. There is need for a colossal world-wide awakening to this new reality.

~ Idea 3671 ~

Dear reader, here are two quotes which I highly recommend to you:

"The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to be."


"Once you commit to something, life moves in ways you could have never imagined."


Yes, think most seriously what you wish to be, what you think you were born for, what God and the people expect from you. Be it passionately all your lifelong. Forget about all outside influences, advices to the contrary, discouragements and "it is impossible".

And you will discover that Goethe was right: you could have never imagined in your wildest dreams what blessings would be yours. When I look back I can only say that my whole life was a proof of it.

~ Ideas 3672 to 3674 ~

Idea 3672 Outside of a giant book store in Santa Barbara I saw a dozen of magnificent ancient palm trees on a plaza and I thought, "How much more wonderful these trees are than the thousands of books I saw in that store. I should stop writing books and live only in love with nature."

Idea 3673 How glad I am that at least I write books on happiness, on dreams and ideas for a better, peaceful and happy world. I could not find in that book store any section entitled Our Earth, Peace, Happiness or the Future.

Idea 3674 Visiting after that book store an all products store, a souvenir store and a cards store I saw in all four along a wall a display of an incredible number of US magazines and another wall and several displays of innumerable wishing cards for all sorts of occasions.

The manager of one of the stores told me that almost all the magazines remained unsold and had to be returned to be shredded. Pocketbooks had the same fate. He pleaded with the producers to at least give them away to poor people, to old people's homes, etc. but they refused saying that it would be detrimental to the market. Cards fared better and had not to be returned.

I was thinking of the thousands of stores in the United States who were carrying these magazines, pocketbooks and cards.

I told him how best sellers are made: 500,000 copies or more are printed and spread around the country to book stores and selling points. From 10,000 to 50,000 are sold and the rest are returned to be shredded.

No wonder that one half of the entire production of 'goods' in the western countries is waste.

~ Idea 3675 ~

Capitalism can continue to succeed and to bring well-being to humanity for a few more decades, but it will bring with it the destruction of the Earth because humanity is and will continue to be its objective, not the Earth. Can it correct this intrinsic birth defect from the 19th century conditions or not? That remains to be seen.

~ Idea 3676 ~

I received the following message from a friend, Lola Kristof of the San Francisco United Nations Association:

"It is such an inspiration reading your ideas. They should be packaged and sold in pharmacies with this advertisement: one idea pill from Robert Muller before meals and your depression is guaranteed to heal."

This is very nice but only partly true because quite a number of my ideas are pretty gloomy. I will have to avoid them henceforth.

~ Idea 3677 ~

Former UN Secretary General U Thant often said that spirituality had to catch up with materialism, science and technology. In order to illustrate his point he used to tell the following story:

One day a party of native bearers in Africa suddenly stopped, discharged their loads, sat down and refused to go forward. When asked for the reason their leader said: "our bodies have gone too fast for our souls. We must wait for our souls to catch up with us."

I believe the whole western society should learn from that story.

~ Idea 3678 ~

Sustainable development?
How about unsustainable development?
The limits of growth?
How about the impossibilities of growth?
The gross national product?
How about the gross national destruction?
Humanity should get its objectives, ideas, terminology and futures straight.

~ Idea 3679 ~

The US is becoming more and more a moneycracy, a corporatcracy, a businesscray rather than a peoples' democracy. It should seriously re-examine itself if it wants to keep its democracy alive as a model for the world.

~ Idea 3680 ~

It is now money that rules practically all the world, no longer people if they ever have. What do we wait for to convene a United Nations World Conference on Moneycracy Versus Democracy?

~ Idea 3681 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I hope that someday most heads of states of this planet will have worked at the United Nations and will come from there."


Why do you say that?

The Earth:

"Because they would be more knowledgeable and familiar with the world's global problems and as you know very well my problems now rank as highest priorities among these."

~ Idea 3682 ~

Working on my memoirs it strikes me that during all the years I worked at the United Nations the morale was always at the lowest: McCarthyism under Trygve Lie, at its apex when Dag Hammarskjöld became UN Secretary General; lowest moral when Hammarskjöld died in the Congo (rumors that he was assassinated); a low morale in the 1970's according to my journal notes: and for several recent years the non-payment by the United States of its dues to the United Nations.

I wonder if some anti-internationalist groups have not an interest in making sure that the morale of the United Nations is always low so that no audacious ideas and initiatives will come from that organization. This is an observation which I forgot to note in my Testament to the United Nations.

~ Ideas 3683 to 3687 ~

New ideas suggested for the UN during a visit of young people to the UN

Idea 3683 The United Nations should establish an Economic World Watchdog Council to eliminate speculation, outrageous profits and guarantee the basic prices of raw materials.

Idea 3684 The UN should have projects for common undertakings in the world.

Idea 3685 The UN should transform the Commission on Human Rights into a World Court of Human Rights with the authority to receive suits and to take legal action on behalf of individuals against their government's abuse.

Idea 3686 The UN should create a World Environmental Observatory with antennae on every continent. This would permit an unbroken supervision and a definition of the limits of exploitation of natural resources, animals or plants as well as regulations for the checking of industrial pollution.

Idea 3687 Like the creation of the Food and Agricultural Organization, the UN should create an International Air Agency and an International Water Agency. These organizations would pay particular attention to the threat of climatic changes caused by human activities.

~ Idea 3688 ~

The American writer H.L.Mencke wrote: "there is no record in history of a happy philosopher. They exist only in romantic legends." Well, I consider myself as a very happy philosopher and I hope that there will be many more hope-building, happy, optimistic, challenging philosophers in the world.

~ Idea 3689 ~

The current priorities on this planet are business first, government second and spirituality last. This must be urgently redressed to: first, spirituality towards God, the heavens and eternity, towards our Mother Earth, all humans and all living species and nature; second, loving public service to peace, justice, to the poor and down-trodden, to the well-being and happiness of all people; third, business and the provision of essential goods and services.

~ Idea 3690 ~

There is a general criticism that there are too many religions in this world. Well the decision has been taken by many of them to launch a United Religions Initiative which will lead to the creation of a United Religions similar to the United Nations. There is the similar criticism that there are too many philosophies. Well, why not launch a United Philosophies Initiative which would offer the world the new global philosophy needed in the third millennium?

~ Idea 3691 ~

Why not recommend to the United Nations to convene a world conference on a new global philosophy and proper ways of life in the third millennium?

~ Idea 3692 ~

India and the city of Assisi in Italy could launch the idea of a world association of all groups, philosophies and movements for a simple and frugal way of life, as professed and practiced by Gandhi and Saint Francis.

~ Idea 3693 ~

Humanity is not an evolutionary aberration as many western thinkers think it is. On the contrary it is an evolutionary miracle on a miraculous planet in the tremendous, miraculous universe. Our agenda for the 21st century and 3rd millennium should therefore be:

- to help the success of humanity as the most advanced form of evolution

- to ensure the fulfillment of each miraculous human life, from birth to death

- to save, preserve and enhance the miraculous character and beauty of our biosphere and planetary home, the Earth.

~ Idea 3694 ~

Someone should write a treatise on how we could achieve a non-violent world, following the precepts of Gandhi and of other great peace philosophers.

~ Idea 3695 ~

There are innumerable national Universities on this planet, but very few world universities which would be greatly needed at this time. The creation of a world University of Philosophy would be a blessing.

~ Idea 3696 ~

Humanity should adopt happiness and not consumerism as the objective and ideal of life and of our efforts. Peace, education, beauty, love, welfare, security, etc. are only instruments to achieve human happiness. If we tried we would have a wonderful world at very low cost. Perhaps a step would be to create a World University of Happiness and to place the subject on the agenda of the United Nations. The drafters of the US Constitution did not shy from the word: the main purpose of the Constitution was the "pursuit of happiness". The World Constitution we so desperately need should have the same goal.

Incidentally, American surveys show that in spite of a two-fold increase in per capita spending for personal consumption, the number of Americans describing themselves as "very happy" is not larger than it was in 1957. It has fluctuated at the one-third level ever since.

~ Idea 3697 ~

There should be more work, more scientific research, more world associations and peoples' movements for all the great philosophical, moral concepts which have always helped humanity to survive and to progress in the fathomless mysteries of the universe and time. Such movements are now mushrooming on peace, human rights, racial and gender equality, the environment, etc. We should be glad that an Institute for the Science of Hope has been created in New York and an Institute of Forgiveness in Lawrence, Kansas. These should be accompanied by world associations or peoples' movements for hope, for forgiveness, etc.

~ Idea 3698 ~

The United Nations should convene soonest a world conference on the meaning of human life, to enlighten our ways in the 21st century and 3rd millennium. India could make a landmark contribution to such a conference. I remember that my beloved master, former Secretary General U Thant from Burma was dreaming of writing a book on the merger of western science and technology with eastern spirituality and philosophy. Alas he died before doing it. Hindu philosophers and scientist could do it.

~ Idea 3699 ~

Henceforth in all human history the supreme reason will no longer be the reason of state but the reason of the Earth and humanity.

~ Idea 3700 ~

Since philosophy means the love of wisdom (Greek: phil and sophia) the views of the elderly people of the world, holders of wisdom, should be collected and studied.

~ Idea 3701 ~

One UN World Conference is still missing: on the family, which is the only natural human society within the whole humanity. All others are humanmade and our evolution is not yet advanced enough to recognize, care and well organize in peace, justice and well-being the entire human family on this planet. That subject of the entire human family should also be inscribed high on the agenda of that conference.

~ Idea 3702 ~

Anthropobiology, the science of the life of the human being, has discovered incredible relationships, interdependences and cooperation between all the cells, components and organs of the human being. It is only when they are in union that the individual is at the apex of his health and functioning. The word cooperation is not good enough. Only the life, the actions which result from that union count.

The same is true and must be fostered for everything on Earth and in the heavens. We must aim at:

a union of humanity
a union of the Earth
a union of nature
a union of social groups
a union of religions
a union of the heavens

For all these unions there should be a science (e.g. humanology, heavenology), an education and a methodology (a study of the ways).

~ Idea 3703 ~

There have been substantial progresses in the consciousnesses gained by the human species since World War II. They are:

1. Immediately after the war a tremendous consciousness for the whole human species: avoid wars, suppress colonialism, racism, sex discrimination, apartheid; eradicate all epidemics; reduce child mortality at birth; increase longevity; establish human rights; economic development; achieve well-being and education for all, etc.

2. 1960's: consciousness of the sudden world population explosion; several UN world conferences held on the subject.

3. 1970's: birth of the consciousness that something was getting wrong with nature around us: the environment. Two UN world conferences on that subject in 1972 and 1992; creation of Ministries of the Environment in all countries.

4. 1980's: discovery of the damages we do to the ozonosphere and to the Earth climate: the Earth begins to become our preoccupation number one. UN world conferences on these subjects.

5. 1990's: consciousness of the need for a renaissance of spirituality and birth of a global spirituality: World Parliament of Religions in 1993, creation of the United Religions Initiative in 2000.

6. 1990's to 2000: birth of concern and consciousness of the future appears in practically all fields and institutions. A heads of states meeting at the United Nations in 2000 discusses the future; creation of a Commissioner for the Future in the European Union; creation of an important US Foundation for the Future which looks as far as the year 3000. Future evolution is widely debated as a mounting concern.

7. 2001: all the preceding leads to a new consciousness: the consciousness of the urgent need for the proper governance of our Earth and humanity: World Peoples' Assembly in Samoa calling for a world United Nations Parliament; initiatives by many non-governmental organizations and private conferences on that subject.

All the above is reflected in the celebration of a first World Consciousness Day on Earth Day 2001, 20th of March. It speaks well for further human progress and the survival and preservation of the Earth.

After consciousness must now come action.

~ Idea 3704 ~

No one should ever underestimate the power of ideas. Even more powerful than written ideas are ideas well formulated in speeches to meetings or conferences which can do something about them.

~ Idea 3705 ~

There should be a fundamental human right to silence during the night so that evolution can proceed through our dreams which produce new light.

~ Idea 3706 ~

My cassette tape recorder made in China reminds me that I was able to get China readmitted to the United Nations, thus eliminating the source of another cold war.

~ Idea 3707 ~

With deregulation and privatization business will make us pay very dearly for our water, air and electricity. It has started already with electricity.

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I'm glad personally because the people will no longer be able to buy what is not absolutely necessary. Think of all my destruction and all the waste which will be avoided."

~ Idea 3708 ~

Dear people, do not sell a house unless you must or sell it only in order to buy a cheaper one in another location. Why? Because governments will not cease putting more money into circulation to keep the economy and your income growing. But the national economic product and the income you receive will represent to a large degree inflation, not growth. The land and most housing on the other hand represent a growing capital.

~ Idea 3709 ~

The word conflict comes from the Latin, con fluctus meaning a flow meeting another flow. This might be the source of trouble but not necessarily. It might even be very smoothfull and beneficial. A conflict requires two partners. To resolve a troublesome confluctus we should first examine the advantages, the benefits, the higher value attained by the confluents. Thereafter only look at the frictions, the disadvantages or sources of unhappiness on one or the other or on both sides, see how these can be accepted, compensated or healed if necessary. This should be the basis of what is called conflict resolution. A conflict should not be merely resolved. It should also lead to greater cooperation, even love and happiness.

~ Idea 3710 ~

Two good progresses: the Governor of California has requested that all businesses in the state should cut the lights in their stores and windows during the night to save on electricity. If they do not do it they will be fined. Well, one of my ideas is thus being implemented.

In the Los Angeles Times there was a photo of Las Vegas which can barely be seen in a sea of pollution. A long article was devoted to this most polluted city in the United States. Well, the publication of such a photograph would not have been conceivable a year or two ago, business not being favorable to articles which could harm business.

~ Idea 3711 ~

If western humans and their institutions would become as devoted, imaginative and active for the preservation and beautification of the Earth as they are now for the invention of new goods, products, services and activities for humans, then we would become a wonderful, extraordinary world.

But two major problems would remain unresolved:

1. Justice and well-being for all western inhabitants.

2. Justice, well-being and population restraint in the poor countries which represent 2/3rds of humanity.

~ Idea 3712 ~

The western countries need as many ministries caring for the Earth, nature and the natural elements as they have now for war, economics, trade and finance.

~ Idea 3713 ~

Seeing the golf course across the street from the house of Barbara, the following idea came to my mind: why not create nature courses the same way as golf courses are created, a number of people would buy together a land of which they would be shareholders or co-owners, e.g. a hill, a forest or a valley; that land would be open to them to use at any time for walks, for picnics, for excursions, for bringing along friends. Together the owners of this nature course would pay gardeners and caretakers to take care of the roads, to beautify the land, to plant trees, bushes, etc. There could be as many nature courses as there are golf courses on this planet, if not more. People could also buy a piece of land or an old farm outside the city rather than see this farm bought by constructors who want to build endlessly more housing. Each one would have his part of that land for gardening or relaxing, having a tent and say to the children this is our own park. They could plant a tree when a child is born. I spoke of this for the park of the UN University for Peace. Well, this could be done for nature courses and co-owned farms, gardens and entire villages.

~ Idea 3714 ~

When I called a lawyer friend about the idea of nature courses and asked if he could get for me the legislation ruling the golf courses he said to me that the golf courses have become immensely rich all over the world and have even a magazine which gives all the details. He will find out for me. I said to him: these people didn't want to become rich, that was definitely not their objective. But the cities have grown and have come closer to the land of the golf courses which when they sell a piece of the land make a big profit. This is happening everywhere in the world, the land is becoming more and more the best, the safest capital on Earth, the one with the minimum risks.

~ Idea 3715 ~

Let us all be loving gardeners of the world.

~ Idea 3716 ~

What two poor ideologies were invented in the 19th century! Communism was to make all humans equal and capitalism to make more money. Could not the scientific and technological revolution come up with anything better? Look at all the trouble they have created, communism regarding humanity and capitalism regarding the Earth and nature.

