Robert Muller


From Kristen's research on Robert Muller Schools and
Waldorf Schools:

The World Core Basics

"In the final analysis... the main function of education is to
make children happy, fulfilled, universal human beings."

-- Robert Muller

Four curriculum strands:

"Oneness with the planet"

"Unity with people"

"Harmony with self”

“Evolution through time”

~ Idea 100 ~ 18 October 1994

During my youth in France I had to learn everything that was French: all the French provinces, all French rivers and their affluents, the French heroes, victors and victories, the great French writers and artists, etc. Then the Germans came and told us that what the French had taught us were all lies. So I had to learn everything that was German: the German provinces, the German rivers and their affluents, the German heroes, victors and victories, the German great writers and artists, etc. After the French came back, I studied law and become a doctor of it. When I arrived in the US I was told that I was wrong and that I should have studied economics. So I went again to University and took a degree in economics!

Today I can only praise the United Nations for having taught me the truth and the real facts: the Earth which is my home, humanity which is my family, our place in time and the dignity and miracle of individual human life. This is why I made these United Nations teachings into a world core curriculum which should bless every school and child on Earth. A different world, the true world, a more beautiful, miraculous, astonishing world and humanity, and not the dissected world created by nations emerge from it.

I urge all educators and governments to have a look at this curriculum. It is not the product of my mind, but of the United Nations, the recent first universal organization which thinks for the entire planet and humanity.

An educator wrote to me: "Through your world core curriculum, the world's teachers can now have access to the soul of every man, woman and child on this planet." I hope this will be the case.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 9 Of Spirituality. See My Spiritual Journey by Robert - a four page excerpt including Robert's poem Decide To Be Spiritual .

During a very moving ceremony at the United Nations in December 1971, when he took leave from the UN staff in the great General Assembly hall, Secretary General U Thant, a Buddhist, suddenly put aside a written speech and said the following:

"As all of you must have been aware, I have certain priorities in regard to virtues and human values. As far as I am concerned, an ideal man or an ideal woman is one who is endowed with four attributes, four qualities: physical qualities, intellectual qualities, moral qualities, and spiritual qualities.

Of course, it is very rare to find a human being who is endowed with all these qualities but, as far as priorities are concerned, I would attach greater importance to intellectual qualities over physical qualities.

I would attach stiller greater importance to moral qualities over intellectual qualities. It is far from my intention to denigrate intellectualism or intellectual qualities but I am just trying to define my priorities.

I would attach greater importance to moral qualities or moral virtues over intellectual qualities or intellectual virtues — moral qualities like love, compassion, understanding, tolerance, the philosophy of live and let live, the ability to understand the other person's point of view, which are the key to all great religions.

And above all, I would attach the greatest importance to spiritual values, faith in oneself, the purity of one's inner self, which to me is the greatest virtue of all. With this approach, with this philosophy, with this concept alone, we will be able to fashion the kind of society we want, the kind of society which was envisaged by the founding fathers of the United Nations."

I have often returned to that statement and learned several lessons from it. I have come to believe that it contains indeed basic answers to many of our personal, social, national, and world problems.

~ Idea 388 ~ 2 August 1995

Most citizens of this Earth are programmed into small geographic segments of the world, into harmful values and narrow ideals and interests of which they remain prisoners for the rest of their lives.

The Robert Muller schools introduce the children into the total planetary home, the total human family, the total stream of time and the fundamental values, ideals and interests common to all humans.

Their world core curriculum should be adopted by all schools on Earth (see table at end of the first 100 ideas), and some day it will.

~ Idea 375 ~ 20 July 1995

I dream that next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica, a World Center for Robert Muller schools and the world core curriculum will be created to fulfill the prophecy of Gloria Crook, the founder of the first Robert Muller school in Arlington, Texas, that someday there will be thousands of such schools in the world. Since the land includes sacred Mt. Rasur, what a fulfillment of the prophecy of the indigenous God of children that would be!

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,

Volume III Chapter 5 Of Adulthood

Written at the peak of my adulthood, this Miracle, Joy and Art of Living is in large part addressed to the adult generation.


Perhaps each adult should write an Art of Living, a compendium of wisdom, a testament to life. What a precious family and world literature this would be! How happy I would be to read a philosophy, a life experience of my parents, grandparents and earlier ancestors! Alas, I do not have a single line from them. It makes me very sad.

