Welcome new viewers! - including the many from reading Ode Magazine, January 2006 issue #30's, article about Robert - The happiest man on earth, hearing the 2005 interview of Robert on Pacifica radio, A United World To Create Paradise On Earth, or seeing Robert's interview on the Wisdom TV Channel.

Here is a quick reference to some of the more popular links on Robert's websites.

  • Subscribe - Subscribe to Robert & Barbara's GoodMorningWorld email of a daily (M-F) idea-dream for a better world.
  • Guestbook - Sign Robert's guestbook with kind comments, beautiful photos and your location on a Google map that includes satellite views of much of the world, some views can be zoomed into a neighborhood's buildings and nature areas of a few blocks.
  • Daily Blog: English | Portuguese | Spanish | - View the recent GoodMorningWorld daily emails sent from Robert & Barbara in English, Portuguese and Spanish. If you are interested in translating into another language please email from Contact.
  • Decide To - Robert's beautiful and popular Decide To poems for a better world.

Interviews with and articles about Robert

The Happiest Man on Earth, Ode Magazine, January 2006 issue #30's

A United World To Create Paradise On Earth - Robert Muller's Interview on KPFK Radio - 30 October 2005 - Listen, read & print excerpts

Nurturing A Better United Nations, interview on Big Picture Web TV, March 2004

Back by popular demand, a new edition of the classic first published in 1978!
Former Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations


Order Today

Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

  • You can be happy no matter what the circumstances
  • Deciding to be happy can even save your life
  • Your happiness is a great contribution to Peace

"Robert Muller shows us that through our intention we can manifest a happy destiny for ourselves and others, regardless of the circumstances." -- WAYNE DYER, author of The Power of Intention

"These stories reveal that by overcoming the illusionary fears and limitations of our ego, we may step into the limitless power and wisdom of our true divine selves." -- NEALE DONALD WALSCH, author of Conversations with God

"Rober's book is a compelling reminder that all of us are responsible for creating the happiness of the human family and of the Planet that sustains us - and in so doing we may bring about our own fulfillment and highest bliss." -- DEEPAK CHOPRA, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.


About Robert Muller

Thousands of Ideas and Dreams For A Better World

Decide To - Poems For A Better World
An Appeal To World Leaders
Mt. Rasur The Legend And The Dreams
Our Dream 3000
© Robert Muller 2002

Also View Robert's

Good Morning World.org


Also View Robert's Website & Book: Paradise Earth

Selected Excerpts can be viewed. Also the full book and the selected excerpts can be downloaded from the website.
Selected Excerpts Include:
Chapter I: The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government
I Our new, overriding concern: the salvation and preservation of the Earth
II: Next Development of the World System
III: The Need for a Change in Values and Basic Rethinking of all Principal Segments of Human Life
IV: The Need for Futurization
Chapter III : Ways to Achieve Paradise Earth
2. A Quantum Strengthening of the UN
3. The Creation of the United States orUnited Nation of the World
4. Consideration of Novel Ideas for the Governance

Robert Muller's Biography
PROPHET - The Hatmaker's Son
Published October 2002

My dear Friends and workers for a better world,

I had many magic moments in my life allowing me to fulfill the dream of my youth to spend my life working for peace.

My friend and author Douglas Gillies went even beyond my dreams. He decided to write my biography before my death, Prophet the Hatmakers Son, to be released on United Nations Day, October 24, 2002.

It is a tremendous contribution to another dream: to see all human brothers and sisters work for peace and to make, at long last, this marvelous planet, a planet of peace and human joy and happiness.

As I was reading Prophet the Hatmakers Son, I said to Douglas, I am on page 82. This is one of the most extraordinary biographies ever written. You have a story that goes much farther than one man.

All the stupidities of war, all of those people killed unnecessarily.

This biography can have an effect on the future, by having heads of states realize that they cannot afford any wars anymore.

Your purpose was to show an individual going through all this and having the luck to spend his life working in the United Nations so that his children and grandchildren would never have to go through war again. It's incredible the pain you went through to get the details.