~ Idea 3717 ~

As long as you consider your race, your color, your nationality, your culture, your language, your religion to be superior to any others and to be more important than being human, it will be difficult to have peace on Earth. The matter of peace rests therefore in large degree in your hands, not in those of the United Nations. Remember the statement of Socrates: "I am not an Athenian, I am not a Greek, I am a citizen of the world."

~ Idea 3718 ~

To the question, "What is the UN, what ought it to be?" a delegate from Nepal answered:

"It is the one mind operating at the summit of the world."

How right he is. It is even the one mind, the one heart, the one soul and vital force operating at the summit of the world.

~ Idea 3719 ~

A young photographer came several mornings at dawn to the roof of the United States Mission across the street from the United Nations to try to photograph the rising sun behind the UN building. He was not able to do so. I told him that this photography was not necessary, that the sun is always rising behind and above the UN.

~ Idea 3720 ~

I hope that someone or some institution will be able to extract from these 4000 ideas and experiences a coherent, useful, new ideology for humanity's future and for a peaceful, normal, further evolution of humanity on planet Earth.

~ Idea 3721 ~

Heads of states do not dream big enough. Their dreams should embrace the entire Earth and humanity. Those will henceforth be the necessary dreams of the 21st century and 3rd millennium. It will be their only way to become famous.

~ Idea 3722 ~

Someday this entire planet will pray together. How wonderful it will be!

~ Idea 3723 ~

I proposed in 1981 the creation of a World Peoples' Movement for a United Humanity with the following program:

1. Total support of the United Nations; mobilization of public opinion, education, etc. for it.
2. Total support for a United Europe which must serve as a model for other continents and for the world.
3. Fostering sub-federal and federal movements in all regions of the world.
4. Request a world federal system based on the present territorial units.
5. Goal of establishing a proper world government.

6. Creation of a permanent World Commission for the Review and Study of a Proper World Political Order, commensurate with the needs of a global, united humanity on little planet Earth.

Well, in 2000 a Global Peoples' Assembly was created by a World Peoples' Assembly in Samoa and elected me as their lifelong honorary president. I will now be able to revive the above agenda and work for its implementation.

~ Idea 3724 ~

Dear reader, make sure that every letter you write to another human brother or sister brings them blessings, happiness and the desire to contribute to a better world.

~ Idea 3725 ~

We need not only conversations or dialogs with God, with the Earth and with people. We need also dialogs with the saints, with the mountains, the seas, the waters, the forests, the vegetation, the animals and with our own body, our heart and all our organs to receive our thanks, reassurance and inspiration. The Hopi Indians sing to the corn in their fields. We should sing to God, to the Earth, to all elements, to our human brothers and sisters and to our own marvelous, faithful organs which are true miracles. Yes, we should be deeply thankful to all. We should smile at them and if possible kiss them. Have you ever kissed your hand?

~ Idea 3726 ~

Humanity already twenty years ago had all the knowledge necessary to manage its home, the Earth and itself properly. We should have by today a proper, well functioning Earth government. But alas, we are in a greater mess and confusion than ever with a host of aggravated and new human problems and an Earth being run to pieces by pieces. If we do not react urgently the situation will soon be hopeless and irreparable.

~ Idea 3727 ~

The rules of procedure of the UN General Assembly provide that the opening and the closing of the General Assembly each year should begin and end with a minute of silence for prayer or meditation. I suggest that a subject could be proposed by the Secretary General for the prayer or meditation of all delegates. It could be the success of a world conference or the Earth or the seas and oceans or any subject which requires the prayers of the representatives of humanity.

~ Idea 3728 ~

I once cut out of a religious article the following statement:

"According to George Gallup 80% of Americans consider themselves religious and 2/3rds are members of churches and synagogues. If you add up all the people who go to or watch sports events it will not equal those numbers, yet religion gets much less coverage than sports and other topics in the media."

That says a lot.

~ Idea 3729 ~

The future of the world lies in the 21st century. What humanity does or does not do in that century will determine the entire remaining future of the Earth and of humanity. But what hope is there when there are no Ministries of the Future in the national governments of this planet?

~ Idea 3730 ~

I have often depressions, crises, even decisions to give up my efforts for a better world. It usually happens in the evening after a day dealing with depressing realities. But the following morning I am optimistic again, full of new, positive ideas. The Chinese give us the answer since their word 'crisis' is composed of two signs: 'danger' and 'opportunity'. During the day I am subjected to 'dangers' and the following morning I see opportunities born from the experiences the day before.

~ Idea 3731 ~

Humans are the product of millions of years of evolution of the Earth. It is with the use of nature's foods and liquids that we have nourished us and survived.

Now our own sciences and knowledge have allowed us to heal many sicknesses to avoid early death and to prolong our lives.

The first factor nevertheless remains totally true: we must continue to consume only natural liquids and foods which have allowed us to evolve to the advanced species which we have become. The word organic should be replaced by the word natural. The absolute requirement is that we must continue our evolution and Earth destiny by refusing to consume anything that is not 100% natural.1


- only natural water, real fruit juices and milk, nothing carbonated or doctored into soft drinks, wines and alcohol should be drunk.

- only totally natural vegetables, grains and meats, nothing in cans or doctored by chemical or other processes should be eaten.

Return to nature must be the overarching new fundamental rule of our and of the Earth's further evolution

Of course this implies not to kill nature.

~ Idea 3732 ~

Who will get us out of the mess of 189 sovereign nations dividing among themselves this planet and wasting each year 800 billion dollars - one half of all their tax revenues - on armaments and militaries? Dear reader, if you have an idea to stop that please send it to your head of state and representative to parliament and network it by every possible means.

~ Idea 3733 ~

The right and privilege to being a nation should be accompanied by specific duties and responsibilities. The first and foremost should be not to waste any sums on armaments and militaries, but ask for protection by their regional organization or by the United Nations, the first world organization created on Earth for that purpose.

~ Idea 3734 ~

A great new chapter should be opened by the United Nations: the pinpointing and implementation of human duties and responsibilities. Next to the UN Department and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights there should be created a UN Department or Office of a High Commissioner for Duties and Responsibilities. It should start first and foremost with the duties and responsibilities of nations.

~ Idea 3735 ~

The Romans said, "vanitas, vanitas, vanitatum", vanity, vanity, all is vanity. We should say, "veritas, veritas, veritatum", truth, truth, all should be truth.

~ Idea 3736 ~

To gain or regain a satisfying, cheerful, sane life many Americans and western people must distance themselves from the thousands of outside attempts to invade and take full possession of their lives. If not, their whole life will be turned into waste from birth, childhood and youth through adulthood to old age and death. The outside, dominant forces of free western business do not forget anyone nor anything, not even your funerals.

~ Idea 3737 ~

There needs to be a true peoples' revolution against constant buying in the western world. If not the flood of unneeded products will continue, destroying the Earth and making people lose their sanity and humaneness. Just one example: if people ceased to buy the innumerable of magazines offered for sale all over the United States they would no longer be produced to the relief and happiness of our Mother Nature.

~ Idea 3738 ~

We humans must ask ourselves this question:

Do we want to live on this Earth forever?

If the answer is yes, then we must conduct ourselves so that it will be possible.

If the answer is yes for a limited time, say until the year 2100, 2500, 3000, 4000 or 5000, then we must conduct ourselves so that it will be possible.

If the answer is that we could not care less how long we will live on it then our present conduct and any even worse Earth destroying ways of life will be all right.

These are the questions which the human race must ask itself at the beginning of this new century and millennium.

~ Idea 3739 ~

As an individual I must also ask myself this question: do we humans want to live on this planet forever? If the answer is yes, then I must conduct myself so that it will be possible.

If I ask myself the question: do we want to live on this Earth for a given span of time, then I must conduct myself so that it will be possible.

If I do not care less about what the future will be, then I can of course conduct myself in any way I want.

These questions must also be asked as individuals by all heads of states and of all institutions, groups, religions and corporations on this planet.

~ Idea 3740 ~

Since times immemorial humans have taken this Earth for granted with the exception of the indigenous people. Today a new era of the history of this planet has begun, namely that we can no longer take the Earth for granted, that we are in the process of destroying her, that we must consider ourselves responsible for her. In this new age the indigenous people can give us profound, prophetic lessons. We should hear them.

~ Idea 3741 ~

More brain power, efforts, resources and imagination are spent on inventing, improving and promoting world-wide new technologies of communications than on the content of these communications, namely the ideas, values and conduct needed to make a better humanity on a well-preserved planet. What an error. What a pity.

~ Idea 3742 ~

We need on this planet clubs or movements of dreamers and idea people who would collect ideas from children to the elderly as well as ideas of social groups like the family, city dwellers, religions, national leaders, world civil servants, etc.

~ Idea 3743 ~

All our Earth is heavenly: she is all made of original cosmic energy which became matter and life. She is nourished by the cosmic rays of the sun. All life on it is a cosmic phenomenon. We humans too. We are living in the heavens on a heavenly planet and we are heavenly beings, products of the universe. The great prophets and religious leaders all considered themselves to come from the heavens to tell us that. But we still have not yet unanimously listened to them. May the United Religions succeed in doing that.

~ Idea 3744 ~

To attain the utmost perfection of life we must fill our inner self with the mysterious flows of the universe and of eternity. Feeling the entire heavens in us, even as minuscule units on a very small planet in the universe, we feel like miracles!

~ Idea 3745 ~

Our heavenly farmland in Costa Rica next to the UN University for Peace is a 'yin finca' where in nature people who are living and frustrated by 'yang' can find peace again. In China they have yin gardens to do that. Yin means "quiet reflection" and yang "noisy activity". The United States and most western countries have become yang countries. There should be similar gardens in all heads of states capital areas, in all big cities, in all universities, in all business and commercial areas. Some US yang cities have recently begun building yin gardens: New York's Chinese Scholars Garden has been opened in June 1999 and Portland's in August 2000, Los Angeles is currently building a yin garden behind the Huntington Library.

~ Idea 3746 ~

We absolutely and urgently need a regovernmentalization of this planet to save the Earth and to bring justice to humans. Privatization will lead us henceforth to an unprecedented Earth destruction and incredible injustices between the unnecessarily super rich and the unnecessarily poorest inside countries and world-wide.

~ Idea 3747 ~

If you have a good idea, write it down immediately because you may soon not remember it anymore.

~ Idea 3748 ~

There should be no churches, no chapels, no temples in the military 'academies' of this world. It is an insult to mobilize the support of religions and God in places where young people are taught to kill other young people, all of them miracles of God's creation.

~ Idea 3749 ~

All military training institutions (I deny them the name academies) on planet Earth must be abolished because they train systematically violence in its vastest, most sophisticated forms. They are training centers of killing. It is hard to believe that with humanity's growing concern against violence they are still in existence.

~ Idea 3750 ~

The term conscientious objection to military service should be abolished and replaced by the fundamental human right not to kill other human beings.

~ Idea 3751 ~

Perhaps the war against nature will be the first war on this planet in which the murderers will sooner or later give up because they will discover that it is a war against themselves, against their interest since they destroy the natural elements of the Earth, air and water on which they live.

~ Idea 3752 ~

I saw this big sign on a US highway, "Adopt a Highway" and under it the name of a lawyer with whom to get in touch.

What else do they not invent to get more money, more Earth-destroying so-called construction? Someday we will probably see signs "Adopt a Bulldozer".

Will one ever see along highways signs "Adopt a Forest", "Adopt a Beach", "Adopt Nature"?

~ Idea 3753 ~

If outer space visitors landed on planet Earth and discovered:

- that we have thousands of nuclear missiles, many in readiness to kill millions of people and destroy a lot of the planet within minutes;

- that we have institutes where we train young people to kill other humans;

- that we spend half of all tax revenues of nations on armaments and militaries;

they would re-embark immediately declaring us a degenerate, imbecile, insane species.

~ Idea 3754 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I see long lines of Americans in post offices and transport firms mailing packages of gifts. I would like to see the total statistics of such mailings at Christmas. It must be monumental both in weight and in cost. Spread over an entire year it must be even more colossal and if extended world-wide it would be a catastrophe.

I thank and admire you for not sending any gifts to your children and grandchildren but send each of them a check of money on all their anniversaries and for Christmas so that they can use the money for a useful purpose or for the purchase of something they really need or want. I pray that someday the whole humanity will follow your good example."

~ Idea 3755 ~

The US Presidential elections in the year 2000 were a blessing for the world at the opening of the 21st century and 3rd millennium. They showed that the US is not the supreme ideal democracy it claims to be and that it would be an error to imitate it blindly as was the case until now by a great part of the rest of the world. I personally go further: moneycracy with its fundamentalism of free, uncontrolled business enterprise and the resulting power and monopoly of the very rich is waging a merciless war against nature, against the Earth all over the world. It will put an end to the Earth and humanity's evolution if this is not controlled by a new ideology and planet-wide proper Earth government.

~ Idea 3756 ~

It will be more difficult to see a United Religions of all the several thousands of faiths in the world than it was to have a United Nations of 189 nations. But what a blessing it will be! In the first place it will mean the end of religious wars as the UN meant the end of international wars. Furthermore it will see the birth of a global spirituality as a common denominator of all the world's religions. That spiritual globality will be even more important than the globality of all nations and business globality.

~ Idea 3757 ~

Having been the President of the first Peoples' Assembly in San Francisco during the fiftieth anniversary of the UN in 1995 I am proud and glad to have been appointed Life-long Honorary President of the Global Peoples' Assembly created by the World Peoples' Assembly in Samoa in the year 2000.

This is part of the peoples' uprising desired by the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in several of his speeches.

I will devote the rest of my life to obtain a proper direct peoples' representation at the United Nations, a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and a proper Earth government.

~ Idea 3758 ~

All countries having no nuclear arms should create at the UN a group of non-nuclear countries to offer themselves as examples and exercise their influence and pressure on nuclear powers to denuclearize themselves too. I am surprised that it was never done.

~ Idea 3759 ~

We hear constantly of economic development but much less of spiritual development. What has become wrong with the human species?

~ Idea 3760 ~

USA conservatives are concerned that the United Nations might win more power and influence in the world. The UN should thank God that it has not more power and influence because it cannot be made responsible for the mess in the world. Who on Earth would want to put order in that mess without having the necessary resources and means of legal enforcement?

~ Idea 3761 ~

Keep it going, not keep it growing should be henceforth our main motivation on Earth.

~ Idea 3762 ~

The religions of the world should give a lesson to nation states and develop a vast, world-wide, inspired, global, heavenly spirituality from which we can learn so much. The creation of the United Religions is a great evolutionary step in human history. Taken at the highest spiritual cosmic level it can change the world's present materialistic frenzy and save our further human and Earth evolution in the cosmos.

~ Idea 3763 ~

Dear reader, if you like these 4000 Ideas and Dreams I beg you to promote them as a tribute to me after my death because they are the lessons I leave behind after a whole adult life as a world servant.

~ Idea 3764 ~

It is good news that the United States Environment Program has been uplifted to the rank of a Ministry, a full member in the US Cabinet. The environment should become the responsibility of a full ministry in all governments.

~ Idea 3765 ~

When we see persons with a brand new car we should not congratulate and envy them but ask, did you have to buy a new car? What was wrong with your old one? Did it no longer work? It seemed to be such a good car.

~ Idea 3766 to 3771 ~

At the United Nations there is a Coordination Committee in which the Secretary General of the UN and the heads of the 32 specialized agencies and world programs meet twice a year to coordinate their work. I was its Secretary for a few years and considered it to be a true World Cabinet Meeting.

I recommend the following:

Idea 3766 That all heads of states of the planet meet at least once a year to coordinate their work.

Idea 3767 That each government should create a Vice-Presidency or Ministry for Global Affairs and the Future and that these should meet if heads of states cannot.

Idea 3768 That Continental Coordination Committees be created for all continents.

Idea 3769 That Coordination Committees be created for each ocean, each great lake, international river and other common geographic entities such as mountains, deserts, etc. The Andean Forum and the Alaska Forum provide examples.

Idea 3770 That a World Coordination Committee of all Ministers of the Environment be created.