Perhaps my children, grandchildren and descendants will not read me, but at least I will have done my duty. I have left them the books Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, to youth my 5000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World, to the religions New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, to the world The Birth of a Global Civilization, to educators my World Core Curriculum, to women my novels Sima Mon Amour and First Lady of the World, and to the United Nations my Testament to the UN.

And I continue to do it every day, in this Art of Living and other writings, correspondence, journals and speeches. It was and continues to be an extraordinary, rich experience, an untold happiness. When I appear before God, I will have a good file to my credit.

~ Idea 134 ~ 21 November 1994

Wars should be considered as violence and should be rejected and totally outlawed as means to resolve conflicts.

Humanity can no longer condemn violence in all human relations, except international relations where violence, be it aggressive or defensive, is considered a normal, accepted, even noble and heroic function of the state.

The notion of war must become as repulsive as any other form of violence to resolve inter-human problems.


Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

In the Robert Muller schools the children are told on the first day that they are a miracle and that they are lucky to be alive today when they will receive an education and information which no Emperor, King or ruler has ever received in the entire human history.

They are then given the general framework of that information in the World Core Curriculum.

A child who came home from the school asked his mother: "Mammy, did you know that we are living in heaven?

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

Secretary General U Thant, a former teacher, often commented to me: "Robert, the present generation will not be able to make peace.

Only a new generation, differently educated, will do it." I listened to him, designed a world core curriculum and helped create a United Nations University and a UN University for Peace.

~ Idea 113 ~ 31 October 1994

We must do what the young French revolutionaries did for France at the time: establish a world "Cadastre," or world property record showing what belongs to whom, one of the most basic official documents in most countries. It would show what the world's common properties are: the seas and oceans beyond national jurisdiction (two thirds of the planet's surface), the moon, outer-space, the upper atmosphere, the inner core of the Earth; it should show national properties, state or provincial properties, municipal properties, religious properties, business properties, civic associations properties, individual properties.

We have already a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United Nations system. It deals with authors’ rights, patents, inventions and copyrights in the world. We need to make it the World Property Organization covering also the full range of real estate.


~ Idea 6748 ~

My World Core Curriculum for an all comprehensive universal education could be used by the UN, its agencies, governments and many institutions as a basic fundamental framework for their actions and plans. Please try it.

~ Idea 6813 ~

If I had an eminent role in the world, I would promote an action in favor of the World Core Curriculum I conceived several years ago. Here are a few subjects I would place on the agenda.

- Could one not create a World Center of Ideas and Dreams for Paradise Earth?

- Why not extend the dimension and concerns of the World Core Curriculum much further into the universe and future?

- Collect the experiences in more than one hundred schools using the World Core Curriculum and draw a good number of conclusions from them?

- In addition to the World Core Curriculum for Humanity another one should be created for the Earth

- Which nations and official education ministries in the world have adopted the World Core Curriculum as a significant progress toward a true world organization?


~ Idea 6587 ~

"The search, promotion and work by persons with the gift to lead the human species to a higher stage of mental maturing must take place without destroying the core and content of our humanity."

Erika Erdmann

~ Idea 6588 ~

Reading the preceeding statements produces in me this answer: there exists now a world institution dealing with the WHOLE: the United Nations and its 32 specialized agencies and programs. And the greater support and understanding are giving to it, the sooner we will live the ACTUAL WHOLE, no longer the dream.


~ Idea 6545 ~

Since at least two world commons have been created by the United Nations, namely outer space and the seas and oceans (which are seventy-one percent of the Earth's surface), I recommend that a Department of World Commons to be created in the UN. Its work and responsibilities would be of major planetary importance.

~ Idea 455 ~    8 October 1995

I dream that someday the Robert Muller schools will be architecturally and ecologically designed as precursors of a new cosmic, ecological architecture showing our miraculous lives as cosmic entities unfolding in our universal and planetary home, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small, from the infinite past to the infinite future.


The new International School in Amsterdam, Holland, has been designed by a famous architect, Tom Alberts, in accordance with my dream.  I was given the honor to inaugurate the school in 1996.


~ Idea 375 ~ 20 July 1995

I dream that next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica, a World Center for Robert Muller schools and the world core curriculum will be created to fulfill the prophecy of Gloria Crook, the founder of the first Robert Muller school in Arlington, Texas, that someday there will be thousands of such schools in the world. Since the land includes sacred Mt. Rasur, what a fulfillment of the prophecy of the indigenous God of children that would be!