The Hatmaker's Son - The Life of Robert Muller

by Douglas Gillies

Book Available October 2002
Hardcover: 288 pages, 20 photographs,
index, bibliography and footnotes.
Order online or call: 1 800 942-7617

Sample Pages
Front Cover
Back Cover

In the 1920's, after the deafening sounds of the Great War subsided and people went on with their lives, a generation of children in Europe was raised to believe that the Treaty of Versailles had outlawed all wars. They held fast to their convictions while Hitler's armies enslaved their countries. Some of those children survived the Second World War and dedicated their lives to peace. Robert Muller was one of the lucky ones.

On the night of the liberation of Lyon, he stood in a fallow field weeping for all the young people whose lives were squandered during the battles he fought in the French Resistance. That night Muller swore he would devote his life to peace.

"Inspiring, true story...Gillies brings to vivid life the remarkable achievements and astounding story of this great global citizen."
Mary Manin Morrissey
After the guns fell silent and the fields again were fertile, Muller could not settle for one more hopeful interlude of peace and prosperity between wars. He was determined to create a permanent end to all the wars and bloodshed, but then he began to catch glimpses of something even greater. He saw the architectural details of a world quite unlike the old Europe: a united, harmonious world where people could enjoy their lives together and be fulfilled. Muller left everything behind and joined the United Nations in its third year to follow his dream. This is the true story of a man who never gave up.
"Robert Muller has had a very large positive influence on me. He has a wonderful global outlook and a loving, kind-hearted attitude of forgiveness and understanding and patience. I have great admiration and respect for him. He's one of the greatest men to come along in a long time."
Ted Turner, CNN, AOL Time-Warner
Robert Muller fought in the French Resistance during World War II then joined the United Nations in 1948 and rose from the lowest position to the highest appointive office in the international community. His life is a thrilling adventure story about the history of the 20th Century.
"Robert Muller is the most brilliant man in the United Nations."
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son is the biography of Dr. Robert Muller: Assistant to legendary Secretaries General of the United Nations, Recipient of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize, Co-Founder and Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace in Costa Rica, and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation World Citizen honoree for 2002. Robert Muller is the man behind Ted Turner's billion dollar donation to the United Nations and thousands of other acts of conscience.

Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son reads like a novel, but it's all true. Raised in the troubled European region of Alsace Lorraine - a pawn in the power struggle between France and Germany for centuries - Muller was taught allegiance to first one nation, then the other. He grew up searching for an alternative to the nationalism that sent young men, including almost everyone of his classmates, to die on a regular basis. Eyewitness to atrocities, captive of the Nazis, he did not grow to hate his enemy, but instead became convinced that war was not inevitable and conflict was not a solution. He dedicated his life to the cause of peace and was branded a dreamer. His father, afraid his son would never earn a living, counseled him to follow the family tradition into hat making. Fortunately, the young didn't heed the advice and we are all the beneficiaries of his action.

Robert Muller's courageous story is an inspiring antidote to gloom-mongers and flag-wavers alike. With the United Nations at the forefront of today's headlines, Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son gives insight into why one young man dedicated his life to being part of its mission. Within a span of 40 years - from UN Intern to Assistant Secretary General - Robert Muller became the most important world planner and peace-maker you may never have heard of until now.

"When the true history of the Twentieth Century is told, Robert Muller's name will stand out as one of the greatest world servers of all time. This powerful book is filled with stories and anecdotes that delight as they illumine the path of greatness. Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son by Douglas Gillies ennobles as it instructs. One discovers how high intelligence matched with deep compassion can lead to the way of wisdom and the winning of a better world. Robert Muller is a spiritual giant as well as a hugely original thinker, and the story of his life is a testament to the glory of the human spirit.
Jean Houston, Ph.D., Author of Jump Time
"I could hardly put it down!"
Lucile Green, co-founder, Global People's Assembly
"Prophet-the Hatmaker's Son touches our very essence with the spirit of a genuine modern hero."
Barbara Marx Hubbard, President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution
"Robert Muller is a prototypical global citizen. My respect for him deepened as I read more of his extraordinary, exemplary life story. I hope Douglas Gillies will go on to write a sequel to this wonderful book."
Hazel Henderson, author of Building a Win-Win World
"Robert Muller is one of our greatest and most committed voices for peace. His biography should be read by everyone dedicated to global unity and the spiritual well-being of humanity."
John Hagelin Ph.D., author of Manual for a Perfect Government
"Robert Muller is a global treasure. Let his spirit enter your life."
Vicki Robin, coauthor with Joe Dominguez of Your Money or Your Life
"An extraordinary saga of an extraordinary man."
Ervin Laszlo, Founder of the Club of Budapest, author of Macroshift
"This is a great book, a powerful piece of work."
Frank Kelly, author
"Breathtaking! Gripping style by Gillies. It jumps up and says Great! One of our staff members took Robert's book from my reading table. He wouldn't return it; he couldn't put it down! I think that is the best that any author can hope for. Robert Muller and Jimmy Carter are two of the most productive citizens of the world."
Nada-Yolanda, Exec. Director Mark-Age/I Am Nation
"The writing is very good and the story is fascinating."
Dan Poynter, author of The Self-Publishing Manual
"I couldn't put it down!"
Gloria Crook, Founder, Robert Muller Schools
"Tour de force. Gillies nailed it. Better reading than any fictional hero."
Lois Clark McCoy, President, Nat'l Institute for Urban Search & Rescue