Idea 3771 World Coordination Committees should be created between all other ministers, e.g. the Ministers of Health, of Transport, of Police, of Defense, etc. of all countries.

These ideas should be brought to the attention of all heads of states via internet or any other means.

~ Idea 3772 ~

Humanity needs now a vision for all times since we know so much and interfere so much with the natural, biological and climatic functioning of our planet. What we do today can have repercussions for thousands of years to come. Hence, our responsibility is for a very long time, both towards the Earth and all future generations of humans.

~ Idea 3773 ~

Someone years ago proposed to me at the United Nations the creation of a system of world observatories which would cooperate with major universities. It is an excellent idea which would merit to be implemented. Some of the great universities on this planet could accept to be one of these observatories to collect and exchange with all other universities and with heads of government information on major problems confronting our planet. The following could be created:

A World Government Observatory
A World Environmental Observatory
A World Population Observatory
A World Health Observatory
A World Economic Observatory
A World Employment Observatory
A World Literacy Observatory
A World Culture Observatory
A World Spiritual Observatory

The Earth:

"Speaking of observatories, I wonder what the legal situation is regarding the protection of the environment in all countries of the world."


That is a good question. I am sure the United Nations Environment Program is collecting and publishing that information.

~ Idea 3774 ~

Reading my old journals I discovered that already in 1981 I proposed that new Ministries should be created, in particular Ministries of Peace and Cooperation, Ministries of Love, Happiness and the Art of Living. Well, these titles are even better than those I proposed in these 4000 ideas: Ministries of Peace and Cooperation would be better than mere Ministries of Peace, and Ministries of Love, Happiness and the Art of Living would be better than mere Ministries of Happiness. In the meantime I have also proposed a fundamental new ministry in all governments: a Ministry of the Future.

~ Idea 3775 ~

The world is happy and innumerable children are fortunate that there exists a UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). It would be another great source of happiness in the world if a UNEPA (United Nations Elderly People's Fund or Agency) were created.

~ Idea 3776 ~

How happy the United States and New York should be to have the United Nations. The 24th of October, United Nations Day, should be a beautiful yearly US, New York State celebration and New York City.

The whole world should be happy to have the United Nations. We should make the 24th of October United Nations Day, the yearly World Thanksgiving Day which I recommend in my Dream 3000.

~ Idea 3777 ~

No taxes should be levied on old houses all around the world built before 1900 in order to enrich the human heritage and history of this planet.

~ Idea 3778 ~

What a difference it would make if all governments and people would love, support and ask for the strengthening of the United Nations instead of opposing it, criticizing it or merely accepting it.

~ Idea 3779 ~

We have an ancient important science, field or discipline called geography (from the Greek Gaia, the Earth and graphein, to write) i.e. the description of the Earth. I think we should go a step further and create a geo-anatomy and geo-biology similar to human anatomy and biology which would study all the inter-relationships and functioning of the living body of the Earth.

The Earth:

"I would love and welcome that. It would lead to much good for me."

~ Idea 3780 ~

We also need a global or macrobiology, macroanatomy, macrophysiology and macropsychology of the human species, not only of the individual person. The success of our further evolution requires it.

~ Idea 3781 ~

In a hundred years the history of the United Nations will become a very important subject. Historians and many people will ask the questions: What did they think? What did they do? How did they deal with the first global problems which beset our Earth and humanity? What did they begin and dream for our future a hundred years ago?

And then they will look for the stories, the journals of individuals deeply involved in this phase of history and human evolution. I recommend that all delegations to the UN and all UN officials become aware of that and leave their memoirs. It would be fascinating for example to see books and theses published on the role of a country represented to the United Nations since they were admitted.

As for me, I fulfilled that duty only since 1964 when I felt for the first time that I might play a certain role in the United Nations. I very much regret that I neglected the first sixteen years since my entry into the United Nations in 1948. Well at least 36 years are covered.

~ Idea 3782 ~

My dream for after my death is that I will continue to live a little in the hearts of people, especially of my readers and in the hearts of the children of the Robert Muller Schools.

~ Idea 3783 ~

Allan Reich, President of the Foundation for the Handicapped asked me if I could come to Washington to meet a group of personalities and propose that a World Convention on the Handicapped be adopted by the United Nations.

I declined saying that international conventions have become less effective since the big powers all too often refuse to ratify them and many countries do not implement them. In my view the 500 million handicapped people of the world, figure on the increase due to the handicaps of more numerous elderly people, deserve the creation of a United Nations specialized agency for the handicapped, nothing less.

~ Idea 3784 ~

His Holiness the Pope has issued each year since 1967 a message on 1 January, Day of Peace. I found the one he issued in 1981 under the following title: Message of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II for the Celebration of the Day of Peace, 1 January, 1981, "To Serve Peace, Respect Freedom". It is beautifully addressed as follows:

"To all of you who are building peace,

To all of you who are leaders of the nations

To you brothers and sisters, citizens of the world

To you young people who dare to dream of a better world"

I wrote to him that it would be wonderful if all his messages - thirty-five of them so far - be published in one volume on the occasion of the Decade of Peace and Non-violence proclaimed in 2000 by the United Nations. It would be a great, beautiful contribution to that decade, widely disseminated in the world in various languages.

~ Idea 3785 ~

If readers should accuse me of inventing new words which in their opinion make no sense or are needless let me point at a package of crackers called Munch'em (them I suppose) at the bottom of which there is the word "munchology" which elevates munching these crackers to a science! If they do this with crackers I may as well coin new words such as dreamology, the science of dreams, institutionology, the science of institutions, and several others.

~ Idea 3786 ~

The European Committee of Ministers has recommended to the 20 member states of the Council of Europe to have recourse to criminal law against polluters, when other measures (civil and administrative) have proved ineffective. One set of recommended measures includes:

- the creation of specialist branches of courts and offices of public prosecution to deal with environmental cases;

- the right for groups to be associated with criminal proceedings;

- the creation of a special criminal register;

- exclusion from amnesty of the most serious offenses.

Another set of measures covers criminal penalties, including fines, whose proceeds could be used for environment protection, and special penalties such as disqualifications and publication of convictions.

~ Idea 3787 ~

The following beautiful Recipe for Peace was submitted by Paul Gable (ten years old from the Philippines), to a yearly literary competition for peace.

A Recipe for Peace

3 cups of love
4 cups of justice
3 1/2 cups of kindness
many open hearts
1 cup of mercy
3 heaping teaspoons of sharing
6 cups of trust
many prayers
2 cups happiness
Melt: MX missiles, Magnum 33
guns, war toys, star wars, hate,
mistrust, evil, and rejection
Mix: First mix justice and
mercy with kindness, then mix
peacefully love with trust.
Combine open hearts with prayers,
and finally add sharing with happiness.
Spread: to cities, countries,
neighborhoods, churches, mosques,
and then to the world.
Bake: Bake quickly at 98.6 degrees F in
each person. Do NOT let cool.

~ Idea 3788 ~

A Message to a Youth Meeting during the Fiftieth Anniversary of the UN

in San Francisco in 1995

Dear young people, recent history has shown that the old ways of taking the world by force, conquering, dividing, hating, fearing, arming, ruling and destroying no longer work.

We must now try other ways which should be thoroughly studied by the best minds and applied by the political leaders of our planet: the ways of love, understanding, cooperating, justice and harmony, the superiority of which has been proved by the oldest, most advanced and most natural of all societies, the family.

Please dear friends, be heralds and constant passionate workers for a new, better, peaceful and happy world.

With my warmest wishes to you and to your meeting

May peace be with you always,

~ Idea 3789 ~

If only every human being would ask himself during his lifetime: what is my responsibility toward planet Earth, my home, and humanity, my family? How can I thank them for the miracle of my life? What can I do to improve the beauty and goodness of life and prevent its diminishment? If every individual, every member of a family, every worker in an institution or firm, every civil servant and every head of state and politician would ask themselves this question we would rapidly move toward a better, wonderful world. Sooner or later we will have to do it anyway to survive.

~ Idea 3790 ~

When I see the mess and impossibilities for further social progress which so many nations are creating in the world, I sometimes feel happy that I separated myself from General de Gaulle, my hero during the war who after the war wanted to divide Germany into several nations and kingdoms! What an even greater mess it would be today. He was wrong and Robert Schuman, whom he called disparagingly "a Boche", who created a European Union, uniting the hereditary enemies France and Germany was right. May there be many more Robert Schumans in the world.

~ Idea 3791 ~

There is no possible doubt that we live in one of the most extraordinary and gigantic periods of change that ever took place in the evolution of this planet. The change is so overwhelming that it is almost incomprehensible. The same conclusions are reached by many of cultures, religions, values and languages while we are experiencing at the same time a tremendous explosion of scientific breakthroughs. Small wonder that we are confused by these developments. It is a new biological phenomenon which requires our utmost attention, care and optimism.

~ Idea 3792 ~

We want to have everywhere in the world democracy (from the Greek power of the people, demos). Don't we need also an Earthcracy or Terracracy, the power or at least the voice of the Earth? The Earth Charter (see Volume VII, pages 121-125) is a first step in that direction.

~ Idea 3793 ~

We need more inter-heads of states cooperation and encounters.

We need more world inter-ministerial cooperation and encounters.

The UN General Assembly should begin each year with a full week of deliberations between all heads of states of this planet.

Ministers of all substantive departments of governments should create World Ministerial Councils following the example of the World Food Council in which all Ministers of Food and Agriculture of this planet meet and cooperate.

~ Idea 3794 ~

Since Barbara and I, who are members of the Club of Budapest, are unable to attend this first celebration of a yearly World Consciousness Day on 20 March 2001, we have sent them the text of Idea 3703, adding that the great contribution of this first annual event and the following ones should be to establish an ongoing list of vital consciousnesses requiring priority attention and solution on this planet. We submitted also the following proposals.

1. The abolition of war as a means to solve problems. Like Japan, all countries should provide in their constitutions that war is prohibited as a means to solve problems.

2. The abolition of all nuclear missiles.

3. The creation of the world security system foreseen in the United Nations Charter but not implemented or the creation of an International Security Organization proposed by the militaries during World War II at the Teheran Conference.

4. The absolute, urgent need for considering a proper government of the Earth and humanity in view of the considerable global problems which are confronting our planet and humanity.

We submitted also a paper with 25 concrete ideas which could meet these requirements.

~ Idea 3795 ~

It is ununderstandable, a real scandal that after fifty-five years of existence it was not possible for the United Nations to create a World Agency on Disarmament and Demilitarization. Such an agency could produce wonders. Just to give one example: the almost twenty small countries which are demilitarized could be a model for other small countries to demilitarize and not to spend money on armaments and militaries. This would be of great benefit to these countries. They would become more prosperous, as is Costa Rica in the middle of the poverty of the rest of the militarized Central American Republics. So much could be done. It was proposed several times in the United Nations, but the big powers never got along with the idea. They want to produce armaments, to export armaments, to make money and there is nothing that can make them change their minds except to start discussing proper Earth government, a Federal Republic of the Earth or a World Union like the European Union. If we had a George Washington that is the first thing he would do.

~ Idea 3796 ~

It would be a beautiful project to have someone in the United Nations collect systematically all the proposals and good ideas submitted by governments since its creation. It would be something fascinating: ideas which have been implemented and ideas which have not been implemented. The second category would be the largest. For example, I read in one of my old journals that in 1978 France circulated a specific proposal for a Disarmament Research Institute and Germany proposed a World Seismological Network for the monitoring of nuclear explosions. It was during the same session that Sri Lanka proposed the creation of a World Disarmament Agency. This list should be submitted by the Secretary General to the UN General Assembly with specific reference where the proposal can be found in the documentation and archives of the United Nations. Perhaps out of this multiplicity of ideas a number would be ripe today for adoption and implementation, which were not at the time they were formulated. Yes, why not a volume of several hundred or a thousand or more ideas for a better world proposed in the United Nations since its creation. It could change the course of the world. Individual countries could do it and send the list to the UN Secretary General to get the ball rolling.

~ Idea 3797 ~

Each permanent mission of member states to the United Nations should have a high official, if possible an Ambassador, to follow the work and have relations with the non-governmental organizations. The creation by the Samoa World Peoples' Assembly of a permanent Global Peoples' Assembly which would consist among others and coordinate the work of thousands of local Peoples' Assemblies, would merit the creation of such a post.

~ Idea 3798 ~

On the 14th February 2001, Valentine Day, my beautiful, dear Barbara sent messages to all of our family and to friends with her optimism and recommendations, ending her message with: have a happy love day. I think this is wonderful. I recommend that Valentine should become World Love Day, because in many countries do not know who St. Valentine was.

~ Idea 3799 ~

I called some friends from Alsace Lorraine, but they were not at home and the grandmother from Alsace answered. She spoke to me in dialect and told me that her family had read an article about me in the local newspapers. What she liked most was my remark that when I was angry I swore in my office at the United Nations in Alsatian! This touched her heart deeply. I was glad to hear that. I felt close to my ancestors and ancient culture of birth.

~ Idea 3800 ~

"A politician should be a philosopher in action."

Edmund Burke

I would even go further and say that a politician should be a saint in action. Robert Schuman was an example.

~ Idea 3801 ~

There are innumerable philosophies devised by humans over the millennia to the point that one gets lost in their interrogations, language, concepts, beliefs, contradictions, often extreme views which range from nihilism (denying any meaning to life) to mysticism (the individual becoming merged with the total universe and time). An advice I would give to today's philosophers is to examine and probe the global philosophy which begins to emerge from the United Nations. There the fundamental current dreams, values, realities and wisdom (philo sophia, the love of wisdom) are brought by nations and peoples from all over the world and progressively agreed to. I would like to see written a book on the philosophy emerging from the United Nations, something humanity has never done before collectively. It could become a basic book on philosophy.

~ Idea 3802 ~

Why do I consider the creation of world-wide global institutions so important? It is because I have noted during my youth in World War II and later in United Nations peace missions that institutions are a key factor for building power and people's allegiance to the point of being ready to go to war and kill other human beings.

I felt that world institutions should counteract this and foster world cooperation and love for the human family and for the Earth. But how slow and difficult it was! The institutions called national governments knew this and opposed it to the brink. Only perseverance and God's blessings helped me and my UN colleagues to win a few victories very insufficient to bring about a significant change and progress in human relations.

My dream is that at least a science of institutionology will be created to study this very fundamental element in human relations and relations with the Earth.

~ Idea 3803 ~

If any heads of states, political personalities or leaders of world movements agree with me they will find in these 4000 Ideas a good number of proposed international institutions the creation of which would be of determining importance for humanity and for the world.

~ Idea 3804 ~

Here is the list of the UN specialized agencies and world programs in the creation of which I played a role:

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
International Development Association (IDA)
World Food Program (WFP)
United Nations Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
World Tourism Organization (WTO)
United Nations University (UNU)
United Nations University for Peace
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations Office of Natural Disasters Relief Coordination
United Nations Volunteer Service

~ Idea 3805 ~

There were also a number of United Nations World Conferences in the convening of which I was directly involved. These were:

The First United Nations World Conference on the Environment in 1972 (see A Point in History, Annex to Part III of Volume VI of 3000 Ideas).

The First United Nations World Conference on Climatic Changes in 1979

The Second United Nations World Conference on the Environment in 1992

The First United Nations Conference on Aging in 1982

Interested personalities will find a whole series of other United Nations World Conferences which I recommend in these 4000 Ideas (see Indexes)..

~ Idea 3806 ~

Text handed to me by a listener of one of my speeches:

"Our Earth is spinning through space at a lateral speed relative to the sun of 50,000 miles per hour, on an annual trek of 580 million miles. Our sun, on the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, moves at a mere 43,000 miles per hour in an elliptical path that takes 250 million years to complete once! And our Milky Way Galaxy, with its 400 billion suns, is only one of twenty in the so-called "Local Group" of galaxies of the estimated 100 million galaxies in the so-called "Universe" (wherever that may be). Surely, in such a cosmic scene, we should be able to resolve our petty differences and find ways to live in peace."