[GMW #1627] Canonizing Robert Schuman And Other Political Saints

Friday 26 December 2008, Editor: Easy

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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1 to 500

~ Idea 75 ~ 23 September 1994

I hope that saintly Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine who founded the European Union will be canonized before the end of this century. The world needs badly political saints. I am glad to be a member of his canonization commission.


Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,

Volume III Chapter 3 The Miracle of Childhood

In the US schools attended by my grandchildren I am known as the grandfather who puts french fries into his ears and nose and does all kinds of other funny things. Children also like me to play my 10 holes little harmonica on which I am able to play the Ode to Joy by Beethoven. At the school of El Rodeo, the little hamlet where the UN University is located, the children translated the Ode to Joy of Beethoven into Spanish to sing it when I come to play the harmonica for them at their graduations and celebrations. I am so happy that those children love me and might not forget me.

[GMW #1623] Heads Of State Delivering UN Speeches With Ideas And Concrete Proposals Not Empty Speeches With Accusations Or Telling Others What Others Should Do

Monday 22 December 2008, Editor: Easy

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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 1 to 500

~ Idea 58 ~ 6 September 1994

No head of State should ever deliver a speech in the United Nations without an idea or a concrete proposal. There are too many empty speeches in the world filled with accusations against others or telling what others should do. Journalists should no longer report on such speeches


Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,

Volume III Chapter 3 The Miracle of Childhood

We should collect the views of children about the world and future they want. How precious these views can be! The views of the children of the first Robert Muller school in Arlington, Texas, are sent to the United Nations and distributed to all permanent missions of the member states.


Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living,

Volume III Chapter 3 The Miracle of Childhood

Children should be enabled to learn from nature, which is the greatest, most natural, most fascinating school on Earth. When our grandchildren visit us on our farm in Costa Rica they never watch television.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

In the Robert Muller schools the children are told on the first day that they are a miracle and that they are lucky to be alive today when they will receive an education and information which no Emperor, King or ruler has ever received in the entire human history.

They are then given the general framework of that information in the World Core Curriculum.

A child who came home from the school asked his mother: "Mammy, did you know that we are living in heaven?

~ Idea 92 ~ 10 October 1994

There are thousands of schools around this planet preparing young people for business administration, for national or local public service, but not a single one to prepare world public servants, as if the human family and the planet did not need any.

Is it normal that there are 556 soldiers, 85 doctors and only 1 world civil servant per 100,000 inhabitants of this planet?

I recommend that such schools and many more positions of world public servants be created. The University for Peace in Costa Rica could become the first school for world public servants. I would be happy to teach and train them.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

I learned with surprise that indigenous people come to the Robert Muller school in Arlington to learn how to establish such schools. After a moment of reflection I got the answer: with such an education they can jump straight into a modern cosmology, identical to their own, but filled and supported by science, and would not lose theirs as they do when adopting limited national educations.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

It was pointed out to me that students who have finished their studies in a Robert Muller school become advisers of other students and young people. I am not surprised: they have the right total framework of knowledge within which they can advise other humans to reach fulfillment.

~ Idea 68 ~ 16 September 1994

I hope that the one-teacher, six grades, little elementary Peace School next to the University for Peace in Costa Rica will give birth to thousands of elementary peace schools in the world.


Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

For years I was inducated to the beauty, glory and greatness of France.

Then the Germans came, told me that these were all lies, and they inducated me to the beauty, glory and greatness of Germany.

But no one, until I arrived at the United Nations, ever inducated me to the beauty, glory and greatness of the whole Earth and humanity.

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 18 Of Education (Inducation)

There are not many schools on Earth which teach the children and youth their right place in the universe, in time, on our planet and in the human family.

The entire humanity must be reprogrammed through a right global inducation (Latin ex-ducare, to lead out, in-ducare, to lead into).



World Core Curriculum

Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace.

Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" and is known throughout the world as the "father of global education".

In active "retirement," Dr. Muller was Chancellor of the University for Peace created by the United Nations in demilitarized Costa Rica.

More pages on World Core Curriculum (WCC)

  1. -World Core Curriculum Summary

  2. -Global Education & World Core Curriculum