Decide to be happy

Render others happy
Proclaim your joy
Love passioinately
your miraculous life
Do not listen to promises
Do not wait for a better world
Be grateful for every moment of life
Switch on and keep on
the positive buttons in yourself,
those marked optimism, serenity,
confidence, positive thinking, love
Pray and thank God every day
Meditate - Smile - Laugh
Whistle - Sing - Dance
Look with fascination at everything
Fill your lungs and heart with liberty
Be yourself fully and immensely
Act like a king or queen unto Death
Feel God in you body, mind,heart, and soul
And be convinced of eternal life
and resurrection

of the
More about the award.

Ordering Robert Muller Publications

Ideas and Dreams For A Better World

Decide To Poems For A Better World

Books by Robert Muller

Subscribe To Robert's Email Messages

Good Morning World
Idea Dreams For A Better World

A brief daily email from Robert & Barbara Muller
Email requests, thoughs and comments to:


by Barbara Gaughen-Muller & Robert Muller

We dream that all humans,the most advanced miracle
of life in the universe will lift our sights, hopes and dreams to the year 3000
and make the third millennium a tremendous, unbelievable cosmic success.
We dream that all governments will join their minds and hearts
to manage this beautiful Earth and its precious humanity in peace, justice and happiness.
That all religions will join in a global spirituality,
That all people will become a caring family,
That all scientists will join in a united, ethical science,
That all corporations will unite in a global cooperative
to preserve nature and all humanity.
We believe that once and forever,
we will eliminate all wars, violence and armaments from this miraculous planet.
We dream that the incredible and growing distance between rich and poor,
between and inside nations will be eliminated as a blemish to the miracle of life.
We dream that we will stop the destruction
of our miraculous, so richly endowed planetary home.
We dream that we will eliminate all lies, corruption and immoral
advertisements for purely monetary purposes.
We dream that we will all live simple, frugal lives in order
not to waste unduly the precious resources of our planet.
We dream that each decade and centennial will be celebrated as a great
worldwide thanksgiving for our successes.
We dream that we will succeed in making our planet the ultimate success of God,
of the mysterious forces of the universe of which
each of us is a miraculous, cosmic unit.
Dear brothers and sisters, dear children, youth, adults and elderly, dear
spirits of all the departed let us join forces in fulfilling
God's loving destiny intended for all of humanity
Let us prepare the year 3000 as the most extraordinary celebration
of our grandiose, mysterious journey in the star studded heavens.
Let us make this third millennium
a Jubillennium filled with overflowing peace, tremendous love,
happiness and thanksgiving.
With all our love, Barbara and Robert

About Robert Muller

Robert Muller was born in Belgium in 1923 and raised in the Alsace-Lorraine region in France, he experienced constant political and cultural turmoil during his youth. His grandparents had five successive nationalities (French, German, French, German, French) without leaving their village as a result of three wars (1870-1871, 1914-1918, 1939-1945). Often as a child, Robert Muller would look out of his window at the border he could not cross and long for the day when he, like the birds, the clouds, the sun and the stars, would no longer have to observe the imaginary line. Today, thanks to the dream and effort of his compatriot Robert Schuman who similarly hated these borders, Robert Muller's passport reads, "European Union" with the sub-title France, and he is free to cross all western European borders.