We have now very few first truly global, world charters:

The Charter of the United Nations
The Earth Charter
The World Charter for Nature
The World Water Charter
We still need more of them, among others:
A Charter of Spirituality
A Charter of Intelligence and Knowledge
A Charter of Love
A Charter of Ethics and Morality
A Charter of Education

~ Idea 3807 ~

In my collection of world engineering projects which I kept at the UN I found four proposals for the building of floating cities on the seas and oceans which would be supplied with solar and sea energy. A pilot floating city 'Aquapolis' was featured several years ago in an Okinawa exposition.

City planners in Los Angeles have also been talking about an artificial island for the airport of the future.

~ Idea 3808 ~

There is a lot of talk about sustainable development. There should also be a lot of talk about the ways in which people live together on this planet. The general name of it is called habitat or human settlements. The United Nations has a UN Center for Human Settlements (Habitat) created a few years ago. I propose that the subject of sustainable communities should be taken up: e.g. garden cities, settlements with permaculture providing for human needs while preserving the environment, village countries, etc.

~ Idea 3809 ~

Although it seems utopian I suggest that UN Habitat take up the subject of Resettling the World. We would learn a lot from such an exercise. It might contribute to a better settled world, i.e. a better world.

~ Idea 3810 ~

UN Habitat should also make a world survey of places worth living in. The question would be: are you happy where you live; if yes, say why; if not, say why not.

More generally there should be more happiness surveys and statistics in the world. We have statistics and data on innumerable subjects except on fundamental values such as happiness, peace, justice, spirituality, democracy, etc.

The following statement by George Washington which I repeat here is applicable to the entire world:

"The aggregate happiness of society, which is best promoted by the practice of a virtuous policy, is or ought to be the end of all governments."

George Washington

If he were alive the first thing he would do would be to create a Ministry or Department of Happiness in the US government.

~ Idea 3811 ~

I wonder how many resources, human, financial and paper consumption are devoted respectively to the national histories of 189 nations and to the world's global history. The latter must be infinitesimal small compared with the former. This is in itself a historical aberration considering the actual facts, developments and further evolution of the planet. I recommend strongly therefore that modern global history should become a new major subject at all levels of education, librarianism, publishing and archivism.

~ Idea 3812 ~

Still 70% of the continents of our planet represent nature. Remembering my early youth, which had such a determining influence on the rest of my life, I know that my love for nature was born and nourished by two major facts: the first was to walk in nature, especially forests, with the family and eat outdoors in nature during weekends and vacations. The second was when the place where we lived offered the possibility of gardening and having some small animals like rabbits and chickens. All over the world this should be given attention by the administration of human communities from the small villages to the biggest cities. Much is being done already, but I recommend that in every community there should be an Office of Relations with Nature dealing especially with these subjects. A possibility should be offered to all human families to have a little garden and small animals, thus preserving nature, both in reality and in the minds and hearts of the children.

~ Idea 3813 ~

In a project to make San Francisco a model city for the 21st century I am quoted as follows:

"Humanity desperately needs a moral and spiritual renaissance. What it needs is a place where you have a good number of people from various nations, various races, various sexes, various beliefs and languages, working together to prevent conflict, to make peace, to help the poor, to defend human rights, to form new policies of cooperation, and to come up with ideas and visions for a better world."

Dr. Robert Muller

Former UN Assistant Secretary General

It then mentions that San Francisco is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and the place where the United Nations, the United Religions, the Global Peoples' Assemblies and the States of the World Forum were born.

Perhaps a new type of administration should be conceived for such cities to take advantage of that human diversity. A city department could be created to deal with the variety of nationals, religions, cultures, beliefs and languages to make the city's administration a multi-human administration, a miniature model United Nations and new world.

~ Idea 3814 ~

Two years ago I received a book, Harry Truman and the Human Family, by Frank Kelly, a former speech writer of that US President. I endorsed it as follows: "the qualities of Harry Truman, so well illuminated in this personal story by a co-worker and speech writer, should serve as models for all leaders of nations - honesty, humility, fervent attachment to truth, belief in a national and world mission, public service, love for justice and for the most humble people."

Having now met Frank Kelly in Santa Barbara, I suggested to him to write a list of the main great ideas and dreams Harry Truman had for a better world and publish them. Someone should do the same for all US Presidents: simply make a list of what their dreams and ideas were for a better world. This could be very enlightening at the beginning of this new century and millennium.

~ Idea 3815 ~

There are so many injustices on our planet in human society that a new science of injustology and a new profession of injustologists should be created to denounce major injustices and to help people who are victims of injustice.

~ Idea 3816 ~

There are so many corruptions on our planet in human institutions that a new science of corruptology and profession of corruptologists should be created to help people and institutions, victims of corruption.

~ Idea 3817 ~

There are institutes of military strategy in almost all militarized countries. Futurology is the new crave and passion of the militaries. It makes them important in national governments.

Question: where on Earth are there government services dealing with the future of life fulfillment and peace of the people? Very few, I am sure.

~ Idea 3818 ~

I would like to refer again to Idea 643 of Barbara Gaughen Muller that a world conference should be held on visions for the 21st century and the 3rd millennium. Such a conference would deal with the entire range of ideas for a better world from ideas for the individual, the family, the neighborhood, the village or town, the city, the state or province, the nation, the continent, up to ideas for the seas and oceans (71% of the planet), the atmosphere, the climate and the entire Earth. Such a conference could be a great eye opener and contribution to the new century and millennium.

~ Idea 3819 ~

In November 1994 a World Commission on Global Governance, headed by Mr. Ingvar Carlson, former Prime Minster of Sweden, deposited its report entitled A Call to Action. The final recommendation of the commission was that "the General Assembly should agree to hold a World Conference on Governance in 1998, with its decisions to be ratified and put into effect by 2000. That will allow more than two years for the preparatory process." Well I consider it as a historical scandal that this decision was not taken by the UN General Assembly and that the situation of a non-reform of the world governance system is the same and has even become worse by the year 2001. How long will governments wait to finally come to grips with this absolutely fundamental challenge that will influence the whole future evolution of this planet and of humanity? I have done my duty by publishing The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government, (see Concluding Proposals to this Volume).

~ Idea 3820 ~

In most countries of the world politicians spend much of their time not being statesmen but fighting the politicians of opposing parties instead of trying to reach a consensus and decisions favorable to the common interest of all inhabitants and citizens of their countries and also of the Earth and humanity as a whole.

~ Idea 3821 ~

Many people of the world have dreamt and are still dreaming of arranging human life on Earth in a manner as reasonable and nice as they have managed to do it in small and cozy Switzerland. This great dream remains to be fulfilled for the entire Earth and humanity. Someone could write a book or a plan How to Run the World the Way Switzerland is Being Run.

~ Idea 3822 ~

Someone should collect the models and ideas of a human-centered, ecologically sound, democratic economic development. Possible examples would be the Sarvodoya Shramadana in Sri Lanka, Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and the Women's World Banking in Amsterdam, Holland.

~ Idea 3823 ~

In order to model a happy, peaceful and beautiful world we must believe in it, we must work for it, we must be in love with it. Please dear reader, adopted these motivations and you will be astonished by the transformation, the enrichment and the value of your life.

~ Idea 3824 ~


"You have your plans, your projects, your intentions, your what to do next, your cravings, your ambitions, your endless dreams. But how about your 'self', your inner life, the incredible miracle you are in the universe?"


All my plans, projects, doings, dreams are intimately related to my innermost self and dream to make this Earth a happy, peaceful place, the paradise from which you evicted us.

~ Idea 3825 ~

Everyone should have his or her dialogs with God. This has been the case of humans since the beginning to start with Adam and Eve. Much later came the opportunity to write down these dialogs and to keep them.

Recently I also felt the need for dialogs with the Earth. Our Mother Earth is more and more appealing to us, speaking to us, wanting our cooperation and help. This has become vitally important. In my own case it is only at about the 2/3rds of my 4000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World that I began to be aware of that and started to have my dialogs with the Earth in addition to those with God.

~ Idea 3826 ~

This planet is almost certainly condemned to doom because nations are exclusively almost totally thinking only in terms of themselves, not of the world, not of the whole humanity, not of nature, not of the future! So the whole world goes to pieces. It is as if each organ of our body would think and work only for itself.

~ Idea 3827 ~

The only great people who were remembered in history are those who went beyond themselves, above themselves, beyond their groups and nations and cared for the fate of the whole Earth and humanity in the universe and in time. But how few they were.

~ Idea 3828 ~

All militaries of this planet should be transformed into militants for peace.

~ Idea 3829 ~

I am telling and repeating to Barbara that she should not be working for me, helping me, but should work in total equality with me, each one making his fullest contribution to a better world. I underline the fact that I am eighteen years older than she is and that in all likelihood she will live beyond my death. I gave her the example of General Harbottle from the United Kingdom who was the head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Troops in Cyprus and I was his political advisor. I recommended to him when he left that office that he should create a World Association of Former Generals and Admirals for Peace. He did. It is a very important, prestigious movement established in England. And when he died it was his wife, Eirween Harbottle who continued his job, became the new president of that association and wrote among others, a magnificent model for Ministries of Peace, which should be created in all governments on the Earth. I reproduced her text in Vol. III.

~ Ideas 3830 and 3831 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, you humans consider, judge and value everything almost exclusively from your point of view, namely your successes, 'progress' and benefits.

But you will be given new lessons. For instance:

Idea 3830 It is very likely that as a result of the increasing world population explosion the human mortality rate will soon begin to increase and human longevity to diminish. Your victories, since World War II on both accounts, will have been a passing, temporary vanity.

Idea 3831 Future generations are likely to consider your post-war successes in the reduction of children's mortality, the eradication of epidemics and increasing human longevity as evolutionary errors. They resulted indeed in an incredible population explosion of the young to begin with, and an explosion of a consuming, often incapacitated elderly world population.

You would have been better off to let my nature take care of all this in her own way and you would not be faced with the colossal problems you triggered off.

~ Idea 3832 ~

To the story The Power of Dreams (Annex to Ideas 3501 to 3600 ) I should add this:

Thomas Edison, who was one of the world's greatest inventors, for years tried to find a filament to produce electric light in a bulb. One of his assistants said to him, "You have tried more than 9,000 different materials. You are attempting the impossible." Edison answered, "Well, we now at least know that 9,000 materials will not work. Let us continue and find the one which will work."

We should apply this to all ideas for peace, happiness and the preservation of this Earth and make her a true paradise in the universe.

~ Idea 3833 ~

There are two ways for individuals and families to reduce the income and lifestyle's differences between the rich and the poor countries:

Rich people can obtain visas and give employment to poor people from the poor countries as domestic aides, gardeners, drivers or other jobs. Or they can move to poor countries, buy a piece of land, live on their financial income or pension and provide labor to local people.

We did both, getting domestic help from Latin America when we raised four children in the New York area and we did the second upon retirement. Here in Costa Rica we have our own peasant's land and employ a farm manager and three workers. They are happy to have steady jobs and so are we. We also let a bee grower and bean grower till part of the land to make a living.

~ Idea 3834 ~

There is a lot of study and investigation in the psychological and social sciences of the diverse cultures on planet Earth and the resolution of conflicts which are produced by these differences. The experts divide these cultures by country according to whether preference is given to individualism or to collectivism. Lots of studies have been made on this subject considering the 189 nations and even more numerous cultures we have on this planet. Well, I'm raising also the following question to be studied, namely the birth of a global culture. In a conference on the subject I have said to the speaker that I was born in a culture, the French culture, where everything I was taught was related to France, the great literature of France, the history of France, the geography of France, the political system of France, her art, etc. But then one day the Germans marched in and told us all this was lies, that France was a decadent country and then we had to learn the German culture, its literature, its victories, its history, its geography, its politics, etc. and there was no talk of conflict resolution. In each case the recommendation was to take a gun and to shoot on the other side, killing people of the other culture. When the war was over I joined the United Nations, having equipped myself with a Doctorate of Law and I was told in the US that law is principally a European, French culture and that the new culture was economics. So I went to Columbia University to get a degree in economics. Well, the only culture which I found satisfactory was the culture emerging in the United Nations, a global culture, humanism everywhere, human rights, peace, education, health, help to the handicapped, an endless list of improving the human condition. And in that culture most problems were resolved by having nations work together.

~ Idea 3835 ~

When I am in Costa Rica in the hills surmounting the valley just above the United Nations University for Peace I just cannot believe the delight of breathing an air which is so pure, so filled with oxygen. I sometimes just stand and breathe with the delight and wonder why the world is divided between rich and poor countries, developed and underdeveloped countries. They should be divided between oxygen rich pure air and oxygen poor bad air countries. Air is the most important element of life. We must breathe it all the time. It is even more important than water, which we take only a few times a day. Breathing must go on day and night without interruption. How can the human society become so blind and not recognize this. How can anyone be proud to live in any one of those monstrous cities where breathing the air during a day is equivalent to smoking two packages of cigarettes? The people should return to the land, to oxygen, to the sea shores and abandon those crazy, over-selling, oversold cities with so many unnecessary activities and goods. The human species becomes more and more ununderstandable.

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, am I glad, delighted to hear you tell this truth. If only all the peoples of this beautiful planet would listen to you."

~ Idea 3836 ~

The thought has crossed my mind that if I were a parliamentarian in Costa Rica I would recommend that this country be fundamentally changed from the point of view of values, that the supreme values will be the air, the waters and nature and not money and capital, more industries and more factories. One of the first steps Costa Rica should take is to reduce considerably automobile circulation and it should decree that the only cars permitted to be used and imported to Costa Rica (at least by foreigners resident in Costa Rica) would be the new carbon free emission vehicles, the electrical cars. The state of California has unanimously decided that each car company must produce a minimum number of a few thousand of such cars to be put into circulation between now and the year 2003 so that progressively current cars will be replaced. General Motors immediately introduced a law suit against this decision. Please Costa Rica, please poor countries, do not imitate blindly the rich countries anymore.

~ Idea 3837 ~

At the Costa Rican radio they announced in the morning that it was the hundredth anniversary of the day when the Spanish Parliament decreed that every child in Spain must read the Don Quixote book. I will ask UNESCO to establish a list of all these 'must' readings which nations have decreed for their young citizens and why no works of a global nature are recommended. Two texts come immediately to my mind, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter which specifies how we should love and take good care of our Earth.

~ Idea 3838 ~

Politics means the administration or the government of a city (from the Greek word polis, the city). Today we must administer and take good care of the entire biosphere or sphere of life enrobing our planet. The biosphere is a little layer of no more than a few miles reaching into the atmosphere and into the depths of the seas and oceans. In it all life of our planet and of our solar system is located. It is the proper administration and government of that biosphere which is today the duty, the task of humanity. If politicians and scientists absolutely need a scientific Greek word to express this then one could think of biospherics replacing politics.

~ Idea 3839 ~

There are so many daily problems besetting this planet and brought to the attention of humanity through the media that it is absolutely essential that the United Nations General Assembly meet in permanent, all year round session. It is no longer conceivable that it should meet only from the third week of September to Christmas. We need a world place of constant world watch, observation and remedy to the mounting global problems of this planet.

~ Idea 3840 ~

Further elaborating on the consciousness humanity has now of the whole biosphere I recommend that in each government the Ministry of the Environment should be replaced or complemented by a Ministry of the Biosphere and that in addition to the new profession of environmentalists we should see the birth of a profession of biospherists.

~ Idea 3841 ~

On our farm I notice that all land animals including humans need essentially three elements to live, to survive: air, water and food.

In a proper Earth government the first absolute priority should therefore be:

to make sure that air does not diminish in quality

that no human person goes hungry

that no human goes thirsty

Looking at our humanity of 6.1 billion people we are far from having achieved this first, basic, vital tri-objective.

~ Idea 3842 ~

It is good, it is salutary that more and more people say: Let this piece of land to itself, let it in peace, undisturbed. Do not touch it. Give it a chance to survive. let nature be what she wants and is meant to be. We have done sufficient harm to her.