Robert Muller knew the horrors of World War II, of being a refugee, of Nazi occupation and imprisonment. During the war he was a member of the French Resistance. After the war he returned home and earned a Doctorate of Law from the University of Strasbourg. In 1948 he entered and won an essay contest on how to govern the world, the prize of which was an internship at the newly created United Nations.

Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace. He rose through the ranks at the UN to the official position of Assistant-Secretary-General. He has been called the "Philosopher" and "Prophet of Hope" of the United Nations. Robert Muller is a deeply spiritual person. From his vantage point of a top level global states-person he has seen a strong connection between spirituality and the political/cultural scene.

Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" and is known throughout the world as the "father of global education." There are 29 Robert Muller schools around the world with more being established each year. The "World Core Curriculum" earned him the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989. Based on this curriculum and his devotion to good causes, Dr. Muller has recently drawn up a "Framework for World Media Coverage" as a public service, as well as a "Framework for Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness" and a "Framework for the Arts and Culture."

Now in active "retirement," Dr. Muller is Chancellor of the University for Peace created by the United Nations in demilitarized Costa Rica. He is in great demand to make speeches to educational, environmental, spiritual and political conferences around the world. Dr. Muller concentrates his efforts on promoting greater human understanding and global awareness. He was recently the recipient of the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities and the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award.

Dr. Muller lives most of the year at his small farm overlooking the University of Peace, on a sacred indigenous hill, Mt. Rasur, from which according to indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world. His traditional Costa Rican house is located just up the hill from the Peace Monument of the University. In addition to his duties at the University, he devotes time to his writings and is an internationally acclaimed, multi-lingual speaker and author of fourteen books published in various languages. He has published his Testament to the UN as well as his plans and dreams for a peaceful, happy world.

At the prompting of many of his friends, admirers and non-governmental organizations Robert Muller was a candidate as a global citizen in 1996 for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations.

Inner Peace Hidden Treasure Website Award

Hi Barbara,

Robertmuller.org has been awarded an Inner Peace Hidden Treasure Website Award.

Robertmuller.org is a wonderful website and has earned the Inner Peace Award. Having all those peace ideas out there for free on the site is great. I read that Robert got the idea to write them from you, too. How inspiring

The award is up at: http://innerpeace.org/awards.shtml

My prayers are with you both.

Blessings of peace and love,


Thousands of Ideas and Dreams For A Better World

The Ideas and Dreams

The ideas and dreams in groups of 500

Reference Guide/Index for

Additional information of each volume

Ideas and Dreams for Selected Topics - Topics Index





Decide To - Poems For A Better World

View All The Decide To Poems
Decide To Poems displayed with beautiful backgrounds. From a viewer who loved the poems and Decided to put them on their website.
Two Decide To Poem Posters

Index To Each Poem

-- Robert's New Mini Book --
The Miracle, Joy and
Art of Living
My Testament to Life - MiniBook #1

A 64 page pocketbook. The book's convenient 5"X4" size can be easily taken most anywhere. The cost is $5 which includes postage and handling.

Also available are Large Print 8.5" X 5.5" 64 page editions. They are $10 postage included.

Click here to view the full 3 volumes of 402 pages.
Quantity discounts - including priority mail

Pocket Books: 11 for $50, 25 for $100, 60 for $200, 100 for $300. This includes priority mail in the USA, 1-3 day delivery.

Large Print: 11 for $100, 25 for $200, 50 for $300.

To order: send an email to mail1@goodmorningworld.org

Please include the address and number of copies requested. Payments can be made by check. Credit cards are an additional handling fee.

-- Also Available --
Golden Sayings
Volume 1

A 64 page pocket book. The little purple book's convenient 5"X4" size can be easily taken most anywhere. The cost is $5 which includes postage and handling.

Click here to view volume 1
in English or Español o Castellano.

Yes there are quantity discounts:
11 for $50, 25 for $100, 60 for $200, 100 for $300. This includes priority mail in the USA, 1-3 day delivery.

Also available are Large Print 8.5" X 5.5" editions in both English and Español o Castellano. They are $10 postage included. Quantity discounts: 11 for $100, 25 for $200, 50 for $300.

To order send an email to mail1@goodmorningworld.org

Please include the address and number of copies requested. Payments can be made by check. Credit cards are an additional handling fee.

From Barbara & Robert:

In our Christmas cards we read the following beautiful statements:

What a wonderful surprise I got in the mail..Robert's Golden Sayings.
I treasure them and am hoping to work on mastering those wonderful, optimistic views.
-S. Jane


Thank you so much for the beautiful new book: Robert's Golden Sayings, Volume 1. Every word resonates with me and lifts me to the wings of God. Your good words move us to good deeds.Your happy words of wisdom move us to a life full of peace, if we would only listen to our heart. Thank you for the giving my heart the gift of peace.

- Lionel Ketchian
Founder of the Happiness Club &
The e-mail Happy Newsletter
to subscribe PrintLRK@aol.com


Excerpts from other kind comments:

Robert's Golden Sayings is a treasure chest, a beautiful little book, our holiday cards this year, they fit perfectly in a square envelope and use a $.60 stamp, available in their small gift shop. Beautiful presentation, friendly size, great photo, golden wisdom on every page. Better than I imagined. Bravo!

Everyone on staff is vying to get my copy ... to begin with, I need to give each a personal copy. They, in turn, will inform dozens of this "golden treasure"...


A little purple book that will fit in any pocket or purse, a book of positive and happy thoughts that one can carry and read when needed.. in line at the market or waiting in traffic. Happiness just spreads like sunshine from a happy thought to the world. We thank you and wish you more happiness,
-Barbara Muller

Robert Muller Related Websites

World Core Curriculum & Robert Muller Schools



World Peace 2000



Useful Websites With Reciprical Links to Robert's Websites

Good News Agency
Good News Agency carries positive and constructive news from all over the world relating to voluntary work, the work of the United Nations, non governmental organizations, and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life; news that doesn't "burn out" in the space of a day.



Pathways To Peace
Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international PeaceBuilding, Educational and Consulting organization. The mission of Pathways To Peace is threefold:

  • to expand the comprehension and substantive expression of "PEACE" and PeaceBuilding practices at all levels;
  • to build Cultures of Peace by uniting and enhancing the strengths of existing organizations and programs along eight paths to Peace;
  • to contribute, through consultation and direct participation, to the evolving mission of the United Nations and to citizens' worldwide participation in the International Day of Peace.



World Elder Land
World Elder Land and Better World Community Adventures, English and Spanish, support and embrace Barbara and Robert's ideas. We have developed programs and projects in communities where elders live inspired by Robert's ideas, dreams, writings, and more of his work. We hope to keep inspiring better ways to live and love each other, but above all, better ways for our elders to get actively involved making a difference in the present moment of our history. Robert's work and life is always present in our hearts and in all we do.



More Useful Websites

9-11 Peace
Action for Justice, not WarWe believe that a non-military response is the best strategy for a permanent end to terror. To read more about our rationale, and why peace is the answer, check out the Why Peace section of our site.
Common Dreams News Center
Breaking News & Views From the Progressive Community



The Earth Charter Document
The Earth Charter is an integrated ethical vision and movement to guide our attitudes and decisions. Respect & Care For The Community Of LIfe, Ecological Integrity, social and Economic Justice, Democracy, Nonviolence & Peace

22 Languages


Earth Community

Conference: Earth Management - all Peoples Together. Theme: Earth Government for Earth Community. A grassroots process. This new global dialogue will be held August 17-22, 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Earth Summit 2002
Johannesburg, South Africa. Monday 2 nd &emdash;11 th September 2002
Editrice Nuova Era
Robert Muller's books - New Genesis (Nuova Genesi) and First of All They Thought Me Happiness (Battersi per la felicità) are available in Italian within the Villaggio Globale section of this website



Global Youth Action Network

The Global Youth Action Network is working to create a more involved community of young people on-line, and together provide a number of resources through this site to inspire, inform, and involve more young people in creating a better world.


Hope's Edge - The New Diet For A Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé

Frances and her daughter Anna pick up where Diet for a Small Planet left off.

They set out on a round-the-world journey to explore the deepest challenges we face at the new millennium. They met trailblazers who are crashing through limiting belief systems--practical visionaries carrying us into the new century with honest hope.


Inner Peace

Free Self-Help Software




Inspirational words in many categories.



Natural Law Party

The Natural Law Party was founded in April 1992 to "bring the light of science into politics."



Robert Muller Publications

Your purchase helps the causes of peace, the UN, and helps to make a better world.