May this become an important , a dominant new philosophy on this planet.

~ Idea 3843 ~

Thank God we cannot build on the seas and oceans and destroy them too. I learned that all ideas to build sea cities or sea airports had to be abandoned because too much sea life forms would grow and attach under their base to a point that they would sink into the oceans. Hopefully experts and scientists will not find an answer to that problem.

In the meantime highly preoccupying remains the magnitude of poisons and wastes which are emptied into the seas and oceans. I have never seen the total figure, only the total effluents from the United States, i.e. 6.4 trillion gallons a year.

~ Idea 3844 ~

Dear reader, if you have the habit to write a journal or to dictate one on a tape recorder, then if one day you do not do it, you will see how you will miss it. It is almost as if some of your life had perished. When it happens I can feel it very intensely. That means that after all, keeping a journal is something very important. It is not an illusion. In reality it enriches one's life: one is more ready to notice facts, events and ideas which help us to better understand the miracle of life and of our planet.

~ Idea 3845 ~

News of a serious earthquake in Seattle were accompanied by the good news that no people were killed thanks to the anti-seismic construction of almost all buildings in that city.

I said to my famous environmentalist colleague Gerardo Budowski: "there have been so many earthquakes of late don't you think that the Earth might be trying to get rid of the human species? The Seattle example might prevent her from succeeding."

He answered, "She has many other ways, e.g. through the bad air we breathe, through water shortages, through the giving up of the human immune system as illustrated by Aids, etc."

~ Idea 3846 ~

When I mentioned to him that the air which people breathe in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day he commented:

"In Mexico City's most populated quarters they bring in a cage with a canary and count the number of minutes it takes until it dies as a result of the bad air."

~ Idea 3847 ~

The UN has affirmed global peace and obtained a lot of it.

I got a global spirituality accepted by the majority of religions: a United Religions is being created. I have not yet succeeded in getting global intelligence, global love, global hope, global optimism, global happiness and global government accepted. How I wish that world agencies and universities will soon be established on all these most important, urgently needed human requirements.

~ Idea 3848 ~

The geese woke me up in the middle of the night in our farmhouse. I was in the middle of a dream: a number of outer space beings had landed on Earth and one of the questions they asked me was, why do you have such strange names for very important events like every day of the week? You have Monday, which is the day of the moon that makes some sense. You have Tuesday, which is the day of Zeus, the Greek God. You have Wednesday, which comes from Wotan, the German god of thunder. You have Thursday from the German Thor, the god of power. You have Friday from the German goddess Frieda, freedom. You have Saturday, which comes from the Roman god Saturn and you have Sunday, which makes sense, namely the day of the sun. You would be better off is you had a day of peace, of hope, of love, of happiness, of justice, of kindness and of forgiveness.

Well, I didn't know what to answer to this question.

~ Idea 3849 ~

As I was awake it came to my mind that the next question in my dream would have been, why do you have such strange names for your months? You have January from the Roman god Janus, the one who was opening. February, I will have look for the etymology. March is the month of god Mars, the god of war. April, I have to look for the etymology. The same for May. June, the Roman goddess Juno of love. July from Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor. August from the Roman Emperor Augustus. September, the seventh month, October eighth, November the ninth and December the tenth month, which is not the case. They should all be changed.

Perhaps the United Nations should establish a committee to look into the etymologies of the names of our days and months and come up with beautiful universal names which would make more sense, be inspiring and appealing to the people and reminding them of very important values.

~ Idea 3850 to 3855 ~

There will be a world poll on democracy and I have been asked to submit one item which I would recommend for such a survey. I answered that many people around the world ask me how the United States can call itself a democracy when it allows candidates to public office to accept huge sums of money from rich people and corporations for their campaign. Once elected they will have to show their thanks to the people who gave them that money so this cannot be a true democracy.

A few days later I offered the following more ideas:

Idea 3850 The birth of a global people's democracy, 2,800 international associations and movements registered with the Union of International Associations in Brussels.

Idea 3851 The phenomenon of international non-governmental organizations (NGO's) accredited to the UN.

Idea 3852 The World Peoples' Assembly in Samoa in April 2000 which created a permanent Global Peoples' Assembly with thousands of local Peoples' Assemblies around the world.

Idea 3853 The birth of regional democracies: the peoples of the fifteen nations of the European Union can now vote for their national parliaments and for a European Parliament.

Idea 3854 The recommendation of the European Parliament that a United Nations Consultative Parliament should be created.

Idea 3855 The almost total absence of world polls and UN statistics or data on what the people want. The Gallup Poll on quality of life is an exception.

~ Idea 3856 ~

These were the ideas which came to me on my 78th birthday:

On each government's agenda, the overall most important item should be: preservation, conservation and repairs of the Earth, our precious planetary home;

The second should be: world peace and the demilitarization and total disarmament of our planet.

~ Idea 3857 ~

A planet with such an incredible, miraculous nature and life forms

with Beethovens, Mozarts and other great musicians

with Leonardo da Vincis, Raphaels and other great painters

with the Taj Mahl, Egyptian pyramids and so many other great monuments

with so many cathedrals and temples elevating their beauty and prayers towards God

on a planet like this it is totally inconceivable, intolerable that there should be any wars, armaments, nuclear missiles and militaries endangering such a miracle. We must absolutely eliminate these blemishes from our beautiful planet.

~ Idea 3858 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I am so glad that you raised the subject of repairs. This is an important item for a family, for an industry, for a building, for an entire nation. It is important also for the biggest reality of all: the Earth, my nature. It is a good beginning to replant trees, but this is only a tiny aspect of the totality of repairs needed.

It is the same with conservation. Humans are seeing this only from their egotistic, short-term point of view, namely to preserve the elements they need for living and not from the point of view of future generations and the fate of the living Earth as a whole.

You must advocate a yearly true global comprehensive world budget in which my needed repairs would be treated as repairs and not included in the national product where they have no place."


Dear Earth, you are so right. The problem is that the dominant, almost exclusive values are those of nations and big business and not of the Earth. There is only the beginning of some concern for the environment your nature. It seems that only major catastrophes will bring about the needed changes.

The Earth:

"And by that time so much will have been destroyed unnecessarily and blindly."

~ Idea 3859 ~

"The truth is that given the right chaordic circumstances from no more than dreams, determination and the liberty to try, quite ordinary people consistently do extraordinary things."

Dee Hock

from The Birth of the Chaordic Age

I agree with that statement because I see all around me in the world innumerable individuals and groups of people come up with dreams, plans and activism for a new world order, in reality the advent of a new age in the evolution of humanity and of this planet.

~ Idea 3860 ~

One of the great pleasures of life is to see something grow: plants, flowers, trees in a garden or in nature and to help their growth, caring for them with water and fertilizers. Each time one sees their beauty and growth one feels a deep sense of satisfaction.

How is it that economists have never included this in their 'growth' and 'development' figures? Why did they never realize the obvious existence of the growth of nature, of the marvelous products of nature? How blind, insensitive and arrogant could they be with their new, so-called 'economic science' invading the world?

~ Idea 3861 ~

There is much condemnation and criticism against tribalism surviving in certain parts of the world, but I have seldom heard anyone except Norman Cousins (see story on No More World Wars in my Dialogs of Hope), consider national sovereignties to be the biggest, steadfastest, uncompromising, totalitarian tribalisms which have ever existed on this planet.

Tribal nations had even the intelligence to give people false hopes and illusions by creating a 'United' Nations, a world organization deprived of all the powers they have: no legislative power, no executive power, no judicial power, no taxing power, no borrowing power, no military power and no territorial role. It is the most powerless institution ever devised on Earth in the face of the most serious and largest numbers of world-wide global problems.

But it gives the illusion that something can be done which therefore gives hope to the people.

This situation immediately after World War II has not changed and improved an inch in the last fifty-five years, but has considerably worsened: the world population explosion; the Earth beginning to be destroyed by humans; more armaments than ever, especially nuclear armaments. The situation is much worse than it was thirty - forty years ago. I think it would be better to close the United Nations in order not to maintain false hopes and illusions.

~ Idea 3862 ~

13 March 2001

Dearest Ted,

Our dear common friend Selma Brackman has asked me to write a letter she would like to give you on the occasion of the World Federalists award you are receiving. Warmest congratulations. I hold only one thing against the World Federalists: I have repeatedly urged them to create a vast alliance of all movements for world or Earth government, of which there are many. They refused. Each wants to do the job by themselves, and as a result the results are nil.

I have more and more come to the conclusion that this Earth is doomed. On the eve of a new period of imperative evolution this Earth is run by weeklings, none of whom has the courage to raise an audacious voice. I had sent to all heads of governments the plea that one of them should stand up in the heads of states Assembly at the UN and say "Let us stay assembled here for as long as will be required to work out a right system for the proper government of this Earth. We owe it to the future generations." None of them did it. Not a single idea was contained in their beautiful historic "Declaration 2000".

Please have the courage of making very bold proposals. Two of them I have advocated of late are: the UN should convene a world emergency conference on the world population explosion and a world emergency conference to save the Earth. Remember also the advice to you to create a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Proper Earth Government. You could also recommend that the subject of Proper Earth Government should be taken up immediately by the United Nations. You might even have bolder ideas. I hope and pray so.

Good luck to you. May your resolution as a young man not to let this Earth be destroyed be fulfilled. I pray fervently for it.

Robert Muller

~ Idea 3863 ~

What a pity that the most advanced species, the human one, after millions of years of evolution is now becoming a disaster to the Earth and to itself, sticking stubbornly to two obsolete values: absolute, uncompromising nationalism and capitalism. The mere recognition of this situation is denied. Only major catastrophes can change that.

~ Idea 3864 ~

I deeply shared the regret of the French newspaper Le Monde, that the Heads of State Assembly 2000 at the United Nations produced a beautiful declaration but without any concrete ideas. Yes, that is the a great pity on the eve of a new century and so challenging millennium. Many concrete ideas, proposals and plans should have been spelled out in this declaration on "how to deal with the global problems, challenges and opportunity confronting humanity". Future generations reading this declaration will not understand that no head of state had the courage to come forth with any audacious, forward-looking proposals.

~ Idea 3865 ~

Not only proper Earth and all humanity government should be high on the agenda of world thinkers, but also the structure of current national governments: there should be in all of them a Ministry of Peace instead of War or Defense; a Ministry of Morality and Ethics; a Ministry of the Earth and Nature or the Biosphere instead of the Environment; a Ministry of Democracy, including the rights and quick, simple ways for people to complain against injustices and bureaucracy. And there are others.

~ Idea 3866 ~

Consideration should also be given to the creation in all heads of states offices or a Bureau of Evolution to deal with our further cosmic evolution on this planet. Teaching of our cosmic nature should also be included in education and the influence of nature on the happiness of people should be a subject of the Ministries of the Earth and Nature.

~ Idea 3867 ~

We need also most urgently a UN World Conference on Our Future Evolution. I should have added that to the letter to Ted Turner.

~ Idea 3868 ~

If the UN General Assembly takes up the subject of proper Earth government the Annex to Ideas 3701 to 3800 The Cost of Starting World Governments Compared with Costs of Not Having a World Government prepared by the World Constitution and Parliament Association should be circulated to it. It provides a model of what the 189 governments of this Earth should prepare.

~ Idea 3869 ~

An outer space experts committee composed of economists would come to the conclusion that our planet Earth is an economically badly run planet. They would not believe it and declare us evolutionary cosmic misfits.

~ Idea 3870 ~

At the age of seventy-eight I find myself brought back to 1947 when at the age of seventeen after World War II I wrote an essay on how we should govern the world. I should try to find that text which opened to me the doors of the United Nations. It would reveal to me that the question is even more vital today, but is being avoided by every possible means due to the hyper-intelligent, subtle world-wide campaign by nationalists that world government would lead to dictatorship. Well, the instigators of that campaign see today the dictatorship of big business and money and might soon see the end of most life, including human life on planet Earth. Maurice Strong predicts it in his book Where on Earth Are We Going?

~ Idea 3871 ~

If no head of state has the courage to propose the item of proper Earth government on the agenda of the UN General Assembly, God will send me the same message as He did in 1947 in a train from Strasbourg to my hometown Sarreguemines at the end of the World War II: right now as an experienced elder how would you govern the world? I placed you for that reason on a sacred hill of the indigenous people, Mt. Rasur in one of the few remaining paradises on Earth, common sense, demilitarized Costa Rica.

~ Idea 3872 ~

I recommend that all islands of the seas and oceans of the Earth should create a World Community of Islands with a strong central secretariat to deal with the specific problems common to islands. For example:

- To what extent should western 'development' be allowed on islands? Will it not destroy our specific nature, charm and beauty?

- What will happen when aviation will be restricted in the world to preserve the world's atmosphere? Will the hotels and beach resorts on islands be abandoned?

- What kind of people should we allow to settle on islands? What lifestyles and behavior would we expect from them?

- What would be an ideal island for centuries to last, etc.

~ Idea 3873 ~

Similarly a World Community of Small States should be created. For example, between Costa Rica and all Central American countries to work together on specific concerns which are common to them and the ideal future they would like to see for their people and for the maintenance of their beautiful nature.

~ Idea 3874 ~

Perhaps we must redirect most of our values and actions toward spirituality, i.e. our cosmic meaning, our right participation in the cosmic evolution of planet Earth. Ervin Laszlo, the famous evolution scientist, has come out with a book on Macroshift, the shift of our evolution to the global, to the cosmos. His book could also have been entitled Cosmoshift.

~ Idea 3875 ~

Sciences, industries, new technologies and economics born in the 19th century went to our heads, grew, expanded and proliferated geographically during the entire 20th century, subordinating everything to their supremacy. It finally hit the very substance and functioning of our Earth's nature and created unprecedented, heretofore totally unknown global problems.

That is the crisis in which humanity now finds itself. We just do not know what to do, while every one of the global problems continues to grow. All we are able to do is to reduce the speed of their growth.

We need an entire revolution in thinking, daring new outlooks into the future and deep world political, economic, social and institutional reforms, almost revolutions.

Do we have the right heads of states, global thinkers and institutions to do it? That is the widely opened unanswered question.

~ Idea 3876 ~

What are the global problems which have hit humanity most in the second half of this century? Here is my list:

the population explosion
the loss of nature
the damages to the 'environment'
" " ozonosphere
" " atmosphere
" " biosphere
" " seas and oceans
climatic changes
human settlements, growth of gigantic cities
automobiles explosion
aviation explosion
rise in nuclear armaments and power plants
rise in armaments
increasing gap between rich and poor, inside countries and in the world
high numbers of hungry, homeless, uneducated, handicapped, unemployed people
wrong, outdated institutions
increase in violence
All the above falls into two categories:
problems affecting the Earth
problems affecting humanity

Please, dear reader, write down your own list.

~ Idea 3877 ~

I recommend that the following be permanent items on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly:

human rights
human duties and responsibilities
love (philanthropy, gaiaphily, charity)
ethics and morality
visions, dreams and ideas

Others might be added.

~ Idea 3878 ~

Here is a second list of permanent dangers and negative human beliefs and attitudes which should be countered and eliminated by the United Nations:

national and religious fundamentalism
wrong human settlements on the planet

Others might be added.

~ Idea 3879 to 3880 ~

Since the Earth has become since the 1970's the new additional great preoccupation of the human species, two further lists should be established:

Ideas 3879*

Preserve and save all remaining nature of the Earth
Renature and reforest the Earth wherever possible and highly beneficial
Consider nature and her natural elements as the most precious human capital
Transform the United Nations into a United Humanity and Earth Evolutionary Organization (UHEEO)
Create in all governments a Ministry of the Earth and Her Nature
Make environmental education obligatory in all schools of Earth
Celebrate everywhere on the planet Earth Day, Planetary and World Environment Day, Consciousness Day
Establish as many environmental prizes as possible, including Nobel Prizes for the Earth and environmental conservation

Idea 3880* Stop by every possible means and legislation the unnecessary use and waste of the Earth's natural resources, namely:

the air
the waters
the forests
the lands use
the seas and oceans
Outlaw all advertisements and media promoting the destruction or damaging of the Earth's nature.
Eliminate carbon dioxide emission of all means causing it (cars, aviation, motorcycles)
Reduce all events causing excessive world transportation (expositions, olympics, world conferences)
Fight and eliminate all forms of pollution

Others to be added.

* See the Earth Charter in Annex to Part IV of volume VII and the UN Charter for Nature at the end of these 3500 ideas.

~ Idea 3881 to 3886~

A few questions instead of ideas:

Idea 3881 How can the most advanced species of millions of species on a given, unique, miraculous, life-bearing planet in the universe let itself be divided and parked in to 189 corrals or territories which call themselves nations and are heavily armed with missiles capable of destroying that entire planet? Is that the intelligent result of millions of years of evolution? Who will give a proper answer to that?

Idea 3882 Is it normal that such a species suddenly confronted with colossal global problems created by itself - a population explosion, the deterioration of the planet's basic elements, climatic changes, major changes in its biosphere etc. - hundreds of them examined in these volumes of Ideas and Dreams for a Better World, still sticks to its old values and institutions and does not look in the least at its fate and future? Who will give a proper answer to that?

Idea 3883 Is it normal that most of these 189 corrals spend half of all their tax resources on armaments and humans called militaries ready to kill those of other nations instead of devoting these resources to the solving of their global problems? Who will give a proper answer to that?

Idea 3884 Is it normal that these corrals have innumerable laws and institutions - legislative, executive and judicial - multiplied 189 times while the Earth as a whole and humanity as a whole have nothing in the first category, very little in the second and nothing again in the third? Who will give a proper answer to that?

Idea 3885 Is it normal that the people parked in those 189 corrals are given an education or rather inducation into life almost entirely based on the information and values of that particular nation and little information about the total world, the total Earth, the total humanity and that this happens at the moment when precisely the whole future of the Earth and of humanity are at stake? Who will give a proper answer to that?

Idea 3886 How is it possible that inside these corrals and for the totality of this species the distance between the rich and the poor constantly increases without a revolution of the poor? It is almost ununderstandable. And many rich are getting richer without even wanting it and the poor cannot become richer while wanting it desperately? What a planet, what kind of a society is this in the universe? Who will be able to give a proper answer to that?

All this is so incredibly astride from the normal evolution of that planet that it is astonishing that there have not been any major revolutions on it. The wisest people on that planet will say that it is only major global catastrophes which will awaken the governments of the 189 corrals to take necessary measures and change course in order to solve these problems.

I hope to succeed in giving proper answers in my next and possibly last book which will be my testament to humanity, written over many years of world service on a day to day basis and entitled The Miracle, Joy and Art of Happy Living. I will then be able to leave this planet, having done my individual duty, given the extraordinary, almost miraculous circumstances in which my life unfolded.

~ Idea 3887 ~

I hope that one great forward-looking University on Earth will create a Faculty of Great Basic Philosophical Concepts Leading to Peace and Human Fulfillment.

~ Idea 3888 ~

I hope that one inspired, great University on Earth will be created to deal with the future of everything regarding the Earth, including all the elements, activities and projects of the human species, by far the most determining species for that future.

~ Idea 3889 ~

I hope that universities will be created at the seats of the UN headquarters and regional offices and all the thirty-six specialized agencies and world programs of the United Nations. I mean universities with students like the University for Peace and not like the UN University in Tokyo, not allowed to have students due to the staunch opposition of the United States Government against any world universities on this planet.

~ Idea 3890 ~

On a table on the terrace of our farmhouse in Costa Rica which has one of the most beautiful views on Earth I have affixed replicas of the golden signs for our benches on various chosen locations of the farmland. Here is the list:

Bench of Love, of Happiness, of Hope, of Faith, of Dreams, of Visions, of Ideas, of Philosophy, of Prophecy, of Thanksgiving and of Forgiveness. And there could be others.

My dream is that in each university on Earth there should be a faculty on each of these basic, life-guiding, life-deepening, life-elevating concepts. What a different humanity would ensue!

~ Idea 3891 ~

Thank God that most of the populated areas of planet Earth have year-in, year-out nights during which most humans do not 'work', 'run around', 'drive around' and do not invent more new activities and products to consume. We should erect temples and statues to Mother Night.

~ Idea 3892 ~

Is it really possible that intelligent, advanced, very knowledgeable humans about their world (their home) and humanity (their family) think that they can continue as usual without having a hard look at the sizable global problems facing now the human race? But they don't do it. My God. What unprecedented heavy costs this will mean!

~ Idea 3893 ~

We have now at long last satisfactory States of the World Forums and conferences thanks be to God. What we need most urgently now are forums and world conferences dealing with the future. They need to make the front pages of the world media.

~ Idea 3894 ~

What hope for the future can we have when practically all 6 billion humans of this planet go through a national education which does not prepare them to contribute to the solution of the dominant, all-pervading, dangerous global problems confronting now humanity: the population explosion, the consumption explosion, the damages to our environment, the colossal wastes, the pollution of the airs, waters, oceans, etc., etc. Please, educators of the world, wake up.

~ Idea 3895 ~

Frank Sahlgreen, the head of the UN Center on Multi-national Corporations, held that this center should become a full specialized agency of the UN. Alas the contrary happened: at the request of President Bush, Mr. Boutros Ghali suppressed the center when he became Secretary General.

The idea of creating a full UN specialized agency on multi-national corporations should be most actively and urgently reopened.

~ Idea 3896 ~

Multi-national corporations are fully accepted, normal terms nowadays.
But why not multi-national citizens?
Why not multi-national passports?
Why not multi-national laws?
Why not multi-national education?
Why not multi-national ethics and norms?
Why not multi-national radio, television and media?
and many more.

Add your own dear reader.

~ Idea 3897 ~

Citizens of big western cities should request that airports be removed from cities and built at a distance from them. They have become a disaster for the air the people breathe and for the traffic in those monstrous cities.

~ Idea 3898 ~

The Earth would be better off without the thousands of airlines and hundreds of thousands of cars ejecting thousands of tons of carbon dioxide into the natural air. Human have lived for thousands of years without airplanes and cars. Would it not be wise to return to that past which might be a real natural progress compared to the hectic, even more dense and growing mechanized transportation culture we have today?

The Earth:

"Yes dear Robert, you are so right and they want to spread this so-called transportation progress to my entire surface. What a catastrophe it will be."

~ Idea 3899 ~

Human beings of today are true biological evolutionary achievements or miracles. A right world education should tell them this and help them to be not only the beneficiaries of the Earth's status but also the contributors to the Earth's further ascending evolution. I have come to believe that the education of humans should be basically an evolutionary one.

~ Idea 3900 ~

All teachers, educators and educational systems and institutions of our planet should now receive serious education and information about the future of the Earth, of humanity and of the particular groups of humans they are educating. This is now a new unprecedented imperative need. The great religions with their cosmic spiritual view of the universe and time should contribute to this new world cosmic future-oriented education.

~ Idea 3901 ~

At this stage of our history and evolution we must almost forget about everything except the Earth and humanity which should be our main preoccupations. The University for Peace should also be called or have a Humanity Council established next to the Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro second world conference on the environment.

The University for Peace
i.e. The Humanity Council
How to prevent humanity from destroying the Earth
How to make humanity more happy, peaceful
and beautiful
The Earth University
i.e. The Earth Council
How to defend and preserve the Earth
How to make it more beautiful

~ Idea 3902 ~

All we humans should make an effort to 'dethinginize' ourselves, to get rid of many unnecessary things which distract us from our inner and higher self. Monks are a typical example of how to reach God through dethinginizing.

More things do not always bring peace, often quite the contrary. Nature was, is and will always be our most important, incredible source of peace and happiness, including the sense of our resurrection into other life forms.

~ Idea 3903 ~

I recently observed more and more 'coincidences' in my life, work, actions and meetings with persons. Some of them are really extraordinary, full of meaning, except how and why they actually happened. I have almost the impression that mysterious forces help create those coincidences. Cosmic forces or preoccupations may be at work to help us save our evolution and planet. I have no explanation, but I implement faithfully the messages I receive. I have sometimes the impression that these mysterious forces create in my mind the idea or suggestion to look for a specific file, but when I look it up something completely different but much more important in it catches my attention and makes me do something very different. This is happening to me almost daily and I have no rational explanation for it.

~ Idea 3904 ~

The preceding leads me to think that I should review the entire manuscript of The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living in the light of the above. What I wrote in there over the years might have become much more significant than it was at the time of writing.

~ Idea 3905 ~

I owe many of my successes and advances in world affairs to the Coué method which saved me from the Gestapo in World War II (see story Thank you Dr. Coué in Most of All They Taught Me Happiness ), namely by repeating to myself ten to twenty times that it will work, that I will be successful, etc. I recommend that it be applied by all heads of state of this planet, in all professions, and in old age. It is one of the most important and effective rules to be applied on planet Earth, including the success of our long-term evolution.

~ Idea 3906 ~

There are places on Earth which are very special, which have a power of elevation, inspiration and enlightenment, almost of a cosmic, universal nature. Sacred Mt. Rasur where the first University for Peace and Earth Council of this planet are located is such a place. I wish that Gaia scientists (scientists of the Earth) would study such places. It is perhaps there that the capitals of the Earth, the offices of the heads of states and the heads of all world and regional organizations should be located. It would lead to a fundamental transformation and elevation of humanity and of the entire planet to the ultimate success of the cosmic forces of the universe to achieve paradise Earth.

~ Idea 3907 ~

In my view, the sacred, prophetic indigenous Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica (see references in Indexes to these 4000 Ideas) has definitely the vocation to become the seat of an entirely renewed, timely, elevated, spiritual ideology for humanity on planet Earth.

~ Idea 3908 ~

At this beginning of a new millennium we humans must absolutely decide to open a new era of the Earth, of nature, of ourselves and plan with joy and enthusiasm a true paradise Earth visited some day by astonished outer space beings who will offer us as a model to other life-bearing planets in the universe.

~ Idea 3909 ~

In my new capacity as Lifelong Honorary President of the Global Peoples' Assembly of planet Earth I will propose that we establish an Outer Space Committee of impartial observers who would every year make a report to humanity on how we faired during that year. I will recommend that this committee be composed of astronauts who have been in outer space and have seen the Earth from the heavens.

That astronautic committee, in addition to judging how the Earth and nations are fairing, would recommend what next steps should be taken to make ours a perfectly administered, inhabited, happy planet and what further evolution is expecting from us.

~ Idea 3910 ~

The world will not progress if it does not challenge the obsolete excessive 19th century free enterprise capitalistic system. If not the world will lose all its nature and species', including the human one.

~ Idea 3911 ~

The militaries review their strategy and institutions every five years in the light of the world situation and likely future. It is high time and urgent that the United Nations and its specialized agencies and world programs do the same for humanity's and the Earth's benefit.

~ Idea 3912 to 3920~

The world press reported the failure of the third World Climate Conference held by the United Nations in Holland in November 2000.

This reminded me how twenty-one years ago when I obtained the convening of the first World Climate Conference in human history in 1979 I was considered a fool.

Now 21 years later the third World Conference on the Climate could still not reach an agreement between nations to set carbon dioxide limits. This shows the extremely poor management or mismanagement of our beautiful planet Earth at the beginning of the third millennium. Dear God, what will be our future? What will happen to us?

Well, I am going to be a fool again by recommending:

Idea 3912 An extraordinary session of the UN General Assembly to review why the three World Climate Conferences did not lead to any progress.

Idea 3913 A UN World Conference should be urgently held on how to save the Earth and humanity.

Idea 3914 An Overpopulation Emergency Conference should be held.

Idea 3915 A World Overconsumption Conference should be held.

Idea 3916 A World Overproduction Conference should be held.

Idea 3917 A World Water Consumption Conference should be held.

Idea 3918 A World Air Conference should be held.

Idea 3919 A World Overwaste and Excessive Garbage Conference should be held.

Idea 3920 A World Overtraffic and Overtransport Conference should be held.

~ Idea 3921 ~

The free enterprise capitalistic system, which was a formidable success for the western industrial patents, inventions and capital-holding countries might now lead to the demise of the Earth.

And no one, not even the former communist countries have the courage, realism and vision to place this threat as the priority item on the agenda of world affairs in the United Nations.

If I were the Secretary General of the UN I would convene immediately an emergency session of the General Assembly at the heads of states level to look into that threat.

~ Idea 3922 ~

I sometimes feel that the last two volumes of my 4000 Ideas should be entitled 4000 Ideas and Dreams to Save the World. The fact that the continued population explosion and environmental deterioration of the Earth and of her vital elements are not being discussed every day in the media of this planet is as if a human being having cancer would not care about it and would not write his last dispositions and will.

~ Idea 3923 ~

In the United States and western world it is not business as usual, but everyday more business than usual.

~ Idea 3924 ~

It would be interesting to know what are the total resources invested in prolonging human life beyond the reproduction age. Perhaps this is not a natural approach from the Earth and evolutionary point of view unless the elderly people do really contribute to a better evolution of humanity and of the Earth by providing their ideas, experience and wisdom. Yes, one should look into this problem because it does not seem to comply with the laws of nature of this planet.

~ Idea 3925 ~

One thing one would expect to be a logical policy of the United Nations and of governments would be to divide the world into basically two major regions: one, the very 'advanced' regions which might now face soon a total breakdown in future evolution; two, the other regions in the world where there is still a long leeway for further evolution.

A whole new approach to the future could be taken by looking at the planet from that point of view. Where could one do more and should one do more? And where should one stop and do less? To begin with there would be the enormous categories of the seas and oceans, of the north and south poles, of the arid desert regions and of the mountains. Yes, to look at the world from a biological, geobiological, natural and man-made point of view.

~ Idea 3926 ~

I am often tempted to throw books away! There are so many of them accumulating over a lifetime, but I usually change my mind thinking that in a hundred years they will be as interesting and curious as are today books which are a hundred years old.

What will humans think of our books in five hundred years or in the year 3000? They might not believe it that we could be so cut-up, so disorganized, uncoordinated and insensitive to the problems of a global world and of the long-term future. What label will they give us? We should think about that at the beginning of this third millennium.

~ Idea 3927 ~

I hope that the United Nations or a university in the world will seriously sit down and define the notion and large variety of cases, advocacies and practices of freedom. We might be quite surprised by the results and by what freedoms should be on this planet at this stage of our Earth and human evolution.

~ Idea 3928 ~

Except for Dag Hammarskjöld who left his famous Markings, no other Secretary General of the United Nations left behind any remarkable work, plan, message or testament to the world. Some left biographies mostly written by aides. I pray that Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General who lived the year 2000 will leave a major testament or plan for a proper Earth government either through a reformed, substantially upgraded United Nations or a World Union on the recent model of the European Union or a totally new model of the natural, ecological regions of the Earth.

~ Idea 3929 ~

Former President Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore should offer their thoughts and plans on how this world should be better governed. They should offer the world a new, great American dream.

~ Idea 3930 ~

Bishop Swing of San Francisco and Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu went around the world asking the leaders of the major religions what they would think of the creation of a United Religions like the United Nations. The large majority agreed and this is how the United Religions, still called Initiative, was born.

Similarly, I recommend that a couple of world leaders would go around the world and ask heads of state what they would think of a more proper Earth government. The result might be positive and governments could undertake consultations toward the creation of a proper Earth government as outlined first in Volume IV and repeated as the conclusion of these 4000 ideas.

~ Idea 3931 ~

While the western population will decrease by 40 million by the year 2050 I am sure that the number of bulldozers and Earth moving machines in the same western countries will increase by the millions. What is the logic, the relationship between the two? Are the latter really needed when there is a fall, a decline in population? But business will find many ways of continuing to grow irrespective of the real needs of the human population and the fate of the Earth. Why is that?