The books should be available in all libraries, especially university libraries.

Thousands of Ideas and Dreams For A Better World

2000 Ideas & Dreams for a Better World

Volume I The First Five Hundred Ideas (1 - 500)
Volume II The Second Five Hundred Ideas (501 - 1,000)
Volume III The Third Five Hundred Ideas (1,001 - 1,500)
Volume IV The Fourth Five Hundred Ideas (1,501 - 2,000)
Volume V Reference Guide & Index For Ideas 1 - 2000

3000 Ideas & Dreams for a Better World

Volume VI The Fifth Five Hundred Ideas (2,001 - 2,500)
Volume VII The Sixth Five Hundred Ideas (2,501 - 3,000)
Volume Reference Guide & Index For Ideas 2001 - 3000

4000 Ideas & Dreams for a Better World

Volume VIII The Seventh Five Hundred Ideas (3,001 - 3,500)
Volume IX The Eighth Five Hundred Ideas (3,501 - 4,000)
Volume Reference Guide & Index For Ideas 3001 - 4000


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More Books By Robert Muller

Safe Passage into the 21st Century
Decide to (Twenty poems on love, peace etc.)
New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality
First Lady of the World (A Novel)
The World Core Curriculum, The Robert Muller Schools
PASSION (Audio Tape)


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$ 9.95

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$ 20.00

$ 9.95

The books listed above can be ordered from the United Nations Bookstore

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Phone: 1-800-553-3210
Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Japanese, and Dutch titles are also available. English and French titles can be ordered from the United Nations Bookstore, phone: 800.553.3210

More Books By Robert Muller

The following books can be ordered from the Internet at amazon.com
A Planet of Hope
Dialogues of Hope
First Lady of the World
My Testament to the UN
Good Humor, World Joke Book
What War Taught Me About Peace
Sima, MON AMOUR (A French Novel)
The Birth of a Global Civilization
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness

Topical Searches Now Available from the 4000 Ideas

On all subjects custom topic searches can be made, i.e. Peace, Nuclear Arms,Happiness, Earth Government, Children, Global Education, etc.

To order today call Barbara at:

Gaughen Global Public Relations

805 968-8567, E-mail: Info@RobertMuller.org

(or call: Carolyn Hawkins at: 805 568-0909)

$24.95 (includes shipping)

Decide To Poems For A Better World

Decide To - 23 Poems For A Better World


Decide To Poem Cards


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2-5 books USA $5.00 Canada $7.00)

To order by credit card send email to Info@RobertMuller.org

To order by mail send check to Gaughen Global PR.

MEDIA 21 *Global Public Relations
Barbara Gaughen-Muller
7456 Evergreen Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA
Fax: 805 968-5747

Decide To Poem Posters

Decide To Be Peaceful


My Dream 3000



For each 1-4, $5.00

From the THE SAMI SUNCHILD COLLECTION of PROSE POSTERS - Dr. ROBERT MULLER PROSE POSTERS touch the hearts and lives of fans worldwide.  

Now added to Sami's collection of peace posters in her own words are those of the remarkable peace activist, Robert Mulle. Robert Muller'sebuilient optimism envisions that we together will succeed in creating the world of our dreams.

The full poster collection is at: http://www.peacearts.com/posters.html

Posters are 11 by 17 inches, $7.50 each, shipping in U.S. is $5, abroad $10.

Orders can be faxed to: 415-863-3293
Email to: redvic@linex.com
To order posters online http://www.peacearts.com/order.html


All Books by Robert Muller

A Planet of Hope
Dialogues of Hope
Essays On Education, A Vision for Educators
First Lady of the World
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
My Testament to the UN
New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality
The Desire to Be Human, International Essays on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
What War Taught Me About Peace
Good Humor, World Joke Book
The World Core Curriculum in the Robert Muller School
Safe Passage into the 21st Century
Framework for the Preparation and Celebration of the Year 2000, the 21st
Century and 3rd Millennium
The Birth of a Global Civilization

If these books are not available from the UN Bookshope or amazon.com contact Gaughen Global PR. for availability.

Send email to Info@RobertMuller.org

Or write to Gaughen Global PR.

MEDIA 21 *Global Public Relations
Barbara Gaughen-Muller
7456 Evergreen Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA
Fax: 805 968-5747