~ Idea 3932 ~

I wonder how many millions of cars are on the roads and in used car lots in the United States and by what numbers they increase every year. Will it ever stop? Soon there will be more cars than Americans. And the same is happening in more and more countries.

~ Idea 3933 ~

Seeing the numerous, immense hotels around the airport of Los Angeles and entering into one of them, the Hilton Hotel, and seeing its incredible luxury, I felt that I was the naivest person on Earth. How indeed can I dare to challenge such a powerful, dominant system? No wonder most of my 4000 Ideas have little effect.

~ Idea 3934 ~

If Jesus came back to Earth during Christmas and saw the mountains of Christmas trees, gifts, billions of lights, packings and incredible wastes a few days later, He might decide not to be born or resurrected again.

~ Idea 3935 ~

19 December 2000

A USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll shows that while 58% of African Americans said they will accept Bush as legitimate President, (86% for white), 68% said that they felt "cheated" by the outcome and 50% believe Bush stole the election.

This was quite a comment on American democracy.

~ Idea 3936 ~

I plan to travel and stay less in the United States because I do not want to risk dying there and being burned into ashes at the cost of more than $6,000. Instead I want to be buried in the living, recycling soil of beautiful, peaceful, heavenly demilitarized, disarmed Costa Rica.

~ Idea 3937 ~

I cannot understand that given the large number of old men in the world no one wears a hat anymore. It was indeed wise of me to go and work in the United Nations rather than being a hatmaker as were my father and grandfather. I still wear a hat even if I am not yet bald and I liked the remark of a US lady, after hearing me speak at the United Nations, that I had never ceased to be a hatmaker, that I was trying to fit a hat for the entire world!

~ Idea 3938 ~

I think it is high time to consider new divisions and categories of countries in the United Nations, not limited to developed and underdeveloped countries or rich and poor countries. For example, overpopulated, reasonably populated and underpopulated countries; armed, militarized and disarmed, demilitarized countries; countries still amenable to further economic development and countries which have reached the limits of growth; countries with an abundant and rich nature and countries deficient in normal, natural resources, etc.

~ Idea 3939 ~

The good thing God, evolution or nature have done was to make sure that humans will die. What a catastrophe it would be for this planet if they did not!

~ Idea 3940 ~

Rich people want to make sure that their life and name will be remembered, eternalized through buildings, properties and art accumulations. I recommend that ordinary people should not go to hotels, places, buildings, businesses and museums which bear the name of a person or a family.

~ Idea 3941 ~

A species

- which spends one-half of all the tax revenues of most governments on armaments and militaries;

- maintains hundreds of nuclear missiles, many of which within a minutes readiness to be sent off and destroy a good part of this planet and of its species;

- which has 445 atomic energy plants and is planning more of them, creating nuclear wastes of which it does not know how to get rid of safely;

- which spends for its first tiny, powerless global institution (the United Nations) not more than it spends on a big nation's fire protection service;

- which puts every minute 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the airs;

- which destroys a living species every five hours;



~ Idea 3942 ~

All problems faced by the human species on planet Earth could be resolved in one stroke, namely by saving 800 billion dollars spent every year by 174 governments on national armaments and militaries.

How can it be done? By implementing the UN Charter which asked the Commanders of the armies of the permanent members Security Council to meet and create a world security system and thereafter disarm and demilitarize the planet.

~ Idea 3943 ~

The continued absolute sovereign nation states division of planet Earth will mean the end of evolution of the human species and of all species on this planet while proper Earth government could open the way to further advances of the human species and of all other evolution on this planet.

~ Idea 3944 ~

The latest public relations research states that we are bombarded by 1,500 to 2,500 messages a day asking us to buy this, think this, buy that. Result: it is almost impossible to be a happy person anymore in the 'free' enterprise, capitalistic society. The destruction of our Earth is likely to be the result.

~ Idea 3945 ~

Here again a prophecy, shocking, unbelievable to most people of the Earth but in my view very likely: namely that the United States will soon appear as one of the wrongest countries of modern times for having believed exclusively in human appetites, their own interests, 'inventiveness', competition, 'free enterprise', monstrous cities, skyscrapers, endless construction, huge monopolies, the absolute dominant power of money and for having exported these ideals to other countries of the world.

~ Idea 3946 ~

When I said to my grandson Henry who visited us in Costa Rica that I needed only fifty-four more ideas to reach 4000 and that I will then stop, he commented, "Are you sure? I don't believe that you will ever stop."

~ Idea 3947 ~

In the year 2000 natural catastrophes have cost the life of 17,400 humans in the world and provoked financial damages estimated to about 50 billion dollars. The number of natural disasters held a new record in 2000: 850, i.e. a hundred catastrophes more than in 1999. Most of the increase is due to the population explosion concentrated in big urban cities and also an accrued intensity of extreme climatic phenomena. Many governments insure themselves against natural disasters with European companies, but having contributed many years ago to the creation of the United Nations Natural Disasters Relief Coordinator I recommend that such insurance should be a common non-profit world-wide insurance by the United Nations.

~ Idea 3948 ~

On the road from Ciudad Colon to Puriscal in Costa Rica I saw this sign at a piece of land with a beautiful view: Century 21.

Yes, US real estate agencies are globalizing themselves, getting Americans to buy foreign lands all over the world, either for speculation or for retirement.

And where is the globalization and cooperation of governments for the public good and the protection of the defenseless through proper local, regional, continental and world government?

~ Idea 3949 ~

Thank God there was in the year 2000 an unprecedented event, a World Conference of Global People which created a Global World Peoples' Assembly. Thousands of local peoples' assemblies will now be created around the world to express the people's voice on how they want the world to be governed, not only by purely executive governments and national parliaments without even a United Nations Parliament.

Well, since they appointed me their Lifelong Honorary President, among other projects I will propose to these assemblies to create a movement and associations of tax payers culminating in a World Tax Payers Movement so that the tax payers will have a voice on how governments unilaterally tax land, the people and businesses. This should be an important item on the Global Peoples' Assembly in India in the year 2001.

~ Idea 3950 ~

There should also be created at the top level of the Global Peoples' Assembly in addition to a World Commission on Taxation a World Commission on Budgetary Expenditures. It is high time that the people look into and judge the spendings of governments. For example, it is intolerable that half of all budgetary expenditures of the nations of this planet are devoted to armaments and militaries. This alone would earn us the lowest grade in proper planetary management in the entire universe.

~ Idea 3951 ~

Costa Rica, 23 March 2001

Dr. Robert Muller

Lifelong Honorary President of the Global Peoples' Assembly

phone 506.249.2644 fax 506.249.1929

To the concerned citizens and institutions of this world,

One of the conclusions of my fifty years of adult world service with the United Nations is the utmost, overwhelming importance of right global media for the peoples of this world. Three Secretaries General for whom I worked as a personal aide, U Thant from Burma, Kurt Waldheim from Austria and Javier Perez de Cuellar from Peru, dreamt of a UN world radio station, a UN world television station, world newspapers and magazines, and of a true, world-wide global education.

The UN University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica, its International Radio for Peace and its Gandhi Center for film and videotapes production, all financed by private and institutional voluntary financing have partly fulfilled these dreams.

Please dear world-concerned people, institutions and philanthropists contribute heartily, inspirationally to these efforts of the University for Peace. Only 8 percent of all philanthropy goes to international, world causes which have become the most important ones at this stage of our evolution. Your help will contribute to a better, more peaceful, more hopeful world and you will be recompensed with untold happiness and well-feeling.

Your devoted Robert Muller

Former UN Assistant Secretary General

Co-founder of the University for Peace

~ Idea 3952 ~

There is a need to revirginize the Earth, to give the Earth a chance to heal herself and continue to evolve according to the laws of nature which humans are breaking on a colossal scale. The national democracy of the people should be supplemented by a planetary democracy with the people's voice on how the Earth should be properly governed and preserved.

~ Idea 3953 to 3961~

Some outstanding statements regarding the fate of our planet:

Idea 3953 "Homo sapiens is poised to become the greatest catastrophic agent since the giant asteroid collided with the Earth 65 million years ago wiping out half the world's species in a geological instant."

Richard Leakey 1995

Idea 3954 "The lion's share of environmental degradation can be ascribed to the consumptive behavior of the richest fifth and the desperation of the poorest fifth of the world's populations."

Claude Toepfer

Executive Director

UN Environment Program

Idea 3955 "The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man or one party or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world."

FD Roosevelt's Address to the US Congress on the Yalta Conference

Washington D.C. 3/1/45

Idea 3956 "We need a new system of values, a system of the organic unity between humankind and nature and the ethics of global responsibility."

Mikhail Gorbachev

Idea 3957 "Scientists predict that a hole, similar to that in the ozone layer over Antarctica will occur over the Arctic by 2020. If this happens the populated northern regions of Europe, North America, Asia and Russia will be at risk of dangerous ultra-violet radiation from the sun."

National Geographic Magazine

Idea 3958 "Chilean authorities have warned people in the southern tip of the country not to go out in the sun following reports of dangerous levels of ultra-violet radiation caused by the depletion of the ozone layer. Health officials said that the radiation levels were currently so high that unprotected skin would burn after just seven minutes in the sun."

Idea 3959 "Dwindling land and water resources resulting from desertification have played a role in sparking at least ten recent armed conflicts in arid lands, including Somalia."

Idea 3960 "It is generally accepted amongst international environmentalists that the major wars of the 21st century will be over water resources, particularly when rivers such as the Nile, the Danube, those in the Middle East like the Euphrates and the Tiger and the rivers of East and West Africa such as the Niger are all flowing through unstable regions."

Phillip Fryers

Idea 3961 "Governments must not only create environmental agreements, they must enforce them."

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

~ Idea 3962 ~

Humanity should rejoice that the first conference planned by the new United Religions Initiative will deal with conflicts resolution and peace between religions. This might be a source of hope for the resolution of the three remaining international conflicts caused by religion, the Middle East, Cyprus and Kashmir.

~ Idea 3963 ~

Quite some global human progress has been achieved since the end of World War II by the proclamation of world bills, declarations, charters and other agreed prominent world texts. The UN Declaration of Fundamental Human Rights is one of the best examples.

I propose that in the United Nations or UNESCO an office be created which would assemble all such declarations, widely disseminate them in the world and follow their implementation. The UN Charter for Nature, the Earth Charter, the several Declarations of Human Duties and Responsibilities, including the UNESCO Declaration of the Responsibilities of the Present Generation to Future Generations should receive prominent attention and be widely diffused in the world.

~ Idea 3964 ~

The Bill of Rights of Indigenous People being drafted in the United Nations could be a source of great progress: it provides that the 300 million of indigenous people in the world cannot be drafted into military service and that no armaments can be located on their lands. This demilitarization of 300 million humans would be added to the 14 already demilitarized countries in the world (See Idea 20 in Volume I).

~ Idea 3965 ~

In many countries there are national academies, for example the French Academy, or similar institutions of which the top thinkers and most prominent personalities of countries are members. I recommend that Academies be created in all countries and that in all such institutions commissions dealing with the world's global problems and future, including the long-term future, be created.

~ Idea 3966 ~

In addition to the absolute, urgent need to hold a series of world conferences on proper Earth government covered in Ideas in Volume IV three more important world conferences should be convened by the United Nations earliest in the 21st century and new millennium:

Idea 3966 A World Conference on the Future Evolution of Planet Earth and of Humanity.

Idea 3967 A World Conference on a New World-wide Global Education

Idea 3968 A World Conference on the Role of the Media with regard to Humanity's Fate and Major Earth Concerns.

~ Idea 3969 ~

Leibniz predicted that the sciences would dig deeper and deeper into innumerable ever smaller parts of reality but that a time would come when humans will have to look at the whole again. He was right, but we must add "and remember the past".

That time has come: we humans must regain wholistic views but also return to nature and to the love for our Mother Earth. Return to nature and to what was good in the past must be an important part of the new age.

~ Idea 3970 ~

We need more yearly world inventories, states of the world reports, records of achievements, states of failures, new problems to watch out for. They should all be brought to the attention of the world's people through world' and humanity conscious media (see my table Framework for World Media Coverage in Volume I of the 4000 Ideas).

~ Idea 3971 ~

It is absolutely necessary to devote unprecedented resources and efforts to save the future of the Earth and of humanity. Very unnecessary and wasteful expenses, given these new circumstances, are the 800 billion dollars spent every year on armaments and militaries. They should be used for the Earth and humanity's survival and future.

~ Idea 3972 ~

At the end of these 4000 Ideas I must repeat one of the earliest and important ones (Idea 51 from Volume I of 30 August 1994):

One hears always of national sovereignty as if it were something infallible, sacred, untouchable, inviolable. But what about world sovereignty, the sovereignty of our planet, of its elements, of nature without which there would be no life and no nations? In the next century Earth sovereignty must have precedence over all national sovereignties.

~ Idea 3973 ~

It is strange that so much construction is still going on in the western countries when their population is diminishing by 40 million to the year 2050. And to see what is being built it certainly does not look like being meant for the immigrants who will fill or reduce the gap.

~ Idea 3974 ~

My writing so many ideas and dreams begins to have some effect: in her magazine Humankind Advancing, Erika Erdmann, the assistant of Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, has opened a section of ideas and dreams inaugurating it with some of mine. In Switzerland at the end of a conference on the United Nations and religions, the president of the conference had a box of little notebooks which he distributed to the audience, asking them to come up with ideas and dreams and to write them down, following my example. Several auditors asked for the floor immediately to tell their ideas. May it become a world-wide movement of people participating in changing the world for the better. The benches of dreams are also making progress. After the conference a baker offered to donate ten such benches to the conference center and to the nearby convent of sisters.

~ Idea 3975 ~

I dreamt for years that someday I would play the Ode to Joy on my ten-holed harmonica in the vast General Assembly Hall of the United Nations. It happened when I got the Golden Balloon Award of a children's organization in that hall.

My dream is now that I will be allowed to offer to all members of the United Nations in that Hall my views, proposals and dreams of a tremendously improved, fulfilled, happy, elevated human condition and a well-preserved ever more beautiful, miraculous divine Earth in the vast universe.

May that dream come true too. My appointment as Honorary Lifelong President of the Global Peoples' Assembly might be a stepping stone to it.

~ Idea 3976 ~

The monks wake up twice a day at four o'clock: four o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon after a siesta. I could therefore be a monk: I wake up at four o'clock in the morning and have the richest three hours of writing until humanity awakes and I have a siesta every afternoon. My only difference with a monk is that I go to bed with my wife Barbara between seven and eight o'clock every evening.

~ Idea 3977 ~

Someone should write a book on the discovery of another planet with life in the universe and show how primitive and wrong such a planet would look if it were organized, administered and governed as is ours. It could become a world best-seller as should these 4000 ideas.

~ Ideas 3978 to 3980~

Idea 3978 I dream that the nine volumes of my 4000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World will be available in every municipal library on Earth so that people, especially the local Peoples' Assemblies could find ideas for possible actions.

Idea 3979 I dream that the volumes of my 4000 Ideas will be in the offices of all heads of states to inspire them and give them ideas for their actions, some of which might make them famous.

Idea 3980 I dream that the volumes of my 4000 Ideas will be available in every university library in the world to inspire professors and students and give them ideas of new courses and subjects of theses which would be beneficial to the world and humanity.

~ Idea 3981 ~

The 24th of October which is already United Nations Day should also be proclaimed World Peace, Happiness and Thanksgiving Day.

~ Idea 3982 ~

On Mother's Day the mothers of the world should claim the fundamental human right that their sons should never be asked to kill the sons of other mothers, not in the name of a nation, of a religion nor of anyone else.

~ Idea 3983 ~

In a television interview Frank Kelly, the former speech writer of President Truman recommended that the UN should create the position of High Commissioner for Hope and a Center for Humanity's Future. He is absolutely right. I would add to the latter the Earth, i.e. a Center for the Future of Humanity and of the Earth.

~ Idea 3984 ~

A strange, daring proposal by a student of the University for Peace, namely that the word militaries should be replaced by killitaries!

~ Idea 3985 ~

I like the idea of Ross Smyth, a senator of over 60,000 honorary life members of the Jaycee's International that the UN should open a campaign against the legality of war as a way to settle disputes. He proposes that the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Treaty be re-examined by the United Nations. Articles one and two of it are as follows:

Article 1 - The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.

Article 2 - The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means.

Ross Smyth is entirely right when he says that: "This 1928 treaty did not provide effective law nor compulsory procedures for arbitration, nor a definition of war. Seventy-three years later a new attempt to make warfare effectively illegal is both justified and overdue in the nuclear age. We owe it to our children and grandchildren."

~ Idea 3986 ~

The United Nations should convene a conference of the big powers on the subject of savings of public expenditures to permit the development of the poor countries, the reduction of poverty in the world, a more just human world family and the safeguards and protection of the Earth and her natural elements.

To create the World Security System foreseen in the UN Charter would save colossal sums to be used both internally and externally.

The holding of such a conference would soon be blessed by the big and by all nations as one of the greatest providential turning points in human history.

Why hesitate?

~ Idea 3987 ~

One of the greatest contributions of the United Nations and of its 32 specialized agencies and world programs to world history and further evolution was to give humanity yearly inventories or assessments of the state of the world and of humanity in their major aspects and to give warnings of new arising problems. Nevertheless there are serious gaps and above all senses of urgency which are still missing in this global world view. They should be corrected and substantially extended into the future.

~ Idea 3988 ~

Planet Earth is essentially made of earth and water except humans who have also a spirit which remains embodied in our descendants and in our advanced evolutionary union of us humans with the Earth and with the heavens. We must be very grateful for that and merit it in our daily lives and in our behavior, values and actions on planet Earth.

~ Idea 3989 ~

I am seventy-eight years old and not yet bored and tired. As a matter of fact, I am less bored and tired than ever. How is that possible? The answer is my endless passion and curiosity for life and our incredible planet Earth. From this derive my endless ideas and actions for a better world and humanity.

God and the Earth:

"Dear reader, follow Robert Muller's example and we will make you live long and in a great state of happiness. This is normal: since you will help us we will recompense you with untold gifts."

~ Idea 3990 ~

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, you have published twice in your 4000 Ideas (in Volume III and VIII) the Dismal Alphabet by Mary Luttig. The first time I considered it indeed a dismal record of humans killing other humans wholesale in wars and in massacres.

The second time I added up the total which came to more than 15.5 million killed between 1836, the earliest record and 1985, the latest and there are quite a few more massacres to be added for the last sixteen years. As a matter of fact, the total people killed in World War II amounted to 60 million.

This thought then dawned upon me: what would be the world's population today if these people had not been killed? There would be quite a few more millions added to today's world population of 6.1 billion. And most of these killings took place in the developed countries where you consume thirty times more of my resources than the people consume in the poor countries. I also thought of you personally: having not been killed in World War II you had four children and have now nine grandchildren. Suppose the 15.5 million dead of the Dismal Alphabet or the 60 million dead of World War II would not have been killed and would have had only two or four descendants over that time. By today the world population would be 30 to 60 million more in the first case and 120 million to 240 million more in the second one. I wish that the United Nations Population Division would make estimates and come up with more accurate figures. They would render me a great service.

My conclusion as the Earth is therefore that these killings, while being awful from the human point of view, turned out to be a blessing for me today.

What do you say to that?"


I am speechless. But my first reaction is that you should also think of the destructions which were inflicted upon you.

~ Idea 3991 ~

A few days later the Earth talked to me again:

"You know, but most humans do not know that many of your human successes are damaging, even sometimes highly destructive of me:

For example you found how to prevent the early deaths of children in poor countries and provoked a colossal population explosion in these countries which harms me very much today;

Here is another one: you prolong human longevity in all countries, especially in the rich ones where the people consume thirty times more of my resources than in the poor countries. That causes also a considerable damage to me.

On the whole it dawns upon me that I should not look any longer with favor at you humans as my beloved, most advanced, successful species but also as a negative factor. Hence my sad conclusion that wars, earthquakes, automobile accidents and other disasters in the world might not be all bad for me. What do you think?"


You make some important points. It will be a shock when some of our major successes will be judged contrary to our and your future survival. My God, what did you come up with!

~ Idea 3992 ~

Still later the Earth held the following discourse to me:

"Dear Robert, when the Aids epidemic appeared in the world no cause could be found at first for them. They were considered to be the beginning of the giving up of the human body's immune system. This was very scary but it was soon discovered that a virus was causing the Aids: HIV. More than 21 million people have died of Aids since the 1980's, more than those killed in the Dismal Alphabet of Mary Luttig. Some 36 million people are currently infected with the HIV virus. This has also a substantial effect on the population growth. Consider what the increase would have been without those deaths!

Also it was recently discovered that young men recruited in the Norwegian Army are less capable of reproduction than those of preceding years.

Last but not least, a famous TV interviewer in the United States, Bill Moyers had his body examined for toxins and they found a 153 of them, the result of the food and beverages he was consuming.

All this means for me more survival of my other species and natural conditions. Soon the human species, as Maurice Strong underlines in his recent book Where on Earth Are We Going?, will decline precipitously opening a new era of evolution according to the law that a species which proliferates and gets out of control kills its excess numbers.

What do you say to that?"


You made your point stronger than ever. Humanity and big business especially will make a strange face and take perhaps measures to reduce the damage they do to you through their overpopulation, overconsumption, overactivities, overtransportation and overarmaments destroying your basic elements. It might stop the current belief in free enterprise, government subservience and bring about the most urgent, fundamental rethinking from scratch of economics and all other twenty fundamental aspects of human life which I outlined in Volume IV, page 151 and repeat in Annex I at the end of this Volume.

~ Idea 3993 ~

Only people who were really bad, e.g. warriors, conquerors, dictators and murderers should not be returned to the Earth to be recycled into other life forms. Napoleon is okay in his marble coffin in Paris, but more generally they should be burned or placed in metal containers or concrete vaults so that they cannot mix with the Earth. This would be a way to prevent their DNA from continuing in evolution. On the contrary saints and good people should be buried in the soil, without a coffin to be soonest recycled by the Earth into other life forms and processes.

The Earth:

"Dear Robert, I do not know how to thank you. Your scientists should say that the biomass of fifty million humans dying each year must absolutely be returned to me so that I can recycle them."

~ Idea 3994 ~

Humans are seeking world-wide their fulfillment and a meaningful life. The only thing still missing is a proper world-wide system of governance to achieve that objective for the first time in the immemorial imperfect history of humanity.

The United Nations (political), the International Labor Organization (employment), and UNESCO (education and philosophy) should play a particularly important role in answering this global challenge.

~ Idea 3995 ~

Every basic belief of humans has a tendency to become excessive, all-embracing, take-it-or-leave-it. This has been the case of religions, of kingdoms, of empires and since the French Revolution of the self-appointed 'sovereign nations'. The very latest, most all-embracing is the belief in 'free enterprise'. Like all others it is good to a certain point, but then becomes a wrong way and impediment to the further progress of humanity and a negative, damaging, destructive element to the Earth. Can humanity not at long-last come to correct, proper beliefs and institutions for the Earth and humanity's present and future? Even my proposal for humanism and Earthism as the new ideaologies is not good enough. What should it be?

Elizabet Sahtouris, the famous evolutionary scientist gives us the answer: it is neither individualism nor collectivism which are both contrary to nature. The answer lies in an interdependent whole from the individual to the totality which is the Earth. Earthism or Gaiaism should therefore be candidate for the new ideaology of our planet. Yes, further proper evolutionary human government and good care of Gaia, our Mother Earth.

~ Idea 3996 to 3998 ~

I ask myself a thousand times these persistent, impatient questions:

Idea 3996 Why, why, why don't the members of the UN Security Council, especially the United States give life to the Military Staff Committee (the heads of armies of the five permanent members of the Security Council) foreseen in Chapter 7, Article 47 of the UN Charter, entrusted with the tasks of creating a proper World Security System and then to disarm the planet?

Idea 3997 Why, why, why does not the President of the United States or another head of state follow the example of George Washington who transformed the 49 confederate states into the Federal United States and request that the 189 nations of the world be transformed into a Federal United World?

Idea 3998 Why, why, why do not any heads of state want to become world famous by launching audacious, constructive, great history-making proposals to solve the problems facing the world? How can they accept to be soon forgotten as only one of the thousands of heads of state we had already on this planet?*

No, I will never understand it.

*National historians should count the number of heads of states each nation had so far and global historians give us the world total. They will not look much better than merely provincial governors of this great, miraculous, ungoverned planet.

~ Idea 3999 ~

A leader is best
When people barely know
That he exists,
Less good when
They obey and acclaim him,
Worse when
They fear and despise him.
Fail to honor people
And they fail to honor you.
But of a good leader,
When his work is done,
His aim fulfilled,
They will all say,
"We did it ourselves."

- Lao-Tzu

~ Idea 4000 ~


"Dear Robert, congratulations for having finished your 4000 ideas. May I ask you: which one do you consider the most important?"


Well, my most important idea and conclusion after all my adult life as a world civil servant is this:


I recommend that the UN General Assembly should meet again urgently at the heads of states level and that one of them will stand up and say to his assembled peers: "The world of sovereign nations is in disarray. The Earth, our vital air, waters, nature, vegetation and many species which it took millions of years to form, our climate are in jeopardy. All this will end in a global disaster without precedent, if we do not react with urgency, vision and audacity.

I appeal to you, I beg you, I implore you, let us put aside all other items on the world agenda and keep only this fundamental one: to have this General Assembly of heads of states remain in session day and night if necessary, until we give birth to a new political system for our miraculous planet and our sacred human family. Please stand up, delegates of the world, hold each other's hand and let us swear together that we will accomplish this historical miracle before it is too late: to save this Earth, to save humanity with a new world order. All the rest is secondary. Let us strengthen and reform the United Nations into a United States of the World or a World Union like the European Union. Let us perform this miracle in the House of Mica, on the shores of the River of the Rising Sun, wherefrom our indigenous brethren prophecized that a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world."

I offer further below a framework within which the work for the creation of a proper Earth government can be undertaken immediately.

"Nothing is so powerful as an IDEA whose TIME has come"
Victor Hugo
Statements on proper Earth government
which struck me during my life
"The primary cause of all disorders lies in the different state governments and in the tenacity of that power which pervades the whole of their systems."
George Washington
"Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace a larger sphere? Let experience solve it...It is well worth a fair and full experiment."
George Washington
"The Republic is a dream. Nothing happens unless first a dream."
George Washington
If he lived today, he would say:
The Earth Republic is a dream.
Nothing happens unless first a dream.
"It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for you to get along in the republic of the United States."
President Harry S. Truman
"With all my heart I believe that the world's present system of sovereign nations can lead only to barbarism, war and inhumanity. There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government."
Albert Einstein
"Humankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government."
Albert Einstein
"Unless some effective supranational government can be set up and brought quickly into action, the prospects of peace and human progress are dark and doubtful. If it is found possible to build a world organization of irresistible force and inviolable authority for the purpose of securing peace, there are no limits to the blessings which all humans may enjoy and share."
Winston Churchill
"Science has made unrestricted national sovereignty incompatible with human survival. The only possibilities are now world government or death."
Bertrand Russell
"World Government is not an 'ultimate goal' but an immediate necessity. In fact, it has been overdue since 1914. The convulsions of the past decades are the clear symptoms of a dead and decaying political system."
Emery Reves
"World Government is not only possible, it is inevitable; and when it comes, it will appeal to patriotism in its truest sense, in its only sense, the patriotism of humans who love their national heritages so deeply that they wish to preserve them in safety for the common good."
Peter Ustinov
"No difficulty in the way of a world government can match the danger of a world without it."
Carl Van Doren
"I have long believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government."
Jawaharlal Nehru
"When all humanity calls planet Earth our home, there is no alternative for the Earth but Global Government."
Barbara Gaughen Muller
"Today the universal common good poses problems of world-wide dimensions, which cannot be adequately tackled or solved except by the efforts of public authorities endowed with a wideness of powers, structure and means of the same proportions; that is,...on a world-wide basis."
Pope John XXIII
"The age of nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish, we must shake off our old prejudices and build the Earth. The more scientifically I regard the world, the less can I see any possible biological future for it except in the active consciousness of its unity."
Teilhard de Chardin
"Have I said clearly enough that the Community we created is not an end in itself? It is a process of change, continuing in that same process which in an earlier period produced our national forms of life. The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present: they cannot ensure their own progress or control their own future. And the Community itself is only a stage on the way of the organized world of tomorrow."
Jean Monnet
Conceiver of the European Community
now the European Union
"There are no boundaries in the real Planet Earth. No United States, no Russia, no China, no Taiwan. Rivers flow unimpeded across the swaths of continents. The persistent tides - the pulse of the sea - do not discriminate; they push against all the varied shores on Earth."
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
"We are facing problems that transcend nations. When we talk about the greenhouse effect, we are talking about something that affects not just the United States or Brazil but the entire planet."
Isaac Asimov
"...The point of a nation is not to draw a line in the sand and keep its members behind it, but to create world citizens who are secure enough to treat others equally."
Gloria Steinem
May I add this personal conviction:
"If heads of states fail to seize the opportunity of our entry into the third millennium to provide for a better government of planet Earth, history will not forgive them - if there is a history."
Robert Muller

Advocates of World Government/World Citizenship

Gary Davis, is a US pilot whom I saw camping at the Bridge of Kehl between France and Germany in Strasbourg in 1948 refusing to show a passport because he considered himself a world citizen, dismayed as he was for having bombed German cities and killed women and children during the war. I proposed to his World Citizens Foundation to create a world-wide alliance of all organizations, associations, and citizen's movements which are in favor of world government. And since world government has been downgraded by a systematic campaign of extreme right parties claiming that it would lead to dictatorship, I recommend to use the words proper Earth government. I also proposed that there should be an honor roll of world personalities who throughout history have recommended world government and global citizenship. He sent me the following impressive list which should be widely known*:

The following prominent individuals have advocated world government and/or world citizenship in their writings or speeches:

Jane Adams
Mortimer Adler
John Anderson
Percy Barbevik
Stringfellow Barr
Pierre Bergé
Lord Beveridge
Ernest Bevin
Sir Adrian Boult
Claude Bourdet
Chester Bowles
Lord Boyd-Orr
Heather Brandon
André Breton
Gro Harlan Bruntland
Albert Camus
Brock Chisholm
Grenville Clark
Sen. Joseph Clark
Norman Cousins
Alan Cranston
Walter Cronkite
Justice William Douglas
Katherine Dunham
Albert Einstein
Clifton Fadiman
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Thomas Finletter
Charles Frankel
Benjamin Franklin
John Kenneth Galbraith
Mahatma Gandhi
André Gide
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mike Gravel
Hugo Grotius
Oscar Hammerstein
Václav Havel
Edouard Herriot
Arthur Holcombe
Robert Hutchins
Immanuel Kant
Adm. Gene LaRoque
Georgia Lloyd
Lola Maverick Lloyd
Thomas Mann
Marcel Marceau
Lord Menuhin
Akio Morita
Edgar A. Mowrer
Robert Muller
Lewis Mumford
Jawaharlal Nehru
Paul Newman
Robert Oppenheimer
Tom Paine
Ronald Reagan
Walther Reuther
Emery Reves
Owen Roberts
Elliot Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Joseph Rotblat
Bertrand Russell
Andrei Sakharov
Kory Sanford
Jean-Paul Sartre
Robert Schuman
Rosita Schwimmer
Louis Sohn
Harold Stassen
John Steinbeck
Gloria Steinem
Patrick Stewart
Strobe Talbott
Lord Tennyson
Hans Thirring
Arnold Toynbee
Henry Usborne
Peter Ustinov
Carl Van Doren
Mark Van Doren
George Wald
H.G. Wells
E.B. White
Wendell Willkie
Harris Wofford
Joanne Woodward
Richard Wright
*The World Government Institute, Gledoux Terrace, South Burlington, VI 05403